swliif1' liiMiMniMnti **:;J%h' â- :,f& Mi»» - .,...... Ill wentm*#*?*f*Mt JJ. a three i«ioiithir«*«y ^ Mr. and Mm*^fWk Pnmt have arrive^;â- ;*•f'SW^L,, t «,T ^%Jer and *«*i«P*i***fi WviJlt. HI. are J|MK„.^^, jfei, Arthur D. 'f^Htt^R *?e»ue. •: ,|a i»K|Si|Ha Mrs. Kelley of w*f IMtMKMMi; ^wW hostess ta*d* Tuesday. .....mtf($^:&0M^^imrim Orrlngt^m «V«we/h«d to«r father as a gjiiijsm^^^^ Car- ; Mr. lH>weU Ben««ct, 1881, Hinman nve*ne*|3i»^ bnsl J^ueat of' her :««S«^^ ,â- â- •» M|||^tfrJ^^^ Jrady of Wat- â- gjrkman, <»rne*;:|Udl^^ like street. lira. Charlea £ 4a ii vmittng oer~!W^£1&#-'P*:X* ^Billings' criiiie^'tO:/1pai>iiii»i-'U:.^/"f^ Miss Antoinette White e* f*wlstotfc llont., who vra*':%e&.*yfa:;j;0^2^ weddiag of WMi^t^:]^M^ â- Monday for BostOB;4li|ii.-";;;v|lQ ::: Mr. and Mrs. Don' B.:Sebjis^^ Greenwood boulevard, •^#.MrW04|& Mrg. John Sebastian, tmpprm^ BOe, are in New York on'j;nf£|;<'tfp Miss Margaret Sa^eii^^l^^ &^wibr ^sokj§f|il^ Csnn., who was here ft^^fi|^|plilp| *f Miss Elaine Hunter^^f |t«?ii^ for her winter home aC Or^ond^ Via*. :i Christian and Herman Koenlg, 1148 Lesley avenue, left ;;;;:Mo^a^c^|of fittsflVld, Mass., where they have ac- cepted positions ta^'-y^^'-l^if^^ wMe. â- "'â- â- --' '•':';:3';rS;'I Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gleasner ell- ttrtained a box party at the Thomas concert Saturday evening in Orchestra laU for their daughter, Mrs. Francis tJ. Lee. '"^'^'^.s-Stvl Mrs. M. W. Butler of Pottatown, Pa* who has been the Morton Butler, and family, 1563 Ridge avenue, for a month, left Monday fto borne. ~".% .V^-i-iT*^ Mr. T. Theodore Taylor, pianist, of Lieblin college, Chicago, will give a re- cital at the Ebenezer K. B. church at 8 o'clock on the evening of Wednes- day, Jan. 29. - 4 â- » Mr. Willard E. Ericson, man avenue, buyer of cigars for Jevne ':% Co., Chicago, left Monday for Cuba .lite. New York city. He will bo gone about three weeks. The ways and means committee oi the Woman's guild of St Luke's church gave a bridge breakfast at noon Monday at the Mission Tea room for the benefit of the guild. Miss Catherine Bird, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. If. Houston, 1030-Grove street, for flljp months, will spend the rest of the win* ier in Los Ans^l«av:^si^-:4-^^V'r#4' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spencer of Wuu- P»ca, Wis., spent a few days With Mrs. Spencer s cousin, Mrs. J. L. Mallory, 1414 Church street, en route to Pasa- dena, Cal., for the winter. Cards are out today for a linen •bower at St. Francis' hospital, Jan. 20, during the afternoon. Kindly rer membrance in this benevolence is *& ways appreciated by the hospital. . Mrs. h. T. Coffee, who ha* been residing with her daughter, Mrs. M P. â- wen, 1430 Sheridan road, left Mon- day for Useppa Islands; Fla., to spend me winter with her son, Mr. John -Kerr. A ,^--~, â- ^r.s'v^lv- Robert Malcolm and Kenneth Me- *£*. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert •ckeod, 1427 Wesley avenue, who w«re home for a four weeks' vacation, Mr£ aion is 25 cents* ----• 'â- "' m^rwmm^ ww wy 'VWU^^PUwunwe: kit Saturday for school at Lenoxvllle, fl>«adn â- ',-^-~ --'â- '>-';" * i^^-- :.- Miss Gladys Boesch of Wllmette en- tertained a week-end party at her â- °»« of friends from her old home * »gin, HI. They attended the Mv- "JJ**" theater and returned to Might ^IB*ay evening. Mrs. James 1L Jjig^/Jr., 1007 Jud> •* avenne, was hostess Wednesday *** tea giren by her at her « from 4 to « o'clock to aseet rT_Milne ot Toronto, Cansds^ who *«r guest. Mrs. ayde Stevens snd J»^ CarroU Shaffer poered. Mrs. â- â- â- sterfield Guest was to the recelv â- gmie. m*mmmgi£sm:-r & - --â€"• «* w n *â- â- * Saturday evening *J» »«e being about There was weHsttepd- of a reading by a** ^^-Wlowedbir* 1H,Be» Banoxe. :.f Miss "%lnW ^/^ Gypaie^- asMl MJss DoTothrlNaTth ^^on g*Ye th« garp*7 dsnee. PNf- '•odwortli told ^ *ner whieli _ llrred, foBowsd hr n i iifij jiw|^i^Jm2 Asbnry ave- Mrs, M. M. Kirkman, Ridge avenue and Lak» SJ^e^ entertained Monday at Inncheoj^ Coyew^ w laid for ten . Mr. and Blrs. Robert F. Pettlbone, 1225 Oak avenue, will leave Friday for Pasadena, Cal., and will remain there Mrs, Bdward H. Earle of Washing- ton, D. C, Is staying at the home p^B^-:<Qwn^r^ Kelly, 1203 Blm- wood avenue.' Mr. McDonough of Chicago, Archl- bald Maine of Oshkosh, Wis., and liar- e8t avenne, Is entertaining her niece, vey R. Clancy of Dallas, Tex., are guests at the Avenue house. Br. John A. Kappelman, 632 Davis street made a hasty professional call to southern Illinois Saturday and re- turned home Monday morning. The dancing class under the direc- tion of Miss Knapp will meet Friday evening m the kindergarten room of the Central Street school. The admls- Mrs. C. R. Switser, 1323 Blmwood avenne, will leave a week from Sun- day for her winter home at Winter Park, Fla. Dr. Swltzer will not oc- company- her this year. Mrs. George Hammond of Waterloo, la., who came to visit her daughter, Miss Ethel, who Is attending the Cum- nock School of Oratory, over Sunday, has returned to her home. Miss Anna Buthman, 1314 Ashland avenue, gave a party Friday evening at her home in honor of Miss Marga- ret Lechner's birthday. Music games and tefreshments were the features of the evening. Miss Adela B. Lane, pianist, who his recently returned form Europe, and Is now residing at 1945 Orrington avenue, played at Mrs. W. Thompson's reception to the active members of the Lake View Musical clnb in Chicago last Saturday. Feb. 1 is the date set for the wed- ding of Miss Ferne A. Weaver, 1223 Maple avenue, to Donald Lee De Gol- yer. On account of a recent bereave- ment in' the bride's family no invita- tions to the wedding will be issued and only the immediate relatives will be present at the ceremony. No re- ception will follow the service. The annual congregational meeting of St. Paul's English Lutheran church was held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In the church. A luncheon was served by the members of the council and suitable toasts were re- sponded to by members of the congre- gation. The year's work was re- viewed and reports were given by officers of the various organisations of the church. The Visitation Alumna?- auxiliary gavel |ts third annual luncheon at the Bvauston Country club Wednes- day. The program consisted of a Toeal solo by Mrs. May Baker O'Brien and readings by Miss May ReUy of the Bush Temple conservatory. Mrs. -ettvF. OuhWns is chairman, Mrs. J. p. O'Connor president, snd Un. B. H- ItcCoD social chairman. Many prom- Tbe Lather leaguers of Chicago held their annual convention at the Wicker Park Lutheran church Monday. The following were the delegates from the Luther league of St PauTs Bng- llsfc Tjwffcf*** church of Evanston: ^social at the Wa^ington**oo 1 The ^T^^^li^A^ btom, KUsnbsfh Sonaenberg. Amelia Hoff, and Messrs- Btaaur and Howard interesting program | Seefurth. T»e ssBesrs f»r ^«MBJf duet by the baud, *•»'?*m IsMier league of St .-M* nmyor sl.iCWeng* of the tow. ^ ^ ww^,.i 'lraasJuM^u#si' >;::mvpl|ft Mrs. William iai Barrett -m\mmik^k Battle Creek (Mich.) tajatta^tm^ ;."- ,, :[..^'.^^1my&:..'^!lMt 1123 as- bury avenue, are spending a month in Lyford,Tex* f , '• J Delta Delta Delta sorority gare an informal party at the Wllmette club last evening. ?„v,_/'- _Mrs*F. W* Harnwell, 616 University place, was a luncheon hostess at her home Friday. Mr. Dwight .H. Perkins, 2310 Lin- coin street, is in the east attending an architects' convention. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anderson, 1723 Central street, announce the birth .of a son last Thursday night. __:__ The Oak Leaf circle met Tues- day evening with Miss Frances Van- dercook, 2610 Harrison street. Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Beardslee, 2314 Harrison street, entertained at two tables of bridge Friday evening. The Bryant circle met Monday aft- ernoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. F. Ferry, 1812 Hinman ave- nue. The Woman's Mission and Aid so- ciety held an all-day meeting on Wednesday, beginning at 10 o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Charles W. Davidson, 801 For sH nue>iavifd< Mrs, wHsl avehi Ant m tn^Jtoo«eii*vN.Y, aBlekvUflA* â- #w,lpuf^ 61a Ualvaralty at a luncheon rri- Sf*^!s Mr.„i ____.^^bert- Thornton, M6 Wesley avenue, announce the birth of a; boy" last ^weejM^/^S^^:'lip^S::"â- 'h Mrs. JaJBM A. Lenunon,a<M Colfax street, entertained the Five Hundred •â- â- â- ty'^Mm$&W*m «** Blmwood avenue, are spending tve avenue, came homu, Friday from a ennis .held their last "at hpme" Tuesday at their: heme, 162f Judson avenue. The Mary Oiddings Neighborhood dub met Monday afternoon at Mrs. De Witt Murphy's, 71* Michigan avenue. (.t**.t*. * ^•*tt***â„¢,'.'t!tJ*, fw^'JwisjSJSU^su^Busfla^a ^PB wp^dp tff^auu§>^ rison street, entertained a number of friends at her home Friday after^ ' Mrs,. A. U ^Fanning, 1232 Hinman ^$3*-' 'â- 'mQBH/^m^^Nmk4JN$â„¢^BNI^fa\_'. r^s^jppr/PJBBB^B)^;'! ^r^W'v;;""/""."^"1 us* 4U)Sjw^; sujs^p,; r usjsuias^BiUa>u 1 Juususl'sfW entertained Friday Wm-i rlnntom avunue;-#idow of ...,„ OUlnm, is seriously ill at her street lias returned from ntwo/ risU to nu nnae, Mr. John La si'Tm^un^lllan^m -? '$B$m Col Charles H. Ketrldge, avenue, entertained the "Bat Club*' of the high school at a party Friday nisnllSfe^fe*ia' Miss Hasel Davidson, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Albert Graff, 846 Judson ave- nue, entertains the German club today at luncheon. Covers are laid for twelve, f-. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Hall and Miss Catharine Hall, 2310 Grant street, went to their winter home In Maitland, Fla., last week. Mrs. Robert Lord and Mrs. Robert Jess of Springfield, 111., have taken an apartment at Hinman avenne and Kedzie street in the Lakewood. Mrs. A. S. Frampton, 820 Judson avenne, has been entertaining her mother, Mrs. Goodchild, who left Sat- urday for her home in Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Alexander, 2040 Orrington avenue, entertained at a card party last Thursday evening. Six tables of auction bridge were eared tor. Mrs. W. T. Hall, 1868 Sheridan road, came home Friday night from Madi- son, Wis., where she attended a voca- tional convention in that city last week. Miss Rosalie Karger, 1200 Blm- wood avenue, gave a luncheon Fri- day afternoon in honor of Hiss Mil* dred Weil. Covers wore laid for twelve. _._--'-:__â- '"_"â- %:" •../'â- ; Miss Kathryn Thompson, who is st- tending school at Sweetbriar collego, Va., is ill. Her mother; Mrs. K. M Thompson, of the Green wood Inn, has gone to be with her daughter. Miss Ruth Aker, who is teaching school at Barrington, 111^ has been home attending the institute in Chi- cago and the guest of her parents, Mr, snd Mrs. C. E. Aker, 012 Wesley ave- nue. Mrs. B. J. Ford, Central street and West Railroad avenue, and Mrs. Bert Gale, 2127 Lincoln street entertained the Chit Chat club Saturday evening at a 600 party at the home of Mrs. Gate. Mrs. August dn Best Blanchet Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Van de Velde, in- fant and nurse, arrived Friday for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Hawxhurst 422 Greenleaf street Mr. and Mrs. N. It Jones of the Parker apartments announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Rachel, to Mr. Chauncey Goodrich Hobsrt son of Dr. and Mis. W. T. Hobart, 1423 Blmwood avenue. Miss Dorothy W4ncbefl of 1121 Lunt avenue entertained at luncheon Saturday a number of the members of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority of Northwestern university. Those who attended are: Miss L. Louise Wbeeter, Miss Marguerite Robinson, Miss Annie Potter, Miss Ruby Walters, Miss Jean Wheeler and Miss Jessie Robinson. The regular meeting of the Lsdies' MBOrtaftoi of the First Presbyterian church was held In the church par lors Wednesday, Jan. 22, ut 10 a. m The ladies were reminded of the runv nasjB sale, which wW take place early in March. A canvass wfll be made by Any tody having articles to night ntodly ©ontntunsentowBti Mim. W. A. Dr. W. -f. MoBfveen, pastor of the First CongTegatlonal church, left Sun- day night for a three weeks' trip in ,, Mrs. A,yM. Fuller and grandson, Franklin Fuller, 1022 Hinman avenue, are spending the winter In Green Cove^Fini-^-%^.. •â- •â- ' .' , Mrs. Frank L. Richards, 2712 Har- rison street, entertained a number of friends at her home Friday after- noon, Jan. 17. Miss Florence dickering, 1200 Blm- wood avenue, returned home last Thursday from a three weeks' stay at Mrs. P. #\ml and family, 035 Maple avenue, accompanied by their cousin, Mrs. SL^ (^ Therret >tt Saturday for Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. H. Blake of 1021 Asbury avenue, u spending several months with her sister, Mrs. O. D. Angle, of Jacksonvine. Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Wirt B. Humphrey, 2120 Sherniaji avenue are entertain- ing aa their guest Miss Maude Hum- phrey of Orland, 0L 8t Vincents guild of St, Luke's church held a meeting at the home of Mr. Milton Wright under the direc- tion of Father Hewett Annennoement In made of the mar* riage of Miss GunhlM Jredholm and Joseph T. McCain of Chicago, at Miami, Fla., jon Jan. 4, Mr. and Mra. George Champe of Toledo, O., are the guests of Mr. Champe's brother, Mr. Charles Champe, 2602 Prairie avenue. Mr. anjl Mrs. Frank Gerould and children^ 1200 Judson avenue, left Fri- day evenug for Berkeley, Cal., and later wfll go to Passdena, Cal. The Misses Choral and Emma M/ye Boyd of Madison, Wis., spent the last week-end with their uncle, Mr. John A. Childs, 1610 Hinman avenue'. Mrs. H, B. Wheemck. 1040 Hinman avenue, wBI lecture on •birds" be- fore the Library assoefstion in De- troit Mich. She left Wednesday. The engagement of Miss Phyllis ponlin, a member of the PI Beta Phi sorority, and Mr. W. a Wermirth of the Sigma, Nn fraternity, Is jfcnnounaed Mr. and Mrs. Bl B. HaB and daugh- ter, Catherine, 2210 Grant street left tost week for Maitland, Fla* where they will spend the remaining part of the winter. Mrs. J* P. Singleton, 1422 Judson avenue, v/as hostess at a luncheon last Tlmraday. Spring sowers in decorating.. Covers were mid tor twelve guests. Mr. John C. Shaffer, 1704 avenue, was hom Friday evening athls annual dinner given to afl the nrtmts in tho nilcago Qraad Opera sttheBiai The Rev. Din B. BrunimRt 2§12| Park place, editor of the Bpworth Herald, kv Nekw when he dettvored before the cos^ereaoe of Methodist SulMm^;>wlis^^ _ ^^tm^'uumt'liu^^ >&&â- &; iisiting mm-^mi^M^i^^ pgrenW^mfe^ IUsley. of 008 Seward avenue. Mr. A B. Dale, general homo â- at-.^af:' -Central' -m^MtiMmm^ short time :fm>m#ste"0ttP|B#^ .straoVl^^fi^ 'returned. ^"^fl-'.M^i-i&^v^v&^i-^'"^^""',':•â- >.-i-'y^i' â- -â- â- .â- ;; ;mti^^:Soi*^r^,;:l^ ; have been stopping^M^^^M^m House, have rented s^iartin^^ n^ Oreenwood 1sbu1sWus^"^:"% mamii»<a^ the Rev. and Jirni<jfafc.--B*:CWi!fc:-j 2041 Prairie iilmte^?}!^.;*? president of the t^ company.' ""^â- ^ 4mW:A*i.-BiS^^ ?; received word fjom Ontarin> C^mada, of Mr. FJred Boeklrett^ death on Jan. 12, of nnou|ao|ils> ||n| died in Oak Harbor; Ohio, s^W« buried in Nnpanee*•â- Om^tate^^-^ Registered at the Avenue piiin: Bdlth F. vvTIdlsh, MBwmtkeo; JX^ Olueck, I* H. Gniech, GuiT, &»•? Judge A C. Mayo, Gary> Inst; Gin* WV MickeL New York; Lylo Barton, Jfcp York; D. A. James, IsB^mulina. Miss Rosalie I* ltarg^:12O0 «n^ wood avenue, gave a 1 o^cl^ vfo^ let lunchoon Friday In how* ^ Mildred Wett, whose, engagsment to Mr. Alfied 8teimb0|tiof Chicago Is announced. Covers will bo laid for twelve. Mrs. W. H. Callow, 021 Foster street m enjoying a visit from bar mother, Mrs. Holman, of Waterloo, b*. M* W. a Sherer, the Suitd^ school superintendent of tho First Bum^st church, Is away^ on % Wp-west place is being Oiled by fir. Berry. Miss Susan M. Hoffman of WUmette entertained a number of her friends at a dinner narty «t her home on Bun- day. Those present were: Misses Ml Martin, OaV »»nmnii. <k Bt^Bnlswft Lanbach and Anna Hens, s3ad BMfsm R Wise, JT. I^«uhaoh,iBrJ.B^^ C. Gersdorf. ,: ..-. ^s .-' A muslcale wfll be given IMday after- noon, Jan. 24/ Vl *»• «hl*il ^ -*• Methodist Old People's Home, 1410 Foster street for the benefit of that institution. The artists who have of- fered their services are: MhW M** ter-Fieldcamp,: soprano; UU Lowu, Tiolinist; Lynette Kimmone, and MTrs. Fred â€" j^ The of the the with Mm C. H. McFnrmnd of the January etfde an IUARY 2T Tnsl smVhmmt' ssf fssB ^ssmsmT .â- SSU' SSUHUJUUl -UjV •â- SSSW w^w#ws^s^