Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1913, p. 8

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s». THE LAKE BHOKB NEWS, THURSDAY. JANUARY », W«. Lake Shore News Want Ads HELP WANTED WAITED and mette_Jfaftk Wil- e 482. ltp SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED BY EXPER- leneed primary teacher as tutor, -- governess or companion; would travel; college and former employ* era' references. Miss L. Meek, Dela- plalne-rd., Riverside, 111., care How- ard Coontsy. H-2tP LADIES DBSlRINO TO DO THEIR own dressmaking ean have the serv- ices of an expeft fitter. Address Mies Iona J. MOpaln, 828 Sherman- av. Phone 3461-W. 10-2tp MOTHER'S ASSISTANT-JN CAR- ing for children byNday or evening or helping In kitchen on busy days. Phone WUtoette 1304. \ ltp ^WORK WANTEDâ€"MOTHERS WISH- lng toieave home for the day or evening will find a competent help- er to/care for their chlldrenNby ad- dressing Mrs. M. A. Hanaen, 1031 EloVst., Wlnnetka. 111. Tel. \M. Wtanetka. _________ • »P OURTA1N8 WASHED. COLORED . and men***; nrsUslaea work; called (or and delivered. M. R. Mo- rtta, UH Darrow-av. Tel 1888. 8tf Ste&> ANTED FOR SALE-HOUSES laiOIILAKD PARK HOME, ONW if * .i...w naw Vlne-av., lO^rboma. (eat, hard- house Sale-Bungalow per foot: all Waatea Phea* aft Bâ€"NEW electric at $8,700; •treat. 818 nts paid. Bv- 104tc REAL ESTATE PTJRNISH LOT WITH and buildsj^etfom house. itileaet â- IdeTTa»JHb|2jCj|800 down. A. 1|Cb^r Ajj***! iiilli lit H , Vi JJyjette ^WUmette 816. Ttp :|arge TB IS THE PLACE TO > buy a home, or a fl*e lot to home oft^ *we have a tn; come early. 418 Green- Atte. PholieWllnaette ltp Sob 0ALBâ€"BY OWNER, 250«200 tan minutes from station and mlnutea from the" electric; ^_____ _ water >a'and paid for; ^iiTefal fcutyetapYfare made on slde- C. A^aaftBwskl, Box HI. PhoueOleeaoe Up |$gp»aUBTKA VACANT-FINE LOCA- " ,,|I«B, aaat side, near schools/few MCeke lake: 80x186. quick naie, 920 **%*# |W Stales, corner, 9)460. part «aab; SlEtte, corner, pi600, one- ^Uirl:i«aabirHfi0xlt8, oorner. 925 ft., na»r Sh^ridan^ydXOO cash, bal- ' 'inoa aas/ termay^&at busy on above price jsfes up SLJeast 95 ft- AUenf662 Raltroad^iu Win Phone Wlnnetka 8 ltp FOR SALE (CABLE). AL- p for cash north of ltc poor, net- brokeaJa, "^ his llanealL FOR JBALEâ€"VICTRdU/lK» eBjT style. Patterton. V08 Shermau-av. LAT- 1622 ltc FOR SALEâ€"A PIANO WITH^SW side attachment pianola and about a hundred, rolla of music Piano in flrst-class^ condition. Will sell for 9150; time if desired. Must mote at once. Apply 1139 Parwell-av„ Rogers Park. ***dtfl FOR SALEâ€"BUICK kybsw every dyrvln WK o/der. will <\ommj^0f} Hlll-Bt., Wllmetfjr A l.'TO MOBILE, [Oil running %VJ>. 414 ltc Hsndles Coal In the Most Economical Mannar. David Rutter A Co, an old estab- lished Chicago Arm, have just complet- ed iu Evanston the most modern plant on the north shore for the handling of all kinds of fuel. Many of our readers will doubtless remember David Rutter, a prominent resident of Evanston some years ago, who was at that time a Chicago coal merchant with a branch office in Ev- anston. Upon his death, the Evanston office was discontinued and the Chi- cago business Incorporated with the following officers: L. R. Rutter, presl- FOR SALEâ€"A PIANO WITH OUT- side"" attachment plunola and about a hundretLrolla of muslf. l'[™° » first-class cOndUAon Will «p11 for $150: time If dentoU. Must move at once. Apply 11::9 •ICJu-well-av.. Rogers Park. " >*tp FOlT]aCiiE^l0AldS.St'HAKK P&K no, in flrBt-clasB/ftndlUfcn; |85; this la a bargain. PnrWd Bros Sherman-av. L/AMO'Ol " iB^ndlUbn 1622 ltc KQR SALEâ€"TWO MOTORCYCLES, ^uT*»%*4lorsepow<'r, cjw 'â- > horse- power, bc^%3lto6_ running order. H G. AAtfUlC YVi Kilt'iiJ'Wr-^Wfc 4*etii._________** FOR SALE CHKAP TWO SINjOBE bugglBsV -,,. surrey. light,, express wagon, officeilBaak attj*-t1jalrs, sani- tary couch and>hflfisPh«14,/'irnlture- Call 821^alwood-ftv, 1frtTwe|lJe. Phopa-Wtlmette 785-J 1*P FOR SALEâ€"BARGAINS IN USED Hewldg machlues, taken^fVade on ouc/now rotaryJglngefT Singer, 98; Favorite, 95; gfaberiutomatlc drop- head. $18; W*3wC3 G,bbB- *18; WMcox & odrbH, |22. Patterson Bros)., 1622 Sherman tiv. ltc as aa» RUTTIR'i NSW PLANT. dent; H. P. Harmon, vice-president, and R. H. Clark, secretory, all resl dents of the north shore. Four year ago this firm concluded that in the growing town of Evanston there was an opportunity for a coal business to be conducted on more up- to-date methods than had prevailed in the past, and acting on the theory that "competition la the life of trade,' decided that a little more of It would be good for both company and con- sumer in Evanston. To this end they opened a temporary yard, in charge of J. W. Franz as manager, and made plans to secure a location and switch track on the rail- road,, but somehow, whenever a favor- able situation was investigated some obstacle always came UP to prevent its acquisition, or the railroad made some objection to placing trackH at that point. Finally, at extra pxpense, a location was secured where tracka were already laid for an Industry of a different character than coal, and i* the railroad could no lonKer object, work was commenced and no expense spared to improve the service to be rendered the consumer and reduce the cost of operation to a point where com petition at a fair profit was possible. The compauy now has its own tracks, stable, office, scale and re- screening pockets on their own prop- erty. The scale Is the latest model, with a self-registering beam which automatically printe the weight of each load on the delivery ticket, thus doing away with clerical errors. The pockets have ample storage, making It possible to provide against a coal shortage, due to strikes or da- lays of transportation. The coal Is carried by machinery direct from the car, and elevated into separate bins, where It is rescreened by gravity be- fore being put Into the wagons. Fuel is an article of which the pub- lic knows only the fact that it burns money, and it would be a good move for the average consumer to visit this yard and make an Inspection beforo laying In a season's supply of coal, as 2= hnwwly»c»fef#lA equal amount of nioaey 1 The meager might l^'aott-ly,^ suggestion to sava ilm tfjatyg;1>4:;| expense, and w^bJ^.IIi^i^i:^^ the benefit of his knowledge aad a* parlance, aa this cotnpany operates oa'% the theory that aavlaf money for nj ? customers makes the moat money for the company in the long ran. Brerr man or womaa In one af nan-# kind's dear possessions; to his or hat just brain, and kind heart and astir* hands, mankind Intrusts soma of its hones for tha future. Robert Stevenson. FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR^RENT â€" FURNISHED ROOM. lmYXtctfW^ Tel. Wltmette 666. ------~~ 12-2tW FOR JRBNTâ€"LARGE. WELLLIOHT- ed modera^jfurnlshed room at rea- sonable price. """Phone S01G. 1831 Chicajpovgt. ItP FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ,^ND UN- furnished rooms. J.-9- Smith, 1428 Wilmette-av. -Phone WHmette 9U-L. -' Up FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED ROOMS with or without boacdV lira. af. Wright, lllL4>airlteJ-ev.. Wilmette, PhonjMay. JJ*" "^•. 10-ito WANTEO-TO BUY TWO- FLAX- "**RTGtt flo* or less. Ad- , Lake^BlXOia^ewa. ltp BOARD AND BOOM ldOH8 AND BOARD, alAf^LE OR suite, with n|fvkte ikth, $16 to $26 per week, liyp^sbjry-av. -Evanston.2392. ^ Tel, ltc MISCELLANEOUS / FRENCH LESSON Frencjf lady, Parlslenne, experienced toother, gives nsKate taloring, con- versation, gramqsw; fames formed If desired. MenA \i/ Noualhler Combe, 1309 Morse-av., Rogers Park. 12-2tO EVANSTON REPRESENTED AT EDUCATIONAL MEET Evanston was well represented at tho annual meeting of the Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal church held in Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 14, 15 and 16. This is an association of all the colleges, preparatory schools and theological seminaries related to thla denomination and includes over 120 Institutions. There wns a largu attendance of officials from all parts of tho country and the meeting was unusually satisfactory. Those present from Evanston were President Harris, President Stuart, Principal Helm and Dr. Fisk. Tha first three were on the program and Dr. Fifk waa highly honored by being calkd upon to speak for the organlsav tion at the meeting held before tha students of the Nebraska Wealeyan university. Principal Helm was chos- en secretary of the organisation. This Sale for Wednesday Thursday. Friday and Saturday, January 29th, 30th, 31st and Feb. 1st ••THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING Open Tuesday Nights till 9 Saturday Nights till 10 SAVE Rosenberg's Trading Stamps Double Stamps Every Tuesday tVaaer Prtdat Pride Is one of the rat it cannot be the •mother tn bar oaUdren. compound of two aaratnAl frtth and hop#.--rJtak»na, A Removal Sate Which Forces Us To Reduce Stocks in Four Departments We're going to rearrange many departments throughout the store. In the adjustment of stocks we would close them out entirely or reduce many lines, even though we oo so at a loss, rather than move them from one end of the store to the other. Bargains nere 3KaV Muslin Wear and Corset Prices Reduced Before moving. These sections to be pi home of the Millinery Section at the rear o n the present ntt>r building WOMEN'S DRAWERSâ€"Umbrella style, tucked and hemstitched ruffle, good muslin; regular 2»c values. 1 Rr Removal Sale Price......................1 "c WOMIN'S DRAWERSâ€"Of fine Nainsook, circu- lar style, embroidery trimmed; regular | Q. 39c values. Removal Sale Prlea..........*- *J*~ WOMIN'S DOWNSâ€"Of fine muslin, button front or slipover style, Torchon lace and embroidery trimmed; regular 69c values. Removal Sale Price......... WHITE PETTICOATSâ€"Of fine I In, deep ruffle flounce, tucke trimmed. Removal Sale Price......... GOWNSâ€"A beautiful lot, butto: style, prettily trimmed with H and embroidery ribbon, run bei and 11.00 values. Removal Sals Pries........ mus- ldery Removal Sale: Linen Prices Ws're showiftg • Isrf* ssaortmant of asf di at the following prices Icial lot of sample Cor- neatty trtmmad with __ Dlendld SiiiaE^Bhd wall [wanted sizes; regUlarJSr Oil SAMPLi sets, i lace ai boned; values. SAMP high or garters; values. SAMPLE ported coutj and em"' hip; regular It Removal Sala nemo coRSBTf>-A spamaVlot of^amo Corsets, in batiste, ootttil and fancy silk material, extra heavy webbing garters, aU new models, wall boned and perfect fitting; 14 and $S Q OO values. Removal Sale Prlea...........%J*£dfJ cA^ N°322 >/ LINEN TABLE DAMASKâ€"60 Inches wloe; dice patternV ACkr* Removal Sale Prlea, yard.......**€7»*> LINEN TABLE DAMASKâ€"66 inches wide, beautiful designs. RQ#e Removal Sale Prlea, yard.......U €7t^ TOWELSâ€"Pure Linen Damask or Huck Towels, worth up to 36c. -| £\£t Removal Sale Price............A v»l> SAMPLE TOWELSâ€"Choice of 400. all the finest Damask and Hook, worth up to 76o. Removal Sale Price, OQn as long as they last.............^ €rVs TABLE CLOTHSâ€"The best Quality; red and white and blue and white Table Covering, regular price 59c a yd.^ A -^ Removal Sale Price ...........*±*±tj HEAVY SCRUB CLOTHSâ€"Large m slate. Removal Sale Prloe, eachâ€" It Removal Sale: Embr'd's Reduced Women can afford to own a full season's supply at these prices WIDE EMBROIDERYâ€"Corset Cover and Flouncing Embroidery, worth OQs» up to 65c. Removal Sale Prloe.. A t/v FLOUNCING EMBROIDERYâ€"Sold regu- larly up to 11.00 a yard. iQn Removal Sale Prloe............*±€9%s CORSET COVER AND ALL-OVER EM- BROIDERIESâ€"Sold regular up -| ^7 n to 49c a yd. Removal Sale Price. X I U BANDINGS AND INSERTIONS--Selling regularly up to 25c a yard. Q«n Removal Sale Price.............OjV BANDINGSâ€"Selling regularly up to 18o a yard. £\ Removal Sale Price.............v*2 c ALL EMBROIDERIES AND INSER- TION, selling regularly up to lOo •_> j a yard. Removal Sale Prloe.....d£ c Removal Sale: Fancy Goods Lowly Priced Many pretty pieces greatly reduced in price in order to effect a quick sale before removing SATTBNBURO SCARFaâ€"Two tots, S4 inches, a beau- tiful assortmenL worth up to $2.00. -| |Q Removal Sale Prlea.........................J.**.€7 CENTERPIECES â€"Stamped, ready to embroider, made of satin. *7 #» Removal Sale PHaa.............................• V' PILLOW TOPS AND CENTERPIECESâ€"Choose any of our 26c, 85o and 50c Pillow Tops and -| Q#» Centerpieces. Removal Sale Rrloe............M €F\s TABLE COVERS ANO SCARFSâ€"Hand painted, made of heavy denim, sold regular for $1.98. KQn Removal Sale Prloe......................^..eJ€7lv TRIMMING BRAIDSâ€"Ail kinds, worth up to Ol« 25o yard. Removal Bale Price.................*^2^ Removal Sale: Yarns & Embroidered Silks Many low prices on standard lines Needle Workers use every day YARNSâ€"Fleischer's bast Knitting Tarns, Hack and all colors. Removal Sale Price, OAa .................................«OC 4-fold, all colore, best quality. ...6c a skein ............ YARNâ€"Germantown Removal Sale Prlea, a skein ............ EMBROIOERY SILKSâ€"Nearly all shades of Fllo. Rope and Embroidery Silksâ€"Bramard a Arm- 1 K#« strong/a Removal taw Prloe, dosan..........XUlv FLOSSâ€"Princess mercerised Floss, mostly all shades. Removal Sale Prlea, 1 Qn doten .......................................J ^*^ Removal Sale: Great Handkerchief Values This ebsrsetar of foods is alwsys more or less easily soiled. These prices should sell them quickly sad avoid this danger LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFSâ€"Fine Lawn, embroidered corner, 10c values. -a / *_ Removal Sale Pries, 8 for.....................L\J%3 HANDKERCHIEFSâ€"Linen and fine Lawn, embroidered patterns, values up to £0c. €%€%*% Removal Sale Price, 3 for....................A AC HUNDREDS OP SAMPLE HANDKERCHIEFS â€" In- cluding many values formerly selling up to TCa*» 50c. Removal Sale Prlea.....................X aTEJ EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFSâ€"Balance of all our regular 80s and 78e Embroidered Hand- 0£a.*» kerchiefs, Removal Sale Price..... ..........4WC WHITE HEMMED HANDKERCHIEFSâ€"500 dosan. La- dles' and Children's, -a Removal Sale Price.......................... M.%3 Advance Showing-New Spring Wash Fabrics at Removal Sale Prices We had no idea of changing departments when we ordered these spring goods delivered at this time. However they're here and are in the way. Customers who buy now will profit o» account of congested condition during the readjustment of departments. -In fancy stripes, „39c STRIPED RATINEâ€": very choice. Removal Sale Price.. SHANTUNG CREPB- the very latest fabric Removal Sale Prlea, yard..;?! BERKLEY VOILEâ€"Fancy striped Voile, in aU colors, beautiful soft QPt^ material. Removal Bala Price.. ^t-»<~ Inches wide; , 39c RATINEâ€"29 Inches wide, plain colors, with fancy stripes. The newest novelty Rsm5ra?*sala Prtee............4$*C RAMIE SUITINGâ€"S« Ineace wide, all colore, extra heavy material. | o Removal Bale Price............XOL. LINEN SUITINGâ€"«• inches wide, extra, fine, fine quality. A *t> Removal Bala Prlea............JtWL PREMIER CORDUROY â€"Plain white, with lavender or blue ntrlpes. The best quality made. 4-Qc Price........ -50 pieces, new every 18c APEX CORDUROYâ€"AH plain colors, lrltt^fJSiexsmairlpa. __. . . «Ow Removal Bala Price............OC7C Removal Sale PLAIN VOILE- shade made. Removal Sale Price. VOILEâ€"27 laches wide, fancy striped, big assortment of styles. -| K Removal Sale Prices...........XaJL POPLINâ€"Novelty silk, striped, the lat- est shades. *-ICgr> Removal Bale Prloe.............OIF*. WHITE WILTON VOILEâ€"40 Inches wide, 'With Ratine stripe, something en- tirely new. iQr Removal Bate Prloe............**€F*» GALATEA CLOTHâ€"The very beat grade -made, new patterns, light SpTimg *f 42~ shades. Removal Bala Prloe.....â-  °V JUST RECEIVED 1,000 PIECES OP NEW STYLES OP GINGHAM. GINGHAMSâ€"R. F. C, nurse striped Gingham, excellent quality. £3. Removal 8ale Price................OL DOUBLE FOLD GINGHAMâ€"C. P. S., extra good quality, fine patterns. -| fRemoval Sale Price............ J- v/L RENFREW GINGHAMâ€"The best qual- ity made; sunproof and best dyed; beau- tiful assortment of patterns. |Of. Removal Bala Prlea...........X^2^ RED SEAL GINGHAMâ€"Just received, tun new assortment. • |f>i. Removal Bale Prloe.....--------X^2C GOLDEN ROD GINGHAMâ€"An elegant quality of up-to-date patterns. |OiA Removal Bale Price...........1 &2C GINGHAMSâ€"Many patterns of Tone Da Nord Gingham, the very beat qual- ity made. T*>1/* Removal Bale. Prloe...ujii.^JLdUgC^ TISSUE GINGHAMâ€"New styles. |aj. Removal Sale Price, yard.......IOC FRENCH TISSUE GINGHAMâ€"With silk stripes, fine small checks and narrow stripes. o fit *» Removal Sale Price___,.......aOC ZEPHYR GINGHAMSâ€"32 Inch Maolln Zephyr Gingham, beautiful pat- QK- terns. Removal Sale Price......aOC LINENE SUITINGâ€"Red Cross, plain white, 38 lnchee wide. O fir -, Removal Sale Price.............AtlC 8ERPENTINE CREPEâ€"Full naw spring assortment, best quality. -g g^ Removal Sale Price............ IOC LOTUS MADRASâ€"82 inches wide, for shirts or shirtwaists, the very beet woven material made, regular 80o value, comes la short lengths. ()iA Remove} Bale Price......v......«4C FANCY KIMONAâ€"PUsse, 80 lnohae wide, beaattfttl styles. O Br. â€" Removal Bale Price............ ^OC ROYAL MBSSALETTESâ€"The Wgheat r grade of Cotton BVmlarda ofatataaMe, new styles. \ r ; f*a#r^ Removal Bale^Prioa.^wA..«^..7JS»^0 %

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