r p^"£l"*p?S: What People Are Doing | [.....,.,,..♦♦ in Wilmette ♦♦♦♦«•♦♦♦♦*♦♦* Mrs. Kred W. Requa entertained hev. Mrs. JesBe Srrthnc- bridge club Tuesday afternoon. J avenue, has Iwen hat Mr. Percy Cutler was detained at J the grip feS: home a few days with tonsllttta Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Belt enter iaiaed their bridge club Monday even ing. Mrs. H. C. West entertained her || clnB at lunch today at her home. 811 |:^_ .Forest avenue. ^|| Mr. C H. Rush, editor of the Local |-f; Newa, has gone to Florida for a twj i&ff weeks' sojourn. fe|; Mrs. Burt of Elmwood avenue is en- || tertsiDing her Hister. Mrs. A .1 Copo fe|j,ot Champaign, ill. I'l;- <>The Boxer club was entertained by |:| Dr. and Mre. D. M. Gallie Monday evening for dinner. S Mrs. Mathews of Indiana is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ira Jones. 52i' |f; Washington avenue The Drama Reading circle was en tertalned by Mrs. .John \V luncheon Wednesday. if', Mr. L. Q.*Cumming6 of Sullivan, « • wood avenue enter* llfstopped on his return from the west MatronB on Wedn l||o Visit his niece, Mrs. Roy Bowers The foundation is i residence for Mr I Fourth street. Rev. T. K. Gale i- home of A F. S'< • avenue, by illness The Misses Anna v Steffens spent Sui>'l;> in South Evanston Mtb. Mary Steiner i; to her home for »!u care of her physioiin Mrs. ivouis de l<>-r,.r ().. is visiting Mr. <' ! Mrs. Roscoe I. K<iti> v Mr. J. J. Demski lia.- story brick buildinc ai house at 215 Fonr'li Mr H. Seta wall. * •â- â- â- > home, 1418 Wilnr-if A uland ... with L for a , ,t 211 Ml" i : l Lake Messrs. Herman Pomper, Harold Smith and Louis Bruch were home from Ann Arbor tor a few days the latter part of the week. The residence of Mr. Percy C. Sail len, 808 Ashland avenue, has been sold to a Mr. Storck of Oak Park. The Skillens will build nearer the lake. Invitations have been issued for two parties to be given by Mrs. .Frank C. Nason and Mrs. W. E. Ingersoll at the home of the latter on Thursday and Friday afternoons. A matter of great interest for the school children of Wilmette is the an- rence nouncement of the Public School Art tends league that on Friday, Feb. 14, at 3 o'clock, at the Woman's club building, ifined Mr. W. M. R. French, director of the k In Art Institute, will give a chalk talk on "The Pied Piper of Hamlin." This unati, is only for the children of the village, t and who can coma on the payment of 10 cents, which also entitles them io an two- associate membership in the Public icken School Art league. Those who now hold an associate membership will be in at admitted free. ___________________ s re- â- â- â- ------------------------------------------ President Rafcfc ,R-Lounsbury of'ing to a talk by Dr., •£&**j the North Shore Juvenile Protective association announces- the appoint- ment, of Mr. Howard. Moore of the Chicago Juvenile Protective associa- tion, who with a number of assist- ants, will take charge of the work here. The Chicago Tribune says that Wil- mette is to have a natural park in t!u wooded tract on the corner of <;-r Brown of'Winnetka. After an open- ing piano solo by Mrs. Northam, the vice-president. Mrs. Deane. presiding in the absence of Mrs. Thompson. In- troduced Dr. Brown, whose subject was "Hygiene." She touched briefly on hygiene in the homes in connec tion with ventilation and cooking, pleading for more fresh air in the houses and plain, nourishing food for *♦. »A ail Present and th*^lalrf^W-**•' i^*r*N«Cir flaair <*«. \m not far distant when .pt^::,lii|rt/^!^.«^W'f'Â¥.^ thoughta to b&av'^wv j^W^stte'may receive tbnmt^gg* schools «mch valuable assistance M Ift leaf avenue and Eighth street In' the children. Then coming to.the j which Chinese ducks and American ' main part of her talk, the hygiene oi deer will frolic together. This ha= been purchased by. Mr. Emil Rudert. a retired silk importer, now living at 6926 Sheridan road. He will surroui\,it with an iron fenCe and preserw th. natural landscape for deer and Chi- nese ducks to run at large o^fi the grounds. An ornamental fountaii will be located in the center of the park. About thirty-flye memb.i - an i friends of the Parents' Hub .<f tin- Logan school of Wilmett. h. Id a meeting Monday afternoon at the school bouse for the purpose of listen he body, Dr. Brown tried to impress! upon the mothers the importance of j constant and careful care of their} children's bodies and the further im- ,,ortance of teaching children how to properly care for themselves. In this <onnection she showed by many ex- amples of her work how successfully; a school physician can help the par- I ents along these lines by calling the attention of the parents to the phy- sical weaknesses in their children, which, however slight at first, may in time lead to serious trouble. Dr Brown's talk was full of helpful ^drtem^vff^h^ J. at *:j j. Announ(^mei0m B. HEt; Announces the Opening of HU- Real Estate R 1137 at ILEAF LiRt your proper^^ith him for %MiHP*8ales. Bar- gains in Wilmette, Kenilworth and Wit.netka • property. Phone Wilmette 500 â„¢......*>*">w^ Office niar UJgjSaZ* Statins "'ff at 1>oried to be sink! Mrs. Byron H .! I' p-jft Mrs. Clissold Sproul and two chil- jfSdren of Duluth, Minn., are the guests ||of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, 347 Hill 5.|»treet if Mrs. Alvin Butz, 500 Central ave- Ihue. entertained for her little daugh ||er Marion's birthday on Saturday. i*W>. 8. Miss Margaret Dorfler entertained Blm- :hf Merry Mrs. Mary RowlarM <•< S'.r.luymp- ton, Mass., is the une.-- o; h- i :iephew, Mr. F. M. Feiker. )•;):' Korâ€": .venue. The Travel club im•; at tn.. in-me of Mrs. Melville Tuestla> afternooi.. Feb. 11. The subjects for diM uxslon wero Fontainebleau. Ver^aill-. Malmaison and the garden of tin 1 uillerics. It Is with a panfi of r.-mors.- that Word ,1a few of her friends at her home, 93.! we announce the going awaj of Dr. %ake avenue, the occasion being her and Mrs Geo. F. Butler to Mudlavla. Birthday. Kramer. Ind. However, they do not Miss Bessie Thompson, daughter of leave Wilmette till about May 1 Dr. mr.-and Mrs. Thos. C. Thompson, Butler stands high in the medical fra- 141P Central avenue, has been ill the ternity as a diagnostician, and his Ipagjt -week. : reputation for his books on therapeu- W^thm Elizabeth Brown entertained j tics, public health and sex hygiene U:'faw «* her Wends for dinner Sat- j caused him to be sought as one emi Wday afternoon at her home. 7381 nently fitted to fill the office of med (eventh street i lcal director of so important an in- Master Robert Tucker Drake will \ stltution as the one at Mudlavla. He S^- his sixth'birthday by having is a man of genial sympathies and few of his young friends Saturday IfOternoon, Feb. 15. Mrs. Geo. E. Haas and baby of 726 swood avenue have gone to De idV Fla., and expects to be away shout three months. g|NBr. and Mrs. Joachim Decker re- I'tarned to Wilmette last week from an Springs, Miss. Mr. Decker, who ; In poor health, returns quite in- Vjihd Mrs. Simeon C. Colton, a.fter extended trip of six weeks, during they visited in Florida and southern points, have returned their home, 602 Central avenue. |^lr. Jesse Akely has returned from Springs, where be and Mrs. ily have been since Jan. 1. Mr. e Akely has gone to join his >l pntoiher and remain with her through Ifie.judath of February. __________ has a generous outflow of thought and expression, as shown on the lecture platform and his many publications, among which,» besides his medical books, are "The isle of Content," "The Exploits of a Physician Detec- tive," "Sonnets of the Heart," "Every Boy's Book,*' "Every Girl's Book" and "Echoes of Petrarch" During their residence in Wilmette Dr. and Mrs. Butler have made many friends, who, although they will regret their de- parture, will gladly send with them their best wishes. •' Telephone »»3-J Wilmette MISS R^JTH ELMER Rtitrtnct: IfeOS Lake 'EBUSti Wilmette. III. Sciiultz & Nord telephone Wilmette 320 V TAIL Cleaning NG eing 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. Office Phone 296 Shop & Res. Phono 1" A. C. WOLFF, IETAL / I0RK Furnaces a and All Kin tin./heet he -\d^t Jobbing. (ias Stoves a S[>ecialiN Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop, 620 Park Ave., (mr) Wilmette Guaranteed Farm Loajls bearing 6% interJst. ^JTO*ginal §»pers transferred to afithasir. Interest pay- able at Hanov/r fNatitnal iBank. N. Y. Write os for reTefence^gn/ information. W. C. Belcher Ulld Mortgage Co. Capital aadSnrpuis $32O,000.SO fO«T WORTH, TEXAS $». The Wilmette Exchange I State Bank AUTHOR1ZKD TO DO A BANKING Bl S! NESS UNDKR STATK SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 equipped it complf U 'n the vm Safety Depo THE. Bank is w with one of the sit Vault ftago. The boxpif^fford iso lute protection for ipers, etc., against fire ars, besides the conveni- having this protection at home. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and ^they «-e becoming very popular at a^^.*., Jfl&t reasonable rentals asked. The |^|^«|f' officers of the Bank invite insptc- ttbn of this new safety .deposit box system. SfefcS Central ave. and twelfth street Waniette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety WILSON'S / North Shore Bakery Seasonable just noy^Wh{g/>ed Cream r^)f ♦ s, Oiot o 1 ate Eclairs, Lgj/on CreaHfries, CharlotteRusse,Pumpkin Pies i 148 Central Avenue Telephones ======== Wilmette 413 and 414 Wilmette Bes A Floor Tl Hal Edith M. Kilmer Stcood Floor The High Class Beauti tying Done Shop J0 Central Are., WUmetto •/ wtr» eaeiihr im ttoek «â- * MADE TO 080EB Wt t«OcU year patrtumg* In several of the adver- tisements on this page" you will discover that im- portant wordf have been omitted. Read them ov< r, supply themissingwords, and send the list to the "Contest Editor" Lake Shore News, Evanston. To the first four persons residing in Wilmette who send in a correct list, prizes as follows will be sen: First Prizeâ€"CASH. $1.00. Second Prizeâ€"One year's sub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Third Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Fourth Prlze-^-SIx months' eub- scription to The Lake Shore News. THIS CONTEST I» OPEN TO BE»- IDENT8 OF WIl-MEITE ONLY NEWS WANT AOS BRING RESULTS L.f.l Exceptional $1.50 Soft Lion Shirts Each 85c A SPECIAL PURCHASE ===== IN ALL SIZES^ THEY are of cuffs, <>f sol and in pencil shirt easily wor now......... Four shirts at Jackson and Dearborn FRED. L. ROSSBACH, PRCS. Washington and Madison and La Salle - - <Ott» Bid*.) Dearborn RAMBO&CO. SiHtttutihK-jaUl 1168Wilmette Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. Rpid Isemeot in paper en spgciaUoper foj^erot 1 Nething HKe it«m «e politan Electric Su»ly West Lake street iind son boulevard. S.Kf.CRAMER yr Dry Goods & Notions New Laces, brics, Flax<3 Muslins, other now on sale. Phot* sas 1146 Central Ave. ;* GOOD Dress- ers demand in clothes, the nice touchri the distinctive tanFJ charac- ter, style and/the finest workrrianshi GEORGE J. EBER Ladies' Tailor -------------and --â- â- â- â- Custom Tailor 1131 Greenleaf Avenue WILMnVnX to b^had. Phoae 18 Residence 779-L / /What Beautiful Valentines You have missed a treat if you have not viewed the big assort- ment, of Valentines that we are showing. These areyin faofcvtbe handsomest Valentines vm jj*ve ever yet offerafl. vl/Sa rvanbty ranges from th^dmplesV'post- card to the mosx aniqoe cat-out and lace/effects, aonr thongbts and sentiments are sure tobsr^p^ preciatei by those whjjaa'irlend- ship yoa cherish when your re- memtrfflice Valentine is select- ed fronf oar stock. Prices from lc up. At least come and look over them. RENNECKAR DRUG COMPANY Prescription Druggist The Rexall Store. Tela. 29 & 31 WILMETTE, ILL. nson Residence 1026 iJbTand ins ** 1079 JAMES A. Si REAL ESTATE, REMTINf, LOAl 1128 Central Avenue / .^^nniette, Illinois We also nave some choice in North Shore property. 5, AND INSURANCE ^^Vlunet NORTH SHORE. PR.O^ WE ARK HEASOJkM^trkRS BRANCH OFFICES: , Ratks Pa£) WitBett tgJWTi Y J. A. H0TH WISCONSm ICE 12W CENTRAL AVENUE WaUKBTTE. HLL. osme*aa PBOJfZS: SM.M StaM*S«a Dress Suits Made to Order _ SBERG RALPH W. FAUPEL THE VILLAGE ELECTRICIAN >tg & In connectionjwith hit Electrical Contracting hflisinesv has put in afuU4rne of Colum^ Grafonolasand Records.-Youare invited to come and heat* them. Phone 522 609 W. Railroad Avenue G= Subscribe for the Lake Shore News 819 Elmwood A â- i "T ;â- â- â- ;• ; i i dairy; TKLCnONt tt« . VlUaXTTm.. itt. I!. Plants Make