Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1913, p. 6

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•}- ^*^^WB THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13/MX . â- .**.'".: .'^^'^jp»(«i^ SPORTS IN WINNETKA Standing of the Clubs. Won. 1-1 IVt. 1.000 64:! ..".00 429 .:!f>7 071 Hub- Club. Boys" Civil) . Hubbard Woods •' Ridge Av- nut- 'â- < Intermedia!' -s ~> • <Jun Club . ..... »: -s Business Men ..... •"> '•' Indians ......... :' Community Squares 1 !â- '! Schedule for Next Week Monday, K«-b 17 -First *sani< bard Woods vs Coiiiiininity Squares. 7:30; second gann-. HlrtKo Avenue vs. Intermediates. !< <>o Wednesday. F.h ]!< F'irst «ame, <«un Club \8 Utixlness Men, 7:.'5u; se<- end game. Inrlians \-. Hoys' Club, !'(•'. COMMUNITY HOUSE NOTES. The Neighborhood club held a Booial meeting and supper Tuesday evening The H V <" Hub will meet at the .residence of Mrs. Wool folk Thursday evening. The meeting of the Baseball League called for laM \\<nk was postponed -until ' further notiee everylK)dy seemed to have a date and only a few members answered the call. A matrh game of Indoor ball has been arranged by Mr. Elmer E. Adams between a team of married men from the League and a Men's ilub of Wll- inette, at the Community House gym- nasium, next Saturday evening A supper and social time has been ar ranged to follow the game There Is to be i \ llentine party- Friday evening in the gymnasium ror the young people. Plans are being made to entertain a large gathering. The bask<tball team of the Winnet- ka boys' club were defeated by a boys' club from Evansum, Saturday evening Jt was a close game and the Evanston hoys Just won out by one point. COMMUNITY HOUSE INDOOR BASEBALL LEAGUE. First Game (Wednesday). The most exciting and interesting same of the winter was pluyed be- tween Hubbard Woodfc and ihe Gun «lub Wednesday night The Gun club ran up a big score in the early Innings and seemed to have the game won, but the Hubbard Woods boys braced and after Dean relieved Stephen in the sixth inning the Gun club were unable aJifto make another hit. Dean pitched |j|'..-some beautiful ball and had the Gun 111 club boys helpless before his speed W:. The last four innings were full of ex- W[ <jltementâ€"Dean's hard batting and |*.t Hoyle Elliott's base running started f|r a rally that carried the Gun club^ff rM- theft- feet. Four runs In the ninth i$i' -won what seemed like a hopelessly im Ip possible task the way Cazel was pitch- '$& i»g. And Cazel did some good work. Iff- The score: ff; Hubbard Woods :: 0 0 u » I t t 4â€"12 '§M 'â-  <Gun Club ......u 0 « 4 1 o 0 0 0 11 ll^i" Hubbard Woods Elliott. H. Tay- Ifsif.... lor. Rose, Stephen, Dean, Ostrom, |4|.Hansen, Turvey, Elliott. K. ffl. Gun Club Radnor, Blow, |#S Knox, Wolff, Baker. Kloepfer pf ;,<!a8el. N., Hostetter. pi|";; Umpireâ€"Clark. PpT ' * Notes of the Game. ||}|V Wolff and Nash Cazel made some Rood playB. 2 Dean's third bane play was brilliant. Hoyle Elliotts ^teal of home in the #tn Started a rally that finally won Ittie game §|§l Deans pitching after he relieved *!Htteptaen in the sixth was the best Â¥:aeen in any game this season-three men faced him in the seventh and ,. pitched balls fanned the side; three jifiiaft' faced him In the seventh and """ balls did the trick. Thirteen men Wteam* to the plate in the last four innings; one walked and the twelve ^Talked right UP, picked up a bat aUld BOOH walked right back again It jhu brilliant ball. M There was a little bitter feeling firooaed during the game, but was forgotten. 8ome kidding" soon BOOthed things over '._. Second Gam* (Wednesday). I^^Tfce Community Squares won their l§f»t game of the season, beating the JUeliaBS, who had only five men on the J^tor. Tl»e boJrB P^y^ good baI1 and ||^fe&tted their older opponents after [If» aaa-aaw battle which was anybody's ^apune op to the final inning. " his first game as a of the Communis Squares luml only fair success. The score: OaBt BQoares.....1 3 0 5 1 16 4â€"21 *jgglaas .........1133414 3â€"20 S?: Oaoununlty Sauaresâ€"Voltz, Haines, fRanftfaktt, Anderson, Walker. Ilg. ^etson. Hale, Odb, Delta. fcr Indianaâ€"Baker. Adams. C. C, Or- Vtt. €%en«r, EMU. P;';: '. Notes of tha Gams. WBt* for the Indians was a busy piaTtof the three fields and sec- l»»ft> _, ', Commvnltr Squares have now atasiiag to the r«e. Odh, Nelson and I batting ,lid First Game Monda> The Boys' Club tri!.-:m'd Avenue team In a U.-ft ?• 'v j:ame. 10 to 4 It seer .- a- : i.o ..topping th' Hoy- ('i'l'1 won every league g.m i'1"' better ever\ g.ime • ' ai ore: Boys' Club : ! i " Bidge Avenue " " " " Boys' Club (•.!••:.! r Kasner, Gotekunst, Knu.i Stubbe. Balnies, Dun'a;. Ridge Avenue < â- .',.<:,ah ' Fitch, I'aillSel), Hi' iKir l.-"M l Power, Barrett. 11.,ii- >â-  : â- ""' Second Game Monday good t|MMMM#>MIMMMMlM»f»HMlMtyyM»4MmM| II What People Are ioing 11».......•#•♦• in WumetKA •»»»•».......â-  .- Ridge iInning there is | The Rev. Richard Malm has taken: Mr. H. A. DeWlndt is in Bermuda. ley have1 quarters at 421 Linden avenue. West Indies. e going' The Sigma Delta Gamma sorority' .Mr. .J. B. Densmore has returned i>. The will give a dance at the Woman's club H<»m a business trip to Ohio tonight. | Mrs. H. C. Wicker is trie guest of t i) •â€"10 Mr. E. H. Heller has returned to ' \ 0â€" 4 Winnetka after an absence of two illiams, months. Knox, Wolff. Wrolff, The Business no-i. rust playing lnt« nn. !> <\ go<4 game with tin- seventh Inning, wln-i \'en 8<-ored eight run .< re kept pr-tt\ bit- • few strikeouts Id" -• Intermediates .. - " r.uslneSB Men -' " Intermediates \\ei. Talbot, (ir^iu I Washburn, F Hal, l.i BusineHS Men i'-i/ Delmilow. K. K.^ Adams, Blake, W <i.. t" In fore the IV w .11 :ii. Gru- MIllS, .1 : Flynn, er, A. L- tloff. Austin Too Much for Boys' Club. The Boys' Club <,l league met d- feat S game with A us' in plons of the C. & N. Irf a team of nx-n ;.i our bo> h i :id no , li ter the) had over, ,>i ness in :ne first lining t)n\ caught their stride and held th men even. In the first Inning the b.ns did not play their usual snappy game ami made s venil errors. The smre: Austin.........4 ! o ti 1 - 1 1 *-10 Boys' Club..... 0 1 -1 (i u o :: o 0â€" f> Austin Lucas, lleintz. Kemp, Small, Luckner. Wilson, l.nvig. Stuehneld. Bullard. Boys' Club Carpenter Williams, Kasner, Gotekunst Kreger, Knox, Stubbe. Biilmes, Diinean Cmpiresâ€"Cuniinings ;ind Stodeur. Knapp, Haines, fe m? isiS ST. AUGUSTINE'S EPISCOPAL, Wilmette. At the 11 o'clock .service Sunday morning the rector will speak on "Faith in God'n Purposes At the afternoon services a series of ad- dresses on Christian teaching is b>> Ing given, the subject next Sunday being "Hol\ llaiitism." These ad- dresses are in the nature of confirma- tion instructions to adults and tho<e who expect to he confirmed make every effort to be present, but they are also intended to be of general in- terest, and any who are interested in knowing the attitude of the church on various fundamental nuestions are cordially invited to he present The soloist at the morning service will be Mr. Carl F Uohles. tenor, and, Mr. .lohn Quiii, baritone, will sing In the afternoon The Fpccial service fur children held last Thursday afternoon was at- tended by some sixty children, who took part heartily These children's services will be held each Thursday, afternoon in Lent at :'.â- !.". The talk this week is on "Christ Among the Doctors in the Temple All children are Invited to be present During Leiu the Wihiumi's guild holds all-day timet inns in the parish house even Fr day At these meet- ings the women arc sewing on gar- ments for the children in various church homes Luncheon i< served •â- ' a nominal cost to all who come, and mothers who wUh to bring their children for the noon meal may do so. At i o'clock evening prayer is read, and a short time is spent in the study of Mr Buileson's hook, "The Conquest of the Continent All the women of the parish are uiued to at- tend these meetings The confirmation class for boys, which was to havf tn>'t on Fridays at 3:45, has been changed to Thurs- day afternoons immediately following th< children's service The class for girls meets on Tuesday at 3:45. The bishop of the diocese the Rt. Rev C. P Anlerson, will make his annual visitatii-n to the parish for confirmation on the third Sunday after I^nt. April 1.1, at 11 o'clock. A number of uamej> have already been given to the rector, and he will be glad to have any who may be think- ing of confirmation speak to him in re- gard to it. Mr. P. VV. Geherty has returned from a business and pleasure trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Heath of 4.">8 Kidge avenue, left Tuesday for Long Beach. Cal. The girls of the Girton school will ,i played give a Valentine party at the Woman's â- n of the < lub tomorrow night. Business Mr. Peter Bar*nbrugge haB moved (elders from !»X9 Elm street to the Anderson , p were bouse on First street. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Marble", of 664 I 6- -22 i-lncdn avenue, are at the Seminole s :i -16 he tel, Jacksonville. Florida. William K. Sidley. father of W. P Sidley of Humboldt avenue, died at his home in Chicago Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Uhlman are visiting Mrs. Chlman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C L. Koehn, at 662 Maple uvenuc. Miss Bernice Maritz, who has-been the guest of Mrs. Robert Gonsalves, has returned to her home in Jackson- ville Ml. Mr. Grinnel Wylle, who has been visiting friends in Winnetka, left for a visit In Waukesha, Wisconsin. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Blatchford, who are staying at the Virginia Hotel in Chicago for the winter, returned for over Sunday. Some of the Winnetka men have formed a walking club and go for long cross country walks every day. Kven the zero weather has not inter- fered. Almena Parker McDonald was the speaker at the vesper services at the Congregational - church Sunday. The service was well attended. The topic was Science vs. Alcohol. Judge Joseph N. Carter of Quincy, III., father of Mrs. Montague Ferry of H26 Lincoln avenue, died at his home February 6. Judge Carter was a member of the Illinois Supreme Court for nine years, serving as chief justice for five of the nine years. Judge Carter's record as a justice attracted national attention iiinmniiitv House ui'da.v night in a i a ii -t in's cham- Kailwav league ,,ii, would think ,, a all. but af- a i it nl nervous- tln Mrs. I. C. Wood Of Prospect avenue Mrs. McArthur of 672 Lincoln ave- nue is confined to her home by illness. Mr. George Rasmessen is able to be at business again after a weeks ill- ness. Mrs. A. C. Mcllvalne had as her guest last week, Mrs. Allen It Forbes ol Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. C W. Anderson of Elder lane has returned from the hospital much improved in health. Mr. Paul E. Noe Is in the East on a business trip. Mr. Noe is to be away for two weeks. Mtb. M. A. Held of Wisconsin is vis- iting her brother, Mr. F. O Raymond of 1011 Spruce street. Mrs. S. Friedlander and Miss Klsa, former residents of Winnetka, visited friends here last, Sunday Mib Seymour Ballard of !'72 Elm street has as her guest Mis. E H. Williams of Woodstock, Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Dally of Oak street are the happy parents of a son, born last week, February .">th. Mr. Frank Scrimgeour and Mr. L C Wyman have been drawn for jury service in the Criminal Courts Mr. Harold Gage of Hubbard Woods left the end of last week Tor an ex- tended business trip through Illinois. Mr Arthur Taylor has accepted a position with the C, M & St. P. Ry ingineering department at Glencoe, Minn. Mrs. J. B. Densmore, who has been ill for the past two weeks with a severe attack of bronchitis, is now much improved. The Beta chapter of Chi Sigin* so- rority were entertained at cards at the home of Miss Marjorie Baxter last Saturday afternoon. The little son of Mr. N. E. Dally, who has been in the contagious hos- pital in Evanston with scarlet fever, is reported much improved. Mr. Wllloughby G. Walling of Hub- bard Woods served as a member of the committee on celebration for the pub- lic mass meeting held in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the emancipa- tion of the slaves, held at Orchestra hall, Chicago, on Lincoln's birthday. Mrs. R. W. Hardenburgh left last week to Join her mother, Mrs. L. M. Johnson, at Augusta, Ga. They are staying at the Hotel Bon Air. Mr. Barton K. Stephenson of Chi- cago has taken the house at the corner of Ash street and Cedar street. Mr. Stephenson moved in last week. Mr Russell Whitman, a former lesident of Winnetka, was elected presidmt of the Civil Service Reform assoclatton of Chicago at a meeting of the executive committee Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Crowell are to leave the last of the week for their winter home, "The Hill." near Augus- ta, Ga. The trip has been postponed several times on account of the illness of Mrs Crowell. The mall carriers and clerks of t) Winnetka office attended the meetlt of the North Shore Civil Service Re- tirement association at Highland Park Saturday evening of last week. The meeting was held In Masonic hall. Saturday noon the village fire de- partment was called out to fight a small fire at the Conrad barn on Elm street The blaze was soon extin- guished, with little harm being done. This is the second time in two weeks that fire has attacked this same build- ing. The Woman's club held their regular meeting Feb. 6, at which the topic for discussion was "The Montessori Meth- od of Teaching." Mrs. John Curran gave a review of the work of Countess Montessori and Mrs. Edward Fechhei- mer gave a demonstration of the ap- paratus used for beginners. The meet- ing was informal and about 175 ladies were present. Mr. JkV. B. Lloyd fell into the hands of the Evanston police for violating the speed law. Mr. Lloyd was driv- ing down West Railroad avenue at a speed said to be thirty miles an hour when he was arrested. He plead guilty and was fined fifteen dollars and costs. The Evanston police have been on the lookout for Mr. Lloyd for a long time, claiming he often speeded through the town. Rev. John Henry Hopkins, rector of the Church of the Redeemer, Chicago, preached the sermon at the special service at Christ church last Thurs- day. These special services will be held every Thursday evening during Lentâ€"the sermon to be preached by a visiting clergyman. There will be an organ recital from 7:30 to 8:00 pieceding the services. Rev. W. O. Waters of Grace ehureh. Chicago, will preach this evening. 5* m The festemLimited The Superb Train of Today to St Paul-Minneapolis Le»ve Chicgo Daily 6s4B l^gf y Ar. St. Paul 7:1 S *. omMiha^poli«r«5«wsar-^ «J Dini^dJ- Service bnequa/ed/ • <J A denec/train from» pcrfeW^ermlnal over a perfect roftfVed* q Imagin/ over four hundred milfla of such splid -comfort asjffc^flired the travel^- on this mosfjrnagnificent ©I modern trains. €J Fiveothersplendidtrainadailytochoose from, Iv. Chicago 8:45 a, m., 10:15 a. m., 10:00 p. m. 10:10 p. m. and 2:50 a. m. The Best of Everything Ticket Offices Chicago and North Western Ry. 148 S. Clark Street (Telephone Randolph 4221; Automatic 53-251) and Passenger Terminal ^s^ssssss^^s^^sss^S^ssssssssssss^^^^ass^ PHQJTES: CENTRAL 246 ^ /"% AUTOMATIC 4JWI27 Tj6 MY NORTH feHQRE^ATRONS v'Will Repair your Evening Gowns^Also mlJMtowwer Gowns, Dresses, TM Suite 711 Wi Fancy and! Lingem/Wsists ^^- E FRANCE^ SMQP^ '„.u.ughby budg. 81 E. BJADISON S-T c Frances Hammond Cor. Michigan Ave. / C. A. fancy Groceries, PHONE WINNETKA 48 & 78 <&ERG Ions * fcrdwart Hubbard Woods, lit' Telephone 188 OSCAR » EXPRESSING LIVERY AN1 Carriages Furnishet 806 W. OAK STREET Orders Promptly Attended To lO^TDING STABLES All Occasions "WINNETKA, ILL. J. A. ODH Upholster and Cabinet Maker Mattresses and cushioi^ad/ar/d renovated ** ANTIQUE FURrvlTtAPfE RS^URED Telephone Winnetka 235 Opposite C. & M. W. R. R. Depot, Hvitard Wools, III. WINNETKA MISSING WORD CONTEST j We have purchased the h isi- nnouncement „e«of yc. uaily, B^-de Shop, Winnetka. K We alsoimakdaUc^J' of Lawn Mo*er and Skate grinding, ttc. I l^J XV e Call for and DeTivlrfMachih^foTAU Kinds FREE N. E. 807 Elm Street DALLY Winnetka, 111. EKUND TAILORS 20% M&ount ALLOWED Telephone 248 Winnetka Shampooing MAnieHring /Miss Hil r que! Jp Treatment rson M HAIR qRESSER The Ptowty BaHdlng. &m Street Phone Winnetka Sil-L WINNETKA, UX. PHARMACY I Store A. L. ADAMS, RV"Pt4»^ Etoalltrtftpft:"TtJ. IkHfti 21 â- IHETU,«U ABAJ&S; PH JhtKexali S Bank of M. K. Meygf THE WINNETKA Drug^LMdsc. Co. TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES F0RSBER6 & LARSON HAND LAUNDRY FiilLT W»S*({n»T SjftUL rRICES ffuftfcf (Mtj Fir tit effort CUITMIS Ml ikm OW SPECIALTY 662 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 396 WINNETKA. ILL. In several of the adver- tisements on this page you will discover that im- portant words have been omitted. Read them over, supplythe missingwords, and send the list tc the "Contest Editor" Lake Shore News, Evanston. To the first four persons residing in Winnetka who send in a correct list, prizes as follows will be sent: First Prizeâ€"CASH, $1.00. Second Prizeâ€"One year'a »ub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Third Prizeâ€"8ix months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Fourth Prizeâ€"8lx months' sub- scription to The Lake 8hore News.____________ This Contest Is Open to Resi- dents of WINNETKA ONLY. Ffne Pictures for the Home We carry a fine line of Pictures, Sculatufe Bust&and Reliefs £.'& Picture Sk at frapp! NATIONAL ART S-W P I-TJY CO. 3RD FLOOR SUITE 394 »NO 36« PEOPLES 0*» BUILDING COR. MICHIGAN AVE. AND ADAMS ST. CHICAGO L NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Mjfs. Estelle Nordberg '/Cleaning, lU4«in£»-Jrep*mrii Office aadSkop: * Telephone 144 810 Elm St., Winaetks, III. D. E. ALLEN JtEAL ESTATE s-------------------â€" â-  Baanttfal ntrm • rAomaoaw. ready March 16, IMS. Kanartoiie.gwtriaafhimaey. fireplace, hot watw bailytriwlliJHb location. 60foot lot. aooth ttm\prifm9BJ»\ Tense. If yoo are IWaflatailla f place atthladee- eriptioa. <aH her JM lejjaf ehow it to yea. 552 West Railroad Avenue WDfNBTKa, ILL. R.H.SCHELL&CO. /FOUpppkES Spring Gmghaps »n<T^'hite Goods direct from New York H. E. ODHNER Hub&trd Woods-Tel. Winnetka 278 Hublfr Ladies' and Gsntlci SOTT MAD^fd Ol All Kiadt of fhrf Qciaiat. Pressug aaoKcfMihag Goods called for tad ddiTered. Only hrrt da** work, gsanatccd. Tclceaoac yosr orders. Wimwtka Slate Bank Aaaâ€"tue SOaabodr W.G.WaBma- Read» our advertisemenL^ in this papafon BpecteLmffer H**^lat Irons. i^^Jlbing like fll tKeWorld. Metro- politan E.ectric/npDlyVompany. 180 West Lake streft ai»*T2 Bast Jack- son boulevard. lodern Electric Light Baths Swedish Movements Miss Ellen Johnson (Office of jt Mra/MinajDttonius) cMUM&d Grdtfatijfrd MedicatrGymnast â-  \ â- ' Office: Proaty Building Room' i. Phone 257 WtNNETKA. ILL. A Bargain for You in Winnetka A comfortable screened porch ai including- compli trie liabt and It is on a __, pleasant oatloob. I have only two quickly if such a 1 are reasonable. with 'urge r-jprovenN r:». furnace. »-lec- Ine trees sod to sell this, so act intereata you. Terms JONAS H. MADSEN WINNETKA. ILLINOIS Papr^ian Dye House i^/WOHN KASIER, PraprU %T Ladies' sad JjSftlgiiiialH^H DtyandStaamCleanjBaVaT thW vary bast. Ledi<- and Gentlemen's ,GaT«Kta. iW* and Silk Cur- tains, Wool rtraiiiiaWjiMewa) Blankets. Cor. fortera. Fura. Ftr â„¢li1fiiiiinTralaill for aod de- liTered. Phomx Wnnnu 1*0. Phone Winnetka 147 730 Elm Street W&iratka, Harflware & WeeW£pt*»s»Vf/ No. 8 American Griswold Waffle Iron............. ?* 83c HENRY Florist NELSON BROTHERS

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