Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1913, p. 7

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Pfflirf" ":€ tigsym&msNmmsm^'fW'w "mum: ^tmrn*. What Piopli JtflJolBi ; in Hubbard Woods tW* ^7iI^»fiilllllM>ll'lf"T^*"1 j f ' ' ,i,,aiii>**>a*| |M"»"^"" 'â-  ••â- â€¢â- â-  tY*»......n ITTttHtTTTtTTtlUMint NEW8. THURSDAY, i^mj^-Wvi^^g^ B h. Schell la having a special eale a, (1rv good* this week. MNs Vera Handy of Libertyville was t 'e Kiiest of Mrs. George Wood over Sou'iay- F \v. Scott and family left Wednes- day fo, California to spend tb* re- nin inder of the winter. uttip Caroline Case, who has been »•> ill with scarlet fever for the past i\ we^ks, has recovered, s< rvlces are being held Sunday and u.lay evenings ol each_sefikj4uring . nt at the Sacred Heart church. Mrs. Franks of Jacksonville, 1H-. .liohas b.en visiting h.T sister, Mrs. . L. Gonsalves, has returned home. Uittle Eileen Evets fell and cut her knee quite l>adly with a pieie 1 10m last reports she was doing quite wit. Thf youngest son of Mrs. L. O'Nell, v.h.. has been quite sick, is improving. Miss Bertha Haarth i» the guest of h>r uncle. Rev. F. .1. Haarth. Mrs. Albert Buascher, who hag been quite ill the past week, te improving. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardin have gone to California for the remainder of the winter. Miss Mary Ballanger, of Economy, Ind., is visiting at the home of her brother, Dr. H. C. Ballenger, an As- bury avenue. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange and baby oi Chicago are spending a few days at the home of Mr. Lange's parents on Laurel avenue. Miss Martha Clark has recovered from a fall which she experienced while playing on the school grounds' one day last week. The many friends of Miss Carrie Kienapple were grieved to hear of her death at the home of her father on West Erie street, Chicago Miss Bernice Martis has returned to her home in Jacksonville. 111.,- after Spending several months with her aunt, Mrs. R. L. OonsaJves. What People Are Doing ♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦» m Gross Point '•â€"â-  >•>»♦•»•»< ll.l»II'I..IIH, Mlllll Mr. and MrsXMath. Spies visited at the home of John Schaefer, Blum street, Sunday. Misses Rose and Frances Fox of Chicago visited at the home of John Schaefer of Blum street Suaday. Mr. Carieton Prouty, our esteemed assessor from Winnetka. stopped over Monday at John Bleser'a to gather up taxes. Mrs. N. J. Miller and her sister Helen visited at the home of their sister, Mrs. Edw. Hanke of Chicago Thursday. Mrs. J. Wagner and daughter Anna of South Chicago visited at the home of Mrs. N. P. Miller, Charles and Ridge avenues, Sunday. Messrs. Shearon and McCormick have returned to their homes in Kan- kakee, 111., Saturday, after finishing the sheathing on St Joseph's school. Peter J. Miller of Charles and Ridge avenues attended a dance at North Side Turner hall, Chicago, Saturday night, given by the C. O. F. of Chi- cago. Mr. Frank C. Felke has purchased ground from Mrs. Paul Bleser on Ridge avenue, Just south of Wttmette avenue, where he intends to build greenhouses in the spring. ♦♦»♦»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦< What People Are Doing ;,«.♦♦♦.♦♦.»♦♦♦« in Glencoe ^ Von »as' born to Mr. and Mrs. o Hosier Sunday, Feb. 2. The Men's League gave a dinner Monday ewning at the church. Mi.«s Hartliolf and Mr. Herbert -Bar- holf have b»"n home for a visit from Ann Arbor Thr Mis.-rs Beinlish gave a party TufMlay r wning. All had a very pleasant rwning. Mr ceorge Clementi died last Sat- urday The burial was Tuesday at Rosehill cemetery. Mr Knox of Duluth, Minn., spent the week end with his brother, Mr. Geo. Knox, on Greenwood avenue. Glenroe will miss a familiar face at the depot H. W. Meline, the oper- ator, has taken up work at Winnetka station Mr and Mrs. Joseph Brandt enter- tained Mr and Mrs. Andrew Jackson and daughter of Chicago on Sunday, February 9. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Kpisco/ial church met Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. I. E. Marsh, Vernon avenue. The Women's guild of the Church of St. Hlteafeetb- *aet Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Morris on Greenwood avenue. Mrs Mike Schramm, who went to California some time ago, is gaining so rapidly that she intends to take a trip to the Klondike later. Mrs Wightman passed away Sun- day morning. Services were held at the home on Bluff street Tuesday. In- term.nt was at McHenry, 111. Fire broke out at the home of Mr. Llovl in Hubbard Woods. Glencoe volunteer fire department was called and the blaze was soon checked. Fire started in the home of George (Iritntli Saturday morning, but the Glen, oe volunteer fire department soon had the blaze under control. Th. Young Women's guild of the , M.-i'-o.iist Episcopal church will meet tomorrow afternoon with Miss Isabel C;ir. \ ss3i Oak street, Winnetka. Mr ai^Ws. Paul" Flanders enter- tan l informally Wednesday evening for the Misses Ziesing and Miss Brig- ham wlw left Friday for the south. Mr and Mrs. H. W. Meline enter- tain. 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. Mathieson and daughter from Kenilworth Sun da> All had a very pleasant evening. A complete motion picture produc tion i five parts of Oliver Twist as played by Nat Goodwin was given at the (.lencoe public school Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Basil Moorer were surprised by a party of friends •Sun- day evening. There were- eighteen present, all of whom enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Refreshments were served. Dr. M. N Darling, who was operatr "d on last Monday at the Augustana hospital, passed away Saturday after- noon Services were held at the Glen- coe Union church Wednesday. Feb. 12. Interment at Duluth. The Women's Missionary society of (Jlencoe met Tuesday afternoon, Feb. il. at the home of Mrs. George 3. THEIR NEW STORE. The Metropolitan Electrical Supply 'â- ompany announce the removal of Heir branch store to 103 South Wft- t.ash avenue, corner of Monroe street. Th- new store is a beauty, fitted up with mahogany, mirrored show cases, plate glass walls and everything that sanitation, art, beauty and utility sug- gest. . In connection with the store, they have a very large light basement in "which they wffll keep a reserve stock of constnk«^ nsatertalr for contractors' t A visit W tl* stow win well npay anrmas w>o l» fcstsrsstssl at an tn elee- Pope. The ladies brought small gifts for use in the hospital and school at Shanou, China, where Dr. Lucy and Miss Frances Bennett are doing mis- sion work. Mr. Robert Pope and Mr. Max Grabo returned Sunday from Florida after a very pleasant trip. They hav- ing their guns with them, spent a great deal of their time hunting alli- gators and other game, starting from Palm Beach in a motor boat on a ten-day camping trip through the Everglades to Lake Okochobee. a dis- tance of about 220 miles. It is said that they- killed alligators ranging from three to twelve feet in length, bringing back eight of them. YVILMETTE CONGREGATIONAL. The regular luncheon of the Ladies' society of the Wilmette Congregation- al church will be given Friday, Feb. 14, by the Cosy Corner circle. The Washington Avenue circle will have a bakery sale. Last Sunday the Rev. Mr. Convis of the Cortland Street church of Chi cago gave a most interesting and -,n- structive talk on 'Poland: The Knight Among the Nations," and afterward at the Commonwealth class told more in detail of his work in a neighborhood of 40,000 foreign population, all but 12,00o being Poles. In this neighbor- hood his is the only Protestant church. The overwhelming amount of work that needs to be done and his neeJ of assistance caused the board of dea- cons of this church to vote that its contribution to the city missionary You a Lodge Member? Masonicâ€"Shrineâ€"Egatern Starâ€" p,, OddFellowt ftt^Kh-Knights of yi\ Pythiasâ€"Woo^tn â€"Maccabtes il»*l Foty0tki -K\ights Colambut and SjP* atrfhJS*creKSoclety Buttons- •" Pmsâ€"minismmCkarms â€"Mtdalsâ€" in stJk or Vjgdrro ordtr.Schoolâ€" ClasM-Frat-Sorority" -Soc"yPins WINSHIP & CO., Fftt'i 707-6-5 Masonic Tple. TAKC ELEVATOR CENTRAL 1380 CHICAGO. ILL. work should go to help the Cortland Street church. me via Rock Island Lines Six trains every day from 1^ Salle Station (onJ«*t3ni on the elevated loop) a^!o8 a. rr^*S9:30 k m.â€" 6:00 p. m â€" $:0G p. m.-4tt30 p. mâ€" HgO p. rr Trains leave Englewoo^J*11*011 Statfm (63rd St.K- convenient to South Side district â€" at 9:45 a. m.â€" 6:15 p. m â€"10:15 p. m.â€"10:45 p. mâ€"11:45 p. m. Automatic Block Signals "'Rock" Island Tickets and reservations Adams and Dearborn Streets and at Stations „. \ Central 4446; Automatic 62-366 rhoBes / Wabash 3210; Automatic 53-493 L. H. McCORMICK, General Agent Passenger Dej»t. Exclusive Foreign Novelties r / O UR exclusive fofslfcn nov- elties in thje latdst fabrics, not shown in have just arrive positively cannot elsewhere piece, i E pre" books, hese Q0ods icated d there is but Lf^ttern in each omes early this year. Al- ready manyVf thje ladies of the North Shore are orderingiLpir Spring Suits and Gowns, as they know that they can secure more exclusive attention before the Spring rush begins. You are invited to call and in- spect Spring styles, fabrics and samples. H. ROPINSKI & CO. Telephone 1778 508 Davis Street Tomaso Mandolin School, Rood building. tNTSlTieATB AND SATE SO* ays*** TEETH __ a*., .f WITHOUT „___T«rth,*bal« Ttth Without r HamvyGoManri Fine Gold mil Consultation f Opon8u DR8. M0&HE8NKY A BROWN, In*. 8.' Rn 9*. Randolph and Clark Sta.. Chicago l$M |f:^lljife^^EF^-^ ^.iii'iii i."iliii i yf M. GLASSES J. GLASSER E. GLASSER / / GLASSER Ladies4 39S2-54 Sheridan load iaswNr*s*-i,'6««v TeLtsk* â-¼*«»«« DISCOUNT 70 D : State Street T«L Ontral 2T0« _______^WHD OK* AI&&&- DTjmNQ THIS MGNHH ONLY Oixr Prices % Please Everybody Complete Funeral â€" Osket, En- balming and Serviceâ€"Hearse a«d Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. ThUc •ilk. with ed Casket, lined with wh te blete furniahinsusunly $30.00. We conduct furnerals in all parts of the city and suburbs. No extra charge for distance Calls answered Immediately WEIMESCHKIRCH 708 Main St. Tei. to»s Evanston AfFAAS A1#TUNER NELSOlf BROTHERS CUTLBp/r AND CRINUJNC GrlDdiic 8«r SpMpiT CUcua^aft Mtn 3M» 306 W. MADlVuN ST. 2 doors West of Franklin St. In Basement TREES All Varieties i /An best planjU *»w. e WANT ADS lb|vTHE| LAKatN^HORE Nt%WS Here ALBpT^I^CLYDE ...PRffidUPTION OTWQQIST... Cfcncoc. HI. la.Tr««s rgs trees Perennial Gardens JOHN WKBXMM, PrmprUtor 818 Hoyes Street PHONE Iio6 >+rw JCWIH>KtlS auqust Roafet-iyp r ^ert .vtmksmm^.Mimg^tL.§BtUiM .; [rainage. Lat/w 9fBmM» "im-':M%m your woTk.j' |^» / 1 .â- a^MM has. 9*f?mA. a en Phons 271. IfftS Orrtiifltast Aw«x =sa&' PRINTING \f >r*' Victor and Edison I '^ yAachlajfandRecords I ^,v r.!**^ cant* had at I Paym*,. a, low HE».«.<«TE|M. *mW»as H.00p*rw**k Lart* stock always on hand All kinds f urn ly done. Camp el leva HKNSON AVE itliend prompt- table* for rant. KVANMTOM QROCCRICS tablidtd 1867 t/fc. K PhonaCmntral *S7 KlrfCHRERG 132 N. Sttfe Strtf, Ckicago laT' Dmmonds Save three profits by buying direct of me > fru«ta â€" ,to and oat of •«•> son-=*s4jray» fona a part of -oar large atotsv^r Saiaet and Baaey Orocertemv •aaar'e «Ufi Cut Coffea la Good. GEO. B/Wll^HR W/E have been doing the cleaning dyeing, pressing W ancj repairing for partlcifrtr patfWe for more years than we care to remembeV Oirlfusiness has grown steadily. In oxbtc words^refurfnd intelligent work is appreciated m tjnis business^itrevery other. Wouldn't it pay yoaji-call us up and give us a trial? Dehmlow's 622 Davis Street Telephone 1730 Quality and aot Quantityâ€"the best for the moBajrâ€"la our^mo*. tov^Our large atoeii ofaWeertea is a lnirj â-  aejlayit and jhraab Preita and Vegetabl A. S. V Trl^ AV W Piirate * Sunday OUSE •horfa 1110. KINO MACHINES mmnmmm-m tf%ss^'mm^nm0.jAl!0?t:f^M H. Ej^w PBRMANEHTLYt uNsuapAsaio t ENJA>H^l 707 Church St. Telepb«ie3853-ir ^ North Shore Trust Company ST^TE BANK CAPITAL. $100,000 /Makes loans on improved North Shore real estnte from Rogers Park to Highland Park, and on f«rni» i« Lake county. jf\ jf) shit for nofl^eV»J{|JF*,x months â- id niulijivii on which it pays 4 Issues Certificates of l)e in denominations o four percent inter H Offers for investmen estate, netting the in sums of $500 and up niortyagej^nTmrproved real five and*5rte half percent in Send for list OFKK'KKS ANI> DIRKCTOKS Fr«d MoOnire. Prwitdent Cliarlen A. Wigl.iman. Vice-President â„¢a"(»eer. Coonsel R. C Keller Arthnr W. Vercoe. Oashier Banking Rooms Central Avenue and Sheridan Road Highland Park, Illinois ARTHIK W. VKBCOK. Cn.l.l.r Fred Strauss Dye Wofks J -----BSTABUMav laaa----- _ y ^;:y I ytARPETS AHD ORIENTAL RUGS^EAjm AHD WfED V Main OBce and tofa ( J 2649 SHEl*IJELD^SEHf«E Chemical Laboratory Connected • 1 Dyeing aaTciaaBlag ofjrrery dteeriptiaa Wholelale and II111 ill Br.ocbe.: 2451 Llscolfl Are.. 1 el. Llscols 132. 4604 twmlasJJA,.Jtl. Rs«csawese 3TS Ivsssfon, 1018 Orrlliion Avt.. Tel. Even*wo 1677 S,,.cl«l oars taken off ladi*s' evrnlnc »»wn»snd desks. IllrepefIreâ- *«!««t«al»s aapeelalljr- Olo»»e aitmit*d onsbsrl ootl««. _______ â-  »3 '.<â-  *â- â€"-^>' FOOT TROUBLES ARE AVOIDED BY USING A I'KOPEKLY FITTED Arch Supporter 1%*&*£Z1 knowledge of Anaton.v^^J^matism c«r«4^v-i-»»v«iethod. 8ATISFA<?fiOJ^ GUARA i nn*TT*x W"M"< ^^^\ ..... Rehthaler Orthoja*«nc Appliance Company 3 NOUTH WABAHH AVUNI K, CORNKU MAU1DOM STBBKT - C*]C**iJ> K«,m WM. Kssnsr Bulldlna ^>"« Dlsiance Totephone Bsndolph 1WI AM 509 \f W. MADISON STREET Opposite N. W. Depot la THE. HOME OF XALIFORJi^FRUITS Pick out si basKet an/lZhV " hotJa^ftelWhone your "der and wewlll haTaitTe.dy for j£u wh^njrou call. HOME MA.DC. CAM**. f^M" I^atffDAY TEATKOS FraaHUn39Sl CHICAGOJLL. DEAMANTAKOS 509 W. MadiaonSt. / Gertrude A. Lynch &" Mrs. J. G. McClellan, Successor MILL1NE, We have some eZclyiive Spring Models 15 East Washington Street Phone Central 3796 TRIAflGU IROrt A GUARANTEED FOREVER THE ONLY Electric Iron Equalling \j0krfiest (iTTUpearanee, Constructjm and EWciJicyj snd st the same tin^ the LtftTest in Price. That'rttu- but that's a lot. Just take a look stsj^JaiiJSll'Tr&lnTc Iron. You can afwaystel! this iron by the Rime snd triangle trade mark. »â- Â«*' Price $2.50 *s; A R6al Vacuum Cleaner THE MILWAUKEE VACUUM CLEANER has a powertnl^aanp in- stead of a fan. WJ|^^** po9i' ti\© j||sT).......' rfyf JTf^\_ t*^"^-* *â€"- tit^Or^n^Minesti^iMfteeji days' free trlal^^rT^. $126.00. Metropolitan Electrical Supply Company EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 180 W. Lake Street u^ih*â„¢**0" BlVd' Milwaukee Vacuum Cleaning Cc. 4745 Etaatton «»t. Ps*m liitnswtrf «W Fifth Avenue, ^ataT KING'S RESTAURAIIU^ Fifty neat, attentive waitresses. No tiopioi necessaf^ Se*aaf7capacity 1*0. Finest taacaroom in Chicago in connection. /_ Table d'Hote. to courses, Sundays and IplkUya, Banqnet roosaa accosananoabng >o to 7S- Lspies* for ttotty ya, TgC. Qp«n after UatatstV y«ar«.

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