Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1913, p. 2

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m *miw^m •ysmi' www -^^^^^$^^^^JUAKWk SHORE NKW8, THURSDAY, ;iFEBRi&OT «0, |l| MM>IMMMMMM»M»M • •MMMt«s««MMM<MM»+< I ! What People Are Doing I »♦ Wilinette ♦♦........»**'• '^ esp- m"-. Mrs. R. L. Kirk and Mrs. Wm. Pan- aska, are on the sick list The children of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood have the measles. Iln. C. D. Worthinffton Is entertain- isf Mrs. Reeder of Qermantown, Pa. The Tuesday Card club met with Mm. Carl R. Latham, 229 Sixth street Hiss Florence Pond, 730 Elm wood avenue, gave a luncheon to her friends Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph S. Baker. 606 Greenleaf avenue, is entertaining her aunt, Mrs. Sandman. Mr. Henry B. Gates spent Sunday with his wife and daughter in Bur- lington, la. Mrs. Wm. D. Bradley, 744 Eleventh street, entertained at luncheon Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. Howard of Cleveland, O., was the guest of Mrs. Hoyt King the latter part of last week. Mrs. J. E. Dempsey, 903 Elmwood avenue, entertained her card club Monday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. T. Dyer, 1010 Chestnut avenue, has returned from the hospi- tal, and is improving rapidly. Mrs. P. M. Westbrook of Chicago is the guest of her daugther, Mrs. D. B. Macauley, 820 Lake avenue. There will be a Washington's birth- day party cotillion at the Ouilmette Country club Saturday evening. Miss Charlotte Springer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Springer, was unfortunate In spraining her arm re- cently. Miss Grace Crane of Hillside, Mich.. is visiting Mrs. E. R. Webber, 815 For- est avenue, and other friends in Wil- Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark, has mumps; his brother, Sam- uel, has just recovered from the af- fliction. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schonlnger ir-ve this week for Florida and Cuba, and will return by way of steamship*lty to ch^ Id New York. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carnahan will entertain at dinner on the evening,-<JT Feb. 23, preceding the cotillion j*l the Country club. Mrs. F- L. Joy, 812 Central avenue, entertained a few friends at lunch- eon Thursday, Feb. 13, to meet Mrs. Herbert Oateaf Mrkc* H. Klemm, 420 Park avenue, ' *'ned her sister^ Mrs. B. Klemm, ^w«* daughter, Helen, at luncheon Tues- day 4t last week. -Mrs. Crastsenberg of St Paul. ItbUfc, who has been the guest of her Hideee, Mrs. Geo. A. Van Dyke, has jpone to New York city. ^| Mr. C. 8. Weinland, wife and two ^children of Wheaton were the week- |snd guests of their sister, Mrs. Carl- S^bpn K. Dart, 706 Greenleaf avenue. 11f â- 'Mr. Wm. Windgren, 803 Elmwood. ; #who has been ill for some time, was removed to the Evanston hospital, where he was operated on for appen- dicitis. Mr. and Mrs Kibby are home from their trip to Honolulu. Mrs. Kibby has been gone six up^ks, her husband joining her after she had been gone a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E^ W McCuliough, 923 Elmwood avenue, entertained ten young people at dinner Saturday even- ing in honor of their son Roger, who .was home for over Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Whitman, Greenwood avenue and Tenth street, gave a reci- tal, assisted by Miss Mary Moore, pia- nist, of the Northwestern School of Music, last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Pennyman, who formerly lived in the Foster house on Michigan ave- nue, but who now resides in the east, has been the guest of many of her friends in Wilmette during the past week. Mrs. Harry Cumberland of 119 Fifth street, gave a valentine dinner party Monday evening in honor of her sis- ter, Miss Annie McKean of Evanston. The house was prettily decorated and covers were laid for fourteen. The residence formerly owned by Frank A. Brown, 502 Washington ave- nue, has been purchased by E. C. Web- ster, who recently built a home at 719 Linden avenue. Mr. Webster'B place has been sold to a Mr. Babcock. The members of the second division of the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church gave a colonial din- ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Pierson, 730 Lake avenue, Tuesday evening for themselves and husbands. It seems a pity that our beautiful village should be so djfingured with waste papers, as it sometimes is along Wilmette avenue/ and is now all around the terminus of the elevated railroad. Isvfhere no one in author- such disorder? Mr,.^d«. Gage of Kirksville, Mo., retfnmed to his home after a week's j visit with his wife and relatives. Mr. { and* Mrs. W. H. Lee, 1010 Central ave- nue. He brought with him his little son Gwynn, who has undergone an op- eration. Mrs. Gage and son will re- turn later About twenty four young people were very delightfully entertained .' t the home of Miss Eleanor Nlcholes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nich- olas, 816 Forest avenue, Saturday evening, Feb. 15. It was a valentin TelapBoae 993-J Wilmette / MISS BrOTI^&LMER Wthnette. 111. lay i 5? Ktttrtmem 10O9 Lake Ave. 7 The Wilmette Exchange State Bank AUTHORIZED TO DO A BANKING BUSI NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 Safety Deposit Boxes TUB Bank is with one of th< Safety ity of patrons valuable and be ence of ecmtpj it compete sit VankJffW the viciu- jo. Tbeooxes afford, >sp lute prot§£fct««rtor trs, etc., against fire besides the conveni- laving this protection right here at home. The equipment contains three hundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. JCENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET fWilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety party, the decorations and refresh-1 Milton R. Baker, and now number Serena, of San Francisco. Cat, #ere menu carrying out the Ides, ' twelve. There are eight who will take guests of Dr. and Mrs. Byron C. Stoip The stewards In preparation for the part in the pageants. Mrs. Ralph H. during the week. ........ . _ â€" jy^ ^ secretary of pageants. turning Mrs. R. W. Brand and daughter, stopped "World In Chicago" meet every Tues- day evening with the trainer, Mrs, They are Just re- from a trip abroad and on their way home. The Stolps met them while abroad and bad many pleasant days together. .; Mrs. B. H. Rexford of Blue Ma**, and Mrs. C. L. Fuller and Miss Davif- son of Chicago, who were here tor the wsddlng o< Miss Eleanor Dayt John Darld Jones, which took^ Saturday afternooa, remained Sunday as the guests of Mr, tad Sp Carolina White Song may be Secured ja»»w by' telcyjlionilf Evntton OFFICE DJPENS SATURDAY^fEEL22* Wilmette Missing Word ^BBwaaBBWBBsaBBjBsjBsjBsssBjBsjBjBsj^^ |n e.#»v<»r&l of the adver- Wmmmmm'^^^^^^. ii\ ^ Schiiltz & Nord TtliastM WUsjtHt m V iAJor RWG New Process Cleaning and Dyeing 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. OffleaPboMSse Shop A Re* Phone 168 A. C. WOLFF / TIN. SHEET 1 FU Furnaces andlfifpfirs.f Gat Stoves and All KindgtfispbinkjXpecialty Office, 1124 Central Ave. Sk«p,«2S Park Ave., (r«ar) WIlaMtta Drag*. Se4a Wai aodCaadlee. â- iptioai Carefully Compounded. GuaranteedFarmLpaftU bearing 6% transferred to, able at H; Write us for' W. C. Be CsBataisadi ffOKT WOaTIH, TtXAS All original ^papers Interest pay- .1 Bank, N. Y. id information. CO. tsaevdoo.eo WILSON'S North Shore Bakery Seasonab^stno^Vh^ Puffs, ®jipcola^Eclair^-^ Lemon Creajii Pies, Chr^flotte Russe, Pumpkin Pies 7 1148 Central Avenue Telephones . Wilmette 413 and 414 In several of the adver- tisements on this page you will discover that im- portant word? have been omitted. Read them over, supply the missing words, and send the list to the "Contest Editor" Lake Shore News, Evanston. To the first four persons residing in Wilmette who send in a correct list, prizes as follows will be sent: first Prizeâ€"CA8H, $1.00. Second Prizeâ€"One year's sub- scription to The Lake 8hore News. Third Priceâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake 8hore News. Fourth Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore THIS CONTEST IS OFEW TO RES- IDENTS OV WIIMETTE ONLY Silk Scarfs of Splendor Worth $1.00 and $1.50 / 65c ?WJT NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS 11 ' J.I** Read our advertisement paper on special offerIprFlat Nothing like jMto thsfworld. Metro- politan Electr/c 9upplX Company, 180 West Lake street anevJp>3 South Wa- bash avenue, near Monroe street. NOTICE ^ The passage of the Wilmette Livery Ordinance reqnir ing Licenses and Bonds, wilLjfatise ating expenses. As effect on and after Fe notice. CONT1NU increase in our oper- ing rates will be in t to change without 7:00 a. as. to 7:00 p. 7:00 p. m. to 12:30 p.j Eachextn; 12^0 p. m. to 1MO a. at., l or 2 passtogers. Sack sxtea pssseafsi â-  FOSTER'S GARAGE Telephone 628 Wilmette Across from C. & N. W. Depot Residence 1026 Ofltin079 j amesj a. i&km REAL ESTATE, RENTIK 3, LOA*^, AN DJ^BtJRANCH 1128 Central Avenue . -^wilmette, Illinois We also have some esoicelMrgains in North Shore propcrrr. S.H.CRAMER, Goods \/ & Notions New Laces, Bn|brottf«Vies, Cam- brics, Flaxool, Lcpcf Cloths, Muslins, ynigbuU and other Wish Goods now on sale. pimm sss 1146 Central Ave. Total Surplus of Prominent Manufacturer-â€", HTHES â€"exce richness re exteptiormk scarfs oal in nfCToeauty and exture and color as well as in value. Many rare Persian designs in the lot. Not a tie worth less than a dollar, many worth $1.50. On sale at ... . 65c I FRED. L. ROSBBACH, PRES. Jackson and Washington and Madison and La Salle Dearborn Dearborn (Otis Bldg.) J. A. flOTH^ WISCONSIN ICE GENERAMEJpJlNG 1308 CENTpV^X A>4nU osie. as WIUWBTTB. OX. K*». SO Stabl* SOS WANTEfi) OneLivePainter See A. N. Foster after 1 p. m. for details lX>STOYGAaLAasVWlLICETTS -& r^ workmliDS sO OOD Dress- ^J ers demand art in clothes, the nice touch, the distinctive *fpjflp, j charac- ter, styje fu&Xjhe finest fp to^fte had. GEOPtGE J. EBER Ladies' Tailor , and â- - . .„ - Custom Tailor 1131 Greenleaf Avenue WRwMETTB IS 779-L With a Hot WATER BOTTLE yon have a time tried friend, one on which yon can pu§%bso- lute confidence. I JBmeqnuy is this so if \i is A^ofofcr two- year GuarAteeTfeotUes. Our stock of Rftbber&sJtfB' Is most comnete. oLjfaaTvarae and fall serrife. Ton will be satis- fied with them in every way. For long wear and satisfactory service, a Kantleek or Maxi- mum Bottle will immensely please yon. Price f L50 each. Reansekar Drag Go. Prescription druggists The BazaD Store. VILMBTTE, ILLmOlS RALPH W. FAUPEL \T THE VILLAGE ELECTRICIAN with myTegttlar tracting ^business, ine ofjCoJjii»bia d Records, you are In x^nnecti Electrical has put in a Grafonolas invited to come and hear them. Phone 522 ' 609 W. Railroad Avenue Wilmette

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