Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1913, p. 5

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What People Are Doing || L« Mi-Careiile, »' mid-Lenten dance, will be a*!**0 this evening at the Coun- try club. / m_ Mrs. O. W. Hlllmau, 1734 Ridge ave- Gates, 1719 Ridge ave- Born. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank NoMe, 2734 Prairie avenue, a daughter, Frl- day. Feb. 21. Mr. Claude Slssel of Fancber's gar- age. month to reside. Mr. John C. Harding. 2406 Pioneer road, has been on a business trip to Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. P. Vose 733 Forest avenue, are spending «ome time in Mobile Ala. Mr. James Harvey »»» from South Dakota and to now atWs home. 2615 Thayer â- *••* ^ Mrs. rwnr of Bareboo. Wis., i. the gneat of her brother. Mr. Albert H. Ullrich 932 Judson avenue, t Mrs Margaret Miller. 653 Hinman avenge, Is her daughter, Mrs Chas. Prest of New York as her guest. M« Aivah J. Fisher and Miss Han- nah Fisher, 840 Michigan^ avenue, have returned from Boston, Mass. Mr J *W. Meaker. Jr., Pioneer road and Lincoln street, has returned from an extended business trip in the Da- kotae. The Alethanai Literary society gave a party Monday evening at the home of Miss Helen Sonnen, 2614 Harrison street. Mrs. J. D. Vail of Hartford. Conn., and Mrs. Ida Vail of St. Paul. Minn., arc guests of Mrs. Clay Balrd. 1102 Dempster street. Sigma Alpha Iota sorority gave a colonial party Saturday evening at the kome of Miss Anna Hebblethwaite, 609 Lake street. Miss Frances Streich, daughter of and Mrs7 Fred" Btrelchr90& For- "Sheridan road. Mr. ------------ est avenue, is in St. Francis hospital ill of scarlet fever. W. L. Steele, 715 Michigan avenne. has gone on an extended tr.lp to the Isle of Pines, Cuba, where he has an extensive grape fruit orchard. Mrs. Samuel R. Wells, 640 Hinman avenue, Is having as her guests for a few days Mr. Henry Eitel and Miss Elizabeth Eitel ^>f Indianapolis. Ind. Miss La Mar 8herldan, 719 Simpson street, was hostess at an informal tea Saturday afternoon in honor of the Kappa Delta sorority of Northwestern university. Mrs. Frank O. Ewald, 750 Hinman avenue, gave a one o'clock violet luncheon, jruesdayj In honor Q« Mrs. Leslie Brady and Mrs. James Sargent of Chicago. Mr. and Mtb. U. S. Grant, 2320 Or- rlngton avenue, had as their week-end guests Mrs. R. W. Stacey of Minneapo- lis Minn., and Mr. D. D. Dayton, also of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Schleble. 2804 Harrison street, entertained the members of the Evanston Gun club Mrs. A. J nue. has as her guest Mrs. Hether of Channel Lake, 111. The Men's club of St. Matthew's church will meet Friday instead of Wednesday, as announced, Mrs. H. H. Harris, 820 Foster street, Is entertaining her sister, Miss Violet Potter of Greenville, Mich. Mr. J. J. Charles, 1310 Hinman ave- nue, will return this week from a month's stay in Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. George F. Hardie, 911 Hinman avenue, went last week to Albion, Mich., to visit her daughter, Miss Isa- bel. W. B. Bogert, 1818 Sheridan road, is In New Orleans, where he will be until the first of March at the St. Charles hotel. The'girls of Willard hall will give a reception Friday evening for their town friends and the members of the ' faculty. I Mrs. John Phlefer of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Iredale, 1110 Foster street, for ten days. ! Mrs. Samuel M. Fegtly, 2300 Thayer J street, had as her guest last week Mr. i and Mrs. Edward Harrington of La- j vada, Iowa. j Miss Melissa Foster entertained at j a George Washington card party Sat- urday afternoon at her home, 1922 THE LAKE-SHORE NEW*. THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 17, IM. Mr. 8. L. Doty has been elected a member of the vestry of St Matthew's church. Mr. Hillary Bailey of Northwestern university went home Saturday 111 with pneumonia. Mr. ahd Mrs. Frank M. Elliott, 225 Lake street, are at home after an ex- tended trip to Jamaica, Panama and the South. Miss Sarah Harris entertained at luncheon Saturday at her home, 321 Davis street, in honor of Miss Ethel Templeton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Wallingford, 1315 Davis street, are in the South traveling. They will be away for sev- eral weeks. Mrs. Charles B. Holloa was guest of honor at a musicals given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Robert 8. Crane, at her home. 2141 Sherman avenue. Miss Louise Hyland entertained the "&00" club Saturday evening with a George Washington party at the homo of Mr. and Mr*. F. J. NiHes, Sll« Lin- coln street. The wedding of Miss Ethel Temple- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stnart Templeton, and Mr. Harry Her- bert Morrow of Pittsburgh, Pa., will take place on March 8, at the family residence, 4078 Evanston avenue. Miss Templeton attended Northwestern uni- versity and Is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr. Harold Cross. ItM Orrlagtan avenue, spent:' 8unday in HaBuaoad, IndV '•'. ";?â- : ,,;':.â- /;C;A,-i,V":^.:"'â-  Mrs. H. A. Sturges, 651 Hinman ave- nue. entertained at dinner Saturday evening. Caf«n,*m::'uM--i&:&ite^' Mrs. Joseph Redman, who has been the guest of Mrs. E. M. Powell, 824 Hinman avenue, for several days, re- turned Monday to her home on the south side. Chicago. EJvyn Harold MacRae is visiting his home on Park place for a lew days. He spent Saturday in Chicago with Carlos Madero, youngest brother of Madero, the late president of Mex- ico, who also is attending Bt John's Military academy at Delaftnld, Wis. Mra, Ifc J. Sturm is resWfng at the Av«nw 1^»» temporarily watte** j^liff^^ at Wtl«*t* ^J; Mr*. F. * Wtaans of the "Rldg*- woo*** and Mr. •** Mrs. W. T. Knowl- toa of PanlDsw, Mfeh* left Saturday f or Paandona, CaL :/.-; Mrs. Chas. Browning, ltW Sherman aTenap^ J^ Elgin, I1L, Wher« fhw was called on aeeeu^ of the Olnes* and death of her father. Mr. an* Mrs. A. Volnsy Fester, forsserly o« Evaneton (nee Margaret Lawson Baxter), who went to Cabs, on their Wedding trip, have returned -and era living m Chicago at the VU- ^wm.M*h:j â- â- *â- â€¢ - ... of Mr. H. E. Bodlma, «t7 ot was** 'vi&i^&&*§i> day guests »C Dr. aad Mrs. ftss^M.M^^ Mrs. Noxn^to J. a«s» et Oe Hswi|e'a3id-"ie^i*Bsil|ajHHii ^ day for Berrien Bgrlaga, _^ flMi / eiRsSTBsVv'-eWwPSRsl". * enPSswBBjsTp â-  â-  'e^BJB>sBa>i,> ^rjy'i leber. Mrs. H>» wm resaaln - weeks, -. Herbert win ratstra sMftp! 'week. â- .-â- ^. â- ..«=•;* Toniaao in .Svanafcosi. Maejvjya^ Mrs. Robert S. Crane, 2141 Sherman avenue, gave a musicale Tuesday af- ternoon at her home in honor of Mrs. Cbarles B. Holton. Mrs. A. E. Botsch, 1108 Asbury ave- nue, and her aunt, Mrs. Louisa Sav- age of Chicago, are visiting in Mobile, Ala., and New Orleans, La. Mrs. F. E. Winans of the Rldge- wood apartment will leave Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Knowlton of Saginaw, Mich., for Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Connor gave a dinner Friday evening at their home, 125 Dempster street, In'honor of Miss Kathryn Otis of Barrington, Illinois. .Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grey and Miss Dorothy Grey, 329 Lake street, are expected to return this week from ft short trip to Washington. D. C, and Richmond, Va. Prof. Harlan D. Updegraf, Walnut avenue and Hartzell street, of North- western university, is attending the National Educational association con- vention in Philadelphia this week. The North Shore Advisory board of and their guests at luncheon Washing- the Illinois Children's Home and Aid ton's birthday. The North End department of the Y. M. C. A. will open a week's mem- bership campaign beginning next Mon- day, which will be in charge of the general secretary, A. B. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crlbb, 2036 Maple avenue, have returned from Gray's Lake, 111., where they were called on account of the Illness and death of Mr. Crlbb's uncle, Alonzo Fenlon. A sub^llstrlct rally of the Epworth leagues of the Chicago Northern dis- trict will be held Friday evening at the Covenant M. E. church. A very interesting program has been ar- ranged. The interdenominational Mission- ary societies of Evanston will hold an all-day meeting In the parlors of the First, Congregationa church to- day. A number of excellent speakers have been obtained, among them being Mrs. Harnswell and Mrs. C. W. Poor- man. Dr. Charles Kurks of the Northwest ern Medical school, also an instructor in the Y. M. C. A. Training school, win speak to the men and boys over 16 years of age Sunday afternoon at the North End T. M. C. A. at 4 o'clock. Every man and boy is urged to be present. The next meeting of the Bryant clr- cle win be held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Foster, 1922 Sheridan road. Mrs. J. J- Tufts will have a paper on "The Beginnings of Journalism" and Mrs. O. W. Hinck- ley will read a paper on "The English Garden.*' ' General Secretary A. B. Dale and J. E. Turner, boys' work director, will attend the 8tate Y. M. C A. conven- tion at Elgin, DL, this week. John B. Wilder, 1211 Hinman avenue, will be in charge of the conference of the boards of directors of the different as- sodations at this meeting. ^•The Gaby D«yl« club held their meeting Monday night at the home of Miss Josie Qatrsn. The nous* was ? decorated to dub colors. -i& feature iv m-^iSmhik-iim e^uwa^WIsw " &*&i^**^ *** "^ "j** society will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Evanston home, 826 Ridge avenue, Monday, March 3, at 10:30 o'clock. The social committee of the Par- ents* and Teachers 'association of Cen- tral school gave an old-fashioned dance Tuesday evening at the Central school building. Refreshments were served. Small admission fee was asked. The Fortnightly club met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex- ander Clark. 930 Judson avenue. Mrs. Clark read a paper on "BuTbank and His Work." Mrs. T. L. Jones of Edge- water read an interesting paper on "Orchard Culture." Mr. and Mrs. Luman R. Wing, 428 Greenwood boulevard, went yesterday to Ashevllle, N. C, where they will visit their son, Walter, who is in the Ashevllle school for boys. From there they will go to Florida, returning home in about three weeks. The annual conference on medical education was held Tuesday and Wednesday at the Congress hotel, prof. Senator Egbert of Philadelphia, whose wife is a cousin of Prof. Old- berg, attended. He is the guest of Dr. E. B. Hoag of Minneapolis spoke yesterday. Mr. Albert H. Ullrich and Miss Dor- othy Ullrich, 912 Judson avenue, left Tuesday for Washington and Philadel- phia, where they will visit before leav- lngJSew^York nert Tjoesday bound for the Mediterranean. They will make short visits in Naples, Rome. Parts, Munich and Berlin, expecting to re- turn about December 1. An arttotte «nt«rtala«r ptmmoUnt ptanotaSMS. •one* and tNpnwn* *».: 'y&M; Thurs., Fri. and Sat., February 26, 27, 28 & March 1. -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVWaYTffiNtf* Open Tuesday Nitfhts till 9. Saturday Nif m**'*1*'. FURNITURE $15.00 GENUINE ELASTIC COTTON FELT MATTRE88E8, several makes, including the celebrated Oetermoor, *8 and~*> lbs. weight, ~â€" ©-^gff at.........................^•â- t^ •22.50 AUTOMATIC DAVENPORT SOFA BEOSâ€"Opens to full size bed, frame finished Early English, uphol- stered in figured 4 jL 45f Verona............. • .ivWV $8.00 VERNI8-MARTIN 8TEEL BEOS â€"Full 2-Inch outside posts, heavy husks, large ball-bearing casters; can be had in full and three- quarter size...........â-  $8.00 PARLOR TABLES â€"Genuine mahogany or quartered oak, round or square tops, massive legs, high piano polish ....... COLLAPSIBLE 00-CART8â€"Our line comprises the beet numbers from sev- eral of the foremost makers, ranging In price from $18.00 ^ fTaS down to .................ww •* GOLD MEOAL HOU8E AND FLOOR PAINT, per gal............... 8APOLIN, JAP-A-LACâ€"Stains and Enamels, ^ft AA 10c to ............... V.VV ALABA8TINE, DEKKOâ€" Wall nn- ishes. aSAf* 30c and ....................'VC WINDOW 8HADE8 CURTAIN FIXTURE8 ^aj^^^a^^s^^^syMejgiifc^^sw^Sj^MM^a^a^sjiiiian Good Food FLOUR Gold Medal or any other brand, per % bbL sack ... 81^2 Delivered with any order. 5.75 6.45 1.40 SPECIALS. FEED BeBt mixed Globe Ohlek- en Feed, per 100 lb. sack .. .$1^9 OOFFEE ..28c .81.10 .25c SUGAR Best granulated, 10 lbs. ..........45c With a $1 order or over (flour, soap or meats not included). >• ,...27e ....45c ....21c ' SPECIALS ROBE BLANKETSâ€"Extra fine Qual- ity, new style patterns of robe blank- ets, regular $4.00 value. ^ ^O for........................*•<&* LINEN CRASH 8CARF8 â€" 54 In. scarfs to work, a 75c ^Qc scarf for ............. CRASH PILLOW TOPSâ€"With six skeins of Fllo silk, for................... 15c Hour Sales 5Xc WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2«. From • to 10 and 8 to 4. 28-inch double width Percale, light or dark patterns. One Hour Sale, a yard.............. THURSDAY, FEB. 27. From 9 to 10 and 3 to 4. Nos. 150 and 100 all sflk Taffeta Rib- bon, all colors, 25c quality, ALs^* ayard .....................***C FRIDAY, FEB. 28. From 9 to 10 and 8 to 4. Balance of all Remnants left from last week's sale,* worth up to 25c a yard, for, a yard... 8ATURDAY, MARCH 1. Fro 1 8 to 10 and 3 to 4. 10 yards of Cotton Challis, fancy pat- terns, fast colors, ^O** for........................aTfc MONDAY, MARCH 3. From 9 to 10 and 8 to 4. One lot double Blankets fof Children's Beds, plaltt white or plaids, regular 8LJ9 value, for.-.- Fancy Peaberry, per lb. ........ 4 lbs. ......... CORN FLAKE8 Mapi-Flakes, 3 pkgs. ....... BREAKFAST FOOD Dr. Price's Allgraln, per pkg............14c Cream of Wheat, per pkg.............t3c Uncle Sam's, per pkg............22e CRACKERS Uneeda Biscuit, 3 pkgs. ............«« :\ B. Co.'s Graham, Oat- meal, City Soda or Ba- ronets, 3 pkgs.......27c 8UGAR Crystal Domino Granu - lated (In germ-proof pkgs.), per 5 lb. pkg... Crystal Domino, per 5 lb. pkg... per 2 lb. pkg... (In half or full size nieces) PEARLINE Washing Compound, 3 pkgs.............2bc LYE O. K. Lye (best made), 3 cans .............28« SOAP CHIPS Swift's Wool Soap Chips, per large pkg........23c CLEANSER Keen Kleener, 6 cans .............23c TOILET PAPER Globe Toilet Paper, 6 rolls ............»28e Swift's Borax or Kirk's American Family, 10 bars ............41e Swift's Pride, 10 bars ............a1e BEANS Hand-picked navy, 6 lbs...............28e PLUMS Turn-Yum, fancy Michi- gan, 2 cans.........27c PRESERVES Angora Brand Straw- berry, Black Raspberry or Red Raspberry. 2 cans .............*T« BEEF EXTRACT Cudahy's Rex or Ar- mour's, per 45c Jar. .28c CANNED GOODS. SPINACH Savoy Brand, per can 17c Monarch Brand, Note our;>|.:^i3^ri^ and Muslin l^n^eriw^ Department. Constant changes to better ^tfil our customers. MACARONI t - Zerega's Macaroni or Spaghetti, ^-g-^'^ with each pkg. i CABBAGE . /*â- :. ; Home grown, large solid heads, per head.....>4c PlCKLIOi *WW AND CANNED FI8H. per can ............14e SWEET POTATOES Savoy Brand, per can 17c PUMPKIN Savoy Brand, Golden, , per can............He BEANS Armour's Past-Dsy (without pork). No. l cans, 8 cans.. .26c No. 2 cans, 2 cans.. .25c Ango a Brand, small Lima, 2 cans .......27c Savoy Brand, fancy Red Kidney, 8 cans..... .tie __Saxoy Brand, Green StringlesB or White Wax, 8 cans...,.-..27c PEA8 M Honey Sweet, 2 cans.25c High Life, fancy small Early June, 2 cans . .33c OATMEAL Fresh milled, _ 6 lbs. ..............t7e PRUNE8 Fancy Santa Clara Val- ley, large size, per lb. 12e 5 lbs...............W« medium size, per lb..8c 6 lbs...............**» RAISINS Fancyjseeded^ver 16 oz pkg., 3] pkgs FRUITS AN JTABL POTATOES Fanes home cookers). per 1$ lb. peck-----..17o per 60 lb. bushelâ€"63c ONIONS Fancy home grown Yel- low Globe, per peck.. 16c VEGETABLES Fancy home grown Car- rots or Beets, per peck..........."• ORANGES Fancy Indian River, thin skin, per dozâ€"19c Fancy California Navels, large else, per dos.. .33c GRAPE FRUIT Fancy Florida, sweet, heavy fruit, extra large size, 3 for..........26c per doz.............85e HERRI NA. FancyH ners, par**u»;*,>;•*>•« mixed, per kng%*....78p Fancy Hamburg, anksed, each ..,»•»»•>.,«>.• •â- â€¢ «>8s per 5 lb. »all...-•••*••« Faney BMmMkv akto- ned, p«4^lk^*iLBi.g each ..»»•«»•••,•»•• .••o Fancy Marinated, per Jar-v*».....»»».ssn Fancy Gaflelhltar, Su^nn Spic^'Sardines or Anohovtet* '___ per 6 lb. Ball..,,... .780 per «t ,«...•••• ^•♦•jo per pt. .,..... .•."» • »••?• SALMON .M Fancy sseeed, -o- per Jar ,.«.••..••••â- â€¢ Fancy Alaska, pink, 2 tall earns..........•»• Redwood, Fanoy BaeV ,...8B9 ^ Fumishin For the Home pit. MOPâ€"This OH of Joy dean *â- 'n^^+Wi^m ste, the greatest konse- . work â-  saw ,oi;; tlii);;^f mop eomplate ...26c IGE- Dwn (good fancy GOLD DUST Washing Powder, per 4 lb. pkg.....16c ________ larga Bismarck Brand, mustard, 8 oana.... .nue KIPPERED HERRING Marshall's, par oan. 18o Union Jack, oval oans, 3 cans .............28o Watts', in fancy tomato sauce, pet «««• ,*....18o CRAB MEAT Isuml, Japanaae,, per can............23c CORN ,x:";:-f Raven Brand, />; •â-  3 cans .<.«•»»••••• 28c per dos. .•\i»»*.,««»88o Onarga, Country Gentle- man, 3 oaas........28e Richelieu or Monarch Brands, Utile kernel, 2 cans i.i>*>«.»....88c PEACHES ;^:0 Fancy Yellow, free, In heavy syrnp, 2 cans ..v..........41c APRICOTS Gold Banner, In heavy syrup. No. 8 nan, per can ..*••••.....22c R0BERT8* LIGHTNING beat an egg to oneAsdl n«lnj^^^ also whip cream; "this-«isa|6;:'#k||v;; sells regnlarlrtorBOn,^^; Special ..... TEA eled Tea Kettles, No. 8 stoe.rJN Wc vaU»:fo^.,t.i.--*^|*||^ I qt aluminum Sauoe Pan, handle. -:;ft:?iS Snecial .........••-•"•♦**s~l OlMS Horse Radish or Mustara Colonial snap*, wtt* notohed and spoon. . lOsf^ Special for .....i..-.>.:».=..x^»~^^':;A WATER TUM»LlRt^«ii*pi|;;f Water Tumblers, fall sise,^18% ^|»f.;% vslue. F»r this sale, "-'^rgj&m^ BREAD TOASTERâ€"Wllsoa nattarn Bread Toaster, wfll tenet4,sUssf.#..: bread at one time. • . ^$M. ftifjf'l â-  Special ...............v*.***>♦ f^l'fU; 1 Ahc POT or CHUCK ROAST, best -'.uts, per lb...Mf/zC SIRLOIN ROA8T Rolled, boneless, lb..lee PRIME RIB ROAST best cuts, per lb.. -17V*c PORTERHOUSE or CLUB STEAK, per lb......24c ROUND STEAK best cuts, per lb.....>sc SHOULDER STEAKS per lb...............14« SIRLOIN STEAK per lb...............16« FRANKFURTERS Roberts A Oake's, Mil- waukee, per lb......loe MACKEREL Fancy Breakfast, each ...............1'*0 CODFI8H Boneless, per lb.....ioc MEATS SPE.CIAL3 For Saturday LEG OF LAMB Selected, young, 5 to 81b. aver- <% *%,. age, per lb.lO^feC HAMS Fancy small Califor- nia Hams, 4 ^ L ^ per lb......XaV^BC SIRLOIN ROAST Boneless, 4 il/. rolled, lb.... 1**BC mm mm* Thursday, Vtbwmtfi» COMBINATION SUITB 48«-^vvos|g|si Combination Suits, corset cover and drawer, Torchon lace and ifl* beading trimmed, at.........^ 1*J*V\; 200 Sateen and Linen Crash PIBow Tops, none worth lean jTg5 than 25c, for....»..............ef V WHITEFI8H Smoked, per lb......18c HALIBUT STEAK Fancy, pssr|b,....... 17c BACON 2 ^V Morris' Snpreine, 4 to 6 I lb. pieces, par lb. .2S!4e LAMB CHOPS Shoulder, per lb.....iSe LAMB STB-W per lb. < r«. •â- **-•»..... »8u VEAL ROAST Shoulder, per lb.....17c VEAL STEW per lb. .........»..»14« RUMP CORNED BEEF per lb. ..............14s PLATE CORNED BEEF per lb............,BJ4o HAMBUROBR STEAK Fresh ground. Ib..tS!4e LARD, per lb........18c 3 lbs. for............41c SPECIALS Monday, March 3rd GLOVES 25c---Wom«n,s Kayser Cha- moisette Gloves, 8-olasp style; coests black, white and natural; 25fi sizes 5H to 8...............BW^V . 100 pieces of goods, worth up to 80s a yard, consisting of white waisttnga, silk mixed tissue gingham, aerJm car. tain goods and white lawn. | A^££ all go for, a yard. **i|s»eMHe%ei Our Men's Department- SATURDAY IS MEN'S DAY DRUGS 139 â-º 4. Children's I 49c | TROUSER SALE CONTINUESâ€"A sav- ing for you of 6Qo to 81.00 on every pair. You can always use an extra pair of trousers. , prices 83.88 to ............. FRENCH FLANNEL TOP SHIRTSâ€" High Military collar attached; gpay, tan and brown. M*» sad ^A3)^-.-SlMrt8^ufc«i*^***«• • «j» •^JJ^ii _ MEN'S 8HIRT8â€"Good 50c Negligee ShlMs for 39c. No saoro need be said. Qoaa colore, good J}> patterns .......• • *^».»; 39c RIBBED UNDERWEAR â€" Medium weight, lust right tsr this time of year; ecru color only; siset 30 to 46, foi,.......... $1.00 bottle Savoy's Hair Strengtbener at ............ 25c bottle Schmltz's Liquid Shampoo at ................ tl.00 bottle Kodal for Dys- pepsia at .................. $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardul at ......................... $1.00 size Bromo Seltzer at ......................... 1 lb. pall Tip Top or Plow Boy Tobacco at............ l lb. Compound Ucortee Powder at................. 3»c tuboZodenta Dental Cream at ..••••«.•»»*•«»•.. 69c 19c 69c 79c 75c 40c M >l ;^fei-. iM\ Sri*s.Ci"- '<!%': iMvSfc^ M&MUijjMim*

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