THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 87.1913. ♦♦until n........................"'I......*-*~ I Want Ad Department I The LaKe Shore News I TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WINNETKA 241 M.......>♦♦ ;»>»»♦♦♦♦»♦»»»♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦>»♦»♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»>♦»♦♦♦»»; : What People Are Doing i| ♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦ jjq Kcnilwortli •♦»•»»»♦♦»» > HELP WANTED or GIRL WANTED KOK (JEXERAL houscn-or*: a pood s>rl uill hav. .a steady home and fc'o«<l w*K«'s Mrs. B. Heoht. «::<» Hill-st . ror Seventh-st . Wilmette. __^ Wantedâ€"woSTan-to Xssist in preparing, serving and helping on special occasions »««-h as luncheons, dinners, etc. in private family; ref- erences. Phone Wlnnetka 67.-?. ltp Wanted â€"a competent girl. for general housework. Mrs. F. J. Clamjrftt. 1121 Central-av., Wilmette. 111. _______1£ iS^TE5=^rbi5rorTiBFiN* meot. office portion of any kU»d. raoder*ta wages required Adflre- X y 2., Wilmette, General Dellv- ltp Like to hav km privatk flacE aa gardener; experience In line of gardening; referent will be given by Mr.. Butler, Wlnnetka. Phone 102. Wlnnetka, 111. Herman Brey- tang. Grow Point, 111 __^_j!l? SlTtJATldN WAMLD"BirEXl»BRr gardener; good references. De Santo, 1065 Elm-sfc* enced Doffiintco Wlnnetka. Phone 669-R._________^£ OOitlAiNB »A***l>. COiA»Hlll» ud Bended; am-ciasa wort: a called tor and ••llwed. M. R. Mo- fORJAtf^HOMIS %iLkETTBTl822 COLUMBUS, wriW rtjfraom cottage, bath. electric light. pa*«4 street. Snap at $2,700; payments. Phone Evanaton 3252-W. ltp 608B TOR'flfAiyfei^ffrROOgB, modern, hot wjrter, largVjot. three yeara old^W-lck, three block*, west of track;' Wlnnetka. $6,200. K .O Bo*.*£02, Kenllworth, I1U _**P gOTTAOB. ON - Winter. It7 4tf REAL ESTATE I^BUYS A 15 Pf^l CENT NET Ibiae Improved Ev- ;e, eW side, always lrttd> apartments. neurmann. Phone 4tf FOR SALE fcj'r/ saleâ€"uprig i rjxri a no. good playing ord«r Jt Bros., 1522 Shentiai^" Miss Dorothy Flood entertained her J! club with a dance Saturday night. Mrs. Hurlbert of Oxford road enter- â- â- " i talned a few of her friends at tea , Monday. \ Miss Ethel Purtell of Madison. Wis., j]^ I spent the week end with i imu â- !,ut«rson|Everett- ltc Mrs. Mertz of Cincinnati, O., is Visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. L. B. Kuppen- restment â- ton real rented and Owner, Theo. 088 Bvaneton B^H^gALB-btefllRABLE WVpM IJ' lotTrawsx^t. and jfrortaent-av., Wlnnetka. Cifcw* irrlte T. F. Bn- right,JBBteWard Woods, fit.~^ ltp njtr us show you" ®j| Llncoln-st.. 7-room stucco house, 2 ??W* old, large living room, house in firetcuus condition; lot 50x200; $6,000. JrtCKJEOUR VACANT AND <§&<'â- jh& will build for you *1ge list of houses w**; AND APARTMENTS. Always Pleased jP&how Property. j«l8 ShlnawH. Opn/City Hall. W.OPER.TVWANTED WB HAVE A LARGE WAITING pJlT FOR DESIRABLE HOUSES TO OR 8BLL. UM (ft CLARK i«l«*Sli«rman-av, Opp. City Hall. £te- ltc RNISHED HOUSKS 316 Central-av., Wil- 21&. Com- of tota&efllal^l also irty for "mk- * ltp laetft. Phone liiietmtv OT y»i PROP- er foot, jston 16^tc TQ-^ffRBS^rjP^TERT -NICELY land, near railroad, between markets middle west, St. and Kansas Citj, Price, trade o^ give any term*. iEHdreaa Sterni, 1515 Soutb M^MtrmvTi^y^o^, 111._________ltp Ott .ViALBâ€"B^bWNEIl, 2S(hc200, tea mjnutes from^^atatlori and three fntfin the ll^ctric. Sewers and paldSor. Several t made und \|dewalks. i. Address, C.\Anto- 136, Phone 23S, Glen- ltp TED-TO BUY FOR/SALE â€" BAKi;.M> \y(lcox & GlbbK s.v '^fcken in trade on our :i<- rotary. Thes^niachim-- >'â- feet order,^ui ra«)V(" Wilcox & Gibhs.< : Wilcox & Gibb <..*._/â- • Wilcox & Glbb^, droplcarl Wilcox & Gibbs, (irophfiKi Eldredge Automatic, n*-* I' Eldredge Automatic m-w >l head PATTERSON WIOS 1522 Sherman-av. N USEDiheimer ' "chines, Mr8 corbin entarfained a few of a Singer her outK) fri«|»«Ss at tea Sunday ' in P6'- evening. *£ The three smalt^ildren of Mr. T. G. Lange, who UWlje been ill with grip, are much bfUJlr. Miss Charlotte ifermelee and Olive Bui ley are on the sick list. Both of them have scarlet fever. Mr. Charles C. Oliver Is conducting 2400 the Woman's Bible class at the Pres- byterian church in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wiug have re- opened their home on Chestnut street $20.00 22.00 25.00 27.00 ad 20.00 ltc FOR SALEâ€"FOI'll CHAIRS. SANl fttry^feouch, bookcas.-. »e*rlng ma-1 after spending six weeks In Lansing, chines^'pUmei-^wWr" bed. mattress Mich. 6i'i ScvpTith-st., Wil- Mrs. Howard Durham, who has been and spring*. metta^Phone ion! HARNESS 44j), visiting her aunt in New Orleans for the past three weeks, returned home Sunday. Thursday, March 6, Mrs. Kasten will have charge of German day of the HOR§E, BUGGY AND for sale and two set« of single har- ness. Residence eight blocks we»t _____ ____^ ________ of the limits on Marrlwm-st, along j Ne,gnDOr8."at hGr residence'on Mel thft-8lSn View car Un?. lift rose avenue. FOR SALE^__GOOlT STEEL RANGE; ' Mrs. Claude Burnham entertained also baby buggy, will sell cheap. I her cousin, Laurence Barrett, of 809 Lincoln-ay.. Winnetka, Phone j Minneapolis, over Sunday. Mr. Bar ltp i rett is attending school at Notre Dame, Ind. Alpha Gamma Delta sorority of Northwestern university held initia- tion at the home of Miss Charlotte R. Everett. After the initiation a ban* quet was served. Dr. H. H. Everett and Mr. J. C 504-L...WtHnetka. FOR-..^ALE â€"ONE SET SINQLB surrey orfrrtvlng harness: fine con- dition. Prlce_.J«r y. A. Wilson. 1148jCji^fal-av., Wilmette. UL^ltp FOR SALEâ€"SOME FURNITURE,.-A very good gas stov<\ all in good or- der; also a lovely white fluffy i Everett were among the alumni of the haired dog, a good rat dog. a watch , old Chicago university, who attend- dog. a pet for the house; will sell ed the banquet Saturday evening at very cheaply. Please call or write the Pjilmer House. Hill-st. and Fifth st.. In Mrs. Wei- New Trier High school expects one ters' bouse. Wilmette ltp of the prizes to be givon by Every- body's Magazine for the solution or the plot of a murder story. The prizes will be awarded next month. A smoker has been planned by the Kenilworth club for Tuesday, March ^i. Mr. E. D. Parmelee Is head of the thuslasm was aroused many more are expected next week. Another class under Miss Collins meets. Wednes- days. Mr. John L. Whitman, the speaker at the Neighbors' this week, has hail charge of the county Jail in Chicago for several years and has some very Interesting experiences to relate. Mrs. Jackson of Wilmette will give several vocal selections. The nex. meeting will be March 13. Etchings by Mr. Earl H. Reed, and music bv Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Gilkey The Inn in Kenllworth Is to change hands. After extensive repairs, both Inside and out, the newly furnished inn will be opened some time in May Mrs. Witherbee of Kenllworth will have charge of It, and her many friends wish her great success* in her new enterprise. Miss Cook haa been quite ill this winter, and expects to take a smaller bouse in Wlnnetka. lessjfaB. ftlic visit Geneva, Lucerne, Chamonlx and interlaken. An interesting feature will be the visit to the hospice on Mt. St. Bernard, where live the monks and their well trained dogs, who have given aid to many a wayfarer lost In the snow. Mandolin lesatok IlJo. Tomaso. HELD TO GRAND JURY. L. T. King, the alleged forger, who was arrested by Patrolman H. E. Rn- land in Arnold's hardware store last Saturday, has been placed in the county jail in Chicago in lieu of $3,000 hall in which he is held to await the action of the grand Jury. It is not thought that he will be returned to San Queatln, Cal., for breaking his parole. Rood Tomaso, excellent music for dances. FOff-^U^'E-^ONE' FiVE-YEAK.OLtf" 1,300-lb. "ih'afjl horse, a surrey, an exnjMs wagon »o4„ harness. Box 7«ien^wt*fth. Phone"tU6. ^ ltp FOR RENT-ROOMS VEKV-.CHEAPâ€"ONE FARIX)R MA- hogany cabinet, two leather-seated rockers, one Mission rocker, one Mission table, one piano bench 1011 "â- Central-av., Wilmette ltp FORStAL^ONPT r,i,, it. !' stEAM^onjQjittee, and au ot the men are engine,*~ofre band Ironer, one body | looking forward to a good time, ironer, one complete gas machine, ] Mrg walkpr, who has been spend- on e washer, 50 "shirts." and many ; jng the winter with her sister, Mrs. other things.. fT. F. Wilson,. Glen- g, c. Eastman, has left for a visit coe, IJL.--- "Hftvrto her daughter's home In Michigan. " Mrs. Lovedale is still confined to her home by Illness. The last of the four lectures, "Brides of Ancient Song," by Miss Julia 8. Henry, was given Tuesday Feb. 25, at the residence of Mrs. Grant RIdgeway on Cumberland avenue. The subject was "Beatrice D'Este." Mr. and Mrs. ChavJes Armstrong ex. pect to return to Kenllworth, March 1, and will leave immediately for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Arm- strong's sister in Menominee. They will return to Kenllworth the middle of March. The Kenilworth gymnasium an- nounces open night Friday, Feb. 28, at 8 o'clock. All members and friends are cordially Invited. The program Includes bowling, volleyball and bask- etball. Prizes will be given and re- freshments served. The-last meeting of the Neighbors in February was held today. Mr. John Whitman lectured on "Some Prob- lems of the Modern Philanthropist" The class In parliamentary law met at 1:15 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. Higbbee on Cumnor road. The class in Tango and one-step at the Kenllworth Assembly hall, under the instruction of Miss Frances Bene- diet of Evanston, was very well at- tended Monday night There were about fifty present, and so mncb en- NEWMAN'S TRAVEL TALK8. E, M. Newman, the traveler and lec- turer, spent four weeks during e past summer roaming over the moun- tains of Switzerland with his cameras. Nowhere else in the world are there such opportunities for magnificent photographs, and the picturesâ€"still; and motionâ€"with which Mr. Newman will illustrate his third travel talk at Orchestra hall on next Wednesday j and Friday evenings and Saturday! afternoon are so realistic that the] spectator seems to sense the delight-! ful atmosphere and feels himself to { actually be in "Europe's playground.". Glorious Alpine landscapes from moun- tain tops and valleys will be inter- spersed with studies of the people who inhabit them, and of thousands of tourists who come each year to Btand in awe at their magnificence. Wondrous glaciers, waterfalls, moun- tain streams and cataracts, delightful lakes and charming resorts all help to make the tour a glorious one. Mr. I Newman will reproduce all the most-, frequented spots, as well as alluring ; out-of-the-way places seldom visited I by the casual tourist. His fellow trav- elers will accompany him In his ascent i of Mt. Blanc, they will tramp the Engadine. circle Lake Leman and COkiEGE THEATRE BEGINNING ===== Son bnday Eve^ Feb. 24 Gleasfn's All Star Colnpa sin SiarbuekS MatineM, Thurv, Sat., Sun. N. W. ele- vated to Fuller ton or WotoUr Av«. IX. A. THORSEN Building Matenall AgVot Hartford Fire Insurance Co.^hyflino^ift^Jfe Insurance Co. NILWORTH Residence Phone 264 Phone 261 |0 INTEREST V/ PAID ON J^SAMNGS 3 A INTEREST L PAID ON ^SAVINGS Checking Acq ThHJbfc persons wno raxivc auu u^jjjfrsc iMhey in large or small sums should] hafPje a checking account; for the check is as good as a rece(r>^ an evidence^ofjgpprtCand many firms would rather receive checka^Hancurrency in payment on accounts. Deposits subject to check are accepted by this bank in any amount and every courtesy is extended to our patrons without regard to the size of their accounts. STATES BANK bFHEVANSTQN CO/WPAN V v$i Tailor for Well Dressed Women RB r*AHNr foâ„¢wlywl&MADAMEIUSDroRDofJMirt^^ . Dm UAIM) hu established himaeK at KENILWCâ€" -" " ' *M«™ We make all kinds line before going el&twhert and Gentlemen, at lowest ft Ladies* Suits Sponged, Pressed and Shine TTmjniil n^.......7BC Gents' Suits Sponged, Pressed and Shine Ifemoved............50C Corner Kenllworth and Railroad Avenues .. PHONE KENILWORTH 642 Arthur S. McKanna Phone Kenilworth 92 Kenilworth, 111. Richmond Road FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms for rent over grocery sttfre, cheap; also fresh eggs and chickens dressed to order. Phone 911 -L, 1438 Wllmetteniv.. Wilmette, 111. ltp FOR RENT-^TWO VERY PLBA8- ant. nicely fihninhed warm rooms with bath; twot>lo<ks from station. 1144 North-ay., Hubbard Woods, ltp FOR RENT â€"ONE LARGE SUNNY, modern, well furnished room; rea- sonable price. Phone 30KJ. Call even- ings or Saturday. 1831 bhlcago-av. ltp ^ For Rentâ€"Aptmts. ^vTTH FORWENTâ€"G-ROOM FLAT, bath, gas and ^electric light. Bmerson-sL, near" tJuernan. 815 Up FOR RENT-BARNS BARN FOR RENT-ROOM FOB eight horses and also singltf-'fltalhi for rent at 898 -lrjJteenth-st., Wil- mette, 111. v ltp LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"BROWN AND WHITE BRIN- die terrier, answers to name "Sport." Reward If retimed to D. Johnstone, 1624 Spen<emv., Wil- mette. " ltp â- BaaansnMMaR>vspmi>«MHiBBBBa> WANTED WANTED â€" 509 CUSTOMERS AT *nc*. Skow, the Tail«r, 710 Maln-eL, Eianston. trâ€" 17-tf EyanstonTheatre \ / PHONC 2808-2899 \/ftOS)CRT BLAVLOCK, MANAOCn Cor Play to the Old Homestead NEW MINISTER Souvenir Photo of Gale Satte'rlee TONIGHT Week of March 3 The Chorus Lady Shore 8anfltarium til IVeataMot ct LW* Abo Treat and MISCELLANEOUS BETWEEN HUBBABD Blrchwood, 8 or 9 room strletly ayieg^M to 75 iborhood; sot orer neaotleo AMraat W tSf, Lalte lMte WAKT^EDâ€" IKXJ, AIRfcUALE, BeS- ton ofMJolile, six months to year old, housM*s©k»n, gentle w th,chil- dren, good w£bahdog, to take to country; glye full Ihac^tloa^-aad- prlce. ^ Address F. o/w>^P. O. Draper Z, Chicago â€"7 MONKV TO I.8AN, »M??!i si^^il BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT LIGHT FUEL ANLV LARGE LIG^TgpTOR "IATOIIS, ARC LIGHTS FOR STQ SPACES. THE HO HEATERS, The Northwestern Gas Lip and Coke Co. 1611 Benion Avenue, Evanston mm* â- Hi-^M*^ / 1 Do You Expect to Live a Long Life? If so, our Survivorship Investment Contract will make you indepetfdeOaWJn your old age. ILLINOIS LIFE po exclusive and extraordinary feat conk , which in justice about ought to know tice to you^s"e4f you ^> THE JjfcLlNOIS LIFE gives you what you ought to have. Write for detailed information. Illinois Life Insurance Greatest Illinois Company North Shore Agency isso Sherman Ave. Evanston DR. E. E. FAULKNER, Manager EXPERIENCED AGENTS WANTED EMERSON SmR VUu* should be made bow for Spriag H MILE WEST OJP CANAL ;" Telephonesâ€"«7 aad p9M:0f^ .ti^a tnutaplanted anccioasrully at tbia EVANSTON. -:2X£iV mmmsmm 93km-