Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1913, p. 5

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. iiiiiiiiiii^^^ r;3^ w What inEvanston have lie, Ihoint Mrs. Igan avenue, Hre B. A. tangblift of KenHwortfc „ a. part| Tuesday in honor of her Mr and Mr*. Arthur Roberta, 2208 entrai street, left Sunday f©r.^«w *r W. W. KeMey. 822 Coltak stjreet, home from a busiaeM trip through pra. jlr. and Mra. R. 8. Qewra ved te 91* Main, street from 1106- vis atreet. Mr. and Mra. Albert Graff. 846 Jud n avenue, are back from a trip to ,n Antonio. Tea. M1B8 Louiae Orover. formerly of Bv- ston, now of Oak Park, left Tuesday AaheTtlle, N. C. MrB. Bvana of Green Bay. Wis., la He gueBt of her slater, Mrs. Joh*Xea- 318 Hamilton atreet. Mr. and Mra. George Frederick isely. 2720 Woodbine avenue, have K> to Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. R. Clarence Brown, 2235 Harrl- „ street, is again confined, to his o with a sprained ankle. - Charles S. Harris, 716 Michi- has as her guest Mrs. D»vid Page of Alberton, Iowa. jlr. J W. Work has returned from a two months' sojourn in Florida. Mrs. Work will not return until later. • Mr8. diaries H. Rose, 2410 Park place, will entertain-the Home club to- morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Doris Wheeler, 639 Forest ave- ("njie, will leave Saturday to spend her spring vacation at Ann Arbor, Mich. | Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith, 1462 Ridge avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Allen of Bedford, Mass. Miss Carol Robinson of Chicago spent Sunday as the gueBt of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McKay, 2308 Central street. Miss Edith Little, 1419 Judaon ave- nue, has gone to Asheville, N. C, where ner sister. Mies Helen, is so- journing. Miss Violet Potter, who has been Wilting Mra. H. H. Harris, 820 Foster street, has returned to her home in Greenville, Mich. Hist Bernlce Ayrea and Miss Mil- dred Scott of Lake Forest were guests of Mlt. F. O. Potter of the Blmwood over Bandar- Mr. and Mra. James Huxtable, 431 SBermaa avenue, are Just home from a trip to Detroit, Mich., where they •pent two weeks. - Oa Friday evening. Mack 21, Ber- wsM's cantata, "The Crucifixion," will be given by the choir of the First egational church. Miss Rath Connor, 1418 Elmwood avenue, returned home Sunday even- log after a pleasant week spent .with relatives at Racine, Wis. Mrs. F. H. Atkins and her daugh- ter, Elsie, of Escanaba, Mich., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Betts. 2219 Central .street, for an Indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. James Morey, 1120 Sherman avenue, have Just returned from Detroit, Mich., where they went to attend the funeral of Mr. Morey'e father. Mrs. Joaeph B. Paden and daughter. Elizabeth, 1460 Chicago avenue, win leave Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Paden's father. Dr. Cult, In Litchfield, Illinois. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Rachel Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jones of the Parker apartments, to Mr. Chauncey Good- rich Hobart, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Hobart. 1423 Elmwood avenue. The wedding will occur March 25 at 8:30 o'clock p. m. at the First Methodist Episcopal church. iwm$^'-WMfc^ Main street,: #e»t|o Detrifc, Mich* Sunday. . , Mrs.?CJau4e Cumnock, 00* Hlnman avenue, ui hack aga^frojn her Call- fomla trip. : l i,^ Rev. and Mra. David Hugh Jones have returned from:|heir visit in Tryon, N. C Mr. (Charles H. Burkett, Mr. Lara Larson and Mr. August Rodelius left together Monday morning on a ten days' hunting trip. < Mr. and Mra: H» M. Carle, 1133 As- bury avenue, have returned from a trip to New York. Mra. Charlotte Moseley, 1610 Oak avenue, is expected*, to return this week from Blloxl, Miss. Misa Margaret Augur of Chicago has come to reside with her uncle, Capt. Augur, 1506 Grove street. Miss Hazel-Hemmens of Belvidere, 111., is the guest of Miss Madeline ' Richards, 2526 Harrison street. Rev. Horace Graves, pastor of Eben- ezer Methodist church, is seriously 111 at his home, 1107 Emerson street. The Music Study club met ! Wednesday afternoon at the home of I Miss Hedwig Brenneman, 1101 Davis street. ] Mrs. C. M. Fairchild, 2700 Lincoln i street, was a St. Patrick's luncheon hostess Friday. Covers were laid for : sixteen. " i Miss Doris Wheeler, 639 Forest ave-! nue, will spend her spring vacation at: Ann Arbor, Mich., leaving for there Ma/ch 15. R. C. Caldwell, 823 Davis street, left ! Saturday night for Frankfort, Ind., called there by the dying condition of his grandmother. Mr.. and Mrs. L, H: Tobey, 2455 Seminary avenue, are visiting Mrs. Tobey's niece, Mrs. Wellington Cobb, 1111 Maple avenue. Mrs. Roy C. Flickinger, 1930 Or- rington .avenue, who has been ill for a week with tonsllitia, was out Sun- day for the first time. Mr. Will Haight, 2027 Harrison atreet, is home for a few days from a five weeks' business,trip. He leaves again today for Indiana. Mr. Harry R. Potter of the Mid- land Lyceum Bureau of Des Moines, will spend the week-end with his brother, Frank O. Potter. Dr. J. Emmett Gable, 1639 Orring- ton -avenue, spent last week en his ranch in Staunton county, Kansas, re- turning home Sunday night. Miss Annie Miner, formerly of Ev- anston, and late of St Louis, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Her- greaves, 1569 Florence avenue. The Misses Helen Sullivan, Helen Conrad and Nellie Fitzgerald of High- land Park, III., were over-Sunday guest of Miss Anna Muno, 803 Davie street Mrs. Frank T. Norrla and daughter, Miss Helen, 2407 Harrison street, who spent two months at Los Angeles, Cal., with Mr. and Mrs. B. Clyde Ketcham, returned last week. The Acorn circle of Hemenway ft. E. church will hold a cafeteria aup- per followed by a living picture social at the church Friday evening, oegjn- ning at 6 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Don't forget-the rummage sale to be given by the King's Daughters and the ladies of the First Presbyterian church on Thursday and Friday In the Beake building, corner of Church street and Sherman avenue. Mrs. F. D. Shaw, 2707 Walnut street, waa hostess Tuesday at a 1 o'clock luncheon In honor of Miss Paula Jae- nicke of Milwaukee, who is the guest of Mrs. Fred W. Radcliffe, 2665 Stew- art avenue. Covers were laid for eight Minn. The Amicitia club of boys gave a dance Saturday evening at St. Luke's parish house. It was successful and enjoyable. Mrs. Harry Green, 703 Hlnman ave- nue, returned Monday from Minneapo- lis, Minn. Mrs. H. E. c Daniels of Detroit, Mich., accompanied her. March 25 the Northwestern Glee club will give one of their concerts at the Olympic club rooms. The public is Invited. A small fee will be asked. Mrs. Joseph B. Paden and daughter, Elizabeth, 1460 Chicago avenue, will leave this week for a visit with Mrs. Paden's father. Dr. Cult, In Litch- field, 111. ij i Coming €wit*li €wi$toi ttHHHIIIMIIIM IMtnti March 1£â€"All-day meeting of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs at the Evanston Woman's club build- ing, Church street and Chicago avenue. March 13â€"Lecture on "Methods of Selecting and Retiring Judges," at 8 p. m., in Annie May Swift hall, Uni- versity campuB. Free to the public. March 15â€"Indoor track and field championship meet in Northwestern gymnasium, University campus. March 18â€"Social service department of Woman's club meets at 2; 30 p. m. Address by Attorney Clifford G. Roe, executive secretary of the American Vigilance association, on "The White Slave Traffic." March 21â€""The Crucifixion," by the choir of the Congregational church in that church at 8 p. m. March 25â€"N. ,U. Glee club concert in Olympic club roonjs, over city hall. | Tickets at club rooms or at Colwell's I pharmacy, Chicago avenue and Davis street Mandolin lessons 91.50. Tomaso. spring 1913 Just Landed^ . ANNOUNCEMENT. As? Arts and Crafts Class will be o^med on Saturday morning, March 16? in connectigsfWuft fyie Art Insti- tute Extension DrssrlK/plasses, which are held every Saturday morning at the Wlnnetka Woman's Club. Guitar lessons. Rood building. Tomato's Studio, JAMES HUXTABLE Remodeling 431 Sh Telephone 1187 ntl ACTOR Casting n Avenue Ethiim, lllis*i» mnstonTlieatre PHONI 2898-2890 NOSMT â- IAVLOCK, MANAOKR All This Week EVANSTOK ST&CR COMPANY Another Gr«4t Sttctet* Smith sod Bytom ley. Authors of lie Fortune Hunter." Makes Good Not Wnfcâ€"The Christian 1000 Patterns of the Finest and ^st Importation Materials, that sell not less than $4.50, $4.00, $3 JO per yard, to be made into Ladies9 Tailed Suits For TBISsWeck On! And/\ily to vSt Readepfbf This Issue MJ32.50 Tbia Offer Wlude* SILK LININGS. Th^se Suits) wefe never tailored under »6Q. PO NOT kISS THIS TmOoriMg OPPORTUNITY S«ite804 Temple Chicago Pass* Central 4748 Am* 41-018 Brevity marked the session of the Evanston city council Tuesday night when the alderxnanlo body adjourned after convening for only Ave mtnutea. The reception and formal opening of the new Evanston Womans club bulla- ing waa the attraction which caused the rapid disposal of the little routine business that came before the council. The annual report of Chief of Po- lice Shaffer of Evanston. filed with the council, was practically the only feature of tne weekly meeting. The detailed report shows that a total of 1,1^1 arrests were made during the 1384 ywtf rf 1111, which ui to IttdWart* at »«8 arrests over the year of llll. The total amount of tinea asaassad waa fT^ 283.80. Of this amount the coUectiona toiaued $3,816. .'...v-v"'"->^;:;'/;:v:^v'. Sherwood Music School - jjpotttsiMs t*y Wist* H« t/OKOROlA KOBBB. Prwidmt „/. r WALT» SJPUJDl. Dtrtctor Highest Standard of Artistry Piano, Point Public tory, School catalogue add: L. F. GBTCHBLL, Business Manager, 410 S. Michigan Avenue echograms Furnished fft alrjccasjons FANNIE E. WARREN "^"SSLr"" Exclusive ^Agents 1 y^Ladies' w Home Journal Patterns Basement Bargains Bargains that will aid In doing the House Cleaning OCedar Mop, $1.39 OCedar Oil, § Bluing or Ammonia, quart bottle, choice..*......... Johnson's Floor Wax, 1,2 and 4-lb. siie8,$1.7ar90c and 45c Silvex, the 10-second Silver Cleamer, 2Jc size, 10 Star Naphtha Washing Powder, 14-lb. ra^ge, 10© Choice of Soapsâ€"Amber, Ivory ((small srie), Leribx, Mottled German or P. & G. White Naphtha,:*bne kind or assorted, 3 bars for.......................... William & Fountain Square :3f yASpecial Priced ~%r iw^ek only that ^Saving of at legist^#$&|i first quality goods J Fine Switches; at;;;,ii*10S; 1 .as,- 2.1% '3^#5^?S|f 5.99, 675 and;f,|a3^g;"!; That are one-quarter irao* Fresh Bedroom of Pretty Our Annual March Display of R^ffled^an«d MM.. Lace Edged Bedroom Curtains.^AH curtains are made full two and oneJ of the best materials and witht Icareful sewing Curtains of plain swiss, ruffled, row of fine small tucks, pair, 59fe Curtains of good quality fine plain muslin with wide ruffle, pair, 75c Curtains of patterned swiss, in dots and small figures; also best quality plain swiss with row of tucks, wide hemstitched ruffles, pair, 89c Curtains of patterned swiss, in plaids and stripes with wide ruffle; alsQ flat curtains of figured swiss with lace edge, pair, 95c Curtains of extra quality swiss, extra wide, in plaids or plain with row of tucks with ruffle; also flat curtain of plain swiss, pair, $1.29 Porter's Nurseries EVANSTON. JXJU EMERSON Plsas should be made now Chicago Office: WEST OF OANAI 5lephoaes~~f)87 and 3708 ~ traoeplanted successfully at this time ton. Street. Phone Maia 2414 Evanston Fireproof ffityrehouse fâ€"----------------""1 Offers excellen/fadflies for C/ | lfl,a 1AA^ Chas. E. Ware, President James R. Smart, Vice-President Jos. C Breese, Secretary C. A. Kraft, Warehouse Supt. Phone 845 Moving Stoi^age^^^ of household goods in open or private rooms. Estimates given free of charge. CHAIRS AND TABLES FOR RENT 1830-1843 East Railroad Ave. Corner Ualyeralty Ftece Phone 845 'Wi -a: ^iS ^^^JiEf J':^&^§Ml^S&'^^ ':H. i.^7at&&±-.'t*s!

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