Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Mar 1913, p. 5

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#S^|^l!E?i^|i|i!lS£5 Mrs. *^£^M^J^ .,8 spending******* vreeka Jll B^X^, Minn. iis8 uim^WWi^^ 't&tf'W:- $'â- Â¥&%mmmtm&& i.L $«»£ ie^rnesday- ;tolfc$, <or:;B^rtfbrd, vMre.;-#r.^;;9[|»eW«y^l016. Green- wood ^noolevanfc ^^^r^rp^ieoed from 5* ;mim> - M«iT"',:-Boyteii.' "Sotl Ht ell Waa- gtreet. has retttrhe4jfl'0«J* ';*#»#M«; iminary. .,.-..i-v' -w~^^V"--- Mr. James Qranttuun, S416 Itreet, spent the ' :«$B*end to iautosa, Wis., . ' •" ;/;- ,. ;: #**Hr ,, .. „ T Mr M»jMrt-^';Col«»^:;**.*t«fl*|' 1( hie sister, Mrs. .Artb^;*ob*rts. |jos central street.^'"-.- ';if|^fe s Mrs. Mitchell Of Gary, ltf»r^«jne fjgest oriiBViJrt»^M*>«ty&:W'>: ;-rtB, 2203 Central *tre*t» ./>â- â- â€¢"'<',/; Cm** Helen , McM^fe: ^2 **M« ;«reet. has returned from;.'#> Angelas la spend tn*Jktftor..ya*eJS|o, â- â€¢ ****â-  * Miss EiheHne Goodrow, 5«T Lee itreet. is enjoying Easter vacation ttth her pareats In Elgin, III. ; Mr. R. Knowlenberg and son, Robersj 115 Rinn street, are home from a two weeks visit to Richmond, Ind. : 'Miss Harriet Tuthlll, 114* Judson avenue, will entertain tei» ot her col- lege friends Friday at luncheon. Mrs Ralph C. Taylor, 1580 Ashland avenue, entertained two tables of bridge at her hoirie Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Snyder, 2725 Woodbine avenue, entertained Miss Dorothy Dietz of Wilmette a" luncheon Tues- day. . Mrs. Franjt B. Payne, 1810 Sherman avenue, is entertaining Miss Ethel Burnham*of Adrian, Mich., for two weeks. ' Mrs. Edward Welders of %a Grange, in., spent a few days the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. P. Bartlett, 827 Green- leaf street. ; .*"â- â€¢â- -â- â€¢. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rasmusaen, 437 j;idson avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of Gaey, Ind., for the week-end. y Mrs. A. L. Arnolgj ofthe Park apart- ments is entertaining'her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ma- aon and little son,, Arnold, of Belding, Mich. ."^,';',:' Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2208 Central street, returned Sunday from a short visit in Gary, Ind. Her brother, Mr. Henry Mitchell, returned with her to sp$d»tae dajC . ; ;.„ ;j:â-  £„..} L „, . ,.f Mr. Wed W. Reford, 2781 Park place, attended the funeral of his uncle, Mr. Robert Reford, at Montreal. Can- ada, last week. He also visited rela- "Uveata Toronto. Watson Harpham of Bvanston, who is a member of the Tale baseball team, has gone on a southern trip with. the Tale team, and did not come home for the vacation. Miss Brttton, the matron of Pear- ions hall, was hostess Sunday at an Buster luncheon for the young; indies of the hall. Batter lilies and daffodils were the decorations* Mrs. Carl WiUIaiuaf-gave » lunch- eon for the alumnae chapter of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at--her some, 2233 Orrington avenue, Wednes- day ai&ernoon in honor of Mies Zelda Hanson and Miss Marlon Jen- nings. LMr. and Mrs. Willard J. Wtod ot TBdgewater will give a card party Set. urday evening In honor of their guest^ Those present from Eranston will be Mr. and Mrs. W. V. BroiUiors, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Randall, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Early, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Te#-; lor. ' >•*» â- â-  / â- ' Miss Rachel Jones, daughter of Mr. •ad Mrs. Nathaniel Jones, and Chaun- eey Goodrich Hobart, both of this city, were married in the First Methodist church Tuesday evening. The .cere- mony was performed by Rev. W. T. Hobart, father of the bridegroom, as- sisted by Rev. T. P^ Frost. Mr. Walter Hyland, 518 Mainstreet, leaves Saturday fet Bellingbam, Wash,, having been appointed cashier of the BeUingham and Northern rail- **y,f which Is controlled by the Chl- <ato, Milwaukee and St. Paul RailwMr «ompany. Mrs. Hyland and daughter *fll remain here until May. Mrs. Warner BaW^ IWBerly MM* Julia Dole, of thia elty, and a bride of ♦be early winter, wDl be matron er honor at the wedding of Miss Mary Van Doaetv of MtanaspoUa to Charles Bolles Rogers, formerly of Chicago. The wedding will take place to Mm- •eapolle on Wi Mm Van Dneen was one of the sttendaats at the wed- ding of Miss Dele to Mr. Beird. The March meeting of the Neigh- borhood cieb will be held at Central Street school. Central street and Stew- «rt arenas, Friday evening. PhlBP â- oa, professor of astronomy at North- western university,wfltgfve a atereop- tleon metare on -Aetronosay.- The ••tenth and eighth grade pupils of the fealraistrsetsimool vfilgiveanuflft- kir of talk emaoaa." Pmam and vocal win also be one of . A sjDOd esewd Is *j'V -_ji38i3". ell itti^^hae • ^relm^eA ^frojn Battle Creek,..^i^'.-SAt^tr--^4-^...... - A. delighttui Eaater dance was given Monday evening by the I. O. O. F. and their friends. ;....:â- .,^.s ".â- . Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bean, 1106 Church street, gave a family Easter dinner Sunday. Mrs. Marshall Ayars of New York is visiting Mrs. A. Starr Best, 1976 Or- rington avenue. Miss Pearl Ranous, 808 Reba place, has returned from a seven weeks' trip to Keota, Iowa. Mr. Charles Roberts, 2444 Hartray avenue,'has returned from an extend- ed business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Wilder, 1217 Hinman avenue, have returned from Boston, Mass. Dwight H. Perkins, 2319 Lincoln street, returned Friday from a short business trip to England. The Luncheon "500" club met Mon- day at the home of Mrs. A. H. Childs, 156S Oak^ avenue. Mrs. James Ferguson was a lunch- eon hostess for eight guests Friday at her home, 1315 Mam street. Miss Mary Hotchklss of Fox Lake, Wis., is visiting Mrs. James Roy O'Zanne, 2627 Stewart avenue. Mr. J. S. Kellogg, 1458 Maple ave- nue,'had as his week-end guest Mr. Joseph S. Skinner ot Princeton, ni. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Turner of Be- loit. Wis., are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. P. Oaynor, 536 Lindgren street M. C. Clancy of Spokane, Wash., and daughter, Miss Marion Clancy of Dana hall, formerly of Evanston, are at the Greenwood Inn. ' Mrs. W. H. Horning of Holland, Mich., who has been the guest of her son, Dr. A. T. Fisher and family, 2522 Jackson avenue, for three weeks, re- turned home Monday morning. The Knights of Columbus held an Eaater dance Monday evening at St Mary's hall. Two hundred couples at- tended. Mr. George Wetland had charge of the decorations, which were beautiful. The ladles served frappe. Mrs. B. F. Hauck waa hostess Satur- day evening to a card party ofcslx couples. After tbe%ames were finished an elaborate dinner was served in honor of the birthday of Mr. Elmer Oesting, 2653 .. Stewart avenue, her guest. Mrs. Catharine Waugb McCulloch left Tuesday evening at 9:20 o'clock on the suffrage special train, with a number of Chicago women, for St. Louis to attend the Mississippi Val- ley conference to be held there April 2, 3 and 4. Mrs. F. E. Ward, 1960 Sheridan road, with her sons, Billie and Bobbie, baa been at Belleair, Fla., since Feb. 26. Mr. Ward, who had some time before made the southern trip to the Bermu- das and Trinidad, met them in Flor- ida. They will come home together about the first of ApriL Mr. Ward's mother accompanies them. The Luther league of St Paul's M. E. church was represented Monday even- ing at the delegates' meeting In Cht- cago^at Grace Lutheran church. The following were the representatives: Mrs. Lloyd Walter, Miss Anna Doerr, Miss Elisabeth Sonnenberg, Lillian Dorband. Mrs. Sickling and Miss Ger- trude Hedbiom. A stereopttcon lecture waa much enjoyed. Mrs. J. H. B. HowetL 1327 Chicago avenue, baa returned from Portland. Ore., where she waa called suddenly on account of the illness of Mrs. J. H. Boyd, formerly of Evanston.' She left Mrs. Boyd improving. Mrs. How- ell returned via Loo Angeles, where she visited her son, Mr. Frederick A. Howell, who is connected with the pacific Telephone company. "A World of Orris," a abort comedy. Interspersed with readings, songs and music, will be given by the Oak Leaf circle on Friday evening, March 28, at the Covenant M. R. church. The club baa pledged a generons sum to the buHdlng fund of the church and in this manner are attempting to raise the re- quired amount Tickets may be had Cross any of the members for only a small suss. Far some time It baa been the eua- tom of the ladies of the Christian church to have a social afternoon each, month and celebrate the birthdays ot members occurring in that month, meeting at the beeee of one of their number. The March tsMbsatton wan Taeaday. with Mrs. Blair of Patk as hostess, at wtdah Blair, Mrs. Wellington Cobb V. a Buck ot ll^n^ay|»^;^.;^cs, Mrs. Mr*. France* atree^:i^:-i^ijii| â- ^Mtse^^Grace-' Hotaltng, 818 Main street, spent the week-end in Fond du Lac, Wis. Mr. J. 8. Kellogg. 1458 Maple ave- nue, has aa bis guest Mr. W. J. Bane of Olney, IIL Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Burch, 931 A* bury avenue, will move this week to Lawrence, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wilder, 1217 Hinman avenue, have returned home from Boston, Mass. Mrs. William F. Stahl, 1082 Hinman avenue, is entertaining Mrs. T. H. Gardner of Quincy, 111. Mr. Edwin Hoover, 104 Judson ave- nue, has returned from New Haven for the Eaater holidays. Miss Florence Ware, 1021 Judson avenue, is home from Smjth college for her Easter vacation. Evanston lodge 673, I. O. O. F., gave an, informal dance Monday evening at their hall, 604 Davis street^ Mr. Evenden Williams was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Theodore B. Wil- liams, 322 Main street, last week. Mrs. Mary A. Cayzer, 418 Hamilton street, will spend three months in Pittsburgh, Ph., leaving Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank By ljl|feingfi;am and son, 1318 Forest avMb^etu^ned Sunday from French Ucljt4&rings. Mrs. George Burden and^^>s,!^Ohn Cavanaugh, 908 Waahingto^e^reet, re- turned Saturday from TihuivlUe, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen:' Norris, 2327 Harrison street, welcomed a baby girl to their home, Friday, March 21. Mrs. J. J. Charles, 1310 Hinman ave- nue, and daughters, Frances and Martha, are home from Pasadena, Cal. Mr. C. M. Cole of BarnesvUle, Ohio, U the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. Wesley L. Knox, 804 Hinman avenue. Mr. J. L. Alabaster. 719 Noyes street, left Saturday on a business trip to Los Angeles and Pasadena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rogers and Mrs. James S. Lewis, 1039 Forest avenue, returned Sunday from Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferry. 2130 Har- rison street, left Saturday for a week's vtait with Mrs. Ferry's mother in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Poppenhnsen, 653 Michigan Avenue, left Friday on a trip to Florida and other southern points. - Miss MaTion Holmes of Pittsburgh, Pa., was the week-end guest ot Mr. and Mrs. James Woods, 1146 Judson avenue. Mr. Frank T. Norris, 2407 Harrison street spent the week-end with his son, Mr. Warren B. Norris, in Au- rora, III. Bliss Gertrude Carter, 412 Green- wood boulevard, left Saturday for Pittsburgh, Pa., where she will visit for a week. Mrs. F. J. Schmidt 805 Fifteenth street Wilmette, gave a dinner party Monday night Covers were laid for twenty-four. David G. Thompson, who is attend- ing Illinois university, is spending the Easter vacation at his home, 1629 Hin- man avenue. Miss Anna Ellsworth of La Fayette, Ind., after a delightful visit with Mrs. W. T. Hester, 616 Noyea street, baa re- turned home. Mrs. Louis A. Wheeler, 1028 Elm- wood avenue, has as her guest her mother, Mrs. L. A. Fuller of Mt Ver- non, NeW York. Miss Violet Patten, Davis street and Forest avenue, returned Wednesday from Westover, Conn., to spend the Easter vacation: Prof. Frank W. Nichols, 839 Judson avenue, la home from a vacation trip to Holly, Flint Lansing and other Michigan places. Major Redington, 612 Lake street attended the meeting of the secretar- ies of Dartmouth college, held in Han- over, N. H., recently. Mrs. Frank H. Russell 'and Miss Cora Brooke of the. Hamilton left Saturday to give a demonstration of the Jacques- dal-croae rhythmic gymnastics. Miss Eleanor Van Vlissingen, who Is attending the Milwaukee Downer academy, is back for the Eaater vaca- tion at her home, 315 Davis street Mr. and Mrs. William Monlton.206 Mate street expect to leave for Dun- kirk. N. T., the mat of the month, where their future home to located. Mrs. John C. Williams and two daughters, Gladys and Hales, 1107 Chicago avenue, returned Friday from s visit to Racine and Milwaukee. Wis. Miss Marjorie Van Home ef Arling- ton Heights, spent the Tacatfon with her parents, Mr Mrs. B. B. Van Home, 1303 J avenue. Mrs. Hetty Tbonaae and children. Clam and Rebecca, of Rockford, HL, who have been gneata of Mr. Wm. T. Abbott 1829 Hinman avenue, returned heme Friday morning. Marlon Powell. 824 has returned from a trip through the Booth- traveled threegh Kentecky, LeahOaaa and the IS ;Bt';: «I«pi •â-  .Prof.: WUlard-E. Hc^chkles.744Mil- burn street:ws*;|i|,.S^.Lntt^ on a business trip; K-^-i";"^K$$tt: Mr. Basil Ward; 1226 Bamwood ave- nue, ia on a two weeks' business trip engaaen*ent of her enught^ to Grand Rapids. Mich, Mrs. James Ferguson, 1315 Mala street *** hostess Friday at her home at an informal luncheon eight guests. Miss Mabel Heren, a teacher la Knoa college at Galesburg. UL^speut her Easter, vacation at home, 887 Gar- field place. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Rogers, accom- panied by Mrs. James S. Lewis, 1089 Forest avenue, returned Sunday from PaTra Beach, Fla. Mrs. F. R. Ayrea and daughter. Miss tu Barton Emory. Buekmmanot Mr. Edward N. r^Witt director of for | athletics at Lawrence ooHege, Wis,. •pent the week-end - at the borne of etre*fc<,:^vr.^^^^ Mrs. Edward L. Mlddletoa, 318 Main Zelda, of Leaf River, 111., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Pot- terof the Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raasmussan, 437 Judson avenue, had aa their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of Gary, tad. Mis* Dorothy Andrews, 1888 Sheri- dan road,, returned Friday from Na- tional Cathedral, Washington, D. C, for the Easter* vacation. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jones, 1639 Hin- man avenue, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood J. Towns and lit- tle daughter of Urbane, 111. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Frederick Blue, 427 Greenwood boulevard, have been the guests of Miss Helen Otis at Barrlngton, 111., for a few days. The engagement ot Miss Helen Otis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spender Otis, of Barrlngton, III., to Daniel Hudson Burnham, Jr., 232 Dempster street, is announced. Monday, April 14, Miss Josephine Haviland Webster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Towner K. Webster, 621 Grove street will be married to Mr. Walter A. Strong, at the First Presbyterian church, Her bridal party will be Mm, William D. Dean, 1122 Judson ave- nue, matron of honor. Miss Catherine Wilson of Lexington, Ky„ maid of honor, and Miss Edna Rittenhouse ot this city, Miss Alice Kitchen and Miss Louisa Kitchell of Chicago, brides- maids. John W. Wilder of Chicago will serve as bast man and the ushers will be John Stewart Hale of Mlnnea- olia. Arthur C. Strong ot Burlington, Iowa, Harry J. Dnnbaugh of Chicago, j realised. 1S!I|r^-Fi •*u*e:>^ from a two weeU' business trip to St. Louis, Kansas City, and the West ?':' Mrs. E. A, Van Benthusen, 1322 Cen- tral avenue. Wilmette, aaaouace the street, had as her guests at luncheon Friday Mrs. SybU Stevens of Chicago and Mrs. Geor*e F. Gonsalves of Hub- ^'bard' •Wood*.. .'£i?}^, y^y".....T """"" , Mr. Wm. Thom|^;a|itt;jra^^ have resided at Greenwood Inn for some time, have taken the house at 1018 Hinman avenue, and wUl move on or about April 1. : :, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Frederick Blue gave an Informal supper Sunday evening at their home, 427 Greenwood boulevard, in honor of Miss Helen Otis of Barrlngton, III. An extra evening meeting of the University guUd will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A Pat- ten, Ridge avenue end Lake street this evening at 8 o'clock. Master David Marvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aria B. Marvin, 1218 Michi- gan avenue, entertained with an Eas- ter party Monday afternoon in celebra- tion of bU sixth birthday. Mrs. Carl Williams gave a luncheon for the alumnae chapter of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at her home, 2288 Orrington avenue, Wednesday afternoon. The guests of honor were Miss Zelda Hanson and Mis* Marian Jennings. The eighth of a aerie* ot musieales was given at the home of Mr*. W. M. Mitchell, 2808 Harrison,street Sunday evening. Mesdames M. F. Warner, H. G» Tate, W, L. McKay m& Mrs. W. JB. Kidder ware the solohrts and Mr. Theodore Chaffee, Mr. W. M. Mitchell* Dr. A V. Ooffman and Mr. W. B. Kid- der composed the male Quartet The flower sale given by the young women of the Rosemary dub Saturday in the parlor* ot thai Virginia hotel for the benefit of the Bona for Desti- tute Crippled Children, was a great success, several hundred dollar* being Miss BJesnor 8pry, 1101 For- E. Fred Crane of Mount Sterling, DX. j eat avenue, who is a debutante of the and W. Bradley Tyrell of Delarsn, I season, had charge of the sale of the Wla, |cak*» and candies. . sh w^^iatfiHsal« •A*frf| â- -â- dJSW gUeste terninad ueuw :lit"hen^|i Judson aven1 take pl*ce ,- _ ^I^^FreJa!!^^ DejtyofherdmuamtP^Mi^Katharln French. Satufday *0i^u±:?4m*, g»TealuncheonttU*W^tea»r»om. 5426 â- â-  Sheridan ^jtp^?;Q40Wi^P*: hostesses i^^||ii|^:«^k«*Wi tat Seward idw *^ >«»*• T. E. Con- nor. 1418 Muuwood avenue.â-  :f:y^-j . jfia^.Bls^:;«^i||iirtl#^'^ of Northwestern u«iveraUy. Uving at 639 ,tmtvej^;:i^^*e^onip^^ her .«»other»^MJ^il^.f4'•flN[,^ i^»**' to their :iii&7MWti^*Qfri-0* Miss Jsabal Fta»ee^ ^ domeatto «eiei*|*M i°> .trtct'Td, w&M&&^$&&'â- ***" lly rewuenoi^e^^i^i**^^ nue, to ^.^^Jfl^^W^: Ur. TbottwkJ^CWnpoi^:^^^^ street. â-  i&WifrW--l$9W:i"?:& htm Anaom'^^^i^^:'^'^^ Mrs. Ed. o-Laughltn. Mr. Connor wUl .remain there at toast two years, en gaging 'to ;^pf^*|^;*0^^ business..' -i"f ^Mf^'i'-^f^'C"â-  ':â- â-  ":: Miss libreu^ii^^^ avenue, gave a birthday party Friday evening in honor of bar sixteenth an- niveraary. Sixteen young people ware present and many beautiful gifts were received. Refreshnsenta were esrved and a meet enjoyable evening was ts- ported by ^%%MM ' Mr. aiid Mr*. Ayars place, ahlppod their goods last week to Hertford. Micbw where they have purchaaed | fruit and poultry farm, â-  M*:0k:"^$&&1/&&: day. Mr. and Mm, Oolts have en- .711 VtM Attn tmlttt*! jjl in;.jt£i>"%,lf!W$*( _' i(iljififfLiI ***• Ceeastr * . fm ;f" j^ oattoogue addMn â-  "' Mr::'m â- ' wi- 'TTITtrriTl-f-i'-' : ' immmmm ^m§§m IM ^MflPl'gnK:';/,â„¢! Pour tboroogoly Mr.Mtmrotest»tJlvtric«f mndauperviges»WwwTk. »M ttUB PROGRAMS F*NI»tB |f4 flfji B^llil ^ *" m *£$â- ;£'/'"/:" natt /Manaiaeej^ mmmm ^m /Last Few Ihy^Amwm 111 xi«^jE. Muslin Bedroom Curtains Curtains of good quality, fine plain muslin, with wide ruffle, pair, 75c. Curtains of patterned swist, in dots and small figures; also best quality plain awisa with row af tucks, wide hemstitched ruffles, pair, 89c. Curtains of plain awiss, ruffled, row five tucks, pair, 59c. Curtains of patterned swiss, in plaids and stripes with wide ruffle: also fiat curtains of figured awiss, lace edged, pair, 95c. Curtains of fine quality extra wide, in plaids o with row of tucks, with also flat curtains of plai pair, $1-29. L^-.'.«: <..ia. SJiffiS Armour's Lighthouse Cleanser, 3 for 10c a<iz. CoIooiaJ Table Tumblers, 6for lie. Alert -tStta*^*^ matt Table Oilcloth, 47 inches wide, yd. 20c, Sanitary Ideal Percola^s, of pure alumiiran^ will not ercotj^fir corfodej Two sizes, 25c and 35c. Wizard TriJLaJe Oil Mop, 1 quart of Wizard Oil Free with each inojpV^t regular price of $1^0. â- ^*rt>^'-" New Books in our Rental Library Fee, 2c per day Read all toe newest books, we have them as soon as issued Aiaateer Gentleaaan.....Farnel Judgment House........Parker One Wesnaa'e Ufe.....Herrlek Ufa Mask.............M. I* a Burden of a Woaaaa-------Pryee Jesehel ...-*............Pryee WeotLMe.......... Lost Dlanatehv...... WlndyrMge.............. USey Baaehingfer Sylvia.. Devil's Admiral... The Flirt......... Concert Pitch............Deaby Heart of Hum.............-Pan Gauiean OeM..... Poisoned Pen..... Man's World... Mischief Malar. Croaked TraBe.- "Good Dressing" for April | A beautiful thirty-two page magasine, filled from cover to cover, and brimming over with clothes ideas and neway chats about dress. Interesting items are: "Hew 1 Like to See a Girl Bussed" »»WVa* New York Wosaee Are t Wearingf* MFsetuoei*a Favottte Fahtio for Spring" -The Tomsk the* Mekee Ike Finis Froek Saseif ^Lamkimx Attraetrw in Yernr Drees" -GOOD OBISSINOM it esmmel kj Ike emmosa of tk Heeae Jontaml. H eneAe WOQfiBO a rear to podeee. yee, if yam ceil at emr nrtlssm i ounlii, me*lf ie grf** «e g^r ye* a e*#y owr tuiiaalmnmiftif.! 'â-  ; I^vanBtoD, Illinois Phone 1084 WilMtetfcs PirOg*a600 No

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