â- N i.^lBplBiw p 11111M III t f T I I ll>'" ' ' ^ 'â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- «* â- -â- •â- â- â- i if !â- â- â- NEED SUMMER jj Want Ad Department ; TSe LaKe Shore News BVANSTON585 WINNETKA 241 I TELEPHONES: ...........»< Mrs. R. B. Ennis in Talk Before Noyes Street Mothers' Club Tells of Advantages of Training. i , NVA^EO-t'OMPKTKXT GIRL ^JaMMBtework. w Hu--e»fJwitbout washing. 1124',gWwi->^WHffigttg;, Fbone_.ii*J. "jiZTsTAlUUKKd, ttt ltp SLOW PUPILS ADVANCED i^S^-sTA ! North shoWT: Those Retarded in Their Studies Are Given Good Chance to Make Uo for Lost Time During Vacation. "One of the causes of the starting of the summer school was the amount of petty delinquency in a community like this," said Mrs. R. H. KnniH in an addreHH before the Kvunston Noyes Street Mothers' club at their final meeting. "Chlldreu have altogether J too much leisure time hi the summer,; with such a long vacation period, and j ^ J bb a result are at fault with themselves f for a lack of something to do. ; "For this reason action was taken resulting in the opening of Mason ? park a few years ago," the speaker •aid. Three years ago the Haven • school was opened during six weeks i':V In the summer for a recreation center. £;-, Toe second year the recreation plan %t was tried at the Dewey school. Dur- I ?tag these two years, the program was |; .^made up mainly of dramaflcs, excur- $&; alons and. the like, and was supported III «by'volunteer pledges. HI;/; Board Finance* Plan. ||i<l Last year the board of education W^NTEl>â€"(ilRI-S. AT THE Sfctty! Laundry, Winnetka. WANT ElE>=4l4£l iI â- K < I' North Shore iXift^Twdnnetka, ltp w&wvo^&y^ an£> once. GerjHfui preferred 3tt(|}^4. Phon>*«^ SITUATIONS WANTED. 'ATION WANTED â€" BXPB1 red dressmaker: will go out/hy Phone MOT KvanstQlT ltp D- POSITION BY /k COL lege stSdent to drive auKwnoblle af- ternoons^aturdays and Sundays; four yearX experience, city and' country drtvlW; tyriiperate and best references. PlNef w'lmett« 1157> ltp YOU HAVE, BEEN ^'ANTING A good, careful chauffeu\. I am now at liberty to consider jpur offer; none but good cars to be considered. Address H. V. R . L;ik«J Shore^ews, Wflnnetku. Ill XtD m POSITION WANTED â€" BYWHlTE couple, man rhauftVur ajm botler, wife first-class <fo~oV; best of refer- ences.' 1«U §Mr.,1lunlav-» Phone |(io fully approved Its continuance that jtvfflilOO was appropriated to conduct |i||tbe.achool centers which were estab- lished at Central street school, Noyes! CURTAINS WASHED, and mended; ^Irstn IMjittwet school. Dewey school and Llii- 'Klcbiii;'ichpol, A second reason was the problem of dation. Mrs. Ennis explained „4â„¢J»W0? charts, the facts on which had t|i»e*n'eJt-faremely carefully Investigated, !||befow' being made public. The first fpfiittssM'^he percentage of retardation, Jjtfte second the total population of the f:"^0^apm, showing the number of pupils ^ g|s|»tded; the third, the age distribu- $>:$$$$.* result of the summer schools ' , %ltst year", out of about 300 pupils in ^P|iiteilda«|ee^ seventy-five-per cent of f ' Wlfbfchildren were able to go on with §' l|titt» next grade's work, ninety-five per f tlfient werjs greatly helped and fifty per f';;";r|:fjr|S"^rwiewr;-work, and the spirit { Itnbngthe children was of the highest '%:â- â- â- â- ^jlsfres. |i-â- ;'&;'i-'T^ie children, had a concrete and IV definite motive for wishing to attend | ^the schoolT a promise that if satisfac- |;-â- â- ••â- |l^^-'is«rlt--wat-done; they weru to be % advanced. When some of the chll- I 4r«a were asked to express their opln- II ion of the summer school, one little | boy said, "I like to go to this school 1 because I have lots of fresh air all ^â- ^••.tlme I want to think." 1.C Wf:<:"'- Independence Developed. |: ilirThe pnpll who is behind in his ^ atodjes also develops self dependence, Sfc" attentionand concentration. The nat> â- oral leaders of the class have oeen removed, thus leaving a vacancy to PWV, ^filled by these children, who madly '* etrtve to attain the highest record. Another need has been introduced to work along with this, and that is outdoor recreation, such as nature study and dramatics. Experi- ment* on giving the pupils light dairy lunches in the mid-morning la being considered. ft ,:|frs. Ennis next took up the splen- did work for girls, of which, at the present time, there is a great demand. lfiss Bobinson of Chicago, who is 4«lckly proving her ability, is now #v«mtigating the matter closely. The llMsdanarteri are to be at the Woman's oiub, with branches in the different wpswhool buildings. The school board pittas granted any privileges to. this Ifrork walch wfli not interfere with the achool work WW â- ' OStaern Chosen. fe*ft§ this was the final meeting of the year, reports for the year were read fey the •ecretary, treasurer, and the president, Mrs. Pierson. OOcers lor the ensuing year were president, Kim. Daniel W. first vioMwesident, Mrs. W. A. second vies^restdsat. Mrs. iljtt, Brubaker; secretary, Mrs. pvllmaa Cobb; U ess mm, Mrs. John â-² esdal hoar flaBoweo. called for and de ritz, 1620 Darr Wwor ED 'work; M. R. Mo- 1339. 6-tf WANTED [NTED â€" 500iJ3U* once. Skow, ttielallo^ Bvanston. MERS AT 710 Maln-st., 17-« MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION. 'SATURDAY, APRIL 12, AT 2:30 P. M. Ufncoln and Vernon-avs., Olencoe, III. (1 block west, 1 block north of depot.) i. ^r I shall sell at auctl|n ^without re- serve the handsome loatogany furni- ture and furnj^rT^B <n!\rivate reB1* dence. Rare opn^unnWfp purchase eight-day irandfathlr cfocT, Westmin- ster and JbanterWry cbimst; Field's 'ice J500; aprifoot massive d-made library table; two over-tufted davenports, chair to match; bookcases, phonograph record cabinets; sixty Inch extension dining table, massive china cabinet and serv- ing table to match; hand-made bed- room suite, took prize St Louis ex- position; brass beds, massive dress- ers, 360-piece Havlland Cobalt blue and gold china; pictures, candlesticks, bric-a-brac, cut glass, Oriental and do- mestic rugs, bedding, antique desks, etc. Inspection invited, beginning April 10. THOS. W. PHILPOTT, ltc^i *x.^ K1. -. -JT\ Auctioneer. WM mi su BURNS IN AUTO FIRE iS^^gfljgpftMy MONEY TO LOAN On jfcvanston and North Shore prop- 1580 4l*efman-fv>/ Couldn't Take Prescription. Physicianâ€""You should seek a high* er altitude." Patientâ€""It always gets me dlzzv m fv.,.«»i »<.. -whin." Chicago Driver Victim of Gas- oline Expiosion in Garage- Two Machines Destroyed. Fred Buchholz, a chauffeur residing at 3406 Indiana avenue, Chicago, suf- fered serious burns in a gasoline ex- plosion and fire which destroyed the garage and two costly automobiles at the home of C. F. Champlin, 2330 Or- rington avenue, Evans ton, Thursday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock. Buch- holz was badly burned about the arms and face. According to the story told the po- lice, Buchholz was working on the two automobiles, one a steam touring car and the other a big limousine. He struck a match to light the pilot light of the gasoline car after he had cranked it. The explosion occurred and. before the fire department ar- rived the garage was In a mass or (lames. It Is presumed that a leaky carburetor caused a flow of gasoline on the floor which caused the room to fill with gaseous vapor. This was ex- ploded when Buchholz struck the match to light the lamp. The Champlin seven-passenger tour- ing car is valued at $2,600, while the other auto, belonging to Mrs. J. P. Williamson, who was visiting in the Chnmplln home, a luxurious limou- ine, was valued at $4,500. Both, with the garage, were a total loss. DISMISS LIQUOR CA8E. The charges against Milton Jonas, Morton Orove, for "soliciting orders for the sale of liquor" in the city of Evanston were dismissed before Po- lice Magistrate Boyer Saturday on recommendation of City Attorney Luf- kin. Lutkin dismissed the case when Jonas showed that he received orders for liquor outside the city limits. FOR SALE-HOUSES SALEâ€"TWIN X MOTOKCYCLjE, 1*Q model, fi h. p., In nrst-clessJSon- ditlofrvPresto-llte tank, front and rear liglfrta and rear seajr attach- ment, $l8;TS|hone 1 O^TWllmette. ltp KOR SALE â€" SEVEN RUDM; HOUSE in Wllniette^'ot water Ileal, con venlent io/d»r; will Bell rease 1945 Ja*ftson-av., Evanston. ably. For Reht-Aptj FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED furnished apartment tpttn May or June to OctobetfKsevah iJoms. 1211 Igamev* XKne BeTa. ltc FOR RENTâ€" 806 MAIN-ST., $42.50. 837 SHERMANAV., *HTI0 ,. Nine rooms, two bains, hnick houses, oak trim and floor! throughout; new shades, scrdens. fa ranges: ngWly decorated Jvlth flnes^^i^papers. Ready for InmedU^Jccupancy. En- closed reaJ yards and no tracks to cross to finest of schools, make them especially desirable wbere there are very young children. HOT WATER HEAT. Open for inspection 10 to 4 dally and Sundays. Key at 837 Sherman-av. REAL ESTATE room coTtIgB>Dai.h, elejas*«rTSnt750- ft lot, J&Z4* 3252-W." FOR; 8ALBâ€"FIVE ADJOINING eacB-*ux200 ft.; sewers^sMewalkB and water to; .ten minutes from rail- road station; Jbrf»Xrom car; price $10 per.Jk)6t R. H. >lrte*sewski, jBletrtioe, m. FOR SALE saleâ€"40 thoroughb: 8. C*!*"WJ4te Leghorn henjbAwn in- cubator- , oh*>Nhoy^rf"one grinder. etc^MBTTms^t^ing.Box l36,QJetrtoe7lll. GOING to MOVE? i/ How Mean Electric Ligsled Honse Tell the agent that you want to see his list of wifiid houses. You will be sure to find $ne to suit you, for the best modern houses>of all descriptions are wired for electricity. ; electric A. wired house enables you to eniflp\rfWg e* conveniences land labor-saver#S»LJjjj|lll It will enable Irou to^make elecVfrcitv^fr serv- ant for sewin*, washing ironing ^IT cleaning. You can enjojthe beneflla of the electric fan, the toaster-stove, pofree^Mfevrolator, chafing dish and luminous radiator, armcharge the batteries of your electric car, at a saving of fifty per cent or more. Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS msm FOB KENTâ€"TABJ^ or without roomB,j mTanttHst, THE ABBURT, 15M AlB®itTr] rooms en suite with private I "" MS per week. ^ â- MMMSMMMM?mm_ GAS BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST. AND MOST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHTS FOR STO SPACES. 5SSS1. THE HO HEATERS, ^^,jk. thievei are bn»y in .IB***' ton .looting storerooms in the varlotta apartment building* in the city >f clothing and other articles. W. G. Sherer, 519 Grove street, reported to the police Monday that someone had entered his store room In the Blake apartments and secured s womatt-'s- skirt and other clothing valued at $80. Prof. Lang of the Newstead apart- ments also reported the loss of a bicy- cle and apparel taken from the store- room of his apartment. JAMES rtUOABLE Bl/ILDER CONTRACTOR Remodeling & c\fdnt Awugh Casting 431 Sherman Avenue Ttitphont 1187 Evinuon, llllaelt Laie Shore Sanitarium Our Spwlaltr <â- th#8oeMMfnl Tre«tai«iit o* Rdnie for Invalid •onAbU rmtes. __ 3337 ShenoeBSfverEvamt«n, EL ' 1W*pbon« Brantton 2811 sip n*nj~si*,*maearW,m i ...I MtlW«ll>M»f.(.'.-jC^MWm.1«tl HMWIriHW l'mi«Mill... NELSoi BfOTIfERS cutleIy and grjtoincl* Gnidlic Oar Spaltlli CllcmMsaHHin 30IB 306 w. MADierosT. 2 door* WmC of Franklin St. in Basement Our Prices To Please Everybody Complete Funeral â€" Cssket, En- balmlog and Serviceâ€"Mesrseaid Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. This cloth covered Ca»Met, Iine<^flVh wh U- silk, with complete tuinlahing: only SSO^M. NOT IN AWYTRUS^r We conduct furueWiyin all parts of the city anMubnrb^. No extra charge for dl Calls pnswered imujawllateiy WEIMESCHKIRCH 708 Main St. Tei. toos Evanston jStif.h'WtJ, +"•': *?â- ?;»â- "* iW»»S«-*'^i The New AU-Steel Doily Btctra rare The onjy dally ««mi-fa»e train from Chlcagx> to CaMfcrnla, The only •sduslv#^va'tWvds»* sen Fmncisco. > ,^wmfmm&<.: â- ^^>mmm f»^ 'tt- 'â- â- â- :-rtVi-%i*',v;!,?^«-*J.'K*'«V"1*i -'â- -'. â- 'â- 'M>.;.':if- r^^^^Aii' ,._it new sll-steel trein now leaves ths new Paasse Terminal, Chicago and North Western ~ p. m. dairy, arriving Cnnatia 7^0 e. nw, i â€" .......»â- _•__â- â- -------• runnii twflnfit Cisco fldO a. m. third dayâ€"actoal n M hoars and 30 minutes via Cbicag Union Pacific-- Soot1â€"â- »â€"«*^â€" en route. I The extra fat from 1 correspondini extra , tmumiftxtm tmfittta, | Bastbound. 1 ives Ban pfuiclsco 2jOO p. nv daUy. arrhrittf 1 Chicago OHM) . m. the thti I day. , ; ^ " • I The distinctive features ofnhis new train emboSy ,____ Francisco fts #10410} _ ..jtennediate pointa.: llnAMMI eMHlfiM. Bmrher •UmNm' mmUihairJrmting mndmamtumrinri Vmht Cc*»»A*»»w»»»<»*" â€"rvicm) Bathe Stenom-rmpher Library mnJ perioMeaU Veaor hemUmt Vemmmm aUmmim Etmetrbi Hgktinw Ehctric MitHlmHitf Smmitary mmmhUn* Jrimktimr fomntain >-!%, Stoek emd mknmmt Bmfrmt da* ear metmUm Dbtimm-emr eerefw OmemrvmtUm emn Another New Fint-Claw Train, the San Francisco Limited No Extra Fare a This new electric-lighted train ©quipped with Observation ^ car and Pullman Standard and Tourist sleeptovcanvtaavsa the new Passenger Terminal, Chicago and Wc^ Western Ry„ Chicago, aao p. m. daily, arriving San Francisco ggo p.m/-tWrd day-via Chicago and NorthWestern â€" Union Pacificâ€"Southern Pacific Q Eastbound, leaves San Francisco 11:40' p. m» arriving ^" Chicago 8^0 a. m. Sty ' V &> sWashtti Route d the new Overk«d LfaaKed >od abo the new Su *>»«*•• »*^>« A double-track eystem at e**r« heavy rteel rails, awarded aU mm wear of AotooMtto Clectrie Block Safety Sitmls Chicago, Union Pacific and North Western line Diract Routm to the Panama' Pacific Exposition. 1918 For tickets, reservations and full particulars, apply te^ Tieirt Officts Chicago and North Western Rye Lake Shore News Ads Bring Resirij Wfi&vft- ATenues Eviiiiftton ,;«aXBFHOWBS«0-00iS^" " Vf Dioes your wife support the family? No? How about it when you are gone? ILLINOIS LIFE POLICIES contain ex- clusive and extraordinary features, which in jus- tice to yourself you ought to know aboutrXooft into them before you,decide. We guarantee where others "estim ILLINOIS LIFE gives you wha to have. Wfite for deta«d inf information. Illinois Life Insurance Co: '-£& l-?i;-<"%-T?*$i'j Greatest Ilunois Company Mnrth Shnrg Ad^ncv 1580 Sherman Ave. Rvannton Milil3:'ixiiHK»rcED. AGENTS WANTED sl|Si '/â- .â- â- .' (Ski-; ---------â€"4^ Tr^mm