.....,TO.jfy^wt,.. ,.^, -w;-'^â- ;;t;iifT; jii inii '; ; ;i r;,^ MElilAL DAY PUNSARE NOW BEING DECIDED URGE CUSS TO 111 i Want Ad Departixienr | The LaKe Shore News i ! TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 555 WINNETKA 341 I III III ISM III 11 HI !«♦♦•»â- ........||||lllt»*IIIH»t Line ofMarch, Place of Address | Biblical Institute Will Graduate Have Been Arranged by the Committees in Charge of This Great Program. MANY WILL TAKE PART Veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, Spanish War Veterans and the Boy Scouts Bri- gade Will Assist. Arrangements are rapidly being com- pleted for the observance of Memorial day in Evanston by members of the Grand Army of the Republic, Spanish War Veterans and Boy Scouts. While many details of the program have not been decided upon, the general plan -of parade formation, line of march, etc., have been discussed by the com- mittees in charge. A few possible changes may be made in the plans which follow: Mayor James R. Smart has been named grand marshal of the day. Me has not yet selected his staff. The formation of the parade, as planned now, will be on Orrington avenue, just north of Church street. The pro- posed line of march follows: East on Church street to Chicago avenue, south on Chicago avenue to Davis Btreet, west on Davis street to Maple avenue, south on Maple avenue to Dempster street, east on Dempster street to Hlnman avenue, north on Hlnman avenue to the First Metho- dist church. Start In Monday. According to plans under way the parade will start promptly at 9:30 o'clock from Church street and Or- rington avenue. The proposed forma- tion follow*: Platoon of eight police- men,. Grand Marshal Smart'and staff, band, Grand Army of the Republic, Spanish American War veterans, Ev- anston Boy Scouts, automobiles to carry aged" and infirm Civil war vet- erans. The question of securing a band is not definitely decided upon. How- ever, If a musical organization is not secured, music will be furnished by the Boy Scouts' drum and Bugle corps. Parking of automobiles and carriages in the streets In the line of march will be prohibited by the police. They will also guard against any disorder gg a* the streets and a special number || of officers will be detailed for duty on ip'ihat day. ffe:;. To Make Appeal. A special appeal will be made to every resident of Evanston, particu- S larly those living on the streets In- cluded In the line of march, to deco- ^rate their homes with flags and the * national colors. It is the intention of ^jtnose promoting the observance this "flyear to make it a memorable affair ||: :and every citizen Is urged to help ffIdecorsie the city for the gala day. Ip Instead of war veterans visiting the p Schools this year and instilling patriot f pism in the hearts of the pupils with fff talks dealing with war experiences, Sltfte children will be included as par- H tlcipaats of the observance and serv- ices in the First Methodist church. ;/7;They are being trained to sing anunv Wjmcot patriotic hymns in the service. fe; ' To Decide on Speakers. â- ^-:: Only one speaker has been definitely £ decided upon. He Is I* A. Gaakey of ^Chicago. Mr. Gaskey Is a Spanish "in m B if the Largest Class in Its History at This Year's Commencement. 51 TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS Ancient Law Code, Written 2,000 Years B. C. Is to Be Presented to the Institute by the Senior Class. ♦10:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Garrett Biblical institute will grad- uate the largest class In its history this year at Its fifty-seventh commence- ment exercises, which will begin Sun- day, May 25, and conclude Wednes- day, May 28. Fifty-one students will receive diplomas, six over the number of last year's class, which at that time was the largest in the Institute's his- tory. To Present Ancient Code. One of the most interesting events on the program, outside of the mis- sionary reunion to be held Sunday evening, May 25, will be the presenta- tion of the code of Hammurapi, by Ernest Lauer. Dr., Eiselen will re- spond to the presentation address. This code, which is an exact reproduc- tion of the original, was written about 2000 B. C. The following is the program of the anniversary exercises: 8unday, May 25. * 9:00 a.m. Students' love feast, led by Prof. Davidson. Baccalaureate sermon, President Stuart. Missionary reunion. Ad- dresses by William T. Hobart, '81 (China), John R. Denyes, '97 (Java), Will H. Teeter, '03 (Phil-, ippines), Howard A. Mub- ser, '99 (India), F. Her- ron Smith, '05 (Japan), Monday May 26. 2:30 p.m. Commencement exer- cises. Diploma School of Theology. 4:00 p.m. President's reception. Tuesday, May 27. 8:45 a.m. Chapel service. Examinations. Alumni luncheon. Business meeting Alum- ni association. Alumni oration, Daniel McGurk, '53, Dayton, O. Program by Prof. Cum- nock and the Glee club. Senior class presentation of the code of Hammu- rapi, Mr. Ernest Lauer. Response by Prof. Biae- len. Wednesday, May 28. 8:45 a.m. Chapel service. Examinations. Annual meeting board of trustees. Commencement . exer- cises, Graduate School of Theology. NOTICEâ€"AFTER THIS ISSUE WANT ads in the Lake Shore News will be charged at the following.rates: Real Estate Classifications, 7% cents per line. All other classifications, 5 cents per line. Minimum price 16c. No advertise- ment charged for less than 25c. Help Wanted and sulfations Want- ed advertisements FREE. HELP WANTED ITBDâ€"A mette, Po MAID FOR GENEJIAL 801 Greenleat*?., Wil- ,X "p WANTEDâ€"AT J»f*j& GIRL FOR office work^experlenCBHnot neces- sary; past live in WinnetkVfhone WJ»iBetka388 ^*â€" SITUATIONS WANTED INTELLIGENT GERMAN DESIRES position as housekeeper. Capable ok managing servants or lake charge of children while parents are\way. S. M., 2635 East Rail- road-ail Evanston, 111. / 27-2tp 9:00 a.m. ♦ 12:30 noon 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p. m. 9:00 a. m. 2:30 p. m. •Held in First Methodist Episcopal church. Other exercises are held In Memorial hall. The trustees and faculty, through their president. Dr. Charles M. Stuart, Invites the public to the exercises dur- ing commencement week, and to the president's reception on Monday, May 2C. '$%, American war veteran and was aide-! de-camp to the commander in chief of the army during the war. One fea- ture of* the program will be the pre- sentation of the 1*000 point merit jnedsla to Boy Scoots William Meyer and LaYera* Bbernardt The presen- tation speech will be made by Mayor James B. Smart a;:; sfostlnii will be held this week by the commutes tn charge of the pro- gram and other details, to complete plans for the observance. Thus far the workers hate engaged the hearty t^operatkm of scores of eitSsena and feope to make the day one of the most noteworthy to thai history of Ev- W0(C' TH* SASLV SIRD. fatter B, Trsloar, aa Mranstoalaa, brieves ft is the early bird that that canTlai fhe worm. Mr. Trsloar to oat for ffe* oflee of short* in Mil Cm Us casta to states to Is The MRS. RAWN AWARDED $20,316 BY VERDICT Mr?. Florence W. Rawn, widow Of the late Ira G. Rawn, railroad presi- dent, who died in Wlnnetka, July 19. 1910, from a gunshot wound, was awarded $20,316.68 by a verdict in a St Louis court last Friday In her sak to recover on policies on the life of her husband against the London Guar- antee and Accident company. The sum awarded to the verdict repre- sented three life insurance policies plus Interest from the date of death of Mr. Rawn. The company retimed to make payment on the poUetes on the ground that Rawn had committed suicide. OLYMPICS WIN AOAIW. The crack Olympic banefeaB team kept their slate clean by walloping tto fast Wlnnetka team Bandar in weO-played game, by tto seat* «* I to t- Tto gam* was fsatnred by the pttchtag of Johnson and tto tngof Wooela. , ---, - ^f^lg TRUSTWOflWiY. REFIJJjBD WOMAN will take care of h^use or apart- ment while fafbily jfre away. M. S., 826 Ridge-av., EWnston, 111. 27-2tp INTELLIGENT/ GERMAN DESIRES position as/^managing^bousekeeper for bachelors, or take charge of chil- dren w£lle parents are a\ay; ca- pabla'of managing servants/Nfi. M., 2630 East Rallroad-av., Evanslon, JJt 27-! IS WASHED, COLORED mended ;^UIrsfcclass work; "called for and^mto^raL M. R. Me- rita, 1620 Darffw-avVT'el. 1380. 6-tf FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"BOYS' BICTCLE, $6M. CatktU 201 Stockham-pl. *'^.tp FOR SA box, 70 flfi Phone. Wllmeti Forest-av. AN EMPRESS MUSIC inch- dlsoaf price $40. Call at 1044 ltp FOR SALJfr ~ PHONOGRAPla^WITH French lesson records; reaeoaable. inquire 1123 Lake-av., Wilmette. lip rfBffi I1! LTHY cabbage 629, WU- ltc A Country Boom at Hub- hard Woodsâ€"eonr<wiiw>t to l y*t distinctively m- " by natural mbraces „ Jwwl investment. et 6o West Washington Street Chicago OIM'T CHAFE DtttreytOiot r*Me*f ASK YOUR DRUGGIST F**t Happy 26CTS tdooxs Shore Sanitarium UMA mt AboTtoat Iflvall Graduate Evanston,! NOW IS TH&TIME TO solk andw^ompouad; yarla/noad dnQerei north of Davli * Phone 60S. CT BLACK Sb a load, 2 no delivery ind ft Risch. 24d-4tc WANTEO-TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -><** YOUNG couple, small hftse br flat in Wil- mette. AddressJ0UO0J>Lake Shore News. 2SA 1 nftMfa**^ lto WANTED wij^BD â€" 600. CD once. Skow, tne^Tai: Bvanston. CUSnamjBRS AT leg. 710 Maln-st., ^ 17-tf OR RENT-ROOMS RENTâ€"A GOOD SIZEJ>**'C'OM- fOT^mJyfurnUhed roon**'!o44 For- es^av./Phenft WUarttte 923-L. ltp FURNISHEDyflOOSr-KQR RENT. 722 TwelOa«iC Phone Wilffle4t& 984-W. BOARIl AND ROOM IT, 1664 ASBURY-AV.. rooma# suUp. with private bath and single roomsU excelkStVcuisine; rates, room, (afcWinf boan}, $16 to |S6 per wettepaMrs\J^. Diefen- dorf, Phon«5»2. 19-tf £KS TEETH IMVKSTIGATB A5DSATB SO* iou; .SS.OO B.OO I.OO I.OO 1.00 ______ _ .so Open Bandar*. 9 to 12; Ertatata tfll 7 >B*. MeCBESHKT * BBOWN, Ine. a a Cor. BawSoIph and Clark St*. Chime* Platta (oar tpoeWtjr). " All Other Crowns â- •tfdRe-cn EstabUahoAttSl L. LITT DisittOKa 335 W. Madbon Street Bat Franklin and Mark* 8U. CHICAGO ItoEvanston FOUNTAIN SQUARE »HONCS 2898-2809 •CRT Blavlock, Manaokh kLL THIS WEEK ONEYEAR IN NEW YORK Rli The Qftat Amar Week Cloning Week TbeTfane. The Place and The Girl Musical Comedy • BEST AND T Â¥/* a-TT CHEAPEST laiiVfll QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT FUEL ARCLIG SPACES THB HO HEATERS, FOR STO ESC RANGES, ^nwXDIA HEATERS. Ct, 1611 Benson avenue, Evanston WStTBANi^BOTALjNSUR- Company 6t LiverDaatrlargeBt imnany in , the ll1ng^Tl»ouBehold t 4g^a/ Charles a Co., resident itc insuran< world. Ins goods, rents; A. Tfigtghtm Phone 20 MONEY TO LOAN' vanston and fJortbJHyiore prop* NRWt WANT ADg BRINO IWSULtt Suprfluous Hai Eleetrie NmcIIo tho onbf CorajsTsM} Arms, Nock, E^browaJMPjoa anwWart*. Invoators of tlw 6-M«of*MSnM<\^/ (Over ZOWaara' wmartomaKT In bad eaawlroiiMStoMnMdltaatoiia tlmo, and roEovo 260 • 300 hairs nor hourjaOlothoffinltwHhononoodlOj^e Our MotboSEastoYou UMjMmimlt tao Maaoy. t^ NO PAIN-NO flARKS OR SCAR5 WaguaraatM to doatroy ovary hair wa troat. Shoaldaayroturn wo will aladly romovo thorn Froo of Chars*- Our Motto, UbaraUty. Bonaot DoaUn*. Wa soarsataa aatisfaetien. Il.oo will eon«lneo jroo. Conoaltationa invitod. (Pne.) Writa for BooklotB. Mme. Stiver 1407 Auditorium Towor. Chkaso Til. KirrtiM 4223 N EMt Cmctms It Ruby Fireproof Steel Buildings Beat Portable Construction Made for Every Purpose Cost Lessâ€"Last a Lifetime -^Hdtt|a^« "IP Tf.1 :it iOTsuKA, â- *$ *^ ^m $ F v An l^c«llcst» Place to Iat> f OjrShortdan Kond at Wlst« IICTO PARTIES LUNCHEONS BjWOEtV-^INNERDAnSI Table D'Hqte Dinners, dalnrily aeryed, 60c dally, 75c Sui •sTnans. fllafBaawo«4 4i|il V f Mister Dooley says:â€" '"Whiniver annybody affera to giv* ye somatoln' f r nawthin' or spmethin' f'r less thin' it's worth, or more ft somethin* thin it's worth, don't take anny chances-ryejl for a polisman." Tht above applies to Photographic Pin&bing and Materials Films Developed lOcoer Rol IPECTIVE OF^SIZE OR/Ot THIS PRIC OR STRIN 'your films where you ^ i are always fresh, as we pany. We are the only fin NO IFS CAJMIDI JLTACHCDViy IT â- tqs^ 5t thi beat and rreahest stook^-"1'" tureot from Eastman Tng Photo Finiahia] that is an authorized Eastman Kodak dealer. Make us prove tt, THE CAMERA SHOP (Horton's) 614 DAVIS STREET mOHE tm^ fflLW Men's A Specialty We hare so for skill in ha thai yoytB*x have do equallfweli with m 'do the worlc natf&trotcjn Evans 622 Davis St Phone 1730 a mmtatjoa , vwmmtahat o!h+ify Act fotbes.:-^-:,- j. Boat VoSSTSSr- Ingine Boom, Work For Primlyâ€"__„. _. . TggLHouM- Shop, Com tha Bwav ._„.____________ ___ and are tho only lortaWe IraiMHffa with »truc- toral otael tassaf Always fireproof, woather- tjfht, iitdeajrujllblo. Coat Iom than masonryâ€" bettor thanWafaâ€"strong as a permanent struc- ture. Wecaasaw yea dolUnra, aaaar doUara, "' roquironMnf if you consult us on your buildlns roqui . ENGLISH e\ DOHAN 1020 Barrls Trust Batumi. Chkaso, OL Sales Asoats for Tae Baby Mf*. Co, Jackson, Mien, ta. StPatil= Minneapolis *JSix splendid fast trains daily, Chi- cago to the Twin Cities. "" pictuj IS THE TIME TO Don't wait until the moths jf get into them and makejtii an expensive affair, best place id â-º20 HHEBsUl^A' not charge Storage lerrf Remodeling or Re- PAMpaTG are done tWfsummer montWTDrop us a card and we will call. George Belck, Furrier 1520 Sherman Ave. Telephone 1390 modern uipttlnt and ssasjst. ve Chicago daily 8^5 a. m„ 10:15 a. nu, p. m. (rA* famwu 'ortk WeptmrnLanUmd) 10*0 p. iik, 10:10 p. m. and 250 a. in. Chicago-tmd I North Western] Railway Apply to 7*oSttrW*to»*I,c,<et *••"*• mfTramet Evanston, III. m CKoose Tht One Mearest Yoe THE CLOVER, 206 $, yaaash Ave THE GURNEYa 23 S. Wabash Av #THE MADISON, 221 HE-HE Wabash Ave. Madison Stw i ; iS^oii can't go wrong on any of these five restaurants. All wider one man- agement. All ran separately. They re all exceptionally pleasant places to eat mimm Choose the j^££ffaflB&^ ;jy&;>^&S^^