CiSS^wltPfi* %:â- *!»â- : 1 4 l«|iHMNM^M«lMl|||«MNM 8&" ^* j"wood church and moderator of Chi- cago presbytery. u Hymn-MI Love Thy Kingdom, Lord. Dedicatory Sermon-By Rev. John Timothy Stone, D.D.. pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church an* moderator of the general assembly. 8tatement-By Mr. Ralph tt Rie». treasurer of the building fund^ Address and Reception of the Thanh Offering-Rev. Edgar P. Hill. DJD superintendent of the church exten- sion "board. „ Giving the Keysâ€"By Mr. Robert K. b£™: chairman of the building committee. Acceptance of the Keys-By Mr. Sam fri^KW, Chairman of the board of trustees. .„ Dedicatory Solo. "Hear Je Israel (from "Elijah" of Mendelssohn)- ' itv Miss Isabel Gllne. Ac! ofTdication-Led by the pas^r. trLer of Dedication-Led by Dr. ^nes, pastor of the First Presbyte rian church of Evanston. HymH of Dedication. "The Vision or God" (written for the occasion). Duet: «'The Day IB Ended" (Bartletn -Miss Cllne and Miss Kastholm. Organ Postludeâ€"By Mrs. Cllne. *he evening special musical pro- gnaa at 7:45 o'clock will be as fol- Sem. "The Sun Shall Be No More Thy Light" (Woodward). Soto! "The Lord Is My Light" (Alllt- Ben)â€"Miss Dorothy Rae. Address-By the pastor. "The Mes- siah of Handel." . Anthem. "Festival Te Deum (Bucfc). Anthem. "Even Me" (Warren). The quartet consists of Miss Doro- thy Rae. soprano; Mrs. Frank R. Eager, contralto; Mr. George W. Ma and Mr. Alfred C. Free- MMiMMMMMIMM*»»»»MM»M»»M»»MM»»»«»»»»i What People Are Doing ♦♦♦♦........♦ in inf llinette •»•»•»»»•##••' |, son, tenor, *-' man. basso. # Meetings of Week. IE ^ The thank-glvtog prayer meeting â- "';- will be held Wednesday night in the 8f parlor, and the Woman'B society will l§~«mvene Tuesday at 10 a. m. to sew, If with box lunch at noon and a trip to Wh "The -World in Chicago" at 1 p. m. || ? A genuine house-warming and wel- ^||come will be given socially on Friday ffl? sight to all the people of the congro- j|;';:: gallon and their friends. |f"i' The comnronion service will be Upheld Sunday morning, June 1, with the pt" public reception of members. In the '^evening the final event of dedication fweek will be the lnterchurch fellow- Iship meeting, at which the churches Jof the village will participate. The ligeneral theme of the evening will be _ jt**SWlowship in Service," and the pSspeakers of the evening will be Rev. ptrJarry B. Heald of the Episcopal .^church, 'Rev. .Roy B. Bowers of the glCkmgregatlonal and Rev. Thomas K. fjppaie of the Methodist church. jgf.".". Buy Organ with "Friend" Fund. ; pf:--:JL $2,500'pipe organ of the Moller ^Intake is Installed in the new church. 'S^ifa 'addition to this Instrument two inline pianos have been purchased with the $3,500 which was given to the padtnrch furnishing fund by a !§§|$^rlehd." Only a select few know the f^loentlty-of the "friend" and they were allowed to finance the Instrument pipiiwshase with the money K| The lot upon which the new church , la located was a gift, Edward Zlpf, a Tnember' of the building committee, being the donor. The dimensions ot the lot are 100 feet frontage on Ninth Q street'by 106 feet depth on Greenleaf avenue. The lot Is valued at $3,600 , It is the geographical center of the ffiviJlaie of Wflmette. fc The offlcers ot the church follow: flfcev, Jamea Marquis Wilson, D.D..pas- tor; Robert K. Brown,.Joseph Davld- son, Charles C. Oliver, Herbert W. ^ WiW, Thomas E. D. Bradley and Samuel R*. Kerr, elders; Earl O. Low, Ralph H. Rice, George Howard Can- nlft, Irwin L. Simmons, Carl A, Keller and Charles I. Ross, deacons; Harry H. Bolce, James Crabbe, Frank R. Eager, Qeorge Gordon Hannah, 8am- nel B. Kerr and John Kelft, trustees. |g?The total membership of the church ." m-m. 'â- " â- â- Sheldon M. Grelner, 621 Lake ave- nue. Is In Memphis, Tenn., this week on business. Elizabeth Pope, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pope. 010 Lake street. Is 111 In her home with mumps. Mrs. George D. Upson and daugh ter, 607 Washington avenue, are visit- tog friends In Piper City. 111., for ten days. Mrs. Arthur Bingham Selbold, 523 Washington street, Is entertaining a number of friends this afternoon at bridge. Mrs. C A. Waller of Lake City. Minn., Is a guest In the home of Mrs. WlHard H. Thayer, 519 Washington avenue. A . Mrs. S. T. Lewis Is hostess today at a luncheon in her home, 000 Cen- tral avenue. Fifteen guests Cdinpbse the party. Dr. D. M. Gallie returned Saturday from Peoria, where he attended the annual convention of the Illinois State Dental society. The Fellowship club was enter- tained in the home of Mr. and Mr* Mortimer B. Skinner, 725 Tenth street, Friday night Mrs. J. M. Clark of Chicago will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner. 725 Tenth street, during the summer. Members of the Reading circle were entertained at a luncheon In the home of Mrs. P. R. Flndlay, 914 Ninth street, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse, 633 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Clark are spending a few weeks at French Lick Springs, Ind. Mrs. L. Bonfleld, mother of Mrs. Gordon Hannah, 923 Greenleaf street, who has been seriously 111 for several weeks, Is reported to be improving. More than a dozen members of the Comanche club were entertained in the home ot Mrs. Elmer C. Bute, 702 Washington avenue, Thursday even- ing. Werner Schmidt and Elno Klst of Laurel avenue accompanied the New Trier track team to Champaign last Saturday to attend the annual inter- scholastic meet. Miss Dora Williamson of Sheridan Park was the guest of MIsb Effle Ladd three days last week. Misg Ladd re-j Williamson Friday for a few days' visit Charles Lundberg. 1538 Columbus avenue, Accompanied by seven boys, members of the Sunday school class he Instructs, attended "The World In Chicago" pageant last Saturday aft- ernoon. The trip was made In Mr. Lundberg's automobile. Thirty-four members of the Junior class of the Northwestern university were entertained at a supper party In the home of Miss Hazel Plerson, a member of the class, 730 Lake street Wednesday evening. A beach party had been planned, but because of the inclement weather the party was held in the Plerson home. A bridge party Wan given by Mrs. William H. ftldditord in her home, 1035 Greenwood avenue, Saturday aft ernoon In honor of Miss Bessie Dun- bar of Chicago, who will become the bride of'Mr. Sidney Anderson the first week of next month. Mrs. Fred- erick Alfred Hill, daughter of Mrs. Riddtford, assisted In entertaining. Mrs. William Freeman and two sons left Thursday for Greeley, Colo., where they will pass the summer on the Freeman ranch near that city. Mr. Freeman, his daughter (Grace) and his son (William), who will fin- ish the school term, plan to leave about the middle of June for Colo- rado, where they will Join Mrs. Free- man and sons. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Mlas Nulla Thaye Buck to Rev. John Dean on Junef 8 at the M. B. church of Wllmette at 3 o'clock In the afternoon on Monday, June 9, at the home of the brlde'B sister, Mrs. J. C. Timm, 1200 Noyes street, an In- formal reception will be held, Gor- don Buck, nephew of the bride, will act as ring hearer. Carolyn Dills and Dorothy Tlmm, her nieces, will bg, flower girls. The wedding march will be played by Miss Esther Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Dean will make their home at 630 Park avenue, Wllmette, after July 15. Both young people are well known In Evanston and Wll- mette. The bride Is the daughter of the late A. F. Buck of Evanston, where she lived until two years ot age. The bridegroom is a student In CHURCH BU1XE1 WILMETTE. Wllmette M. E. Church. Sunday Morningr at 10:30 o'clock the Woman's Foreign Missionary so- ciety will have charge of the service, when an interesting sptaker from China will deliver the address. At 6 p. m. the pastor, Rev. T. K. Gale, will preach on "The Choice of Moses." Sunday school at 9:30, Mr. E. W. McCullough, superintendent. Junior league at 4 p. m. Epworth league at 6:15, led by Mrs. Slpes. A luncheon cabinet meeting will be held after the devotional service. 11 o'clock. The vapor service has been discontinued for the present. Sunday noon Bible class meets in the library of the church.' The Tuesday mora- lng class meets at 10 o'clock. The mid-week devotional meeting will be held in the library at 8 o'clock Tues- day. An adjourned meeting of the church council will be held this even- ing at 8:15. Christ Church, Episcopal. ' Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. Sunday, May 26: Holy communion, 7:30 a. m., In the chapel. Morning service, 11 o'clock; sermon topic, "God is Love." Music by vested boys' choir. Install League Officers. A very unique installation service ot the new Epworth league officers of the Wllmette Epworth league was held last Sunday at the M. E. church. A short devotional service was held in the league room, after which those present descended to the basement Where tables were Bpread and an n- Joyable time spent partaking of a light luncheon 'followed by short speeches by the officers and pastor. The officers are: President, J- E. Dean; first vice-president Nulla Buck; second vice-president Mrs. Lis- ka; third vice-president, Erdie Bate- Colegrave; secretary, Hazen Patter- son! treasurer, Staver Moulding; or- ganist, Luclle Drake; chorister, B. Brand; Junior league superintendent, Roy Kirtland. turned to Sheridan Park with Miss | Garrett Biblical Institute Leading Merchants on the North Shore The following advertisers on the Home BullderB' page, which appears once a month, are good firms to trade with, and invite your patronage: Wllmette. linger & SpeJdjUr^j bidding, mater iarfT301, The/ Edmund Si, ^mesJB, £152 Centnwa C.jHfBrethold. ldfta 545 VTatt Railro Nosui Shore Re estlffe, L terminal Vijk. Price, vacdu£id2eaner, 1147 Greenleaf avenue. *y Q Wiring's pharmao#,|u9ugs, cigars, canlry, etc., WilmeyrS&d Railroad avenueaf r tr . WWette Fruit laMd/<feady Store, honVB-made candyJUseTcream, cigars, etc., 1JS1 Wllmette Aveaie. Shore apljna ttto, la WH Mars 508 B Titt & Wy pan?/, concrete c Annex.â€"Advt [, wood, coke, ,ke avenue, litz market, pe. d insurance, ie. elation, real I lAST WEEK OF THE ^ll^sf'WctuTMWill- Be on i w inhibition at the Evanston p^^jpgre Next Week.; I. Tbs Evanston Stock company is this |:^l)nselc playing ito last engagement of |#f^: season at the Evanston theater. ^^â€"xauauteig Monday motion pictures Ittxe will be on exhibition each The charge of admission com- jaenrtng Monday will be 10 cents. The PJnafilWi isstsLJfr "TheuJCiiiie, ths aatt* and the QirL" and large crowds !^^fiSBm^4dj^M^^Pt^Ji» :rper* Wim^um^ !l"Â¥ift£t':':A: '>. .- â- "â- ;> â- : There was some mention made of S%lling a benefit performance for the |C wissjtisrs of the company next week, ^V bat owing te the fact that several |vJMun1i>fS of, the oompany have signed I'vowtracta tor the summer season at pany, gas and gardener and ngineera and eet itruction com- lon, 16 Prouty STUDENTS PAY COSTS; GASES ARE DISMISSED Agreeing on a settlement by pay- ment of ML to the Mojaawejtern Ele- WINNETKA. Congregational Church. E. F. Snell and J. W. F. Davles, ministers. Sunday, May 25: Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Morning worship, hool, 9:45 a. ttSjftPhoMtBS A. C. Shop & Rm. Phone 158 C. WOLFF Tin, si farnai gutter] spout rooft. metal and ESTIMi ork. furnaces, foutmanm metal A PIWNISHED Lawn mowers sharpened and repaired, called for ' and delivered. Office, 1124 Central Ave. Sfeap, 629 Park Av«. (rear). Wllautte MOTHERS' CLUB MEETS. A meeting of the mothers of the sixth grade pupils was held last wtek in the Horace Mann school. The meeting was called to discuss the course In English and to make plans to have the pupils give short plays frequently. Repairing and Supplies \rtalphW.Faupel The Village Electrician In'conned Eleetri has put bla Grafo: meettfl|[ witlAiis it Ijjf fullllrf of rafodbks Wfd R regular business, Colum- Records. You are lavfted to come and hear them. 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. Phone 622 Wllmette iert Rae, fleaf aven Smith, fi road ave ah, shoes/h WilmettLii QnUfeette StudUJ c 112|rCkmtral aven Ws/jD. Kurz, ingFlJrf* Linden jy^NUles, „ 12lgWDmette ave! |bJ01ey ft Ci rairTS, shones mette^r§7. E^C. Weissen rlatrW, grain, w 8e»rt Bros., ; lngfilQI Central Wiufette Flor »lapTand landsca; builder, series, oJ7 and furnish- e. 'hotography. and. heat- market, vated Railroad company for the dam- age to property.and the payment of court costs, the cases of disorderly conduct against Fred Beirman, A. F. Muschler and C. C. Smith, the three Northwestern university freshmen who were arrested following a gen- eral melee at the Davis street station ten days ago when they captured a »few Sophomores returning from a banquet, were dismissed to Police Magistrate Beyer's case this morning. irs and deco- 4848, Wll- [ding mate Elm street and decorat- > DANCE FOR BRIDES-TO-BE. A young people's dance will be given Saturday night by Mr. and Mrs. Heyllger A. de Windt of Winnetka, In the Bluff cottage, in honor of Miss Dorothy Coffin ot Winnetka, whose engagement to Samuel A. Greeley was recently announced, and for Miss Catharine Delano, who will become the bride of Alexander Gait Grant of Boston May. 81. A dinner for twelve will precede the dance. ^ tiultz & Nord MftsmWHswKVttQ TAItORWG i defying \mdD00tn ng 609 West Railroad Avcduc WILMETTE, ILL. AUTHORIZED TO DO A BANKING BUSI- NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SURPLUS Safety Deposit Boxes THE Bank is now equipped with one of the most complete Safety Deposit Vaults in the vicin- ity of Chicago. The boxes afford patrons absolute valuable papers, etJp agfi and buraJks, besida^he ence oiVwiving ibis, right husv*tl<Jiome. Tne equipment. contains thry hundre4-Jst»«*«JR,0* they ar<8BRnning very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. -#N@t: iMM CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET Wllmette, Illinois. Telephone Wllmette Ninety mys % \7to Mei Toha T. Rosberg"~" erdsant^Tailor .Weanin A full lin^tsVthe /I^est spring novelties. Weaning, repairing and pressing. Good clothes maker. F tjTi aps trass OFFICE 1137 0REENLE1F AVENUE WILME/rE, IL1TOIS Screens, SunW»fchelr^ndGar,ages a specialty. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Phone Wilmette 458 6 Room Bungalow... 7 Room/, ho wate/heat 7 Rm.,fetuccoT new|H.W.Isli.. greeaof so omce, the justment meat that science and genius Your are urgently invited to _ test that rou may choose, entirely jrouiand caliorjwrite for -free .other theaters it was impossible for * tfesvs to rsnialn for the bensfl*, and It dedoed not te hold it special Bargains feor Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Qoods you can place hefore the most disorlmif atlng^ruest, call discrlmifatlng^gfui th 6-horU B Bakery North 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wllmette 413-414. Wllmette Auto Delivery Wil kf. A. H0H WISCONSIN GEN Office 53 PHONES 1 RM. 3S Stable Si â- aunt Enrmtos VaiaTOri Lyon* i Carrii ____ Carrikg«B, Cabs and ;jamys UFAIl' 728-734 12TH ST.. WILMC1 |r Ca ilmette Be Edith M. Kilmer Second Floor The High Class Beauti- LI~ :~ tying Done MlUlr hop M tral Ave., WUmetts Wtrb quatity in ttotk I MADE TO ORDER W* teiicit yoar patrwug* J. B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Over 100,000 Deaf People are satisfied users of the Aconsticon, and testify to its supremacy as an aid to perfect hearing. This original and most powerful of all hearing dfjbefr can-now be in- stantly adjusted by the wejfVlla^lit SpX different de- enaUes'yWlo HUH at home, in the thefceas*. This SIX-TONE ad- most useTal and wonjsrful improve- for perfejgUvSsfTDgT v sound-regolating Acottsticon every risk. Cut this out while it is before yarn convenience..,... ^^-^-.---â€"T. --1' General Acoustic tfrtton Bulhting • " Corner State Street and Jscsson Blvd. ftAitsrteow asse GOOD Dress- ers demand art in clothes, the nice, toifipin the distindtive K<Jiefcharac- ter, stple W^ifefinest workiianship to be had. GEORGE J, EBER Ladies* Tailor Custom Tailor 1131" Grmtarf Avwnw \rPart LMETTE.DAIRY Pure MUk and O 23a® 1819 Elmwood Avenue lilk and Cheese TELCPHONE 234 WILMETTE. IU. yResidl esidence 1026 Office 1079 JAMESM. &tkNE@ REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOA^gfXND INSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue / Wllmette"Illinois Ve also bsve some choree bargains in North Shore property. Wc or th Shore WEinhJvei?w#nZ#«r' ^---â€"i--â€"â€"â€"â€" lagc on thfisfferth SJrore from CMlcig&r [cGmfeHJOrr Urpsti T4 West WsJEtadtonSt^ Chicago S nrsach Offices Lots, Homes and Acres HIGH GRADE Garden Hose, Reels; Sprinklers aaroen gttttogg. The kind that alwe/smtlnfi tetter Cos! tflsv buOdtuff nvense and , \ ^^"^^^^^^^^m^-: m ;jM _ ^-:d^ All elevated trains stop within half bl£k of jos (A( ;"'>.: GIVE IJS if CALL 7rkrco*iFM*Y7inc' Wholesale and retail RUBBBR QOODS for every use 10S.107 Aouth Wafcneh A*wsute CHICAGO VEtVSE.E.D Bemea ===== »â- (SS v^^'i^fieMjPi fi£9 mmm.