: What â- ♦«♦...â- ......*« inGlencoe -:*#*«»«â- mm » Dr. Fred Patten has returneo Aran a snort sta? ait Mudlarla,tod. Mrs. Frank Miller la entertaining-as bcr guest MIbb pQlri|J^^J^rt^*^ England. '.â- ": y ,:;,â- â- ^jt^i,'^-..^' >> ': H. E. Sedgwick of Caledonia* N. Y., is the guest of his cousin, Mrs. James Urewster. Mrs. Mary Ftolen of Streator Is TiBltlng her brother, S. R. BurtoM» and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Schnur are the prW parents of a baby boy, bora last Tuesday. The Basket club will meet In the Home of Mrs. Caiman Msjtta tomo^r xow afternoon. ? Mrs. Pierre Oambloss of Atlanta, Ga., is a guest in the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alison- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McCurdy enter- tained several friends at bridga to their home Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Blaeeer of New- ark, N. J., are guests to the home of Mr.' and Mrs. R B, Compton The Jackman home has been leased by w. O. BartelL and family, who moved into the place laat week. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Calhoun en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Johns- ton of Chicago a few days last week, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett left last week for an extended visit in Philadelphia and other eastern cities. A card party was given by members of the Mystic Workers Of the World Tuesday night at the Woman's Library rooms. Miss Marie Spratland, a student in Ferry Hall, accompanied Miss Ber- nice Trade home from Lake Forest Sunday. After a month's visit___in Hot Springs, Va., with relatives, Mtises Jean and Frances Hurford returned home last week. Mrs. John L. Day and daughter, Miss Bessie Day, returned last Thurs- day from Micco, Fla., where they passed the winter. Miss Clara Budd returned to her home in Chicago the last of the week after a visit in the home of Mrt and Mr*. James Brewster. The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church met in the home of Mrs. H. J. Peaster Tuesday afternoon. Debt refreshments were served. Mrs. Martin Power and daughter, MiM Grace Power, left Saturday for Philadelphia, where they wHI visit for several weeks with "relatives and friends. An interesting lecture is scheduled today (Thursday) at the Woman's Li- brary club rooms when Mrs. Emma E. Adams will speak on the subject, "The Initiative and Referendum." Twenty guests were entertained at bridge in the home of Dr. and Mrs Harry D. Wiley Saturday night In honor of Mrs. Pierre Oambloss of At- lanta, Ga., who is visiting here. Mrs. Andrew McLeish attended the Foreign Missionary convention in De- troit last week. Mr. McLeish Joined her in Detroit Monday, where they "both attended the Northern Baptist convention. The members of the Young Wom- en's guild of the Methodist church will meet in the home, of Miss Isabel Carey, $83 Oak street, Winnetka, Fri- day afternoon at 3 o'clock in the regu- lar monthly business session. ' A good-sized sum was realized In the moslcale given in the home of Mrs. Dwlgnt C. Orcutt Tuesday night. 'The money will be used for charitable purposes by the Sewing circle of the Union church, nnder which auspices the musicals was given. , :Jbmii^3&*W--&*&'â- " ****** Young People's union of the Metho- dist church have been chosen as fol- lows: President, Robert -Schuster; vice-president Robert Aatonasewskl; secretary and treasurer. Miss Edna Power. Services are held each Bun- day evening at f;80 o'clock. â- Miss Jesse L. SturgM gave ah inter- esting description of the day nursery which is conducted in Providence, R. I, in the annual meeting of the Woman's auxiliary of St. Elisabeth's parish Bgonday. The session was held in the home of Dr. Eugenia Carter. Reports given by various officers of the auxiliary showed that much work had been conducted during the last year. Officers for the coming year were chosen in the annual meeting of the Woman's guild of St. Elisabeth'b ------------„â€"_ â€" -~ _â€"^-----Motorcycle Policeman Larkin swooped church held to the home of Mrs. Henry down upon them. The officer charges Tl i.l in ill â- i'iY '^m %fcÂ¥fj.«.«. *-------* M----A W«M T. A. .. S^^^8;^^^3ppfl^%^5|i|i'^^ ;jp||;/ Wl^ii^iil Mrs. J. H. Prentiss and Party of Women Arrested in Evans- ton by Officer Larkin. Mrs. J. H. Prentiss of Kenllworth with an auto party of women friends, including Mrs. Parmelee and Mrs. Grant Rldgway of Kenllworth, on route to Chicago to take the train for the annual junketing trip to the Glen- wood Home for Boys, at Glenwood, 111., was forced to undergo the embar- rassment of a delay of twenty min- utes in Bvanston Friday morning when their, chauffeur was arrested on a charge of speeding. The Ken.l- worth women- were driving down W«st Railroad avenue at what they considered a fairly slow Tate when Brlgham, as follows: President, Mrs George Arnold; vice-president, Mrs. Sylvan Newhall; treasurer, Mrs. P. Sager; secretary, Mrs. H. M. Poynter. Porch parties will be held in the homes of the various members of the guild during the summer, when work will be conducted on fancy sewing for the basaar next fall. GLENCOE PASTOR ILL IN MUMPS EPIDEMIC Rev. D. H. Cornell, pastor of the Glencoe Union church, Is confined to his home in Hazel Btreet suffering from a severe attack of the mumps. The pulpit was supplied by Rev. J. P. Lyons, librarian of the McCormlck Theological Beminary, last Sunday. Next Sunday Rev. P. A. Noble, for- merly pastor of the Union Park Con- gregational church, will preach. Rev. Cornell has been ill about a week add strict orders nave been giv- en by the attending physician that he must take absolute rest for fully ten days. Rev. Cornell has recently re- turned from a trip east and was only able to be about his pastoral duties a few days when be was stricken with tho mumps. they were going at a twenty-four-mile an hour rate of speed. The chauffeur was arrested. "I had just told Harry to drive mod- erately, although we were going to catch a train," said Mrs. Prentiss In explaining to 8ergeant Dickinson what she considered an unjust arrest, "and I didn't think we were going fast at all." Under the new rule which Is now in effect in Bvanston following the episode in which one B. E. Cooper escaped a fine by in- fluential Interceding a few days ago, all offenders in Bvanston must be accompanied to the police station by the officer making the arrest for violations of the motor vehicle law. Thus the stop was occasioned and the Kenllworth churdL women were kept worrying for a few minutes while they were forced' to await the arrival of Police Magistrate Boyer. ANOTHER CHAPTER IN CULVER-WHITE CASE Another chapter In the fight which 1b being waged by Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ton T. Culver of Glencoe to retain Vera White, the five-year-old daughter of Mrs. Winifred E. White, sister of Mrs. Culver, was recorded in Judge Foell's court In Chicago last Friday when the Culvers were ordered to re- turn the child to Mrs. White within twenty days. The order was given as the result of the habeas corpus pro- ceedings instituted by Mrs, White a few weeks ago. The White child has been reared al- most from infancy by Mr. and Mrs. Culver and it is understood that they will carry the case to the higher courts to keep from returning her to her mother, permanently. of Downing avenue in the southeast portion of Glencoe to1 Greenleaf ave- nue. GLENCOE MEN'S CLUB TO CIVE CABARET SUPPER With the announcement that a "cabaret" entertainment would be one of the features of the annual supper to be given members of 'the Glencoe Men's club, the committee In charge of the affair promise many surprises to the membership in the yearly func- tion which will be held In the Union church tonight at 6:30 o'clock. In previous years a program has been mapped out, but this year the coup mlttee in charge decided that a sur- prise would be unique. It Is hinted that good talent has been secured for the entertainment, but it is also assured that the "caba- ret" referred to will not be of the type which is seen in the downtown cafes. However, secrecy is maintained con- cerning the fun-makers for the even' ing and the scores of members who will attend probably will enjoy one of the most novel enfertalnsfehts ever given under the auspices of the inter- esting organization. EXTEND FRANCHISE. By an ordinance Just passed by the Glencoe village council the franchise to the Public Service Company of CHANGE NAME OP STREET. Northern Illinois has been extended An ordinance was passed In the spe- so that they maintain their equipment clal meeting of the village council last on Washington avenue east of Bluff Thursday night to change the name street. This extension is given that ♦as#^4#w ifi TT^nilnrArt ti m»imtVmI k^JUl^^ Or 'I i linn'........rt rniii'.......W'i'ili nliiiiiiijii i iiiinmini'iimi.....iiiinniiumiiil.iWui.yi wlMWMft'iJl'«^ii»WMiijiiilij||i«iii»»;Wi»ro Mrs. Grant Rtdgeway entertained several friends in honor of Mr. Rid* way's birthday Tuesday evening. Richard and Jack Taylor, sons of Mrs. W. J. Tsylor, are ill with mumps.;â- lr:'s,zi',:-*,.â- .*&'.. ':;,.v^Ss-t^)!sWj -Miss Margaret Fitch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fitch of Essex road is ill with mumps. Mrs. Calvin Case, who has bean passing a few weeks at her summer cottage near Ludlngton, Mich., has returned to her Kenllworth hone. Miss Charlotte Frelse is now in Louisville, Ky.; where she will visit for a few weeka before leaving for the Bast for an extended trio. Mrs. Roscoe Gilksy, formerly a res- tdent of Kenllworth, now of New York, visited with friends here last week. She is visiting is Chicago. Mrs. P. C. Luxton, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. K. Parmelee, and mother, Mrs. Cleve- land, In the former's home, has re- turned to her home in Boston. While playing, Thursday* Albert Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Forbes, fell on a barb wire fence and suffered a severe cut on his hose. Two stitches were required to close the wound. Mrs. O. M. Ruth of Woodstock ave- nue is expecting her mother, Mrs. G. W. Dalton of Oshkosb, Wis., this week for a few* days' visit. Mrs. Dalton Is en route to San Francisco, Cat., for an extended stay. have gone to Glen View where they win occupy their summer home for the next few months. Mrs. Bastmsn is recovering from a rebent operation for relief from appendicitis in the |Bvigas«iU»ga\'lMai^'Ualv--'. -'-^ v,:--.. ::.Miss Carol Sanborn is the latest victim of scarlet fever In the family Of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Sanborn, In Essex road. Miss Loutss Sanborn wan first stricken with the disease and only a few days after she wm taken ill,'Miss Carol, an older sister, developed symptoms of the epidemic. The family will be quarantined until about June 30. Sixty gussta were entertained at a linen shower given In honor of Miss Susan Phelps, who wilt become the brlds ef William Zimmerman May -• In the home of Mrs. George B. Cal- kins, 8»8 Ridge avenue, Winnetka, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Calkins was assisted by Mrs. George Brown. Many beautiful pieces of linen were show* erea on the bride-to-be. Myron B. Bart has Just returned from Champaign, where he passed two weeks as a guest at the Delta Omega fraternity house, of which or- ganisation he Is a member, while in tho university city he attended the annual fraternity dance, which was preceded by a dinner at the Besrdsley hotel. Mr. Hart expects to leave Jane 1 for Pittsfleld, Mass.,. on a business trip. ;â- -M KENILWORTH BOY WINS ORATORICAL HONOR Lyle Smith of Kenllworth, a pupil in the New Trier High school, won the state tnterscholastlc oratorical contest at the University of Illinois Friday night in the events held at the close of the state interscholastlc meet. Much pride Is occasioned at the winning of tht first bonro by tbe Kenllworth youth and congratula- tions are being received from his many friends along the North 8nore. Lyle' Smith has taken a leading part in all literary affairs at New Trier and has especially developed much talent in public speaking. Re is the con of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, who reside In Cumnor road. Mr. Burrill has been teaching In Northwestern for the past four years, having been graduated from Amherst three years previously, and has proved to be one of the the whole teaching corps. During his residence here he has given a series of lectures In which he Interpreted the worth-while drama of the day, Maeterlinck's"The Blue Bird" and "The Passing ,of the Third Floor Back," with others of the like, and It Is needless to say that these lectures were received with Intense and wide- spread Interest Mr. Burrill has taken an active part in the Drama League of both Chicago and Evamton, and has also been of Invaluable aid in the dramatic pre* sentations of tbe university students. K1NILWORTH BUTLER HELD. G. Payne, colored; a butler employed in a Kenllworth home, was arrested Sunday by the police on a warrant sworn out by his wife, Anna Payne of this city, charging non-support The case is set for hearing Friday at 3 p. m. POPULAR PROFESSOR GOES TO COLUMBIA Mr. Edgar W. Burrill of the English department of Northwestern has verified the rumor that he will not be here next year. He will go to Columbia next fall to do a year's work In residence there toward his doctor's degree. His home will be in Bvans- ton and hd will be here frequently to fill lecture engagements In Chlcsgo and elsewhere. During the summer be will travel in Texas, Colorado and Michigan, lecturing on ".Dramatic Lit- may place poles and erature" before prominent Chautan the company ----- ,----- . string wires from their village equip- quas and summer assemblies of those ment to the Skokle club house. states. C. A. THORSEN Residence P! tng Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Phone sot West Kenllworth TtltplMM Richmond R ,];WBBSUBBBBBBBBBBA f.„J|iie^^^ "i :8TA*&1BI^ f Makes lonns on Improved North Snot* renl entetn rroat ' RosBi**Ynrk to Highland Park, an^ on fnrms ' * * fivean«< Send lasuen Certificatesj ';^ Indenominat fourpcTceatiut f Offers for investm* estate, netting the ' snmsoftsooand ' #/Sp|r||-0»fflC3^:A^^ ...... 'â- J.FredMoGnire'Preaidsnt 4V ,OhjanM^Jffi^^ " . Ira J. Qeer.Cooiisel B-O.Keller Ar^ur^,Vereoe,ffsshisr Central Av^sWp end tliarlisa Mad .â- :/â- : I , :::r â- r ABTBtrnw. ntooiOMUw mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim ..........,. ., .. :":is;tf;|~r5t^|p| 1333-1331 AUTOMO NcM>lhSl^r«Bnuicht918SI>trM«mlLeL *m Or«eala«l4M»' *m *#p**wgf«i 'Mi A Real Vacuum Cleaner sMsnsaeennnBneeseenunananennnnnwsnemni THB M ILWAUKII VAOVUM til haa a powetfnLiJaip *» •:' fan. ~ - Ja^BlstfBnlfo' sjMaV,' :mk MHitBim VltM GtMlh| Cl. •7Zi«7«l UMftUt Ail, ntW Igiisjgsjg â- Jfg it â- D SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE c? Buyers' Guide to Shops of Qu|flity THE LITTLE DUTCH STUDIO 74? FinAArta Wed- other glfis in Art Craft Novelties. Nettle Spoor Hanauer. VIRGINIA CHESTEE. BOQKBI «*rjTa«r Bindmgs designed J ed. Instractioni ited number of Boom 70S ,;iw-«o.r THE ARTS ft CRAFTS BOOK SHOP. Complete line of Boot*, Lesson Mfkjs«, Quartefly/CQvafai Cross ft Cr^rh Jewelry, fcM6rd,ikQ hand made Jewelry. •T \r Suite «1« aonroe Bldg: Tel. Central 612. 1M S. Michigan) Ave. AISTON SHOE CO., 5C W. Washington St. acturnrs of SHOES AND - /WPPER8 .TCB^GOWNS. (Central 4221) mnm ft KLBMPERBR CO. *T% '° BIs^ Stores. Down Town: i. f Nour Congress f\ - .North 81dec »U , Near Clark 81 Te. Ave., on 442. . Belmont Ave., Wellington Wib YOU SHOTAD/BAVE JEWELRY TO aaRMVrTlZB WITH YOUR COSTUMES. id AaiLindtvId ,»4^gfed wilhblmiJa COULTAS I design and elry. No desf vidua! Jew- »17 Pine Arts Bldg.. Chlcsgo. Office Hours. 9 to 1. Tel. Harrison 3>60 TlAlRadODS. THE BE8T WHB1 BUT THE BE8T WHEN YOU CAN SECURE IT AT REASON- ABLE PRICES. MILLINERY eMer Ir^Ol Let llT S. Mlchi E. WRIGHT, Lake View Bldg. ichiganyAve., Chicago. Newest developjaflRs lnf»d-Summer Millinery offere/ at NlSceptionally reasonable prices? HAIR SPECIALTIES. A FREDERICK. SCAL1 SPECIALIST 6 W. Randolph St., cor. State St Phone Central 1421. PACE EXPERT. ACB EXPERT Wrinkles, Diseoloratlons. Moles or Warts our __ Wrinkles andT dticoiotBdtagTjcgnAveli from one eye tree. Vtbralll^VssafiV. Price 50c Call or write f 3. BUBAB»TH|TOMPlaN»» Jl. D., 4 W. Randolph Si. oar. 8tate, Chfeago. Sixth fioor. Phone Central MM. v«|SS^llSil^^^i! tet^fe