Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 May 1913, p. 5

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+MIIIIMMI ^rfc]!^ a; thread weeks' visit Mta» Margaret Kedile end Miss Janet Smith Will sal) May 30 on the >Veeue, ty*W^,mm*'m Mr*. Wvlfc ©Tie* ot â- NWVIH* la yliiting^r Slater,' #â- Â£ .4*" %â- & figrke, 831 'Ht»i»Bj»\siiNB^^ |rs. Charles % SdnMM* am Ha* ^d street entertained the W «I«b Wednesday at; hs>; hon»e.;V ,> ; Miss Bernlce Walte at CMeaiowea i. week-end guest jof Mlsa Marlon fcungqulst. 250l;|^:;*»en^fV'v|3 'â- Mrs. S. O. Strickland,*5M Aabur* Ivenue, is expected hoiie the latter rt of this weeh^ Irom 8t. Paul,lMintt* ; Sirs. P. B. 8tewart of Morgan Far* !», the guest •Thursday ©* Mr* auncey L. Graham, 81i Washington The seniors ol Northwestern unlver |ty gave their annual banquet Satur- liy evening* at the Boston Oyster rtous.'. ;, flairs B- *"•' Hutchinson; National Insurer o< the W. CM V., spent tfce week-end with friends in Elgin, (Hlnoi6. J":^; Mrs. Henry BuheK^Oo Michigan avenue, is entertaining her niece, Miss Virginia Eaglefleld. of Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettit, 1021 Greenwood boulevard, will move Into their new home at 910 Greenwood boulevard, July 1. Mrs. A. C. Curtis, 642 Hinman ave- nue, left Tuesday tor New York and New Britain, €ohn., where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. McDonnell, 1045 Maple avenue, are entertaining their daughter and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Ground of Aberdeen, 8. D. Mr8- a. P. Dean, 1106 Church street, is expected home tomorrow night from a visit with her sister, Mrs. F. S. Mr. and Mrs. P..H. Brunell, 2681 Sheridan road, have returned from a southern and eastern trip. From New Orleans th^y took the boat to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Norris and two children, Francis and Marlon, of Aurora, 111., spent the week-end wJtb Mr^and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris, 2407 Harrison street. Mln Marian Kappes, 1482 Asbury aveane, expects to leave soon for a yeift study In Berlin and Dresden. east to Baltimore: Miss BUen/Foster principal of FoV MISS aiUW vwwr, »prun»|w «* »«-•------------ . m-jum^ Mich * street .0*3, aid _Wm H«rriet -»«»•-• £^°£ £ 1 MrT^«i^>ll«L 1880 Park place, «n- steamship siertln from Naples, after *Mf£^ a six weeks' .tay in Italy and Prance. vCmaav <tx^m*^&tM*'^*^'- â-  •â- â- â- â- 'â-  â- **-â- .•â-  ,Mtt8burgh»;Pa|.HvJ^TO^p:::,' > â- - Mf and ili Donald H. Mann, 272* lot the weekrind.;. ,..-:'y-4;;:. llr â- â- '&&& H. Walla, 420 Hamilton atreet, has jj^ to %# JM**** «°* * three weeks""iftVtitr ' Mr. Roy McLean, 2581 Hartray ave- nue, spent the week-end with his par- eats in Mfchigan. Mrs. Frank R- Alexander, 207 Main street, entertained her bridge club Friday at her home. " Mrs. Louis B. Beardslea, 2314 Hap rison street, entertained at auction bridge Saturday night Mayor James R. Smart and his sis- ter, Miss Martha ^ Smart, returned Tuesday from'New York. Miss Celeste Douglass, 600 Davis street, •pent ttf>^aak-end with ner slater, Miss Helton Douglass, at Whea ton college." ' ., Mr. W. J. McDonough, 1319 Lake street, has returned from a trip to Grand Rapids, Detroit, and other Michigan cities. . Mrs. H, D. Waterbuxy, 826 Sherman avenue, has returned from Seattle, Wash., where she visited her son, Mr. Jules Waterbury., MIbs LUa Scott of Pipe City, who has been the guest of Mrs. E. H. Pratt, 722 Hinman avenue, returned to her home Friday. Miss Marjorie Kimball, 602 Lake street, entertained Thursday at a tea m honor of Miss Dorothy Congdonand Mrs. Warner Balrd. Mrs. Alex L. Dale and Miss Marga- ret Dale, 1633 Htnman avenue, will Curtess, In St. Louis, Mo! Impend the summer at West Point. They leave next month. 911 Reba Special, a yard... SILK POPLINS, leading shades. Special, a yard... Miss Gladys Robertson, place, has Just returned from Savan- nah, Mo., where she had been spend- ing a month on a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad H. Poppenhu- sen, 1015 Sheridan road, will close their home soon and open their sum- mer cottage at Glen View. Mr. Buell Fargo of Montreal, Can- ada, returned to Evaneton Frldsy to make his home with his mother, Mrs. W. H. Fargo, 635 Hinman avenue. Mr. John Mortimer Leslie and fan* atreet and will leave June 1 for their GrMley will leave about June 21 for their apple ranch In Idaho, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. T. V. Purcell entertained the •ten newly elected omcers of the Bv- anston Catholic Woman's club at her some, 1802 Wesley avenue, Friday. Mrs. R. H. McColl, president, was the honored guest. This evening a reception will be held at the First Congregational church for Dr. J. P. Loba. A very en- joyable evening is being arranged and it Is thought a large number will be present to greet Dr. Loba. Mrs. Fred Lincoln, formerly of Ev- anston, who spent last summer In the east the guest of her slsteT, and the winter in Milwaukee with her son, Mr. Charles Lincoln, will arrive next week to make her borne here. She and her daughter, Miaa Lucie Lincoln, will be located on Reba place. The eighth grade.of Foster street school is going to present a play called "Spreading the News," at the imd of the school year. The play was Written by Lady Gregory and has been successfully produced by the Hull House players. This grade has been prhately rehearsing "The Merchart -at Venice^ during the-year. Tuesday afternoons, probably .be- ginning June 3, throughout the sum- mer, the Woman's club will bold In- formal afternoons, to which members «t all departments will be Invited. It will be the guests' privilege to play jcards, sew or amuse themselves in any way that appeala to hem. There will be two hostesses each week. - p Was Marlon Youngqulst, 2501 Elm avenue, entertained a number of her friends informally Saturday after- noon. Those present were Clara Cur- W. Elisabeth Darrell. Margaret Sterne, Bonnie Klrkbam, Elizabeth BMey, Roth Stanford, Mary Peabody, Bemiece Walte, Eleanor Mable, Alice Knack, Mary Valentine and Edna Wallace. _ ^?.:.,;,..}; _.,.____ ^ About one hundred students, friends ^and teachers of the high school, at- tended the civics excursion to Oak vPoreat, where the Cook County In- vftrmery ia located. Two care on the Rock Island railroad were reserved for the Party, leaving Chicago at 1 â- P- m. The party was divided Into three groups, each directed by ian able feader through the Infirmary. At 4:» p. hi. they left Oak Forest «^red m Brsamton a* f :l# V- «• °* £»** 7 an exsenrmten to liOctoort wlD .â- â€¢'" â-  'â- ".. * v. â- . r#?i Mrs. A. L. Murray and K; Mr». L^^ ShepardV 1110 Chun* children. 2120 Lim^n str^t, Jett I street, Uvlsltln* her so^^ 'Tuesday/ for Winnipeg, Manitoba, for â-  Shepard at liB^li^vCoiuVit -a^f ll K â- â- -â- ^i"---i'--'ii-â€"- â- â- -•â- â- â-  Mrs. William A. Naylor, 980 Rldga avenue, is -visiting her son, Mr, Env niett Hay Naylor, |n Springfield, Maes. The Evaneton public library will he closed, MemoTUl day. May 80. The i ending room will be open from 2 to 6 Dr. J. P, Leigh, 1519 Chicago ave- nue, attended the convention of den- tists held at Peoria, 111., last wsek. He -returned" Satnrdsy; « Â¥:BiS#W'.; Mr. .and Mrs. Oeorgs Hardle, 811 Hinman avenue, returned Tuesday from a short stay In Richmond, Va^ Old Point Comfrrt and Washington. D. C. Miss Katherine Hoge entertained at a luncheon yesterday at her home, 1816 Maple avenue. In honor of Mlsa Cherrill McNeil, who will be married next month. Mlsa Claire Murison, 512 Lee street, Is to give an interpretative dance un- der the direction of Miss Laura Lee, for the May Revels at the Patten gym-, naaium, Wednesday morning, May 28. lSW»M»jiji ^ jifir j^myi iX.f fcBff! ^ Mh» Grace Oorsuch of Pekia, 1U^ la visiting her sister,..... s^it^'»2O^0h»rk<.s^ti_ ........... ^Ilr*. <i::l.;wii^;s^:itt|SfWhI^ ly. 1818 Htnman avenue, leave the last of thia month fw Europe* where they will ,apaad.S:the-e;a^Ba«r^;y^ now â-  at the'A>e«^;HWiaa>|l^»:' Mr». Edward R. Gllmore, 1188 Or- rlniton avenue. Is vlslUngi-m •»> enta, Mr. and Mrs. Edward WeJUs, tk Rocheeter. N. J. Next week Mr. Oil- more will Join ner, and together wttpi Mr. and Mrs. Wattle aao^ Ut^Mt*^ Edward WWlla, of Atlanta, 0e^ way will sail. May 31, on the steamship "MJnnewaaka" for Europe, where they will spend the summer. her aparaaent Mr. and Mft. Fred Maple a ) ta be gone a apartawau has tor tho summer ton. 'nmi:t^-^Mmm^mM rence :<3fs^lw^H#WS^^^^ at the Bl*nkstoae l»B^CMeasjo> . Mr. .ian" JhsMaMaa: Oasjsjlii". «i«sv* »tMMtat ttoople af m»,: tosw Ohio, a«4 Mlsa Ot*tew Cearw**, , msmmmmymsiM 'ill l'tiM v ' ^.-»3" 'â- ;"â-  ','-'.it'-':.!-,:k.'-"i,i>i::'/'.'.,"../ ;y \-:i>*}"~£< sprBi â-  â-  ' ..... tv&Vii*^* CONO|l^ that's what oiif|3^ . -^ means B you. Note the mli^i . â- - iiigs in our Dry Goods Sectioii P^C- ularly. Rosenberg's Red Tradifliit^pS mean a 3% reduction from tiie^|ffiees. Tuesday is always Double St^iW|| SCISSORS â€" Large aize.' Special price, Q|sj- only ...........................^ V SERPENTINE CREPE for Kimonos, all new styles. ^ iTp 38 inches wide, all 986 IB' Mrs. Frank Carpenter of the Elm- wood apartmenta has gone to the sum- mer home of her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Anthony In Qrosae Iale, Mich, Mr. C. C. Llnthlcum, 2134 Orrlng- ton avenue, sailed Saturday from New York on the steamahlp "George Wash Ington" for Europe, to be gone several months. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carpenter, 2010 Sheridan road, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Blanch- ard Carpenter, to Alfred Westman of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stltfc Wilson of Berkeley, Cal., were the guests of Mr. Wilson's sister, Mrs. A. L. Fisher and her family, 2203 Maple avenue, Friday. Mr. Wilson is mayor of Berkeley. Miss Ruth Wheeler, 834 Madison street, entertained at bridge Fri- day In honor of her sister, Miss Li- lian, who will be married June 11 to Mr. Frank J. Dunn of Providence. Prof. H. H. Kingsley will give a musical at the Haven school this afternoon In honor of the teach- era. Miss Adelaide Lewis of Chicago will be the soloist, accompanied by jurs-.J.-H.-flLLce,_ Mrs A. B. Lord, 1235 Hinman ave- nue.Vas luncheon hostess Saturday in honor of Miss Doris Ray of Capetown, Africa, who is the guest of Mrs. Frank Miller of Glencoe. A theater party at the Evanston followed. Mra. George B. Knaggs and three children of Glendive. Mont., are visit- ing MaJor-anA ItaL R^C^Knaggs, Michigan avenue, and Mr. and Mra. Aleck Murray, 1035 Asbury avenue, Mrs. Knaggs* parents. Mrs C. W. HlUman. who has been m Philadelphia with her daughter during the winter, is the guest ot her daughter, Mrs. Cl*rence„L^ **£?' 1011 Grove street Miss Mertam Hill- man is studying art In the school of designing In Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Margaret Blair, lormerly of Evanston. will be one of ttie brld*e- nuridg at the marriage of Miss Marga ret Street of Chicago, to Mr. Louis Frederic Loutrel of South Orange, N J., which takes place Saturday. May 24, at St. James* Ifclecopal chnrfeb Friday. May », the Men* club ot gt Matthew's church wltt bold ^ dies' night' at 8 o'eloe*. JI* Sew H. Allen wm give an tntereat- tog story about his trips arosad We SjTlir. Edward F. BBett «*«»• Harrl«n street quartette win staEr CRIB BLANKETSâ€"White with pink and blue border. ' H C|* Special, for..................AeJ*/ CRIB COMFORTERSâ€"Silkoline cov- ered, regular price 50c, 20/» ". ;r.tT?T.'^Tr^sfff|r BED COMFORTERS â€" Full sise, light summer weight. fiO/* Special for..................QjPi/ EMBROIDERY for ladies' dresses, extra quality, 45 inches wide, well worth 65c a yard, AOe* for.........................WG FANCY RIBBON, Nos. 150 and aoo, regular 35c and 39c quality, a yard..................... JUVENILE SOAP â€" The kind, 3 bars in a box, for .....:.................. quality; 59c 10c United, ;..5c 23c genuine 22c aeeete eeeee........eeeeesee»»; * IBS WW THAT MLU IVtaVTIirWOT :;»»>»<eeeeeees»eMeeeMi»»eee» DOUBLE WOOL NAP BLANKETS in pink and' white checked, for chil- dren's beds, regular $1.35 slightly mussed, therefor....... ........... TOILET SOAPâ€"Extra large sise bar, all pure soap, Witch Hazel, Tar and Buttermilk, 3 bars for................... HAIR NETSâ€"Carmen and with or without elastic, a for....................... PEARL BUTTONS â€"Large sise, plain ^or fancy, worth up :-a»ii*r^^ ft * 6 on the card for------J...... EMBROIDERYâ€"12 and wide, wall worth 35< a yard................. PATENT LEAT1 ER Black, red and whit ', with silver buckles, for..... FANCY RIBBON, No. xoo, light Per- sian patterns, regular price %Af* «5C a yard......... • • * »V STERLING SILVER HAT PINSâ€" regular 35c value, 1 Of* at...........................X Vv FRENCH PERCALE â€"Cambric fin- iah, yard wide, all light, pretty pat- terns, value 15c a y*rd» for.................... CURTAIN SCRIM work, satin bor^efTregular 33c aeller,^yard BARRETTE8-*Wn or â- mmm^l^-^^^M^mf ™»~<tov. â- â- â- â- ;â- "v^*^^***»«*S asc quaihy, for....•• •v»-«i'»^^,l%S!#i^*;....... BERKSHIRE â-  IJkwm^^t^^ PAPER and Envelopea. :" ^^-^^tej*? .ff ^q^l^»™.,,li per box................ ^^m^^M^m^m^^im^^ "laca bows. :W^W:^&0^M' .dark colors, soc quateb y\ ril^^^^^Mm^m, a yard '/^"jffl'^ - VE^^fO»*Wr\aslfc.^ial^ availably abate, worth ';t.|f5|;*l jSjp't{§i|^ 50c a yltftfor....... '^^M^^gj^^ ""â- ' :^^'/^di:-%;k<'%^i^^^^k. ' 'â- '4'-": atampexl, all the latest 9Ic patterns, %s#i; Isjdk'^^j^.^'......... BRILLIANTINE DRESS MCm^^^^:^^IM^Mm^tB 36 inches wide, all colors, ^- '-â-  ***±-**2i â€" - *-^ - â- "â- â- â- - ^^^^m^. mm* 59c quality, a yard........ CRINKLE CREPE â€" White, tor dresses and underwear, * -jig* asc quality, a yard.......... ^#2iy SILK STRIPED RATINE and Silk Striped Pique, 65c quality, a yard................. EMBROIDERED HANDKER- CHIEFSâ€"One lot of fine samples, worth up to 50c, for ............•...... DIAGONAL SPRING SUlTfttt* 36 inches wide, 59c quality, a yard. ..... . . „....................„..â€"M*ff°v â-  white, fc*;>:f^v^.,i**^*li^^^ BULGARIAN COLOR SILK BELT? ING-A11 ahadea. .,-,-^ Special, an inch.. TOOTH BRUSHESâ€"One lot; worth uptoasc, â- ... â- ^â- y.:§mi§^^. :for'...........••• • • • +.*-0&£0ii0i: BABY FI^NNEL-Liglrt blue, ragtt- ;lar"'ia'^c quality,;" 5^S^^:3S^° a yard,... .^......-.,.. ^*^§^W4%w^^^ QM M M M » MtMMIHMM '^Saaaawawssvua«aa«iaw :eeeee»e»ee • i m t •>•••♦»» %/%£$$&Â¥ FREE! A $1.50 CabinetPhotograph freewith a purchase of $2.00 or over, in all depts., except groceries* meats & drugs SAVE YOtJR SALES CHECKS Sales checks amounting to $2.00 or over may be exchanged for a certificate which entitles you or any member of your family to a $1.50 Cabinet Photograph, size 6x9 inches, in De Luxe enclosure. Only 1,000 will be given away Your picture will be taken at Toloffs Studio, successor to Balchen, 1623 Orrington Avenue See exhibits in our windows. • Exact styles and aw«. Nearly double the size ot iUastration shown A***| Vfimgm MM EJia jL-i J-iii: >Siii

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