Mrs. Frances P. Parks of Evans- ton, National Corresponding Secretary, Speaks Before the "World in Chicago" rutin.....iiiinnim : Emston Woman Tells ': : Great Workef W.C.T. U. f.................IIMIIM ON TEMPERANCE DAY "During the last forty years no or- ganization has labored more earnest- ly to create sentiment for total ab- stinence and prohibition the world around than has the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Vnion." said Mrs. Prances P. Parks of Evanston, na tional corresponding secretary, whlie addressing "The World in Chicago'" exposition on "Temperance" day, Fri- day. Mrs. Parks represented both the World's and National Woman's Christian Temperance Union at the exposition. "The story of the woman's crusade Jias become familiar in more than fifty countries, and the magic spell of the white ribbon has bound together loyal-hearted women of every conti- nent and of every zone. Delegates from these nations federated with our organization will attend the ninth tri- ennial convention of the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union, to be held in this countryâ€"a meeting of the W. C. T. U. world in Brooklyn. IMIIIMIIIIIMIIMMMM*.........IIHIHIm I Want Ad Department The L,a,Ke Shore News | TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WINNETKA 241 f iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii.........iiniiiiiiiiii Hi F6UKd-a Ufcifcfl' GOLD ft buckle |me b NOTICE â€" WANT ADS IN THE Lake Shore News are charged at the following rates: Real Estate Classifications, 7% cents per line. All other classifications, 6 cents per line. Minimum price 15c. No advertise^ ment charged for less than 25c. Help Wanted and Situations Want ed advertisements FREE. HELP WANTED P"i The 8ame Story. "The story of the polyglot petition Is in part the story of the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Upton. * multitude of Christian womea oC-all races and color banded te- ther to destroy the legalized liquor This petition, addressed to the vernments of the world, was start- on Its long Journey In 1885. The eluding paragraph reads: •We (your petitioners) come to pou with the united voices of repre- sentative women ot every land, be- L BMohlng you to raise fee standard -of sj-;:,Che law to that ot Christian morals, to |. ;;.#trip away the safeguards and anno* g^vfftins of the state from the liquor 'di<. 4rsJBc and the opium trade, and to protect «ur homes by the total prohl- iltiom of these curses of civilisation H|f. tluroughout all the territory over "To enumerate the languages in whose characters the beliefs of women bare been molded to action by this far-reaching document would be to make a list of almost every tongue that has survived the confusion or Babel. There are columns of Chinese women's signatures that look like houses that Jack built There is u list of Burmese signatures that looks Uke bunches of 'tangled worms.' The thousands upon thousands from the •ploy Isle of Ceylon are enough to make a shorthand writer thudder. The incomprehensible but liquid â-¼Owels" of the Hawaiian Kan- alls jostle the proud names of English lilies of high degree; the name of tfcn haughty senora of Madrid make* the same plea as "her mark" of the converted woman of the Congo. There are Spanish names from Max- I|h4 and the South American repub- §|llgj^ French from Martlnque, Dutch Natal, and Baglish from New besides the great home pen- P. tioh from the greater nations. The \ . p/i#t*t: cowrtmg men's and women's £â- . . ^ slgaatnrM and attestations, aggregate ; ... fe:-tJw»»©, The petition is mounted on \!':-' ^ehkh and if.the, namea were written ?<' ;-s one under the other it would be mora â- h. than Ave nilles long. -. f-:: iecured Lefllsfation. I' .'.$MS *By legislatfre enactment secured I:. ^through th« Woenaa's Onrtstian Tat* v ||peranoe Union scientific temperance llpavlnitruction Is. compulsory in all pub- p^llO schools of the United State*, and | |g optional or compulsory in u» I aonooli of Great Britain, Canada, | JrSengary, Oermany, France, Holland, |. : Dsnmark, Belgium, Swttserland, Aus- r tfla, Bweden. Finland, Australia, New â- Xoaland, South Afarlca, l.exteo and fy ?;*« la not strange that the sanity of i'l ;-;'tewJ»erance should be sown when the Sif EPS-:- #U two generations of our people have been trained from the kindergarten to the university in the belief that alco- hol is a poison. "It is not strange that women, building for all time, have put great emphasis upon the spread of scien- tific temperance instruction, believing that there can be no permanent prohi- bition of the »ale of alcoholic liquor which does nut rest upon the founda- tion of knowledge of the true nature and effect of alcohol. Slogan is Sounded. "Now that the slogan, national con- stitutional prohibition' for our own nation is being sounded on every side, it is gratifying to recall that the Woman's Christian Temperance Union has always included it in its program and has continually prophe- sied its coming in the near future. Because of the place it has always held in the plans and purposes of white ribboners, Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, national president, was in- spired to issue the famous proclama- tion of September, 1911, which closed with these ringing words: " 'To America, the birthplace of the local, state, National and World's Christian Temperance Union, we here- by proclaim, amid the smoke of the second great battle of Maine, in the home of Neal Dow and in the state which longer than any other haa had a prohibitory law, that within a de- cade pronibition shall be placed in the constitution of the United States; and to this end we call to active co- operation all temperance, prohibition, religious and philanthropic bodies; all patriotic, fraternal, civic associa- tions and all Americans who love their country.' "The National Woman's Christian Temperance Union Indorsed this movement at the convention of 1911. "Hon. Richmond P. Hobson of Ala- bama introduced the resolution for pro- hibition in congress in December of that year and has again introduced it In the present congress. "It is, indeed, cause for rejoicing that nine great states now prohibit the sale of liquor within their borders. and that the traffic has been prohib- ited in large sections of other states until at this time two-thirds of the VMNTBDâ€"A GIRL FOR aB&EJkAL hfrftsesiio/k; good plajyn-^owk; no washlng-lgswaigrgmiiy; *25 per m«s*ftf~Phone lmT^^m^Uc WANTED â€" COMPETEN^^JdAID WANTED-TO RENT fOR SALE-HOUSES FORJUrLB â€" STRICTLY MODERN fc^oom home: hot >vAter heat; facing park r^kepij^ff and sun porches; fruigFTr*es,*«rden, etc.; bargain, M 150JKJfakej£j Wilmette. niTA~rinlu _ 28-4t« with references-for general house- washing* osjftmtng; must home, ^one 3230-J, 1904 colns^^/gj^u^rvj ltc fANTED â€" THREE LADIES /fO party going abroad/^ three monrba, taking in seven^ountrles; personaTrWconducted^' very reason- able. Phone**,fclnixrfn 5544. ltp baxga dd£E w in Wilmette Sunday after- May ll/))wt|r can have by inqtngMg At|407 Central avenue, WilmejBcT fpJme 10 Wil- mette c|o C. FiHogle ltc LOSTâ€"A LADIES' BROOCH SIP tweeny Evanston and Wmnetka. If , please retarrt to CL Meyer, 2643 Railroad njdUm Evanston. ltc tween^. â- r R« MISCELLANEOUS )njHr7anston ONKY TO LOAN. nd^Korth Shore prop- FuJKRentâ€"AgrwTS. FOR RENTâ€"F ment, six ro Sot2 tmgu SV4 WANTED MAS YOUNGSTERS IH RCHT; ONE As the result of a boys* light in Main street. Evanston, about 7:80 o'clock Sunday night, Sdward Ouane, 10 years old, residing at 836 Custer avenue, suffered a severe scalp wound when he was struck on the head by a brick thrown by Edward Mattlson, 12 years old, ot 702 Main street The Guane boy was taken to the St. Francis hospital and Dr. C. W. Race called to attend to the injuries. Young Mattlson was not arrested/ but Miss Helen Wood, probation offi- cer, was notified and the youth will be under her surveillance for the next few weeks. While the Injury to the Guane lad is not considered serious unless complications should set in. close medical attention Is being given SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTEDâ€"BY A COM/E- tent Vomanâ€"laundry work, Uf go out by\ the day. Morgan, ^hone EvansUxn. 2110. WANTED -\ WASHING home. Phot ltp JJD â€" 600 CUSTp*fER8 AT bee. Skow, th^alldKUO Maln-et., Evanston. S~~ W 17*tf tENTâ€"ROOMS ubbard ROOM; WoodB. ltc at Dctcinptioas antcedv • and Dyeing Electric Phone 1409 ns^slAasonab f^xnPressi^ Cfeane work .50 eaner9T^ uyers 1909 Central Street INTELLIGENT position as t ot managing charge of child: are away. 8 road-av., Evansjon, TRUSTWORTIUf, REFINED WOMAN wIU take cjjre of hol|se or apart- ment while/family are sWay. M. 8., 826 Rldgt%v., EvanstonAin. 27-2tp te TAKE ltp DESIRES Capable or take while parents 2635 East Rail- 27-2tp THB^BtBBU: ODoms en si BURY, 1554 ASBURY-AV., suite with private bath and single rooms; ^fSlllent. cuisine; rates, room, lucidly *b«H, f 15 to 125 per weak, fgf wcf Dlefen- dorf. Phone I8MI^ ** i»-tf INTELL positl ^JR^fN: ENT GERMAN BESIRES as managing housekeeper lelors. or bjke chargeVt chil while parents are awi of managing servants. S\kL, East Rallroad-av., Evans 27- CPR^ me: called for rits, 1620 Da S WASHED. •K territory of the United States anaVone- half of the population are under pro- hibitory laws. " 'A good deal of the spirit of '76 ap- pears to have cropped out in the women who have enlisted to conquer the demon rum.' says the New York World. Yes, the 300,000 women who march unfalteringly under the white banner which bears the soutstlrriug and vote-compelling motto, *For tiktt and home and native land,' are al- ready in the thick of battle for na- tion-wide prohibition." R SALt â€" 8EWING MACHIN In trade on our new Sli Wheeler ft Wilson. Don't buy in Chicago. . Our prices are lower and our guarantee is good. Easy payments. Wheeler ft W Wheeler ft Wheeler ft WllsaE\droa«head. Domestic New Eldredge B............••• 12.< Department Store, drop-head..- 7.1 Wilcox ft Olbbs................ 1«< Wilcox ft Olbbs................ 19.< Wilcox ft Glbbs, drop-head..... 23.( Patterson Bros.. 1522 Shennan-ev. 'EeEytinston ftamtAXH S43UASX PHOWO 2890-989w ftOwaSft SJUVLOCR. MANAOCe Your last chance to see toe stock company mm Blf Musical Cemody Ott Mats ttday Thi u\t H Mg NEXT WEEK Motion PtetsfBS De Luxe GAS BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT LIGHT FUEL ARC LIGHTS FOR SPACES^-JNCANDES ? Alp LARG£ RADIATORS. ATER HEATERS. Tin Northwestern Gas Light and Coke Co. 1611 Benson Avenue, Bvanston TELEPHONES 80-90 r. VoBy Boc____r_r portabtabuSS^^HTiKS: For Private ag*HooM» Shop, Go the Rub and are â- _ tuiml steel tnmH Always flwproot, tiaht, indestroetibte. Oirtlwtei bettor than woodâ€"atransr M tm. We can save yea " ir jrou coaralt na on yoor bondtnsi ENGLISH e\ DOHAN 1020 Hsriis ttnst mrtlssji, rnicesntl, SalMAtontsfor ~~r-^ The tsbj ma. Co, 4tekaoa, Idea. PHILADELPHIA 4*W SELLS BIC SUBDfflSION Davitt D. Chldester ot Philadelphia has sold to Hort King ot Wliajatte, Fisher's addition to Wilmette, oom- prislng 16% acres, or slxtr-seven iota. This property lies west ot Sixteenth street and between Wilmette avenue and Charles street. The consideration was $1,500 an acre, with all Improve- ments except paving. It waa pur- chased for investment William A, Bond ft Co. were the broken. ous Hair FOR 8ALEâ€"A FEW HIGH-GRADE ipjajaWtaken in trade onjwr 88- wfte Ittayer piano. *»jjae|Cj iiients. tlOO C»Wkering,/4kh<>gaJy .....|30* 400 Emerson, â- â- 6"'y\......1J8 4MH»llett ftDa|ls..Cl.....M 860 Kimball 1.............lm Call and see our f| B. Cable at.. ITS Patterson Bros., 1622 8herman-av. ltc On the warm days in Spring, fancy turns serio among other directions toward the MO rtAftKS Oft «CA«a , toesMaN* mntw hair we I *v ivMr» we wffi ctadlr „---------.â€" VNoofChtta*. •*•» ««Mo. lihwoWy, Hoe^ot DejUac fav^BjBf,/ wnawMfi .- a#WAwdttterioiTower.fH!â- â- ,, 1M.tlMBM42a3 < %â- "'• '.: mtmGi 0z>A Thire it nothing will be remembered Titan a Nice '^.-â- A^:\ â- - S0ITA1LEC iSHIFFMA â- 1I# Soodi mrhbjsa Aveaaa, Chteafo â- 3^^i"iaS^S£ ys&i It's a climate changer. And this general knowledge and the buying Impulse it creates, suggests the moral: Get your fans early. The 1913 type shows as always does this popular and universal electric appliance,' the skill, the taste, the hard sense ot the-------------- makers. accep thmore ur S-MODEtATE p| ATTRACTIVE ilmMM^