Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 May 1913, p. 3

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Arthur Behitetf returned Friday om a two weeks' trip to Ne* York. Mr and Mrs. Jacoh 8>shnur are in reach Lick Springs, Ind, for »f« .eek8. â-  <â- ' - â-  â-  -;â- ":"'" -i. '"â-  '"' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kin* have re iurned from a three weeks' stay at rench Lick Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Peafleld en- ertained sixteen guests in their home |n Ida Pi^e, Saturday night. Mrs Douglass H. Coraelf'Hnnd chil- ren we in Elkhart, Ind., where they re visiting Mr. Cornell's sister. Xts. George W. Tracy was hostess fifteen guests at dinner in heV b<pe £ South avenue Friday,, evening. • Mr and Mrs. William R. McDonald jave taken the Mrs. Josephine Olm- â- Btead residence in Greenwood avenue. jlr. and Mrs. C. W. Hess entertained twelve quests at dinner in their home in Hawthorne avenue Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Gerhardt Hoiste and* children returned Friday from Elgin, vnere they visited relatives for a week. . Mr9 Norman R. Williams and daughter. Miss Martha, left Saturday for Sew York, where they will he guests oi relatives for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. I*aul Flanders of Sheridan road have -for their guests the formers brothers, Junius Flan- ders and wife, of San Francisco, Cal. Mrs lames K. Calhoun of Green- wo. d avenue is In Madison. Ind., this week the guest of her daughter, Miss Helen Calhoun, who is a student Iheiv. Mis Frederick DeLang, who has been a patient in the Evanstqn hos- pital for several weeks, has returned to her home. She Is convalescing slowly. Births reported during the last week follow: To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cum- mings. May 19, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. James N. Porter, a daughter, May 18; to Mr. and Mrs. H. Fchulske, a son, May 16. The pr.-ceeds of the sale of house- hold «iods donated by Mrs. William Mortimer to the Woman's guild of the Union church amounted tb^more than tUQ. The money will he naed for charitable w«*k>r" :"â-  'U:V Herman Weig. a representative of the White Pass Yukon railroad in Alaska, gave an interesting lecture on •'Alaska,'* illustrated with stereopti- con slides, in the Union church Tues- day night. The lecture was given un der the auspices of the, Men's club. Officers for the year were chosen In the annual meeting of the Woman's auxiliary of the St. Elisabeth parish lit the home of Mrs. Eugenia Culver last week. The list includes: Presl dent, Mrs. Eugenia Culver; vlce-presl dent, Mrs. CharleB W. Nethercot; sec- retary and treasurer, Mrs. N. S. Camp. - The essential points of the proposed Initiative and Referendum measure were explained by Mrs. Emma B. Adams in an address given at the regular meeting of the Woman's Li- brary club Thursday. The last of the series of talks on legislative matters will be given tonight by Mrs. Adams. Her subject will be "Suffrage." TO PAVE 8HERIDAN ROAD. . Edward A. King of Chicago was ap- pointed commissioner Friday to spread the assessment of the north shore park district for the improve- ment of Sheridan road from Devon avenue north to the city limits. This is recognized as the first step for the permanent improvement of the thor- oughfare, by paving. In the last meeting of the Evans- ton city council, Alderman Carter ob- tained the assent of the aldermen to start proceedings looking toward the paving and other improvement of Sheridan road north from the Chicago city limits. Just east of Calvary ceme- tery. With Chicago making the start, it is almost assured that the other north shore cities and towns will Join in the movement. WEDDING GIFTS ,There is nothing more acceptable, ortttfythingthat / will bt remembered with moreNfiflslrejy the bride \ / TkmmNice j HctutWam Frame W SUITABLE OlflTS-MODEBATE PRICES j. SHIFFMAN 118 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago Fine Arts Phone 5017, Randolph A Real Vacuum Gleaner THE MILWAUKIIVMUUM cleah^r has iimfi|npp ln- a fan. Ah*MM0Tto post- powerfs^^s'ree detnonstra- est Fifteen aays'_fr»e $121.00. Milwaukee Vacuum Gleaning Co. 1725-7-8 LwrMce Aw. ftm (Unnnud 1042 SPEEDER HEAVY FINE Reckless Autoist Pays $69.00 Toll for Violating Speed Law in Village. Here's a warning to uorthbound motorists who have a tendency w» slightly disregard the motor vehicle law, especially the speed clause. Be- ware of the motorcycle policeman at Glencoe. That is, unless you have a fat bank roll. It cost a motorist, who gave the name of Joseph Borden, 1020 Lake Short) drive, Chicago, Just $69 to pass through Glencoe last Saturday. And all because he hit a pace of thirty-nvo miles an hour. Borden was anxious to get to the Lake Shore Golf club and engage in his favorite outdoor ex- ercise. Thus he overlooked the speed law. He was caught by Motorcycle Policeman Cooper just as he finished the nice run from Glencoe to the clui. at a thirty-flve-mile clip. He prom- ised to stop at Glencoe on his return trip home and pay up. True to his word. Borden stopped, appeared before Justice of the Peace Goss and paid a fine of $15 and cost*. He was admonished and soon was on his way. But the motorcycle police- man had inside information that iho speeder was going to speed sonn more. He pursued, by a different roundabout route, and caught Borden the second time driving at a thirty- mile rate beneath the subway in Green Bay road. He was again arrested and taken before Justice Goss. "You're back pretty quick," re- marked the Glencoe justice. "Yes," replied the abashed Borden. "I didn't expect to return so soon." The motorcycle policeman then ex- plained the second charge and the wrath of the newly-elected J. P. was aroused. In stern and unmistakable terms a fine of $50 for the second of- fense was Imposed, and the opinion of the Justice for the disregard of the first fine made Borden wince. How- ever he produced a roll of bills large enough to block a street car, paid hts fine and was again on his wav. ; ♦MMMMIMMI......Hill........MMMIM......M jj Wjj Pep|;^|^i|:j ♦♦«»»»••»♦< in HISTORICAL SOCIETY GETS VALUABLE GIFT The Evanston Historical society has received a valuable gift from Mr. F. A. Roziene of Chicago, in the shape of .a set of Harper's Weekly, covering the period of the Civil war. The vol- umes are filled with illustrations and portraits, as well as much printed matter pertaining to the history of the Civil war, and are a most Impor- tant addition to the treasures of the society. The society already has the bound volumes of the New York Tribune covering the same period, and with these volumes of Harper's Weekly, together with a great num- ber 'of other volumes pertaining to the Civil war, the society may be said to possess one of the most valuable collections of the kind in the coun- try. NEW8 WANT AD8 BRING RESULTS A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Corbtn Friday, May 83. Mrs. Grant Whitsett of Chicago vis- ited friends here the first of the week. Mrs. Bentley McCloud and son have returned from an extended trip In Kentucky. "v;'»;.:.« ,*"*** Mm. H. Cope hat returned after a visit with friends in New York and Pennsylvania. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wilson, who reside west of Kenilworth, Tuesday, May 20. Mrs. Charles Meyer entertained a few friends Friday at a luncheon in honor of Miss Mitzen and Mrs. Carrie Petit , Miss Marie Hasten is in Wellesley college this week, where she is a guest of college friends during com- mencement week. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Martin are now occupying their summer home In Warwick road. They passed the win- ter in p. Chicago hotel. Mrs. F". â-  E. Nell is, Jr., who under- went an operation a few weeks ago in the PreBbyterlan hospital in Chi- cago, was able to return home last weett. Mrs. Eleanor SlrrelK is in Culver, Ind., this week, where she is attend- ing the various functions piror to commencement exercises of her alma mater. Mrs. J. S. Cleveland has' returned to her home in Quincy after a visit with friends here for the last three week i. Airs. Ella Saunders, mother of Mrs. Grant Rldgway, left Friday for the New England states for a six weeks' visit with friends and relatives. Eleven ladies, members of the Union church guild, were guests In a sewing bee held in the home of Mts. Harold Rowntree In Kenilworth ave- nue Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Chaffee of Cumnor road will leave Monday for a ten days' trip through Iowa, They will viBlt friends In several Iowa cities. Mrs. Carl Keith gave a luncheon Friday In honor of Miss Susan Phelps. Twelve Kenilworth young ladles weTe guests. Miss Phelps will soon be married to^^Sfllliam. Zimmer- man of Kenilworth. "*•-â- â-  Mr. and Mrs. CharleB Rann Ken- nedy,* Miss Edith Wynn Matthlson and Miss Katharine Emmet, the wide- ly-known theatrical stars, were enter- tained In the home of Mrs. James Chapman Tuesday. Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman entertained seven friends at dinner at the Black- atone Saturday night. They attend- ed the play given by Michigan uni- versity students in the Blackstone theater. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong, Warwick road, have for their guest Dr. E. A. Pattenion of Baltimore, Md. About a year ago Mr. Armstrong was Injured in a railroad wreck in the east. Dr. Patterson attended him and a mutual friendship resulted. Sev- eral social functions will be given during the eastern physician's stay hero. *«*».<«»«» m Mrs. E. A, Laughl in left Friday for a few weeks* visit In New York. A tango party was given by Sidney Farley In the home of his Uncle John Beaham Saturday night. Nineteen guests were entertained at the novel »'unction. Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves, son Jr., and daughter, Miss Helen, are enjoying a trip through the east. They will visit in Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other eastern cities before returning to Kenilworth. Rev. E. Reginald Williams and wife have left Kenilworth for Milwaukee where Rev. Williams will assume his duties June 1 as rector of a promt* nent Episcopal church there. No suc- cessor to Rev. Williams will be chosen as rector of the church of the Holy Comforter until fall. Members of the Travel club were entertained In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart Tuesday evening. Short talks on various trips were made by E, Burt Brown of Wlnnetka and Mr. Eckhart. Caricature sketches were also given by Miss Charlotte Phelps and Miss Ellen Pratt. mmmmmmmsam fhis:^^the very .b^^mm^emr^ the rmh $tarfsâ€"to o Suit tie laterVJnd youri me materials isk your K. OF C. HELD BIC INITIATION SUNDAY Between ninety and one hundred candidates were initiated Into the thlrif degree of the Knights of Colum- bus In a special session held in the Evanston lodge hall Sunday afternoon. More than 600 lodgemen attended the meeting, delegations being present from Waukegan, Wilmette, Rogers Park and several Chicago councils. Two special cars were chartered on the Milwaukee Electric to accommo- date the Waukegan crowd, which num- bered more than seventy-five members. Evanston furnished the largest number of candidates for the major degree, twenty-five Evanstonlans be- ing Initiated. Wilmette was next with twenty candidates. The initiatory work was conducted under the supervision of District Deputy Joseph McMann. State Secre- tary Dalton gave a talk following the completion of the Initiation. At 7 o'clock a banquet was, given at O's restaurant for the degree staff offi- cers. friends haw they like our work FPNAK-UTINiia LadjJ$y Tailor, Importer & Habit Maker DBMI»^I«t STREET PHONErasfil _â- _» STATE B^K CAPITAL,. fWHJp f Makes loans on improved North Sho*e real estate from Rogers Park to Highland Park, and on farms la Lake county."'"" f IssneaCerUfi^tiesVlJep^t^^MifassJslllisiislxttwntbs in denomlnatioj^Wyioo an^m^pjtsjjbn which itk«y» four percent tateresjL f Offers for invesUHen* first iBo^gsges ^ypproved real estate, netting fhjdartstor five aiassss^aTfpeTceflt ip sums of $500 mnQPward.- Send for !tot^£-.ii|J§|§| ' OFFICERS A.ND DIRW3t08«:r||*||,^^ J. Fjlu McGoire. President Charles A. Wight man, Vi< Ira J. deer, Counsel R. O. Keller Arthur W. Vsreosv Banking Room* Central Avenue sal tlerMsn Road .....-......â€"â- â€"..... ASVUV* W. VSmCOV Omfcter MnhisjM Stork* mm^mmmm^fi. Swstt Part. "How sweet It is to have a friend whom you can trust I" "Yes, especially If he doesn't ask you to trust him."â€" Sacred Heart Review ______________ West Nurse; \jfa stive orth SCAPE. RDLNINC 1, Shrubs Pererinlfls R. R. Avenue. SM Itocft ftsrtfctf Isatwrt* t«tt Ttlcphea* »»!â- â€¢Â«â€¢ lOM___________ Aflhur S, McKwna xrâ€"/l 1 â€" |MBgR Phona Kmiilworth" Kenilworth. I1L GENEJtAL North Shot* Branch, 91 ft ShorM** M. AMT^AJNTINC Ch*oslesji4M Knitwortk.W. R 3be tteimMfcrtlKVatlor Richmond Road" P. O'. Building VFa . A.THORSBN Livery Building Material.' Insurance Co. St fllindfs Lif KgffiWOftTf Residence Phone 364 ----â€"â- ------------=D SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE a =*â€" Buyers' Guide to Shops of Quality ^ Cr ESB THE LITTLE DUTCH STUDIO 141 £|ne Arts lag. QjttAtoa, Wed- tg find other ^rt Craft Novelties. Nettle Spoor Hanauer. VIRGINIA CHESTER, BOOKBINDER. 1020 FiAe Irtg adding. Bindings desuned^jSa execut- ed. Iastructiop given to a 11m- ited>humber If pupils. ART8 AND CRAFT8. THE ARTS & CRAFTS BOOK SHOP. Complete life/ of Beoks, Lesson lers, Quaiielta^C|^4>8, Cross & iwn JeweldMPictufesl also hand made Jewelry. Suite 616 Monroe Bldg. Tel. Central 612. 104 S. Michigan Ave. VJT THE GIFT STUDIO. Hand-wrougHt AjU^esyuid Fabrics. JESSIE^ PRsjgSvON, Jewelry. 1028 Fine Arts Bldg. FASH ION ABLE CO8TUME8. V now making special prices for the summer months. Have also some PRETTY GOWNS AND WAISTS made un>#iat l^grtll sell a* vei 503IteiuerBid*, ^«****2to°k â-  -.TsiV Centred *««rv:; ^W^S^L-'- SHOES. V AISTON SHOE CO.. 56 W. Washington St. rs of S AND G IflLIPPERS ATCFTGOWNS. (Central 4221) •* FURNITURE. RCU8 & KLEMPERER CO Two Big Stores. SAMPLE rUBNITV Down Town: 5|p^o. Wabash Ave.. Near Congress St. fTel. Harrison 442. North Side: 851*3 Belmont Ave, Near Clark St. Tel. Wellington 9595. vT HAIR SPECIALTIES. F. A. FREDERICK, SCALP. SPECIALIST. I grow hair anjjalrtralfscjup diseases or morel ref 6 W. Randolph St., cor. State St. Phone Central 1421. / THteLAYTON SYSTEM |# OF ______ * HAIR CULTUKB." Setose* has demonstrated that hsdr will grfw |olri*na after 1104 Bep«Wte BjJsT «* State St 7* Special d J&WELRY NOVELTIES. RADUATION GIFTS. special designs! fc# thefpdividual. ia Gold, SUferJand Jiffy num. WILHELMWA OQITLTAS, Designer and fMaker of Artistic Jewelry, 917 Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago. HAIR OOOD8. \S BUY THE BEST WHEN YOU CAN SECURE IT AT REASON- ABLE PRICES. Importers of Hair (en finest grade e females). C. B. KOFRANBK & CO.. Suite 1222 North American Bldg., 36 So. State St., Chicago. MILLINERY. ["TITER E. WRIGHT, jjr ^m Take Yftfiv BKif. W US fk Michigan Ave., Chicago. We am sfcT* ig seek ruffs of mois- ture-proof man e» .finished with loops of soft Meek tailn* ribbon, at....f4^0 ».«*j(,»;»»Ji »#v«fOe FACE EXPERT. FACE ElTFETt es. Wrinkles. Dlscoloratlons. Freckles. Scars (specialty).. Moles re- moved. $1 and/ up./wrtnJfNB and dls- coloratlons Tma0f/tr^tmml one eye free. Vibratory Joassaisr price 60c. Call or write fir froe booklet. J. ELIZABETH TOMPKINS. M. D.. 6 W. Randolph St., cor. State. Chicago. Sixth Floor. Phone Central 2683. TRUNK8 S. TRAVELING OUTFIT8. We wUiSmanufacture your Trunkt or ing Outfit* to order. Select __ own Ueaflier aM Design; below retail wsitf** f J Wo also have a feir spiciajf trunks !n stock at reduce* prlcCTi^ BONKE TRUNK & CASE CO., Phone Franklin 2077. 2d floor, 178 W. Madison St.. Chicago. EMBROIDERY. _ LACES AND~LTNEN3. REA__ _._ Glvjsnhe Srlde a beautiful hand mAUrCluny Luncheon SaL consisting of Nineteen p^jis: spe^lall $10. Also Real lAces Jhfl Hpd^nbroldered Novelties at reasoname^prlces. At STAR EN'S. 1018 North American Bldg.. N. W. cor. State and Monroe 8ts. LADIES' TAILORS. Madison Stand Wabash Ave.. Chicago Tel. Cent 61S2. / W. H. MOSHIER CO., 616-622 Michigan Av..J|» floor. RXCLUSrVEfyr^BflBtJ' TAILORS. Formerly located at 1406 Michigan Av Chicago. NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. l/ng' v we ngerie Waiats, N«)gilgees, Neck- wear. Frenafi Torchon Laces, amociediuraduatlQn Gowns, (:hlldreS^8/Dressili aid Waists. SHOP, Bldg. Chicago, 111. THE 714-718 V< Tel Contra! 46S1. GOWNS AND FASHION ABLE COSTUMES. - V J. LERNER, WOMEN'S TAILOR. */V dg.. Suite Sl{___ E. Cor. WabiWAveUlhd ladlson St, Chicago. Telephone Randolph 72T. -^BENSON COMPANY. GOWNS AND WAISTa ijneSBidg. ^^hicago. A. Van Mlddlesworth. Gertrude L Benson. Tel. Cent. 22781 ^ CORSlETir "COTRltTSE------- PRBtlCR SHOP. CORSE' Found in our fjbnt aid lfcck laced IS to $7.50 mod/Is. SpVsjfkl attenuoa given to correo/ fittings. 430 Republic Bldg. SOS S. State St, TeL Harrison 5551. 5E=

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