Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jun 1913, p. 8

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® EMS ISSUE RULING ON ICE To Be Satisfactory 'the Dainty Frozen Luxury Now Must Contain at Least 8 Per Cent Butter Fat. SKIM MILK IS PROHIBITED What is Ice cream? The Illinois state food commission has been at the problem Tor Bomn months and has finnll> arrived at a conclusion They have decided that bkini milk, thickened with anlrna1 fats. etc.. will not be allowed to be sold J:i tills sitate longer under the name of ice cream They have also decided that while eggs, gelatin an1 substarires other than good milk ana cream can be used in reasonable quantities in order to improve the taste oT the Ice cream, the finished product must contain sufficient crearr: to give a required X per cent oT butter fat Was Considered. "The <|ue»tion of the use of gelatin In making ice cream was given much consideration by the commission, and from the evidence submitted it was 'apparent that Its limited use should be permitted," says the report. "It seems to perform a useful function in that it imparts a smoothness and character that would, not otherwise be obtained, assuming that the other conditions of the standard are ob- served. Contrary to the impressions many have. It is not then used as a cheapener, and cannot successfully be so used; the presence of a large quan- tity would impart a disagreeable tasu and tt would not be an economy for manufacturers to use in quantities. If used under proper conditions of manufacture, It is harmless and cus torn seems to sanction its use. "Toe use of condensed - milk &s a substitute tor fresh milk was given due consideration by the commission And its use in the manufacture of ice cream is sanctioned by usage and cus- tom, and In certain seasons of the jrear, wbe.1 it is difficult to maintain fresh milk in proper condition, its use seems almost essential to the produc- tion of wholesome ice cream- Will Exclude Certain Materials. "The standard as formulated and given below under the rules adopted by the commission will exclude the use of materials not specifically men- tioned in the standard and foot note. a* the definition was framed with the view of excluding from ice cream sub- stances which are used as substitutes tor milk or butter fat. namely, bo- esiled oleo fats, process butter, reno- vated butter, packing stock or 'ladels,' their use not being sanctioned by trade custom or usage. If used their presence must be properly dis- played by label showing the variation from ice cream as hereinafter defined This is true of any other substanc* used and not shown In the standard hereinafter defined. "The question of fixing Hhe mini- mum amount of butter fat permissible in ice cream was given great consid- eration by the commission and the evidence of many taken on the sub- ject Must Contain 8 P»r Cent. "We find from an examination of samples on the market and from ail of the evidence before us, which is too voluminous to set out in this state- ment,* that to place before the puohc for sale *n article containing less than t per cent batter fat would be tants- pV.mount to delivering less than sixteen ||-:'"dunces for a jn>und. »V The Illinois state food commission |^";' Baa this day determined and adopted I'C'ths â-  following standard of quality, §K purity or strength tor ice cream tor the state of Illinois, I.e.: "Ice cream la a frozen substance. e-^»s4e from cream, milk and cream, lv'- -and sugar, with or without the addt- ';'â- :. tlon Of such other wholesome sub- f§;^ stances as have customarily • • • |§£; been used in making ice cream, and ^•':contains not less than 8 per cent (8%) |-' nUllt fat p|'. â- â- â- *» * • The following other sub- stanees have customarily been used tin making ice cream: Bggs, flours, llstsurehesv batter, gelatin, flavoring. i^unmless colors, nuts, fruits, pastries liquors or dairy products, to provide": for the appointment of a state food commissioner and hi* assistants, U» define their powers and duties and to repeal all acts relating to the produc- tion, manufacture and sale of dairy and food prodixâ- !.- 'tid liquors In con- flict herewith Episcopalians Issue Statement Standing Committee of the Church Corrects Mislead- ing Impressions. FOR BP ME FIT OF HISTORY m \CHERS : Want Ad Department | TR LaRe Shore News | TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 5A5 WlNNETKA 341 i I til III.............MIIIMIIMUMIH I.....MIIHMS NOTICE â€" WANT ADS IN THB Lake Shore News are charged at the following rates: Real Estate Classifications. 7% cents per line. All other classifications, 5 cents per line. Minimum priee 16c. No advertise- ment charged for fees than 28c Help Wanted and Situations Want- ed advertisements FREE, HELP WANTED By Pe^. Geoge A ff»' mouili- -<>i Young. ~ui>»'i I' t'-i"l' public MC'I- N ' â- -!>. teachers m •'• > <\- < teach M- •' M.-r â-  KllKlirl' < Ini." 'â-  ilKcous :k â- ('«.!, b.\ Chic ;<K" rl'i vciiliiin Hi'~ u.« StUtt'lH'Mlt Ol ' • publication A S""»"i«f>t of Craig Stewsrt. g<> Mrs. Ella Flagg • inn of the Chicago u.fl directions to the ] > authority not to j \ III founded the' i ils fair aud cour- -. heartily approved 1'ilians in theircon- Linil the following authorized for wide SITUATIONS WANTED jtfRTAJITO |sr men WASHED. COLORED mended; first-class work; called fot^SjIeUfiased. M. R. Mo- ri tz. 1620 ewrowWT Ti Facts. Inasmuch lish iiUtun ican public >< h<>oi impression a- to the Kn^li-h ctiun tlon. the f(»ilo'\lf sued for u-" >â- ' i •' Supplement First, as '•> »l» The present I'hur not'founded in th either by Henry h- text books Of Eng- djudIv used in Amer- uis give a misleading o what happened to r<h at the Reforma- inu' statement is ls- h- schools by way of; ittWr-,BELOW COST AND ON 1ST. tiftRMS for the next two weeks only, In beautiful Hubbard Woodsr-Anew 6 room stucco house With Sleeping j>orch, hot water heat, finen*#^cerJ>"r*^d n°°r8 and trim, etc.; nJf> '^w- aoath rront<° fine trees fiJXutio^ will build to order on terns to suit. We build but one gtedl â€" the best. See Mr. Bradstreet, afternoons at branch office. E. P. Maynard & Co., in Maynard Block. Hubbard Woods. 29w-2tc THE,, ASBtFRY, ms en suite ingle rooms/ rstes, room, Inc $25 per week, dorf, Phons 2392. fTOME-HOUSES â€" STRICTLY MODERN home; hot water heat; facing park; ^Jeepjir* and sun porches; fruit ^iees>jlarden, etc.; lin.^ A5(^take-47., Wllmette. 28-4 tc râ€"Aptmts. t did happen: (a) -h of England was • sixteenth century, VIII or by anyone m else; but is the same church which has existed iii Kugland from ancient days. What happened in the sixteenth century was a rejection of the su- premacy over the Knglish church Of the foreign bishop of Rome, a par- tial readjustment of the relations of the National church to the English crown, a rejection of certain me- diaeval beliefs mid a removal of cer- tain mediaeval practices which were regarded as abuses. The same church remained, having essentially the same worship and sacraments, preserving ] without break the ancient espiscopate, retaining its property and church buildings, and claiming to retain the Catholic faith and religion, freed only from what v. as regarded as mediaeval additions Not Protestant. (hi The Knglish church did not be- come a Protestant church in the sense now commonly understood by the word Protestant That Is, it did not becon.e ant) Catholic, but Continued to process belief in the Catholic church and to accept the doctrine and practice or the ancient Catholic coun- cils and fathers It did, Indeed, pro- test against papal claims And what it regarded as corruptions; in thisâ- .-re- spect it found and felt itself generally to be in a certain kind Of alliance (though not m close argreement) with the Protestants on the continent, and In that sense the word ProtOStSAt WBS sometimes used by English Cnttroh- men to describe their attitude^ But the Church of England never adopted Protestant as its ecclesiastical ttfune, and that word has now COUM to have. a different meaning than it has either in English literature or in the legal name which the Protestant Episcopal church in this country adopted after the civil war FOR SALE FOR JsALEâ€"PIANOS TAJKBN IN fteue on our high-grade Oram- Rlcbtsteig piano and player Emerson .........• • • •...... • Pease â€" Hallett A DavJ Emerson • Chlckerlng, almolt ne Chase A Baker flayer, with 50 roHs........................ Call and see our F. S. Cable new pi- anos at 1173, sold In Chicago st $350. These are bargains. Patter- son Bros., 1622 Shermsn-av. itc $ 35.00 75.00 140.00 115.00 275.00 30.00 FOJtaALBâ€"200 LOADS OFJKLACK sWcompound, *&6© pJPToad, two yards load; no d^sWyuotth of Da- vis-st. Wieland 4Upytaeh\ashury-av., near Warren-st, Kone*1!©?. 20-4tc irV SALE-^-100 SCHOOL al%^r"thoroughbred si] FOi _ _ thoroughbred M. Schmidt, J/fy Kenilworth, Ill.^sbo 38L 8; poodle. Hworth-av., enllworth 30-2tc FOR SALEâ€"SEWING MACHINES IN good>raer; guaranteed from 1 to 5 Slnflr................... Singer................... râ€"TILL SEPT. 15 OR OC- 1, six-room ^Apartment; screened pbrcjr^tecosysyor. three blocks from 1^2 paVAsion any â-  Phone S^L-J 600 J3US' ones. Show, the^UUor] Eranston, *^"k IXsMfllUlS r^Osto AT Maln-st., 17-tf •tUprk* 325 W. Madhoe Street Bet. rrasfcifoeaS Mwket Sta. 'CHKAOO MISCELLANEOUS \fr r40N!V TO LOAN. Evanston and North Shore 1580 Shermsn-av. Baiinti* i 132 N.STAT««T. CHICAGO lanitetd Tom MA liileisitaHtn' POSTER 2SNe.Praakllo5t Hose RER UMttie R CO. Tel. Preakllfl 2620 a.eo a.oe „_ _"snd lU-eninilSi........ l.OO Cam^isUpnThM. PeinlaMKdnetion. . -AS Opra Snndsra. »to IS: Evenings till 7 DMA. HrCNRSMBT * BROWN, Inc. 8. B. Coc. Randolph end Clark Sta.. Chleeae Linen Suif$$m0mnd •^ Made of the finest Irtal i|| workmanshJupefimc surprised ^^SeJW you can get for^ztity^WJH- wool suits foxJ-wW ____________________ <^snsw^;fo^ I. STEIN W^&!i 1912 Central Strecr .:â- : telei>lioil|^||si^ Wheeler * Wilson^*. .^*w., Wheeler * WllseC/.. f. J.. ffiS'j r condensed milks. An Act. ,# â- **he'shoTe Is hereby declared to ie determined, adopted and promul- ;; ' |:/:-«sted «s pnrfided in sections l awl t» of en set, entflOad: An act to piw#ent fraud In the of dairy prodeets, their imitation o^^titfBstaaees, lo ptohlbit sad ptvrent lie nMumfacture ettl sale of nnheslfh alii" hdeitsated: or' mttibnadsd tssdL what H«aiiy Happened. 1531 A l> Henry VH1 deniailded that the convocation of the S>tjfttefr: church should acknowledge him to 90 "supreme head of the English ehvroh and clergy" The bishops objected to this on the ground that StWh lan- guage implied spiritual headship. The king thereupon explained that Qe claimed no such headahip, hut Only the ancient power of the «rpw& to See that the spiritual authori^ disehArged its functions without dsdOSge to the realm Thereupon, in order to hear witness to thlt limitation, the clergy added an explanatory clause and ac- knowledged the king to he "s<«HPetns h*>&d." so tar as the law ot Christ al- Iowa. The real design 4t!tifa"'MtiM to exclude any interference by the pope with English concerns, y 15S2 Convocation consented there- after not to enact new ^canc* laws without the previous license Of the king, nor to enforce them Without his connent. This made the king's power over the church more stringnU h«t there was nothing new In the ac- knowledgment that the UneV as rep- resenting the whole bodf of Sagltsh churchmen, could to an tmpottsAt ex^ tent deal with the external obnoarms of the English church. In those days H cooM be assumed thai; prs^UcAUy an wTngHehman were members of the ehnreh. as Well as of the resist exd tt dM not seem unnatural tMi 4bedr king shonld wield the lay power #tts $ 7.00 16.00 5.00 15.00 Domestic ........l-\m/...... 8°0 Wilcox * Glbbs..^............K.00 Large assortment of used machines, Singer, Wheeler * Wilson and other makes; as good ss new at very low prices. Patterson Bros., lStz Sher- man-e*. Ito evscy moSeen n. werth imreetiaw . Bapidbr iaeNeaiae W.N. do West Washington Street NO PAIN-NO nAttKSOR SCAR5 We soereatwr to daetror every ashr we treat. SbeaM any return we will steal? remove them .free of Chefs*. Our Motto. Liberality. Honest DMdfa*. We nerantee settefeetkm. $1.00 will eonvinea yon. Ceasoltetioee tnvttea (rVee.) Write tor Booklet B. Mme. Stiver 1SW Auditartom Tower, CMeeso i4233 lltwtciepeeitt. lhis Piano will astonish you w E offer an-F^X^le-UprigjGh- Piano, mahogany or oak, brass flanges, best quality hammers; a really beautiful instrument in appearance and tone for This piano sells for $325 in Chi Evanstonisdls cheape/j^mti Come in and malfe us prove it. Repairing, rJfinishing, tuning. PATTERSON 1522 Sherman Ave. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ereirirrgs VANSTON DENTISTS 629 DAVIS STREET SuocisJIsU in artificial plates guaranteed to fit the mouth and give sntlsmction. Jk Porcelaiii crowns that cannot be#detcctedird|n the natural tooth. J^ Porcelain fiHint^jJpaftake tbsfpksie oikoJB orsmaJgam fillings, and cause tw tfM to afiinfas tneTit had never been decayed. Treatment of di Advanced methods^ without discomfort to' Reasonable prices 1

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