Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jun 1913, p. 2

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S£y> P£ the on^tory bnfl«n« In whleh tbe workshops are located Is 805*60 feet. The added structures complete rep- resent an outlay of about $300,000. Without any fear of contradiction, we may say the New Trier High school now stands without a peer in the state of Illinois in high schools outside of Chicago. More than 600 pupils are enrolled at New Trier, coming from all of the north Bhore public schools. All in New Trier township are admitted without paying tuition. Unlike other institutions, especially of such magnitude, no big demonstra- tion is made of the commencement week. The exercises, which will be held June 20, will be simple and with- out any ostentation. Dr. Charles A. Judd, one of the leading educators of the middle west, has been selected as the principal speaker in the com- mencement exercises. Between sixty and seventy graduates will receive diplomas this year. CHURCH BULLETIN WINNETKA. Christ Church. Rev. Frederick Budlong, rector. June IB, fourth 8unday after Trinity: 7:30 a. m., holy communion (chapel); 9:45 a. m., Sunday school closing ex- ercises; 11 a. m.. morning prayer, litany and sermon (in the church); topic, "Modern Miracles." Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue; telephone BOB-J. J. W. F. Davies, residence 1004 Plu<* street; telephone 470. Services: Sun day school, 9:45 a. m.; morning wor ship, 11 a. m.; vesper service, 5 p. m. The communion service: First Sua day In January, March, May, July, Sep- tember and November. WW People Are Dw« inWilmette WILMETTE. Congregational Church. First Congregational church of WD- mette, WUmette avenue, corner Lake avenue and Eleventh street Minister, Roy Edwin Bowers, 1024 Eleventh street; clerk, 8. B. Groves, 1223 WU- mette avenue. All business corres- pondence should be directed to Mr. Groves. Treasurer of the church, E. Anderson, 1123 Elmwood avenue: treasurer of benevolences, Mrs. F. L.. Joy, 812 Central avenue. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning: service, 11 a. m.; vesper service, 5 p. m.; young people's meeting, 6:16 p. m.; mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Communion the first Sunday of each month. The church is open dally for rest, meditation and prayer. GOVERNOR FAVOR8 QUIZ. Gov. B. F. Dunne attached his signa- ture yesterday to the appropriation of $10,000, passed recently by the state legislature for the quiz In the alleged voting machine fraud In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt King. 711 Forest avenue, have left for a month's trip in the west. James Rogers, 428 Ninth street, is in New York on a combined business and pleasure trip. David F. Anderson and family are now at home in their new residence in Chestnut street. Mrs. W. B. Davies, 530 Foreet ave- nue, entertained the Tuesday bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mary Houston of Mayfalr has returned to her home after a visit with Mrs. Dana Barnes. Mr. and Mrs H. K. Rhodes, 915 Elmwood avenue, are the guests of relatives in Kansas Citv. Mrs. CharlPH A. Wanner of 629 Cen- tral avenue has gone to Detroit, Mich., for a several weeks' visit. Mrs. Perci-al N. Cutler, 1016 Ash- land avenue, entertained her mother, Mrs. Geoiee rtutler, of Attica, Ind., last week Mr. and Mrs Jesse W. Tuthill. 611. Hill street, will leave Monday for a two weeks' outing trip in the north- ern states. Mrs. Fitz-Randolph departed Fri- day for Burlington, la., where she was called by the serious illness of her brother. Mrs. Howard Field, 913 Central avenue, departed Friday for Boston, where she will spend a few weeks with friends. The last meeting of the Drama club was conducted in the home of Mrs. John W. lliff, 1115 Greenwood ave- nue, Thursday. Samuel Sherman and family, 831 Forest avenue, left last week for Long Lake, where they will occupy their summer home. Robert Ward, John W. Cullen, J. T. Siddall and Harry Curtis have re- turned from a few days' fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. Nathaniel Webb left Sunday for Biloxi, Miss., the new home of the well known Wllmette residents. Mrs. Webb will join him later. William Norris, 1224 Charles street, left Thursday for a ten days' trip in the south. He will go from St. Louis to Tennessee by boat Mrs. E. R. Webber, Jr., and family, 815 Forest avenue, moved last week to their country home at Three-mile Lake, Mich., where they will pass the summer. Miss Email Smith Is entertaining Miss Helen Wolf of Muskogee, Okla., as her guest. Miss Smith and Miss Wolf were students at Chevy Chase seminary. Mrs Percival N. Cutler, 1016 Ash- land avenue, with her mother, Mrs* George Butlei of Utica, Ind., are guests of friends in Milwaukee for a few days W. \V. Kerr aud family, 707 *or Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago Statement of Condition at Close of Business Wednesday, June 4, 1013 RE8OURCE8 Time Loans..............................$93,6oz,4« t .00 Demand Loans........................... 30,078,772.89 Bonds, Securities, etc......................46,969,128.41 United States Bonds to Secure Real Estate .................. Overdraft* ................... Cash and Due from B, 39,660,36230 8.7DSJ06SJO 18,04740 3)609.68 67,029,69137 $215,300,603.20 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus .......... Undivided Profits Reserved for Taxes! Circulation ......................................... Deposits: Individual ..................$77,222,623.40 Bank ........... ......97,507,971.54 .» 21,800,00000 i*0Ms*ir~|] 43SiO00,0O 8^80,10000 174,780i094M where they wlU spend the months of June, July jnd August In their s#n- mer home. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Foose of 1207 Blmwood avenue have returned after a brief trip In the east Mrs. J. H. Swannell. who has been the guest of Mrs. Joachim D. Decker. 901 Green avenue, for the last ten days, has returned to her home in Kankakee. Members of the Wllmette section of the Arden Shore committee were entertained at luncheon in the home of Mrs. Percy Klllen, 808 Ashland avenue, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. James Crossley, 407 Washing- ton avenue, left last week for Castle Park. Mich., where she will pass tbe summer with her parents. She has rented her home for tbe summer. Mrs. Eugene Eagles, 123 Broadway avenue, has as her guests for the summer her mother and sister, Mrs. Arnold and Miss Evelyn Arnold. Miss Arnold will be a September bride. Mr. James G. Barber, 621 Linden avenue, who has been in Galesburg for ten days, returned to Chicago Tuesday. On Wednesday he left for Cairo and is expected to return to- day. Rev. Harry Heald and family, 810 Lake avenue, are enjoying a six weeks' vacation trip through the east- ern states. They will visit relatives in New York for two weeks of the time. Mrs. Benjamin Ott, 1228 Lake ave- nue, has leased her home to Arthur Howard and family for the summer. Mrs. Ott left last week for Colorado, where she will remain during the summer. Mrs. Gustavus A. Kuehl was re- turned to her home, 731 Central ave- nue, this week from the Evanston hospital, where she has been for the last two weeks. Her condition is re- ported as improved. Word has been received here of tbe death of Robert Embleton, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. William Embleton, former residents of Wll- mette, which occurred in their home In Orange, N. J. He was 18 months old. Mrs. J. B. Olwln, 719 Washington avenue, entertained sixteen guests Friday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Nathaniel Webb. Before leaving for her new. home in Biloxi, Miss., Mrs. Webb will pass a few weeks with her sister In Menasha, Wis Hev. Linn W. McMillen of Racine college, Racine, Wis., will be in charge of the Sunday services in St, Augustine's church until the return of the rector, Rev. Harry B. Heald, who, with his family, is enjoying a six weeks' vacation" in -the east " Mrs. Frnnk P. Collier, 601 Lake ave- nue, departed Friday for Boston, where she will attend the commence- ment exercises at Dana hall. Her daughter, Miss Dorothy, Is a student In this institution. Mrs. Collier and daughter will pass the summer in Boston. Mm. Eva Clementl is the guest of Mrs. A. rUckerman in Austin this week. Miss Clara Corlett of Evanston was tbe week-end guest of friends here last week. Mrs. Frederick Penfleld entertained at bridge Monday afternoon in her home In Sheridan road. Mrs. Laura Mortimer entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Frank Mortimer. Miss Philoma Becker, who has been a student in Miss Elys school in New York, has returned home. Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Swain, Park ave- nue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swain of Dallas, Tex. Miss Marjorle Sibley entertained a dozen friends in her home in Wash- ington avenue Thursday evening. Mrs. Arthur Howard and son left Thursday for their home in Fairmont, la., after a two weeks' visit here. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whitelaw of Grove avenue have for their guest Mrs. A. J. Irwin of Montreal, Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trude enter- tained the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Trude, of Chicago last week. Miss Beatrice King arrived home Thursday from Menominee, where she has been attending the Stout school. % Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Howard have departed for Fairview, where they will be guests of Mrs. Charles Howard for a month. Cameron Whitelaw, who has been a student at the University of Illinois, returned home for the summer vaca- tion last week. Miss Katherlne Orde departed last week for Metcalf, Ariz., where she will -be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Katherlne Scotland. Mrs. A. S. Reid of Edgewater was guest of honor at a tea given Monday afternoon by Miss Charlotte King and Mrs. H. J. Hutchings. Mrs. A. H. Blythe and daughter, Miss Helen Blythe, of Racine, Wis., were guests last week In the home of James R. Dennis in Downing avenue. Mrs. E. 8. Cambloss of Atlanta, Ga.. who has been the guest of her sis- ters, Mrs. Charles Alison and Mrs. J. Falls, for several weeks, has returned home. Mrs. G. D. Hill departed last week for Warwood, Va., a suburb of Wheel- ing, where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Evans, for sev- eral weeks. Undo, Fla.. their future home. Mrs- Hlrsch, who Is visiting in '$$$** will Join them In a few weei«|g^ Mrs. Benjamin Newball M&^mai. week for Manitou Island, wh«ri She will occupy her summer home for the next three months. Her daughter, Mrs. William S,tark, will Jofcrher later. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. WHliams en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kim- ball of Pasadena, Cal.. a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball are en route to Boston, where they will visit for several weeks. EVANSTON EMPLOYES TO HAVE VACATION Alderman Eastman Secures Passage of Motion Making Vacations Possible. The employes of Evanston are to have vacations this summer. At the coun- cil meeting last week Alderman Eastman made a motion to the effect that employes of the city paid by the month be granted a two weeks' vaca- tion with nay, and those working by the day be given a one week vaca- tion with pay. Tbe motion was ap- proved. The above only refers to those who have not been suspended for misconduct during the past year. Ralph W.Faupel TheViilage Electrician his regular ag business, ifuirifnc of Comm- and Records. tYon^ure Invited to come and ^r hear them. •09 W. RAILROAD AVE. •>hone 822 Wllmette Dc/Elijah G. Harris ^CHIROPRACTOR and NERVE SPECIALIST After twel^< nervous < return to pn All nervous ache. Nervous nal Corvatnre. Beat of re* Appointments I, 1710 irience with innoancei hie ding Head- 'euralftia, Spi- former patients. Wlhatttt tlM. AM., WHuttl, HUMS When You Are Sick \pmething everyone should knowâ€" te Buyers Gui&e to/Ohops of Quality" l/i ehch issue of The Vake Shore News Chicago's best specialty shops here invite the pnron- (e of discriminating Ndtfh Jhore patrons. ilest P y Fireproof Steel BuUdlngs Portable Contractionâ€"Made for Every Purpose Cut Ustâ€"tttt a LitttiM , Tool Hi Boat Bhop, Cantesct* j Booths, etc.. ______i sra heauttfaUy «M tbe only portable i with structural steel frame. . [reproof, weatberUeht, fo4a* straettDle. Cos* leea than »ssonrrâ€" better than wood strong *a » perma- nent alf uetuie. . . We caa save «*» dejlars. anay Callers, If you eensnK as on roar bonding reqnli lanwita. ENGLISH eV OOHAN 1020 â- arrisimst Battels* Phone Randolph tt7 CUcSiS, IB. Oeneral Sales Agents for Ike tBSjr MssnOKSarla* C^ JaXlmeB, l0C»J*toi $215,300,653.25 OFFICERS GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, Pres. Ralph Van Vech ten..... Vlce-Pres. Harvey C. Vernon Alex Robertson.........Vlce-Pres. Hennas Waldeck......Vloe-Pres. John a Graft...........Vloe-Pres. •taste* R, Chapman. • • • ..Vlce-Pres. WtHln> T. BnwlcaeT....Vlee.Pres. Wffllam O. Bchroeder.. .Vlce-Pres. Nathaniel & Loach. „.....Cashier AsstOashtor Asat Cashier Asst Cashier Aaat, Cashier George B. Smith Wilber Hattery.. H. Brskine Smith John R. Washbarn...Aie&€s4bier Wilson W. Lamport..AsstCaahler Dan Norman........AsYLOejhJer George A. Jackson..Asst Cashier you must have full con- fidence in the store which supplies your medicines. Your doctor knows that we are truthwdphyAYour neighbors Ajfow /Ly Ask whom yotrWll; owf rep- utatfrn fori carefulness, accuracy and quaU*»r has been gained bytlcrving the best interests of those who trust us. * :-: :-: :-: PRESCRIPTION WORK THAT IS CORRECT ieMie RBfNECKAR DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE TttepboMS 29 aid 31 Wila«ttc, III. Safety Deposit Bjxes THE Bank i* now with one of the m Safety Deposit Vaults ity of patronsf*ab valuable and bu ence of right h contains p. *$fee boasts/afford ltite prcfoetfton for s, etc., against firj besides IIiTjJiwoTIm ing this protection ome. The equipment ree hundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET^ Wllmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette Ninety Hrf&ii T. Rosberg MerckSstalfTailor A fall linMtifrtihe fat^st spring novelties. Pfenning, repairing ana pressing. Good clothes maker. For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods yon most dii place before the tinav-STiest, call 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wllmette 41S-414. Wllmette Auto Delivery j. a. mm WISCONSIN K GENE PHONES > Bm. »• 8ta ••U** Cismtlic Va e-MONC 0 Carriages. Cabs and 'SAreys fa 728-734 12TH»8T., WILMC1 ne296 Shop eV Res. Phone 168 C. WOLFF Tin, sheet, metal and furnace work. Furnaces, gutters, spouts an/TT^etal roofs. EST I MATl IED Lawn mm0€rs sharpened and repaired, called for and delivered. "SSH •'.' Office, 1124 Central Are. Shaft. 62* Park Ave. (n*»). WUasette 1 jy. G. Beyrer ELECTRIC] BTIOR ILMET.TE,D'A:IRY- _-=,,- HOWARD B. LACBT, Gkadnaaa of Advfaot? Oentmlttee. 1819 Elmwood Avenue TtLXPHONE *a« Wtt-MKTTE. OIL Repairing Supplies Wilmette B Edith M^0^mer Second Floor HigKlass Beauti- ww fxine Done ili Shop i Central Are., V ^ 1 of mptrb qmtttt] tn ffs flsO/Yc* and MADE TO 0KDBM-;. Wl tolidt your pa <Res Residence 1026 Office 1078 JAMES A. SPANE-^ REAL ESTATE, RENTING, LOANS, AtmjiUtJRAtiCt 1128 Central Avenu/ -^Wilmette, Illinois We also have seme choice bargains in North Shore property. Special! 8 Room Efongalo' -^J^isSo wafer heat..... 7 Rml, Stacoo, nef l.f.fctti .*Wi ff250 J. B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wllmette, Illinois Your Vacation Trip Where to Co *>~~s What It C^O^ CLzt/There Fully explained fit^doklets andJejrfK^which may be obtained rrtfc on apfdlcatioo. Ask for Lakâ€" and Rmort(jf thm Northwâ€"t Short Jaunta for Buoy Pmoph Tht Block Hill* Lake Region Pockmt Map Lake Superior Foldw Fish and Game Laws TkkH QffictM Chicago and North Western Railway Evanston, ill. Si^&S*ii MM k s^SMcs

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