Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jun 1913, p. 5

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Mi'.. ^j&M&&^x*t^ noe> TJSSS^$'^^m Mr mty'M&^'i^^Bptm*; 8treet. l^fp^'^t^S'^^l;. roer in Tore* pf^l^m^^^^X^ Mrs. Arthur N^!i^#f? 1009 owv* â- la^i'^V^f^Wff' tivrt in New Hl«^'.iO^^*|^ Wan road, wttt retnrft this ***i%m « business trip to;***'^r;;>:'.';^; Mr John M. LcaMe «nd\ **»»**°l Main street. l»«^f^^lP»' per home In Mbrthnoft, IMeh. >•* ^ Mrs. Chwle» <^»iieii/foti»e»ly of Kvanaton, now of River^ Porejt, is „oi>ping at tl» Avenue Honsev , Mrs. N. L. Dodge and children, ,l?2b -w,.8ioy avenue., left Tuesday for tbt„ summer home In Nortbport. Vicb Mr9. H. Brenner and Mis* Myrtle Ko. «ter of MlMrankee are **» *ttWW J Mrs. H. W. DflWb m3 Boomer place .f"T^'-!^M?^S«! ' •â- â- â- â- â-  .&• \n»sea Mildred and Martha Smith. wv> Ridge avenue, are attending a houH. party of Bennett girls In Clove land. 0. Mr„. j. W. Slayton and M1ss Jane siayton. 1009 drovestreet, have gone t0 Himlra, N. Y„ for the: summer months. •» Mr and Mrs. Volney Poster, who are at Lake Forest for*the summer. are attending the polo taces »t PlplBf Ro'-k thlB week.' MIm Isabel Dwlght. 1240 Ashury avenue, after attending Smith com- mencement, will spend the summer camping In Maine. Dr George T. Hargltt of North- western university will give a sum- mer course in soology at the Univer- sity of West Virginia., Mrs. w. David Booth, who has been visiting Mrs. JGohnd Williams, 1307 Chicago avenue, has returned to her bonne In Sprlngfteld, 111. MU» Vera glummer, 828 Colfa* .treet. entertained the Gamma chap- ter of the Tfceta Chi sorority at her some Saturday afternoon. Mrs Phyllis Frawtey' left Sunday for ber home In Madison. Wis., aftei "atiuit with her* niece, Mrs. R. L. KeMUnger, »3« porest, avenue. ,., Mr and Mrs. John A. Dlcksd&and ft#o children, 1W» Davis street, left | Saturday for Red Cedar Lake. Wis., Iwheie they will spend the summer. I Mr and Mrs. Robert 8. Crane and I Mrs Crane's mother, Mrs, Herring*. 12141 Sherman avenue, have gone to 8prL,gfleld, Mass., to be away some time Mm. Hunry Buker, 1206 Michigan avenue, to entertaining Mrs.-Robert Co»dery of Lexington. Ky.. who will be guest during the month of Jiu.« M, William McPherrln, Northwest- ern university. '13, who Is attending the Boston School of Technology, Is Beta Theta PI during com- Bieii ement. Mr and Mrs. H. M. Rieke and daughters, the Misses Ida and Marie Rleke 637 Hlnman avenue, left Tues- day for their summer home at Lud- in*i.m. Mich. M, and Mrs. George Corke, 928 Ri.i*. avenue, left Tuesday for Ch«i...,«lgn to attend the graduation or th. i. son, Raymond, from the Unlver- titv „f Illinois. • m. and Mrs. Squire Rush Harris. 13)., Judson avenue, had as their week end guests Mr. and Mru. A. M. Price and son, Robert, and Mrs. Van Gort.T of Elgin, Ill- Friday qlght Mr. Frank M. Elliot awarded to the ten graduates of the Evanston Hospital association class pins which are in the form of a daisy. theh class Bower. A number of the mem tiers of the board were present^ among them being Mrs. John C. Spry. , Mrs James A. Fatten, M. Mary Har- ris. Mrs. P. B. Shumwa» and Mrs. Sargent. Florence Grabs, 8312 Church street, is to receive a prise of 13 from the Chicago Record-Herald as the winner of a contest In which Photographs of statues figured. One 8nnday afternoon, wbjto Florence was at Lincoln park, aha took a kodak snapshot of the statue of Abraham Lincoln, and It is for that picture that she is to receive the first prise. Flor < nee Grans la a pupil of the fifth grade of Dewier school. ♦, Miss Edith Nye, 1811 Elmwood ave- nue, i« entertaining at a house party / MisBes Cora FTedrickaon, Florence Kim and Katharine Nye j>f Cam- bridge, Miss Ma* Fairlle of Geneseo, and Miss Rica Baaborg of1 Galesburg; Mre. George Bnnset, Greenwood Inn, left Saturday for Rochester, N. *•; whert she wUl visit at the home of • Miss Helen noteholder, today - «ae and Mie» BatcheMer aafl fw "aples be. t%e ^jtHTArthaT Roberts, t^er son, Beryn. and her niece, Louise Malone, ti03Centi^ street, are spending a #eek^:^ -ColWtndo,; '4 : Mrs. Harrf I. Allen and son, Harry, 322 Main street, left Monday for Hunt- ington, Ind., where they will visit Mr. Allen's parents. Mr. J. Orchard, 688 Ingleslde place, left Saturday to Join Mrs. Orchard in Anttoch. They will return the Ut- ter part of the week. Mrs. N. P/Curtlss ofWaha, Neb., la the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Wool worth, "2028 Harrison street, for an indefinite time. Miss Adele Forbes of the Green wood Inn has returned from St Mary's college, Knoxvllle, where she was graduated In music. The Misses Mary and Carrie Waker barth of Independence, la., have been visiting their sister, Miss Neva Wakerbarth of Willard Hall. The Sigma Sigma sorority gave a beach breakfast Monday morning back of the Northwestern university school of engineering on the lake shore. The members of this sorority are the Misses Clare Lahdon, Ruth Sanders, Florence Hildebrand, Clara Stevens, Ruth Goessele, Dorothy Martin, Mil- dred Faber, Jessie Trowbridge, Lydia Kitterman, Jean Richardson, Mary McCague, Julia Fuller, Charity San- ders, Jessie Vawter, Ramona Har rod, Frances Hale, Ruth Porter, Edna Harris and Alice Kaiser. Elaborate children's day services were held 8unday morning at Cove- nant M. E. church with the beginners' and primary department giving the complete program, assisted by Belch's orchestra from the main department The following recitations were given: Mary Louise McLeod on "This Day Is Ours"; Margaret Mortenson, "The Master's Children"; Julia Phillips, "Make,Tour Own Place"; Paul Cutler, "A Boy's Speech," and Franklin Dale. "The Boy Tour Mother Thinks Tou Are." A-neii baptismal bowl was pre- sented to the church by Ruth Upde graff, president of the Junior league. 'One of the finest excursions of the year of the high school civics club was taken on Saturday to Lockport, via the drainage canal. The "Robert R." left the docks at 9:30 a. m., first mak- ing a trip out Into the lake as far as the breakwaters and returning, before starting on the trip down the canal, a distance of thirty miles. Luncheon, provided by both the girls and boys, was served en route, and they arrived at Lockport about 1 o'clock. A trip through the power and construction houses was taken and a lock was opened and filled for their benefit. Be- fore returning to their special car a short time was spent in the amuse- ment park at Dellwood. This was the final excursion of the year. One of the most complete exhibits In the history of the Evanston Township High school was on display Friday evening In the school building. Man* of the parents, pupils and friends of the school thronged the big corridors, gazing at the display of drawings both freehand and commercial, done unde â-  the supervision of Miss Evelyn 8. Edward*. The third-year work war. especially pretty, and consisted of small paper jack o' lanterns, paper dolls, and the drawing of large Egyp- tian, Grecian and Roman casts. TMo first-year drawing exhibit was held in the modeUng room, and consisted mainly of>book covers, plana of rooms and modelling. The manual training and typewriting rooms were also open for inspection. Two of the class rooms were set aside for the explana- tlon of "What la the Use of Greek and Latin?" the exhibit of which was pre- pared by Miss gabin of the Oak Park High school. Some of the signs dls tributed about the room read as fol- lows: "Chas. Francis Adams says. 'I would prescribe one of the classic tongues as a compulsory study to the day of graduation, the one royal road to a knowledge of all that Is finest in letters.'" "W. D. MacKensle, president of Hartford Theological seminary say* of the classics. The man who looks forward to the ministry ought n study Latin and Greek for eight years before he enters upon Biblical study and the tovestlgatlons of church his- tory.'" "Greek and Latin afford a deeper insight into the great citlllaa- tions upon which our own is hased." "Tou cannot see the point to many jokes unless you understand classical inythoiogy." "The *>â- **»* •*â- Â»' probably decent know that Us name flosses from t** Lmtin wor* m**nta* frantic or mad." - , . .,, ,.„.^...„ . _-__.«r*he Gn^wood lh». who arednajed in art this month from st Mary's college at KnoxvlUsv hae returned to Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crtbb, tot* Maple avenue, have had as their guests Mro. Robert Harvey and Mrs. L. A. Wil- liams of Gray's Lake, ill., during com- mencement week. Miss Ruth Carter, 619 University place, has gone to Seattle, Wash., for the summer. 8he will be accompanied â- Qii^'-ll^^^^'i^:.^_____. cago and r*f*a fihere Alumnae of the Delta Delta Delta held a picnic at the wooes. ::â- â- %%$& The annual exhibition of dancing given by Um women's gymaaaUe classes of Northwestern university was held Satnrday afternoon on the campus In tsmllLM U>« old college. It was In the fornvof a college pageant. In which each clans appeared la ap- by her brother. Allen Carter, whom propriate cqisthme. The freshmen she will meet at Denver, Col. (were i^presinted as children and they Members of the active chapter of' exhibited jpthe simpler folk dances. Northwestern university were guests j "Hickory. Dlekotr, Dock," and the of honor Saturday at the home of Mrs. j "Ktntorpolkn'% being Included. The O^gviii* **** â- â-  â- ' â-  * â- '-' J -'•â- â- '^â- ^â- V-b^' mm* .*%i*. ^n%ajawwi: iaacs. . r and Nornwn4ish eances were gtvsn by the sentora. A nmnber of selected groups gave spedal dsncea, aesthetlo and gymnastic. The May- poW dnnce was glvep b7 tony girls from each division. Mlaa Clara Muri* so* danced to the music of Dvorak's MHnsjMtes^s«r. .* â-  :?'^v>-CP:.:"'^'.'V Miss Eleanor Clinton Babcoek. daaghter of Dr. end Mrs. Robert Hall Babcoek, Chicago, was married fiater- day evening to Mr. Merrill Colt, son of Mrs. Charles W. Colt The cere- 'TiesOfJiy \asjsnej.:enssssfsssn<>;v*«^:, ^â- wf, ^^*w>-f;.wm,ifT'.pw igeT-lk M '•sbbsj O^ wesV L-ensswew ^^^w. ,w# ^BT'i. wefttMesof The malt of â- â- â- :â- â-  -.- i' "i."aii*li 2t wwee' sV;gwwsi'.w#, miagaetiaef and ding sowers pink earrled n _,.,,.,,,. ,„ .^ pale pin*j Mla» Mary hmrsta^ and HarrinLy«aA*Mh»«WlaT»thlU. •fit"'" ^^gm.'.f^^'. eH^eA-.' ^aA^'v^'WU'ri'fiMi^fl^^ ____^ Tsjlld flllisilef^ , 1 tsaV s^Hmnai* ^wWlsite'lJwili. es^lsiliiP '^^..-•^^^^*v..\ nste' Msyia^B^" 'essia^ssr^4' ,tnxjbide 'a ;jttj^;;st>. s^|ns^.,,^11181^,,. -»â-  .^.^.^ .^ «Siak S^a^"^l^^ m^^^^.: 'UK sjsnss an -ewew rfss»',:>wf";'; wfw«'!pf^ Ifty. Cam Jfyen In â- wawa»p',,eBjBwajJ:^Bjt;?| ,: 'â- '..... '.....#»iMg|M^..'â- 'â- .â-  During this sale nine cents will go farther than you can believe, /ii §|^|^s it nMMi^m0 of a quarter. A glance ovei these bargains will convince you. Oitly |r|^^j ^> &*** Ju^M^MM >ee,s............tmtiM iN-ANTr quilt.d bibs- infant., oil cloth bim. dust w^i^^W^^^^W^^f^M^^ W«4nes4«yt TkorttJay ; FrMayhitd Saturday IMM»MOMMMMM»MI< INFANTS' QUILTIO BIBSâ€" Edged with Torchon lace. Dur- ing this sale g% at.......................SfC INFANTS' OIL CLOTH BIBS* In figured and floral patterns. Remarkable value at............... 9c DUST CAI»%'sifew^liW;;m^: dark print, ^m^:*M!*»«" at ; Wg<awtwsy,TtMiri4fiy ; INFANTS' BIBS Turkish cloth, In and pink, at ........;....... of heavy white, blue 9c INFANTS' BOOTBSS, of all wool yarn, fancy stitch, all colors, f% at..... .................&C Infante* wtivibttsj^:^ Plain and fancy top, double heels and toes, colors wwti, pink and blue. Drugsâ€"4te J bot^(a Shi I h/T Bromo NO MAIL OR TBLIPHONt OJTOERS FILLBD. Shampoo Seltzer tdjkg. Bath Salt 1 pkg. Bronchial Trochee 1 hot. Peroxide atâ€" 1 bet. Bull's Baby Syrup at.....te 1 bet. Glycerine end Rose 1 hot. 1 pkg. Orangelne Headache Pew. dor at 1 pkg. Boraele Acid 1 pkg. Licorice Comp. Powder, .to Straw Hat Cleaner SUGAR CANNISTER WS&&&$ Egg Beater, large drive wheel. Sugar eiitnlster â€" White jap- anned, 10 lb. Sauee Pan, 4 at., gray enamel, to Knives and Forks, eoeobola han- dle, good steel, Fly Swatter, corduroy edge..te Lemon Squeeser, pressed clear glass Salt and Peeper Shaker, decor. China, par P«,r......... •*? Garden Set, children's, 3-plese te â-  H|"l II A llil ' ' Sleeve Board, padded top, well made, Oss Otobea, Inverted, halt frosted, at Carpet Beater, heavy wire, weed handle, at ................te Garden Trowel, good steel, weed handle, et Tumblers, lesd blown, eleer fin. Ish, 8 Sink Strainer, blue Japanned, .to Butter Jar, with ©over, oieer glass, at < rriejsy «a4 Saturday #t»»ft »»>! t It Mat t MM Pudding v^;|>|s|:;^^lW" Coat Hanger, jli^^k!l$*i:y^l^ made, S te#f»»V«:i?V:»'-!»>*;»'»*>«**, Flour Sifter, tnade ef tin, at.....vf:.'5*«*:i>>-..^- Paring or Vsgetnale Knives, ^ Cuspidor, green f^eae* enrthen- were, at ....>^wv*^..»»**'»Se Silver Cleaner, aUvl â- MWMaMMawaaWJawani 15c can STOVS PIPK SNAMBL at ............. BURNISHINE MBTAL POLISH at ....... OOMSS OF SILSNCS, set of 4, at............. MIRRORS, Americaa glees, oa frame. 10x14. at.»*.*♦- CURTAIN RODS, extends to 64 ln^ at............... "ABSORINI" WALL PAPCR CLfiANlR at... FICTURBS (snframed). classic snbjeets........... â- 'â- .'•'.'^Sr- Special Notice Regarding Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a. w. are compelled to print this olrculsr several days before our aslee begin, very often we have »««MgS»y - " > to ouote the very lowest msrket prices on Strswberrlee, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. This *aa *en SSX % V^rfalr both to our ou^omer. end to ourMlvss, .o In the future w. w... not Ihjt the price, ef Frwh Fruit end ; .. VeoeUblee In our weekly circular. But we deelre our eustemere to know that we receive every morning the ^; largest supply of Freeh Fruit, VegfJablee, etc., on the North Shore at prices that are elweye the lowest, 1 Sweat Potatoes* Savoy" ' Brand, per can........ISO Pumpkin: Savoy Brand, per can ................11c PCrk and Beans: Armour's No. 1 cans, S cans for. .3Be FLOUR. All brandaâ€"©old Medal, Na- poleon, New Century, PIIU- bury and Cereeota: \i bbL sack...........• -7S % bbl. sack........... 1.» V4 bbl. sack........... *.0» CANNED QOOOS. , 8u»ar Corn 'iSc Corn: Sweet 3 can* for.. Sauerkraut: Van Camp's. 3 cana for..............«»e Kldnay Baana: 3 cana for.. Hominy: 3 cana Van Camp's, ...........Be Van Camp's, for............ SOAPS. J«e Swift's Borax Soap, 10 bara Tor..............**° Swift's Wool Soap, larse bars, t for..............1*c Swift's German Mottlad Soap, 5 bara............'*« AmerleiHi Pamlly Soap, 10 bar* for.............*•« Milady Toilet Soap, 3 bara for..............."* Gold Oust, larg-e pkg . 17c CEREALS AND CRACK- ERS. Dr. Price's Rolled Oats, 3 pkga. for............. Kelloog'e Corn Flakat, 3 pStra- '«r............. Uneeda Blsculta, % pks*- for..............lac National Biscuit Co.'a Oet- meal, Ora^am or City Soda* Cracker*, 3 pk*e.......8Bc Sharldan Coffee, In the yel- low bags. P«*r lb........;woe 3 Iba. for............,.$1.00 Good Meat,sâ€"Lowest, Prices BEEP. Native Pot Roaat Beef. tender and Juicy. Uja kind you like. Ib-.H/ae Shoulder Steak, tender and Juicy, per lb.....iSe Best Native Round Steak. Under, per lb.......»o Best Sirloin Steak, the kind that eats rood. per lb...............*se Beat Porterhouae Steak. the kind that will aat- lafy you when ealiny It, per VEAL. Native Shoulder Veal Roaat. from beat milk-fed calvea, per lb ................leVaO Beaf Veal Chops. rir>, per lb...... loin, per Ib..... ..22e ..Mo Choice Veal Btew, per lb.....W/ie • *no ISe Beat wrade Veal Steak, per lb...............a*0 LAMB. Beat «rade Lamb « hopa, Hhoulder, per lb.....20e rib, p«>r lb..........j»e loin, per lb...... -.2*0 Cholcn Lamb StflV per Ib.......12* »»«* «*e Selected Young Lea; of Lamb, per Ib........«»o LARD. Beat pure Lard, with any meat order* 3 iba. for............<8« Thfl fnmoua perfect Snow- rteâ€"„. \ .se M 1.W drift Shortening. 3 Ib. pall for.. 5 Ib. pall for.. 10 Ib. pall," " HIGH a CIOUS >g DELI- ICHEON sliced, ....Me lam, 10 to Ib____S2e 1 Loaf, .25c .2Bc Chicago Metal Polish, 16c cana for........v-sw K. C Baklno Powder. 16c cans for..........»• Pat or Llbby's Milk, tall can* ...........••* Union Baked Pork and Baane. 2 Ib. cans-----Se Grecian Brand fancy cleaned- Currants, per pkg. Brat Boll per lb. tVhole B< 12 Ib. Seat gro<._^_â€"-------- per Ib. .>••:.........S°e 8eat grade Jelly Tongue, per lb...............a*o Beat grade Dewey Ham, per Ib...............e*o Bert grade Milwaukee Frankfurters, Ib. ...ISe U<-Ht grade Cooked Corned Beef, per Ib.........«*« Host grade allced Dried Beef, per lb......; v- pedt grade Blood Tongue Stuiwtgo. per lb......22o II<»t »rrade Metwurat and Thiiurlnger and New Eng-lnnd Ham and MlnrfHl Ham, lb.....20c H«»t grade Summer Sauange. per Ib.....32c Il,.«t grade German Salami, per lb.......36e Specials, 9c Grocers' Matches, per pkg...........^ »c Jackson Park Grass aeed, ir>c Sweet Plmlentoa, per can ..............•* Rib Roaat Beef. grade, tender the kind enjoy forjpBlPnftinday dlnnerT^fTaOo and 22o Best grade Leg of Veal, the kind that has no waste, per lb........We 191S selected Young Leg of Lamb, per lb.....ISs 1913 selected Hindquarter Lamb, per Ib........20o SPECIAL MONDAY, JUNE IS. MONEY SAVERS. 2f,c »iae Crlaco, with any meat order, only...-1°c Frttu-y Utile I'ork Chopa, per lb...............1*0 Fresh ground Hamburger Steak, per lb........1«c Funey sweet little Pig Mama. 4 to 8 Ib. av- erage, per Ib......t3V»C No Phone or Mall Order* Filled on Monday Items. Yum Yum Plum*. No. 3 cans............Bc Darnell'* Potato Chip*, per pkg..............Bc Clicquot Ginger Ale, per bottle ..........»c 9hredded Wheat. per pkg............"0 riuby Brand Import d Sardines, In pure olive oil ...................»e Burrsn ano soos. 'StbIp* fr i lb. oartone, pe» U»....t1e atrletly Freeh SasjSr M per ooeen r.-;i.'7.'.»......tie None d*Uver«d at this . pnoe. Our delivered prlea te.,«yo Fancy Banta Clare svunes. 2 lbs. for................ale Get our Jlrteee aen Fancy Florida Flnnaeeies for can- nlng. All aliesr Th# lowest.js*lee Jin euoer in years, i* lbs. tor.. •. .s»e with ft srocery order of --------------- , store, with ii or_0W-<flour. soap___ butter not molttded) If order Is 1 phone or â- â€"w»aiiiBBSBW^a«»â€"aiaaaaBBafaaBBaaaap Pail with Cower, grey WsTiait, 1 pt also............,....«•• Dleh Drainer, heavy, retlnned.Se Soup Strainer, wire, wees) nne> die. at.......•............te Seongea, large sine, at.....• .te •room Holder, beet ever wade. at lee Pleke, strong wees) handle, at.......................Je Candlestleke, braes, • In. high. Mugs, pure white enemel j .. .fa Toasters, Wilson, aeuar*.....fa Breed Beards, hardwood ... .t« SPECIAL fOf* SATUftOAV, jures 14. Jeltfe'a Good Uiek Butterlne. 2 lb. brloa for..........Sfc Campbell's Tomato Sews, S cana tor..-...........tie coffM Cakes, all kinds. 3 for ................. Fr«ah Baked Ceeoanut aroene, per lb....... ..17« mm SPECIAL FOB MONDAY, JVHM 1A Fancy White VVtseonaln Potatoes, per pock.....He Only 1 peek to a customer. Btu* Bee Tuna Flan, 1 lb. enns,..............ISs Pompeiian Oilve on, % pint can.,...........ISe drink- •So Santos Ceffeet a fin Ing coffee, 4 lbs. for. Bluing or Ammonia, quart bottle ............Se Bulk Starch. r, lbs. for...............iSo Washing Betfa. a ins. tew,...............So Dry Goodiâ€"9c Fancy white Curtain Net, regn- U- price 20c a yard, d%^- for ......................T*% Ladies' Net Oulmps, mnled front, 26c quality, sHW for Hair Nets, Carmen and InshkBL with or without elastic g%~ 3 for ....................WW>' 9c 6 on a 9c Saxony. 9c Pillow Cases, 34X46, Special quality, for----- Collar Buys, slip-outs, card, regular price 10c, 2 for ................. YARNSâ€"One lot of Oermantown and Shet- land Floss, 2 skeins for.. Pearl Buttons, all sixes, worth up to 26c a card. for.............. Heavy near-linen Cluny Lace and Insertion, regular 18c and 20c quality. Oaf* a yard ..................aFV Venetian and Oriental Banding. worth up to 25c a yard, for ................... 9c 9c and Wide Skirt Embroidery and In sertion, worth up to 26c a yard, for..... Centerpieces to embroider for ........ One Hllk for SclDHora. 8 and 9 Inches long, for .............. 9c Pillow Top* 9c dozen of Filo Em broidery asBortPd colors. Q*~â-  9c Mens Furnishings Men'e Sleek and White Shop Cape ............ Farmers' Straw Hats, reg uler 16c value, at...... Wash Ties, good value, special at ............. Arm Band, round or fiat web, at................. Men's Hose, assorted eol- ors, special, per pair----- Gold Plated Collar Buttons st----- pad Sorters, regular 1Sw value, et .............. Boy*/ Suspenders, good elastic, at.........••.• Men's and Beye* Shield Bow Ties, regular 1Se and 25c value, »*.....», Man's plain white Mend, kerehiefe, done up one In pkg., et..........." Metre black Oversleeves at Cenvas Oloves, knit wrist, per enlr SpecialDemonstrttion in the House Furnishing Dept. ANOROCK OVENS 50câ€"A perfect oven at a re- markable price. Here is the Ideal oven for sum mer use. Place it on top of a gas burner, light up and It is ready to bake pies, biscuits or pud- dings. It is the best bread toaster, it bakes pota- toes or cooks a roast to perfec- tion, heats flat-irons with no waste of gas; oven complete..... Come and see thla oven In operation. lAndrcck Oven SAvcaruct *mnmr*- 50c ^JfVlIa* *"W Children's Socks Infante' and C h 11 d r e n's Soefcs, plain and fancy tops, double heels and toee, colors white, pink and blue. |1JO PHOTOGRAPH FREEâ€"A photograph Of yourself or any one o» your family free wrth purchases of *2 or over In all depart- ments except Grocer!**. Maate and Druse. -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING" OPEN TUE8DAY TILL » P. M. SATURDAY TILL io P. M. SHOE. POLISH a 10o boxes Quick White for 2Se Tan 811k Lacee for..... 2 boxes Bull Frog Blacking for ...................... 2Se hot. Whlttemore'a Black or Brown Suede Dressing for ...................... •pedalâ€"ape box of Blanco, a cleaner for white shoes, et ^S^iisiSs^fetf^

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