Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jun 1913, p. 6

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SPIPPIPWPIP THE LAKE 8HORE NEWS, THURSDA KJ 'IIIIMIMIIIIIIIIHIIMI I What People Af 8 Doing *♦â€"♦ in Winnetka Mrs. R. J. Winston Is the guest of Mm. Victor Biting of 83(5 Mt. Pleas- ant place. Mr*. Poster of Boverly Hills was the guest of Mrs. Carrie B Prouty last week. Mr. J. S. Dunham of Chicago has rented the Barrett Conway house for the summer. Miss Blanche Meyer is at home again, having returned from Welles ley the first of the week. Mrs. Adam Emery Albright of Hub- bard Woods entertained the members of the Pi Beta Phi sorority Saturday evening. Mr. Philip Ditmar is to open branch store in the Prouty Annex this week and is still to keep up bis Hub- bard Woods store. The residence of Mr. Samson J. Ri- sendrath, which was damaged by flro last winter, has been rebuilt and Is nearly ready for occupancy. Mr. Barrett Conway has leased his home for the summer season. Mr. and Mrs. Conway are to be in Chicago for three months. Mr. and Mrs A 8 Alachuler of Chi- cago are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Haas, who have taken the N. L. Hoyt bouse for the summer. Mrs. J. W. F. Davies, her little son and her father, Mr. W. H Qould, left Tuesday for their summer home at L*ke Hamlin, Mich. Miss Fannie Gregory, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. C. Hunter of Provi- dent avenue, has returned to her home in Detroit, Mich. The annual field day exercises of Horace Mann school will be held to- morrow. An interesting program or games and folk dances has been ar- ranged. The moving pictures have proven so very popular at Community house that It has been decided to give tw> Shows a week. The shows are to be given on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 o'clock. Music will be furnished by the Community house orchestra Mr. and Mrs Hugo von Hofsten of Prospect avenue leave today for their summer homn In Michigan, to be away until Heptember. They have rented their house to Miss Kirkland of Walton plac". Chicago, who Is to have her mother for her guest during the summer. Mr. Ernst von Arnmon took the lead- ing role In A Marriage Has Been Arranged," which «-a» produced by the Lake Forest flayers at the pri- vate theater of Mr and Mrs. Aldls in Lake Forest on Fri'lay and Saturday of last week Mr .) Allen Haines acted as stage manager. Rev. Edwin F 8»ni and Rev. J. W. F. Davies of tn Congregational churcb entertii'in'ii the members of the Apollo club "nd th^'r wives at the a| Congregational Hmr-h on Monday. The club comi-Un 'he Congrega- tional mii'i*'*"^ <f Chicago and su- burbs and i' largo I'ompany was pres- ent. The Woman <* society served luncheon 'U)»- Sutx)â- â- > xchool exhibit avhlch Is to '<â-  1k-1'( Fr'day and Sat- urday of ihit uivk win open for the benefit of d, visiting clergyman. Mrs. H. N Mc<""«lii <>f 258 Ridge avenue eNt«,rtain"d th<' members of the North Shore Alumnae association of Kupixi Kappa (iamma sorority on Wednesday afternoon last week. Mr«. Alfred Nelson and little son of 9»3 AhH street have left Winnetka lor a four month.-; 'Hp through Nor- way and Sweden Mrs. Nelson's mother and Miss wra'e Nelson, who have been In swiden (he past year, will accompany them home in the fall. Miss Carrie .Tewell, who is a mis sionary in China, and Misf Loomls of Wisconsin have been the guests of Mrs. C. S. Jewell 0( Elm street. A. W. FLETCHER QUITS AS H. P. POSTMASTER Weil-Known Republican, After Twelve Years Service, Sends in Resignation. A. W, Fletcher, who is known per- sonally by overy old resident between Evanston and Highland Park, has re signed as postmaster at Highland Park. Last week be sent his resigna- tion to Postmaster-General A. S. Bur- leson. He has had an excellent record during the twelve years he has served Uncle Sam as head of the Highland Park postal Bervlce. Mr. Fletcher has been a leading citizen of Highland Park during the twenty-eight years he has lived there. He was mayor in 1893, and during his administration the water works was erected. Previous to being elected mayor he served as an alderman. Under his administration the post- office has made great gains. When he took charge it waB merely paying ex- penses^ Last year it netted the gov- ernment $1C,000. ....................Illl AGED PHOTOGRAPHER DIES IN WINNETKA What People Are Doing ~in Highland Park~ Mrs. R. J. Beatty will give a mu- sical Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. George Mason will celebrate their crystal wedding next Saturday. Miss Margot Cushing was elected______________^ .,„.„„. ... .._«„ _.„ president of the senior class at Vas-1 home to Cn|cag0f a distance of sixteen Bar latt wee*. miles. Funeral services Were con- Mrs. Frank Lincoln Wean Is home ducted ln tne family nome Sunday from a five weeks' islt with her afternoon. The burial was in Rosenill daughter in New York Miss Edith Boynton h on a walking ci^ifiiiiiigiii Thomas Copelin, who had the dis- Uaeiiou of being the oldest photogra- pher in the city of Chicago, died fa his home, 563 Cherry street, Winnet- ka, Friday. He was 89 years old. Until a few years ago Mr. Copelin made an annual walking trip from his cemetery. Mr. Copelin was born in Cobham tour through France. She is accom- ,, . _, . . , _. , „«nwi k„ »«_„ „-*..., ,.,„,. „, t„,,„ Kent- England. He came to Chicago panied by Miss Mab"1 Dick of Lake Forest. Mr. Frederick Stock, who will con duct the Thomas c-hestra at Ra vinia park, will com^ <o the Moraine ' MRS. EMMELINE DUPEE DIES IN CLENCOE HOME Will sacri, sale, K la, provemenrsTn from lake; nea. RAILROAD MOTOR GAR; JOYRIDERS ARE FINED 3acp£^fttffman Appropriate Gifts for Weddings, Graduation, p_ Birthday Remetwbranc- | es, or any bccakig/i, at very moderate prices. PICTURES AND FRAM*5t ARTISTIC NOVECTIES, TOOLED LEATHER, HAN*.MADE JEWELRY, | POTTERY, BOOKLETS, r HAND-PAINTED CARDS, AND JAPANESE PRINTS. f Your inspection of my stock cordially invited. 118S. Michigan Ave. .Telephone Randolph 5017 August Brand, a hack driver, was fined $10 and costs by a jury in Po- lice Magistrate Prouty's court Satur- day for appropriating the automobile belonging to William M. L. Fiske Thursday night and with two young women enjoying a "Joy ride." Brand with another youth, who gave the name of F. G. Kelly, were arrested Friday morning after they had been caught returning the car In the small hours of the morning to the Winnetka Auto station by George Whitney, pro- prietor. For several weeks Mr. Whitney has suspected that some miscreants bad been taking out cars which are kept in the gara8« He k<jpt a watch on Thursday night all uight and caught Brand and Kelly »u«u they returned the Fiske uiachliic STEVENS MfciuRNS. Charles Nelson dtevens, cashier of the Evanston City National bank, re- turned Friday evening from Crystal Lake, 111., wheie he was in attendance at the seventh annua) meeting Of group four or th. Illinois Bankers* as- Mra. Bmmellne Wellington Dupeo, widow of Charles B. Dupee, one of the pioneer packers of Chicago, died Friday in her home ln Hawthorne ave- nue, Glencoe. She was 91 years old and had been a resident of that vil- lage for twenty-two years. Death was caused by infirmities incident to old age. Private funeral serviced were conducted ln the chapel at OakwooJq cemetery Sunday afternoon by Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones. The-burial was in Oakwoods. Practically every resident ln Glen- coe was acquainted with Mrs. Dupee. She was a most remarkable charac- ter, and in spite of her advanced age retained all her faculties until the last. Mrs. Dupee was born in Boston, Mass., July 21, 1822. In the early 60's she came to Chicago with her hus- band. She was among the first mem- bers of the Chicago Woman's club and was also active in Unitarian church circles. She was well ac qualnted with all the notable leaders of this faith, Edward W. Hale and others. Mr. Dupee died ln 1887. Mrs. Dupee leaves one son ,C. Fred , Dupee, and one daughter, Mrs. Reu-1 ben D. Coy, both of Chicago. She also leaves five grandchildren. hotel June 24. The home of Mr. juxl Mrs. Eugene Bournique will be or upied this sum- mer by Mr. and Mrs. ^<«m Hexter and family of Chicago. Mrs. J. McGregor Adams and her sister, Mrs. Wiegand, have returned from an extended stav at Palm Beach and New York city. MIbb Margot Cushing returned from Vassar Sunday. She will spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Cushing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Montgomery Ward, who last fall purchased the home of j Judge Grosscup on Beach avenue, will come here the latter part of the month. Mrs. John Irwin Marshall is at West; Point. Her son, William Raffertv , will graduate from, the academy dur ing this commencement and will then come here on furlough Mrs. Charles Schweppe, formerly: Miss Laura Shedd, was the guest of REAL'ES honor at a tea Tuesday given by Mrs. ' pp Rex Lander. Mr. and Mrs. Schweppe PHONE , are passing the season at Lake For- est. Among the people who will make their summer home at Exmoor are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ixtbdell, daugh- ter. Miss Edith Lobdell, and son, Charles Lobdell; Mr and Mrs. Eu gene Andrews and daughter, Miss Grace; Mr. and Mrs. T. s. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Titsworth of Chi cago, Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Ford of Chi- cago, Mr. H. H. Towner, Mr. F. S. Boynton, Mr. Samuel Slade, Mr. Ken- neth Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. G. W Swlgart and Miss Swlgart of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. S. M Crane and Mr. Robert Forgan. In 1856 and for more than forty years has been engaged In the photograph business in that city. He retired from active business several years ago. He eaves two sons, Alex. J. W. Copelin and Thomas A. Copelin of Chicago ai d one daughter. Mrs. Sadie C. Fll- kins of Winnetka. ^jATinnetka 50x16 for quick ., all im- t, 3 blocks CHAS. A. GUENTHER Rush and Michigan Sts. Randolph 2575 TataptaoneW Raridant Toner for W. W H^i ODHMER Hubbard Woods-Tel. Winnetka 278 Efflcni All Kinds of P««cy CUaaiag. Ptosis* , «ad Rtpeiriag Goodi ailed for sad delivered. Oily first diss work. sMtufeei. Telephose yosr order!. PLUMBING___ CHAS;MrVA SEWING MACHINES NEWS WANT AD8 BRING RESULTS Y. M. C. A. HAS BUREAU. [ As It has been the custom in the past, the central department of the Young Men's Christian association will this year continue their vacation bureau. All kinds of summer resort pamphlets and railroad guides and time-tables and information regard- ing ocean travel can be had there, and any information as to places to visit will be cheerfully supplied upon application. 1857 UAI Capital Stock................. Surplus Fund................ Uadivided Profits................. Reserved for Aoorued Interest Deposits..................... Statement of Condition at Commencement of Bu>i RESOURCES Loans snd Discounts... Bonds and Mortgages.... ..... Due from Banks and Bankers............$14,66K&09.40 Cash and Checks for Clearing House.... 9,1 ,^[887.4 Concer^JisW DEPARTMENTS Commercialâ€"Savings-Trustâ€"Bond Farm Loan-Foreign Exchange __ DIRECTORS w rSS ste*S,l^22S^Vi,*-prM,dent . DWMWn WMtMTB Bit tile CoBIPBIiy CfcAWgJC^A. BUlU^ffiS£r.nd MEOTW^CBOWSLU Prwidant Quakar $ 8,000,000.00 >,000.00 1,082,019.27 128,988.82 55,096,758.21 $65^02,709.10 eJuu MORRISl Trvi«te« L. Z. Latter J° cLj.iUNNELLS- Pre8id"»t PoItaM EDWARD j-RYKHSON. Chairman Board Ttl.lin Pi Rec( torio^ajfad Opei Foipr^horoughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils booked at any time. Mr. Munro tests all voices and supervises all work. roHNji^HroD^^^ES^rUi ot Directors J HN(1. SHED1 _______ ^S-I^ww^0^?: "• v»«-P»*W«t OFFICERS C. K. 112 West Adams Street ^herwood"" Music School Foundod by Wra. H. Sharwond 712 Fine Arts Builc £2 12N just received a 1 GRASS. VEGI WEM^UEOS Pine and PLptei RailrVad Ave WINNETKA GARAGR WM. T. WEHRSTEDT^roprieA merican Cars Everson Filter Co. Laundry l!Drinking. ith\oO Size* 70 ,W. Lake/StrSt Chiczfo Phoa< Central t>T37 Ledge Memoir? â„¢'r'"*-fCnitk*CoiambuM and /W-««f, -Ck*rmj-M,dalr- % *toekS ma*Mm*n,r.Schi>ol~ Wf-lfat-Sorarttv-Soc'jPin* f IMHIP d CO., frf, 707-6-5 Mismie Tple. TAKE ELEVATOR CENTIUI. ,3«0 CHICAOO. ILL. _____w ..^£NT!w FOR Rambler, Studebaker anfai See Our Ur/-to-d«eJSquii ^epSffSent Studebakei e^uHUr/to. and Service Phone Winnetka 166-One Halt Block North of N.W. Depot IS C. A. F fancy eroctries, m PHONE WINNETKA 46 A 78 Hubbard Woods Vacant fTJ^ropei >imt the cl liFHubbard ~ nm^t ♦15PerjJ 8Ubm,"ed herewith Is ?Â¥&{*** choicest of the large tract* i*&ubbard woods, west of tKflffi covert wi^SSfl °f ,1B.ileet «* te S!^1 0t Hfe«»*f^nfcei»8e site! ar? aTlln' ZSFlJ"1** |S»Wewalki SpAvemenf °f pro^"» ^pe for onâ„¢e,2,5ro!>Ce °f thU entire P,ece ,9 Let me show you this property. JONAS H. MADSEN Phone Wln'ka 345 WINNETKA, ILL. B£RG * tiardware ubbard Woods, 111. F^avtl Strauss Dyp Wprks [ED/AlfT/D 'DYED CARPETS AHD ORIENTAL RCGS Main Office and Wnrk« 2649 SHEFFrfU)Y Chemical Laboratory Connected rX.<». -_^ m ^ Braache.: 2451 Llocola Av... Tel. f I Special oara tekoo of ladlaa' •t.hIb/.V.JI! 1' B*,B,I«" «»77 Jk^V-ODH MATTRE88C8 AND CUSM| ANTIQUE1 FUR| Tttipkon Wiintka 235 0p| PtaaaA-Tgao, Hannoaj-^e^unter PointyfSSJBiirioo, VdoBi VloHn, PabU|fSehool Mnsic, Musical His- tory. 5chool of Expression. For Aatalopae address - IFOETCHELL, Bnainesi Manafer, ♦10 8,MkaiEMATt*Be yQuality Printer Wants Your Business My custoi] satitfied i work. 1" more ci to your ad^#tagev._ me, but I can't wait. to get after you. SmxM^j^i^iMMfhs^^m^SSiiM, limously Uty of my re many Id be get after I intend - «-â€" Give me a trial and be convinced. Phone Winnetka 351 HUBBARD WOODS, ILLINOIS ON PROUTY olic* Magistrate ^s^^am Ferand Cabinet Maker ma6c1ANd renovated R^»JPAIRED N. \MT ft. Dipt, tJiMiri Wm.i. III. GUARANTEED FOREVER THE ONLY Electric Iron Equalling th Construction >e same i hat's 'ranee, snd at in Price. but that's a lot. it take a took at t Triangle Lektrik Iron. You can alhsjs lull Hill Iron by »• same and triangle trade mark. fa? ftlce $2.50 r&' Metropolitan Electrical Supply Company EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL P* 1*0 W. Lake Street *at ^ ar«**^ a M*a**jaai i^fes â- iafW

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