Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jun 1913, p. 5

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Prof. HiiPillilpi^lpflW^: H sherB^a*i#fc-^ r the siu*|pa|&fc4 Mr. Ja.^11^^*^ turned S»tl^7f^:^,«f*^. ty 0r m*to^>&^%*hf::£*â- &&*' Mr and Mrii'^llfrFr«i^:ltM:$l* home 1ft :I^|4ar«j| Vfc -; â-  *'â-  ? |?£, Mrs. J. J. £blH**-t^'?««lgef»i^. as her gl|«tt JO**. CB^^;*^' for ^',!^m^^x-J!^0il^i^. vangeliBt la IV>rtQ'B^^^r^t^€v:' Miss M. A. Plw^.^t^lSClWi;^ the guest of Mi(ftB-;;^«riN^^|*|b<Wk^l^ b(, was here durin« comm«tic«in«nt Dd will remain vifaw^M^^:^^^, Mrs. Frank .Jfe.. W*(iMi8iw^4^ ,uisnter. 1207 MlcW^tt:;l^^|p^ to Madison for the cotntoence- lent of the University ot Wisconsin. Miss Louise Nichols and Miss Catb- rll„. Wilson left Sunday for New fork On June. 17 they sailed on the jean>-hip "Pennsylvania" for Haoi- i«ru Mr K. M. Dodson, 9H Michigan ave- ^,e «ho has been on the Pacific coast tor t»o months, visited in Portland l(l i« now in Los Angeles. He is ex- isted home next week. Mr and Mrs. Charles A. Street of [Chicago announce the marriage of Leir daughter, Jean Rollo, U> Mr. Pierre Lionel Dornet, Of this city, •bursdaj evening, June 12. Mr and Mrs. <7. Q, Wilcox, 1**3 Hin- Lpn avenue, and Mrs, F. W. Barn yell, 615 University place, who hwre been visiting in California for 4hreq feeks, are expected home toon. Announcements iuWe l»ee»« received of tbe marriage of Mtos Josephine Ittmsey, Chicago, daughter of Mr. and Jin. J. w. Ramsey, to 'ItofeeSt FosW, icn of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Poster, 1220 street school wffl spend ttft roomer jtrM^Jierds^!^ ' ,:;^^F^r;««bart,-mBd:Mr. P. H. Hayiland. NortliweBttrn university s^^;»|fsixain*: a few days in AiaWifW^,"•».. '".,-r -": T-i Mi*.*lH»rry 1". £U<mi and little son, l^rry, 822 M»ln street, left Saturday to visit Mrs. Allen's parents at Hunt- ington, Ind. 5 s Miss Anderson and Miss Elsie Room e of Hinman avenue school leave for Europe this summer. They will sail irom Montreal. Miss Miriam Hillman of Dickinson a truckrlde Monday *T«nuxg P^^iN^ii^^^iMl^ MhtJ^Mllanw; J607 Pint place. |(ll^i(fi^ip;:;*fW '-will returns this week from Cornell returns this week from Cornell university, » Miss Crepe of Redlands, Cal., Is the guest of Mrs. F, M. Wlgmore, 1206 Hinman avenue. 'â- â-  Mr. Edward Austin, 2526 Hartsell Btreet, has returned from St. John's Military academy at Delafleld, Wis. Mrs. Herman A Poppenhusen, 653 Michigan avenue, is entertaining her niece, Miss J. Dlttrlch of Philadelphia. Miss Marlon Cosgrove of Minnesota is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. A. Gale, 2119 Lincoln street, for a short time. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Gary, Ind., spent the week-end with bis sister, Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2203 Central street Mr. James Grantham, 2415 Hartsell street, Is spending ten days at Lake Geneva, Wis., with the Y. M. C. A. camp. â€"„----------_â€"------- -_ --------- Mr. Elvyn MacRae, 2525 Park place, college, Carlyjrte* Pa., will arrive this J and Mr. Harold Bennett, 2512 Hartzeli week to vlslttber sister, Mrs. Clarence! street, have returned from St. John's L. Barker. 1011 Grove street. j Military academy. Mr. Harold Jolly and Mr. Richard! Mrs. William A. Locy and Francis Noel of 8t. Louis, who have been vis-j Locy, 1745 Orrington avenue, have King Mrs. A. F. Dean, 1106 Church j gone to their summer borne in Le- land, Mich. They will not return un- til fall. Hinman a»enoe, $ which tpofc place Wednesday at Dftpa J»aH, %ellesley, Ifass. " ."'.."- , H..' Rev. E. m. Andmra, who has been iukinf his home wfralfr. «nd Mrs. A b. Andrews, 847 Forest avenue, since the death Of his wife, left Fri- day for a short trip in Michigan. He |mects to go later* to Ashevllle, N. C j| Tlstt his daughter, Mrs. Robert who has a beautiful home m mountains, ifiss Gladys Arlington, 805 Michl- „.,,,,_ avenue, was hostess Friday ait- ^oon at a card party in hotter other .ftd guests. Miss Helen Badley and [gta Mary McClymonde of Pittsburgh. |nere were five tables. Miss Elisabeth inbuhi of Chicago entertained at taeheon for them 4Satnrday at the ith Shore Country chSlK They re- led home on Monday. [of Chicago, are on their way to their "Ridgeview,** at Ruber, k/. [Tbey win tour the surrounding coon [ties during the n»on^.The^|WftH3ele- [trate the Fourth"^0^g^T and [fill return to Chfc^ SS^ ift^uly. The board ofl«rest«^p^stees and [saperintendent Of the Eriiaston Hjpspl* ['til association gave a twS^Fwday [ ifternoon at Patten hall for the nurses tttduated this year. The attractire living room, with its sun parlor, the lftrary and the lecture room were tkrown open to the guea^asund the re» aainder of the hall was fpen 'for in- : apection. Many^romlneni Bva^ton" iua were preset'Including Mri Ja». A Patten, Mm.1:44wr>»|^""'^-w?ildef, who poured, MjT^ C: |[49waa, Mrs. Win. C. Danforth and oB&PaT"• Anno u n cement ias beeli received of lae marriage of Miss Almeda Fuler- um, daughter ,of Mrs. V. B. Fuler- t«n of Ottawa, and John Charles Burg, •f this city, which took place Thurs- p**y evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother. Rev. John Her- tart Edwards of Lake Forest, uncle of the bride, read the service'. The bride's â- lster, Miss Anne Fulerton, was maid of honor, and the Misses Gladys Moore or Morris, Anna (Hover and Huel Hackahaw & Ottaihk were the orl(le8inaid8. The bride wore a gown •f ivory satin, i^'jgtkt&lg Brenne- 4tta sang the wedding march from I*ohengrin. Mr. and Mrs. Burg will wslde at 2020 OTrlngton avenue. The Jtang people are cradnateB of Nortn- *»tern university, Mrs, Burg <* V1* :?ttw of mi and Mr. Barg of the class <* 1909. Mrs, Burg is a member of M Alpha Phi sorority and Mr. Burg *â- Â» member of the Betn Tbeta H fra- ternity. Amc^^thoas',<rott Evanston â- ^ attended, tl»;i^ea^^t»..«res^ â- ;^|*' A W. Htrrla, Messrs, H. C. UA- ':9 W. a Spry end Mlsaen Louise Tw»rt, Hawd Jewitt, MaTgaret Mc- ••J^. Marie aeitdaer, Hedwlg Bren- •snan. Meliasa Foster. Oaadine Wn- ****. Bather m^imiS*?*** w»Wo Hawxhmrs* and Hr. and Mrs. '"%.C--- street, returned Saturday to St. Louis ' Prof. R. H. Gault has returned from Minneapolis, where he read a paper before the annual conference bt the American Academy of Medicine on -"The Physician in the Service of Criminology." -J s Miss Zelda Hensen, student of Northwestern university, has gone to her home in Villa Grove, Hi., for a week's visit before leaving for the east, where she will attend the con- vention of Kappa Alpha Theta soror- ity. Mrs. C. M. Wood and two children, formerly of Evanston but now living in Michigan, were luncheon guests of Mrs.. Frank Chalberg. 2324 Thayer street Mrs/ E. A. Skaer and Mrs. S. Beggs entertained with vocal and in- strumental music. Dr. and Mrs. Win. O. Alexander, 2040 Orrington avenue, have gone to Minneapolis to attend the meeting of the American Medical association. At the close of the contention they plan to go, via boat, to Dubuque, ta., and win return, about June SO. Mr, and Xm. W. A. Chapman and daughter. Miss Helen Chapman, 1235 Oak avenue, left Monday for Ithaca, N. Y, to attend the commencement ex- ercises at Cornell university, where their son, Harold; graduates from the mechanical engineering department. - Saturday evening, after the suffrage demonstration. Miss Florence Wolaver gave ah Informal-reception in the Fine Arts building to Miss Cella Campbell, |IUCU Ill/MIC UU KlflHMVr - __ - . Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Mahln and wperinfefident of music, I »^J ^ â€"- ^ _ ton schools, who Is the president ot ^lldren. formerly of *v«»ton, now *£ ^JvCton Political Equality league. mmu m t4__^ ^^ m^m^___ ____ Among the Northwestern university to^by automobile' vStlng Mammoth student, who have returned to their (hve and other points *t interest, and homes are Harold and Glen Whltall. will entertain a number «ij*#m #*> Waterloo, la.; Nathan Sharpe, Water- ^r ~ _ ^^ Harold Bryant. Clinton, la.; Elm- Blwood Saw er Macdonald, Odell, HI.; yer, Marysvlue, O.; Frederick Mar- shall, Harvard, TIL Mrs. George L. McKay and sons, Ernest and Lewis, 909 Forest avenue, will spend the summer abroad. They left Monday for the east, where the/ Will visit until June 26, at which time they will sail for Europe. Before re- turning in the fall they wBl viBit Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland and France. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hanson tMiss Lueretia Kays) of Washington, D. C.» stopped here Sunday at the horn* of Mr. Hanson's brother, Mr. John Hanson, 2622 Isabella street. They are on their way to Salt Lake City, where Mr. Hanson Is a delegate tv a convention of railroad officials. A dozen of the friends of W. W. Hil- ler of Evanston, supervisor of collec- tions In the vice-president's office of the Chicago Telephone company, sur* prised him with a luncheon on bis thirtieth birthday a tew days ago. M. j. Carney, on behalf of Mr. Hlller's friends, presented him with a minia- ture sail boat, named "September Moin." Mr. HHler and Mr. Whit Schultz, also of this city, have lately become interested In yachting and have shipped before the mast on the yacht "Dawn," the owner whereof, Mr Alfred B. Andrews, a Scotchman, needing a man. posted a notice in front of the Evanston Yacht club. This came under the observation of Hlller and Schults on a Sunday morn- ing stroll »nd they forthwith applied and were both accepted, In llâ„¢ of the one regular num required, at wages of lOoeriaonth. UptothlstfaneBO crutees have been made, but the •H^w- h« placed the yacht In shiP- gnape order by the use of -Dutch cleanser and paint Mr, A. B. An- to,^ 847 Fore«t â„¢v\*â„¢!?* the yacht -Dawn*- had as his skipper list, yew Francis BusselL also of B* On Friday evening, June 27, a lawn party will be given at the home ot Miss Matilda Wlttbold, Central street, near Reese avenue, by the Epworth league of Covenant M. E. church. Miss Kathryn Rose, 2410 Park place, is spending two weeks camping with her sorority in South Haven, Mich. Miss Rose Is a graduste this year of the Chicago Kindergarten institute. Miss Nettle Berryman, first grade teacher in Foster street school, will attend Teachers' College, Columbia university, this summer, and take spe- cial work for the first primary grade. A new drinking fountain has been placed in the vestibule of Covenant M E. church. This was the gift of Mr George 8. Moore and Its appropriate- ness hss been readily realised by the congregation. Mrs. Belle M. Woods, 1239 Chicago avenue, announces the marriage of her son, Clare Woods, to Miss Anna Belot of this city, which took place May 31 In Waterloo, la. Mr. and Mrs. Woods are making their home In Waterloo. Eugene Whiteside, 1577 Wesley ave- nue, left Friday evening for Michigan to begin his summer work. He Is field superintendent of Lincoln Chautau- qua, and will go from state to state during the summer conducting the course. Miss Mildred A Sohm. daughter of Julius A. Sohm of Memphis, Tenn., and William Adalbert Ling, teller at the Evanston State bank, was mar- ried at the Bellevue Baptjat church of Memphis Tuesday. After July 15 Mr, and Mrs. Ling will be at home In the Ridgewood, 1707 Ridge avenue. The marriage of Miss Edna May Racey, daughter of Mrs. Harry James Racey of Long Beach, Cat., to William Taylor Spry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Spry, 1328 Hinman avenue, took place Saturday at the resldi bride's sister, Mrs. James of Chicago. Only the Inmii iltes attended the service. Mrs. Spry, after an extended will reside In Evanston. A pretty wedding took place Satur- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dayton Hard, Van Wert, O., when their daughter, Miss Ethel Hard, was married to Mr. Charles Edo- lyn Cromer of this city. The bride's sister. Miss Mary Hard, was the maid of honor. Tbe bridesmaids were Mis* Sarah Harris of Evanston. Miss Fran- ces Steever and Miss Lois Williams of Highland Park and Miss Laura Hall of Van Wert, O. In tbe bridal party were John Cromer, brother of the bridegroom, best man, and Warren Moore of Evanston and Rownaid Hard. After » bridal trip to Denver, CoU Mr^ and Mrs. Cromer will be at home at 1101 Grove street Miss Faith Williams and Miss Sara Louise Bufflngton have returned from Wellealey; Miss Florence Ware from Smith college; Miss Eleanor Van Vlls- singen from Milwaukee Downer asm- miry; Miss fflsanor Houston Mill from Bryn Mawr; Miss Evelyn Hau- ser from La Salle seminary, Auburn- dale, Mass.; Miss Mary Belle Robin- son from Westover school, Connecti- cut; David O- Thompson, Archibald Van Deusen, Harold Chambers, Ray- mond Corke and Roy Groves from the University of Illinois; KendaU Bragg from tbe University of Wisconsin; Stanley B. Adams from Culver Mili- tary academy; Wood Turner and WU- liam Kasper from Cornell unlveraity; Richard Hall, Jr., John Glenn, Jr., and Lumts Hypes from Prlnesto*; Btfwir* and Ralph Hlnes from St. Mary's; col- lege at Bmmetsbarg, Pa.; Mtse Bw geirfa Bflffingtoo. Sweetbriar, â-¼Â«,; HaroM Day, Cashing academy, Asb- . % 11^ Olrifingten stenae, ... Mta*: TIm**** oseataaa has re- turned from Madteeo, Wis^ where she been engaged in kindtrgartm work for the past school year aad will spend the sunUBMr with her. parents. Mr and Mr*. & M. Grantham, 1416 Hartsell stresjs-^/? ;-:*';;':v Mr. and Mrov&,Sumner McDonnell (Miss Hazel Meye rick) of this city, who havovbetB stopping at the Waldorf-Astoria* J^fw York, for sev- eral days, saUed from Montreal on the steamship "JDtoirenttc" last week for a two montbaf-trtp. / On Saturday afternoon the Deltas entertained thirty; children from the Bethesda Mission church, the daugh- ter church of the local Congregational church. After a: lunch which Incapa- citated the cblld|en for playing, an automobile ride Wis enjoyed. At the annual election of officers of the Chicago Alumhae club of Pi Beta Phi held at the Blackstone hotel, tbe (oi low I ng were elected: President, Mrs. Walter SpryU vice-president, Miss Mae Doland; recor&ing-socretary. Miss Lendrum; correjfjonding secretary, Mrs. O. M. Sohan||i; treasurer. Miss Grace Waller. rf Mr. Percy Andrewt of Wllmette en- tertained with a yachting party Sun- day for Miss Le#ne Qlddlngs, who was married yesterday to Mr. Mar- shall Frank Bajrfitt ot Wllmette, Tuesday evening Mr. Charles C. Qld- dlngs, brother of the bride-to-be, gave the bridal dinner to the Immediate families and bridal party. The annual convention of the Sigma Alpha Iota sorority, which was held here last week, closed Its sessions Sat- urday with a luncheon at 1 o'clock at Marshall Field's and a matinee In the afternoon. The Misses Jeanette Stln- son, Bert Erickson, Frances Stults, Ethel Boardman, Berntce Chenner- horn. Josephine) Jones and Anna Heb- bletbwalte comprised the entertstn- ment committee. Miss Lillian WheeleT, daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. H. M. Wheeler, 834 Madison street, was married Juno 11 at 5:30 o'clock, at her par- ents* home, to Mr. Frank J. Dunn of Providence, R. I. Her only attendant was her slater, Miss Ruth Wheeler. Mr. Robert Wheeler, brother of the bride, served aa bait man. After an extended trip through the east, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will be at home In Chi- cago Septentl ~ mmmmmmmmmmmmmm If^Orrtagtim avenue «dMlsaMln* w^Mei3owan,W«Orrii»gtona«aae. Miss Loretta Harding, a graooata her fraduatlng class st a dinner aad tton exercises. The^c^ tertalned at • luncheon on Satmday, June l4,;by,;Mias,ajj^^-'ii^^ Tlie marrlsge of Miss Louise Msnp Frost, daugbter of Col. sjrtd Mrs. A. 8^ Frost, 810 I^via street, to Peter 0> aon, of Vermilion, S. D, was aolem- nised June 11 at the home of the bride's parents, the Rev. George Craig Stewart officiating. To the *7*est strains of harp, violin and maBdolln music, the bride, on tile arm of hot tether, marched to the chancel erected of palms and terns. She wore a white charmeuee gown, trimmed In rose point, and cut with full court train. Her tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and white sweet peas. Tbe maid of honor, Miss Myrtle Frost, sister of the bride, wore a gown of pink charmeuee, with lace trimmings and carried pink roses. The two brtdewnaids. Miss Ethel Frost, another sister^And Miss Helen Paddock, were dressed alike in green charmeuee, with lac* trtmmluss* and carried pink sweet "peas. The little flower girl, Mildred" Mann, coualn ot the bride, with a banket ot rosebuds and leaves on her arm, wore a frock of white lingerie over pink silk. The best man was Burdette Simon. The color scheme throughout was pink and green. The radiators and man- tels were banked with palms and flowers. The bridal table, at which covers for fourteen were laid* wai beautlfulty decorated with white ros- es, while the surrounding table*, at each of which were seated four go***, held pink rosea. Twenty-nine years ago the bride's mother sad father were united in marriage in this sum spot, aad Mrs. Paddock, mother of tbe bridesmaid, attended Mrs. Frost as her bridesmaid. Miss Frost aitemded college at WWls tot two years, sad this year entered Northwestern uni- versity. This was her senior year aad she would have graduated, but. because of her engagement and early marriage, dropped out early In the term. Mr. and Mrs. Olson will make their home in â-¼ermllion, 8. D. fcESTAND AND MOST .â- -•>M WB. ;> â- â€¢ ^#v'^-i?a&fSajS ^*:-~'iy$iA' ;â- . t. â-  â- â€¢â- â€¢â- '.ft," ' -C- â-  â- â-  â- .-, '.&* ";.f '% .,• â- /&»&M'WM&ml&'i-> 'tmtmmmimmtmtmtimmmm Subscribe for the Lake Shore Inclusive ,, Agents ^ Ladies' Home J»urn»l Patterns â-  Fountain Square Evanston, IllinoiB ,. ......, ... ..**â- â- --'-^ No ohsuve for ooaneotiOBi Japanese Toweling Table [Covers New and artistic, especially good for breakfast- room or porch use. Material is fine quality China cotton, linen finish, hand-stenciled designs in two shades of blue on white ground, colors afe fast and fadeless: Variety of designs, chrysanthemum, rose, cherry, wistaria* bamboo, etc. Suitable for teas, luncheons and parties, while their durability and ease of laundering make them popular for every day use. Towels, each . . . 6oily, 12 inches round, Cover, 24x24 inches, Cover, 30x30 Cover, 36x36 •' Runner, 18x54 « Bed Spread, 60x82 in. ^2.2' til Pottety mm ive pieces of pottery for the porch table ed in rich dull green or ivory. for cut flowers, ivory tint at 65c -If green at 65c, S0e Wk **»»* . 75c, 60c, 30c '<,**?• Hanging W^m§^SSt Ivory tt 45c and 3Sr ^g^£fiS*«i it $1.00, 75c and 50c Wall Ft3m:'|^^||^^|M Kning, green, . 75c Fern Dishes, with linings, green, $1.2$, 60c, 25c Jardinieres, antique green, . $3.00, $1.00,35c Gate Flower Holders, for cut flowers, green 50c ^«w*Mh>«»«li».»^.»».....'â-  ..... Warner's Brassieres are designed by the designers of Redfern and Warner's Rust Proof Corsets. When worn with these Corsets the line of the figure from thigh to shoulder is correct and unbrokenâ€" the line of true art and present fashion. Some styles are suited to slender and medium figures; others furnish proper support for stout figures. Warner's Brassiere* are trimmed daint- ily or exquisitely, according to price. They axe light bat strong, pretty and almost indispensable; accomplishing the purpose of the brassiere so far as holding the figure is concerned, without appar- ently existing. Special Sale at Half Price Warner's Models. 50c Brassieres for $1.00 Bratesieres for $1.50 Brassieres for $2 to $3 Brassieres for 95c \mer Women's White Lisle Hose 50c quality, fashioned foot, double soie^ heel and toe, 2\ inch garter tof£ 3 for $1.00. Pair 35e. Children's Socks, 25c ^M^^M^S&i^ it largest selection of new patterns we have ever offered. The),styles and qualities are es- pccially good. Plaids, stripes and all the plain colors. ,gy|,; Per pair, 25cu ^m.

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