Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jun 1913, p. 8

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"^'rSt^Vs'-rHi" gS^gfgg»l!^lPW^i?:S^^ THE LAKE 8HORB NEWS, THURJ r<'™m%Fn ANNIVERSARY TACTICS USED FRAMING TARirF BILL FLAYED WELL OBSERVED 1,500 Persons, It Is Said, Availed Themselves of the Opportunity of Seeing the Different Sections. CONCERT IN THE EVENING Although ,h»' weather man dealt unkindly with the official* of the Ev- i naion Free Public llhrury in sending threatening weather Saturday after- noon, a good-ui/ed crowd, estimated jit anywhere from 800 to 1.500 persons, passed througt) the public building Saturday afternoon and evening In observance of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the free Institution In Evanston. From 2 o'clock in the afternoon untLl 10 o'clock at night visitors In the library were shown every courtesy and escorted through tbe many rooms and departments where the workings of the equipment and a brief description of the con- tents were given. Two exhibits, arranged especially for the "open house fortieth anniver oar}' celebration," were of much In terest to the visitors. These consist- ed of the first record of the clrcula tion of books In the free library and a complete set of tbe files of the New- York Dally Graphic, published in 1873, tbe year tbe institution was opened' here. Both of these documents were on tbe loan desk In tbe main part of tbe building and attracted much attention. First Were In Ledger Form. The first record of circulation of the books was in ledger form, very different from the convenient card index system in use now. Each fam- ily which took advantage of tbe free public library was given an entire page in the ledger and the entries •bowed tbe number of volumes se cured. No attempt was made to exhibit the -.collection of books, but every visitor was shown through the building and the many different sections of book shelves explained. The "open bouse" was arranged merely for the celebra- tion of the anniversary and with a ▼lew to acquaint all residents of Ev- anston with all the parts of the build- ing. Many who attended the function Itad never seen all of the sections. | A great deal of interest was mani- fested by the visitors who were not conversant with tbe workings at tbe library. In tbe section devoted to the; Branston Historical society's collec- tion of historical relics and other ob Jects of peculiar Interest Qaw Concert. The collection of records in tbe music room with the pianola Installed also caused much surprise from the visitors. A concert was given dur- ing tbe afternoon and evening which was greatly enjoyed. Tbe motion picture exhibit of edu- cational story Alms by Prof. P. W. Nichols In Library hall was interest- ing, and scores availed themselves of the opportunity to witness the high-, class pictures in tbe afternoon and evening. j Among the many visitors at the gathering was William T. Shepherd, 3724 Chicago avenue, chairman of tb»! first meeting called for the establish log of a free public library. Mr. Shep- herd entertained a group of persons with stories telling of the early his- tory of the library and bow tbe free j plan was decided upon in the meet-' lag held In his home. In 1870. J. 8. j Curry and Richard C. Lake, former members of the Public Library board.! were among the visitors of the even-' lag. j (('out- Hi'liedlile i>- b>'hedille -.n. Bihedllles "■ made re|.....' the tariff > press is* ' ;< 1 tective rli"1 there, ami every » her.- The - i ' ■ bill by i' commit! " stead -» ' (■liarg'-'l * ' tariff. the "111 ere,l '."I'l " KresH, ■ ••' It line) ' ■ ' Into i'« the . '1-. trie,! • ■ ' lair). Page 1.) Pae~ ig< •nl (if the Im.m«.- Hlllt I'l clr n bill Tie- ^ cftueu* am' I there, nn<i nl Jorlty »Pt any and ••' bill in aus | Why, tli. ii the fifty li"i. ■. i. of the cotton "e or two other ■ the tariff board - .nother has said, ; a [ending In con-; I:><\ue of highly pro- ; i e, revenue duties . •'«■ suattered about Hi.- pending tariff ! . ■ i i \ members of a : ' !>er congress, in- iiKresa which Is • rk of revising the '••■"II excusable if ■ >■■ n fairly consld- • '•• the present con- i•* the house, when i <i and had come ; Hut such Is not ■ ■ i 'iB letter I have • i» Impossible to t- 'v consider a bill 1 house under the ■Me there. Certain. '.in the bill was h.mse in the form 'educed, or in other <u<n by the major- 'onimlttee of an- .. Htimiint of argu- i n by the members congress could re- w'ngle word in the I been snapped In ing will be done In the open; when laws that are " proposed In congress may receive real consideration by members who not only possess sound judgment and good conscience, but may exercise them fully and freely, some of them do slrsady. CHARLES M. THOMSON ilMMMUM.....MIMHHH >HIIIIIHMlll •IlltUti • Want Ad Department i : The Lake Shore News i • TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WINNETKA 341 . IMIIIMIMII»HIMIIII«*W»«*»H#*MMIIIIHMaMI POLICE ON THE ALERT FOR SPEEDING DRIVERS Many Arrests Were Made Sat- urday and Sunday by Mem- bers of Police Force, NOTICE -- WANT ADS IN THE Lake Shore News are charged at the following rates: Real Estate Claudications, 7U, cents per line. All other classi^cations, 5 cents per line. Minimum price 15<v No advertise- ment charged for less than 25c. Help Wanted and Situations Want- ed advertisements FREE. ■inly to shout down • ni|it to change the ■liar. may well ask, were Kcneral debate on the bill bikJ nearly two weeks con- sumed in con-hlerlnK the bill para- graph by ii.'-'anraph under the flve- mlnute i"le, |.i>M-on'iably for amend- ment ^ I am sure i do not know, un- Police officers in Evanston became unusually busy Saturday and Sunday In arresting violators of the motor vehicle law, eight alleged offenders j : being taken by different policemen during the two days. While the ! speeding charge predominated in the : several arrests, complaints for viola- tion ot other sections of the law were included. Probably the feature case in the lot wag tbe arrest of Roy Park, 923 Washington street, by Motorcycle Policeman Larkln Saturday afternoon. It is alleged by Officer Larkln that Park was speeding In Chicago avenue at a forty-mlle-an-hour rate. His hear- ing has been set for next Saturday afternoon. Walter Treloar, 835 For- j bbI avenue, and John Leyner, 1100 j Ayars place, motorcyclists, were ar- rested for speeding. Loyal Wheelock, 1040 Hlnman ave- i*<1 been approved nue' wa8 arrested Saturday afternoon i">>ers of the ma- on comPlamt °* Officer H. Ruland, charged with driving an automobile over the sidewalk. Rudolf Zich, 1727 Orrington avenue, was arrested Sunday afternoon by Officer Ruland charged with allowing his automobile to smoke while driv- ing down Davis street. A hearing was set for Thursday afternoon. Officer Brooks caught two speeders, Hugh McLennan, 4458 Drexel blvd., Chicago, charged with speeding in HELP WANTED FOR RENT--Cottage! II oldest bank on thenorth shc»1 FORV'RENT -- FURNISHED FOUR- J lorn cottage^todian Lfke; boats and large scrjBjBd^Wrch. Miss Maier. DowagiaWHlcHr*' 32-2t WANTED WANTED -- 500 CUSmjJPRS AT / onyce. Skow, taf*Jallofc7lO Main-st., O 17-tf I onyce.. Skow, tstPTal jlreanston. ■*"**" BOARD AND ROOM SITUATIONS WANTED CUpfTAINf fnind m< TAINS WASHED, COLORED menders first-class work; called for andJeliiAd. M. R. Mo- ri tz, ltf20 Daf?ow-av: Tel. 1339. 6-tf [TON WANTKD BY A C. womanTBMKorkjIne lmugftTteeper; can do everyJhJw^TrlSa^houBework line 185, Wllmette THE ANBURY, 1564 aSBURY-AV., foams en suite with private bath and single rooma^. excellent cuisine; rates, room, u^Mlns^fard, $15 to $25 per weekg"plrt£jr C. Dlefen- dorf. Phone 23J2T 19-tf WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM w A Great Convenience 'n.-?®.' "" tetjfi A CHECKING ACCOUNT •**■ Evanston frees /ou from bookkeeping and safeguards your ate Bankof;! fess details "$L against loss by i*M< .1,1 , * ^i.&" troducing system and Acmracy into your money affairs. 91 We invite large dJ-^rjjjWl checkin^pgslfls and extej^f courteous attention to customers. OFiEVANSTO less It was to enable many members I Chicago Bvenue between Greenwood to Bet i•••maru out of their system boulevard and Lake street, and Fred Meyers, 2049 Ridge avenue, a motor- cyclist. WAITED--BY RESPONSIBLE experienced girl, a pogUiefffo take rare of chila^pr^ffltdren afternoons. ltp Cajljaf^tSlls, Wllme' SiTm^TION WANTED -- gjBPfrTED youngNs«man, 28,^rtr*v'eling com- panion or caj^JWf*e»i^X. children for s um mer^^exce p t i onalr»J*Bgfi|icee AddffSs D 103, Lake Shore ltp WA^mjP -- BOARD AND ROQM -- j Lady waTHa board and roem with ] lady living alone, or small family, or . will do plain sewjsg^for room and board or car^yfor honia or grounds while ownafs are away; nree people only;, -references. Address D\104, pally News. **Hj. WOODMEN WILL GIVE EXHIBITION DRILLS which left them somewhat relieved. Certainly no one will deny that very much of the debate, especially that under the five-minute rule, was a Joke. Mu<h of it was nothing but political football. For Instance, the clerk would be reading the chemical sched- ule, and he would read tbe paragraph, . 'iodoform and potassium iodide, 15 ; cents [H-r pound ' Whereupon some i demo> rat would gci up, anil being rec- I ognized. would move to "strike out ' the last »oid u( the paragraph, an j amiiidm.nt W1...1, uf course, would ' leave th<- |,L.ttg..M>t wuhout meaning. j Thertupu.i. under wic rules, he had five minute to », dk to bis amend- ment, and n. m uid proceed to nearly go Into com ,ilsl<-iiB In a political tl- ; rade agulast ttu- m abllean party. Atnef.drotnt* Opposed. Att.-i he was tlnough, or rather af- ter his the inh.utr* bad expired and ' he had oi-ei. Iiidu.rd or forced to atop, some >.-publican w.uid get recogni- , Hon for flvt ml„.ites to "oppose tbe amendun lit," whereupon be would , proceed to go im<-k at the democrats: and after iiim was over someone elae was quit.- lik-i, to move to amend the paragtiii'l. !>:> ' rtiriKing out the last two word* ..mi tiien take up five nilnut.-s howling ai.out the progress- ives Si,in. of ii «,is very entertain- ing, 1 oiisiii. 1 mh lt .,« a recitation of political lii»t.>i.N i.„t more of it was decidedly tin*.-n and lt would be ft relief to haw sv.ui..- one get up and really dlsciih» Bom., part of the bill for a changv. , .in though we all real- ized it would b. to uo purpose. An Interesting sl.ielight waa thrown on the subject i.f caucus rule when, on several occaaioiid (one of them was on the paragraph covering ferro-man- sanese), BOtne of (he democrats would Blip over to our floor leader, Congress- man Murdock, and urge him to pour It Into the democrats hot and heavy when we reached a certain paragraph which was approaching. "Of course I an, *olng after them on that," Murdock would reply, "but will you :ellow8 vo«e with us if we call for a vutc and demand tellers?" "Ob my, no," they would say, "WS can't do that; we are bound by tbe J. P. Wagner, 1247 Hlnman avenue, was arrested by Officer William Lan- nlng for speeding in Davis street at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour. He was fined $10 and costs by Police Magistrate Boyer. f. J. Casey, 347 Central avenue, Wll- mette, was fined $3 and costs by Po- lice Magistrate Boyer Monday morn- ing upon a plea of guilty to allowing bis automobile engine to run without an attendant at Benson avenue and Davis street fcjt's. ▼in flu FOR SALE SALE--A. D. C, fine order; M2. 1522 Sberman*v, ORGAN; atterson Bros., nston. ltc nm gaua ft m no chairs, PAID HI8 FINE. James Vergekes. the Qreek waiter, who was sent to the bridewell Friday in lieu of payment of the $100 fine imposed by Police Magistrate Boyer, following a trial in which he was found guilty of forcing his attention on Miss Lydia Meyers, 411 West Rail- road avenue, Wllmette. was released from that Institution Tuesday, when Greek friends from Chicago paid tbe fine. (ALE--88-NOTE INSIDE we are installing this player in all upright pianos. During tbe sum- mer months curTpfrlce jm/ysry low. Call and see tbl**pTk.y«ir Jfatterson Bros., 1522 shettan-lew^vanston. ltc FOR Wanted to Exchange •Nyo-STORY BRICK HOUSE, /$&■ basement, new furnace^/feeven roomsXbath room, coverjefl front porch, on\pt 166x150 feetl barn; lo- cated Forty-] Forty-seventh aad IjWlana-av., street car line, and fouKblocks from Ele- vated. Value $?,500V Incumbrance $1,000 at 5V£--per cent, ^yant six or seven room brick or stucco^liouse In Wllmette. Will assume up to >&000 F. U'Mlllar, 916 Oakwood-av., n*ette, III. ltp1 GAS BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHTS FOR STORE? SPACES. INC^frDESCENT L THE HOM^rjAANGES, HEATERS, imEJR HRATERS. HuTn NorthwBsTBffi Gas Light and Coke 1611 Benson Avenue, Evanston TELEPHONES 89-90 MISCELLANEOUS ALE--STANDARD SEWING chine; five-drawer automatic lift, itest modelf^fftjlpslterson Bros., 1522 Sherma^tv., Mbston. ltc Fob Rent--Aptwts. for jumn *nl|0ro a Vrereened p JT -- FIVE-ROOM FUR- apartment with large _ porch and vegetable gar- den. SummeX"only. ^JL Evanston, near tr&nspqsjptlon. ^^jpdress or Phone 3084, W. 1* Chflfs, 2019 Sher- man-av., Evanston. ltc NEWS WANT AD8 BRING RE8ULT8 TAfcKING MACHINES waiar* the only ex IWChicmgo Alllnff Members of Modern Woodaen of America on Friday evening, Ju ie 27, about 8:80 o'clock, with their several caucuB t0 votG wlth the™ on every- naiforffled teams of Foresters, will thlng ^'e put UP a fi8ht '<>' t»l» In «ive an exhibition drUl on Fountain ( ^ caucus hut We can"« »r square, Evanston. Tbe visiting i about " bere and we are forced to Woodmen from the different north vot* for u- but We h°Pe you will show them up, for It certainly Is wrong ana we wish /t could be changed." But. ot course, lt could not )>«--«nd all because the majority war* BaundV i gagged and delivered by the lafainotBl caucus rule. Under such a systam of legislating the wonder is that oar laws are as good as they ara. a proposed law has bees, ran t&?0&«% thai kind of a mill it is Iftfti wiiifltr If it Manila In g '^odgs-podgSi** Ifay 4 tim time soon com* whea ov V camps will be met at ttm Northwestern elevated sta- tion, where they will form in line and march north on Benson aranue to Chureh street and west through o aubwayi to Mapls avenue and south rte narls atraet sast on Dark street to fwantab) Souara, whers a stop will b9taM4» and an axWsiUon drtll glvan W wo nunons Oak Fftrk Ftoruatar t»« wttk tMr sastota boglsfs sad tnjoy a Cool Electric Fan JUSTatwi a switch and command, cool coml --for less hour. In thi --wherever 3 can ttmited billi>ws of •all summer long in one cent *tn >ffice or at horne^ - ie fagging heat of summer reaches--the cool- ing, invigorating breezes from an Electric Fan will keep you refreshed in body and mind. Enjoy a seashore vacation in your own home--you can, if** you are prepared with an Electric Fan. At ELECTRIC SHOP, you wiD find • complete assortment of J styles and types of Eleetne Fan*--both alternating end direct curnat ---at prices ranging frott 47.50 to £20. Wjrtta today for interesting free literature about Eleetne Fans and otbersUmmar comforts electrical. Michigan and Jacks on Boulevard* '

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