Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jul 1913, p. 2

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i DON'T GIVE UP t.......................♦;; What People Are Doing «J TOO SOON IN A M. H. SUIr.'HT ha* I'lttxburK*'. w «'rt' ho "«J n«'»n trip Stanley CliT'-e wai» tl" friend* In Hlu»- I«l«n<l '"• " laot week Ml«» MlWlrvd McfuHovi"!- wood ad-rue, 1m suf? <•'<"* tack of a|i|>endlcl»lB Ixjuis S|.rin»;.T renin •<< from Ni-w York whcr<- " for the f.-« v-.i-* fliilne\ Hi'KeuIn hi-- 1<>> Burton and '!«â- â- - I'i'oria for a f'--* • K H T».tii|)!" !• • \. K [)«•*•â- % <>f c Frank I Hakr r hit* f'-r hi* K'^w' 'I W .1 link"', "f N ret"t n"J from »...-|. t of I -i V R M lit 'mil vvr-olt DROWNING CASE Writer in M<'lira'Journal Says That a IV son Should Be wrkpf Upon for at gUPHtS and ol -flr Hoir S. «.. iui.i â-  .-k» . sold lib 11(1 Kl"h "T^t U â- !CiU") ' 7 l.ak*' * venue in if-ck, hi- f«'h«" « Vork ATTFR 'J0 ^ N *\ OF LIFF Krei," d u r I n c th« «<• Mr in..I M'«. .' tertaifi'ip ii- t tn- riman of Ml'iix-ai' m Vernon r cu>Ht *" â-  lis Ml tin u l.l.T for i.aU< p.-nd th.. :.nd child- ( ll'tll'VU, Hummer. vi < • ii l<»ft ,i--i eomi'i't j>|c unil â-  t U uIm r' msit i nnii l>r«ln ».«• ii i I')'-" iriK". n u m I \t..,|i. Th< a« Ioiik cennati< unue'ly Add to n | seven rr Inm ii 1. Ii-iilh I'],. , / II... .1 d'ownings of s'lmmer 11•â- . nr<-<l of a hk of the prlncl- it. ion. and par i«t HU('Ce«8 Ult! r KMtlng nerma < of blood to the mi it-\tlon nhould tw - hours after Mr v W Hitch () In a recent • â- I the. A mcrlc«,i M<H»M«M»MIHMM<M» j What People Are Doing; in Glencoe Mi utrer', toiin fi ' Hk<Mrn !<.av<. â-  :|| SOCi-.l hpp't i <l'-l' ii." i-intlnue to bent, for ><• as flvo mlnuten uft<'r i...i|iin<tlen. although r in two or three minutes. >«n.i<' fve minutes the : duri k which the brain 'iscitated after heart-beat, a welve mlnutea he undergone Mr* < last *«• they »i If K Snider and family are now at home in their new residence, Kiph'h Btrcet and WashiiiKton avenue. Albert Wlgglenworth left Mondafor PamuJemi. Cal. where he will viol' f if raid Hill for «ei/-rnl weeks. Mr*. Ki*t and children have gem* to Paw l'a» Lake. Mich,, where they will remain during the hot months. Mrs. Charles Klndel and children deported laitt week for (Irand Rapids*. Mich., where they will spend seven*) weeks. Mrs. A. F. Sterrett and daughter have returned from Madison, Wis. where they have been for several weeks. Rev Linn McMillln of Racine co'- lege, Racine, Wis., was the guest of Mr. A. E. Barber, 621 Unden avenue, Sunday. Miss Helen Pratt has returned to au over tne country her home In New Jersey, after a few parent drowning th' weeks' visit with Mr and Mtb. E. W. McCulloch. Elroy Vanderkloot. an Annapolis graduate, visited with friends here last week. He la en route to his home In California. Joba Allen has returned to his home In New York, following a vlalt with Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Crippen of Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spinney and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thotnpaon plan to i your effort until there is not a possl- miiy be eompu 'el; ri total ceiHtttlon of tl possible mexirrnu" of of relative .l<w. ",<. with recovery The foregoing Information la of the greatest Irnportance, especially at this season of 'he year when thousands are seeking relief by cool plunges in the lake or in nmnl' bodies of water In cases of ap- majorlty of peo- ple are too apt <o take for granted that the victim is dead. Many people who might have been saved had proper resuscitation measures been employed In time have died because those who would aid them have given up too soon. Many times the rescuers cease their efforts when in a few moments more the victim would show signs of returning life. Because this condition Is so it is always safe to continue celebrate the Fourth tomorrow af Casaopolls, Mich. ,Mrs. J. J. Siddall, with her mother, Mrs. A. H. Blymer, who have been visiting In Minneapolis, have returned to their home here. Rev. Rtoy Edwin Bowers, pastor of the Congregational church, and wife. are enjoying their vacation period near Auburndale, Wis. Mrs. Skinner, mother oi Airs. Fred White, 1021 Central avenue, has been spending several weeks in Aua- tln, the guest of her son. Delwln Worthington, 602 Lake ave- nge, departed last week for HolIanJ, Pa., where he will pass the summer months with his grandparents. The Drama study class was enter- tained In the home of Mrs. William A. Mann, 1121 Greenwood avenue, Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton R. Dart, 706 Greenleaf avenue, returned the first of the week from Lansing, Mich, where they visited for a few days. Mr. and Mm. W. O. Belt and Mr and Mrs. J B. Gretner and daughter departed this week for Toplnabee. iflch., where they will pass the sum- mer. Mr. and Mtb. J C. Mannerud. 1119 Forest avenue, will leave today for 2 trip through Minnesota and the Dti kotas. They will be gone about three weeks. Miss Helen Skinner Is in Ottumwa. la., this week, the guest of MIsj Esther Hutchinson. She will also visit friends in Missouri before re turning home. Wlllard Thayer, 619 Washington avenue, left Monday for Pasadena, Cal.. where he will enjoy the west- ern climate for several weeks He will also travel In Colorado before be returns. J. C- WIlSOOU 1217 Lake avenue U making plans to remove to Cobou.g. Ont., where he will take charge of the Sentinel-Star, a newspaper for merly edited by nta father, the late Isaac G. Wilson. •• The last meeting of the Wllmette Reading circle for the season was beld Monday evening In ot Mrs. Edward L. Scneldenhelm. 704 Lake avenue. Prof. H. H. Kingaley of the Bvanston schools gave a â- tereoptlcon lecture on the subject of "Grecian Art" James 0. Barber, 621 Unden ave- nue, visited with bis parents Sunday. He left Sunday evening on the Semi- nole limited for Cairo, 111., despite th* tact that the thermometer was hovsrins around 100 degrees. Dur- ble chance of restoring life. There has not been a season In years when there has not been a death toll to KvuQston and Cook count, frou. drowning Accidents to swlmrii^i's or rowers cause deaths which in u.ttn/ cases could be avert- ed, as many tluu-s the bodies are re- cover e.j in tune to .esujcitate the vic- tims if tht. prober means were used. The uiatter is of sufficient importance for everyone to familiarize himself with the prober course to follow In case oi a drowin.i* accident. WAS PH.8KY. a . . belutOug to F. H. Ander- i»^n veter.uarlan. 13*8 Sherman ave- nue. Kwin*ton hit. hud to a buggy, ran aw a from>t<-r and Elmwood avenue Sunaay morning. No one was In the Kuggy rhe animal went north on Elniwood -cnu, and, turning west on Lake stieti caused much excite- ment u *« cugbt at Lake street and avenue after the rig had d« «n ove. .iim<-d „.id demolished. Fifteen cuupl.-o dance at .h<- Ouii evening Mrs .J. i. . . .,, ,. nue, enteru.i i ,ilf Tuesday aruu o ., Mr and Mr« h Lake avewur m.o home Will spend th bor l\ Int. Ml, 1, Philip Uittnih. , lei't HiiLirdaj f«j| i , wh« . e he will all ,,l nieiit Oil his r»-t4 . .i this V .M-k he will n w he. « he « 111 .><; J I. J.-M'd an informal â- tie ciub Saturday !>ll l^ake ave- :-> cond division ,i Temple, 436 t.a»e sold tneir summer at Har- . i lnden avenue . .ur Point, Ohio, l the skat tourna- > iome the last of i..;p at Cleveland, -d by bis daugh- They will ter. Mlsa Ma. y Dlttmai- return thin week Mr .,nd .vli« . ,u Marker of 1310 aneri ian i^ad . a. u..,ied the Second dlviojon of the M E church Friday evening at n l«,*i, p»/ty. The two quaru u> of * t. â-  division boasts, with Mi3s Pe erson as soloist, ren- dereu a.i u. er, sting .autiical program. All p.eiwnt pronounced the occasion a most enjoyable one, due to the thor- the home | oughness of the host and hostess in a - . ring for the comfort and enter- t.. nt of their guests. l F I). Vreeland. formerly of WH- men but who has recently been liv- ing a>. the Greenwood Inn, Evanston, Is hi New Jersey for a visit with WlsV tives before sailing July 3 for * Buro- pesto trip. Dr. Vreeland will first visit London, after which he will spend several weeks In Vienna, Ber- lin and Paris. He will be gone about Berber I three months, during which time he Mrs. VV'lnthrop Girling was hostess to a number of friends Friday at bridge. .Mrs James K. Calhoun left for Hins- dale Monday for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. N>d Wells. Mrs. Elbert Haight and little daugti- ler will return this week from a visit al Sycamore, where they were guests of the formers parents .Miss Helen Calhoun, who has been spending the winter attending college In Madison. Wis . will not return home ior fh« summer vocation nd Mrs K W Smith of Grove •â- â- â- ntemidate leaving Glencoe r their summer home it Black ••ar Holiend, Mich. Thomas Browning plans to I'her the las' of this week or (he Oi it ->f ncrl for Ludlngton, Mich., > her • -lie will puss the summer. 1'of Arthur H Howell, superintend- < nt - ' th-- C.leneoe hi hools, left lasj. week for l'l'-ilnmnt, Cal., where he I'lutiH »<> iirhs the sunitucr months. Ilie Ixiweuimcl) honie has been rented for the season to Mr. and Mrs. C). M <; Howard of Chicago They will move into the property within • he IH'*I two weeks. The La/Me*' Aid »o< lety of the Methodist church held an all-day meeting In the home of Mrs. William Fox Tuesday A box luncheon was one of the enjoyable features of the, meeting Miss Margaret Thompson left this week for Atlanta, On , where she will be the guest of Mrs. H. Ganibloss, who will be remembered by many Glencoe residents us visiting here several weeks ago. Francis Asbury, a former well- known resident of Glencoe, now resid- ing In Vancouver, B. (\, was the guest of old friend* last week. He will re- main In this vicinity another week before returning to Vancouver. Dr. John Nutt of New York visited with his son, Howard Nutt and wife, last week. He was In attendance* at the Neurologists' convention In Chi- cago. He also attended the Minne- apolis meeting of the American Medi- cal society two weeks ago. Rev. D. H. Cornell will leave on his vacation Monday. He plans to spend a few days in Michigan and may take an eastern trip. During his absence the pulpit at the Union church will be supplied by various pastors from the city and neighboring towns. Mrs. Josephine Breese Olmsted, daughter, MIbb Cordelia, and her mother, Mrs. H. E. Breese. left Mon- day for Frankfort. Mich., for a few weeks' stay. After a short time Mrs. Olmsted and daughter will go to Ice- land, Mich., where they will remain until September 1. der of Highland Park will sing at this service. 8uuday school at 9:30. Jun- ior league at 4 p. m. All boys sod girls Invited to this service. Epworth league next Sunday evening at 6:15. Miss Brown, a native of Africa, will be present to speak en Africa and will tell how she came t<- this country and entered the Chicago Training school, where she Is a student Presbyterian Church. Wllmette Presbyterian church, Dr. J M. Wilson, past* r. Sunday servic- es: Sunday school 9:30 a. m ; morn- ing worship, 11 a ship, 7:45 p. m ; services each We-' o'clock. Baptist The church sen July 6, at 11 o'cloc by Rev. Frank I cago. The Iyor' observed. Iilble school m The subject for tl ra.; evening wor- m Id-week pray«r "•day night at * "hurch. ce next will be c vnderso" "Mpr-» Sunday. nd<* "ted of ' hi ' h a' !*•<•" f next quarter sons will be "Th' > fe of Mof»e« The devotional " ptlng W-ip-'inv evening was In t> home of 'r n<' Mrs. D. Nelson. I* Kim*' ' ' You are cordial' 1"vl'*'1 these services. Conoreaat',"al Chur- Wllmette C»ni:' cations] church. Rev. Roy Bowc . [>a"»er Sunda> services are, cor ' >â-  'erf â-  â-  folio-**: Sunday school '• n •â-  > -1' k worshio, liar- -«' Gi J-ti^ce Glance* 'l" •> Chure'- Dr. Douglas Sunday service* school, 9:45 a n at 11 a. m.; n-id is held in the d day night at s o C. Kuri, las, IQJp* Linden Lj^T Nllles, im wiix -â€"â€" lng and bsst- and market, imette .Shjlvfey & C mnrs, nhones itwiston 4348, aettfjsw?. kJj/c. M mett^ Weissen Hal. bay, grain, ij^irfort Bros., lATll58 Central^erre Wlnnstka building mate !, Elm street, and decorat- gs. The Rexall n avenue, et metal work, venue. OP, evervtbtng ex. Nel«on Broe., al plumber. road avenue. esslng, livery 806 Weat Oak chandlse com- d women, er company, uel, Railroad fjorneli. pastor, follows: Sunday pr-achlng service â-  k praye"" service n <• < «r» Wo^nes- k EVANSTON TAXES TOTAL LARGEST IN COUNTY That City, According to Figures of Assessors, Is Second Only to Chicago, »♦• Completion by the assess,» <.i Cook county of the footings, in tLe town of Ridgeville, in which Bvanston is located, shown that city leads all other sections of the county outside of Chicago, with a total of $3,004,736. Many protests against pergonal propert.' assessments are expected by the board of review this year. The assessments were made by the board of assessors, and In many instances they have not given satisfaction. Sev- eral objections already have -been re- corded. The reviewers will begin their work July 7. Last year the board act- ed on 12,000 schedules, and 60 per cent of them were due to complaints died by taxpayers. Notices have been sent out to 35.000 residents of Chicago atd Cook connty. WINNF TKA. Christ Chur-' 'Episcopal). Rev. Frederick Budlong, rector. The church is o< .Sheridan road at Humboldt avenue rhe parish house, chapel and rectory are at Linden and Oak streets. Rec'or's telephone, 527. July <>â€"Seventh Sunday after Trin- ity: 7:30 a. m., Holy communion (In the church); no Sunday school; 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon (In the church); toi . "Ignorance God Winked At." Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin K. Snell, residence t'."2 Lincoln avenue, telephone 606-J; J. .W. F. Da vies, residence 1904 Pine street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9.46a.m.; morning worship, 11 a m.; vesper service, 5 p. m The communion serv Ice: First Sun.iity In January. March. May, July, September and November First Scandinavian Ci.Mrwh Richard Malm, pastor Sui.jaj school Is held at 10 a. in., followed by morning service at 11. The Young People's society will meet Sunday a'. 6 p. m. Services In the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. TOO MUCH QAS. A leaky gas jet caused a sui«ai bla*e in the borne of Mrs. A. L. Fleming, 1215 Washington street, Friday night. Quick response by the fire depart- ment prevented a bad flr« ta"->r fo netka r'oal bu'ldlpg mat iveDue and Sprue I^Trth &hor<> Gaik4ȣany. gas and appMlSes. I J9 ^ifank Otto, laqMciffe gardener and florisWvl? WlHowfstapL Marsh^iPiL engineers and 508 BlraK stfeet. &. Wylle ICoasTiructlon com- pany, concrete cons|rugQpn, 16 Fronty Annex.â€"Advt. yHffdeaA sarves^rf, 51 ^l^kitt St. â- )my, concrc W- r. Elijah G. Harris CHIROPRACTOR and NERVE JbjjPECiALIST rlence with Innouneca hla After twelx ncrvoua caa^a, return to pri All naTvoua^la ache, Nflrvoui Dy^ nal Curvature. Beat of referencia from former patlanta AppointmanU by telephoneâ€" NllawtU 1104. I. 1710 Ftritt in., WIlMttt, IRlRlil Wh^s Filling Your description Now? Prescription filling is an art, as well as a science, years of eduoal to fill presoripl aocuratelv. II requires In immedtoe every molern facility ment. Wl have all tbe necessary requirements for doiug justice to your presfriptioos and drug or- ders. Our equipment is up to date, and for top q6alitv, class and Borviod, you cannot do better than bring your prescriptions to us. KENNECKAR DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE TiUploifS 29 aid 31 WIlMto, III. MRS. MARGARET AYARS OEAD. Mrs. Margaret H. Ayars, widow of the late Charles 0. Ayars, died Sun- day at Paw Paw, Mich. The remains were interred at Rosehlli Leading Merchants on the North Shore CHURCH BULLETIN f fag the lust few weeks Mr. has bees stationed In Qslesburg and I will attend a clinical course in Peoria, m. noted Berlin medical college. WILMETTE. Wllmette M E. Church. The pastor, Rev. J. K. Oale, Is preaching "hot weather" sermons of short duration. The subject next Sun- day morning will be "Christ and the ||, King." and at 6 p. m. "Christ and the Kan of Influence." Miss Evlyn Sny- The following sdvei-tlsers on the Home Builders' page, which appeats once a month, are good firms to trade with, and invite your patronage: Wilms iger it Bpe CUffger buMlnAmateiial, Jh^^Edmund m«pu ym. C-J^reU 54V^esyft£ wood, coke, e avenue. msrket, ue. InsuTknce, WIAlng's phi avenues^ Wl^ette l infCma^ar*'c etc^ lJtl Wllmettki^eMe. %Bert fep, arcflte^a cigars, Railroad Frul^iattCcandy Store, honWmads^ cajidyT/ice^rream. cigars, Wo 296 Shop a Km. Pbooa 1M C. WOLFF Tin, theet metal and furnace wdrk. Furnace*, gutteri, tfoutt atuf metal roof a. Lawn moweft sharpened and repaired, called for and delivered. Office* 1124 Central Are. »a«p, 6J0 Park Avi. (raw), Wliajan* Sk«p.MaV '. G.JBeyrer ELECTRI.kMeUbTION Repairing and Supplies m %E 6 Room -«v gv^ BongslovsA/Y »+V pecial Bargains $voo iffc $650 J. B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue â-¼ibnette, Illinois / Roo; wate V Rm. new The Wilmette Exchangi State Bank A UTHORIZKD TO DO A BANKING BUSI- NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 Safety DepositJSj '"X^HE Bank is â- (Mt^qu y ity of C patrons a valuable and bur, ence of h^° with one of the n\g|!£oinpiete Safety Djjmf^t Vaults in the vicin- Tke boxes__ u t e protection for etc., against fire sides the conveni- ng this protection right here at kotne. The equipment contains three kundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The officers of the Bank invite inspec- tion of this new safety deposit box system. CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET Wllmette, Illinois. Telephone Wllmette Ninety ^ For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Ooods you can place before the most discriminating Jtest, call akery 114S CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wllmette 418-414. Wllmette Auto Delivery ft£ alphW.Faupel The Village Electrician In connectlo; Electric has put in bia Qraio: la regular basinets, 1 life h Colum- Records. and Ton are invited to come hear them. eoft W. RAILROAD Ave. frione 622 Wllmstu W. A. H0TH WISCONSIN ICSl PI I 1208 CENwttAL WILMBTTB. ILL. Ottlea S3 PHONE* â-  Res. SS .qjr StabisMlj [ltf««tlt| s>HONC 9 !-;. Van Onder JLiveryj Lrons â-  VpV^T raF"' ~ • mfjn T "*-/ CWrteaw*. Cabs mtn flsrrw#4sT AD rae-734 iaTH ST., WILMtTTi John T. Rosbertf ailoi Talcphoac 232 NUE WILMETTE, IU^ I Ra^Rnce 1026 JAMES A. rtCAt tS.AfE, RENTING, LO 1126 Central Avenue ND INSiJBjil Office 1071 Illinois We u\â€" have seme choice bargains in Nertb Snere property LMET Pun MHk ami Cream 19 Elmwood Avenue n^ttersjbp AIRY ami Cheese TELCPHONS M4 WILMETTE, M*. GAS ARC LIGHTS SPACES. THE HOME. HEATERS, W BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT STORE? CENT GBS, TERS. UGHT FUEL rs JD£? The NortbwBstern Gas light and Coke Go. 1611 Benson Avenue. Bvanston TELEPHONES 89-00 Subscribe for the Lake Shore News LAWN GHAS8 A£IMCU>VER» 3EXD Hi <6'*k&;. k^ysi****'

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