>opular Serv Year? Tomorrow 'MOVlgpCtP*ff Officer to chief of m&^m-'mm'w Kenllwortb. one JO*/J|§^J|ejKV;1n%t*» and roo»t po|M^|^^fl||!^(|to^: tte north »hor^yJMM|^N«^i»»;«* gignatlon. to he .e^ttve;.;..t©tndri0*,; August 1. ^V^i«te(ppi#^1#^;:,l^ Patrick Murmy,:wli#-taw «r»8 •• night policeman In the village for the last three fttt^ift*r/,1biify'?..*iii famiiy will remoW -#>;ar«tatoii';#f soon m a sulti^ Jb|0^^ cured. ."iM^iaHp^l^i The announcement Of. Officer Keane's refignatlOQ Wfll b« Tec*lT«4 with regret by hundreds of cltisone along the north atore wno »re «e- qnainted wlto i^ jolto; gog* natnreS guardian of the pence. -*. JW ihW yean he haa »«TTe* In the c»p«cUy of police head IB Kenfiworth end it U doubtful IT a pablio official hae ever Berved the people with roo» complete eulefiwtlon e« h*f John Keane • •&'$>$&::£< '$.& xXi^i Hat »o*eiieyd >o|»ee Heeard. â- â- <Sibr more^tlmn.*ew:'ireArp *' Kasne wu-i^mJ^Vpi^m1^^: 7 'he BreniMm -poltee fonse. Hit id jj0»i0m-^ftr.- ~v ted wide ettetttloB m wa* onered ee^nU pottee >oe»- to recognition of oerUia dewie li - Evamrtoto wWch won him praise (WOUMBdatlOlL, ' The â- :|^w©rtfc^:'iiiie^ "" ajf attraotlTe e«er to OP Of eapwiel laterest to Evanston And north ahore repi^ente is the announce- ment thM eotompbile racea wUl be held on the dirt track at Ubertyvllle oo^nf. tantl 10. Since th<e death of Marcel Baale at Hawthorne two yeara e^ n6 4utomol^i«cins meets have been, "held ono^ Chicago. The rerdlct of the coroner'* jujry after investigating Basle's death proved t|iat the promoters of future eeente of thie kind would have a hard time putting on such a program. But Alee Sloane has decided on such ueTetftaad much interest la shown te it lv hutobita.;. Sloane is manafer of tin Jtobtow racing team, eomposeo of Louis. Disbmw, Joe Nlkient and "EU1" Endtoott as stars, and other driveâ„¢ who servo as mechanics in the The team Is equipped with base cars, the JarBjre-See, a monster Flat, ee^pped with a stream line body like ZMsbrow's ear end the Simples Zip, Sloane saye is the fastest dirt track creation In America today, excepting, o*f course, Barney Oldfield's Christie. The track at Ubertyville, which Sloane says is the fastest track in America, has been leased for the meet' â-² aanetkm hag been requested tion. Entry blanks for tine meet hare bees Issued, tor Sloane intends to pit his team against all comers. Two Meson entries, one to be driven by Ceremony Over Prwefifetlwito Evanston of Historical Tablet Was a ^mkl did One. t"â- â- •<â- '$ mette, will boM a fair the latter part 'jk^L-^Jghj^^hiZ^ of Aiianut on evvoads to Ctros* Point JienV, IviarBflal OeXI of Aueimt on ayenn4s to io«i«ed';-o«<........." Mock west «ff rengemente' -erev make H the LARGE CROWD PRESENT ented_____ leer Keaoe. Jn fact, the position of police chief wae made for Mr. Keane, ! with a salary offer which was equal fp that :palfcnteny"*tooartatont 1»ead0. 1b cities of tSfiOO population or more. ;la dlachargtag his duties Mr. Keahe has been thorough and impartial, yet pealing with a kindnees that hie won ?for him a werm spot in the heart of wen,' person in Kenilworth. To be a Ipolice officer for three years in a Tillage and not here a single enemy U a record to be proud of, and such |» the record of which John Keane lean boast.' "-t'-:.--'"'"-^?"""',:.'"'â- ' *.'?â- â- ,: ^-â- ,. 1 In quNit?|fe|oliii.rw^-h**- fH^.^lftiJtVaYeAaiilt lime rpasonâ€"that is that his Interttta ' tn the motion picture business, *itb whlcti be has been identified tor the hut two years as.fc member of the ^Irm of Bodkin and Keane, requirea •11 of his time. With three theaters in operation In Bvaneton and two in other lenities, the business has -frown to-:m^'^m}:*at^"ii^U]^ Me genei^ supervision of the amose- #»ent places, nude, he must have the assistance of llr. Keane. %$^m&& Peace a^:;.4«|K;v'n%iif ;preme In KenUWorth during- the three tears in which John Keane has been fe»ce chief. Thto attests his qttalifl- tations as aft pftcer. He stated yet- *«day that he waa sorry to leave the Ittage but that he felt ifc w»i swees- »»ry to give «« the position on se- I One *\^&0rikti^-l&&W Iravery to the credit of Offlcer John fcftne is the capture of Pred Fish, a P^ner Branstonlan^w^ m oil insane ft murdered Ws wife about Are years :p- in faxie ed-a drawn rerolTer, f«cer Keane overpowered the ma- \;.f*z and thus saved th* Uvea of many "IfirBons. :;.:&&.'£& ;1mwer»>1ie'-'*i» . **arded a gold mexW by .Branstpft ^'fhiMna.;;i:li^€;!%'v"'i-,' l*#i^?:nV wy-- ANNOO^ici sHftAoihrewT. The.. enirs^monfe 'fikZ&mt VlflgA Louie, weul kaown pi ^ norUi shoj» aociety elrcleev to Mr. ' W^%lsiiiW^#ft'.'W ihBaihmdataWiAdleeW.elW- Ralph Mulford, at least one Peugeot and probably two. Hughle Hughea' Tulsa, and other ear* have been prom- iaed by the promoters. Sloane's team ie et Galveston, wbare it is Mmpeting in the beach races this week. He will move from Galree- toa to LibertTvllle immediately after Ue southern tournament, and expecta to bring with bisk some of the other sters. The track will be tired lor the electric timer in order to here all reoords inade aceepeed by the Amer- ican Automobile'eeeeciatloi 'â- â- :: a^oane ntakes a practice of going after the iwcorde. That la the chief teeeottlw bee choeen Ubertyville f or a meet It la almost oertafn that some of the dirt track records will go to Btoane's team if the track Is fast. Bishop McDowell Delivered an Ex- cellent Addrew on "Pttriotltm indKellgion/TollowIng Which Tablet Wit Dedicated, The greatest gathering o? old settlers In the history of Evanston con- gregated on the south lawn of the free public library Sunday aiternoon when the Society for the! Erection or Evanston Historical TaMete dedicated its first tablet and presented it to the citv. .. It wee » pretty scene that wae pre- sented to the eyes of those present Some 600 old residents, members of the society «bS their friends occupied chairs beneath the large trees and were made happy by the remarke of the speakers which carried them back some fifty-seven years to en Evanston entirely different from Que flfty-aUle free-for-all race wis be staged. Other events win be an Australian pursuit race, a free-for-all handicap, class races, and Ume trial* for ears of limited piston displace- ment, and exhlbftioBe by Loula Die- brow in tile r4>l§ Jay4ftre4»ee,:r,v-,irvf;: CULVERS NOT GUILTY SAYSWWNETKAJ.P. Decisions Given Last Week Favor Glencoe Residents Mrs. Marian Culver and son. Regi- nald, of Glencoe, were discharged, fol- lowing two hearings which have been held in Wlnnetka Justice courts dur- ing the last week on charges of as- sault and a breach of the peace. On Priday evening Justice of the Peace Oeorge Fisher of Wlnnetka found Schultt, a neighbor of the Culver family. On Monday night following a three hours' trial, Justice Frederick Matton, also of Wlnnetka, held that Mrs. Marian Culver, :who waa charged with threatening Mrs. SchulU, was not gutttjr...-'-â- ' In ttte trial Friday night Mrs, Cul- ver was fined |6 tor contempt of court when she refused to .answer a ques- tion put by Sherman M. Booth, attor- ney prosecuting the caee. The> ««ee> tkm iaiMV'-'W'""*"^"*** «»*»*f seb^bbie, whom Mrs. Culver declared she did not wish to involve in tte many police court trials. Bather than give their names she paid the |5 fine. api^y one moreeaee «Jto to* decided in the echulti-Culver mix-up The hearing- hae been conducted before Police MagaStrate J^hh Jt^BOyer ot •ton tomorrow,'y In this ease Mrs. Sehalts is cl^iyM with aeaeult '^r CHMMsTW^CATtOrl. & Ptot W. tee &ml+ ««f #am^»i of Bvanston, is at Mum Lake, Wis, tion. During his ahssace the work ea ih# chemistry secttoa of the health "sat-*iB;'o»:la &*&& *.«' tte^psrleileed chemitifrom Of today, /#. -â- â- ...^>-^->>- V'.,;'.. Plret Hevee of â- Worship. .TM tablet marka the site of the first house of worship in Evanston, erected fifty-seven years ago by the Methodist denomination. It was on the exact die where the society met Sunday that a number of Evanston young men enlisted tn the Union army and Uter broeght great city'by their eAve«ieement tt :, The program was interesting. It proceeded without a hitch and was enjoyed from beginning to sod. Dr. Amos W. Patten of Garrett Biblical Institute, a former pastor of the First Methodist church, offered prayer and ho was followed by ft Fraser McDowell of Brenston, Metho- dlst bishop of the Chicago district The tabtet wae unveiled following Bishop McDowell's address by Miss Oula Gamble, a granddaughter ef one of the generela whose name appears open the tablet Tie president of the society, Hon. William a Levere, then dedicated it and presented it to the city, the gttt being accsepted by Mayor James Bussell Smart During the •ervtoe the Lexington quartet of 0W- cago rendered i number, of patriotic '^•CtlOh*;:;--^'".:^..;"ZJ.'k . ^0£'&U One of the inert auspicious features or the iwvice^occjpid when Prea> dent Urere aaked those present who attended the dedication of the Old church to arise and be introduced. Mr. George Huntoon of Highland Park wae the only one to stand end re- ceive acknowledgment of this honor. Mrs. Huntoon, hie Wife, was a daugh- ter of General Gamble. Dr. Ournsey of Bvanston, who waa present was * member of the church choir in those days. Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg of St Louie; M0V who wslpe married in the1 old, church, also were present Many others were present who enlisted in the army on that site, among these Messrs. Harry Pearsons, Franklin and Lowe. hfr. Finerty of Colorado also wae present He had the distinction of receiving hie diploma from the Uni- versity in the old chutcb-,^|S|p,,,.,:" Bishop McDowell delivered an ex- cellent address, which showed he had given his subject great study and con- sideration. He said he ctmeigeTed it a great honor to be chosen the speak- er of the day, since he Is not an old .resident of Evanston, ;â- '.; ^TWrtotiiiB and fteHgtoa/' wejl k* •object and hla discourse wae a fine one. He said that patriotism and re-. Mglon bad played a greet *ar^ in Ihe ejfafre of men. He told of the tradl- tlon, which i» tradition only, that Llncola once spc^e in the 'old enureh- He then explained how tew late who romnteered for service have helped te uphold the hands ef Lincoln. The biehee, Is doatag, sahf ther"^' today had to be better t|^ those of flfty-eeven yeaii ego, *»r fl fcey: wat% 'â- "Fill* Seine ywasm "â- "'â- 'â- 'â- "1t*^piiiBf* etreet, one keif avenue. Ar- being made to affair ever held to:'^"'^' fehr fov abOui oMlweek. Besidee the ret^i^ booths of the societies a variety .of'outdoor attrac- tions haa been eeehred. One of the -'â- -Stir 1Roe^:;::te^||;;'ioMeat'- German conireaWlon hi Co^ county outside Chicago, the firet; permanent church having been ereebed la 1948, althcugh serviMs weee held many years before that date, and an Bidmn mission wee located hew^^^iJrlt. years of the hut' -cent«rjr,f!p- /$*M- •' ,.-..:' i, :i'::W: The ceagregetten comprises -the' west side of Wltonette, all of arose Pomt and thcee parte of New Trier township, kMated weet and south of the latter vUlage and adjoining North- field and NUee townships. Biv Father Netxtraeter le the pastor, with two esstoMog vrteate.. The commH- tee in charge igeoenpoeed of the fol- lowing ladies and g-entlemen: Mrs. Helena Seeterheim, Mra. Cecilia Wag- ner, Mrs. Jos. afehaefgen, Miss Anna Seaterhenn, Miee Katherine Schmlts, Miss Paulina Dleaer, Mr. Paul Nanalg, Mr. Nto Wagner, Mr. J<». Lear, chair- man;lit. John H. Sehaefer, treasurer; Mr. John J. Poteirtr eecreUry. of Evanston, After»Cofislder- ible Thought, Thrnks Wire COULD RECOVER BODIES ETE CLEHCOE Witt be one ________,,.. . ,.T p4to.eeiM!iito. pavement eecording to action of 'the village board last week in approving the estimate of thle plan of street ooverinfc for WentWrth ...avenue when no objectors appeared in the The aveowe wlH be paved from the Chicago end Milwaukee electric railroad east to the lake. The estimated cost is flO^llt- Brick and macadam are the only materials that have been tested for street paving In GleneoO; Much has been pubUehed conceratof the prac- ticability of tbe cwnerete pavement end upon Inveetigstlon of the new form c« s^eet ^covering in nee in other dtles and towns, the wencoe offlclals decided to uee the maieviel. -; The plan to" pave iPafk avenue has at present been ab^doned in Glen- ooe. This Is the s|eia ittoroughfare of the vfl)sjg0 end pfnefjpal busmesii etreet aha many #ttaens maintain that it should be improved. The present condition is suen that it Is very dusty 4n the sunnner months and muddy in the win< FOR GrlfLDREN'S NOME SI:' A garden, party for the benefit of the Illinois Children's home of By- aaston wlU be given Saturday after- noon from 4 until 7 tf^lOok at "Blurs Kdge.'« the home Of Mrs. Douglas Smith, /!*, V:.Hubba»dn^:^nods. Mr* Smith has offered her homa and beau- tiful grounds for the charitable cause and it is thought a large gathering of north shore society folk will attend the fete. . l%;<r-X:y \-.- Two sf^ter cupeirlU^ he awarded the person making the best score fu cloke potting and archery. Other conteats will be held. During the evening refreihment* Will,, be served. iVjJiti,. i, vn hi ' â- ";'â- '"" to dedlcata their first bouse of wor- •hlp,* tald President Levere. If was center '.Of community interest It we could roll back the panorama of time we cosild see the faces of the men responefble for jMr nreeent-hlcJi He then ntesented the tablet to the city, Mayor Snuu%pr»v few fttttag words, aceeptlng it in behalf of the ctty. The service eloeed. with the mncmc of the benediction by the the meeltaeT there wae e hend^ltakfas of oU and nTree- eat day eftkesiis, wk» remsieed ahqnt tee )atte» until darkfteee fell. ' &%s&r#a&&S6 fci&SEi: rfiOei *luchVilutWtTlma!t Lott by Not Belsf Able to Locate Bodlet, saving plan Ployed at f^>;'rB^UrTieOB-!;:o|: thought out a life Which orient Jto em- the ^yirione^i^lnjf be the means of recovering the bodice of drowning victfme and reeueoltat- lng them in one4hird the time now required in thia work. After the ex- tremely dhVcult experienee in reeeverr ing the body of Walter Norrelund. the nfteen-year-old youth; who wan drowned in the lake at the foot of Main street a week ago last Bunday, Fire Marshal Harrison has thought over the plea to place a steel wire 'tor bathing purpoeee eo attached to poste in the lake that It could be instantly removed and need as a seine when* ever a bather einke in the water; In explaining hie plan Klre Marshal Harrison asserts that water in the lake used for bathing is scarcely over a depth of ten feet and ones not ex- tend more than ISO feet from the shore, A line of poets could be placed at the Una where »*there are limited, aay probaWy five or aix poste to each bathing space. Then on the two sides of the space aBotted for the bathing run two similar Unas of poets form- ing a rectangular arrangement In the •water.,- v'-v On these posts snap ring* could be placed to which tho wire fencing fast- ened to cables on lines touching the bottom of the lake and also lines en the surface of the water, could anchored, the bottom line to be weighted sufficiently to hold the fence- like equipment fig place. On the beech two windlasses could be set to which the lines running- out from the shore could be • attaches!. In ease of a drowning the fence could be loosened from its moorings and with the heavy weights holding it could be pulled in by the windlasses as if It were a seine. The body would be euro to hi re- covered within a few minutes. 3^'-" at the WUmetto v«age evenin«. Apout tielrty visitors etUnded. ' and their Bele^k» to HuAUtt Heeitt," «Mij^»^K>M^#^....... and well received and Mr. J.A Teeb*»*fet«ln*ek*t«*e! :W;..:.'^e »,ae^Baaaa^sajBewpsj|'^w^-im^u^BjP^i The lettoV seat irt^ the^ »^^ authorities ah4 tewgbing oa the 'v^^â„¢' .TWf'Tv/sljHff'.Sjr*SP^r^^^;."^ff?!*W^5i!*T.< Linden evenae, wen W dlsosaeed and thonmghly tre»hed out aM ^ fO^wlBi'Teaibtt^ ;. i,M9fw.;*lwer.- ^ew^;*snja^ayj_ j^BjsawssffaaPWiww^we^-^eew.^iiwi |fj^w; â- . tto^ bjivtng met anA diecttssed^llb^ right of ereetu* a tea»inain»tate>n on Ltaden ave*ne hy the »«hwea* m- BleVated railroad, haa raeotved: "That tha sssnristlOB to notfafn»0r of Mm'-. 'mi^m^WmM present tormv ae k*h» eontrary to the. wejIfa^Fw^g^pja^^sij^ the vWafin^l"â- â- ^k^^^^M'.X '^" onllnance were bvwe^t out, snd el- though It wae reaMaed thet the vil- lage councfl was doing everything and trying to solve the problem in the best iwserole way and for the benefit D0NT8ARECI FOR TIME â- S'jij iim"iiijiTIii i _____Vafliable Tlrite Wo"Wf-" "^ will always noticeV said rfwjto k«e|lrithin^t|K|i^^ Marshal' Harrison in explaining h»]*---< " . \;^3teMi&&*4$&i plan, "that much Ume la spent in the search for the drowning victim, Just as wae the ease with recovering the body of the Norrelund boy ten days ago. It the body can be found within n reasonable time after it has sunk in the water, scientific experiments have proven that the lung motor and pol- motors can revive them. However, there ie little chance when there ls«no •park of life after a body has re- mained in the water for hours. I be- lieve my plan is practical and 1 know It could be installed at a small ex- pense. If it should be the means of •ating one life In the course of a sea- aon at the bathing beach, the money would be Well spent At the end of the season the wire oould be taken up and stored for the next season. A fine mesh In the fencing would not be necessary, as a body would not float through a twelve-inch screen," The near-drowning of the two youths In a canoe at the free public bathing beach Sunday should be a wsaning tha> seme pfteantlonary an- plianee a|o«1* be Placed nt the tOSl* HIS WHESt. . O. E. Gfbepttr 3741 Woodbine ave- nue, Bvanston, reported to the no* line Monday afternoon that hie eky ele, which had been left at Weet Rail- road avenue and Central street, was stolen. The wheel le valued at $W. fhe poUee believe eoene peteoa rode the vbecj away and probebly - abendoaed tt and thaiit win feA tweevered, as kave several offteen wMgav ham been taken dutinej th* k^ »w weeka. On account of the Isteeese of the hour several tteme« wkieh were to be ditoussed thto e^eeiuAg had to be postponed. fAour^jiew anplieattoos meettog wlB be Anguet 11 ......1,. ,.,. Mrs. Ira Conch Woett, dent of the JnvenUe Petantton Hesne, has:'. been appointed by, Frsstien^ A -A. McCermlck of th* eeenty board a member ot the oonuxdstee to investi- gate the county's ftoaaee* Tea pur- pose of the rne,ulry to to discover mean* c< ccmpletin» law new county hospital..:-:;;': ^&mm^^MB -W "â- â- mm^^i0^m^mmWm' are A. C. Bartle^ JOavid B, Forgan. 'John - SmulsWt;;;ttebwr^i;lt:; S*o county/derk, ami C«mn*ieeloeere Mit- cheU, Morlartty, Andevaeo, Newak, and Board. Preeideat MoOormick is chaiTman of the eommittee, which holds-its toltlaj meeting next weak. : - The county bnar^s new hceplUl committee reported that t700,0«0, in adeltion to the t4.0^e>)g bond heue, would be needed to nniah the hospi- tal as a result of the failure of the in fof Rrtl Caajpany to Ftjf F« Pries for t4ura4Ave«ueYa^lafi[ IliafSfi' snesuvinttrs*^ lege board 'few at;S^'- e^tof>tedi.:. a? saft, ti^'leiaeetion ef^gxw and also o^siwstas of the mne veeation 'Of'"li>w^l; 'svstnie' unon i^nee^ ef |ll,i«0 by the pej^ to u^ vOleae, ee^aireiy ni ^'.e»^^'^^-e^^--:ejf^ • irote'.lsav Pfopoeition Is :he^ag..'eond^atod" week and the <iiii^ fttelnlr;-;j^t^' j0i^w^!:1li^m^^ " the prof Diofl ftiwfwsirfte ' v ' in eijrc^slar lelser:d*taA, July '.!!>-: signe4::'ey" toeinne^ bnsiil/hT pssiiiir Trlth Ttmiiff with '•Vas"',-asrf!;:;*%ew -'oeenatto. - wejsjee .,_.; :^w^,-/.i ...^e^seBeee^ .;•. egsw . .j.^egnMSBW^Wfww^wv matjsd lairt wetk tn tgtth tf tls* t eelved to'::la|Be; -Ana^e^'-ajy:" Wop .if" 'tbg|:: -:fje:'teentt: "" 0*0jiSs/;-....v. ipinie^^u's^tIb^ eeet se<rtice of the efty setatr« penJtL right to go ahead with $15,000 station at Linden avenue the sewpunce of the tilJOO fee i^iftTvtt^ "pejrtii^ nteny â- mewbentts:end laeisWfs iiC tlisjJ do not approve of any aotton would: grant. the eempany a rajht to Laurel AveoisE^'Tli ;aiemb^ Commercial ssseetotkm msAatatn that for the wslfare of the village the elevated thc^ld be required to ran Ito care to the center of tho vfllege- The way the-pulu^c sentiment to manifested by thai referwidum veto,' It Is thought wfll largely shape the decision of the village truateee in their regular session Tueaday evem- toa next Of cowse more ormtoey expected, no matter which way the referendum or post cart voto reentta, The viBage board was Bmited in ad- • dresilng the po»t eerds to the polling The average pereon baa an Idee that the only kind of n vacatlori to talk about .and- bra* abont to one that In- volves ' "cuttmg looaer^-tf one may be permitted to ue* th»ej«>reeslon--end go at it without reetraint........ Such' a vacation never Here, are a few donta which, If you wiO foUow, yo« wtU find' go far to- ward assuring yon a healthy end pleasarable ^taigi^ %* â- *â- . â- &;£&$£:, - Don't overexert jMirsAlffe^? - Dont overeeJt, e|a»|u> becaaee n tramp through the woods or a sail on a lake .has gtvnn, yntg-- an eatinor4ttary appetite.-v^t'::^S£i^^:'P.:'^\'J:^:yP ' " Don't rlunge into e«it water after a long wk* when ye« are net, dusty and tired." Better wait until you have cooled off and rested a bit. ' Don't exelte ycureeK tf. after cast- ing a line after base or trout the neh do not bito .The trouble probably ie not with the fteh, but may be with your bait or the cia^da^loie of .'-'tnd whter or some â- ofltor-rnasfc,!;WPi* p" Don't do anything thai hi a tax on your vitality. Better net go on a va; cation thaa to retwrn paysicaBy wearied end "tnca^re* out'* ' r>m^ forget that a matt can get eo sanbumed in one day that it may take bun a wee* tof«t over the bllstertag peia. Take '" different wey neaid new snrrntadtaca, ........hj>ppy en4 rejnvigor- list of the last election wherefore no recognltiott haa apparenUy been made of the reception of the women of the village' «nto the rank* of the voters. . .. -Wan. Outlined . to,,V^rtor.:;feSlr--::v=/ Here to the plan aa ouUiaed to the voter in the s*U expleiiattuy circular mailed with each beltot: '";';U^:#^ To the. .People of-Wllmettot: .S.ft3flSfl ;.' As a result of n«gotiatloo« ooveriag-= a long period between the vtBage board and the officers of the North- western Blevated Ratlroed company and the Chicago, .iwaakee A St Paul Bailway comPA^. en odHnance I has been drafted which, from the standpoint of the yfilsge board, they are wfittng to pese. If approved by a majority of thoee voUng as ottBnedt || below. Copiee of the propoeed ©r4§<;.» nance ntay be found at the ofdcAvef'g the superintendent of pubUe we**ej| at tne riltoge ball. It prqwwen tn; subetane* a* follows: "'-"-l The 'rillago vacatee a part rf l^«relri avenue, between Third..and fuurfh i etreet b and certain alleys la the block bounded by Linden, HlH, TWrd and Fourth streeie. That portion of !*•» rei avenue and the altoya vaoalaS are abutted or surrounded ny p»on» erty owned by the railroad companlea. The raiiroad cojn^anlee a^fjs^s*.-;... fottowsj "â- â- "1y:-:'::^ ',.. Vm& (a) To dedicate to the pobBe aa public aBeye the wort It feet ef k* 5 in block 19 to Lake Skore aeAWon* and the west 1« feet ef tot » to bJoeli aaay, study tea * to Hill A Latham's eabdi (b) T6 todemnlfy aanhut nil: -loos or lent of the vacation ore pin^ oil^pntet *BHIH*.:I V ^fc*>'WSffoiVa^S^R«5S sJ&sMuM^^ M^MkM^MW^^ii m&m