Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jul 1913, p. 7

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I'OakaVenue, _.â€" A. :H?^i; .,,„-, ., in Philadelphia,;*«.;; ..Mr. .Frank>OAi#n$$JL U^^^-^vj™™^ , visiting to:,Swv^.1^M0?m visiting I»;!l«^M,.CW'j;^;-^fiK« ?|£^^' A^4ii^i:^^dliri.*i«itUi« me, ta at: Gl^Arfcpri -JW*w,â„¢ ?,,-â- . ^-#, miss i)on'i$ii0il^M. '&'y$£M Mr. ^0«»e^,r.Boifetl^-wJiiW^^ reek-end at/«aglO ^1^:;:#«»^5|# Mrs. Charles T. Bartlett,;;$** Greett- eaf street, la tf8prU&j£k&li^.>: . Dr.W..l^-t6^-a^|ite^::«ri8|7. Lesley tnm^^i^m^^y^^ Mrs. Williain'Vltt:i^h^*:>;|ll» udson in B^l^l^er,, "Wis; Mr. and' ab*.;^Cbajrfies^'Blitok; are happy over'^^^^#;lbi^.*% Miss Natal^-j^^ ivenue, is home frp|nSag1na.Tr, Mich. Mr. Ed win hlcCpraf-baV;rit^e#-v$ Danville afteri*iaontii'fe s^fn^B^afM* ton. -as Mr. and ISre^$bl& W^WgJasw ^ Harrison 8t|^l||:.fcQ^9;^rc^fMeJ(l), Miss Dorothy Bailey, 730 lifcliigaa aye nue*; left,;4as.t tfeek for Eagle Laae, WIS. ' "â- ': ;V::!'T-^^^Vj:/"'^^; :•';}.;â-  M r. Monroe Whee?er» 639 Poreflt ave- nue, baa gonejto Michlg^ :fnr'»Vf*iv days. â- - l"-^ "';:!::i:i;iv'.:.'^- Miss Orax5e^3ClWcl^©Jirt",-";|rt65;MaIi street, has returned trom^«%»g^» Mich. • :^?sl5SM;;:mi?SS;: Mr. and Mrs. *C!;C^;Alino^"t«08; Ridge avenue, .am:j^::,^t}^$S^ Mich. » â- ^D^^^^'.i Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Henderson are exi»»cted back from the Wisconsin tvIs about Aug. 2.----^-â€"â€"â€"--,r^------- Mr. A.V. Dean, 1106 Church street, is home from a business trip to Cleve* h. .id, O. â-  _ -. "yS ^'^.r:-!'i' >-i':l â- â€¢ Mrs. F. D. CollinB, 645 Micnigan ave- nue, has gone to Youngstown, 0. Mr. Donald Mercer, 1014 Hinman avenue, returned Saturday from fiver- ett, MIch. _^â€"'ji'rl^rrL-,-- l,,..-^â€"^ Mr. Howard If. iPartW; 726 Ft»reat avenue, has returned from Denver, ijrt#fc>ln Rocfaiejer, SK^i^^:^'::^<-'-' »^it,spiWelJ»^l*|rt#^;;^4. Mrs. D. ^â- TRichardson are regifitered at the "'£§)0>, SaratoJasSprlngn, #•:*•:" •'â-  ^ :|«fe'and^'Slr^;|:red^ick.W; Reford i^ fainl^. 2Wt Park pla<^ epentthe weekend motoring through Indiana. street haa rettirned from a three ^efctfl visit on a^larni In Minnesota. ^M!^::?6ertr^^ 3W9 Colfax. :^ti^^ft':"-itoturd^1to two ^6eiw ; ftt the ; XelloWstohe National ;parkv:if. ' -v-XUy.- v " Wtts ^e^ne Bckberg, 1418 Ash- land avenue, la visiting relatives at Belvidere, 111. She will be gone two weeka;f ':â- )?:" ' , â-  ifev Heitfy Mitchell of Gary. Ind., was the week-end guest of his uncle, Mn|irthur Roberts, 2203 Central streeLi^dti ->::^i>:"":...... „ ^'ifcsrFraW L. Baker, 2226 Central street, returned Saturday from Crys- tal, 111., where she has been spending a month. v > Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stevens, 2103 Or- rington avenue, have as their guest Htheir daughter, Mrs. Samuel A. Dickie of Vittsburgh, pa. Mr. Frank Y. Norrls, 2407 Harrison street, returned Sunday from an ex- tended business trip In Dallas, Tex., and St. Louis, Mo. Miss" Margaret O'Connell, 1027 Davis street, has returned from Koshkonong, Wis., where -she has been spending &c & â-  Colo. _...... Mrs. Frank Spehcer, 1020 Sherman avenue, left Saturday for Grand Saplds. MicK>.'..«v.<; [â- -â- }';â-  ^-. - ' jpss "Julia Johnson, 2105 Harrison ttxiet, is tal^g a boat trip to-IK>rth• ^ Michigan, ^. ; â-  ./^V'^v ~: -â- 'â- :.'-^.'-' Miss Leota Collins, 645 Michigan »Y|nue, is home from ;a visit in jstow%;Q^^j^|^fv;;^^-'40.,} r' daughter wis born July:'2d to" Mr. aid Mrs. William P. Hanchett, 1820 H&sley avenue. â- fAtB. W/'^^^Greei,, ?3il j^ntrajf :jittreet, has^return^ froih B^Kbester, ctMiss Lilly Stahl oi Qulrtcy, 111, Is the guest Of Mrs, W. P. Stalil, 1032 Hinman avanue. ,v' '.*:" v • v â-  Mr. John Sweet of ;ttie Hamilton •partments spent the week-end at Eagle Lake, Wis church is spending two weeks in Mt ^Clemmons, Mich. " . | Mrs. Ralph Dennis, 2735 Hartzeil street, is visiting her parents in Waupeton, N. D. j Miss Theodore Chaffee, 2501 Han* son street, t hasâ€"gone to Kantucket. Mass. ""â- â- â- â- '^.':t-' / .,.'-â-  "".,",â- !*"â- '"". Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James- C. tounglove, 739 Porest avenue, a son, Tuesday, July 22. Mr. and Mrs. J. Llchty of Toledo, ^a^ and family are afr Pennellwood, Ber- rien Springs, Mich 822 Hinman avenue, were at Green Bay, wis., last week, -' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leslie have re- turned on the steamship "^ndohia" irom a trip to Europe. ,. ? Miss Vera Larson, ftttW Ashland av*- Jane, is the guest of her grand- mother in ;Blecl^_,iawSj|;/|s|p j:\)^z Misg Elisabeth Smitn, Jiir Forest Mr/Spencer's . Ivenue, left Thursday fo»> PUtaburgh, spencer. ^s.. to be gotie a month. :; : ::^Mfaav: Miss Susaii Browne, 211S Sherman Mich., ie DoolitUe of Mlnne- Hits ' J;;|ira,:H. D. Baker, i82S"'Jttulbf 1j^ liue, left Friday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Young, in Champaign, Misa Gwyneth Fulcher, 725 FoatCT street, will go Saturday to attend the Missionary Educational Movement in Lake^neva^;d«leiatev_...._.-^|li ""}b^t.^iMiUtnm^..sPiA daughter, Harrlette, 2ie» Colfax street, >» spending a month's vacation in differ* ent points of northern Michigan. Spring .. pa^::;^:^i^!h^^ wood avenue, and grandson, Augustua Abbott, left Monday tor Urbana and Champaign, 111^ to be gone one^week. -â- :-:^^:.^J1&M Mttchall miti two children and Miss WUhelmina Mich. %â- >;:;";':M. 'â- $$? }'â- /, \^i\il^ .-eego^^^.^0^e#riv^ Char^,Bv'lo»i^^:|l«f;Par^ .the,',ipjMt,;;.^^|(lS^-:;! ^turned, ';b»me Sunday. "â- 'â- ': ':'^\:':^i ,.â-  â-  : -;'"';'.v'::.; , . two w**^ Tiatt i. D^ver, «Au«hteT.MisaH*i^i*dson.rran*. 7^:fMieljla^'l^^^ ^•â- !;v^c^jrii^:,|ftiaiR%.". ,MicMi«#iave»M#iiWv .IM»HK«» •wOl^Sp^*^^!*^'^**!^', â- !»• AltrM Crvarbegb, ©* htt marm, wttl mi$*$*m^ i^Wiww^jgs^ attend Brown 'Ijlilfaltf| ;:^ti^i^^^"; *â- â- â- : hw twenty little: glrU and ai Bwtng Mia* Loni^, *ni»J« ,^U^^:â- ^^pU^pPl^^sw^;<,^V'^^l^^^^, of ths nwat baautthtf tea. It was the as* ,., Bus* *nag. Bnwn p^wi^^» t,i7t,> â€":, tor the milt mm m •*• W; ** riMt« !â-  their wmtmwiiiy to-'tm. mnm m*mm* mm****** Mi mi A * illiii.. ,-t^;gy â- III gwltH frt IN-Jtto»<»Mtt.Igfe l^"^#J!lltâ- â- iti••:|Wi'^^^»^, town, wUft |te^iiiW^^W^;-«fi HWt KIM. tr** Mi »»«bbary. was etttq af wHi gwimt m*'mm ot«»: •ajoywd '; ij'ii,; ^tfc"-'B_miirittM -'Mr' 'jjiiMSP' >^.jl|liilriSWiliPPrr jpi'.-'.nsf, ::,l(n^r" . Ji|l3!lUjrUJ """"""""" several days. Mr» .1 C Williams and daughters Gladys and Helen, 2205 Lincoln street, are spending the summer at Elkhart Lake, Wis. Mr. F. B. Norris, 2407 Harrison street, returned Tuesday from an extended business trip in Dallas, Tex,, and St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. John W. Branch and three chil- dren, 2101 Harrison street, returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit in Hampton, Iowa. •â- â- ;. Mr. and Mrs; John W. Douglass and tfire* children, 2404 Harrison street, returned^^ Thursday from a two weeks' T^it:ln;Fll|eid^WlB. 'â- *:â- "â- ';:. '--'"i Mr. and Mrti. F. C. Lake of Main street announce the engagement °' their daughter, Annette IsabMf? to Walter CJ- Bckhardt of Oak Parki Mr. and Mrs. Jowett Brearley, 1607 _____„_, „.„....... ., Emersoh street, left Saturday even- The Bev. FatherTifealrstBt. Maryl Ing fdr^YeWwserts^Nntlonafpark and other places of interest in the west. Miss Freda Davidson of Gilliam, Mo., arrived Sunday to visit Miss Irene L. Powell, 824 Hinman avenue. Later they will go to Kllbourn, Wis. ^Thg Missea Florencei_andgelen Moorevl800 Ma^streeTrwiil return this vreek from an extended visit M Canada and a number of the eastern 'cities.- .V'•*';",}.„â- -: i'X'?c^-:-•'<â-  y' Announcement Is made of tine en- Mr. and Mrs. J. Llchty of Toledo, *a* ^ *simm hmw nolienbeck of Mr. aMTdlraT-wniiim MacGregor^^on-ot Mis. N. H. Bates. Mt Hinman- â€" avenue Prof. William H. Burger, 618 Clark Mr and Mrs. B01 $. Stern and famUy, atreet, haa returned from Antioch, HI where he has spent six weeks conduct- ing a sutamer course In surveying for the engineering students of the uni- verslty.'.'"?!;. ' .'". •«""â-  iv :["' Mr. and Mra. F, L. Spencer and daughter, Catherine, 1022 Sherman avenue, left Saturday *<* <ta»» Rapids, Mich., where they, will visit father, Dr. Balph'H. Frances who has Wood ~«* Detroit bfitt ^VfaWng her enne, has gone on a trip to various «ie<^Mriu H. B. Wheelock, 1040 Min* ints in Kanaasi and Missouri. . „, t. Terry ABen oil" Jackson, TehtL, fw the meat ot Mr. Winiam C. Le- ^•fe, SOODaTisatreet, last week, ,â-  Mr. Falgar Law, !3aj Chicago aTonue, returned from a ireek'a ernise on the take, Saturday. Monday he left on ;i:|n automobno trip te:<to«ne,'Hts^ y The ea»«wa»nt has been an- aounced ef Misa Mabel Chamberlala, ^;jteaerly^atai»4^:W-|)r.: George : 8eeiey Gilpin *f Kansas City. Mo. The »arrla«* win tafcs place In the fail in ©St Joaeph, Ji^K^;-:*^^'J--" f?& y*««r vacation in fl»» central part « i^Nfe"ipi urn***** l^p E^anaton abont the saiddie of A* - «^ *aa>r«l^ ax^aaddwied on he- . ^*^aih^Mt^ra«id«««e.Mtfte^,Pa. ** Wt« CanBeM b» at Martyr, Ia^ man avenue, left Monday for Mua- kegon, Mich., to spen*.'fhe remainder of the? aumnier. Mrs. S. «. Hnrlbttt, 1464 Aabury i&axaa, w*o has been conducting an jadency Btudy cla« ^ ^ First Co* •regatlonal church every Wednesday morning. leavea August l^for Bstea Park, Colo« vrneieshe^m ^»d^ * Btoilar class. 'jf^^1 ^W~fA I This afternoon the »embe» of the Home Missionary soctety of tb* First Congregational churdi, of whicb M^ j. ii CoUlns I* dialrmaav iritt «* jor»nlej^a^lsavli^ will «eei «tr«g; Wlwa«fcae «tectrte Pltlm Loelao H.«oss has had at her g^eata at faJ&^V^^f WV DeBft^ "Gainmav s«p»rBf ^W** flalva, J»4^I^»P^^^ M ^»«^^iB^Mineriinn, ^w«^. W ^ailette Lavety; ^#*m*P:*&: Im "•**!« m \M *m** pljllEi1 .liife" W..W.W-«&SKSS WA8H BOILERS â€"Boch- ester No. 8, stationary handles, heayy^ charcoals _tin,â€"copper bottom,, one piece cover. 8pecla4.»1.48 WASH BOILER "with â- JMb. Tin, with heavy copper bottom, drop bandies. Spe- cial..................69o V. ASH TUB-No. 2, me- dium size, galvanized heavy Iron tub, drop han- dles. Special .....*;.48o WATER POWER WASH- I NO MACHINE â€"We year guarantee, piston mo- tor^ cedar tubiS *|ieelai, itwt^if^^^ CLOTHEB LlNfe'-RiiLâ€" â-  Keep vonr clothes line nto«®r^BBrS^77i^ili. 12c VACUUM WASHBR^ A wonder; washes by mad- tion the finest fabrics: â€"for .^.........o..,."..7ta CURtMNBTRlfOHER Cjjl'S^' nickelplated brass plus, warranted not^te- rusti 59c? with anj«uft*fi: ble pins, »l;65 value..«8c HANCT POWER WASH MACHINEâ€"Imperial, ro- tary motion, extra large tub, warranted ther best for the money -.>•jas.75 SLEEVE/BOARB-^ Wood, padded top.^ BkiR^^iRONtWb BOARD8~in alt â- . >.wsea| .4^,,ft. ."lcn«,;,;>^,^^^<lSi LAUNDRY -W;A^:*- 0m. ironing. .Special, each..W PAILâ€"10 at else, heavy •gaivanlie^^Jco^^SBfeis^., :*b»S' ;aala^p||^f^«1i0!i CWTHfl * â€"Aluminum. Special, z \ ; Large s WASH BENCHB8â€" of hardwood, very ELECTRIC SAB IRONâ€" Royal Rochester, 10 yeni" guarantee, 10 daya^_fre> :trial.r-. 8pecl8l. .> .^0$M^ made; $L00 valued clothes ":piHs:^:Hari£ ^:woodf i00:fori^;**^,wA#*:; CLOTHES L1NE-J long, ftne Jute line; idle; .iRONS^Mra."-: pdtts^ polished irons with and. always cool Set oompleta 89o â- ENCHJWRINGIRâ€"Fold- ing. «*>»»kyear guaran- '-.â- â- :r:..::imm:Mm- ^w*Sl|^B:b^*biSziniii? s'tse, at i*tf iiM. CLOTHES -ii.^SK*TVi*5 ?ScJoai#lflne «?elja>v|spttn|^ s-CM^H»»y:iASKirf^Ihi.i ported willow^ wlthlli^vy braid«d edge, family alsev; ;â- â-  S|feeia%^,yE*'i vSi^SivTS*: ;;«LotwB^io^Riwsiilrii: ri«ne^J,et^lB»aii^^ " ^:inpta^Ai|lbJB||^" ilfhreefi^Biwr*' dy to fold, large surface. 8p««iat.. JRONll^WB^I-^.^ log, adluatable. good iatat^;^;1^;-ille.|ll^ Boys' Hoi Weather Union Suits, sfcalij sleeves, knee length ^PSBts, sizes ? 10|# 4 to 12 years. Last <3all Price.., i * *|j| Women's Vests, low nect% sleeveI«Sj regular and extra sissea. Last Call Price .. 1 lot ot WomenLr^^ in light and dark print. Last Call Price > .. I lot of GnUdreo'B kimonos. Aprons anlt Bloomers, made of light and dark f A** nriiit. Last Call Price.*,.: .^; *V^ m&tcmM PRICES! Women's Tub Brflssesi inadeiof otainty lawns, percales and ginghams m light and dark patterns, sizes M to dj | AA 44. Last Call ^lig^W, WomenV White iressWas^ made of best quality gopKn; button side^ effect, pearl button trimmed, ^i jR£V all sizes. Last Call Price.;a^«*VC^ IpilcjaifeW^ lmdniiaT*^M|f front, pearl bu^n Jwit^ muslin, button front and slip over style, lace and embroider triinmed^^ :*g^^tiai£3£L W^sell groceries an*meateSttiy^|or'Pm^^l^S^Mhi^ «*M»1M#; â-¼V* ••»â-  *r . . ±i.â€" 1r^ff c<>a>t of lWtng by buying ihwirteoda.e»cluaW*tw f>««% «sv in Â¥'.;*'•â- '? ' CEREALS. "Savoy" Rolled Oatsy large round cartons/ per pfcg..-ir.,-..ii..v..10» Ruffed Rice, per P*«--W/a0 Cream of Wheat, P*g.12'/2c Dr. Rrlosca Alaraln, „ . per pkg;........-125^0. Kef loop's Corn Flakea,^, per pkg..^.iyf.':---fj^o puffad Wheat, per pkg. .»/a© Triscurt, per pkg.- â- . • -lOfac Kellogg>a Wheat WacolL per pkg.......".-.....Wie Inetant iPeatuaii 30c can.Mo Inatant Poatum, 60c can.48o Postum Cereal, w large pkg.....â€" ":£; Wmedlnntpkgiv.^^s4^4a Grape Nute, per P^-Ws8 Cream of Barity, pkg.Wsc Shredded Wheat, pkg lOVa© Dr. Price's Rolled Oata, . 25c pkg......;....;.-;â- -'M«. Toasted Rye Flakea, ^5^1^.....,,....^ PEMONSTSATION. 1 NMnsh Deaaerivan Sa-l , vbra^ 3 pkga for: .»e| Swiff a Rorax Soap, *.. 10 bars fox*......-t£Z2 100 bar box.........fS.78 MASON JARS, RUBBERS; .,â-  ITCc . --a"-? Ball Mason Jira, ^" - pints, per dos-....... • J«o quarts, per dos........4So % gaL Jars, per dos^E/e Jar Rings, red or white, best Quality. > dos...«o JELLIES, PRESERVES, 'â- â- â- â- .'â-  ETC. Manhattan Jellies, ^ â-  all flavors, per glass.. 10b Caaino Jelliea, ... all flavors, per glass.. 10c Pure Fruit Preservee, all flavors, per bottle..>.*•*.. New Strawberry and Raap- berry Preserves, Jar. .26c OUR WEEKLY MONEY SAVERS. H. A E. Granulated Sufla/, 10 lbs. tor"..â- .;•â- â€¢ ••••••*• With any #1 grocery or- der, Flour, Soap and But- . tor not Included. /, W. AY «V annulate* Sugar, in original 85 lb. bags, ^, per bag...........• .SlJ») Oold Medal CsrsaOta and 'â- â- -â- â-  Napoloair, :';. â-  iWmt W* /.iaekav.^;.;, -S1^9 at Economy Prult Jara> cut prices, y- plnts, per dos....^Sa quarts, per dot... .99* % gat per dos.. .SL1» £:-Soap»-^by the Bar as*.-*,-..- - ' by the.Beat-;»;~-^ •wfffs PrMe, 10 harf.^as* 100 bar bca:.....^>.^iMS • Oertnan MdttMd, %; .;^g: .jr... 10 bars for.>v^.*««jWa - .• «0 bar box ••«.....,..».Stp*.-:. Swifts Large WmOtZy' 'J. $t$- bars for.^;vi.v.^»Se 100 bar iMW.i*•>i*i'-iBAB*^ twlfrV Wept Sea^smafljO? ^;s; bare^iw^^>y>..>.is»-. ^W0 bar box^^^JBJS,; BwKfs Naptha,:ift^!'- -s^ -10 bare fpri?j*s^**? ::-.;ws bar bweir^^^- :â- â-  Wool Soap Chlpa^» .. "-• ;'"iSa pkg. â-  • • • • •!%-.i^**iB>' Crsaai Laundry, is bats SBe COFFEES AND TWAST Santae Coffee, per lb., .«• 4 lbs. for..........v.m Our Regular: Sle Santea _* Coffee, 4 lbs. for... .StJ» Sheridan CoSee, L. ^ .' 8 tbi. for.........^St'OO Salsda Tea, any kmav *. % lb. pkg..........*•»•* Lipton'a Red Label Teav^ % lb. tin...........'»«ss» Fsncy Ceylon A India Tea, floe for feed tea, lb. /gs : % lb. pkg.....:.-...»a â€" â- <- ,;OLlVS*-^lHCKLES^?, Caroeo RiisnOHvea, ' ,#*& 25o cans...........*.wo Pialn Ollvee, per hot -i Sa Gtmr Olives, :l.j; quart Mason Jara.^^Bie Lvnoheon Brand .StMffed Olrvs*, tall glass Jars 3S* Stuffed OlhMe, ;, _ : smell bottlea.....>'..»,♦*».' sHefctaa, Sweet, SweetTMte ed, Chow Chow, Sweet Wit Onions, etev -â- -:|^lik -> aouare Mason ^tf».|^ ^^^.botttt:,., • • • -i;*^ td« Swaef Mbied RKMes, fgir* bottle. .r*... .^4.ass Good Meats at Low Prices MEATâ€"Native Pot Roast Bee*, best; ouality, lb. Native Shoajder Steak, ««^»^!.jL.I.. -BMTWrloWWeaXteB^ anff JulcT. Tb...... Best Shoulder Veal Roait, n»-........ Choice Veal Stew, lb.....--.......... Beat Veal Kidney Roast, lb.......... Best Leg of Veal Roast lb........... Best Lard, 3 lbs. for........ • • • • • -•• • • Snow Drtft Shortening. 3lb. pall tor.. Very Beat Grade Ramp Corned Beef, id Te Olde Tyme Codfish, beet icrade. 1 lb. wooden boa, for...-...--.••• __. Best Quality Hams, A No. 1 Srade, mltd enred, lO^to Best Grade Bacon, m'lid cared, by the piece, lb....2B« • SATUROAY SPECIAL. Prime Hib Roast Beef, best qusditf, rolled or standing, lb.............................we l3'/te ...1«o • "•V#ettC~ ...1eyac ...«'/ao .....20c _____22c ....i43o .....360 ......17c •20c .17* ....200 ....S2o 1M3 Spring Leg of Lamb. 6 to 9 lb. average, lb 1013 Spring Htndquarter Lwnb. lb............. - Sweet Mealed Beef Tongue, ».-....-.......- -^#^^ !i< , Fancy Sndolder Lamb Chops* IB. •............ Choice Lamb Stew, »......•••••••••»••••••.•• Fresh Ground Hamburger Stenbvlb........... Cottolene, 4lb paB for..................•.-«•• THimSOAY FORR TO S P. *. Ho Pbone or Mail Orders Fl^ad on These H*ina._ ___, Rib Veal Chopa. lb ....................^wWe Native Flank Steaks, lb ...V.'tra ,....10c ....•So ; B^T^jR^^HRESai-R^er- Hoiland Creamery and Wayne A low Batter, '*; n>,.:v. t?i. *v.»'.. JKfmi Faney WhHe AmeHaan Cheeee, ppr lb...... .*fe Cream BHok Cheese, per lb................23o by tne wbolo brick. .1»o . :M?m^9Atft--. ajis ;^'v|^^VataBTASLR|p: Fiwali Beetay 8 buncbee. .9o Freeh Carrota, 8 bunenea lo Of%en Onloaa, large bunohee.........«c . Radishae, t bunehes.....5c Celery, 3 atafka for......»c Cueumbera, 1 for........9e Ripe Teaaa Praestens Peeonea, per basket.. 19» Califomi* BarUett Pairs, per basket...........2lo Fait River Canned Cora, V9TT fine «^R3^:>vv^r_^ - â€"rg-pans for..... .â- vWi**<i1.1o|all Only 3 cans to a customer.^ . , n - r ,ii xp SPECIALS FOR SATUR- - DAY, AUS. SNS,; \'fi% : • â- â- >?!&? - -Holland Creamery or- -~ -^ Wayne' A Lew/ Butter, per lb,......«,...,...tS% ; Strictly .. Freeh Eggs, y^;; , per- dos...........V..lie None delivered at this price; 2Sc Jare Genuine Dundee Marmalade, per Jar.. 1*e Crepe Toilet Paperi , '; $ Se rolls for.........i«a 3 10c rolls for..^*^l*8 Rose'a Lime Juice,: .rtfir"*" urge bottle....v*^. «*o ltVeako,"' pare juice «f i ee ear Trswiendoue Dlaplay in FruHs and Vafetabtee for Safer. day. Weil worth ee. (no; a long distance to ese. SPECIALS FOR THURSO OAY, JULY 3#TN> No Phaaw> er Mall Ordera yA*mm&m/p0RL;:&, „ â- ;•' J. I0e eana for". *.;;,... 13c Only S cana to a. custoaer. Nashdtah Brand. Psaa, v Ton know : Um - regular :iâ- : =pjrteev-'-1 cans for.â€"l»e Oily 3 eans to a customer. "Eaaefa Ciieeeiaae, I IS lb. eake......... td^e -: Only 1 Pa to a eastoaaer- ^: Keex Qelotleje Natlf* Bank Steaks, »«»-i?vvi--,"*^i^?'ai*,»ll^^R'^BS>!T..----.....-_____ Best Mineed Ham or New gaginnd Ham SUced. lb..17c |^^^^m. to'a^mataaief.m. .»....». «^ii BAKERY SPECIALS FOR SATUROAY. ^ CoffM Cakes, ail ktoda, each ••••i.».*..»••♦»l2a Fresh Baked Ms SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. AUGUST 4TH, >^ S(V Bottle of L. F. C. /^ Olhre OiL.....,.....»fe/ rb. boa Silver Siaea Btarew ;»...«#»»••»*.i».e^ai » lb. box Crystal Domlne : segjar .»•...# .^. * * *., *_*^aw.i, "AjflaiejBjr^s-wtSpB JSslsai.,K?';.^v; S SSe bottle.........,..•«•

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