Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Aug 1913, p. 2

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IJUCE SHORE . <eloaa, thirty-tow vettag in #or * Uuipssssfti of the ordinance and twen- tpelx against It R Cronholm and A. Nelson were the only cltiaens who appeared In the trustees' meeting and voted their pro- test against the passage of the ordi- nance. In addition to the extra business, the annual appropriation Mil to levy a tax totalling $28,600 for expenses of the 'village from April, 1913. to April. 1SW, waa paaaed. 'BUTTONS' INJURED IN RUN TO MORNING FIRE favorite of School Children on Fire Department Falls While Running.* i What People An DeiBg *......iBWilBith"*^ 1M« TAKES VALUABLE FOB OWINC TO FRIENDSHIP £-ii»ii^:iHi«waa, an employe at the Greenwood Inn. Hinman avenue and Greenwood boulevard, Is minus ,,-a watchfob, made of Armenian coins valued at $18.50. all because he was on too friendly terms with Edward pl«vaus, formerly employed as cook la ' hostelry. Evans was discharged1 ^Friday morning because be had . enjoyed a "celebration' on Thursday and was unfit for duty the next morn- ^/Ing. A few hours after he left the liUnotet discovery was made by Her- man that the discharged cook had ap- 'III proprlated his watch fob. «! The police were notified and Sergt. It ArtbuT Johnston made an Investiga- tion. He was unable to locate Bvans Iff to Bvanston and the detective bureau *^Wt the Chicago police department were notified. Herman and Evans occupied ^|4fce same room In the hotel and, be> Cleanse of this friendliness, helped himself to the watch fob when thinks. Albert Dietz and family are at Drue Lake, Wis., for a month- Mrs. C. W. Northup Is enjoying a few weeks at Charlevoix, Mich. Miller Fargo is spending three weeks in a trip through the eastern states. Mrs. O. B. Pouts, 530 Greenleaf avenue, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, Is convalescent Carlton Kaumeyer, 601 Linden ave- nue, is in Wawaeee, Ind., for a few Mrs. John Millen and children, 1VIS Greenleaf avenue, are at home after a visit near Kenosha, Wis Miss Gretcben Edgar. 1821 Central avenue, is spending a few weeks In Lake Placid, N. Y. Miss Olive Skelton, 911 Lake ave- rrae, is in Delavan the guest of Mils Marion Perkins for a week. Mrs. George S. Fox has returned home from an extensive trip In the New England states. Mr. Newell Mowat left Saturday for St. Paul, where be expects to remain several weeks the guest of relatives. Mrs. E. H. Yonkers, 911 Sheridan Hundreds of Evanston children will regret to learn that "Buttons." the favorite old fire horse, that made such * bit in the home-talent play. "A Still Alarm," given for the benefit of the firemen last December, was Injured „,„. _.....--------- ---------------- Tuesday morning, when he stumbled ntf, returned Saturday from a thres and fell In a run to a fire on Asbury weeks' trip in the east avenue. "Buttons" is one of a team that does service on the steamer from the No. 3 engine house. While traveling north in Railroad avenue, near the Leon place subway, be fell, and when the pole chain snapped, the heavy equipment ran upon him. Pinned be- neath the engine, it was necessary for the firemen to raise It up to free the snlmaL Although no bones were broken, "Buttons" suffered many bruises and was badly wrenched. He probably will be out of service for several weeks. "Buttons" has been In the fire de- partment service about twelve years, nadlaoneof thefew remaining steeds that has done faithful work for Bv- anston, Because of his lovable dlsposl- ttnnthnjanimal^^ the heartTofnmany^Trflhe little fof~ and during the week that the benefit play was given at the Evanston thea- ter, scores went to the Grove street engine house to feed him sugar. Edwin L. Stafford and slater Mar- garet are visiting In Michigan City, Ind. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central' avenue, is expected home tomorrow from White Lake, Mich. Miss Rita Field, 918 Central avenue, will leave this week for Hamilton, On- tario, for a month's stay. 8. S. Crlppen and son, Stewart, art expected home from Toronto, Canada, tomorrow after a month's stay. Miss Jeanette Tuthill, 126 Fifth street, was the guest of friends In Chicago last week for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. [Francis Irving] F. I. Jacobs, 524 West avenue, have returned from an auto mobile tour through the state of Iowa. ^Ajmyr^lhurtleiajiAfamily^i^rnme* ^Wunvett^Thursday from Michigan, where they have been on account of Mr. Bhurtleff'B health Mrs. W. C. Shurtleft and daughter Bernice left Tuesday for Waterloo, Iowa, where they will visit relatives for a few weeks. Rev. and Mrs. €. M. Wilson are en Joying a trip in Michigan. They will also visit in Omaha before returning to Wllmette. ,^. Mr. and Mrs. HT V. Donaldson and children, 1126 Forest avenue, left Monday for Portage Point, Wis where they will remain for a month, Herbert Collyer* left Tuesday for Brown Lake, Wis., where be will spend a couple of weeks visiting friends. Mesdames William and O. W. Stephens, 418 Hill street; departed Saturday for Helena, Montana, for a six weeks' stay. Mrs. Van Raessler Livingston, of Toronto, Canada, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Bellamy, 1060 Lin- den avenue Mr. and Mrs. Rushton L. Fordyce. 1600 Ashland avenue, are again at home after a few weeks passed at, Wis. ";: Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Robinson, 680 Central avenue, have returned after an extensive trip In an automobile Evans through Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Walker and fltz market, id insurance. iatlon, real 1147 Store, cigars, gUnnger A S; cfffe, building avenue, lb Edmund Ieats^l52 Cent C^fT Brethold, W4ft Railroad Shore Real «JteJI terminal. r. ^» mvJfLjPrlee, vacanmleaner, GrWenLstf avenue. FZjl tafnilng's pharnfaftrjQrags, cigars, cfjfay.Mtc, wilmelie V»d Railroad Imette Fruit &fj£J£andy le candy, Re (bream, WUmettijfrefSe. Rae, arcYteoCnnd builder, wl Gngenleat avenue. ^ JJaak Smith, fafe£ groceries. 607 Wesyfcailroad aveqfe/^ •J8* Welsh, shoes,JiaJAand furnish fSsj^RS Wflmet1 I aplmette Stu yffS^entral av< ~, Kurs, Linden I^J^Nilles. ifis^fMmette Ustlpley & Crool rstors^pbones Kfort Bros., pi ;, 1158 Central he packed up his belongings. Herman children, 13ir Elm wood avenue, left DRUNK, HE THROWS HIS MONEY AWAY IN ALLEY ;ia r$$i^^ Wave Been /lift'topl'Busy Caring for â-  »|^^:.lfeoze';FJghtei,8. '. â- ^'11%; timely, appearance of Police- men Wlndelborn and Schelsky, who are making daily rounds in Bvanston with the dog wagon, saved Wo. Koep- ler, a gardener from Wllmette, the leas'of 880.T7 Friday afternoon. Koep. ler, in a drunken condition, was found by the officers in the aBey of Chicago avenu% Just south of Rlnn street Be wan scattering his money about m the alley. The police loaded him on the dog wagon and took him to the station, where he was locked in * oeU for the night. In the police - - court Saturday Koeplejr was Sued ; &'**&â-  m#M.' .,;:^-^v;\',::tt;-.^.>;. ./' A drunken inan axia woman were picked up by the police Friday at r the drainage canal Just north, of Central street. Thty gave the names """'M #ftritnflfr Smith and 'men VaaOe. Potleo Magistrate Borer fined each 8 and easv u the police eovt Sat- d« aam^fna; Ba«t« wttheot fends, they were acstt to th» Bridewell law Friday for a six weeks' outing in the mountains of North Carolina. Mrs. W. D. Ketchum and son Ray- mond, who have been touring the eastern states and Canada for the last five months, returned to their home In1608 Columbus avenue. ________________________- . .. :,.; #j. tW. C T.U. PROTMto ACAINST LIQUOR MAN The National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, whose hes4ouar- ters are in this city, is nubfctng vigoiv ous protest against the appointoient of Charles J. Voplcka, the Chicago brewer, as envoy to the Balkan states. Telegrams to this effect have been sent to President Wilson and Secre- tary Bryan by Mrs. Lillian If. N. Ste- vens, president of the organisation, are also being sent by the state unions. T.J.nnCEMLDDIES FOLLOWING OPERATION Thomas J. Fltagerald, for nine years manager of the Charles W. Trigg* [ company sea food store in Evanston, died in St Joseph's hospital in Chica- go Monday morning at 5 o'clock, Xolr lowing an operation. He had been af- flicted for.several months and finally an operation was resorted to. The operation was not considered a serious one, but he failed to rally from the shock. Leading Merchants on the North Shore The following advertisers on the Home Builders' page, which appears once a month, are good firms to trade with, and invite your patronage: Wllmette. n coal, wood. 1301 Lake Win Welssenl bay, grain, _^___is Pharm ., StoreVJEBlm and L' lOlorgB B. W lerk^Rating, 548 m I, 4 Prout: Shore bfJcar Hostetter, am boarding stabli |SBn]^atf M. K. Mi W^emetka Drug ft pany. totography. and heat- market, and deco- 4348. WU- id decorat- Idlng mate- coal, Elm The Rexall .venue, 'sheet metal id avenue. ), everything felson Bros., ,1 plumber, (road ave- llvery West Oak uLaojAidisecom- Otto, Ian 917 Willow A Mai eyera, 608, ftt A Wyli concrete cons Annex.â€"Advt Iprsse. stoa/. GaMemSar. .rl^eJfil e 08|Blr% str le» dbnaMpctlon nsMJcOZlfiP company! RaUroad gas and lenerand engineers street com- Prouty CHURCH BULLETIN WILMETTE. Presbyterian Church. The pastor. Rev. J. M. Wilson, will speak Sunday morning on "Fellow* snip With the Father and the Sonâ€" the Personality of God." The fact of God's personality is one of the truisms of Scripture, bat is often obscured by false philosophy and the ignorance of men. It la one of the great truths which Christ taught end illustrated in His life on earth. The evening sermon will be on "The Law of Godâ€"Love Its Fulfillment" This concludes' the series on the Ten Commandments and the Gospel The pastor starts Monday on his vacation, making a aide trip to visit for a few days a sister in southern Illinois and a brother in Omaha. He and Mrs. Wilson plan to spend?the month of August In northern Michi- gan. His father will accompany them. Daring hie absence the regular serv ices of the church will be maintained as usual. Supplies are being ar- ranged for each Sunday. The music committee and the Men's League committee on the Sunday evening service are working out the plan of an evening chorus to assist in leading the singing. So far they are meeting with great success. Mrs George Gordon Hannah presides at the organ and gives every Sunday night at 7:80 o'clock organ selections to the great gratification of her au- ditors. Her services are very highly appreciated. The Sunday schoor Ts^hamtauuhg its record. The average attendance for the last quarter was 126; the en- rollment is 213. The offerings aver aged $7.09 per Sunday. The school meets at 9:45 a. m. Wllmette M. E. Cherch. During the absence of the pastor on a two weeks' vacation the pulpit will be occupied by good speakers. Next Sunday, morning at 10:45 Rev. Mr. Mountain *-M0 preach. Good music at both serricea At 5 p. m Putnam will preach. Sun- School ALLEN H. CARPENTER HBADMASTBB ' jc KNir. -tr ostxhv rttiNOis TaucraoMa wnarnm CM e Right Way to Recovery The right ^ray to recovery Is to take medicine of knows strength, purity and quality. Such medicine must be com- pounded in" a skillful and accurate way. |,Evparar in* mind thatjieLsiMteJb get medkhie o||)ff character is Ruilekirv Phuancy where fcarticnlar^Rention is paid tl the scientific com- pounding of all drags and chemicals. Our business is conducted entirely on a merit- orious basis that we may deserve your patronage. RENNECK All DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE T*ffrM 2911.31 Wf***,l«. at « p. __ o'clock, led neit Sunday eventog by the president, J, E. Dean. â- -.g^4 Baptist Church. :" ^- * It Is expected Her. J. F. Fraser. of Logansport, 1st. will conduct the regular church service at 11 a. m. Sunday, August 3rd. The bible school will meet at 8:46 a. m. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all. The devotional meeting, Wednesday evening, August 6, will he m the home of Mrs. C Stephens, 1224 Elm- wood. aLINCOC . Glencoe Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday service! as follows: Sunday school, 8:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church every Wednes* day night at 8 o'clock. WINN1TKA. Chrlat Church (Episcopal): Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. The church ia ou Sheridan road at Humboldt avenue. The pariah house, chapel and rectory are at Linden and Oak streets. Rector's telephone, 527. Rev. F. D. Budlong;, rector of St Mark's church, Boston, and father of Rev. F. G. Budlong, will be the spe- cial preacher at the eleven o'clock services Sunday, Aug. 3. Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J; J. W. F. Davies, residence 1004 Pine street telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 5 p. m. The communion serv- ice: First Sunday in January, March, May, July, September and November. First Scandinavian Church. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school is held at 10 a m., followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young People's society will meet Sun day at 5 p. m. Serricea in the church Wednesday at Ji p.jn. Outpttrrfejfi The garret seemed suddenly empty, as I closed and sealed a letter to you. T«U0MI WilmrtU.ln. D.W r> e 1269 WUmette Av. TrZ'stX' erbert D. Collyer Tnsuri roker Every tJMMptfon of Insurance effected 664 IniraKf Eubigi BtiMiif Waktsi 793 CWCA60 r»rSAlE-W4lJviEnt GEO. a. N, S S.0Mr»*Fa and Winter Made to Tour Measure vi Best Wj Sttimer Satin LialBg s Prom selection of beat material.. Ladles' Tailor, Importer and Habit Maker C. WOLFF Tin, %kt«t mttj furnace roof*. ESTIMATMTPUHN1SHED Lawn ssewers iharptmed and repaired, tolled for -â€"and delivered. :: :: Office, 113d astral Ave. *JB**,Sl*Par*Av«.(M0* WnsMtte pecialBargains J. B. Heckler WilmmeEm ,sp>V ..... â-  (fci-V i-ili- >,:'m 3 For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality ilace before the t, call 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phonaa Wllmette 41S4U. Wllmette Auto Delivery *£**«•#•» J^ ":WS§SM:$ raoirxSi OSseeAS ' B^. SS " StaM»SMi " "'lias f&f TalphW.Faupel TheVillage Electrician In conns Electrical has put in a MUfllne^^yColum- bla Grafonolar and Records. Ton are invtted to_come and hear them. e0» W. RAILROAD AVE. Phone 822 Wllmette Wi • Elijah 6. Harris NERVE 3MCIALIST and CI After twe nerrcms caM ratorn topracUc«,j AU nervous t" acbf^Nervtw I net Curvature. ___ Bestrf referâ€"<« frontfutum petiaiito. AppoiatnMiits by telepbone-WltwMt t*M. ISBSSSCS, 17S0 FetUl Ata, VtSiNS, MMh _ Bead- Nenzalste, Spt- i1S»T( Children's ALL HAH WUmette LJLU aSp Costractor.aiul Bj JOBBING PRICE.* MOI Rts. 1302 WIS** Ml. John T. Rosl t Qoodj 1126CafNTRAl.A^ Tekpbeae 232 WILMETT*V;j AIRf Rare MJIk and Cratan^ 1819 Elmwood Avenue^:: VSSSmSm BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, * AND MOST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHTS FOR SPACES. THE HOME.^RANG HEATERS, aWAjFER HEA' The HorttwWini 6» Li| 1611 Benson Avenue, Bvanston TELEPHONES 89-sV': RIGHT DOWN AWD ORDER CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER Try it and sec few Don't trsjt to SKte YM(»a have tab Wikfc clearjwi Wt does sot parify av Waaaesss sng â-  â- â- â- â-  â- esslisr nile . HINCKLEY & SCHMITT, Inc â-  raLBrnmnUm9m ^ m9A**mryAv9.

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