Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Aug 1913, p. 3

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â- & A. Br^:^r#*^:t***+ mo weeks' U^M^^-W^iMM to weess' tF^f,uiimt^^^m^^^iir-IM-T-^£^z^4^ '-"Mftdi" -^w*â-  th*T MM. INnr^ii^^liilii the *•**•* W-*S^,I&35&2&2! tub la ker boto*Frf*sy sftoraoon. Hrs. Taeniae KJUii snd 8MM*WI §re left '<*.,,QRfW«;P*'*^/,^^%.^'1^"* er7 nave tone to ^jftttiK^fPr for taw woiiVs â- * â- â- .â- "'.% • prank Darling;,wtoif^:Tli««**r Indiana, where he «u celled on .jneas. â- â-  ';c^'v-&f^:/;^^t.f^;-: The member* of the Episcopalguild in the home of Mrs. Sylvan New- WH, Wednesday sfternoon. ,- # -^ :â-  Mrs. Edith J^r |«d" imi» a»i»^ ter were guests .©^Mrs. IBt ;b> Witfte- feld la Raveiurwood lMt w««k. Mr. and Mrs. William Bggert of Cbt- Wo were, week-end â-  goo*** ot '**!& :J*' Bebrens In Bluff street,-\% v^f|!>p- Albert *C Billings of New ****Â¥& » guaat to the Andrew M^fL«»h jfyme for a few weeks. Mis* Clara Couch of flEtOam City was |i guest of Mr*. H. B^ren* to Bluff greet over Sunday. Mrs. Al Hamilton, Ifrho formerly re- Hd»d in ^^-miMM^M fiends last wtrtfc- 'y,|«sM- ,C|*^ Mrs. B. D. Fehd>whohas been ser- iously ill for esverslv;â„¢"**"** con- valescing. Mr. and Mrs. George t Sennurhave taken the Knox cottage In Greenwood »treet for the retostoder of the sum- iner. ' j_[ ___Annie JamlioS andTTCM Mary Booker, who la visiting nerei returned Monday from ENBerfleld, wkere they spent Sunday^ %/ Mr. and Mrs. Caiman Martin hare returned from a ten days' cruise on (be great lakes. They passed severs! days at Georgian Mra. H. Anderson of Philadelphia, 1Kb, and Mrs. Joe Plumber of _P*»m iSr^ltfnirMrr^»d Mrs. a. W. tttjftber in Downing avenue. . Ifrs, Joseph Schiller was given a •trprlse party in her home to Vernon trtsoe by friends from WUmette, Win- aetka and Glencoe, Wednesday night Br. Byron OrifTen, formerly ft well Hown physician here, died to Colo- -'iio last week. He had been to ill pitta for several years. I%ster Robert Muir left last week tree bathing beach /fwiMotmiin, where he wUl be the J Cook street Rv pert of his uncle, John Norse, for a fc* weeks. _' $trs. Helen Hlbbard of hi, and Mrs. Elisabeth L»ws sad (1 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Laws. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Luettig of Park sfsnue, left last week for New Tork, users they -will be guests at the wed- dmg of Mr. Laetttg*s sister this week, Central will remain tor^severs!greeks. Thei ;^.;IaW:yk^«to#r 'C*a^dto|-c|ttes before returaiaf. .. t ^ ............._.. edBAturday tor ^»o*«ato. Can., where they wttt fpetids*r^ w^ST ^ey wurvaiab -^p^^tym^'*^ fcefor*: retuift^s|llM"!Vi'"""'"'; â- â-  'MM^'^h*^0"*^ r«ln4^v.departed. Thursday for Vuicouver, B. C, where she will remito tor the next six weeks. Before returning to Glenooe la the fall «he will spend some time 1b the northweiterti states, Mrs. George It. Ajrnold and children have returned (rom GuU Lake, Mich., where they spent their vacation. They are now at home In the new parson- age v of the fit. BUsabeth's church, which Rev, Arnold had prepared in 'their absence..;,; Miss Sara Htmniond, librarian and teacher in the Olencoe public schools, departed. last week for Frankfort. Mich* where she will enjoy a month's rest. During fcar absence. Miss Pearc© wlU be ia cnarge of the public library. ^ ":' \ Tired out and brown as berries, the Glencoe boys wbo fcmve been in camp with the T. M. C, A. crowd at Corey, Mich* for the last three weeks re- turned home €*turday. The youths declare that tbey bad the Ume of their lives and were not anxious to return to their homes. Mrs. O. D. Stain suffered severe m* juries to a fall down the steps to the basement to her home in Park avenue and Greenwood street, Thursday, when she stumbled over a small dog 8b* was thrown toswily to Crete floor and sustained many bruises about the body and also a se- vere cut in the left foot when her foot was forced through a heavy glass in the door. PLAYS ON LAKE RAFT; INJURED VHEN PUSHED While playing on the raft at the at the foot ot p, Friday short- ly after the noon boor, John Harden, 14 years old, ot that city, was ___ --------------- ----- some othor boys end, talk native state they visited the foDow- structure, suffered a severe lag cities to the northers part of the l*t, ana ssrs. «»«»» #â€"»• *â€"- .dp WOund. He was taken to St state #n their homeward Journey: sioghter of Cincinnati are guests of- Vnacia hogpfui, where two stitehes Galena, Freeport, Rockford and Be* were required, to elose the wound. This is the flnt accident which has at the fcea£h<itfwaleh any- one^as been inlnred-^^The raft was slippery _________ ^•agerness to push Many nights they were forced to Archie MacLeiah is again at home the Harden boy from It, the other abandon their tent along the nmOr after an outing spent in Wisconsin, youths attacked him quickly and side sad seek shelter to some farmer's with a group of boys from Lake For- threw htm violently to the platform. Norman Edwards and Welling- ton Brothers Take Long Hike to Wisconsin and Minne- sota "Just for Fun." EARNED THEIR OWN WAY Foot sore and tired, but In the beat ot health, Norman Edwards, 17 years old, 736 Michigan avenue, and Well- ington Brothers, is years old, 921 Ridge avenue, are home from a 700- mile hike through Wisconsin, Minne- sota and Iowa. The youthful followers of Weston, the continental walker, were gone forty-five days on the trip. They worked out on a farm for two weeks near Prairie du Sao, Wis., to earn money to defray their expenses.. Deducting the time spent on the farm, only thirty-one days were required to make the hike, or an average of nearly twenty-three miles a day. In view ot the rainy and Inclement weather ex- perienced, this is considered good time. Left June It. Edwards and Brothers left Evans- ton June IS. A pony-rig outfit to haul their camp equipment was taken, and their two dogs. The boys trudged alongside the rig. Bach took 95 to buy food. The end of the first week landed the hikers in Madison. Wis. After enjoying the sights to the Wis- prairie du Sao. Here they secured employment for a week on a farm, which was gladly accepted, as their 910 fund was running low. â-² portion of their earnings was sent to their parents here and then they continued on their walk When the trip was started the youths thought they would walk to Minneapolis, but when they reached La Crosse they de- cided to head for the Mississippi river, cross Into Minnesota and then turn southward on the homeward trail. Went Into lews, Thar passed through LanalnaV Is,, and then, when Dubuque was reached, they crossed into Illinois. In their ere,'; not": molested to the least by amps or other kmghts of the road." Edwards was cook and Brothers1 acted^ as custodian of the cstniB;?^fe:; Violating a protolse insde ss' months ago to reirata from fast and feckless driving of his father's auto- mobile, Clarence Brown, 17 years old, ot Paul Brown, an attoraey of Glencoe, was arrested to Evanston tor toe third time within a year for speed- ing. He was ftoed 950 and costa. Added to tola heavy fine, upon a plea from an older brother, Paul Brown, Jr., Justice Boyer warned the youth that if he soon be brought before biro, a Jan sentence would also be im- posed. A/payment of 95 and the costs was made, and the balance of the fine suspended pending the good behavior of the offender. >:V.;" â- '.'•'â- '.-^ It Is said that the recklessness of Clarence Brown to driving his father's big: and powerful touring car has eaussd many north shore residents to dodge and narrowly to escape tojury on several occasions. A few months ago, when he was arrested for the second time within a- short Interval for speeding, a 910 fine was SMSsâ€"fl by Justfoe Boyer and the youth was placed on probation. Be was ordered to report once a. month to the Evans- ton magistrste and give an account of his conduct. For toe last three months he has failed to appear before Justice Boyer. >,â- .-;â- *;.. . The parents of the youth are m youth are H, Jr., Is rope and Paul Brown., Jr., Is aottog as guardian for his careless brother. The escapade last week when he was caught by Motorcycle Policeman Ler- 9WM9WM fp«|^pp|gj? summer cottage at iWbmtfm, Wav .i Mrs, James Wabvm' and,daughter. Heb»n*are at '^Or^'to^.mi^'.":-::y<. "70^^mi^^^^^<Mr^: *** guests Mr. and Mrs. F. T. WlUsr, Jr^ Of; ChJcagC. " /*:' • 'â- : V^"^--. '^^'..: ':':-:±.J:l± ,: st itty^^-mt--waHM0::.!mmim---- * Mr. aiHi airs. Frederick Stock, who have been stopping â-  si the Moraine, left Monday for Europe. ; v-"i? V: Mr. and Mrs. â- â-  Everett: Wrenn and Miss Eva Norton are soim from a cstoplag trip to PewefsT-ake, Wis. Mrs. WlUlam Morgan and "BiUie,- are home from Green Lake, Wi#JTomorrow theV ^wil^lswfcfclo* Marblehead. :Ma^;;;ff&|^|^i' '•â- 'Mis. Thomas '.stsaur 'el^lsTt.'JJ^ , throp. Oa^ U the guest of "Mr. and 'Mrp..; 'i^Cr JT^|lan^f|. Mrs. Samuel Levin left Monday for Marengo, la^, where she wttl V#-#i guest of Mr. and Mrs. WlUiam Eddy tor a week.^.;r-. Miss Margot Cushing and Mr. Thos. Troxel are guests st the sumemr cotp tags of Mr. lid Mrs. H. 8. Vai^ and Miss CecU Vail at Eparaim, Wis. Mrs. Orren Peabody had as her week-end guest Miss Else Miss Virginia Bosch. Mr. Nathaniel Donahue and Mr. James Sheeban/all of Chicago. , _i ....i vl^j. i ;\i; rm'j o;; Vkum ' â-  *,, _r jj>" r^i> â- ' "^^ '.â-  »ix7 -, 'i'^Tl ^^^^^^J J!-^1' J'j - ^'^l' ^^l^^ffel^O * ^^S^^": Mi alllnsmi hss asslaiisi the nitai aU to their lento-* strenuous hour's groands of Ills bsmj ss^h toiwHy litirtni for ito own tent. Only en estoient sys tm ssakee It pessiato to ssndto sseh large numbers w qulekb/, and yet so nail do*. After enjoying the sights to the Wis- urZ£t~Z£j^Zn»L was ooe,wt000" cewawing j^«. w«« the cor aonsto ewitar,^ tl«y ^stoed en~to ^^^l^b^S 2^52^^â„¢**r«^* unknewn to his snsrdian-brother. He wss notlfled and appeared to court He explained to Justice Boyer that as thought Clarence had left the ear st the garage for repairs. Instead,, he had secured toe machine and wss en- Joying a fast ride shout Evanston. Paul Brown urged Justice Boyer to impose a heavy fine and hold the Jail sentence over hte brother. Re ap- peared angry at MsTouthful ward sod wss well pleased with the penalty of a Jafl esntssss fir say future offense st speeding t LOSIS eURML C. A. Pearson, Ml Darrow avenue, Evanston. reported toe Bvssston police the theft of a small black poeketbook containing 9175, which vldere. Much rain was experienced to Minnesota and Wisconsin, according to stories told by the toys today. bam. The trip was barren of any unrocsaslssMOk Why do they print • EM'S en her wedding invitation to sue* s way that her own mother will hardtr recognise Itt bafhins; besel h a' i a; 1 wish to announce that onMonday, Aug. 11, I shall suaSPed>Bf%B P. Monahan In the eosJuct of the/>ptlc*i office located for usa^asVawlht sad one half ycirs al......sat Dav^treet, second ftoorJ ^l4^ I ahall enJsavor to mttotoln a high grade of service to the examination of eyee and the fitting of glasses, and 1 invite the pubtte to caU on me and Investigate my methods and facilities. Hours, 94, except Saturday. DR. GEO. B. TUTTLB, Optometrist 519 Dnvis Street, Second Floor. m SAWâ€"HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. 128 MOR,""" •^,*-------- ' ' "' Besutiful cotesial house, large ,s^nfflaAaslTl«yjt tre^a, good garden, all kinds of shrubs and flowers, (ratt tiees, Al bete-hslhes: flue stable or garege withllvug apsftments: chicken and tsWhoasp; s complete and epUndld cSmttyhMueV Open for tospectios. Suits 3Q, Besrd of Trsde. SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE <r C. LEDOEBWOOD, Bafldtag FASHIONABLff COTUMffS. SjiciAJL E^BWive Re W Omailv __ANNOUNCEMENT. jive Resdr-to-vresr Gowns Greatly Bedueed Prices. at 602 Keener Bldg, Wabssb * Madison, TeL Central 94W. Chicago^ v% . _ FREDERICK, SCALP SPECIALIST. I grow hair and or mo 6 W. Randolph wX, cor. State St (Phone Central 14H. ____ W 1 LAYTON BWBM OF W HAD! CULTURE. JTOI______________ ff/MMB. HUNTINOFORD W (Originator) ENGLISH HQTjOrL BJTSTBM. FnB line Expert Hs&l--^-- DDssettDOOUpaVe Auditorium BMflv Chicago. SgAQg INSTITUTI. Phone Harrison 9599. ICMBMASf "â- ' en tine Shower Light ___.__-â€",.- Hoars 10:00 s. mJb 7:0Tp. m. Daily. MISS MAE OLIVER. Prop^ Suite 90, 99 W. Adams St. Chicago. qORSETSHpe. TOUR NEXT CORSET a made-toorder st the BONE COB8BTJHOP, snd get t- ___^ - - . models. ^IJs^Tsin ajsntt a trained cersetftrre nTTOU; 10SO Republic Bldg. Hsrrlson 1401. EXPERT Lined! ^Wrinkles, Dlsooloratloss, Frecklesylcars (apeclalty). Motes re- moved, 91 end up. Wrinkles sad dts- colorations removed frojn one eye free. Vlbratonf m||saEC|prios Cell or write J. ELIZABETH 1DMPKINS. M. D, 9 W. Randolph St, cor. Stats. CbSeago Sixth Floor. Phone Central 9999. TRUNKBjf TRAVELING OUTFITS. manufacture your Trsnks eling Outflts to order, yonr own Ws also have ffcMLsajGlal trunks Is stock stred ty& BONKB TRUNK A OASB CO, Phone Franklin 9077. fd floor. 179 W. Madison St, Chicago. of Quails KING eJACHINgt. exerssive fa Chleago. iBtog orders for , . Vletor-an4 Cohmma auv chtoes snd fsesnfla, ^ Deliveries pasljdsjptfVhe Shera. Orders i 999-W and _-----LTONS, 99 W. ?^ke SV Caleage. 1U N. State St. Opp. am iSS'iw^sife yS^SSSKife . TeJeseyms

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