Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Aug 1913, p. 5

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Mr. JamaaO^fljanv a^B^g^. yeet, is in Bw^J^'.PI^f^'li^^ A son «ts born to. M*. and Mrs, C. I Lund, 1607 •'Ma#l*v*nue, W P« Bom, to Mr. aa4 Mrs. Robert H. krrlaon, 2*07 Har^^ atree^a^V rtdw, Aug. V .^C^'^^^l^'* Mr: C. C- ^W?Wa ti#y. 1016 itoreat avenue, baw^JMttiwA-ttfflnv ine Lake, Wis. 'I :*â-  ' â- ':, ?% '•. /â-  Mrs. «ttw«^4*-^Hfc«**W»- __ m avenue,'wtttfae* Friday from month's visit to Mlnneuota, Mr. and Wc± . JtttW* Hanaqn and « chUdren,; 2088 Harriwm street, eft Saturday fox Catlap Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Swartout returned tlpnday from MIlw»ttkee. Wis., where^ liey have spent title, paet week. Miss Caroline Jasper, 2126 Asbury tvenue, left Monday night for a two eeks* visit with relatives in Boywr, Mrs. A. G. Johnson and little daugh- Iter, Irene, of St. Paul. Minn., are vis- iting her sister. Mr.. C. C. Wallenlus, 1405 Sherman aventi*. Miss Prances Gregg of Los Angeles hu returned to her home after stop. ptog at the home of Mrs. W. P. Durno, 112 Judson avenue, on her return from a trip around the world; Miss Ruby Rapp, lfc* Grant street, was maid of honor at tne wedding of Miss Wllhelmina Dalrymple and" Mr. Gordon T. Seator, which took place last Thursday nlgbt'ln Chicago. . Mrs. H. H. C. Miller and daughter, Miss Alta Miller, 1707 Hinman ave- nue, are home from sua auto trip to Canada, as the guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holmes of Buffalo, N. T. Miss Grace Pyncaon, with her brother, Mr. Charles Pyncbon, have re- turned from a trip to Greenwich, Conn. Mr. Pynchon, spent a-iew days at Green Lake, Wis., after his return. Mrs. A. M. Morgan, »19 Monroe stjreet, spent the week-end in Beloit, lllHW, where~she visited her son, Mer- ritt From there she went to Clinton Junction to spend a week with her §hb> ter<; Mrs. Focer and Mlw Carrie Pocer, of Cape Mary City, N. J., arrived Ttarsday night to be the guest of Mr* Matthew J. MacAdams, 2227 Har- rlaon street, who is a daughter of Mrs. ilk lire. Edward S.v Carter and little •venue, to spending Tiai*ng:»;#i»n»*sa^ g/lir>. fijarryi io|i»^,:pl%trt^**1^ iiid, la Waiting his «o«»er, Mr*.'- M. Robinson, 2306 HartteU street Mrv Harold Grantham. 241B Hart- Cdl street, has .retmNftfroi* **"£'* vl*i*%flttlti|«e»nd«:M "Ity****** WIs- " 'â- ', Coi! Ck^J&M&'W&fr *rom Keokuk, la,. where>e lectured before I Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Q..;Noyea and' family, S|»7 i*ark place, have gone to ^ll^^pato,:!^ " . f -•"MisB Elisabeth Johnson, 2306 Col- fax street, will leave today to spend several weeks In Vermont as the guest of her sister. the Board ot Trade membera of that and her sister, Mrs. B. B. Machen, of ol^^iS'lliiSrâ€"'l$$t0'-M"->'f £ ' St Louts, Ma, are spending a few ^•"y'^S^gia^'i«ii1': Sheridan---------â- "- -- « «' â€" *â€" ' 'MmL.^ .. -,._,^ . ....._______.____ toad, ha* returned from Macatawa, Mich.; where she has been for two weeks../ .'r>* â- â€¢->.•â- '. '•Mr,* P. G. Laird, 2622 Ashland ave- nue, has gone to Brown's Lake, near Burlington, Wis., to be gone several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Fransen and three sons, 2026 Harrison street, left Saturday to spend two weeks at One- kaina, Mich. Miss Marie Shoemaker, 2400 Hart- zell street, is spending the summer in De* Moines, la., as the guest of Miss Grace Deets. Mr. Charles Murray and family, 2661 Stewart avenue, have returned from a motoring trip through Indiana and Michigan. Mr. Ernest Adams of Medford, Ore., is spending several days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams, 1127 Hinman avenue. Miss Theodora Chaffee, 2501 Harri- son street, has gone to spend several weeks with friends and relatives in Nantucket, Mass. Mrs. Samuel A. Dickie of Pitts- burgh, Pa., is the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stevens, 2103 Orrlngton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward EUert, re- cently of 2404 Hartzell street, are re- ceiving congratulations over the ar- rival of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. GeTould Swarthout have returned from their wedding trip at Onekama, Mich., and are now residing in Chicago. Mies Mary Porter of Bl Dorado, Kan., who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Louis Allen, 2223 Colfax street, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gould and family, 826 Forest avenue, will leave next Saturday for Star Lake, Wis., to be gone until September. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Cowap, 822 Hinman avenue, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Cowap's sister, Mrs. d^er ha**^xata^jU*>^ Jamafc^agwla .< Jfrftfwfr***~**~* ** *» i*to**W**W*+^â„¢+t^â„¢+ fckontreal, after being guests at ttio tame of Mr. Carter's parents, Mr. and E. C/ Carter, 412 Greenwood tumlevard. Mrs. P. A. Sharea and two children, Who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Shares' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. IJncoln Jones, 744 Hinman avenue, have returned to their home at Bay (Sty, Mich. Miss Lois Linthicum, 1922 Orrlng- ton avenue, has gone to Maine to visit at the summer home of Miss Elisa- beth Stanwood. Later she will visit the William A. Gardners at the Cape Cod residence. Mr. A. A. Theobold la entertaining bis daughter, Miss Genevieve Theo- bold, from Asheville, N. C. Miss Theo- bold left Monday for a visit at Rogers Park, and from there will go to Cen- tral Illinois for a visit. Mrs. J. M. Stifler and the children have gone to White Bear LAke, Mich., for the summer,. Dr. Stifler will go over for a few days In the middle of each week and continue bl* pastoral duties here each Sunday. * Mrs. C. W. Pierce and Miss Seola Pierce of Boston, who have been visit- ing Mrs. Pierce's son, <3uy Pierce, 1810 Hinman avenue, have gone to Seattle and Olympia, Wash., to be gone sev- eral months. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Carter, 104& Michigan avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. John R. GuUUama, 2423 Harrison â- treat, have left for a month's motor trip through the Berkshire, Green and White mountains. Born, to Mr. and MrKJ. L.. Simonds, 832 Lafayette parkway, Chicago, a â- on, CoUiaon Neville, on Saturday, July 19. Mrs. Simonds was formerly Miss Ethel Barber, and taught in the Washington school kindergarten. The children's flower carnival at Ra- Tfoia park on Thursday, August 14, *W not close the Juvenile season at **• park by any means, tor oh August tt one hundred or more north shore ckUdren wiu »ppt*r lath* play, "Sara Bfcwe/* which win be presented hi **• casino under the direction of Miss -Mfaba Morgan. *0»b McCarreU, daughter of Mr. and *r«. Albert P. MeCarrall of Bvanston, ***• engagement to William Hon *&aeffer of Chicago wu raoently an- ^ced, was a popular oo-ed of North- ^*»tera' universitjr^aada incmber of **P» Kapi»» Gamnia sorority. Mr. *«*MfteT. who was graduated from *W»b» â- %^:!«iD;»«ta:«w»:;*»' Miss MJldred Johnson,* granddaugh ter of Mrs. J. J. Spalding of Pasadena, Cal., formerly of Bvanston, has gone to Berlin to be gone a year. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Damsel, 1632 Sheridan road, are on a two weeks' trip to Pennsylvania, New York and other eastern points. Dr. and Mrs. S. Victor Balderston an* Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bttlingslea have returned from an extended auto- mobile trip throughout the eaBt. Mrs. C. W. Hillman and daughter, Miriam, left Friday for Ocean City. N. J., where they will spend the month at "Normandy-by-the-Sea." J. H. Taylor, wife and daughter, Lucy, left Saturday for a trip east. They will visit Niagara, Toronto and Coberg while on their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sebastian, 425 Greenwood boulevard, left Thursday to spend the remainder of the sum- mer at Martha's Vineyard., Mass. Mrs. Graham and daughter, Dor- othy, 1605 Oak avenue, left Friday for Macatawa, Mich., to visit Mrs. Gra- ham's brother, Mr. Robert Brown. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Scott and chil- dren, 404 Lake street, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Grey, 1608 Forest avenue, are home from Lake Placid, N. T. Mrs. D. C. John and daughter of Milwaukee, Wis., are guests at the home of Mrs. John's mother, Mrs. Jennie M. Loney, 1614 Oak avenue. Miss Thompson 845 Hinman ave- nue, is spending several weeks with Mrs. B. C. Chambers at the latter's summer home In Buchanan, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Mitchell and family, 2303 Harrison street, are in Point of Pines, Mich., where they will spend a month In their cottage. Miss Jessamine Price and Miss Helen Bannister of St Louis, Mo- were guests last week of Miss Mary Katherlne Voorhees, 1316 Hinman avenue. Mrs. Edgar C. Rowe and family, 1414 Davis street, left Monday for Dennis, Mass., to be gone until Sep- tember. Mr. Rowe will leave next Saturday. Mr* John, Hume Kedxie of 1614 Bldge avenue, amnounces the engage- ment of his alster, Margaret, to Mr. Francis Warhe* Parker ©M£16 Drexel boulevard. Cbtcajo. ^ Mrs. 8. B. Newell of Boston, Mass., arrived this week to spend the fan and winter wflh he* daughter, Mrs. Samuel White* 820 Main street Mrv Charles O. Benton o* Cleveland, O., k*o been the gueet during the tonalm (mmament at Onwentsia of Wilder J. Bowers, 181* Oak avenue Mr. Malone of Colorado is spending a few days with his little daughter, Louise, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Arthur Roberts, 2203 Central street Mrs. Lippitt of Albuquerque, N. M., days with Mrs. Grove street. P. W. Huston, 1030 .^a^^Jairant BetUn.,;am;,«nfe; lnaes. -; '^f4r-^P"'-> Mr. and Mra. aiUo B, WlUlama ot Moorestown, N. J., are* here on an ex> tended visit with Mrs. Wllliamf mother/ Mrs.' Pranlf,: I* Borton^lgtT Asbury avenue,;%%!{*: \. 't$Z* Misses Zilpha and Winifred Hull, 1422 Hinman avenue, returned Satur- day from a trip to the Pacific coast and Alaska, coming back over the C^u»dlatt:PwJlBlogl|f,', •'• -^i_lil: Miss LouIm S HoBlater, naUonrt organiser and lecturer of the W. C. T. U., 2106 Central street, Is conduot- tax strt*t, have 1»m speadlng vwation at Sherwood Bay. MWl . . Miss Marguerite Burke. 1818 Ash- land avenue la spending her taeation with friends in Fond dn Lac aad Kenosha, Wis. ;,; ^;%^;>">;i.$;;|^^ r3r. E. a Faulkner and family oaT« given up their home on Central street. They expect to be out of the city dur- ing August, but upon their return will be at home at 1M9 Sherman avenue. son rf JJhicagn * ^ Charles Deertng realdenee at 2e48 Sheridan, road. In the absence of Mrs. tol.87Ep|taris*^l!si.|^ XngallB &-1&!-fao^y^ w'c.T.W s^rtatendentet ;tjKpi# patrtment ;.:'&^*&mim*Kâ- â- :'•>*«*•- tag a school of memoa* at the Chau-T Deerlng and her danghtM', tauqua assembly. Pontlac 111. ] Marion, who are to Burope. MmBllaal»^P.HnteWh»n.aaaonai |faidfi^;^|i|pji^ T of Chicago aad nttttoeretf the Wgaaallu luiisaifl i^ flaiiiiflaJ iVftwlij .... irt^llti.rtaWaii"^ Bcb«rt Berrr «b»ia and htm. C^ iHk«;,war, fM ihajKWi .- M,|-^iv^ tiir Th â-  anartantrtei This Sale For ed.jTTiurs.,Fri.> at, Aug. 6,7,8,9 Hour Sales 5%e 0c Watch oar hour sties. They are always money savers. Wednesday, Aug. 6, 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. PERCALEâ€"Double width, extraor- dinarily good quality. Last Call Price.......... 8AUCEPANâ€"5 qt size, gray enamel. Special.... Thursday, Aug. 7, 9 to 10 a. m. and ----------------3 to 4 p. m. WHITE INDIA LAWNâ€"Sheer, fine goods, short lengths, worth Q#» 15c per yard, for...........•*'^-/ Friday, Aug. 8, 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. STANDARD APRON GINGHAMâ€" Best quality; regular Prtcey£lx^» 8c per yard; now.........rfr^g*-/ COVERSâ€"Gray Enameled Kettle or Pot Covers, 8 to 10 in. ft *-» sizes. This sale............\M%s 3 to 4 p. m DOUBLE BLANKETSâ€"Full 11-4 large sine, tan, gray and white. Usual price, 11.26; CO« uow......................oatf Monday, Aug. 11,9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4. p. m. SUGAR CANI8TERâ€"White japan- ned, with gilt letters, Q^ 10 lb. else.............-....."^ DRE88 GOO08 â€" Remainder of summer stock, worth from 26o to 60o per yard. In two lots Lot No. 1................ Lot No, 2..................... How Much Are You Paying for Right now we're offering shoes for meiirwtiaiea"lu^cam^'.lli r„,.-,^ â- â- â- *v* lowest prices. All the shoeslisted below for 11.39 j^l^M^::^i0^^^t Misses ^2 Barefoot Sandals, L89 100 Pm^oiM^kW^ISI^0:% Made of the very best of calf skin, with white oak soles, in tan, black or white. $2.00 values, at.................... 1. We are closing fBP! shoes, all last year's make. Values up to |4.00. Extra ^:?W0fM 200 Pairs of Women's Misses' $2 Two-Strap Low Shoes at 1.39 Large assortment of styles to In pirtent^colt::;^ select from, but are broken calf, made on^ ^d<>d wi4e foo^f form lasts, sizes ^1| ^ 21 All $2 talues. Extra special in sizes, all from our regular lines and this season's make. ^Values up to $3.50, at.............. for this sale at per pairft oni^.........ig-. Let us solve it for you. Hundreds of housewiv because they are convinc^ that we sell eats and groceries exclusively | grade toqdif for less than others do. H, A E. Granulated Sugar, 10 Ihs. tor 49c \yith any grooeryj>rder of $1 or ov« SPECIAL. 8 8UQAR8 Cryital Domino GaMRated Sugar. 5 lb. boxJBl|.27c 2 lb. box........•-----11e Cryital Domino Sugar, 61b. box.............43c H. 4 E. Granulated Sugar, in 2S lb. original bags, per 25 lb. bag.......9124 Light Brown Sugar, 6 lbs. for............24o Dark Brown Sugar, 5 lbs. for.............2S© Reliance 4x, Non Caking Powdered, Bitter Carton...............••• COFFEES AND TEAS. Upton's Yellow Label Coffee, 1 lb. oans....34« Chase A Sanborn's Real Brand Coffee, T lb. cans............S*o Richefleu Coffee, 1 lb. cane............S7e To Introduce the Famoua Bonlta Ground Coffee, 1 lb. cans............2»o Bakertsed Coffee, 1 lb. cans............S«o AND DEMONSTRATION OF ARMOUR'S SOAPS All Wrasptn Btittwtdfif rVtwgai at Otr Store Llflhthouae Cleanser, 6 cans for........2So Llajhthouse Washing powder, 1 lb. phg.........;JjJ 4 lb. Pkg........1»* Flotilla Soap, 2 bars to carton, per carton..Bo 6 cartons Light House 10 bars for.. 66 bar case.. Hammer Soap, 10 ban for.. 100* bar box. 44o .S2.7Y ..27c .9248 Manor House Coffee, 1 lb. cans.,........ Llptoif* Lellow Label T % lb. tins.......... y. lb. tins.......... l lb. tins.........../•« Lipton's Red Label Tea, % lb. ttns.......... 1 V& lb. tins............W 1 lb. tins.......... Tetleye Green Label Tea, 14 lb. tins............16e % lb- Mn» 1 lb. tins.............Wo Tetley's Yellow Label Tea, % lb. tins........-----14o % lb. tins............27o 1 lb. tins.............Mo Rldgeways Capital House- hold Tea, 1 lb. tins... .44o Ridgeway'e Five O'clock Tea, % lb. pkg.......1*o Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb................2*c 4 lbs. for...........S1.00 Bogota Blend Coffee, per lb................2»c 3% }bs. for.........61.00 Plantation' Blend Coffee, per lb................Wo 3 lbs. for............B140 Sheridan Coffee, In the yel- low bags, per lb......85c 3 lbs................61-00 Fancy Bogota Coffee, per lb................88c 3 lbs. for...........61.00 San Rosa Coffee, lb.....36c Genuine Java A Mocha . Coffee, pur lb........41o Ceylon and India Tea, 70c quality, per lb-----4«c % lb. pkg............26e Basket Fired Japan Tea, 60c quality, per lb... .46c ' tt lb. pkg............28o FLOUR. Gold Medal, Ceresota and Napoleon, % bbl. sack..........74c % bbL sack........61.43 % bbL sack........62.70 CANNEO FISH A MEATS. Viking Kippered Herrings, 3 cans for............25e Ruby Sardines, 8 cans for............*7« King Oscar Sardines, 2 cans for............28e Sapeo Crab Meat, v. % lb.catt.............S6e Ichelleu Crab Meat, large lamas, 1 lb. can......44c ars/MBJ*s Kippered per can.. Rock Salmon, per can....18c for............81o '• Clams, ...............60 UR'S POTTED MEATS. Ham A Tongue Flavor, 3 cans for...........I3e Armoui'a Devlltd Ox Tongue, 26c eans....10o Armour** Lunch Tongue, 21c WEEKLY MONEY SAVERS. Richefleu Buckwheat Flour, lOo pkgs..............60 Uneeda Biscuits, 3 pkgs 12e Graham, Oat Meal, City Soda Crackers, Nabisco, and all other, National Biscuit Co.'t 100 pkg. crackers, 3 pkgs for..24c SPECIALS FOR THURS- DAY, AUG. 7. No Phone or Mail Orders. Pmnty New Potatoes, per peek.............28c Large Solid Heads of Cabbage, per head.....7e Fancy Santos Coffee, our regular 28c coffee, 4 lbs. for-----........93o Faney Elberta Peaches, per basket ..........18c Baker's, Lowney's or Runkel'a Cocoa, ft lb. tins............17c Borden's Peerless Milk, 8 tall cans for........23© Royal Blue Peanut Butter, - 2 16c Jars for.........23o 8PECIAL8 FOR SATUR- DAY, AUG. 0. Best Creamery Butter, Wayne A Low and Hol- land Creamery, lb....20c Stuffed Olives, T Brand, 26c Jars..............16c Fancy Long Thread Bulk ^Coeoanut, per lb..... 18c Yacht club Salad Dressing, 26c bottle............1*0 ._ FOR MONDAY, AUG. 11. Phone or Mall Orders. Fall jR^^-tjA^ ;..,>.' Com, 2 10c cans. 77.. .16e Richelieu Catsup, 26c bottle........___16a Armour** Lighthouse or American Family Soap, 10 bare for...........860 Delivered with any grocery Gold Dust op Lighthouse Washing powder, per 4 lb. pkg..........14o Only one pkg. to customer. Fancy Jap Rkje, 2 lbs.. .17o "Good Luck" Buttertne, 2 lb. brack...........240 ' - CHICKEN FEED. 190 lb. saok......»lJ8 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IAKERY 8FECIALS FOR â- â-  tHURaDAVVA;U^.,-7«:;:|t Cocoanut Macaroea*» , . per lb.^............-."•• Preen Baked Lady Flngerav perâ€" doseary^nr.3*«rrir.f Bj BAKERY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, AUG. tV No Phone er Mall Order. Coffee Cake*, all hind* _ eaob> .................12* Dark Cup Cakee, dos....8e Better Meats-Lower Prici Quslity first, that is our ilm^-gualtty sad Hi* lowest possible prices. Our meats mean real savins* to you Native Pot Roast Beef, best quality, lb....... .iSVp* Native Shoulder Steak, tender, lb............1StAa Best Sirloin Steak. No. 1 Beef, tender A Juicy, lb..22© Beat Shoulder Veal Roast, lb...........' Choice Veal Stew, lb.........................Wfa 8 lbs. Best Lard for............................4ae 12 os. Fahcy Norwegian Mackerel, each.....•â- â€¢â€¢12« Best Boiled Ham, sliced, lb........».,,,.........JIb Smoked Boneless Butt*. sogaNcared, lb.........2ie Fancy Veal Chops, Rib, lb......•'*•"-""' ' ^JS The Southera Snow Drift Shortening. 10 lb. pail 61.26 Best Grade Bacon, mfW cured, by the piece, lb. .27* Beat Pickled Pig's Feet, 3 lbi. for...............26« SATURDAY SPECIALS. Prime Rib Roast Beet, beat quality, rolled •*â- -â- __ standing, tb...............•»..• •.............»*© 1912 Sprlag Leg of Lamb. 6 to 8 lb. arga, lb...1«'/»o 1912 Bprtag Httutouarter Lamb, lb...............If? Veal Kidney Roast or Leg of Veal, lb...........SB* THURSDAY SPECIALâ€"FROM 2 TO 6 P. M, No Phone or Mail Order* Pilled on These Item*. Milwaukee Fine Frankfurters, lb...............H* Native Shoulder Steak, tender, lb...............14* Fancy Loin lamb Chop*, lb.....................a** MONDAY BARGAINS. Ham, Little Pig Sugar Cared Bams, 4 to t !kv_ • average, lb......*.........,,................'**»• Choice Lamb Stew, lb...............•«. • • -*«•V*"*. fau<7 Baonlder Lamb CBwpa.lli....*.-.-*******'**^-. FreehOround Hamburger ateak, Ib..^........**5f66 -\i 111 f J, Bowers, 191* Oak avenne.._ | %JJb^b*||^^ 7: â- -"•t-^-v/'.|f^^^.":'-"â- â- :'â-  l^^^^-'-.^/.-.; â- ij:::.;yi-r'.^$§i^

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