Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Aug 1913, p. 8

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W0. FAST TO BE FEATURE OF AUTO MEET It Alec Sloane Believes World's Records for Dirt Tracks Will, Be Lowered at Liberty- vide Track. TO BE HELD AUG, 9 AND 10 tvÂ¥> 'J:- Alec Sloane, wbo is to stage a two- day automobile racing program on the Libertyvllle track, Aug. 9 and 10, expects the world's dirt track motor records to be shattered during the two racing days. Sloane is manager of the Case racing team and has con- eluded negotiations for the lease of the track for these days. It was the original intention of Sloane to hold this meet the latter part of June, immediately after the Algonquin climb, but the Chicago Motor club bad to sidetrack the classic and Sloane found that a meet at that time would conflict with some date he had in the south, which were better revenue producers than the affair at Libertyvllle, so be decid- ed to postpone this meet until next month. Now, however, Sloane is ready to tackle Father Time. The Jay Bye Be* which Louis Disbrow drives Is tuned up to the minute and Disbrow feels that he can drop the mile mark so low that neither Barney Oldfleld, with his front driving Christie, nor Bob Barman with his Blltzen Benz, can touch the mark. Bill findicott and Joe Nikrent, the other two Case stars, also are ready to send their cars after the longer distance marks, possibly up to the century. â€"Snort Distance Raets Afso Listed. FIIEMEN TO INSPECT ALL CHIMNEYS IN EVANSTON Owing to the Frequent Fires Originating from This Source, Marshal Orders Inspection. WSS- But the meet Is not to be all record trials, although Sloane arranged the affair with the idea of getting the leading world's marks for the Case. There will be the usual array of short distance races and the competition will not be confined to the Case men Atone. Fred Dnesenberg, with the Mason, hopes to add to the laurels of his car by fending Rickenbacher here to try conclusions with the Case men at Ubertyvine. In all probability there wfll be several of the drivers now at the Galveston beach meet wbo will come up here with Sloane tad his fol- lowers. The datesâ€"Aug. 9 and 10â€"are hap- pily chosen, for they are Just far enough ahead of the Elgin road races 2_JaJbri.?»g the drivers here to prepare their training camps for the Kane county classics. They can drive at LtbertyvUle and then go immediately to Elgin for the training there. The course will be ready then and it is presumable that because of this e will be able to coax Hugbie Hughes, Harry Ehdicott and two or three others to come on for the Lib- ertyvllle events. Select Aug. 9 as Red Letter Day. In. the Held of motor racing Aug. 9 win be a sort of red letter day, it Starting Monday a complete Inspec- tion of chimne> h on every building in Bvaimton is being made by members of the city lire department, under the supervision of Fire Marshal Carl Har- rison. The infection has been de- cided upon for two reasons: First, because of the numerous. fires which are caused each fall when fires are again start* d in the homes and busi- ness bouses from faulty chimneys, and, secondly, from the danger of In- Jury to firemen and onlookers of fall- ing bricks when a bouse is attacked by Are. A stream of water thrown on a roof oftentimes strikes the chim- ney of the structure. The force is sufficient to dislodge a number of the bricks, with the result that they fall to the ground and endanger the lives of the firefighters. It Is estimated by Fire Marshal Har- rison that there are between 700 and 80o buildings in Evanston in which chimneys will be inspected. The city will be divided Into three sections In which tn« fire engine houses are lo- cated. Firemen will be detailed each day to visit the different structures. Printed blanks have been se- cured by Fire Marshal Harrison which contain a notice to be given the prop- erty owners where chimneys are found to be in a dangerous condition. A duplicate copy of the notice given the owners will be filed in the fire marshal's office. If repair of the chim- ney is not made within thirty days, as per notice given, in compliance with the city ordinance, action will be taken. "There are many fires caused from defective chimneys each fall," de- clared Fire Marshal Harrison. "I venture that I am safe in saying that 90 per cent of these fires can be prevented if tae property owners would pay more attention to the up- keep of their holdings. Each sum- mer many chimneys fall apart and the owner either neglects the repair or is ignorant of the condition, and consequently fires result later. I be- lieve the chimney Inspection will stop this neglect. I will make It an an- nual affair." I...........Ml.......Illlllllllll........ 4MIIIM ! Want AdJ^iJi&tixieiit : The Lake Shore News TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 565 illllllllllllllMIMMIIMII iTICE â€" WANT ADS IN Shore News are chari theTsilpwlng rates Real Estate Classifications?^ cents per line. All other classTp*4flons, 5 cents per line. Minimurn^price J6c. ftsvadvertlse- men|^charged for less Baan 25c. fp Wanted and SituationsNifent Sd advertisements FREE, SITUATIONS WANTED sn*J45cMirwas&ed â€"e£. 520 Aabury r Me TS NURSE, THOROUJ north Chlcago-av., xtp SmjATION WANTEDâ€"BY Damsn^snanas gardp»0*and house- man; spesk^^ft^misb. R. Ander- son, cif^rOuldbeck^F^BMsOjLlS, ette, 111. E â€" SEWING MACHINES in trade on our new Singer WILMETTE 146? HIIIISMi ALE â€"- PIANOS TAKEN IN our hlghgradeXfram-Rlcht- plano and ulayef New England . .IT.... .V-... .* 20.00 Stafford ........r....«^.... 75.00 Hallett * Dftvis .fT\.......... 125.00 Decker Bros.....J........... 180.00 Apollo Player, with 60 rolls----- 20.00 prgan ........................ 12.00 Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 8berman-av., Evanston. ltc ENT â€" OFFICE 8PACES; ry desirable. V*S S3^t * Son' 1621 Benaon-av ^fiop JSvanston 279. .__________^/ V^ 37-tf WANTED-TO RENT OR SALE BOARD AND ROOM FORWENTâ€"OFFICES MAX ESTATE S££ inwnnniT __ npptrnn hpahirb- ___^______________________________ Beat Jianjnaii FOR>£ALEâ€"A FEW CHOICE in>nras^md second blocka^srest of tbis|4Kenilw%a|hstotlon^lrice $8 and $i#*ier foot; a^aSfTuncovered sur- rey and a nJawootvNsgon and har- ness as^aamirgatn. AddreNtQpx 72, Keniiworth, 111., or Phone worth 1146. ltp CEMETERY PARTIES NOT TO BE STACED HERE Latest St. Louis Social Thriller Not to Be Taken Up by Evanstonians. mestic . Wheeler * Wheeler A Singer .... Singer, droi White, drop-I pp-head. .$ 5.00 . 7.00 . 15.00 . 8.00 . 14.00 . 13.00 Also a large assortment of Wilcox A Oibbs and other makes. Easy pay- ments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. ltc Home Ior lavatkla I r8ALEâ€"SURREY, CHEAP. A. •onabtomtM.r Smith, 1133^berrflln?av., Phone w\f llhanasii" ASBURY, 1554 aBBURT-AV., i en salts with private bath aad roans; aftMiien^Y11**10*' 'rates, room, IncludJsU jP*yL $16 to 925 per week. Mrs/PVC. Diefea- dorf. Phono 2392. * lf-tf N6 INSTRUCTOR STANEEfcrf.CRIBB All varieties |>f 8 ftosts, Fruit _M0i_ Hardy, Berbafons Fhwrsrlag Fto|JaV Perenflial GffiEns JOHN FREEMAN, Pi 818 Noy8S Street JOHN FREEMAN, Pr*prM»r 0& PHONE 1105 WB ARE MAKING idles* Tailor-Made Jladek Pbons Central SI5 TH STATi STIBBT Opposite-Fields CHICAGO fl«liP««.F«fy!074^ ELECTRIC LIOHT »A IwltisaiBi^lttssysslMsj^t^j AWAunao MAssBonsam w ta. 1614 UIU MAN AVENf FOR RENT-HOUSES amttvutm 'xotrrowm shell E GLASSES ilar $8.60 and UO.00 Vetoes for $6X0, _ Values for £2.00. Quick and Sat MURR, Opticia cnnsylpania ] of jevaneton 0 FOR RENTâ€"MODERN 8IX-ROOM liTFlllshsil Jjimiiii in Hubbard^Woods, 2 blocks fronT^epo^As^flght party. Address Box jar-ffuDbaflSWoods. Automobile Gasaies, 94.00 on all Repair Work. 'SUtYE 3J4, REPUBLIC BLDG. S. B. COB, STATE AMD ADAMS 8TS., CHICAGO PHONE HARBISON 6079 the popular diversion in society cir- being the date selected for the Santa ^ to u>e nOTt1t aad 8eleit Becttoll & S^ Monica road races In California, for F^\ the Brighton Beach dirt track meet- 'â-  lag in New York and for the Lfberty- vflie meet Because of these counter attractions it is believed that few of ^ the stars will go to Santa Monica, C which wfll. leave the road racing .% ', classic to those "native sons" like :r Tetslaff, Cooper, Herrick, Hanshue fH and the like. Brighton Beach will have both Mnl- -^ â-  ford and Be Psima, and tt is not at fi OH tudikely that the feature of the ';:[' Kew York affair will be a match race | between the drivers of the Mason and p: Che Mercer, between whom there is > considerable friendly rivalry since :':.i- the 20A-mfle race at Columbus, when : ;; Molford took the measure of the ^mighty De Palma in a manner that "stirred the fans to enthusiasm. Young society folk of the north shore have not yet adopted the latest and probably the most freakish enter- tainment stunt, cemetery parties, now in vogue In St. Louis and a few other cities, and It is doubtful If the young people in this section will take to the idea at holding; outdoor social functions In Roseblll, Calvary or other burying grounds of the north shore. The cemetery parties are described as the latest social thrill and quite St Louis. In the subdued lights of Japanese lanterns strung among the ghostly white monuments for the dead, the roan? people make merry. In fact, the functions have grown so popular in the Missouri city church societies have Joined form of outdoor entertainment and al- most every night gay gatherings can be noticed In one of the cemeteries near St. Louis. :r thai in this1 ANNOUN o inform rfly^0||tom*€rs that I received %B^ie latest Fall and the^rall samples of will be able to continj prices during this f u r n is h e d _Qai**Teque8t. STEIN FASHIONABLE LADIES' TAILOR 1912 CENTRAL STREET - EVANSTON C0£S AT 30-MILE CUP; ARRESTED BY OFFICERS Lj . M. B. Austin, a weB-knoWB Bvaas- H UTsrisa, was is passing; the ssansser at pinto Moraine hotel, w«a*»nitd Park, Jstar, Boycr. Austin was saasjst by Ossesr Larkis fa Central street, wnBs trasaOfas; at a ttirty-aaUt tats. Bs DISORDERLY AT BEACH; IS FINED BY BOYER William Listen, a nineteen-year-old youth employed as driver for as Evanston bakery, was Saed fl and costs by Police Magistrate John F. Borer Monday afternoon on a disorderly conduct charge. LIs- ton was arrested Sunday after- noon mt tie free public batatas; beach by Patrolman Fred Sefctand after he and Frank Corrato, tha sapsr- intendent at the beach, bad aagagsd in sa alteration, Uston had rented a boat from Corrato •%n* a dHlPtt* followed the letUement for the rsatal. The commlttoe te charg* of the bath* tag beach is Ann ta the â- â- aaati that order nisatbtpiwasiissl at tao rscrssv tioaplaee. atft BURTON Iff TMC «A*T. LBartsj* fa «C ANsfsat la fft» wJD fSAtna ie> Ma Our Motto, Liberality. Honest Dealing-. We saaraote* satisfaction, tl.00 will eonrinee too. Consultations invited. (Free.) Writ* for Booklet B. Nfme. Stiver Tel. 1391 1407 Auditorium Tower ChieBCO T«l. tsnltw 4223 M Cat! CeagrsM II. We Sell Auto and Motorcycle Cyl OILS of all Kinds and Quisistei WE SELL Gas Engine OMs Steamer Oils I Non-Fluid OL Cop Grease 1 f Gear Grease \y Egyptian White and Colored Waste Fib%*r Sponge GmgL Wagon Axle Grease W Brass uAfftBUL Polish CrudcJ|nTiiine GreenOil Soap WE ARE AGENTS FOR THR^ Monogram Oils, Valvoline Oils. Albany < Cook's Special Transmission Compound Dixon's Graphite and Graphite Greases and Herroline Gasoline Improver 933 Sherman Avem THE FACTORY E PLACEJIV3 BUY 's August NOW IN PROGRESS B»w* Ftoerâ€" Stewart Bmldingâ€"roattk Hoor Northwest Comer State sad w'ssfahMtoErSts. â- AttiiSMiM. HAVE YOU GOT AN ELECTRIC IR It's an and ound hcl^ priced aid We aUom a credit of $tJM> on old inms exchanged !££&* i .: -ssm^ffi^Si^ssSel-^ %:.<

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