Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Aug 1913, p. 6

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♦* i inn ii 11 mi m#** 11»; j What People Are Doing ti: w â-  w, Miss Elizabeth Shibley is away for a month's trip In California. Guy W. Bolte 1b In New York on a business trip. Miss ceieste Oeherty is visiting friends in Mollne, 111. ijoyd Clark Ayres, of Elder Lane, Is visiting his brother In Ely, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hinman and family are traveling in California. Miss Mabel Robeson has returned from a trip to Canada. Mm. Herman B. Butler Is In tbe east fc a month's motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. DeWItt P. Ballard of Cherry street are at Woodstock, Vt. Mrs. Ernest Jebsen of Prospect ave- nue has returned from a visit to Lake Murray, Wis. Mrs. 3. S. Hammond and children are visiting Mrs. Hammond's mother, Mrs. H. G. Rellly. The three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Stevenson are away on a camp- ing trip in Canada. Mrs. 1*. C. Norton of Walnut street returned the first of the month from a month's visit in Boston, Mass . " Mrs. J. O. Barber, who is" traveling In the west, is now in British Colum- bia. F. N. Johnson, of Rockford, 111., was the guest of Mr. M. L. Adams Monday of this week. Pra,hk Alles and the Misses Alles have moved from Hill road to their new home in Wilmette. W. W. Power, of Ridge avenue, is la South Dakota for a two weeks' business trip. Mr- and Mrs. Oberfelder are tbe guestt of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Spiegel, of Ash street. ; Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cheney, of fir avenue, are at .the Chicago club in Cnarlevoix, Mich. !|^ Mr. John Pttaurski, of Chicago. is W0M- the guest this week of Mr. Joseph Tl||:Filiawkl, of Willow street £j|iy'-\. C. A Jfofcnson Is making expensive W0-,l repain and alterations on bis bunga- |i|t§' low on Rosewood avenue. wS^if- Mfc Bills B. Chase and the members plfeS'-of 'the Christ, church; choir returned H§||;- Monday from their camp in Berrien 'ujfgL'gpttoMr-Mteh;- The boys were T«y >:;.|§i«nthn»I«»ttc,' about the. frip. ' ;;;j, 'U':1^^.:Mt.,taA-1Ux». Ernst Von Amnions, 'ti^MMMne street, 'left Wednesday tor \ fej their .SBmoner home; In jphart Lake, -;.. :-K£,;;.llr,:.;atta-- M«sv B,0. Bats-have re- ,; lii-taTned irom a' trip to Wisconsin and 'dure^j^vjirt :*h«^; hoin«t, on Linden UNCLE SAM II REPORT GUARDS LIFEJFJABES Department of Agriculture Is- sues a Bulletin on How to Care for Milk in the Hope of Lessening Disease, MUST BE VERY CAREFUL that man hunting; another camping; "Billy" Hibbard's relaxation, recrea- tion, end sport is draining vet lands. He h«i a big project to turn tbe Skokle,that boggy tract which rises In the north branch of the Chicago river, into a splendid agricultural region with a water course, fit for canoeing or any boating, running through? it from Lake Forest and the north shore, cutoff. Meanrhlle he is devoting himself to the Wlnnetka club. Originally 340 acres bordering on Ridge road and Wlnnetka avenue were bought by a holding syndicate composed of some of the most prominent men of Wln- netka and Hubbard Woods. Of this. 280 acres were set aside for the golf course aad club'grounds, the rest to be used for residential purposes. The course It to have many charming: nat- ural hazards) and features in it, among which are a winding stream and two small lakes. There are some fine old trees on the place and a charm- ing westward slope to the grounds. The clubhouse, which is in the hands of Edwin H. Clark, who has built so many attractive colonial houses on the north shore, is to be modeled after Mount Vernon. There are to be lovely old fashioned gardens near by and a swimming pool, while a six mile bridle path has already been laid out on the 340 acre*, which is, by the way, larger than the On- wentsia club grounds, I CAK GO' IntreetiipffS |-v.^lssv'|N«rtiii(iie- Arend returned ^^a|f|y;i>itne>; week from a two weeks' |vl»#w|tti relatives at Dixon, HI., and "JTrMay tor a; two^ weeks' stay at |J*eneerJ3*eV:1^^ '" litts Kttherine Arnold, who has ^*»en "the guest of her aister, Mrs. p Prederklt Qreely, left Monday for a -Wwtoer; of Spruce^street, left ^Monday to spend his vacation in camp iat Burlington, Wis. Mrs. Schemer and Mill Schelner are also away for Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Quimby and Miss ___ ^jliiJmJar^ Black Oak hake, near Donaldson, fRfni, -fhere.'they are to spend the of August. _... Miss Augusta Jockmann, of Cherry ^â- ^'. street, li visiting relatives In Kiel, ^^";**»^-;%i». joeamann has been away Ra- l^eeveral veeJcs making visits in Uncle Sams department of agricul- ture has Issued an Important bulletin containing instructions on the proper care of milk. The rules should be carefully read and strictly observed by every mother in Evanston. A rep- resentative of The Lake Shore News showed the bulletin to two prominent EvanHton physicians, both of whom pronounced it good advice, backed by sound facts. The bulletin is Issued by the gov- ernment with a view to reducing the prevalence of intestinal troubles, es- pecially in children, arising from un- clean milk. Must Be Properly Handled. "No matter how carefully milk Is handled between the farm and the home, or in how pure a state it livered at the domestic Icebox, it quickly can become an undesirable food if carelessly handled in the home," the statement says. "Milk that is left for only a short time in summer beat may become unfit for use. "Milk must be kept cool to prevent the bacteria already in it, and which may get in it by accident, from mul- tiplying to a point where the milk is undesirable. Put on Ice at Once. "Milk should be taken into the house and put In the refrigerator as soon after delivery as possible. If iTJJ Telophase 258 is impossible to nave the bottles of milk put Immediately in the refrig- erator, provide on the porch a box containing a lump of ice. "In planning a house, arrange to have the refrigerator set in the wall with an opening^o* the outside. It w always possible to provide locks for these boxes, or refrigerator doors, and supply tbe milkman with one key. "The interior of the food compartr ment should be wiped every day with a clean cloth and thoroughly scalded as often as once a week; ;â-  / Under no circumstance should the drain pipe of an icebox be connected with a sewer. Keep in Original Bottle. ; "The milk should be kept in tbe original bottle and the bottle left An the refrigerator, until needed. Be- fore use the neck of the bottle and the cap should he washedrattd &•» carefully wiped withâ€"aâ€"elesnâ€"dot&r before the cap is removed. Remove the cap with a sharpjMa^testrii- ment, so as not to push the cap down into the milk.. _',. 4?* V;: *â- ?Â¥'-; ' "Once a bottle is opened it should be kept covered, both to keep out dirt and bacteria and to prevent the â€"«in Kenilworth Mrs: ill Darling and children are in Waukasoo. Mich., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Birkhoff, Jr. Twenty friends were entertained at dinner by Mrs Paul Scbulse at the Skokle club, Friday evening. Mesdames Rufus Stolp and Mrs. George Keehn are home from a few weeks spent at Ephraim, Wis. Mrs, Henry H Everett has returned, weeks, home from Portland, Ore., where she northern has been for several weeks. Among those who gave dinners to a few friends at the Exmoor club Saturday were Mrs. Paul Sohulze and Mrs. Edward Wheeler. Mrs. Henry Taylor and Miss Mary- Taylor have returned home after sev- eral weeks passed In northern Wis- consin and on tbe lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart de- parted ^Tuesday for Cape Cod, Maes where they will remain until after Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs E. C. Travis have re turned home after a six weeks' auto trip in the north part of Illinois and Iowa. Mrs. Clarence W. Casque, of Cum- nor road, is spending a few weeks in New ycjrk, the guests of relatives. She is expected to return in about two .weeks.'"'.' Mrs. Tlnsman. Mrs. Grant Ridge- Albert Ely is home again after three weeks with his friend, Carl Keith, at Big Lake, Wis. Many big fish stories are told by eleven-year-old Albert which are substantiated by kodak pictures. He caught a ten pound "musky," which was one of the big catches during his stay. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burnham re- turned home Monday from the east where they have been for several They left Wednesday for Wisconsin where they will enjoy camp life for a couple of weeks. They were accompanied, on the Wis- consin trip by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Laughlln. drape a Prollflo Grower. There are about 40 species of grapes In the world, more than halt of which are found in North America. Few other plants on this continent grow wild under such varied conditions and ich extended areas. over jui Bdfrers, Ve]pnr aiy»\Felt Hats ^bodeledlnto TOR URNE l\5 20 SO lyllab shapes 'burlb Floor STATE 8T. LAHES CAN BE WELL DRESSED = AT SMALL EXP It is good economy to wear welj They always look jtveil and OTJ stid give you )P«r ials and trimminpJrS| tomer. Many yearsi enables me to give ei to her individual!!J In of the best styloaFThater- lal attention givaafeach cus- _ experience and designing 'customer the style best suited References gladly furnished HU ATTTTTW ^ilES' TAILOR e MM JSLlLU Xi.ll IMPORTER and HABBBDASHM j: :: 808 DEMPSTER STREET rES lilder TdtdTo Phono Wlnnoika 425 Shop: 909 Llndtn Avt. Hubbard Woodt, Itlinolt OENERAL MK«CHANbl»i; "ifif <fi~S< Liar with t*» REAL B8#Ttf ijANS, Phone 964 1023 Central at. H. E, ODHNER HubbajJWoods-Td. Wlnnetka 278 isn'a Ladlees«ss9» QentWme §VJIT& All Kinds of Faney Cleaning, Press* Ing and Repairing Qoods called for and delivered. Only first class work, guaran- teed. Telephone your orders. and oloo| enow w houses. MCN'«WCi m____ CtoUdren. M& $§0§jm§ T«ir Jmfai Mmam»- m :q:: **> •ti. ^^-;-jir. John De P. Bnrkltt. 780 Pine Monday for Gogebic, Mich, to Join Mrs. Burkitt and daoghter, who have been away for two weeki. They eapect to return the latter put of a«rt week. ^?m Harry -T./ Burkett, who'has -been staUoned at ChUlieothe, 111., for the Sl;past:year,'» :home for a two weeks* " vacatloa Mr. /Burkitt is'a mev| of || the eaguiee* corps of the SanitaWbis- ^:?"^flet"of Chlcasjo. on her way to | absorption of undesiw*le odo» Do Not Replaee Can. '^i'-' Mr the Summer pumsor •nr, Novell Owr Hotk ^RK'tetmMit and , A*t*at$4CriJt* Warts .olItaKiiid taCbica^o "The original cap should not be rev- placed. Instead place an inverted cup or tumbler on top of the bottle. "The milk should be used from the bottle as needed, and any unused milk ihould not be returned to the bottle) after having been poured into another vessel. Do not let milk stand in a warm room on the table any longer than is necessary. • ' MhM^i§M^^^0 "Do not place' niflk m a refrigerator compartment, with onions or either food having a strong; odor. Before returning the bottles to the milkman, wash them arst in cold water and then in warm water."'-.: x '-; WINHETKA GOLFGLUB MAKES FAST PROGRESS The Wlnnetka Golf dub is rapidly tadajLJom an« shape The neM* = aad woodlands ttmt compose ita "^ acres are being drafaed, plowed op, laid out, and developed as fast as men and horses can eivry os) the work. â-  - . The drainage Is in the hiiio «i that dTalnate enthusiast, William G. Hibeanl of Wianetka. for yeaaa M*. HD*art has bessi sslng Sns work m the Skolde, tural»g e^nasjp laats |p*»» fee* Baen has bis hobfry, Ws pet •ftlsjrnfrfear fwei" twatsnei"Uttfnt saae* isieihelellllWl Thai > Prepared A most nol iy to jâ€"at homci club^Fthe Electric $0xx^2±« rery a^e$^i^^^i appliance brews the tea after the Russian customâ€"by immersion, without boiKng. '^';S NELSOil BR.OX CUTLElf AND Srteftg l«r tpeeistf WaWhm Man 3089 306_Weat Madison Street a Ooor^jFMt of Franklin 8trMt. In BasMMnt III UNCLA1MCDJ HO-SIS Fulton 358 W.Madison aiiornig Co. , Hw 211. Chicago >RIST GA1 Pine ftrect and(____ Phone Wlnnetka 813 _____I Avenue Wianetka, m. RGAINfor in WinnetRa Th«lot hui • pMttr outr on this lot,! Reasonable A tht ttrontt with tors* v Impvovs- ipsthfoom, " cm. for SO tetand ]em$ may be bad on property JONA3 H. MAD3EN Phone 34V Wlnnetka, III. Phone 34V Pol lot Jurledlotl •fa Just I WOUTY Telesaose Wisattkf 7 ions 279 BMIJTH OAVKJBslBJIAKJ >n<^ Household 8tora| All kind* furnlturo L__________ \y don*. Camp ehaors and card 16t» BKNSON AVK. ShopMHnt 176 SON Bxpranlne my and prompt- tabtoa tor rent. EVANSTON GROCERIES Fine fruitsâ€"in and out Oroceric iys form Good. lea* oar Fancy lei Cut B. WI Quality and not Quantlt^^ne best for the moneyâ€"la/enr mot- to. Our ntfge stoclueTgroceries Is always^eleg#r and Freeh Fruits and gdstables a speci- alty. ^^ A- Sa^AN LTCMJ5EN HOTEL 8 AVCNifE HOUSE no alty, BO Mr MA [ntlng of ^AH4| »«l:#awl'? Wi PfcAViEW^AllOl _ tailed 11 and st Our prices^ PATTE] Til.B«as«ioaeM feoi _ 1522 8herm; E^FIUKALE^ Htolit -sa>M._ Hottwto evifjr flsoosra «m worth tnvwtlast-- BapWr tocMsslatrl WNdHATI 6o West Waiblngton Street ,;1 WLl Ph< 1017 DAVI PHONE 383 jiV^Sgf^J**^^*"' ^'â- "'^^'^tiS^!*^^i'J^'^'~r^"-!Ji'^k' "^^.- Cleaned in Shor^lDti x/ We MiW|« 3ge< U JJJ >UTY ktrate VtiMit Peaee • IUILD1NG WINNETKA HAFE HutroftOdar , J'*«*•» Son Foot Hum ASK YOUR DRUGGIST 2S CT8 White Ljpgteric We ha-re'iast installed a phone lor our Kotth Sphere p»«ost WILMETTE UT5 j i Tel. Evanston uso - - 622 Davia St., Evanatofl W0KETKAGARM ..... °o If WM.T. WEHRSTEDT, •^ SALESA See Our U; GENTS Ft Equipment and Senjce Departtnei Phone Wlnnetka 166-One Half Block Horth ofN.W* m% AA/iththisunique utensil,an adjust- able tea ball, holding the tea leaves, is suspended from the cover and may be withdrawn from the hot waterwhenmeteaisattheo^rengt â€"â€"â€" ****â€". . â- gj!||J10(t/ajr above illustrated, No. G, 7S879, ^ at 3-pint capacity, in either copper || or oickal liiiish, c»molete with at- ^ f*m Pi Laostdry â-  Siiâ€" toW. PbmmmCmoM •tit *â- â- â- *â- â-  fc.'â-  ^ -â-  â- "' tachment HicllifeatX M»a» cademy of the Visit ation i^ji^j ^ tu*g)M^* g^al assasasl "a^haia EVANSTON :: OXIrvOlS UNDER THE Dll SISTERS OF THE 'i U ^demj • Course,;.. . :^,,, |Prei iriw^^oiwiea1*^ I •f^M'^^L'.-Jht^^a^s^|«^ I I^M (earner tnfoTsaac3oi sdweâ€", The i tlasM Pareittei. Tat P»aaiua. IBT -â- -M- ... ^.m^. fanq^ firoccrics, Ulca â-  Phone Wfnttctaa 49&it$^§^g^^::Wi^vd Wooiy ^HlTlWr UPHOLSTERER ANDf rMATTRK««8 AND CU«HIOwWlAO|n^ RCW^VAI ' :: antique run*mm*t m§0*iRED e»»«('HUMAR0WC -THE- WittaA 'ii :M ATI IMS?: Wa rtrntm******^ •s'stet'iife&^ST'SSS^ Mi^M^W&WMSi M^^MwEs

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