Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Aug 1913, p. 8

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Dewey School Grounds Opened Season With Sixty Children, Now There Are More Than 350 Enrolled. llfiflflPfâ„¢ m •fWwWmr^'. WantAdDep* The LaKe Shore News TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 5» WILMETTE 146? i HIIHIIIIIIIIIIIUMHIIIIHI'â- â-  M" III IM11 III nil' m [TBD ~ SMALL coupe 1 w. Shore Nei MISS KINGSLEY LEADER efe • Things are prospering at the Dewey school playgrounds for girls. The first week the grounds were open there were sixty children In attend* ance. Last week 368 children took part In the fun at the grounds. And it Is not only In numbers that signs of prosperity can be seen. BJvery feature of the grounds has advanced as steadily as the number of children has. The grounds are in charge of Miss Katharine W. Kiogsley, a young woman thoroughly competent, and in whom the chil- dren have the utmost confidence. NOTICEâ€" WANT ADS IN.THB Lake Snore News are charged at the following rates: Real Estate Classifications, ?ft cants per line. All other classifications, 5 cents per line. Minimum price 15c No advertise- ment charged for less than 85c. Help Wanted and Situations Want ed advertisements FREE. INT INT â€" OFFICE SPACES; destrabj0£2^ tt^ftaith * Son, 1621 Benson-aV7 I^psft EvajDiton [kf.:"<^ â- â- â- ::â- â- â- â- 'â- .â- *â- '&£ 219, HELP WANTED :AN TED â€"SEVERAL YOTJ ion between the ages of lf/and ,25 Sor employment in a^AlgbJy- 'specialised line of work corporation. Applicant*^ ought Ho have, at leas^gramjsir school edu- cation and most/ftrnish satisfac- tory referencespnwaries above the average are/iwid atHhe start, with rapid advancement forvthose who prove./Capable. AddressSp 146, Lake Shore News. >»vltc BOARD AND BOOM ANBURY, IBM rooni m suite with; single rStej, room, $26 par irseltTr Mrs. F. dorf, Phone ttW. ASBURT-AV„ bath and eulsine; IIS te EXCI m |2*rtrth Bvanst |1,000 Sterne, mm or wwm mmn^mm Ijr new nary of mis- Idge-av., Evanston. >r sALtfU'r;/;^ NSTON HOMES •sa»*ip'";:'i tt>OS I8TON, A rlth Alice blue 1680i TO&^RlgNTr-MODKRN nTnftlftTTfflMt^ j'n' TTnlihsffTf Woods, • - â-  j blocks f«miJpiT^la»<|ght party. Address Sojr^CHnbbard Special fSr Scf Fitfj 707-6-5 OINTNSL 1900 Ctarm,Ripnmtns nefsctarers •isls-Tilt Elerihr CHtCAOO, K.L. 30w-tf NKWtW^ IT ADS MIKO IWtlftTS JTEDâ€"A YOUNG GIRL si8t',w1*h*h^u8eworfc-BSDTOngs and evenings^p^Pltfi^^ Apply 1670 Oslfaae#'lEvanatoiL^^><***sw Up ^advance and they are carried out I'-«vea to the smallest detail. 'â- 'M'^ .;â- â€¢' ' â- ' To Hold Track Meet. . , |^v;"iTomorrow night the girls over |012 years of age are going to have â-  |||sv gay time, for,, on that night they £ will hold their track meet. In the .jtpjtfaet meets good records nave been ||finade and, under the direction of Miss p?Kingsley, ; the girls., constantly are p; doing a little better in their athletic IfJwoilLv';.By the end of the.season'the ^, .:*Hri(»^ a few;,reo- ord**that will stand for some years •'â- j--;./f6";-OoiB0.-;v'i"'/ â-  . On Wednesday, Aug. 6, an interest- ins; meet was held at the school and le good records were made by the t»tols. In the fifty-yard dash Dorothy firown* Evelyn Driseoll and Mar- sjaret Devlne were the three to cross ;*he line first In the broad jump tjssore Brown, Dorothy Brown and JDvelyn brl^ the longest }^Bt4)^:i^^:,.yrhm»r leaped nine feet I'jnlne inches, which is considered an. ^ ^weptional Jump for a smaU girt. In :|^l|^ .-'l>nH^^'throvir; sv '^ataaoe: record, of twenty-^nine feet was made, Lenore : ft^toow^n. was the winner,' '.andâ-  Ediea i|Etorlo0 and Evelyn Drlscoll were sec- ond and third. In the giant stride Ignore Brown, Dorothy Brown and flta*^^^ the travellng-therrlng .'event '.'l Lenore ^rx>wn, Evelyn Drlscoll and Eleanor '^|^|MiM&.vwere" toe winners. ; ^^;f... â-  gThis meet was for girls under 12 rears of age. A like meet Is '.held eju& Wednesday altemoon. Three rlbbaaa are given in each event.; A bln^ rtbb^m counts five points, a Ted â-  ftbhos thre^ polnu, a white ribbon ^ one point.;;.. At the en* of the' season the girl having the greatest number of points will receive the letters "0.1^- standing for "Olrls* League." The Dewey school ground is open every day but Sunday, from 2 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and from 7 until 0 o'clock in the erenlng. .: An iavitatlon is extended to parents to visit the grounds and see what th**r children are doing, ^j^^.-. WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GEJ houtfwsa^k. Phone Bgashron 2151, or call at CTMftjKeellDlne-av., Evans- ton. ..^^'^^^^tomtom^ â-  :i*P FOR ran*- FOR SALE BAL Bâ€"UPRIGHT PIANOS ben in trade on our new 88-note rplayer. Call and see thlsolayer. You will find it far abeaerof any player now in use,. 4[ â- '„.-",. ..I.....*18.00 '...-la'.. 12.00 |...VfT..... 86.00 .........120.00 ...,...*. 110,00 Square piano Organ ...... Simpson upright Emerson .... Adam Schaaf Chlckerlng (almost new), flteinway (fine order). Also four Richtstelg (used at demonstrations) at .close V prices. We can save you money on I _. new and used pianos, Easy pay-j ments. > Patterson Bros,, 1522 Sher- man-av. near Davls-st., Evanston, V-..ifc o You may how telephone;!] Lake Shore News from Gl< coe oran^villag^ south/of Glencoe without charge ^riihen Arouglr fliie, Wifette-l«7r â- 5^ •picall SALEâ€"GA8 BTCOfm, PRAO tically new; cost flj^rlll sell for less than ommUpmB, Write, or see owner, 2Ja*r^ul»Sji -st, Evans- ^PRIVATE TARTY WIU/ eil at a sacrifice Brussels point ^applique Floreaoavlace^l yards, 20 in. in length, 2^|y m&Y designed roses and leavsj/^mrtfa$riHS.. it© m^ be in anotheif town, _ „_ yo^ can readily secure jier. Just phdhe the Lake Shofe News any Vine before Tlpsfl ay even- ing *d your ad wfl^pjiear^n ^the oaoerâ€"thecostlsoi "*'*" f«tbod. .BfesMt'.Ms AmaaNidc.._.. lBnnitorso«th«l (Ov«a2«v« to tad Jn»w I hoar; «*!&• ibnit with < Our Mstfld C««u Vo« iiii Tkaa Hmtt ta* M*Mjr. NO f>A<B-NO HARKS OR SCARS Wtgnirilii to dMtrogr mrr hair w« -------it-â€"ljpwf*mtn w« will cladly rmaanthmmVr^at Clwrs«. Onr Motto. libarmUtr. HooMt Xtwliiut. W« siunnto* ntUdmctUm. 11.00 wfil •m. m tt ^«wjs»coMrAjrt^| t£$S;!$$ m :iiif* Loans and :IH^0m^^^^^^-^^*Â¥hm^v, ««,<. Bonds...... «**<>i«£' y^^^^g^^^^^StSmii Real Estate (Bank -&miisnm^m^-â- â- â- *«-«=??« ' Cash on Hand and Due from Banfa.* Ca0a^StoW&^^4^^^^^^ our plus runu>". *»*«.,&%.••«♦* •*«,«»» .»».^»*i^ Undivided /V©/^^.^;^,^,'4^^>« Reserved for Interest and Taxes....*,. m mm *3« â- â- wm& Accounts suhfsct to cb«il|(tfunall i mm Thrss psr Sals Osf AgYnsral Brest •too: ipany business m without M...... itiSr^ Jtatkms imritad. Mme.Stiver inten tiirciri|«erliave tiis of fhe want sach e^^ one L Eâ€"88-NOTE INSIDE We are taajsfling ?iw» aUy6rigl|^^ian08. Call and see this pWpr. jpace very low. PMterson-Bret!, 163i"Shermah-av. ;;-vi, it© alb-surrby, oawffr- Smlth, 1188 ^Qrjnagaf ^» Phone Evanstonl7«. ^^ ^* 8?-tf FOR ^A*fe-SEW1^G MAClilNfifl trade on our new Slngef These machines are) over- »uled yean. chine. Singer . Standard New Hontel Domestio Wheeler $, White, dro; guaranteed Don't buy a] il:#K:«-yt8.00' i^s.oo rp-head... 15.00 a..»*M ri«.v-»â€" „j •.. â- â€¢>â- â€¢ fiftshoawl .(almost'neÂ¥)^iwipf.iUU»' wives ar, warned to be on the lookout ShS* *mhhl* * '""^^ "£*J W»'-t»ti.:-J:i â€"J-*«^ â€"v- v^_; n«_ WUCOX A OiDDS..............:.. 18.00 !^!?^^^^^W^ 4k Oibbs, arop^ead.....t8.00 grwista, the north side 1^ Clu>is> k^ Also large assortment ol aUghtly- ane to five hew nur iltl^rth^ i^kand^ qtf 5 cents m with bold holdups in small stores and Wsidenose;:Ths three young thuga, all deaeribed as being less than 18 years old. ars driving a gray horse . Aawding to mfoTniation received ;R.,M"!;iNs. Evanston police â-  from the Boc«rs Park oflksers, the youths single out small stores in ^ -the outlying districts where^ women are in oliszga. All three enter the place and in wfld west fsshion POftn- the cash drawer sad also heln themselves to srtldes in the store. It Is slso said several houeewtves have been nmad to give up valnables to the young thiets<^| When lsst seen in. the Rogers Psr* district, they were and H is thought they to operate in Bvanston. used machines. Prices way down. Easy payments. Patterson Broew 16M Shermsn-av., near Davuvst, '"', 'Evanston. . ,*• '••-"^'Us â- fa"'-'- > â- ""â- "G..... '|li|to.;ReiitJC)r..... i|^New:£#;.:': yanst0i| bint, V^|netkag u|b^fd^^bd4^ pria^ lipilafi^ r i Forest;;#a;.cosii 0ur^cn3ii?ft ':.' •--'^;.«."'. . « :â- -.'(. -"MSA eare ru AU varieties of Roses, Fruit Hardy, Herb jomr 6i as; Plants PHONE 1100 *B$ JOFPICERS WUliam A. Dychsy Prefdent, '.â- :' 0 :;^» H J. WsllinglcTdf Vice-President. - F. J. Scheldehhslm, Vice-Preaidsnt and Cast O. H. Tomllnson, Asst Cashier and . .c. J. Luther, Asst;:8eiui^|ry| - --"'------------:-........ ----L. ^TKDwap,;;ASj|j|j4...... DIRECTORS Merrltt C. Bragdoa Frank M. pilot Samuel 8. Dingee, Frank W. Gerould, F. J. Scnefi Ril€ William A. Dyche, «.:-v#- Oscar H. Haugan. Richard a Lake, â- v*?;:; 'AT^OMPUSI Full Stenographic and CoAnercJsl Coufsee pffTTJay and Et B57 Saersas ^.^cor^^ren^^ivtfM^ Paosl Evaartos 3606 Old common irons 1l« .lei thkLaliiSJw iniiy s^^iiifl^ps'iip^^ £& '^Sl- T^wl. a eii^dlMI^Mia ^ iuation it<* S^ip?" '.•/,;v.'>w.i k""*4: Mil t'X] AL ESTATE I- M/nhah1»' •a»«s> Snnltariam /s»' _ â- â- â- __-â- â- â€¢ Alw.^ewi: soil, asjd^annot gtMJHs;. Can nt AND WT and tohaeeo pay for it ./";St Si ' many splendid farms ts l^m^aJUB Vei^ coua- £|^.i«h|refjdna^^sM^^ ' |»Js^rto.;leiy- very bes\ of clay be beat f\r tame l ^mtlinfb. anyTised «r:'if|pl' ;fs^;,yi*^niay wan^;*i^i^»ei â- â- '^W1 Sjf- J^;:«NP««^'?la»«,^^ ;i0#pww#and'-Jts^;.«i»»^ tag In pri« from |lo to W per ^*ifc:-lf fion *ant to boy good land ,#l;^;l©w?lWos-;.sai: on easy terms, .......|^i,:^Olarh;:;SpBrli^W^||'^ m {Nii^^?^^^ ^itiien^ V accomplish a lliiiv ri«; mt ads, at a cost that is tng. :M lli?Ki#^ wman :;^ai^|r|sii^ ication. will be maiAd. ii ?;:*;i?i^s^l 1 g:i»aSi *::1S "â- :'--'â- $$$â- â-  ';.-'MiSt;:'.i".-"# ' ' Electric Irons carried to our display rooms mm X- K&$% ::V:- ;;:^;'- Isii^si ':Mi

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