Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Aug 1913, p. 6

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sm WW. m ill I- ♦ HIIIIIIHIMIIIIIIMI 1^ jWliat People Are Doing I winWMka f% â-  K Mr. C. S. Thorne has returned from jl; a trip to Virginia. fl; Mrs. Hale Holden and children of ^; Bryant avenue are in the east. S. B. King l« in Colorado for a three weeks' outing. Mr. Rudolph Mats and family are in Maine for the month of August Mr. and MrB. F. K. Copeland are In the west. Mrs. William Altken and daughter of Cherry Btreot are In Scotland on a visit to Mrs. Altkens parents. r Mrs. A. M. Kloepfer returned Satur- day from a visit In northern Wiscon- sin. r, Mr. and Mrs. John Iverson have \' moved from 892 Ash street to their new home in Hubbard Woods. Mrs. L. I- Buchanan and son, Perry, are In California for a two months' trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. H." Merrill and children of Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods are In Maine for the month of August. Mfss Ruth Jenks of Elder Is the guest of Miss Irene Puckett at Eagle River, Wis. Miss Puckett formerly lived in Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Winship of Elm street have returned from Montague. Awhere they have spent the last two weeks. . Btcycle thieves are again busy iu y Winnetka. Mr. S. H. Brownell. of r. Pine street had his wheel stolen from $.. his front yard Tuesday of last week. f Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Annlng and son, Herbert, left the latter part of last week for Rangely Liake, Me. They are eSll to be away for a month. ( Mrs, George W. Sldell of Columbus, .;-' 0., and Mrs. JUdiaon % iBurk of Cleveland, O., are the guests of their ^====~=mother, Mrs. John Busscher. // Miss Belle jtossweissl, who has 0r, been the guest of Mrs. John Stenman, has returned to her home in Apple- ton. Wis. j|> Mr. James Scheiner of Spruce â- V-" , street, who spent last week in camp &v^'"": n»ar Burlington, Wis., returned Mon- IP-:'."v* day and left for Marinette, Wis., for §' a stay this week. |^ .Mr. Funkhouser of the Galena high |«V school has been chosen one of tho ||^/ ' teachers for the Horace Mann school. ||,,'; Mr. Funkhouser wll| reside in Hub- ||U;: bard Woods. &|vV Mr* M*rtin 8. Thorsen. was elected 'm0;;::elmlL of:the Winnetka Camp of the |^ifS; Modern Woodmen of-America at their \jMv'y lastmeeting.' p||: Misses Freda and Pauline Wentland, Wâ- ,::.:â- . who hava been the guests'of their un- ifjMii:f cle» Mr. Joha.Blasluav of Oak street, ||illthnve ' returned to their home'!'In Wa- Wj# tertown, Wis. , Mies Bthel Blaslus ac- ^^l3©omi»Mled'them-tor a week's visit. "*"$&â- 'â- :â- ' Mr. and lira. 8. J. Eisend OISBROW BREAKS RECORDS AT AUTO MEET ;-**js Little Red Freckled Pig Proves Lucky Mascot.for Case Driver in Races, ^ WINNETKA BOYS'CLUB m^Wi^^fi- *im> Honors at the Libertyvllle automo- bile racett yesterday afternoon, were carried off by Louis Disbrow, the featherweight pilot of the Case racing team. Disbrow broke his own record for five miles against time made at the state fair grounds fit Springfield last year by twenty-five seconds. He completed the distance In 4:33:6, mak- ing a new mark for the distance on a dirt trnck. J One of the largest crowds that ever attended a racing event around Chi- cago watt iiresent Hundreds of auto- mobiles lined the course, while the huge grandstand was more than Com- fortably filled. Hundreds of' Evans- ton people were among the onlookers. It was in the feature event, at ten miles, that Disbrow showed his skill as a driver. Both be and Ricken- bacher, who drove a Mason Special, had each won a heat in the races held ut the same track two weeks ago. Disbrow had his little red Simplex Zip keyed up to better than a mlle-a- minute clip. • Had Blood In Their gye. Both drivers had blood in their eye as they lined up for the start At the crack of the pistol Disbrow "opened 'er wide" and the machine leaped out like a thing alive. Rickenbaoher was right on top of Disbrow's rear wheels, when he got the word, and they shot like a streak for the pole at the first turn. Disbrow went wide and in a moment the gray hood of his rival's car was out in front. This was only for a moment, however, for with a spurt that sent a thrill through the spectators in the grandstand Disbrow again went to the front, where he re- mained until the finish. It was a hard-fought race, and the skill and daring of the two drivers brought rounds of applause from the stand. In the beginning of the race: Disbrow hung up a new world's com- petition record, his time being 9:181-5. "--r..â€" The Winnetka Boys' club baseball team has been acclaimed winners of of championship for that village fol- fotwtog the game in which they de- feated* the regular Winnetka team Sunday, by a score of 6 to 8. The game Way fast and exciting throughout and was featured by the rally of the vis- itors in the ninth inning, when they ptied up four runs after it was thought they had lost tha. gajoe. - - ^4- For some time there has been much rivalry between the two clubs. Sev- eral games have been played by the two? teams during the summer and, since both teams won about an equal number of games, an agreement was made to. play nine Innings for the championship of the village. This contest was staged before 800 en- thusiaetio fans" Sunday afternoon In the ball grounds In Winnetka, iA two-base hit by Kregor, the Ty Cobb of the Boys' club team, scored two men In the last half of the ninth inning of the game and brought vie- tory to the youths. This was followed by more slugging and two more runs were snored. The line-up of the two teams fol- lows: Boys' Clubâ€"Knox, p.; Wil- liams, c.; Oeherty lb.; Kregor, 2b,; Gudianst; as.; Richardson, 3b.; Car- penter, l.f.;, Hatt, r.f.; Stubbe, e«f. Winnetka team-r-Wood, p.; Clifford, «.; Johnson, lb.; Scrlmminger, Sb.; Hostetter, s.s.; Travenger, 8b. • Dehm-j low, l.f.; Knatt, r.f.; Johnson, o.f. Mrs. flfi?H. Reny of Columbus, Mo., is a guest In the home of Mrs. C. K. Parmelee. Miss Mabel Cresap of Champaign __ is the guest of her b^^Mark^Cn- j J^J tt~^ ^ut the mlddiq «l;|si>- """" tembar Mil*; Jau»^;iia^r->f**»i^^ W^** extensive ' tr^ through thef^isia*i^. state*. They enjoyed m-:W$p$$l& through the Catskills and the Adiron- dscHs. . -yJ:M;?'. ' . ...^|;i;fe"il Friends 'nave"received' c«rdi)froni: Mr and Mrs. Fred C. Travel who ariK pasting a- few weeks at Atlantic City, announcing that the weather condi- tion* there a/e ideal. They ^flt !r<K family are again occupy lag their home on Cherry street. The house was bad- ly damagedl by fire a few months ago, i but has been repaired and many alter atlons made, gPlp-'Mr. ::William- BrandJ» who was In- ^gpiuredJrecently- in an accident at the "^""",Oak Street crossing of the Northwest- ern, was returned to hla home last $|ff^#eek from the Evaftston hospital.- Mr. Hi^Brand *• reported to' be convalescing f^tiyety slower and It will be some time , before h* will be able to attend to his l^'hujrfhesav â- '"â- â- "#â- â- "â- â- ; "â- â- â- 'â- â- ' aft Up l^ROUr^ €FFIG*AT*Sv- Police Magistrate Prouty of Win- netka may soon be called the "marry- ing" Justice" of the north shore. On Thursday evening he performed hie first marriage ceremony, when he officiated at the wedding: of Arthur C. Lapham of Olenco^and Miss Grace 0, Foster, formerly of Winnetka. It la rumored that several other swains of the north shore have engaged the ; jg^TR^rvleflr^ nuptial aCalrs planned soon," Pig Lucky Mascot, With their little red-freckled pig for a mascot, the teammates of Dis- brow couldn't figure out how they could lose. Every time one of the events was chalked up to their credit one of the boys would step over *o "plggie" and tickle his right forefoot Just to have some luck. , „ Disbrow had bad luck 1st the Open- ing event at ten miles, his No. 11 Case having sprung some kind Of a leak. He got even, however, In til thejothetfixenta with ^ vengeance. - The first scheduled event on the program was a third trial with a flying start at one mile. Rlckenbacher, in a Mason Special, completed the conrse In 0;M. "Wild Bill" Endkotfe to a Case Special, was the next person to try for the prize. "Wild Bill" dki the best he knew how to "hit fir a^UckV* but he couldn't get by Rickenhacher's mile in 0:54 flat. ' ; • Then came Disbrow, fiercely nuUtng his black mustache and - with a^lUink of tutti frultti chewing gum being slowly ground between bis iiarp white teeth. Something wai pushed out on the track that.greatly resem- bled one of Capt. Jensen's upturned life saving boats. On closer lnspeo- sap, and family, in Abbotsford road. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe R. Gllkey have closed their home in Kenllworth ave- hue and have gone to New York for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mn. Charles M. Arm- strong of Essex road have returned from an auto trip down-state, where they visited relatives. Mrs. Frederick C. Little is again at home after a few weeks spent as the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. O: Tllt. In Holland. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward J. Phelps and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Zimmerman are enjoying a trip through and Minnesota. Mrs. W. L. Serrell and daughter of Melrose avenue tyave returned home after several weeks passed in Wis- consin and Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray of Cum- nor read have for their guest Miss Jane Murray of Canada for a few weeki,;;.;^v. Mrs. 8. S. Holden entertained a score of friends in her home in War- wick road Friday in honor of Mrs. Fred1 Wing, who will soon leave Kenll- worth for her new home in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. William E, Higbee Hr. and Mrs. Claude Burnham are now enjoying a stoy in the woods ^i northern Wisconsin. They will slpeld* muob time the guests of several friends, Including Judge G. H. Laugh' lln, F. H. Helm, and others, who are vacationing there. ri# Mr, and Mrs. Fred A. Forbes, son Albert, and Mr. and Mrs. George P. Nichols of Kenilworth, left for Buf- falo Saturday night on the steamship Minnesota with their car for a month's tour In the Adlrondacks, White i Mountains and the New England Wisconsin coait Ptrnttvimttia Oil &>. ^|gv|^ Cylinder OILS of all Kinds and Consistency ponge Grease oik Axle Grease el Polish Monc^am04l^Vaivorln«<%, Albany Grease -^ P:J:Dlioif I Graphite and Grajjhite Greases.. Tel. 1391 s ©33 Sherman Avenue = HhiStinimer ~Wt have Jtutt rtceived a num- ptr */m&rofr&iH novelties ««• tion, however, it turned out to be Jay- Eye-See, Louie's 20WiorsA^jwssje^ auto. .:t'^A§0^^ As Disbrow made a clrob^; oitllt track to get "her" wanned up, some one poked the "maacot pig" to the ribs and the porker starter the "high Sign" and the big inachtoe went thundering by the stand to.^nothing.*' A hot tongue of flame apouted from the exhaust side of the car, and as "her" hooded driver bent lower under the windshield he htt the flrsvtam oi the stretch and the front wheels sent up a shower of.„dirt -\|»' ;«lgh> as :-k miniature geyser. ;. . ^&^*-,4£&. - Does Mile In OtS*. ^pWir As the,Jay-Bye-See sped down the back stretch "her" white e sides shone to the sum Uke ^huge wogglebug. The turns were too short and the machine too big foy fpUbrow to do much with, and the beM 1|e could do with his big flyer was A mffll hi fifty-six. second*. %^f! :< â- ;?, ~ .. No sooner had the Jay^e^lMfa wheeled from the court« than Dfs* brow hopped Into hla Sltoplea Zip. "I'm going to show you boys SOme- thing before. I gti aronglb* yeUett ]Mt> •• he held im his hand for. a e**ifeAad l»^*ertol»^-^5.«|F;iirli: •Peed that fairly sootbhed the iM hs flashed by the judges* stand h* a verttable stream of sawke and Sre. 5»im:hia: time >as anounvad it wm shown that he had inada good hst *^::a£!£^eu- Q» coarse to «k> aajla/ " AJIvanceiShowing SofcSatilMli...... m-»~ piquant in Wet Han^ ijcwesa ide black or blfck a i§ complet are also kit »extra value.i^M^i^.pn^^m' round collar, fancy buttons on Waist and rreen & cadet Witmette Phon* 600. 'i^i^MMks^k zMMMB&i^MMMi.

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