Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Aug 1913, p. 5

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3t, ue, has ri^0^jM>M-t igan. vV^&^jM has rt^Wli and ^&W$^,_...., Sberldan '^'"•â- '^"P^'^S son, Wednesday. iniil^lRi,i^^ its Mollie 8prw0^^^ nue, has return!*1^f^^i,T?"" otha' stay at Pt&^m^^- j, Mass. . v^ilCll 4r. Joan P.-' WQ&iffym$, ce, leaves to^-'^P^v.,,,,...,^. .., where He *«â-  l#|^j«#l?*^r. {Jehu's. H©^!**^ Bth Dakota, vimmmm w**** "and Mrs. ^^W^^^^ Mrs. pwood avenues * ^v&u$°?va |« Biizal»etlfr.ll|i||«to^^-«^»»«» spending »^^p^»i-*t^ W» jort near N«^^«%-Mlch;. f"":$^X' viaitation Jjj&ijMmir *& op*h?*>p-; 0ber 9. >|^r the ac»omindd*M«i:ot day stunents, esi^ally^tp* the , peop%^ie acadenw:? w*tt:|«^g dren, Helen Md^^l^Oc^ *8H _fesley avenue, footiO*«%,Urtth | Pj**%; Wlnnctka Men* ^ tdUIw take rt week, whm:^^^^0$^ TCral days. â- â- %"f:^^^ffe^i'-^ Kiss oertfude (^Mii^oi^mj^ t, is'viBiting Mrs. 'Jeo^'^lA^t, £14 Oak avenue. 1^.^t«^JM}&. 'â- Rogers Park entei^»^;|^1»!"^ m for her last w«%|<^^;'^«% M for six. . M'^-^f"1^-â- '^â- T?"'â- â- :* Hn. c W.' Martin'.^g^'twc^cliii- who have ,lj^.:';tft»Wn^!^MiBR: jn's parents, - , 3trt^M*9;:£.||ra.:: lories Sumner, 1122 Maple:;e>toMlV June 5, have-retumeC||0;'.'ft^»t, â- In St. I^ls,:.BI©VX::;"'3lv^?W Mtes Elizabeth Kreis, daughter 61 and Mrs. Adolph teollt %^>MMt „ will be married Se|«l»nrt)e^^r^ f, Arnold Spencer ^fhi,rmo£^^^ I Mrs. Robert Want }08H Gfprt&ka Did. The young peopW wlU 1««^| pt for England, whefBte their;%ljuV ;e their home. Rimpson f^:fpfB;^ta4^' Mrif ^^l«« »<»dlil« Jonpa and Ba*^»j^-j$^^ a^nue^le^l&aBa^ ftli^l^^ Beck, _„ ^ri^^^»|^«tt«W;" Returned Mrs. James J. Greer of Minneapolis, has been spending:;'th* :J^|t[wtr lonths with her inotheri Jftw. Charle* frstrom, 1815 Ashland avenue, and Sister, Mrs. W. E. l*OjB«^i^U'W*»^- Otoe street, left th* ;Jl^ P^f <* Week for her home in MuTbesota Mrs. M. K. Runnells of Norfolk, Va, io has been visiting her niece, Mrs. fcancellor L. JenkB,^1^tdg«.-A** ne, and Mrs. George W. Hotchklsa, US Earn wood avenue, left Stiday for short visit to a brother in CsjMria, lence to her Virginia home. 38e Ladies of Isabella had an Ideal ftornoon and evening for *belr_JaWn its, which was given Saturday from 8t Vincent de Paul Fresh Air camp. Belie u. Casey, supreme •crtbe the Ladies of IsabeBX h«4 jCbarge- "the outing. S^-^^TfUS^^^W ) Misses Victoria Warne*wn, BSm- kHnlsing, Lurene MochelSte, Mary IcDonaid, Anna Qlassner/ a»dr Qielr amraittees. On tn©-«*ii#^at "-'$08% an Isabella streets, where the «sb air camp is located,^ rftfrjjrtunen^ Teddy Bear and varioua other Botha had been stationed. Miss Buis- had charge of the dance nlatfonn Miss Glaasner was chairman of committee on the grp^Adsi. This Mtttntion is a pla^ Jjrliw |notners children from toe crowded <***-. «**â-  of Chicago: ;eiXQ^'^q#-jft ~ii|p«rt. fcsnon. it acccmrmodateafrom «« flLlnmatea an unexcelled «act amount raised !•_-- ^^... ,, *«• thought the fundi;:fer^&$'rf* **Vtto* were ^i^/^tBUi^^^ **»»ed thereby. Tieeday afternoon '|^ 4:SO >»«teek i;>iena Viata,'- u»» Wmiiwr home |tte bride's parenU at Fox Lake, ^, May Camulti'i-|tet^BJ^7i^ â- Wed to James Baraex ^•mbo^4' m tlniversity club, this^li§&<&&. Wkiss is the daughter of Itr: and' m D«n Btmad^0l^r-t0€ Mary Hard, a kappa Kappa, wis gi:of honor, and ^^Mf** of sparta, wi»^::«^tli;^«f ..-ttt; J*^, was nutroa ot hflBOT. Miss M:: Faroham of l4kort«M, MlckW Wm served the lrldegtooin as W.*an. Beth of the ytMM pedple ^PaduateaofNorttwe*tem«iiver- •*• mas HotelAlas WM tfadnated â- â€¢â- the CiiinnoA geheA of Oratory W* ^ member ef Shilupya C»> Alur»w«WlJlr,a»4 . »'?M^"Psj^HKPiBPIftS"rjTffi?T. iKiittS^iil Slilfe^ii^i^^ vSfflte BtaaMtt smss, ^^p^l^^Moru^^Stt' Judson aTenue* was ^ Norto Michigan last â- ft Frances suits. ' 1^ Beiart, SHI Mrs: 'Hugh Morrison and daughter, .^jilfcjSiisi ^it^^^JBjr^; !tteiay- 83* Reba ;£jjk~mii^ and 'l^i^^XJI^t^^^^iBrtne^ 824 Hlnman aVenuA flttfti the week-end in -Mil- wa's**w?&s-/?M8":«?iv'--"»â- â-  ' .-â-  ^J^ifii^I'lfe^^'^md Rapids, illlca., Is^he week^a*%iest of George |^e^^;^«s^;;|r?" 2720, Wood- ::^|s^f:^I^IeSlnl^ 1930 Orring- ton av«nue, ie expected home the la^ ter part of this week from a visit on a Ifcr^Jhear Morris, ill. ^Iftrsfl^MrsrMyron J. Sturm, who bgW resided at the AvenuerHouse dur- ing* the past year, have moved into ^heir ne^ kbme in Wllmette. MrsrW. S. Moke of MassilTbn, O., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George F. KnlSely, 2720 Woodbine avenue. Mrs. Moke Is Mrs. Knisely's sister. . Miss Theodora Grantham, 2415- Hartaelt street, mA Miss Dora- Schu- macher, 2406 Hartzell street, returned Monday from a month's trip through •in^-west;-:.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Homer and d^u^hter,/Miss Helen, 707 Michigan avenue, have returned from a month's stay at Kilbourn, Wis., and Oregon, 111, The trip was taken Ibyautottioblfa a The engagemeht of Miss Florence Greaves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Travis Greaves of San Fran- •dieo^ttt Charles Kindness Moore of tma c&r3iii atmounWd !^ the parents of the bride-to-be. Mr. Moore is a graduate of Yale and is^ well known as an athlete. Miss Florence L. Smith, subcesstul and popular teacher at Lincoln school^ has accepted a position with the state normal at Oshkosh, Wis., as critic teacher; She leaves Saturday, ac- companied <by her mother, Mrs. Charles B. Smith, 631 Hlnman ave- :«0 until io:oo p. m> ':^-^^'^iMMfiii^ for Oabkoihy where they will make their home. ,. w'li^y^mlm"^KMy, '230lTCentra1 -street, gave a musical yesterday â- & ,Mr. Daniel Comstock, 2408 Hartsell 'street, is attending party at ws Thousand Islands. i Mr. and Mrs, H. 8. Durant, 937 For- ekt avenue, returned Saturday even- ing from Atlantic City. ; / M&vand:%. O. Q, Fisher, 643 Hln- man avenote/returned* Sunday from a Visit la Aurora and Detroit. Miss' Jane Rose, 2410 Park place, returned Friday from a two months' yJslt with relatives in Cleveland, Q. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Cowan of Dan- ville, Ky., are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Paul O. Owsley, 1892 Sheridan road. K Mrs. Charles W. Hayden, 645 HI* man avenue, returned Thursday from a week's visit in Kalamazoo and Nlles, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kelley and little son, Malcomb, left Sunday for New York, where they will make their home. Mrs. George L. Danforth of Louis- ville, Ky., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Hamilton Ross of Win* netka. Mrs. H. El Lacey of Omaha, Neb., has been the guest of Mrs. P. L. Whitehead, 712 Michigan avenue, for a few days. Mrs. Bdwert Boelke and children, 1912 Darrow avenue, left Thursday to visit Mr. Boelke's parents at Crystal Valley, Mich. The Misses Martha and May Palm. 2406 Colfax street, returned Saturday evening from a two weeks' visit at Ohekama, Mich. Mrs. Noyes and two children of Pe- waukee/ Wis., are the guests or Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Apps, 2315 Harrison street. Mrs. William Klatt and daughter, Miss Amelia Klatt, 2118 Wesley ave- nue, left Thursday to visit friends in Crystal Valley, Mich. Mrs. Paul Owsley, 1892 Sheridan road, entertained at bridge Friday aft- ernoon for her guest, Mrs. John R. Cowan of Danville, Ky. Mrs.' B. J. Moberg, 1426 -Elmwood avenue, and her guest, Miss Elsie Johnson of Cleveland, O., spent Fri- day in Chicago Heights. Miss Eva Balsaes, 947 Sherman ave- nue, and-Miss Ruth Fountain, 1502 Elmwood avenue, have gone to Idaho, Til., near R^ckffeUer, to spend their vacation. '«. ' Mrs. Walter Sullivan, 1944 W. Rail* road avenue, is visiting her brother in De Kalb. Her daughter, Miss Marga- ret, is with her. They will be away several weeks. Mr. anrf Mrs. Otto G>.- Ryden, 1010 Elmwood avenue, have returned from a three weeks' trip to the west, dur- ing which they went through the Yel- lowstone National park and visited the mining districts at Butte, Mont„ and at Cripple Creek and Silver. Plume, Colo. They also attended the Tiiennal Knights Templar conclave at Denver. *v*Bik*r, â- â- "â- â- â-  !rtH|^^^^^^^ Pennsylvania Oil O). Gas lagtte (Jus, •< Sponge Grease, Orsen Oil Soap, ,, cup Oreass, Gear Oreass, Fiber ot and Rickel Polish, Crude VawliaeJ i Whits alt CoIgHJl Waste. IRE AsfBNTS FORrTHE = .».„,„„,......____„„„ (mivef&auy Gtssse, Coek's 8pecia| Trsasniissioii gg^,5fes^^s»»G^h^^^ JOsphom IWl ^33 Sherman Avenue A Wfb-dss" Use of new 5XOVM, HUGS sad «wj) *-£i :â- ' VV • Secbod-aasd - - iooAH» EJtfsjRaoM we., sWakstow OR GST URB «H StyWs at Half sxchsngsd TELEPHONE t80 Stiitsoi yf guaranteed REFERENCES FVM1SHED FASHIONABLE mm^mm 14B0OIH •fr^t, b on a flshlnt-irip at thTFern- â- dalB, Chain 0-La*ej^ifls. â- :â- :â- â- â- â- .--m. â-  J>r. and Mrfc,;::|prta^:Ai Boot and son, Melvln, »40» Harrison atriet, -have retunie*>;|r«^^i':; two weeks' motoring trip to LanaltK and Detroit, Men. : 'â- <»4gP$' " ; Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Ansel of Springfeld, Mass,, and Mrs. E. 8. baa* an of NUes, illc|||^ent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto'q. Ryden, 1010 Klmwood avenue. â- â€¢â- :'% Mrs. P. L. Whitehead and daughter, Persis, 713 Michigan avenue, and Mrs. Whitehead's sister, Mtas Ely of Chi- cago, left Tuesday forj-an outing at South Haven, Mieli^ i| Dean Thomas F.Holgate, 617 Li- brary place, returned Sunday from North Port, Mich., where he hat been for a week visiting Dean and Mrs. P. C. Lutkin at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. B. JT^ Bufflngton and daughters, the Mlsaia fcugenla and Sarah Louise, 1140 Forest avenue, re- turned home the iftntt of the week from the east, where they have been touring during this ijHfcth. Mr. A. S. Van Dwassn, 1618 Wesley avenue, has returned from a trip through Colorado/where he visited Colorado 8pringK Orh>ple Creek, Den- ver and other powt*^ ^Cm hl* return he spent, several daya vrpi his family in Spring Lal^ Wlii^f Mr. and Mrs. Johji Borg, 2020 Or-' rington avenue, have gtms to Three Lakes, Wis., for several weeks' stay.. Mr. John H. Russell of Chandler, Okl., is the guest of his sister. Mrsv Margaret Russell, aha niece, Mrs. George H. Qoebol, lMt Wesley ave- nue.' "" _ â- " ^ r':'?J*!7 Mr. and Mrs. Ni<Aola« Schmidt of Nlles Center, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Anna, to A> fred Heffel. J13 Custer avonue. Mr. Heffel is traveling auditor of the Chi- cago ft Northwestern Teilroa<l- M,BB Schmidt's father i|u in ex-mayor of Niles Center. 'V;?j^?", iU cards irriday aftewo*a at ik^mm^fi ^^.^..., ^ Mi* ,(Jharle« a. Wl^fassan and daughter, AJloe, 1454 l(agJ« avsnw. have returasd fwm Witiltesl^ Wla Iw^hsr and Mr., Jahii^^;vHhi*»^I4»^:;^: rington avenue, has ,:9Jm&l$0&>; wood, Minn., to visit hh brother, Mr .Mors^^^lnaa^^^',;:; 'v;^ -M^-^mt^-Mr^ ;|rlei-^lswrtelt^: 'of: Womimoti-^«f:§ki!ii "'#f*ft^'^n* guest* of Mr^and^Mn. Charlie R. Wigktman, °H8 Ridge araaaa. - â-  .. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick a Kretsing. •r. 1000 Forest avenue, *r» at home after a tour of more thso three thou- sand milea through New StogOand end Intermediate places of Intereat, Mr. and Mrs. l»ws^ 1^ Braasoii of Springfleld, HL, who .«•»•' naen tho guesU Wttw&im^*'V»aa& ton, 1707 Ridge avenue, i" away for a few weeks* trtp to Georgia Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frtdwlck Pier- sen, lttl Oak avenua lanmet the engagement of their slat«r, Mtas Alice Piersen, t37 Lincoln strait, to Mr. Lewis Cutlet Clarke of B«Mt9B, Mat* Mr. and MrsT William J- HamOton, 1707 Ridge avenue. h»ra returned from Jerseyville, 1U„ wh«« they at- tended the wedding of Itra. Hamll- ^ton's sister, Miss Irene «. Bhobe, to BMlward K. Branson of SprtftSHeld, 111. The guests at the Klm'0 Daughters' home were glvan a m»tJtaaa party, Thursday to see the Quo VadU plot- ures at the Evanstoa th«t«r. The en- tertalnmg committee consisted otj Mesdames Charles W. D, Paraons. C. A. Vilas, E. D. Kelly and Arthur W. 'iBurnham. ,^^.\„:/_......., .V.,^-â„¢--â€"^â- â€¢â- ' â- .->,. flpr, • F»<v^;^p|saBiSBSjv.jS^^t 'gta^peu, street, i« b^ to St^timii ea a '7 Miss Ha»enl%«eel^%tt Sheridan Nelson, in Moatreal, ~ " :^^aa|liii|p|| &^.:trimWi9^ ..... Mr. Arthur Aronsoh^ Chnada Is the guest of his par^ My; aa4 Mrs. Frank Aronsoo/$^>iebaniel ave- nua has returned fi^Oe^ ^ HI where she hsa been atteaaia* summer â- **g#^«:>:r;sC;-c^lK daughter. Dorothy, iWT Grrfngton •tueast,,: sm :M<00^mi>W^^:-- Mrs. ca^es B>oesa at I^ttab^rg; Pa. U vieitit^ hs» daughter, Mrs. Win. J. Neumaxy tS6l HartaeH street. LusR ' Have ertttPirtliMii&e '" ~« porter a and -i" } Bul'dara of bin at thtir^Id location, 1^^ 'Wm: iyUJt #&â- â-  - - one tfrcat difficulty U the high coit. If you will only confine your buying of tffoc«*i«g and meat* to Rogcnbertf'f < you will i*^« msny dollarg during the courge of the month. S«U ing forcsah only.enibleg us to offw yoa bette* |oo^ M .tor tiro montha. 'â- > The;:'!l^::-a^;'H||rf: Jones,:' (f&: Green waoji,: count of the ninata xnents, has > returned : fnntt months' stay in where aha. haa been studylng^patnttng with Mr. Walter Clute of the Art In stltute. in the summer •antei ^eeffest Fancv -^-' » veryhtsb *ing oof- "t>....8S« fee, at Mr lb.. 4 mar?**. Camebttl's Soups â€" Cstnpbeil's Tomato Soups, a eana....g*4 1 •ttesM-Very fancy Jap f/ â€" t lbs. fwr..H*o | Bice, immâ€"mmmm . â€"TJwiuti........ Evergreen ^^•y«7<aa ear seletMO, doa.1*« Rod WP«J?*»PrM' 1X. per basket »•;.....'*» Celsry, 8 toUfM^.....J08 ?ar»l^,le«e^nche»..3e fancy a^.*!?*"" 1§fl Beans, a qt* ftor....l»« L-oXn.?'S«,1eVUh...c Fresh ^aitets^ Fsncy Callferala Malaoa Orapee, per basket..43o Lemons, per.doa......wo Kncy CoeWng Apples, per peck ....ii......*»« Csll/ornfe Psashea, per basket >;..j.....w« coFPeaa and tba«.^ Booots ••sfW Coffee, j - lb. -.~iuidk~.*.....%fa yOnsekfrs The foltowfor trieuesareexeellent for Dl lunches: social Nabisco Wafers, O'clock Teas. plate Wafers, Fig on*, Uaeeda Otn- "Vafetf, Vanilla and-Old Time Waters, S pksV.for.,.. southern Mlxsd Ceekfei a delicious Marsl low oonfectton, lb. per id. .«*..#.-» •herldan Brand Coffee, tbe yellow bags, per Id- • •--?-V>-» •'" v,*22 Jibs. for..,,........*1'*> We have ffie best ase Coffee in aVsnston, i lb. ...........»-...»o 4 lbs. for...i..<.....s«o Upton's Vefle* l-ebsl - Ceffee, 1 lb. eans....32o OUR WKBKLY MONIV HVIM. Mot-tort's s>ree.*ennlno __g«lt. ner^apfon^.--.fe 'tenet Vsas^.'OesafJK â€"Brafid. • rjMto for.. .flo. Bye riour»4k». ba»..l»» Rnox'e OM*at«nfi_pItsr..J2o Belter's Ceeen,ean....1*« ST* M.^i5rflslce»/ - I. cans for......•••••J"* Anoelu. TKrebm^tews, plain or eboeolate, , P box ...i.........7c 20-Mul* Team â- Â«Â«Â». in < gun Cream BHeltCiiesee, per lb. -i... ,y\.. ..«as rifie New Yerfc Amertoan Cheese, per lb......«*e •wIm Cheese, domestic. per IK".............»»e MMLsren'a Cream Cheese, ner pk»......So rrkneet Cheese (In tin /foil), per lb.....,.<.l4fl r COT PRICKS ON , CBRBAUar Shredded Wheat ... .1oy«o ' 8uaKer oats ........tyjt p. Prtee'e Oats„ F r% b^tt'let' •/rop-Ohlo nd Cane and for..i»a ...ftVge CANNBO OOOOS. HUVMtale Asparagus*â-  ;;;Vâ- ': ' per can .............We .r,»rand.^ 'e^MHh," tbe' naest ...j^sa»BeeV-:---^;:.-;:'-â€"#: $ tau oans,.,.^.....fre ♦â- ijSiii.- eane>^.-rriis7e". ♦NtM^yM^^HHMtMMMMMtMHfilWMIi Native Chuei choice Best Slrlt juior. lb. Native hi tender, Native SI per lb. Fancy Vi fancyr Choice, Fancy loin. _ Fancy E»mb CHopi loln.flb. ........ Best lefrd, 8 tbe. for., snow Drift ihortening. 8 lb.'peU for........ Noteespaclally tbaoff triofg bftlantg ex Bacon*. Tney lBl\» not >rtn sold jst such Icyyicep foy many montltg Ferterhouse s to s lb. average, wtmm L SATUBOAY. Sunday Oinner. or lb Beast' teef, best rotted or etandlnav Selected •erlns Lag iOf M>jnh, EXTRA SPBCIAU Of*-- ARMOUR'S BTAfl^HAMS .....-------Aieo -pAcog*;"" "â- "";.â-  Armotir'e Star Han* ^. per lb........A..1>.*»2«f4o Armour's Star Baoci»# br the uiece, in, ......;„..-aey«e MONDAY, sirr. 1. prom today on we Will sell CrUco at cut prtoMt -.... _.; 26o slxe- 6oo staM for..........,,.'...4Bo |l.oo aise for...v.»>;£*£-£.:M9 Let ue supply ytnir - ^Orlsoo. 'â-  â- ........mmmmmmfmmmmmmmm MONDAY BAROAIN. ------Open TUtJJoe^Ciisy^^^, Fresh Qround HamBurfjSr Steak, lb. ...>......^.....iae Choice Lamb Stew, »".....Wo Fancy Smohed Benelssj BaUS, per .lb. .:.....,......... ,itSMo CettehMo, 4 lb. pan <or......tte gg»IMM»g>> ♦»«•»##»#♦»>»»»♦»»•»»•»»>♦#•♦••♦»••♦ Ihthouse Family Jo bar* to*.... Hammer Soep, ',, •• ..^ â- ?'%*d4 . w bars tw,.*.i-.Z..M*:\fm Flotilla Mw. •• â- â- â- '-â-  ,^_. 'im e large bare--ft»*v.-4ge--^7 â-  use Cleanser, -<^. •"; V- cane for...........gas ""--â-  Llflhthouse Washlns ^ 4 lb. pka..'tse SFBCIAtS FOBr . DAY, AUO. 80, Finest Creamery Butteri Wayne ft Low and Hol- land, per lb....... Strictly Fresh Kegs, _ per do*.............t8o (None deUvered at this price.) Delivered, price.... .Me Coffee Cskea.........18e Lady Finoerei fresh baked, per do*......So gPCCIALS FOR THURS- DAY AFTERNOON, AUO. sm. No Phone or Mall Orders. Baker's Premium Cboco- late, M, lb. cake....t4V»o Coeoann thread, per lb... Baking +mrwtt. 10s bag San . Graham ( lb. Seheppe' 10c pk*. 20c Pjta- 40c pka. De ' ribte 7e ...10o ......7o .....ISO .17e >ust, large pkg iapolio, g bars for... .ive ^SJBCIAI^*U3P PR1C* tALK OF RATIONAL Bl XRACKI8I AND COOKI Oatmeal Creeksre, __ s pkgs. for..........ase jelly "TarteJ Cocoanut Itandunallow, with t leHy ceatersv per lb..1go Lemen Cookies, lb....1*o Sugar Wsfore, a flne kuve cookie, per TBA FOR ICKOTKA. Faney Ceylen ana India TesB-foe-aaalT-lev. .eae sjaei^ Wri Japen Tea, son qnsHty. lb......41s FsttlJehnM Breakfast ^ rmk..............HVke Â¥VH«atena er Ai«raln..18o Hominy Ortta........sVaO Cracked Wheat.......lie Apattso ...............tje Crawn of Wheat......IJo F»«e* Tavern Special. 18o KiUoaa's Cent p>u«hsd mes'ili Puffed Wheat........»%• Holland Tea »mate~tM»i i dfret__________ Jare; pints, per dos.SSc ^ - .sec ::::« MeaeaXir Rwbbere.extra beavy. beet aaea^r. red or white. 8 dea for..88o WW»«affl««ANO Pfstdsai e Wheat BIS- Trtmwtt BUTTKRINK,_ CHKKBB, *« Medairiour! ..lie Graham I pkse. iw..... UiwmM aveajsRet • pkgs. far.... ...gBe ...180 je*fce-» "Oeed Lucfc" Bjt- tertne, lib. brlek...sfe Swfffe Premium margarine, mamM 1 tbTesrtoM...v.g«4e "Ceantry RoB" style Bot- terlne, 2 lb. bW. sack........A4» are very tow pjrtees on Gold'Medal rtoar, which wlU be dev Ifrered only with en at these prices. . Mason jars, pa* jar..fSo staffed 4aeea Oifvee, Ad- ___iniial, Biaad, tsiaV bot<- tles .................8So ^atuon New " perJar ItVeu^jTliuri., Fri. «y lai*Aug. 27, 28, 2t>, 90 .^tigpaswie^ lona 18a Rumferd _____w_____.. 1 lb. can..........».«e Bauer's Venule er Lemon Katract, ^ a too bottles for....tie SPKOiALS FOR MON* OAV MORNtNO, â€" SKPT. 1. (Labor Day) Open Till Neon Only. No Phone or Mail Orders. Cracker Jack er Crleeette, 2 pkae. for..........Se Freeh Roasted per lb. ....... Crackersi National Bis* cult Co.'s 10a fJkaa. Crackers, Nablscov.Re- ctal Tees. Firs O'Ctocsi Teas. Cooonaut pato> ties. Adora Caeeatate Wafers. Taama Waf • art, etc. etc.. _ >pkaafor...........23c Union Pertt and Beane. the fmcat Baked Beans on earth, Ue.caas for.........So „JtMr^*eae «° * o**^ â- â- 'â-  tbmer.) laesasl ffllnaer Are, tie bottle*..........ins Ckjspswa or LomwReet fSer. Olnuer AN* and ^ Birch Boer, _ kuae bottlee ........fa Stuffed Olive* bottle.SJi* iieen Ollvee. bottle, .effo e can of Ripe Ollvee.lie SALESWOMEN WANTED ObODPAY m 0gm ^•^^^1 â- â- iMm. M

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