Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Aug 1913, p. 6

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li. ife â- ST;/' jWlMl . I***** in Winnetka J. O. Barber of Church Road It In northern Wisconsin on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Post have re- turned after a two weeks' absence. M. K. Meyer has returned from a trip to the west. Harry Burkitt, who was at home for a two weeks' vacation, returned to his work at Chlllicothe, 111., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Brown of 624 Willow street, have moved to Chi- cago. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Osgood of Ridge avenue, are in Holland, Mich., as the guests ot their son E W. Osgood. Mrs. Minnie Freudenberg and Miss Freudenberg are 11 Milwaukee for a few weeks' visit ' Miss Gertrude Arend has returned from a three weeks' stay at Pelican I^ke. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Schell are at home again after a week's trip in their automobile. Fraser Hale left Tuesday for Garden City, Long Island, New York, where be is to take part in the amateur na- tional golf tournament. Misses Harriette and Marie Frye of Marcus, la., were the guests of Miss Mable Robeson Saturday and Sunday last • L. H. Osgood, formerly of Winnet- ka, is at the home of his father S. W. Osgood, on Ridge avenue for a few weeks. . Rev. J, W. F. Davies and Mr.JPred- erich Dickenson are In charge of a camp of the older boys from Com- munity House. The party are in camp near Ludington, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Otis and Miss Louise Otis, 644 Oak street, left Saturday for a six weeks' trip to the east. They are now in Maine and after which they are to visit Mr. S. S. Otis, who Is In camp with the engineering students of Harvard. SECURES NEW LEADING LADY Popular Manager of Evanstpn y Stock Company for Coming Season Signs Miss Nelle Redd, an Ingenue. PROBLEM PLAYS TABOOED REVERSES CUSTOM AND ARRESTS 8 SPEEDERS Sergeant Pestka Springs Sur- ii prise on Autoists by Going Out in the Morning. El«Tht automobile speeders were sur- prised Tuesday morning between the hours of 7 and 9, when tbey were nabbed on speeding charges by Sergt. George Pestka, Evanston's new motor- cycle policeman. It has bees the cus- tom In the past for the motorcycle po- liceman to keep up the vigil for speed- ers in the afternoon and evening. 8ergt, Pestka reversed the set custom Tuesday morning and, arising with 'the chickens, started out to round up the motor vehicle law violators. In two short hours be had arrested eight and promised to catch as many more be- fore the day ends. • The list of the violators follows; H, H. Husk, 1926 Sherman avenue, â-  IS. C. Garrison, 1567 Oak avenue; H. P. Wyetb, 1421 Maple avenue; A. J. Brock, Highland Park; T. Martin, Winnetka; William Muntges, 1047 Forest avenue; Frank Obrmund, Mil- waukee, said to be chauffeur for mil- lionaire brewer; James A- Grant, Highland Park. A. Weeks, 678 Mil- ' burn street, who was arrested last week, pleaded guilty Tuesday morn- ing to speeding charge and was fined $5 and costs. RUNAWAY HUSBAND CAUGHT. Jobn Smith, Polish, a laborer, who has been employed at the Mark Mann- factoring company, was arrested Thursday by the Evanston police on a cbrge of wife abandonment He is wasted in Chicago, and was given in the custody of Sergt. Burns of the city department last night. Forthe Summer Wt have Just received a num- ber gf appropriate novelties «#• for CARP ranee Gift*, 'rom 25c to Promise In given of a capable cast In the production of the season's run of copyright plays at the Evanston theater UiIh fall and winter by Harry Mlnturn, the new manager,of the pop- ular playhouse. Mr. Mlnturn returned from New York, where he succeeded In Hlgniug contracts with well-known utock company members to fill the va- cancies in the Evanston company, and alHo In completing arrangements for a Hat of Htrong copyright plays to be given there. . Leading Lady *n Ingenue. Probably the greatest amount of in- terest centers in the announcement of the new leading lady for the Evanston Stock company. She will be Miss Nelle Redd, who has won much praise from her work in leading roles with the stock companies in Hartford, Conn., Denver and other large cities. Because Evanston audiences have not manifested a desire for problem plays and those of a serious nature, the main qualities considered in selecting a leading woman was her adaptability for taking leading parts In clean drama in which both literary and ar- tistic talent is needed. Miss Redd is reported to be best fitted for work in a stock company' as an ingenue rather than an emotional actress. Mr. Mlnturn describes Miss Redd as possessed with a charming personality and ha* little fear but that bhe will immediately win the admira- tion of the Evanston theater-going public Satterlee to Return. Gale Satterlee, who was a favorite with the company last season, will be a member of this season's company, as will also Misses Blllee Leicester and Miss Hlchle Russell. Gene Clarendon, who also was a favorite in the com- pany last season, has been secured for the coming season. Among the new members who will replace former members of the com- pany are Herbert Dobbins, who will take the place of Mr. Kibbey. Ed- ward Ewald, who has won a reputa- tion in juvenile roles, will take the place of Mr. Peyton. Mr. Ewald for- merly appeared in the "Opening Night," a play under the direction of Joe Hart and was given much praise for his Interpretation of too youthful part. Miss Augusta/ Durgeon, a former member of the Gotham stock company. is another capable member secured. She will mi the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Allen, *96 assume character parts which were so well taken by Miss Allen last year. Other members of the company are Grace Walte, Helen Wilson, Gladys Willsrd, Charles D. Brown and James G. Mor- ton. Matinee Prices Uniform* It has been decided that the price Ot all seats at each of the three matinees to be given each week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays will be SS cents. Formerly it was decided to make a 60 cent price on Saturday af- ternoon, but on further consideration the management decided upon the uni- form price- for all mattoee perfor- mances. '\ r*; :; \>V,::. *â- . The first play whlclf Will open at the Evanston on Monday, September 1, will be Thompson Buchanan's "A Woman's Way." This ftp to he fol- lowed by "The Commuters/' "A Gen- tleman from Mississippi," "A Man's World," "Strongheart," "Came© Klrby." "Heir to the HtuTBh/\byPeal Armstrong, "The Road to and "The White SlsterJ^I PLAM 8TRENUOU1 AUTO T«IP -M/and Mrs. Carlton Prcmty arrived i 'borne in Winnetka from a week's jeratse on the lakes. Tbey enjoyed a* trip on the North American steamer to Georgian bay and Dorotli. No sooner bad they arrived home than they planned an aittotncfcfle trip to Dorr county, Wlseoesin> for the com- ing Saturday, Tbey wfll start be- fore sunrke and expect to make the trip north of Sturgeon Say, a .dis- tance of- more than mjdles, 1ft ;'*â- #. .- â- -& â- *â- â- â-  â- â€¢ â-  'â- "•'• â€":^<><»^W£M ftp* the Old Orew>h, â- . Wg tfespeopl© who have ae who fthete write Mrs. Samuel HoldensentertaineA a dozen friends at her home In War- wick road Tuesday. Miss Charlotte Everett entertained Miss Katherine Benedict of Evanston several days last week. Miss Vivian Wltberbee will give a dance for the young people of THe vil- lage in her home tonight ^Miss Dorothy Smith Is in Cincin- nati and other southern points !n Ohio, where she is visiting friends. Miss Gladys Mars was hostess lait week a few days, to a party of soror- ity girls who met In convention In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darling returned home last week from Waukazoo, Mich., where they have been for the last nrtmth. Mrs. H. H. Everett and son have returned.home from a visit with Mn, E. A. Laugh lin in their summer boni^" in Oregon, 111. The choir boys of the Holy Conv forter ehurch returned home laat week from a pleasant outing spent near White Lake, Mich. They were gone two weeks. Miss Elizabeth Murray, who. has been the guest of her brother, Mr and Mrs. J. C. Murray, for a few weeks, will leave tor her home in Toronto, Canada, next week. Leading Merchants an the North Shore avenuesv y ^Wllntfjti Frutt homeSsnovA etc., 1211 Ttobe ette avenue. -~ architect and buM«r,|f iremen Fintsh Their venue, fancy groceries avenue. yy mendations Are Made. oes, bats and furnprnVf , ette avenue, tudlo of Photogri enue. u, plumbing' and n avenue. grocery and marl avenue, rook, painters and d even hundred and fifty-three prop- owners in Evanston have been â- ^^Ti^flfled by the city firemen, under the ,w^ "direction of Fire Marshal Carl Harrl* sen, that they must repair their chim- neys within the next thirty days or s Evanston 4348. WU- ^ prosecution. The chimney la- painting and deco^ej 4eCtl°^ Btarted * '** W86k- **° *'â-  ral street. */ Winnetka. B. O. XEeusenberg, building m Ti*J, bsffT £>aln. wood, coal, street. i / ^ Adams, _ *" "d Linden avenue. ml Walkey, sheet mejaf] * 548 Railroad avenue trie Shop, everytbi y Annex undry, Nelson Bn Sjtore. George work, h Winni electrical, North Winnetka. acy. drugs. The Re/a* conducted tbe inspection, many Evanston property owners pay little, any, attention to the conditions of chimneys. It is said that in sev- al instances chimneys were found almost ready to topple over. .Surprise was occasioned in almost *6 tbe> Alex. F. iibqji practical plumbs*- cvery instance where the notice slips pipe fltMngWqJwest Railroad «ve- vere le"ft by the firemen, that repairs tad ave- w I, llitty er r, expressing, bles, 806 West Oak Meyer. & Merchandlsepem- men and womj umber The following advert!**â„¢ on the Home Builders' page, which appears once a month, are good firms to trade with, and invite your patronage: tte. Eidlnger/bf|tfrfdel, coal, /wood, coke, buiftvAf^uvBilal, 130r La avenge. Tbe Ed meats, 1152 Cent; C. H. BrethoM/lotts and insuesince.' 545 West Railrdad fcvenue ^ tile, building Material, fuel, B^ilnedd ^>n made^ progecution likely will fol avenue and EjM«%e street North Shoijrqts company, gas a North Shore estate, L term! W. A. Price, Greenleaf av appliances. OWraak Ottc 'sjyscape gardener florist, 917 Wflloue street. vrandes ay^Cs^sh, civil engin and survey orb,. 50^ Birch street, Burkitt A/^XlJp Construction Galltz i^rketJpany', concrew cofistructlon, 16 Prouty avenue. j^ Annex.--Advt. mr ssociatloi Great Is Education. Uncle Joeâ€"Well, Rob, what have yea learned at school today? Any- thing new J Robâ€"Yep; bow to fix Light Lunohes for It 18 Electric T particularl thenyen delightful little timeâ€" Toa - you can fry eggs, bake griddle cakes, prepare delicious omelets and savory rarebits. It is just a moment's work, after deciding what you would like best, to get the stove in actual operation; simply con- nect to any convenient electric socket.' 'â- ':M? Tbe Dectnc^jesto Ss^ »a West- " '.?%;.:<â- : mghoosewhhM, fwisilinf widitouiinfj gtidVsMtalpble J' DntroytOttor~â€"'-0' Mato$ Sore Feet Ha»py ASK YOUR DRUGGIST 25 CTS ^ Michif mn and Jacki»a Bonlevardi SI the yliremen, has been. - finished tbe total number of defective chimneys computed when the last re- port was filed. From stories told by tbe firemen must be made on chimneys. The prop- erty owners did not seem hostile to thextorder, but rather glad to conform with the building code and it is not expected that any trouble will be ex- perienced in getting the work done, h building, where notice was left, re-Inspected at the end of thlr- and if tbe repairs have not iv-ers, V< tledinti fRNE /?. L. GO v €oiff SALVES illder *4To SHofBOg Linden Aye. Wood*, llllnoii ./% r\X HENFLY^ILG L^DSCAPB^ FLORIS GA' Wne Street snVWest Railroad Avenue Phone Winnetka 313 Winnetka, IIL A Farm for Sale Ju»t sbouta mil* on the other side of the SKOKI There are 15 scrw turn In ealttvmi TbacoUla JJMhraM The b»rn isaejasBsnb » 4 torn ot hmrg^fm Tho wall\\m0*mu& vooltrr be •bout ltt Tbsrelsa It to Price Is $4,000. Term* reasonaMe JOT*AS H. MADSEN Phone 345 Wimtetka, 211. CARLTON PROUTY Police MfaPH rat© JurlsdleAojsMi/e mJthmt ^. of • JuJefeJ of AayPeaoe /> / PHOUTf BUILDING • ^^^ Tdkeiou Wisaetka 7 WINNETKA Co! iter WsW Â¥i\u§» fol DriakJar;. Lsosdry as* BasJI 500 Sises 70 W. Lskf Street Chictgo eret "^ \r m" _ ademy of the Visitation Actdcmlc Course* 'â- JfilT- ^ Primary Department, -Mr farther lulermshwa aedrees, the glwsr Pweetress. TeL Evanston ^97 *** •**" â- *-*W*i ausa- Hoasshold gi AJIkindtfi_„. Irdono. Camp leSS BKKSOtt AVB. iMud tablM EVANSTOir GROCERIES Pine fruitsâ€"in and opt of sea- sonâ€" always^J^nn^part of our large stock oi UBHsh-and Fancy Groceries. jUffefi-Steel Out '^offee Is Gefd. EO. B. WINTER Quality, and not Quantityâ€"the best for the monejj-is our mot- to. Oar large stoft of groceries Is alwaye"*te^E, and Fresh Its and Jffigeilbles a sped- S. VAN DgUABN tTHE AVi HOTELS HOUSE PLA :_A^ia-NOTsi install Call and Onr prices a#> very PATTERSON T«!.JvMstM0D4 1522 S£ â- aPHHBBI . CHATWBli1 69 West Washington Street M- RIIHN ST 101? PHONE 363 STRIB1 M S A Specialty iwtfSSX ,t 'Jfae garmentslhat ^JKfftfMt ^at we do We d» the work a reputatu)8Uing wontftfi tye overlooked" with men's cloth 622 Davis St. Phone J 730 .Vtv ^WINNETKA GlRAG V WM. t WEfifStgQT, Proprietor I $ Rambler, Our S/ >«> and*Scrvicc Department Phone Winnetka 196-One Half BlockHorth of N.W.DepA FOB â- :â- â€ž American CaM* te Equipment Wilii 1 €. A, JSRG XEl ancy Groceries, IWats,ftotions fif fiardwaft Phone Wfnnetkt 46& 78 ^ ^t C Htibbnrd Wood?*" U-ArODH1â„¢ MATTRCSSCS AND CIISMMMfV IwAOC AND RCNOVATlOi ANTIOUE FMMCfTUfllC RstmmED ^1 Arnold Jnai Vibratory lVkssage lmu$2S,Un<0P*l *:A aiTiiopouTjr.3 ^â- A':->X'-U SfeS ~^&&$!S££i5&

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