Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Sep 1913, p. 3

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I Monday night ^ fl|^:^e^jwi^5w Playgoer, is m fol- (ormance was given at th# Bv*nst.m lowe: |,;,. theater by the reorganized Evanston'Howard SUnton....Hatty L. Minturn * *•»£ 'Wltooh?. M-i-. • company. There wm holiday atmosphere in the theater even before the curtain rose In the first act, whereby it was evident that (be theatergoers, of Evanston were anx- ions to greet the old members of th* company and to m^e the acquaint- ance of the new.' [^.if^WM^^^: -The house was filled almost to if» capacity with an expectantaudience, «jianxious to see again the stock eom- pay in operation there*^^; • . Old Member* Warmly Greeted. Storms of applause greeted the first appearance of eaeh jnember of last jeason'^ company, applause which ex- pressed remembered pleasures 1$f last year as well as anticipated entertain* ment in the season just opened. Many of the more entntfftaatlo gave 1>reot of their esteem in huge bunches of Dowers; dainty baskets contained the floral tributes of the admlr&rs of Mis* Russell and Miss Leicester, compli- ments which wei^graeefuiry acknow- ledged by the recipients,. v-7tt^~â€" 'The play, "A Woman's "Way," by Because he tried to emulate the per- formance of a group of acrobats he witnessed-in the second annual police pension fund benefit, Officer Robert Abernathy, who has been driving the patrol in the daytime for a few weeks, has been nursing a badly wrenched back as the result of the accident; In an attempt to alight from the driver's seat on the patrol Abernathy tried a double flip, according to Sergt. Dennis when a run was made to 1727 Ridge avenue. The driver accom- plished the feat but when he tried to assist Bergt. Arthur Johnston with an obstreperous negro prisoner, Aber- nathy discovered that he had suffered a severe wrench of his spine. The injury grew worse and when the station was reached be Was not able to alight from the wagon without sistance. He was taken to bis home, 1618 Lake street, in the police automo- bile. > JOHNSTONE BROTHERS WRITE ANOTHER PLAY Former Evanstonlans Are to Produce "The Red Canary" in Hie East This Month. .....Chas. D. Brown Edward Morris........ .Gale Satterlee Harry Lynch.........A, a Van Siyck Marlon Stanton...........JfeJJe Redd Mrs. Livingston.... .Augusta Durgeon SalUe Livingston..... Blllee Leicester Ifrtv Stanton.... .Gertrude Harrington general Livingston. .James O. Morton Thompson Buchanan, Is one to arouse sad hold the attention and interests of the audience from the first line ta^e last. J-^";^';-^*;-'-*;'.": The'caa^j^:*;;;;^/" : The cast, which contained the names of those members of the old company •which have grown to be moat popular >Mrs. Elisabeth Blackmore..«... „.......».... *f. .>.. Richie Bussell Oliver Whitney.... .Eugene Clarendon Bob Livingston....... .Edward Ewald Belle Morris.......... ."Helen Horning Bates .................'.\j... J. Milton ~That the^roles Were played to the satisfaction of the iarge'audlence was evident from the attitude of the peo- ple in the seats and from the applause which broke spontaneously from them. ^ Actor-Manager Appears First Mr. Minturn, who Is acting as man Agar of i the company this season as well-as in the capacity of leading man, wa§-thefirst-ef the -old company ta appear on thestage. In fact, be was there from the beginning, bidden somewhat from view, to be sure, un- der the mass of newspapers, whose scaretieads chronicled the unhappy do- the play; When he at length emerged 'from cover, he was given an ovation which must have Inspired courage and assurance as to the relation being established between the. Evanston Will and Alec Johnstone, two for- mer Evanstonlans, have written another play that soon is to be staged in the east. The name of the play is "The Red Canary," and from information received from the east the play will be fiery as the name implies The rehearsals of the production now are tak- ing place in Mew York, and on Sept IB it will open in Baltimore. The Johnstone brothers are the sons of Mrs. Minnie Johnstone, 1716 Sherman avenue. A year ago the boys wrote a play that was produced In all the big cities, and which was praised highly by all the critics. J. WuV Johnstone is an illustrator on the New York World. His brother Is only 86 years old, and "The Red Canary" is the second of his produc- tions to be accepted. ."â- '.„.. Stock company and the Evanston the- ater patrons, ------ -- -â€" â-  - • '- Keen interest was felt in the ap- pearance qf Miss Redd, who succeeds Miss Randolph as leading lady in the reorganized company, and general ap- probation rfollowed her intejrpretatlon of the role of Marlon Stanton. Charm- ing in her personality, clever In her acting, and earnest in her work, the new leading lady of the Evanston Stock company made many friends mestlc situation oftbe "Stantoiufc" ln^iast night, winningrpralee for herself and for her company. After the play, Mr, Minturn was host to the members of the cast and to a few friends at a little supper at Theobold's. Miss Mooa Boston, Mass. ' Mrs.. M. â- , J.- B»w^lS£ ebl ited In Elgin, Sunday. .: Mr. anoTMw.^ Canada on a hunting trip. ;v;y^':;^;- were among thoae who enUrtalnwTat the Onwentsia club, Saturday. Mrs. R. H. MeRlwee,- who ha* been motoring through Wisconsin and Minnesota, has returned home. > Mr. Graham Aldla, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alois, la' visiting the ca- nal at Panama. -Friday' afternoon 'the members of the W. C. T. U. met at the homo of Ttra. Wims-Kennedj||;. /,â-  t^W^", Mrs. Hobail C. Chiitfleld-Taylor is spending a few days In Huron Moon* tain, Mich. Mrs, Samuel Ti Chase, who has bean epending the summer abroad, is eipeeted home the latter part of the month. , ':â- 'â- '"l. .•- Mr. and Mrs, Howard Shaw and dauglrfer. Sylvia, have returned to Lake Forest, after a motor trip through New England. w< M.M.KfRKMAN DONATES Retired Railway Man Sends Check for fen Dollars in Appreciation of Work. Showing his appreciation for serf- Ices of the Evanston police depart- ment in promptly answering calls to his home, M. M^Klrkman, Ridge ire*, hue and Lai* atreet,^ sent a check for f 10 to Chief of Police Fred Shaffer to "be applied to thepen- sion fund. A comnulndatory letter for members of the depigment-accompan- ied the check. The'letter follows: Dear Chief:â€"L send this slight gift to the pension fttno* as an" evidence of my appreciation jf the efficiency of your admirable force.* • Respectrully yours, M. M. Klrkman. _ This is the first contribution that has been received for the police pen- sion fund this yenr eelde front the salo of tickets and advertising on the program for the benefit jfaudovflle en- tortainment. -h ^n**W~&UNQi Once more an Evanston merchant has been made tbf.vJtetlm of the smoosb> forger and maker of worth- less checks. This time, I. Graff, a clothier at 804 r^ia street, is Ui^ loser. A stranger claiming to be H. F. Fuller passed a chock for SlOyat. the Graff store after he had purchased 12 worth of men's furnish- ing goods, -The check was drawn on theChicagoNational bank, made pay- able to H. F. Fuller and was signed M. P. Oregg. When presented for payment at the Chicago bank, it was retnrned marked "no funds." The'po- lice are investigating. Olenooi after **• ....... ;4-/l|hft'iSte' Mor*tatnt^ ;w*^;firo«|,;^v<i|)i^|where she has have returned from a visit with rela- tives In Columbus, Ohio. V " .; Mr. and Mr^ T. C. Rhig entii Mr. and Mra. A. B. Hanson of Chicago over BvmAw.^i-f^yr;:;;-;Av'.;>•*;â- .-j--\ â- â- â-  -c Mr* Granville D. HaU returned last week;;fromiiWarw^:'w^:;%sW, where' she..- spent several weeks the guest ef tajatlvjet.^ _•;, :_^.l'..:^.l-.. -^^U^: Miss Beatrice Ring, leaves today tor Menominee, Wis., where she will at- tend Stout college this fall and win-. Mri.' Ittwlp-S'-^ been the guest of her father, John 8. Plummer, for several weeks, has re- turned to her. home in New ^lfbrk.113 â-  ':'-pr. and M^-^lgnt::"^Oiooi|,>o. turned Friday from La Salle, IB.. Where tbey motored the first of the week. Mr. and Mr* Phillip Mills have re- turned to their home in Portland, Ore., after a Tlsit ;wtth .&* former's brother, Mr. Allen Mills and fani^ Janiea '^ent... Cesbonn returned Sat- urday from Cleveland, ifc, where he attended the annual meeting of the National Credit Men's association. ^ , Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Powell 'm list week ^oV a western trip. Tney Will visit their sons, who are on a ranch in Wyoming, a part of the time. :- Samuel ;B^^Httrfo*d-=And\ »oir';;«or.' man departed Saturday for Georgian B<»y and other lake points. Ihey Mill be gone ten days on the erutae.' aWwos^J^llara i Johnson and Jane Holty returned yesterday from Lake Geneva, where they were guests of friends for a wo»Jt.: '-â- â-  Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woolley and children have returned from an ex- tensire druise in the family yacht, "Cora Bell,^.onthe;iake».;":;iHSiC,;;K.- i Frank w. Copeland amr dioihter, Miss Ethel, have returned from Oull Lake, Mich., where they were th« guests of Col. W. BL Jacobs for sev- eral weeks.' . *>'•?"".'it5;" ::hA '"C ' Members of the Ladles' Aid society of the OJencoe Methodist church will hold a bakery sale in the Walter's building in Vernon avenue, Saturday, September1-lfc^!;-r-»»*«-sSK â- â- :<w*yHi-%^.^ .- Mrs. John L. Day has returned from a stay in Toronto, Can., and for the wtu ilVe witfi~Hr7 and Mrs, 'â- ']â- . Mr.^BdWi !v*ntTROpa|" Mlohigan. ' ;a»g3terdej«ij, on a cjamninit vrm - in are vislUng In New Tort for a oouple her guest Mlitt,Kaihjgm' :Fra*ar,,;of Ff)tw»oot*;t^attitd|^li Mra WWlam M^Danlel* and daugh- ter, Virginia,, of New Torn, who were vUitors at the home of Mrs. W. E.4 Ten Broeck, bare retnrned v: Thw Missee Kdn* ind Ethel Van Riper are expected home tn» week from, the Tho«aadZalande. where ^^^i^^M-.................. ^presen! Charles Deunlss. Mr. Day has gone to Melbourne, Australia, foi* a vialt with bis brother.. â- â- â€¢'.,â- ;-,•..•- -*--; William IngTaham and family have moved into the jonn -L. Day hern*? fn Dowalny avenue, which ^hey recently purchased. The grounds are being beautified and improvements being added to the structure. Mlsr Bessie Pay left Frtday for Le- warren, N> J.", where she will visit friends for several weeks. Late in the fall she will Join her parents and pass the winter months in their winter home in Florida, T>SOMETHING VlWQttitA Q SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. fUzolgjIvo Ready-to-wear^ Gowns fASHlONASLl COtTUMgg. at LATTON 8T8TEM OF. Sdenco baa fdasMMaM that hair will gi ulalleia, Wen after years of disturling conditions. L. L. LATTON, _ 1104 Republic Bldg. Sev State St Phono Harrison f 144. HEMSTITCHING AND TUCKING. _ MANUFACTURING CO, 120 South State St, ____Iquarters I cordion, Knife ton* covered, _-. Puckering, ghirrin the most modern m< service, echarge low prices. Telephone Central H, etcr Wo nao Oftroanlek ib7htjntinoford BN0U8H HwV%4.8J|6TEM.X FaR lino of T< S Expert Sbampoaing, Auditorium Btdgw Chicago. one and and itAQg INSTITUTE. "TjpPhone Harrleon tftf. IftMB MASSAOB INSTlTtJTB, Scientific Mwaft.aPsctriii Light and Shower Bsfss#v^1|gli#onUe light andfy: Honrs W:00 a. mflo f^Tp. m. DaOy. MIS8 MAB OLTVEB, Prop, Suite »0. W W. Adamajpt, Chicago. ODY EVERYWHERE •took Shown at yonr bibio by ap^ofstmont McPrfEHSON, Aawntn wanted. .. 1M Baat 4«d Bt KesrvoOd 1S5I.

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