Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Sep 1913, p. 2

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hare yon been given the opportunity to secure such prises for so little e(. fort Here you are given the chance to secure an automobileâ€"a machine fully equipped with top, windshield, speedometer, everything of the very latest 1914 model, â- without spending one cent How long would it take you to earn enough money to buy Mich a car? How long would it take you to save that amount? Figure out everything and then you will agree with us that opportunity la literally knocking at" your door. Save the Voting Coupons. And mere Is so little required of you. AH that you have to do is to ask your friends to save their voting coupons for you or to subscribe for one of these newspapers if they are not already subscribers or pay up their back subscription in your favor. These are the two ways of securing vote? in this bl8 proposition Bead the above offer againâ€"There are two ways and onJy two in which to secure votes. First, a voting cou- pon will appear in every issue of The Evanston Daily News and The Lake Shore News. Clip out these coupons, write the name of yourself or your favorite in the blank space and either * bring or mail them to this office. Each coupon will count for the num- ber of votes stated thereon. Secoadâ€"Votes are Issued on sub- scriptions to The Evanston News and ' The Lake Shore News, and with pay- ments on old subscriptions to either paper, according to the vote schedule [ found on this page. %: There are no strings to this offerâ€" nothing to confuseâ€"no difficult terms to comply with. ",v Any lady or gentleman, boy or girl, is eligible to enter the contest and win one of the largest of the prizes. ;v. , It costs nothing to enter and it costs \.!'•â- - nothing to win the automobiles or V _ the other prizes. |^ . Clip out the nomination blank im- |§t mediately, and bring it or mail it to §|^ The Contest Department at The Bv- i|4: anston Nfewa, Evanston, and get the §fe. advice of the manager, which will be |§,;C - /gladly given. If:'--"- J The contest starts immediately. W- The first coupon appears today. Start |Sr with the early ones. You'll have th«» K'",..-- "Jump" on the rest if you start at K,. once. Don't put it off by saying there It- is time enough later. Act now. || L UNDERSTAND, ALL. NOMINA- g: TIONS RECEIVED THIS WEEK I WILL COUNT FOR 10,000 VOTE8 |g ^ FOR EACH CONTESTANT. H^/'v -Contest Note*. !:â- '->;. | This big proposition presents an IfeSjP'-opportunity In which you have noth- p^r; ing at alt to lose and a big uve-paa- |§ff '-â- â- "senger automobile to gain. f~"|ffi; The two ntaehmer will be on ex- .. ,<§fv bibition in a few days in the windows ff'-v of. two ijranston merchants. - Ifl^v Tk* content will positively close on ||S;'^' or before, sfat weeks from the first px,-', announcement of the candidates. %;&':.. )â- . Besidea the. automobiles,. the other ^|v'vv-priiea'Wilibe diamond rings, watches, kodaks and gifts of Jewelry. ♦♦minim inM'"lir», : What People Are Doing; lowed by a lunch served in the base- ment of the church, free of charge, At 6:30 o'clock a devotional ser- _ vice In charge of George F. Zauels, 5l*ciaT?o^^ 6P*ng2^'5i^^ ^^^"ectttsst-^progreamea," the "first' "be-" Iff?- lag the biggest offer of the contest. IJil'l: U there Is anything at all about &j- .-.the entire proposition that yon do' ^l*.' not fully understand, do not hesitate ||§4X|o write, phone or call on The Con- ||| " test Editor at the office Of the Evans- ^' ,ton Daily News and The Lake:Shore fe; News,.*MDavis street, Evanston. â€" 8|§f^ifflfflS OFFICE IS OPEN EVERY & ': EVENING DURTNO THE CONTEST |i FOR THE CONVKN1KNCB OF CAN- p| WDATE8. COMB IN AND. TALK IT .j|§:;;' .OVEBw;--.-vf '$$$&â-  'â-  â- :'. C&sstdltlene of the Contest I' No employe of either The Evan- tg| â-  ston Daily Mows or The: Lake Shore i|| News will be permlted to entfta, or |^|;::io>.'take any the ©ontest : fpjV Votes Oast for one candidate' can- ^.' not be changed' to the credit of an- ..fef'-^^oUieK â- â€¢â- ',. . <•'- '&*/%> A committee .of business men win g|: voe selected to canvass the entire bal- if lot cast in/the contest.. "^fo . fe --- Daring tie contest the count will fe *e niade fro« titaie to time by the â- '• ^'management., • ||;:' .^3^Votes poeltlTe^r will not beeold. - ,|||p^.Att anestlons that arise during the ..... contest shall be decided by the con- test management, and that decision shall be considered final In enterlDg the contest each can- p..^didate agrees to abide by the rules ' - sad condittoiis of tiae contest. HANDICAP SHOOT AT GUN CLUB ^ T*e first aanaai handicap ahoot of the Kvanstos Own dob wfB take place .Sept K on the gnmads of the club -In the north *ed. Then win be both a inoraittg and erestncirocTBa. The wffl etaat at 11 o'clock end ou et 1 o'clock. A of soth aseeteei* and ^ wffi take pert to tlw dar» sport. of«vsba«»to^ofClneagoare to lh« days fmm. â- sas\ TslaleM sjIB IE liaiK?JBtja^ Mrs. C. E. Weinland is In Wheaton tills week the guest of relatives. Alva Van Dyke, 610 Washington avenue, had for his guest last week Truman Strong ol Kalamaaoo, Mich. .- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Beyer, have returned from a two weeks* visit in Phelps, Wis. Mrs. George Gardner, 716 Central avenue, is spending a week at Green Lake, Wis. Paul Herschell of Peoria was the guest of Clayton Lasher, 124 Laurel avenue, last week. Mrs. F. B. Crossley. 600 Washington avenue, has for ber guest her sister, Mrs. Charles Comstock of Elgin. Carl R. Latham is spending a few days in Northern Wisconsin on a fish- ing and hun>ing trip. H. K. Brown and family, 206 Sixtn street, returned last week from their summer home, near Ludington, Mich. Richard Burns of Philadelphia is a guest In the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Allen, 518 Forest avenue. Mrs. Charles Knobel and daughter have returned from a trip to Starved Rock and a visit In Jollet. Mrs. James A. Beckwith, 127 Lin- den avenue, Is suffering with a severe attack of sciatic rheumatism. Miss Reta Field, 1203 Elmwood avenue, has returned home from a month's stay in Canada. Mrs. E. T. Paul and Mrs. Pallette mere guests of the Misses Carroll In Llbertyville last week. Fred A. Swift, 729 Eighth street, returned last week from Buffalo, N. Y„ his former home. Mrs. E. Seyfort, 1150 Central ave- nue, is in Council Bluffs, Iowa, for an extended visit Mrs. J. C. Gapen and mother, Mrs. T. W. Culvertson, 1021 Greenleaf ave- nue, left Friday for an Indefinite visit with 'relatives in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. E. L. Scheldenhelm and chil- dren spent a few days last week in Milwaukee on their return from a stay in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Frank Forrester returned last week to her home 1030 Linden ave- nue, after a few weeks' visit In New York and other eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Finley and children are at home, 419 Oakwood avenue, after passing several weeks at Battle Creek, Mich. ^ Mrs. John McLeod Camelon and son David, 126 Fourth street, are at home after spending a few weeks at vari- ous cities in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fagg and son, 928 Greenwood avenue, have returned to Wllmette after a vacation passed in northern Michigan. Miss Florence Brownlee of Ravens- wood was the guest^of Mrs. Harry Cumberland, 119 Fifth street, last week. Mrs. H. F. Richards left Saturday for Seattle, Wash., after a visit with avenue. Mrs. George Chute, 724 Ninth street, returned last week from southern Illinois, where she has been visiting for a few weeks. William Barrow has returned to his home, 285 Linden avenue, after sev- eral reeks passed in a trip through Kentucky.^ Walton Grlswold, 619 Seventh street, has returned home froto an extended camping and flshfag trip In northern Wisconsin. <jAi Mis, J. W. Rnsh, 727 Linden avenue, entertained as her guest Miss Basel Hills of Bloommgton last week. She returned home Friday. . r^jMW0%' Miss Eleanor Nelson returned to her noma In Minneapolis, Mlnou, Fri- day, after several weeks' visit irith Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 621 WaaMogton avenue.'.. â- ' v**n>^;*||l^| Miss Helen Shurtl#ff lef t W H'en- derson, Ky., Thursday, where she win he employed In the high Softools of that city as mstructojrm Latin for the coning year."' ^-. y^.^ur-m^^- Miss •Viola Kaufman, who has 1 spending- the summer months here, tii now st her home, 1029 Bhnwood ave- nue. Bhe plans to return to Jackson- ville, Fla, some time next montH. _ Ned Weber, 1209 Pine avenue, spent a few dare last week: the guest ot hJs slater, Mrs. Samuel Kirk, in Wau> kegan, and attended the Lake coenty ~ Masses Sarah Kescher and etta Rondel returned to their homes to Nev York last week after several weeks' riiit with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barnett, «tt Central avenue.^.!: ;'^ Mrs. Frank A. Simmons, who i der we&t en operation in Streeter*s ho^piUl fonr weeks ago> was able to return to her home, 10SC Lain avanee, tost week. Bhe is leoorarms; rapidly Mr. and Mrs. Arrffle fc. Jones,1616 ftoreat avesnse, had $# their goest tost;; wee*, Mrs. Charie»::^ets, of Ptttshmih, Pa .Mra^ IJeti tatterly jW|sfdea;ftt Wlitoette.4 §»j ^^^p \> llei TTska ITifl CsMsmksj arrs aije, ham > ilmii il lassae from a three weeks* trip to Hood River, Ore- gon, and other western points. Berbery Colyer of Wllmette gave a stag dinner to ten of his friends last night. Mrs. S. B. Roberts, 621 Gregory ave- nue, who has been seriously M, is slowly improving. She Is a patient at the Passavant hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Ed Larkin of Sajn Antonio, Texas, has been the guest of Mrs. Frank N. Williams,.919 Centraksoave- nue, for the last week. / Mrs. C. EL Klemm. 420 Park'ave- nue, entertained.Mrs. C. Klemm and daughter, Miss Helen Klemm,of Chi- cago, last week. Mrs. E. B. Rathbone and children have returned to" their home in 710 Central avenue after a few weeks' visit in Grand Haven, Mich. Miss Gladys Lowry returned to her home in 1720 Columbus avenue. Sat- urday, after a three months' trip in the eastern states. She visited In Boston, Westboro, Lynn, Marlboro and other cities In Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt, 811 Ash- land avenue, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Vawter, former Wllmette residents, at their home In Benton Harbor, Mich., this week. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Watt visited friends in Lake Geneva. Mrs. Joseph F. Pritchard, 128 Laurel avenue, had for her guest last week, Mrs. L. E. Murphy of Sagaman, Mich., Mrs. Pritchard's niece. Mrs. Arthur Partridge, of El Paso, Texas, is also a guest in the Pritchard home. Mrs. Ralph M. Evans and daughter, Helen, Miss Hattie B. Latham, Mrs. Louis Springer and daughter Char- lotte, returned Saturday from a few days' visit with Mrs. W. W. Vail in Michigan City, Ind. PLAN EPWORTH LEAGUE RALLY IN WILMETTE The Epworth Leaguers at Wllmette are making plans for a rally to be held in the Methodist church next Sunday, September 14, and have in- vited the other leagues of the Ev- anston sub-district to be their guests on that day. The entire cabinet of the Chicago northern district will be present and the work of the different departments will be briefly explained by them. At 10:46 o'clock in the morning; the pastor, Rev.' Thomas Keene Gale, will preach to the Epworth, Leaguers. Dr. Gale is a favorite with the young people and for a number of gears has been the leader of the young people's meetings on the Desplalnes Camp Grounds. " â- â- â- â- '^^^ ;' -:^" .;"'â- '• At 4c 30 o'clock In the afternoon the service In charge of the District Cabinet will be of .interest to every young person and/'this will be fad- WILMETTE. : - ;;'f|||| Wflmetts M. E. Chiiroh. The pastor, Rev. T. K. Gale, will preach a young people's sermon next Sunday morning at 10:45 O'clock. ' The, Sunday school meets at 9:30 a. in. next Sunday and will have an Interesting missionary speaker, There '•Vill be no Junior league serv- ices at 4 p. m., but the children will join in the services at 4:20 p. m. with the Epworth league. The entire dis- trict cabinet of the Epworth league wUl be present at the service at 4:30 p. m. and five-minute talka will be made on the work of the different de- partments. There will be a male quartet, children's chorus, and cornet- 1st furnish special music for this sen- ice, and special effort is being made to attract the young people of Wllmette to attend tills and also the service at 6:30 p. m., at which time a devotional service will be held In charge of Mr. George F. Zaneis, flrot vice-president of the Illinois State Epworth league and president of the Chicago northern district A light lunch will be served from 6- to 6:30 p. m. free of charge. x' WHmette Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Wo- man's Club building, Greenleaf ave- nue and; Tenth street. ' Preaching service, 11:00 a. m. Bible School, 9:45 a. m. The devotional meeting Wednesday evening^ September 17th, will be In the home of Mr. and Mrs. A E. White, 1030 Greenwood avenue. Last Saturday afternoon over 76 of the members of the church and Bible school "gathered on the lawn of Mr. David Nelson, 821 Elmwood avenue, and had a most delightful picnic. Races and games were Indulged in by the children and grown-ups, and vabont 6 o'clock a splendid supper was served. It was an occasion that will be long remembered by those pres- ent.' "?y.^'M aH. This conference was the ^ cessful in the history of Winona The leading speakers were Gipsy Smith and Dr. G. Campbell Morgan and the management stated thai eight thou- sand people were on the grounds. The Conference adopted the plan of fees and reserved seats and not only met the approval of those in attendance but closed the season with a balance in the treasury. Already plans are- in operation to make next year** Bible Conference even morer-helpful and successful. .;':,:""^f.;)::::! Dr. Wilson will speak Sunday morning on "Thus it becometh us to fullfil all righteousness" and in the evening at 7:45 o'clock on *The Healing Touch." Strangers, and new- comers are especially Invjted. The Young People will bold 4helr monthly devotional meeting at 6:45 o'clock and Miss Florence Rae will lead on the topic, "The Faith ot the Ideal Christian." • GLENCOE. Gleneoe Union Churoh. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:46 a m.J preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held in the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. Wllmette Presbyterian Church. Dr. EiJII. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson returned Monday night from their vacation*- Dr. Wilson will occupy his pulpit of the Wllmette Presbyterian church, Sunday morning and evening. The first half of the vacation was spent at Frankfort, Mich., on the beautiful Congregational Assembly grounds between Lake Michigan and Lake Crystal, and the second halt at WINNETKA. Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 678 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J; X 'W. F. Davies, residence 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. * Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 5 p.m. The communion serv- ice: First Sunday in January, March, Mar, July, September and November. First Scandinavian Churoh. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school Is held at 10 tvm., followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young People's society will meet Sun- day at 5 p. m. Services In the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. Witmrtte Specialty J, 25c v'yfi 139 Qreenteaf Avenue president of tike state Epworth League and president of the Chicago northern district. /. TWO MO«E BICYCLES STOL1M. Two more bicycles have been re- ported stolen to the Evanston police. Wlllianv Doyle, 1215 Chicago ave- itte, a Dally News carrier; had his wheel taken from the rear of the Bowman Publishing company lata Saturday afternoon. St is valued at $10. Robert Blridn. 423 Hamilton street, reported his wheel, valued at $15, stolen from the rear of his hbinr Sunday afternoon, .!'â- "": 'iTgevra* 1«fH;*T„ WH.MgTTB liege Tutoring School --'-.W- :;#-conii ALLEN HfCAirPENTEll HtADMASTB* 4 KEN I LfO IT M. IL LINO IS %?$£;'â- .: â-  tmummm wnjnrrra «M NEWSVWANT ADS BRING RESULTS l>^liadr J209 Wllmette Av. Am % •rbertD.Collysr ker Bveryi In8urai 664 llMmtM Ettlllgl BtttUlg WaNSl793 CIIIGA60 -J* 'Vim "i'.-iaevK.'.fei SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK rOk HUL BARGAIN*' CO TO S. Beilin &,Son's Jwwlry Electric Car Lin* m^CemtraffmlmLMETTB.ILL. A Bee es^swved or Aa joints DesKrCaae. werraated yaera,with 17-Jfpal K^ Muvsya^ i^gelarask^ 913.90, with w&tfOM* »«.ao ;.^^0^^- â- â- â- â- â- â-  mi:04sB £*&*%&% J y^J Ti^ Coupon ai# l».50 CMn for M2.50 Eltfifl Watch Until September 35. 1913 bpMls»llwiiriaii|s^^ C. WOLFF metal and:* â- ft R«f>airiiis . Office, U2« Centos! Ave. sa«9»«2»ParfcAv»i(nst>, For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality GaMs yon can place before the Tst dlscrimjaethig guest, call kery 1148 CBN-fRAL AVENUE Phoaea Wllmette 41*414. Wllmette Auto Delivery mvWW wisco: 130« CENTRAL oitoeel^1";:'": bm. as 'f RatohW.Faupel ^Village Electrician with his regular business. of Cotnm* Reoords. come and hear them. «0» W. RAILROAD AVE. Phon»B22 Wilmstto l^ .Elijah G. Harris BERVE SPECIALIST and GsOTbPRACTOR wfth _._,.._____ _ bis Mtut n to i ahm aal Cm-____ Bâ€"tot Hfeiiwi tixmtmwmtw&mtM. Appolntm«rt» Dr *ri«*ane-^S1IStni tW. •tjMMm, im» Final Mv*MHk*ft if it ou are wearing^ properly shg guaranteed tion ii JWhaWnEB>r< class tailoi John T. Rosberg -: Good Clothâ€"MkUt 1126 CENTRAL AVEN1 - â€" -' ;w*lLMETTE, IL|i!^ tifrm on*ract< BBINO raiccs TKLgTHOn WUMRTB R*l.1302WHwaiA». NKWS WANT AOd BRINOI ^IIMMT Pare Milk aiMl Elmwood Avenue andCbeesf WILIIETT«r'>»lfc.' BEST ANt) CHEAPESt QUICKEST, >vA-.-«v ^^AUkV MOST' ;?:::â- â-  ca»y*KiBirr EC LIGHTS FOR STORED SPACES. LNCi TEEE HOMB^ HEATER PUBLIC 16U Benson Avenue, Eyajiston , ^m imm$n TELBFHOwis »w«-f|ov) -M â- 

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