Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Sep 1913, p. 5

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)0 Hlnnannnve- from a <*Bnr>§, |e> remrned Sunday ^^^^^^^ _tn Itreet. returned Satu**i||*ffl * ^t ,„ Minneapolis. Mlan,«*;i« J£n aTenue. ri^e* i^M^r )m Lauderdale Lake, Wit *Fa* waoe, **^^ Gordon lake. Ont* wks*a tfcar nave .....irifltnar tlit'WlWBWRi"V;'â- "â- â-  ; Be«rd*I«« of Rocers Park were the Etteeta Sonde* of Mr. ana Mfa. tome B. BwtftWee. M14 Harriaon itr***. '.V:C#r^a^;llr^ ftro. daughter*, Oladys and maanor.., 1101 . f>5*at ,»»«»©,' retursW Sundayâ-  from •.^ai; â- ;' 'â- :|.'* f;?J y^ *;; V/:.:;->â- ;:*' :^'0'-:"'â- â- '.'. «^^Mn^" Wld-aoomy ^'Of HWften-â-  M, E church vltl hold an edible ~ .b» JL- prueMneyer of toa An*|a»Mo^ '•*•"* toe., (i, viMtlng he* slater, Mra. â€" MtoWignon Davli of Bockford ia - guot of her aunt, afrs. Edward P. ^ett, 1801 Aabury avenue. , Mr. aad Mr* Charlet A. Phillips and mily. 227 DempBter atteet. have re* irned from Otarlestown, ^ *♦ \_ Misses Mary Norton and Grace Crtp- hn hive .returned from Europe, aere they Went the summer. % L Hendricks, 524 Sheridan road, j gone to the Manitowish waters Wiflotwain on a Ashing trip. Mr. aad Mrs. H. W. Slddall fed, Ut- ile son, 63} Ketteie street, returned lunday frwfc Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Grace Deets of Des Moines, la., a the <â- ** of Miw Marie Shoemaker, 400 HartSfell street, this week. jjiss Robinson and Miss Mary Belle tobtnson. 1226 Ridge avenue, returned esterday from St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. !*â-  R- Knapp of Park Ridge _jpent "the week-end with her eon,, Mr. Qeorge Knapp, 621 Sheridan road. Mrs. Rol'ln W. Keyes and children, j03 Forest avenue, returned Sunday troni their summer home at Cape Cod, [ass. Mr. and Mrs. Albee Smith and daughter, 1334 Hinman avenue, re- turned Saturday from Castle Park, Mich. Mrs. T. C. Keller, 1007 Greenwood boulevard, has gone to Intervale, K. H., to spend the. month of Sep- tember. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins J. Hanford, 1406 JudBon avenue, returned Sim- day from their summer home at Bagle lake, Win. ..;,;/ Mrs. Edward Hines and daughter, Loretta, and aon, Charles, 1466 Ridge •renue, returned Sunday from York Beach, Me. ,<l - ,^^'^-..\ â- â- â- .^, â-  pr. Sarah H. Brayton. 163? Chicago srenue, re^tcrned Saturday from * month's vacation at Jaoatln and: Gape CoaVMaes. -â- â- '.'â- '*â- " v'v Ifr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith and fam- ily, 2324 Hartzell street, returned Fri- day from a motoring trip to Benton &rbor, Mich. The ladiea of Hemenway M. BJ. 'starch are preparing for their annual and dinner to he held Friday* November 21. lira. Lawler, who hat been thegueat E Mrs. Clarence Monroe Boot, 7M Michigan avenue, left for her home In New York Saturday. o'clock at BAodm Brother*' grocery, ^;i^ji*im*& . ;;,V;.-.:;'^ â-  -Miss Grace . Pollard, who baa been vialttng Mr. and Mra. Joseph Milhen- ing/?86 Judson avenue, bar uncle and aunt, left Saturday for her home in Pueblo, Colo, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Chapman, 2015 Orrington avenue, are entertaining Mr. Chapman's sister, Mrs. S. C. Hydart* of Perdue Hill, Ala. She will spend this month here. INES .LYONS ioafi. Ctotral 3057 U aojoyag an bitttegf at Pram Laka, '%â- ?â- â- â-  :,â- â-  v:>â- "v:,i;v;;'::^^'^,vT;»|^Pfl|p5 'â- ' : >*va»^-emblem wi« be reaumad at Covenant M. B. okwrch next Sunday «imh&. ;•'%:>â-  Vp:u'. ",. Mra. Warren J Kidder, 1807 Harri- sca atreet, entertained at auction bridge Tuesday afternoon. Mlaa Bertha Moore, 2406 Pioneer road, left Sunday to make the lake cruise as the peat of the Chicago Ccmmandery, Knights Templars. CLEANED and DYED; Old ftfluwn Mr. and Mra. Ralph R HoBart. uu Grove street, have retunsd from Weskapang. R. 1 ': . â- â- '-.: ^^, tmaa Fulton T 358 yp. Madison hicago Sipsrflueus Hair Vi > todMtnr «v«rr hat> we laaqrietant we wttl gledlr iFVeeof Cbarc*- Oar Matta, JftereUtr, We >jrjHWutee teetiea. «l.o» DMOing. l.o» will Mines Stiver Sherwood MpicSchopl imd»i by Win. H. ! Fine Arte GBORGU Point C Public tory, For catalogue address JESSIE K. READ 3vstaees Manager 410 S. Mlchlgsn Avenue IIEVAinKlltT. VnffTs fitte4f of Church, Recital, Concert, Ora- torio, and Opera. Four thoroughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils booked at any time. Mr.Munro tests allvoices and supervises all work. m V*t& Runaliout • Ford Tourlig Car-1550 :. h tu^^^^ la^.iafSaiaia|la«iaAsi)r*«X tfc»ai«iat«. 't'| Buying of your : ; ditional expente ov< • guarantees at no ad- icago prices. S^M'V- :MS. * ]a^; --;&a<* - jttirflilii f llsi* ;-SBla««|t: aveaua. isjarnail aatsraav -firaaw 4%«ss 'taltai;WIS4;'-,;.::":: } School has begun. There are all sorts of equipment * Thei^#epencilsapens!|^ faniiiies the cost of these artfeleMsa cba^^ £ necessities at Rosenbei^s, there |^^ y tion school paints that sell elsewhere lor twenty-five '-^^^^^^^.^l^^gil^ *0S All other articles at cut prtcesu Below |Oii will :tl^^^^::^M§i^^. ^ pricedleswer than elsewhere. Ofterin^lorWed^ "...â- ..'â- â- â- â- â- ...â- . *y-^:i^uJ^iyM^$M^Wi^^^^S"......-*»««««»â- â-  -........• Children's Hair Ribbons Pretty Ribbons for school t wear, change- able colors. No. 150 width. Regular 25c quality, for 14C oniy. .. m.'i-»ji.^'» CHARACTER DOLLS The remainder of oar stock of Character Dolls, valued <0#* up to 1.50 fo*f?;W : Ladles' Handbags, in ; small and large sizes, big assortment of styles, worth up to 2.75.-I IA I All gofor.....^•*^ ; Cluny Lacea, with in- ; sertions to match, worth ; | male of s; witlsati ;! SOcfcelie All the plain and fan- cy Dress Silks remain- ing in our stock, many charming patterns, materials worth up to 1.00 yd. Clear-2Qp ance price . . ^?/w Linen Table Damask TABLE DAMASK. 60-inch pure Linen Sil- :. 75 ver Bleached Table Damask. 75c qual- ity* yard.. ^. LINEN TABLE DAMASK. 72-inch full bleached, extra fine quality, all Linen *7|*> Table Damask. Sold regularly for 98c .. • w T/w^VT/P*^ Tuslciah |To#ela, extra : : lar* ancNreavy, regu-,;! > lariOc quality, ^1«% M ^ # ___en Ptper Tablets* router ishmull,:pâ-  â-  ;^-.. ^^00* -;!°?l^^^llrti|^^^P15 â-  ; ;:;::^p#^iSwiSt||^ Cfark;Mayom^ 1 dot. .Crayo^it*^^ The Jones* Schoo] Crayioiiis lar^ : Blankets, double 10-4,: \ heavy fleeced blankets, ; in gray, tan aad white. Pull i Ize Bed Comfor- ; ters, covered with • bordered silkoline,filled | with soft batting, Q>7g* : 1.29 value, for... Of V; :-------------------:-----------------: [ New Style Velour ; ; Flannels, the very latest ; ' patterns, all the new col- | orings. Special 1 ^1A ; ; a yard for......X»2v - re r;10c";iia5er-M,^^||^^ Fancy Pei^l Bod^svcdr^ fit sold regularJy^^^l^ Garter^ BeftPa^te^nd .-- Fluid, onlyW...,,,;:;;,_. ^;.;n||Sl, Eberhard Faber Lead Pencils, only....;.: i.........____... iv,i:.-*;^^' Spencerian Penholders, 2 for. .if^IiB Scratch Tablets, only.........., ^ Children's School Suit Cases; 14 * inch; good lock and clasps, LOO quality.......!.........., .M *" W&H FREE--*Ulle WMStlK bat mimioa »r, free to A canary whistle that mimioa songster, free to . Gives is oar' »anr the little so every child SHOE S BOflON Children's School School Days call for school ahooa. Good wearing ohoea M tow pricas. Itesaaambtr we do all kinds of laO* rspah-lngatlowr aricas Ulan aliiwlsfa Boys' School Shoes at S3.50 FREE-Higte WHsttos AoanitTwUatlatbatmioka tbe liUle aoagatar, fret to •vary ohild. Givaa ia oaw SHOE SBOTIOlf 2.50 Strictly all solid leather, made on good wide laits, With boil dog toes, in Uos or button, aue 2fi to uja» •â- ....».. ••••«.*•-»-*« MtwaV School Shoea, |3.00 la dull oalfakin, with haad-aewed «r toosioo soUa, made togive good aorrioo. ThefamouaMrs.A. R.King make, aiaat r School Shoaa at $3.O0 _ __ le of goametal calf, with hand-new- ed tolea, ia button only, every pair guaranteed togive extra good 2 {%£% wear,sises25<rto6ji ..... O.W School Shot* at $2.25 Made of extra good grade of gaonetal oalf akin, with hand-aewed solas, on good wide foot form laeta, •% ^ p# sea9to 18 ..............aV.aVia/ In oalfaUa, made to give extn good wear, aad oat very â- â€¢at abort vanap laata, ia button oaly, aisae &# to 11. nexainoaeflUB.A. x». au«k •«â€"-i â€"â€" -------^. â€" 7~............-,--*...â€"~- Dnrfa* thia a*U ^w**±. U^toS*^ HA IM......Mil.....IIHWHI......•......MM»* Mi'K^;~-.*"*;â- â- , 1.50 tbia sale a>eUII \ -:- ^_ _ < â-ºâ€¢â€¢ ^.^••^â- â€¢v; ^•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢twfsr Ia oalfakia, made oa good wide foot form laata, with low flat heeb «d ex- tension aolaa, extra good val*«% f\guea,llito *.......;.....eVeUU SffOE REPMRING If AT ALL TIMES. SHOES CALLED } § FOR AND DELIVERED ^ 04StM»t»ttotil»*IMttt<HtStf tiltMSiMMt SALESW0HEV WA5TED KBy t^^a^'iv^&^^|v^^^^^^^^^g^^^^^ -.-^^^i^'^iv^Kn^iS^:^ frS^l; Ii iil :ife^i^ibi^v^feii^i*aiitai^^fc^«<^^

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