Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1913, p. 8

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Nominated in the Big Automobile Contest up Till Monday Night at 6 P. M. and Number of Votes Cast for Each uv to That Hour. District No. 1â€"The City of Evanston One 19\4 .Model, Fully Equipped, Five-Passenger Ford Touring Car and Nine Other Handsome Prizes to Be Awarded in this District ................... 19,850 .............................. 15,150 .............................. 67,060 ............................... 18,125 ............................... 74,825 ......................... 68,125 .................. 55,025 ............................... 69,750 ............................... 67,825 .............................. 61,750 ............................... 14,150 ........................... 74,825 .'.'.WW.'!.'...!................. 13,025 !!!!!!!........................ 65,iso !WW........................ 52^50 WWW'........................ 10,925 ............................... 38,150 ............................... 69,725 ............................... 10,675 ............................... 16,925 ............................... 60,275 ............................... 69,575 ............................... 28,575 ............................... 63,475 ............................... 66,125 ............................... 74,875 ............................... 14,125 Blacker................................................. 74,775 i Want Ad TEe Lalie Shore News ;; ; TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 W1LMETTE !437 j ! Want Ads in tfce Like Shore News are charged at the following rates ; Real Ettate Classifications. 7}4 cents per line. All Other Classifications. 5 cents per line. ', '< Minimum Price. 15 cuts. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents « 'â- â- â- â- â-  i mm............niinitiiiiiitmini""" Misa Marguerite Niekrenr....... Mies Slgrid Johnson........... Master irvin Bard.............. Mr. Harry I. Minturn.......... Mrs. I. L. Clapp................. Master Thomas Fearing Turner Master Norllng Person......... Miss Virginia Franklin......... Miss Amelia Schriber.......... Master Martin Benson.......... Mr. George H. Crain...... ..... Mrs. Grace Lagemann.......... Miss Edna Bammesberger...... Miss Ethel M. Ormes........... Mr. Harold Turnock............ Mrs. Carrie Turner............. Master Bryson Reynolds........ Mrs. W. B. Little............... Mrs. E. Oorband............... Miss Ellen F. Swan............ Mrs. M. J. Braaseh............. Miss Dorothy Edwards......... Master Norman Earl Witt...... Mrs. F. O. Challberg............ Mr. Chic Howe................. Master John Boesiger..........â-  Master Matthew Larkin. Mrs. W. H SITUATIONS WANTED ttUiRN YOU NEED HELP CALL Jj*l. CooklRgtanjl waiting on taJsWr din- ner or lunch* hv -Onrrngfll 1 Uio Nakatanl (Ji IseTT'HMi^Weat Lau- rel-a.VjMI/giSt and, Park, IUT"** K*?tP SIT^AT^ON WANTED-BY YOUNQ marT>is5e 29 years; have had ten years* «?fe»il$»ce at tne grocery business, Buch%,an^e||rk, manager, meat cutter and shipp!w»n|^rk; can furnish M references. Addrei Box 10;. Evanston, 111. l --------------------------------^^' SITUATION WANTEp^^KXPEKI- enced a't"esa«|§ke£/'^ants engage- ments in. tatentea?'T'|l«nswai81-W, weekfhight work venAPhone Wll- >J ltc PLAIN w ltc SOPJ^NO WISHJSS CHURCH POSI- tWn; thorough updersJiaHfing of music; good voicedAdJmess W 487, ake Shore NeatJr W| Jfew-2tc Lake Sh Mr, E. C. Henderson----- Mr. Ariel Hedblom..... Miss Elizabeth Hermes. F. L. Barker........... Mies Edna Betts........ Mrs. C. J. Cousland. 65,825 57,925 46,550 13^75 45,025 11,225 Mrs. Ellen I. 8cott................................................. 74,725 Mr. B. 8ulllvan..................................................... 12,150 Mr. George Winter, Jr.............................................. 71,325 Mr. C. L. Pattlaon.....................................-............ 26,425 Mrs. E. L. Eetabrooks.............................................. 63,925 Miss Martha Pape.................................................. 73,425 Master Leslie Hatley............................................... 10,275 Mr. Claude M. Cltsel.................................•• â- ........... 65.02& Master Carl Smith................................................. 16,250 Matter Russell Otis............................................ 10,425 Mr. Douglass Dean................................................. 56,025 Miss Agnes Brandt................................................. 11,450 Mr. Walter Jerould................................................. 10,150 Master Ralph Peterson............................................. 24,150 Mr. Wm. O'Brien................................................... 69,375 Mr. Wm. Sembach.................................................. 51,450 Mian Elizabeth Rliley............................................... 70,950 Master Emmett Ratcllffe........................................... 42,350 Mian Luclle Rubo.................................................. 56,150 Mr. Karl Magnuton................................................ 68,125 Mr. Joe Ivester.................................................... 57,575 Master George Carlson............................................ 75350 Misa Frances Miller................................................ 10,126 Master Paul Aim................................................... 58,325 Master Albert Lark..............................4................. 68,150 Mr. J. C. Ivanoff.................................................... 71,250 Mr, XJJiarles Pulver,................................................ 16,850 Mr. James L. Ratellfre......•...........,............................ 17,050 Mr. H. A. Clawsort................................................. 67,025 Master Morley Reading............................................. ©6,950 Miss Gladys Boeseh............................................... 27,150 Miss Ruth Sharer.................................................. 11,225 Mr. W. E. Horton.................................................. 35,150 Mrs. T. F. Reddington.............................................. 10,128 Mm. H. H. Sheerer................................................. HM>75 Mr. Ralph Norberg................................................. 32380 Misa Martha Boldt................................................. 11325 M* F. D. Brooke.................................................. S9.950 r Mr. Ernst VHella................................................... 57380 'Miss Sarah Hayes.................................................. 10,125 Mr. Emll Mlneh.................................................... 14,100 Mrs. E. King....................................................... 51,025 £l§ fi^' [Pv* District Mo. 2~Outside of Evanston One 1914 Model, Fully Equipped, Five-Passenger Ford Touring Car and Nine Other Handsome Prizes to be Awarded in this District. Miss E«l«n Johnson, Winnetka...................................... 29,975- Mastsr Edward Hanion, Wilmette.................................. 17,850 Waster Albert Forbes, K©nilworth............................ ..... 33,125 Mlas Frances Fritsch, HIghwood.................................... 35,750 Miss Marion McOmber, wilmette................................... 28,925 Mister Wllbsrt Kadlec, Nfles Center................................ 28,675 Mlas Katherlne Dahm, Winnetka.................................... 37,550 Mr. Also Smith, Glencoe........................................... 26,475 Mr.C. C Schultz, Wilmette......................................... 39,225 Mister Richmond Corbet*, Kenilworth.............................. 40V800 Mrs. a C. Flanders, ft. F. D....................................... 34,050 Mr, M. G. Dally, Wlnnttka.......................................... 32,075 MlM Vfrgfnls Smurr, w llmetts..................................... 15,975 Mr. Riasssll Lundqulat, Winnetka................................... 21,550 Titos. Flndsy, Lake Forest............................................ 23,750 Mr. James O. Barber, Wilmette......... .......................... 25375 VOTE SCHEDULE. tma Evanston Dally Nswsâ€"Lake Shorn News Grand Automoblls Contest. THE EVANSTON DAILY NEWS. iThrss months* subscription.............t 30......... Six months' subscription..... .........$1.75......... Ons ymfm subscription...............>$330......... Tws yaars* subscription................S630........, THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. Six months* subscription................S1.2S....?v... Om yaafs subscription................S23D......... *aras ..1300 Votes ..4300 Votes .10300 Votes .2^)00 Vote* Vote* HP- SITUATION WANTEDâ€"UP-TO-DATE dreastnaking; lateBt Parisian styles; afraight, gracaJftJ Unas; model fit- i/tor; reasonahjArioniJ at home or in families; jssa/en(i§eT Plume Wil- mette 1083. <VUA aV J#rfrlJL6w-2tc FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"SEWING MACHINES taken in trade on our nm Singer Rotajy. This Rotary Singer is so faaChead of other makes it will pay u to see it. Do jiot buy a cheap achine. Bet|er mw a good used machine. { A l New Home .V/.I...I.I......•-9 500 DomeBtic ......I....V........ 6.00 Standard ......|.............. 7.00 Wheeler & Wilson. %........... 7.00 White Drop Head.............. 12.00 Singer Drop Head............. 15.00 Wilcox ft Gibbs................ 18.00 Wilcox & Gibbs................ 22.00 Also large assortments of slightly used machines cheap. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston. ltc FORJ&ALEâ€"PIANOS TAKEN IN tjdfe on our high grade Pianos and ^^Tayers. We are selling the best •Snakes of Pianos under unadver- tised nan&s. This jJeans >ve can save you $50.00 to Sjfs.OO. See our Pianos befo*e"_buy $300 Welingt/n I.. 350 Mozart \A.. . 350 Kingsbury |ab 350 Decker ft Sots. 360 Benning ...............116.0© 400 Hohmer. Boston ........125.00 360 Mason ft'Farwell.,.......140.00 550 Steinway & Son..........200.00 600 Steinway & Son.........225.00 550 Chickering..............ZStf.OO Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman Ave., Evanston. ltc I 75.00 95.00 110.00 100.00 STURTEVANT LAWYER SEEKS CURLY INDIAN Attorney for Woman Charged With Fraud Desirous of Find- ing Curly the Crow. REWARDâ€"for return of *Indian answering; to the name of "Cur- ly the Crow." When last seen was toothless and spoke good English. Valuable to advertiser at present. The only possible answer to sucn an advertisement that has come to the office of Carl Beroth, attorney for Miss Mabel Sturtevant, who is look- ing for Curly, Is a telegram from an official of the Crow Indian reserva- tion in Montana, stating that "Curly the Crow" has not been off the reser- vation for months, cannot speak Eng- lish and has gooti teeth. "Of course he may have bought teeth and lost the ability- to speak good English," explains Mr. Beroth. Curly owes Miss Sturtevant |5(H>, according to her account, for writing his "autobiography." Only a week ago he promised to pay it, and now he has decamped. Miss Sturtevant needs the money, for she is charged by the federal government with using the mails with intent to defraud. Curly is supposed to be a Crow Indian who survived Custer's massacre, and, with "June Gentry"â€"who has written the story of Miss Sturtevant's life for several magazinesâ€"has suddenly disappeared. "It is queer thai the two who were closest to Miss Sturtevant should dis- appear at* the same time," said Mr. Beroth. "I have no Idea that they are together, taumgh, for I don't be- liere they knew each other more Uua casoalljr." - â- â- % â-  :-:":,- .v:i, â- â- /:. \ : â-  \^H^-&*m"~ KELP Wj|/rEDâ€"~ WANTED â€" A MAID al housework,A PI 1197. M. E. Co/asII av., ^Nfhnettp. OENER- ne Wilmette 6 Ashland- ltc 5D â€" GIRL FQft*OENBRAL Fk; small family; s5<>od wages. 33 Jrescent-pl., WiUaetteSPhone ,252. jl iJijJJtk Ml (" ltc BOARD AND ROOM GrO. the jm: BURY. 1554 aSBURY-A?£ en suite with private bath ai rooms ;<**Jicellem caisin^ :. rates, room, intt^mn^omi, 915 ^p t %2h per week.^Krs. \BTC. Diefeh- dorf. Phone 2392. 19-tf For Iehtâ€"Aptmts. Lentâ€"three or it; stove heaw 1* Hv.. Wilmette. JJUo FORREWTâ€"Offices FOR JfENT ler^desirable, 1 Bensonav. 279. SPACES; 1th k Son, Evanston 37-tf ELLANEOUS Tâ€"WILMETTE, BEAUTI- for dances and entertaln- with pa/lors, smoking room and kitchen. U0\cefV>r dentists, physicians, law*!-* Widlos for ar- tists and musicians. Also stores. In the Brown Building. D. E. Allen, Agent, 1167 Wilmette-ev., Wilmette. unrolls ii cum tfwlwni. f hi can msk*. IT* do firing for p| MARY L Phone Evanston 1259 J*ajte Shore Sanitarium Oar Spoeteltr is thijlaecâ€"foJ TrcstniMtof ap 'or invalids! â- M* tataa. Modi \# nuras i-^^ _,_ _. »37 Sherman J^e. WsmtonJI. Talephonf Evanston 2W8 Corrects causes of eyo troa b|fs and related nervoueand «tional^Korders â€" htad' ih^, nepyolpnesa. etc. EM* _ correctly ilas „ work at ibs^jdRces. CONSULT* TIOHTTHEC 2d Floor, 619 dvl* St., Fvsnston Houre: 9 toJ2,l to 5 dally, Tue. & Tliur. eves., 7 to 1:3° Shru All varieties < Roses, Fnulai____ Hardy, Her»ceouf4fDwering PL Pereinial^rtllens JOHN FREEMAN, Proprietor 818 Noyes Street 39ff-tf .MONTESSORRJ 'Elementary School Ki Small Element before six w. If ioterestefl, the teacher will be glad to call and explain the system. Address: Director, Cam College School, Kenilvorth, 111., Phone Wilmette 624 aphs r if shor Wlamet' JAMES 25 -WEST LAKE 8T, An Opportunity IWN A LOT AND THEN sell at PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18. AT 2 P. M. 50 Fine Lots in Near Jefferson Avenu Tbe North residence 1 admitted to the North Sho: __ Sreat lakeâ€"near id transportation; v Milwaukee EJeotrio. Chicago, ar_<asjrjriencoe is the most de^rrable spots on to Nature's heartâ€"near tbe school and churchesâ€"spleu- Gbioago & Northwestern and You oan bay property NOW ty property NOw cheaper than a year hence. Come prepared to invest. With a small cash payment down. C. T. NORTHROP Pbons Wlnnstha 378 HUBBARD WOODS REAL BARGAINS We are cleaning up owold^UM at 1001 Sherman Aveti settled in our NEW YA of Central Stn 2738-277B West Railm We have a good>§J_*wÂ¥ Yellow "Pine, Pine, Birch, and Oak doors at CLEANING UP PRICES, also some odd sash, columns, and newels. If you are building, or contemplating building, you can pick these doors out and then cut your openings to fit. It will save you money. Don t wait too long before picking tbe Stock you want. Prices marked on each door in plain figures. ysfts -â- --'^^^fe^is^ifSftSt^ mMMwm^ ^ijp** is Mi YARD getting s North

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