Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1913, 2, p. 9

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Upaflfj^g Ireeks-^sittue^ ,^3^ ....... ,.,.)MtfcL j^-*^.,,,,,-^wut- wrnrn- uest of Mr^::t3a«^|g^||p f jbo. OKeet* W«* *P*mM$m eeetv where nephew, Ho* â- â€¢rtowHy injured ft .. an »ttt<anc*ne »ccid«» out for the m*rria«o mi week lim&f*^. ion, fll. • a, Stubbsâ- v-ret ornia isean1>f*#fa^^ ll^oufW^I .......... â„¢ ISJ^S^iAe^^ h.„a OhiO. '%' ":.;r"--'-^-5t-:...;- : ^l^v'^^fflW:**: W^WOB^ Si Mrs / b^*M?%Mimi^*^^^^M V. «r their daugbtelflMrs^Har^^M*^ * in Klein 111. X-r^^VP^Ct^'^J'^-«ttliIi^ JTb MorrUn te'ii»^l«a^tt*»»^,^^" "" i'dmg the Varnish M^'^a**^^ ship of enitet, lee church i«d' last Visit witn Tomlftass left the brtt«*:lW^^ weekv<6r'»«tt»tpwn, .Pa^. A%|h1^:>|i|"l#dN» â- preparations, to join BChOOl tt"'*^^^..-^ «„ Isabell Btfrart ^J£**** '.Lob Angeles,;^ajfe^^^ ud the wlnter♦^f";.;:;?p3l^^p•••"' |W. Stanger Is frttwH(MB . ther, Mrs. Chae. 0|bjp*e^||doj| ur and Mrs. JnoD.^lVhay otJ*$ i£ Mich., 'are vlaitlag;^^ppg j. Glass, .v. â- ;â- â- *;':): if ^-34^.^P?'S» Ir«. Charles RlJi^lEetMWWlt e* from a seye»r^;^WW^%|^^^i fatern Wisconidnyr-• H.':.\£#$#£# Dues Marjorle W* FTaiW6*J8malI ri token apart^^;;:;.fMp^>v'; ^lel" for the winter..^ v^ilf^-v: v: mrf-' b. M. Kemp aid ^^t«r kaw gned from a"^.;*^':"!'!??'^'^. 'inch Lick Sprtnf*"-'-V'7f;x^:-^S';'-i'-"-//'! j&s. a. C Tarbejt «>f 8l6'|#ir^l eatie left Tuesday forPhiladelphia it month's Tisft with her aisteft a number of socle*;.,-pe*Pt* ****** ihe opening of ^JMhJeftlo the* <% Waukegan -r h^band lit the Philippines. Mr. ;enideth it first lieutenant and will be stationed in the Philippines for i$*i': in BUSY BY MANY PETTY THEFTS mg Sneak Thlaves Make Officers ^^Viirk OhrertJme Tracing ^; f^Stoien Property. for' her home, in Now Several petty thefts have been re- ported to the Bvanston police re- cently, and' plalnclothesmen and other officers are being keft busy _____________searching for the stolen articles, o,^wi'a>^eWnto^:whieh range from a carpenter's saw jibs Anne Seymour, wjm*#* 1»eenm^^,ThBPiA^b^ &£ " her sister. MA. *** *oae8, an organized sang of thieves Is ^op- eratlng in Bvanston, and that the numerous thefts are the work of these individuals who spot the articles in the daytime while wandering about the city* An order has been glvren. by Asslatant Chief of Police Johnston, who Is m chargie jdminr the absence of Chief of Police Shaffer, to all pa- trolmen to arrest any suspicious char* actera found on the streets who can- not give a strict account of their movements. •â- /'-.'-^ "B- .'• ; The large number at bicycles which have been stolenfduiing the last ten days has been w^rryin|! the police considerably. In several Instances, wheels reported stolen have later been found io other parts of the city, which leads the officers to think that Bvanston youths have been riding the wheels around the city and then leave them, in fear of being caught by the police. -." Three More tetoyeies Gone. fphraa more wheels were report- aiting jgaturday Mrs John S. Bell ^Btertai^ef^m; IniaUy Tuesday]M. -1^P^"^:-^^: •rher of Maasa«n'tiiietbji>\w11p,;1iiyl|^i test of her aunt, ifw. ^ohn Oliver; IB*. P. P. Boynton and chUdren of North Sheridan iwia *e^Brned last iekMrom a sum%r%^vac»flon-'ln intucket, Mass.;./:^g^|;^|^;,,v.i M1«b Anna Seymour left this Week irher home W Nifâ- '**&£-She1 'has een for some time the'guest of her â- tor, Mrs. Rex?f*ii4«r^^ ' The Morraine hotel ^ifle open ati (Inter for guests. He^stofore ft has wen closed, during ifte}^winter_ »w Mr. Martin ';iiowte3r?â€"ittss Agnes Bagen and Miss Mary Pusnock are, raests of Mrs. Hugh Rinehart, 104 ewood avenue, this vreeje. Announcement has been niade ofj engagement of MU»» Alice BVans, bwghter of Mr. and^Irs. R. Q.BvanfiT S» Harold Larsen of GreenBay, "Wto. Monday, which makes tte lift Mrs. Robt. C. WlllUma,^ who hM 01 stolen blcyeles now total Jen the guest ot he* father^ the more than fifteen. The flwt peater part of the summer, has re-lady's wheel, belonging to Mrs. i. Wed to her home 'in Fort Clark, Hailwood, 1002 Asbuty avenue, was Texas. ' v',." , • . - jreported stolen Sunday morning. It •Misses MarJori«'^^usd^;//I)ototitty--wBa) valued at $26 and was taken from J&odon entertained Informally for the rear yard of the above address Miss Poyson Monday afternoon. Miss some time Saturday night PJoyson is a guest|,;<tf^ "'Mrs., Henry I Two otter William 8. Woore, Jr., Bvanstoa's perpetual but unsuccessful candidate for justice of peace, was arrested by Plainclotnesman Larry McArdle after he had dodged two Chicago detectives successfully. Moore is charged with assault and battery pre- ferred by Prank M.' Hutohinaon, an automobile sufply aealer, 1*28 Michi- gan avenue, Chicago. The capias was issued in the mnnicipal oourt. He was given in custody to |he two Chi- cago detectives who searched Bvans- ton for him the day before. According to a story Moore told the Bvanston police he assaulted the automobile supply dealer In the mt- _^_____^_^_______________ 1 tert establishment^ in Chicago Batur- ed stolen hetween" gatHro^iBBd ^tomwmtH^jw**^ ;s«iaoyiSd by'.^le........ dr«« sto^ M*la street and Cbi ateaue. Each wheel vas valusd ThVltths;^ wheel was taken rear porch of the home and wheel froin the side Hi; :;t«rj^§lioa rMon- inotorcycle, whteh he acquired tn a Uade from - a â- --"-• oh me sooth side, ed of -Its "" mm *â- ,.â-  Wrtenjmcea, 4»LJoMeltheIlatt^|*rt#»e weaki f^eedometer, lamps, tools, "-^.-â- tm^tm^Wv'WW^'^ i:(!»S|Wi»yttight. The machine Is kept: -"" '•'--'â€"«KB^PL^ffiSw,Jf?!im-.,.w in a garage at the rear of 634 Sher- idan road, where the lock fas broken anjl entranoe gained. It Is thought by the police (hat the Chlcagoan, who wai worsted in the trade, probably may have secured the article*. â-  v John Jacobeen, 2460 Aubert streeit, Chicago, a cajpenter at work in': Or*. rlngton avenue near the library, is minus about $12 worth of carpenters' tools, which have been stolen from a tool shed duriq? the last week. Two visits have been made to the tool house, according to the report; On Tuesday night of last week a quantity of tools were taken and on Saturday night saws and planes were stolen. Fence Posts Stolen. R. F. Oloede, the florist, 1409 Cen- tral avenue, had forty-six fence posts, valued at $25, stolen front his plant some time Saturday night. The posts were piled near an outbuilding. Wagon tracks were found near the shed, showing that the theft was made by the owner of a team and wagon. ' '.„: 3. E. Lukey, a traveling salesman, living at 1709 Ridge avenue, reported to the'police Saturday night that a sample ease containing $100 worth of novelties was stolen from a street car In Chicago, at Clark and Oak streets, Saturday evening. He was on his way to Bvanston and did not notice bis loss until he changed cars at How- ard avenue. He then came to the Bvanston police, who, In turn, notified the central detective bureau In Chi- cago. ._ . . :.,;:,,„â- ,.. PERPETUAL CANDIDATE NABBED BY POLICE VVm. SrMoore Is Arrested by Chicago Police for Attack- ing Auto Dealerr O Boyds. careless bicycle riders the loss of wheels Sunday Morris Pitagetald 1 in'Joliet^'^^^l:-;^ \.,Mjr;:;;andv:.ll»a^J^ro*, Washittgten,,:.1^ii^i:S vMr. C. Hf'Bwiht:! trip to Serato, FU., last week. Mr. Walter CMdenthal rUtted W:-f.lemJv^^WWIfc a businelB Aerea,:M^ sale of ah automelbUe tire, It Moore made a complaint concerning a faulty auto tire and that in the quar- rel which followed the Bvanston plumber and would-be politician lost*ball, at St Mary's hall, MUmday even his temper and assaulted Hutchinson, ing, October 13. â- â- 'â- .:â- â-  Lake Poi^ or^ea^avre 4' at Anderson hall Thursday e>ejifini. ' Geo. Smith left last week for Call fornla to spend the: i(flnter. "i: *? Mrs. s. N. Davis and daughter visiting .friends:;m:tl^^t4t^'^'^f ' Mrs. Paul Roeberhaareturned'f a protracted visit in Vl»«omsln. > The Woman's club he^d a reception in Anderson's hail Ihrtday evening. .. Mr. and Mrs. Arfchw Meeker will take up their winter 0A- cage November 1. :# W. J. Wyman has returned, from a week's sojourn at his ^rmer home In Oceanana county, Mich. The Y. if. C. A. hav^ taken the en- tire upper floor of the* new Staska building for use of the association. Mrs. Arthur Meeker will present her daughter, Katberine, at a reception at the Blackstone hotel October 26 Miss Blla Knox Mturned Thursday from a week's visit with relatives in â- â-  W»$ :Orace; ^MeeW^'sailed"-for Europe the first of Octiber to resume her studies in Rome, The study class of il* L*ke ITorest Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Br M. Parraenter Friday afternoon. Ferdinand Roeber ta suffering from a broken arm. the remit of football practiee on the High iohool grounds Mrs. Wm. 8. Bush and daughter re- turned last week frqnt Bar Harbor, where they have speni A month. Prof. W. R. Bridgmatt has returned from bis vacaUon aai resumed his duties at Lake Forest (Ollege. , >, '^ Miss Mabel Dick, who has been abroad for a year," h^;'r|!t.«rned;.tO;:.hei'. homeih'lAke.'Fowit*'^^.. -i-'$£.&â- â- " Arthur B. McOiU, Kewaunee, HI., was a guest of J. E. FlUgerald in Lake Forest the Utter part of the weak:. .â- tifce."*BM:':A,--';F^'.4 played their first league match of the season on the young Men's club iroundB Sunday afternoon. "'7:^:':"-S5Jp^" - '/:^.-:' Mrs. John Farson^ who has been spending the summer la t*ke Forest, returned to her winter home in Chi- cageSaturday. â- f'-"'Wi 'â- ' , James Dysart of Jttumwa, Iowa, in visiting friends lnTake Forest, and while here will enter Lake Forest col- lege. â- ' .•'â- â- ." u^jfL "i Mr. and Mrs. Francis Johnston will spend the winter in Like Forest, hav- ing leased their Chicago residence for that time, iâ- ;.>-..-â- â-  -At^y®**..c\- Mr. Donald Rutledge; first cornetist in the 54th regimental band of Ottum- wa, Iowa, arrived in l^waFocest last week to spend the winter,^#.;C.;<;A':.s^e:^'ehtortain^ ment in Oneal's hall Thursday even- ing to obtain funds for furnishing their new clhb roeihj m. the Staska building. â- &&, > W:0m$:,,., Mr. L. H. W. Speidel is) making a trip through Oklahoma. He will also make a short visit with JTullus 8chaf- Forest take Forest Counoil No. »tl, Knights of Columbus, have made ar- rangemenm ror Coramhus landing day a^they^U goto taetr •proding the sumnwr hera, left Friday R. Lyea of Wauksfaa. They wttF re* ?^':m'f^oA:|>»o1eml^;:^cg| '" •":;^'^dmiiw.wahyii^^:*|f»i^^ iMr! by" f^? A«hs&^^»^;:3^^ " Mrs. Naomi Career of Sharron, Pa id Mrs. John a L«fr of Melbourne, Fla.. were entertained at a luncheon given in honor of Urs. Kathan Wake- field, at the Blaeijtoiw hutel Friday 'evenlhg^v'^lf'. Kr^^m^-^W- ti ;^ThV:"matMl^#^ Jones, daughter of David Benton Jones, and Mr. E. H. Bennett will take place at 4 o'clock la the afternoon! of '.Oetober:>it;«V:^:th^:iA^:For^ Fre*: bytertan church.;,4,:i^eee|^on.'wl|y!)^ low at the home of the bride. Wm.0 â- ' ,kir.vF,::Heimberl*r. *f$?WtiPW. litter part of Octotw for, his annual huh|usg^tr1plTheajf'"Crs^-:|^^ companled by HbtuIcI APpIoton. Dur- ing their trip they will make their headQuarters at Xj|ke Blue Wing olub, .Crs4im\'liak^.-;-'r^|g^ BAgHiiilAei 'ii#r^-""'"â€"" â- $Mn^........ PorolFWifiiborII^vm to le Members of the Cuthh^rt-Scniifer household, 1116 Church street, Bvan- ston, had visions of a-big catch of a bold porch climber at 1 o'clock in the morning, when th«y notified the police that a, prowler wai trying to gain en- trance to the home of their next^loor neighbor, at 1113 Church street. The •malldaughter oftfr. and Mrs.Schae- fer was sleeping on their sleeping porch and was awakened by the in- truder. ::'-w :.';:-'^-:.^.:^:-^?feiK'^ :; Officers Uinning, Kaii»^i';llei|r nlhan were detailed on the double- quick and, with revolvers drawn, crept up stealthily upon the supposed "cul- prit" lust as the litter was noiseless- ly 'raising'.a wtaoV*%v^-;';. '.^ 'v'^-":} "Halt! -i:w1i*'-"i^^ti^t^V«mlm4- Officer Keane in a stentorian tone. ••Tumble'. o« of ; the»v;^mrij^.m>p make A' sieve :of:>(»i^:S|5ivy|?$0^' Not a word' was spoken by the leged porch climber and he began to slide to the ground from the porch roof. When he was again on terra flrma, the officers surrounded him and held smu:.â- i^â- ^m<'i'â- 'pm^',•a^C!ft•m^:â- â€¢^ volvers. HU face aahen, and shaking from head to foot, the: youth tried to stammer out W excdie for b*ln< on the porch roof at the early hour He was a visitor itt the home and had remained out later than his host .had. expected him to. The door to the home was looked and, rather than awaken the members of the family, he sought to gala entrance to his room via the porch. His proof was "Yes, I walloped him one in the mouth so hard that It reauired the senlces of a physician to patch him up," Moore is quoted as saying Jtt «!?- plaining the assault to the police. Mrs. A BLTiiciof ilMfrVotoit. who has been spending the summer in Europe, is preparing to Ope* her Chi- cago residence at 1K0 N. «ate street In November. J- ^ allowing htm tc mount again the porch roof and enter his room with- out disturbing the peace and fttet * hto^l>cafr,,;^^ North shore motorists wUl be glad to learn that Sheridan road from Fos- ter avenue to Devon avenue, which has been closed (or^ month, is again open.

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