Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1913, 1, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1813 SHERIDAN ROAD IMPROVEMENT PI TO MEET T ish>/i'iunittcf <>f Association < I )J( (ting far (ifticrul Discussii in thr ('ilv Council Churn! i'i)/\i: < >i I'ttorosmoN to h jUs Import- / Subject i i> HSCLSSHD , ll.- ilCl-rl.: â-  xple.-Mi, . .-)'-. nl i; ll ;t si.iii vhieh |,. Hi.' -Huh Ace..n., .,! tl.l I ill'.', \s-,,„ !,,l It -llllll |. SO. Ml ll,.' ..Ill .â- lllll'f '* •Ki- ll I i I ml I, IN,Mil n • In ,|SI -I â- nun iilt.'i nil Passed in 1875. â-  I I. Firit of a Series. Mi nli-||.;i lllll il ill I. .I.i.'ill |.;iii. I.' il in Ml. ll I â- III 111 I I II ml f 11 'â-  I Ml III" Illlll i Ml,I ll Ih. 11 III.' III.' I.Ill .,• i.w'i juris JIIIMIIS lllll I I I II Is llllil]' IH |H> ihiiiimli ,\ lilcli lln- n|illllll ill III.' III'! M- Mil was so . i milrol til I'verv ulil In' shim inI.'i.'il , iiii.iiil, in.iKinu i; i imj , Jurisdiction H i| mi i' ,iii> purl • lil.h C, Him. n :..l n .rfiH'iniioi, I. mi,in iiii.l c H Hnrl'.-i rmmiiitl.'.' ,i|i|nillil<'<l '" ii ..I' Hi. hill I'tils slal." |il'm.' i.l inli'l'i'St In >-\.T Itif north Hliori'. KMitisl.iu (,otuni|,rei;il Assdcla'uni. KvaiwUoti, IH To tli>' Mernb. rx Following Hie policy ami the imm toni of tin- Kviiiisfon Colllllll'lcllll As sociatlou. your pM-wldcnt and t :• «• board of director* Imve ileemeil ll ex pcdlcnt to studythe bill passed liv Hi.' recent, session of the slate legislature empowering Lincoln J'urk Hoard to take over and mulntiiln tin- famom driveway known n» Hherldnn road, and to advise the membership of your organization of the findings In Hi.' matter Thin communication or letter Ih In iu> 'viy a recommendation to the hi ih IliliK which dir mild. I Ih lllll INK in nl il \s ilhln tli»- col pot'al" i hi tat s ot K\ niistuii. have hadl> vv diti as to lie neariv â- . certain citizens have liee.i uav to brim: iilioiit n unl- I'.'l'elil |i;ii that secllii llmils ot heroine M iinpaHsalil sccMug a form ri'hahilltai hm of Hie road throtinlmut il â- â€¢ entire length, from Die north limits nl l.incoln I'ark to tin Wisconsin Illinois state line Organization Formed. To hiliiK ah.nit this end, an organl /iitlon known as the Sheridan Head llllproveliient Association vmim forme-) and Incorporate,! under the laws of the state of Illinois The purpose of Mils organization Ik to promote tin1 llnal rebuilding of Sheridan road throughout Its entire length, and to provide a means for the permanent upkeep and maintenance of the fa- mous driveway. After careful studs. lit was concluded h.v the officers or the iHli.-rldan Uoad Improvement Assnclo ithm that Hi" only Miitlsfactmv method 'to bring this ahout was tlirmiuli Ih" I co.ipcnitloi) of the l.lnriiln I'ark Hoard, and to this end the hill already i mentioned in this letter win »': ame I and Its passage secured ut u r«-cel'l session of tin- slate leglslatim* mid the , hill was slKii.'d hy (Jovernnr 1 lunin 'Mils hill illfferM radically from tin-on.- of IST.'i In that It imiki-H ll poxslhh- lor Hi.- Lincoln I'ark Koanl to take user the road In sections. Hy this It Is rii.-ant Unit IT KvhiihIoii <>r Wll J nidi • or llluhhiiid I'ark or miv oth-r ' mini n-lpalh controlled Meet Ion of the I road sin uld elect to retain nitilnil of It Lincoln park Hoard could sHI 1 tak â-  (u.r such parts of I In- rond iim rnlgh' he leu l.-r.-d If hy the Severn! nilltilcl pillltlet governing the HectlliliH of the road affect.-d What Bill Provide*. The I,III provides in .Section I that tin- Lincoln I*:n k Hoard iimv tak. i.M-r. inaliilaln and extend Hli.-rlilaii road, provided "Tire consent, In writ ln>;. of the ' wnet'H of a majorlh' "f tl " rroiitaK"- of the lots and lulul ulnit I Iim â- â- ii tin- suld Sheridan road in .mu-Ii inn i.lclpnllty or park distilct or in ilia' , oitlon of each tow n <|il|i urn wl thin am . ll\ or v Hinge shall lie ilrst nh tallied." and (In- Sheridan Kmnl Im- provement Association Is now mid Inn he. n for some montliH i-iikukciI in h" cui'lim tin- fronthk'- consents iliroiiKh .mi the entire district alT.-cteil It Is understood Unit sntllclent iiins.-iits Iâ-  si\"iâ-  been ohialned In some of the n-uii|c||iiilli|es and park dl.sf/'lrfn to make certain their adoption »f tin- privilege conl'eired hy the SIliTllllltl load hill In K\ iinstoii the rciil enn not In- taken over In the Lincoln I'ark Hoard unless a majority of all the frontline on Sheridan mini. »^v ie|itliiu that t'roiit:n.'e which Is nvv'ii •'<) h\ the city of KMinsloii. shall lll'Hl 1». . htalned. This means that ttittiit<â-  i- |.all\ owned property Is neutral It) llie mailer of fronliiKe consents ami that It Is necessary that a 'iialorlty nf lli<- (Ollsellts he ohlalll.'d of the I'l'Hldll" alt.-r first deducting the froiitJiB*- owned by the c|ly. Section 1 of the hill also provldi-s liirther: "The consents expresKiil I'.v resolution, or otherwise, of tllr »u thorltles of each municipality, park distilct ,-ind township shall first In-oh tallied " This means that after tlu majority of frontage consents uliall have been obtained that It Is ih-cch miiry that the KvatiHton city coiiticll Kiant. hy resolution or ordinance-, their consent to the trannfi-r of au- thority before Lincoln Park Ilonrtl can assume Juilsdlctlon over th«> road A vote of the citizens of RvuriHtoti In not required. Muit Have Consent. Lincoln I'ark Hoard cannot aHHumn charge of the road until tht> majority of frontiiK^ cotiHentH have been ol) lalned and the proper taken by the city eoi si ited b> fenr«»> nl heard that If the <-n will not assume chiur- toad Ih built, and (ha they w Hi not accept H until after thi> Hp. > have been ninl Ah yet a majorio COtlHents tlHM IlOt lie Iiiih the city council Kent by riMolutlon o- Lincoln I'ark Hoard i, let Ion of the road fact, as Iiuh prevlnu 11 Is coiiMent cannot until the city coin with a petition hIki Mary majority or fi" Section II of the rl«ht of eminent <{'â- â- â-  Lincoln I'ark Hoard .n â-  si cut ed control of I means that the Dm ,, If It Ih kIvi-ii JurlM<ll> n will have |||M rl^lit ii vate property for run that the courtH shall d compenHiitlnn to be p.- therefor. Section III relate- ii sessmelitH. It jirovld- s I in ement can be pin Wll.VH, Hpecllll HHH«-t> tax. and. although either the Lincoln I city of KwniHton rm It In | pav enieiit, the t coin I'ark Hoard to i until after the Hp shall have i)rnt be- the burden of decldn road shall he .bull! -hall he built hy H|n-. special tax, upon tl the city of KvatiHtoi i ion Iiiih bee; il. and It I. . e* of tin â-  1.-sires th"> iilll after tin an in elll , i. s'onslhllli. , .i-sessnienls - nllriiied lie fronlaK. . i.ialned. nor ted Its con Milan.'.' that e over Jurli' a matter ,-" heel) stated. illy be niveii Ih presented hy the ni'Ci'H i«e. I confers Lie ii In upon the r It hIihII havi • road. This I'ark Hoard, i of the road, condemn pn purpoHCH and elde upon Hi- ll the owner in taxen and as - that the Initial in by one of t wo nent or Hpeclnl under the hill ik Hoard or tin- hi build the In iisal of the Lit) ke over the road I il 1 IIH.'-l'HHIIII'l t s|.reai/, places : what kind of .i and whether II il assessment or authorities of 'the city of KvatiHton for the nialut< nance of that purt of the toad lyln« | within the city lltnltH of KvatiHton. The bill provldcH that the oiTicIuIh of the Lincoln I'ark Hoard shall decide upon how much money will b«^ r| <iiiired In any eiisuliiK year, and Ui It shall certify to the proper author ties of the city of KvatiHton their tlinate, and that the authorities of the cits of Kvnnston shall he reiiulfed then to raise by taxation tin- amour.' of money ho certified by the Lincoln I'ark Hoard to be neccHHary. Does Not Limit Amounts. The hill does not limit the amount which the park board may d'-clde to be necessary, while It doeH provld" linn if the local authoiltles do not properly spread the taxes, It can re- done throuuh the county authorities. ll IIS UlllklUK 'he collection ()f til- taxes Inevitable and beyond the power of the city of KvatiHldii to curtail, di- minish or abolish. On the other hand, the fact that none of the money raise,! In Kvanslon can be expended outHlda tin- corporate limits nf Kvnnston. n« hui'ch the Kviinnton public that such moneys as an- demanded will he ex penijed for the upkeep of only that part of the rond w Ilhln the corporate limits. II Is understood Unit the I'ark Hoard estimates from perlence that It reipllieH :: s.|unre yard per \ > nr lor ih of the rond w n.v and to prov I. Iiik fund for 'ehulldliiK I lie road In after ycni s as tin- maintenance of probably be coiiHtrued diction of Sheridan road to the Lin- coln Park Hoard to controvert the ar- KUinfDt advanced by thoae who are fl to Jt, who state that the 0 put on Sheridan road will crip- thv tin-, police and other depart- unts in an equal amount, Inasmuch I the |:: linn will be taken from th'j erul ta\. i*W|»ultailon with omclalH charged v\ Mispleading of taxen elicits the in- foniiiiBpn that the $:i,nnii required to he mlM»d for maintenance of the road, anil an additional sum of 16,000 to be talHi'd fn^|||s|^oyvpollcliiK. sprinkling, swii'i'lnK antrflilBfau, if It Hhould be (ienlr«-d to enter^^W^a private con- trail with Lincoln Part|gBoard to do thai work, would have ptjlctlcally no eiT.'ii upon the tuxea ralffd for city pui'i'iiH. s, that It would Jmnae out of county, sanitary dlHtricK'llnd other taxis. liicludliiR the llbrfhr tax Should Jurisdiction jMlfturned over d, the city of all of Its prcs- lbcal ordinances To Spread Assessments. If a special nHHess as now seeniH to b Idea amoiiK I w terestitlK thelllHelvc- the initial pavement by special asseHHin. that the property In i.-nt Is adopted. the preVillllllK o have been In Iii the mutter will be paid for t This means mediately front- ing on Sheridan road and exteridlr.K for one half block back from Sheridan rond will bear the complete burden of the Initial cord of tin- pavement. This plan Is tin- one which has been ulmont unlvei-Hally followed in imvlng In Kv aiiHton, lust as the property front In-; on Chlcngo avenue, between Davis Htieet. and DetnpHter street and ex- tending one-half bloi I* hack on either side of the street, Is now paying for the new brick pavement which was laid only Inst year. The aHseHHinetit that would fall upon city owned front- age would have to be met by a gen- eral tax covering the whole city. After the city council ban mirren- dered JurlHdlctlon m the Lincoln I'ark Hoard, If It 1b dually decided to do that, then the Lincoln I'ark Hoard will have the power Ut levy a tax upon Lincoln past ex cents a â-  iipk»'",i i- a stnli parts of but Inasmuch the road w ill o in.'ill! poll*- inn, sprinkling, nweeplng and posHi blv IlKhtltiK. it is by tie- ( oiunilssloiier of Publl" Work- of K>- anston that the upkeep will more nearly approximate |n cents a squar- vj;rd than :! cents ii s.|uaie sard However, the park hoard slate thai they will ask for only the smaller amount, and add that If it Ih desire.. that they police, sprinkle, sweep nti'l Unlit the rond tln-y will enter into a contract with the city of Kvanston to do thi-Hc things or auv part of them for a stipulated sum each venr. Thl-< contract price would then he added to the 3 cents per siiuan- yard al ready mentioned. If the (Inure of the park hoard l«- accepted. It will m.'iiii that $",.nn() will be taken from tin- general taxes ->f KvatiHton each year and expended on Sheridan road. Will Go to Street Paving. On the other hand. If HiIh $.1,000 |a taken from the general taxes for thin purpoHe, it means that none of the wheel tax now paid by wagon, auto- mobile and other vehicles, need be expended on Sheridan rond. and that all of It will be available for other streetH In KvatiHton. Them- points are brought out "ov men who advocate giving the JurU- to the I .liicoln Ha KvwiHtun would r i lit I'ltfh tH to enf on Hln'fldan roa SluuiUl Lincoln i<sjydt^|!l,d be legls hiteilout of exlHtenee^|Hjh^tate law making body, title to wTiea^rnTOy|0«d would r*-vert back to the city or Wv- ausKiii. but In no other way. A prominent real estate man has htntr-il tliat If It Ih dcHlred to build a new ioikI and turn It over to Lincoln Park Ilo/trd, property In Kvanston will he ho enhanced In value that tin- Incn-iixe In value each yenr will many timed M'pay the taxen required for inalniiilii Irig the road. The satin- nu thorlly stilted that as soon as a special nsscMMiictit for building the initial pavement been confirmed that the vain.' uf the property Imnn-dlately fronting on the road and which will b<- required to pay the hpedal asHCH-i- n.-nt iv 111 h>- enhanced In nn ninouiK e»ceei||ng the assessment EVANSTON HOSPITAL APPEALS FOR FUNDS* Fiscal Year Will End Ociober 31, and All Donations Should Be Paid by Then. in ir.l of Dliectors and L.-uls- i- Committee. TWO CLASSES AT NORTH END. 'I'wn cliiMHt-s have been organized in the North Knd department of the V. .M ('. A. to meet the detnatulH of nn u who are unable to attend the ear- lb t diim*. Heglnnlng with last evening the cliiK.s wan divided Into A and Ii squads, H<|iKid A meeting Monday and Thursduy nights at k o'clock; miuad ll meeting Tuesday and Thurnday ninhts ut r, o'clock. On Saturday a'. 4 p in, both squnds will meet to Hither, when competition garnet* in volley ball nnd other athletic ntunts will be contested. If the men of the neighborhood will co-operate with Mr. Mitchell, the physical director, by stating which claof* they desire to enter, ll will add greatly toward the organization of the bunlneHH men's department, and will be the means of establishing systematic clnHH work immediately. By Prank M. Elliot (President Association) The attention of the cltiz.-,>," 0# Ev i anston In called to the fact that •>, $ 31 will close the flsc,,i ytinof th Kvanston Homiltal auMoelatlim u requested that all donatioiih and Ml' scrlptioriM be paid b. lore that fa.* It has been the custom to make uii appeal through tho churches andpr«tl once a year (on Hospital Sunday) L the support of tillh Institution in^ much as the roB|>onse to tlilH appeal last Febiuary wu» not so lari;.- at ishould have boen. owlnw Un-msly to the Inclemency of the w.-ath.-r orithat Sunday, It has been deem...,) advlaabU by the officers of the u«h<kâ-  i;ttioa to 1 again bring to the attention 0f the I'tlMp thla moil worth> i-lmrlty, 1- fcMoney is needed, ,,i)(nU j^ to itonplete the endow iMt.nt fu&d* whicUKwe are obliiged to ralie, the iiicomo^:.!^0|jh|B for the support of the Contaglous^Mtease hospital, The ContaglouM Dlsea.ifi ^OjpltaJ which Is now bidiig built. and%iJch Is being generotiHly provided tmhy Mr. .lames A. Put ten. will b« the ffl||* hospital of Its kind In this country,'& 2. A service building, with Una|| connection with the. principal build* lugs of the hoHpltnl, Is ahso bel|i{*? built and. when fully equipped, wlttl; cost about $60,11110. A large part ot this sum will have to be borrowed. Money for this purpose is needed. :i. The number of free palIctitu ad- mitted continued large and will ag grcgate fully onellilrd of the total serv- ice given by the hor.pital. To covor T a deficit for maintenance, dm- lurnely to this free service, mote > doimlloni ; are required. Will you (the rentier) consider this appeal as personal nnd. without fur- ther solicitation, voluntarily and promptly contribute something, be It large or small, for either of thece objects: contagion fund, building or maintenance? Contributions may be sent direct to- the Kvanston Hospital association, 2850 Ridge avenue, or, if preferred, to the treasurer of any church, to be credited to Hospital Sunday collection NEW GARAGE OWNER. The Lake Forent garage win* sold last week by John (Jriffltli to A. Ii. Scheppers. M. D, I'ouley, who his been employed an mechanic In the garage, will be In cliarnw of the place. Every time you see this trade- mark it must remind you of Ford reliability and Ford re- sponsibility. It is the stamp of approval of a maker proud of his good handiwork. Ford travel is never a luxuryâ€"but it has comfort enough for the most extragavant STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Watch the Fords Go r./Q^o/ Ford B^epair Parts and Expert Repairing Ford Service to Fo d Owners and then resolve to drive one yourself. Yoi can hardly afford not to own one at the npv J 1914 prices. All Ford cars are fully equipoed S Ford cars and parts are sold in nearly 6,000 cities and t&wns in the United Statesâ€"yoi just cant get stuck when out tour- ing in a Ford. Elterp Ford agency is a service station tor Ford owners. •* - A-%rmm for Catalog and Particulars Telephone 733 /' nr J i j r\ i rill //.// fi â-  >!d for >Jr>().()l),<.150.(H)oi In,,, Inru (housiiiiil JolLi's to iiii\ huvcr or clnh o/ hu \t'i ^ lit any piirtic- ulur pLiu' *>r n any spitiul day to iinv i'-divdual or dub of buyers. Ford 5-Passenger Touring Car, F. O. B. Detroit, $550.00 E. L. KAPPELMAN THE PRINTER Ford Agent for Evanston and Vicinity 806-808 Post Office Place EVANSTON, ILL. ALL FORDS run most ot the time; most Fords RtN ALL ot the time! Buying of your local agent guarantees home service satis- faction at qo additional expense over Chicago prices. We are interested in your car after we get your moneyâ€"there is proof of present owners.

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