Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1913, 2, p. 7

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t^sipissftft ?ifpSSi^i Mr. aniMrt..O««r M WX&' [Mlcbig*** fyd., la*|*ee 1 feted a£::i%:g!Ng^ borne o£ ^^^^Slp avenue, hasjpw«| • Mr.-"tiiid •iM^^^ilRP^WSW and £w#Jy;^2gJ^|W^^ «le avenue :<ft-//*l^#,!^^I^Ps^*'i A har^;'J^f4'-rftt"fc*'***"*"â-  Mary's haW tolji^l 10, by the ri^JJf; Mr. and ,1#r& " 2230 Pi«W#|Ji5i gratulaiions OT«f 3? girl, Friday, Qct^Sj Mrs. Jobtt Us, Minn., arr#ed guest ol Mrs. Job* rlson street, this " wer* college cl»f,n^:"^Si Miss Marguerite Hms^ttgiw; Mr.' ^#^;WlIliaintiMjjglm... Michlgan^avMu&Jtti •'*fkfl$«^$l tional Parfcje^narjvjll^-^-'--- The nott-K»^rttJf:"'TO«WS western '^eWftlJglM party Saturday «fi^^|r^ii?p room of tbB;QtrftS^B0m$ â- â- â-  Mr. and';Mr^.:^i^|^;|tj| have moved'-froii«^^^WB^-*f«B^ £eney stre^ m&^Mimm'wm a week's trip tfrBonth wis fcer I life ir-itter.' â-  Poll h<u»«; ?**# !*«<»> it the aumnfer at l, McttlTeen of the church addressed , Associationof Congregar *£&zeS£%** ^^ h«w ** f^f.;%pl(.«« Dearborn street. Mr. KUteto returned jajff Â¥*iiti*|go^^ .;' Mr. aad iira. Join LaWenae B*r*- The United give a ettefcr* tows* hail :;:l^She,T**ii high achi c4 Foresters wW .. ^rOetob**^-;;*?. ^*d*erh*;«**#* that their an- '^^.Koveinber VaH:l?! ^SSI&^BSS^&^^ em***!©*, trios, quartettes uu} sex- ^'flJ^*6*8 we on sale at Colwcll'* ^f^.*^^^ at ***** Boweh's office, 615 Davit street. rornext8t; o!aai^,;iiv 8he u going Hygiene wlb.*.*! to the tkif.mmi w> Iff* Main 723; Simpson 'Iff;X< â-  a alliance of the Brans* it il to X is on the mcram *" Current Srenta ' thuroh. a report ot the rwiently held in Bat mm cue. 1 Mrs. _ .._„ ,,.„,,t^„ rlngton avej|^;-*li««ff. oldest son,."My^^';^^5f|S .... Minn., viii::tm^:tbmmm#^ iw2o. i^^^«iia^ - Mrs. p. n.-wmmiim:l^l^^^* m->s. valentine>'j$iii0i^^^0^49^i eon, Cbx^'^fl?i^W^^^0^r^ at the ho^^W^0fM^$^^W^ Hartzell ttxe^X^M^^^^r^. â-  ,',- â- v Mrs. S. ^l^lM^lltili^^TBpS- rlson Bta^^^::0>£mm vwr Friday in Jidl^^B(i^-4BM|»» **» ^ndersop, ,t#p«it|liy^«^^ I'lshpemiB^^^Jffll^^S*^^ | Mrs. ^lUaja^Ji^jStor^to^^ ^inan avenue, hw returned troitt a three ' peeks' uW-:i^Vii*m4tt'1ti6#W ^-Chicago, vt^i^wO^i^^^P ^"eration for fJipwMtte^^^ Mrs. Alton Parkhurat, 1830 Chicago avenue, was hoateas Mdn4»jr at the an- nual ioMho^>#lV^^;:im#ft;:/«li^' 'Mrs. C. H. Qoodenoir gave readtoga irom Moiier*ltoi«^*Mi^ Mre. L«»^. iJ^;:^!^Bi^N»^:-^ be* - ^daughter, â- â- " Wft-WiF^ """;er an aXm^^'^^ePftm^^^Mfa t Returned t*:ihli;:,«M'S'^s^::P'*^»»A twill makehe^«i|iti^t^^0;^y Winter. ' :^^|M5:^;S^^:-v':C^ -:-. ?[ Mr. and':|f*iWiW^*^arre^.sot Cray's La^ilfii!^^:7*^^ Hainesville and Mrs. Henry Edwards of Rollin 81^ «teo^ nephew, Mr. Roy Gribb, 2089 Maple ;avenue. ' ';i$iM0i§0^t ""â-  â- â- â-  ;:;-^-^: Mrs. B. P. SttfwSrt of Morgan Park. formerly of pwuto^kad Mrs, ieago ^'eieeli; ^Mlsa Alice!Sc»*»^. 830 Asbury ^h^ Ml^i^fhere ahe apent the 'BnJnniie^^:,^7sJ^l^ir?^!^v:.'. :|^i||i;£hji:^lM»ned> ;^fr6m'; Atlanta, ]^^W|i^^y^'|i^ spending his a;:l^.ii3Vmiiia& Kellogg 'and mother, l^ite&ij^i&faVew, are visiting Mrs. Maurlw Merrell, 2448 Ridge ave- &>â- $&â- â- $&-Ur£:"-F^-f. Bonell, 919 Hin- rt4» avenue, hav« been called to Ster llh^ IU„ to attrtd the funeral of Mr. White, who has been Tie* itin« her sister, Mrs. David R. Hop- kinay 144 Sheridan road, has returned to her feome in Lincoln, Neb. Mra. John. Sebastian, 1005 Forest avenue, haa returned from her sum- mer home at the sea shore, where she haa been for four months. Mr. Robert Lorimer, Lee street and Chloaco avenue, left Sunday for Hpringfleld to apeak on Monday at the State Live Stqpk convention. Mr. F. J. Scheidenhelm, cashier Of the State Bank of Byanston, left Sat- urdar morning for Boston, Masa* to attend the American Bankers' asso- ciation. , MfMi Scoville, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Philetua W. Gates, 2929 Bheridan road, left Sunday for her home in Florida. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Lautterstelnand daughter, Reata, formerly of Bvanston, now of Olovenrvllle, N. Y„ are visit- ing Mrs. L, Karger, 1209 Elm wood ave- atx.wi WUlTlStt Miaa M^ai^aMt M F^^ Greenwood boul«TaJ«, wifl leave Oete. ber 18 for Paaadui*. Cal, to vialt Mrs. J. B. Couliton. She will remain moat Next Sunday w!B *i «a»jr De» *t nwriaiu service vfll be devoted to it Graduation exetxl»e» and aeveral other ^eree«inl:';elr»n}*;:^ wmm%mk.m*#^ ........ ;^^w^^0M-'i Handsome ':^tMs^ii^^$^ sertions,25e^ ^ale at !*i"ift:Sf-K#Jff Mr. P. B. Garoutte, 725 Michigan avenue, haa gone south dn a buaineas trip. He will be away two weeka, traveling throngh Tenneaiee and Ken- ffttftey,- ' Mr. and Mrs.-Harold West, 1S41 Hln- man avenue, left - Monday for. .the Bermuda Island* to visit Commander and Mrs. Corbett for an Indefinite period. TheRev. J. A. Erikson, thenewpaa- tor ofthe Swedish Baptist church, ar- entertained^ «t luncheon{-^,fl!^^.^l^^?W!fiilBt and even- The tforth Shore Advisory board of V Chi./ McCormick cago, were ___ Saturday at'flite'Ijtim^,|^J^P0».eW |v825 Hininan a1?mii*^^^«;|*^';:; 1^ Mrs. Robert;i#ithlr;1fwsW puer motheri Mra^i^ Jon^ "l;weii, were; hd^^tt§t^-3tor^ -**: ception gtirri-^i£:-iv&'"0iM?<it, Mrs. Worstall, 2212 Lincoln street, Wednes- day afterhi^frlim^ $ The marr»i^i*|t#i^^ ocote HUls'i«;fiNw1n^#^ate;'Wrerett :,Thomas Mk^@Q^:^::th^-.;e«yVv-took .place TnetWrnm^W11^^^^ .'the bride'*;jiieBpi? B^;:""«md:: Mrs. George Heathp*'**^'!"- 90d Summit evenue^' MliwiL!^.^, .. .............. .,., â- 'â- â- ' The La^ii^J^%|p^.w^W4|Din^ Evangelical chureh will give a harvest sale in the schoolroom, corner Crain street and Ir^ai^-nwinie, JStovember 12, during the afternoon and evening. Tickets ar«'i|wy^5s»le-«ntftlltt«: the I'bearer to retreshmenta. A............ . :|F,-Mrs. Frln1t'^Sti»kt«ith^ ^I^Uke Slwre^t^BWaii^^f^e:;'* £ dren's -i^t^^ittRcjai^ f her son, Rodney. About forty of hla .^friends 'iliiiamt^V/^S^ Stained ,for^^lil|*^*aB«itoM* t Chicago, who** aleightrOf-hand perfor- ** The serlea nf evening musicales to ^|be givenmm^^^M^^^^*^* dub thla winter is the aubj«rt of much ,-; favorable ocmunent. ITie programa as sfarrangetf;li^liSlii|leWr:: ceiieerta :^are aa;fnllewlK-:^el^i^:liu^::0^ Ifteue. wtth Mia&Tokaina^Sess Burr, piMie l»ehig^;|||^(ia^ ftl^ber lOj December danaeuae, Chicago ^y'-a^:/i^eoti:'~' The *ra»t;rg|BljSf Ipevening;^ OallVpremlere 0|>era corn- violinist. ^SFoete* „.,__. «l3SiUwday -HenrT* Btttdy iastlcajiy "Mil ^our/»^hmi^at^aifl| ........'"'*" "^oWt Kblcfcv £»enda &vU8 j^r^ii aid ^ tte^gyami^, ....... gi»rr*e*i** achooLMnC •aalated by Mrs. U. A. ViteMe*] 8. Mcdibe, ettht of aek^ boys a^ others. the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society held tta monthly meeting Monday at the Evanaton Home, -828, Ridge avenue, at 10:80 a. m. Mr. and lira* Charles N. Steyent 2108 Orrlngton avenue, left Saturday morning for Boston, Mass., where Mr. Stevensf will nttend the convention of the American Bankers' association. , Harry R. Potter, formerly of Evana- ton, and Miss Hilda Nash of Fort Gib- son, OkUu, were married at Fort Gib- son, September 24. They will be at home after November 1 at Weeping Water Neb."'â- *"""::^^'i"" ;'.- â- '""â- . The'annual luncheon of the Bryant circle waa given at the home of Mrs. Alton Parkhurst, 1830 Chicago avenue, Monday at 1 o'clock. Readings from Moliere and La Pontoine were given by.MrakC^H.Goodnowv s Mrs. -Frank HamUton and ion, James Thompson Hamilton, have re- turned to their home in Portland, Ore. They have been, here spending the summer with Mrx Hamilton's mother,] lfra.;;-: Nanlcgr;'; T^o|hpoi^^l»|TB^iej â- treeti. â- '" -.' ^ x .v^'- &? ^z^^t^0^. >-.' :""> Announcement Is made of tift mar- riage of Mlas Eleanor Alderman, daughter of Mmi; m W;; Alderman, 1828 tlentrei nvenne; Indianapolis, InA, to William S. Terra*, 1806 Lee street, Evanaton, which took place Saturday, Sept 20, at Dayton, O. Mr. and Mr*. Terras spent a week in Bvan- ston, guests of Mr aj*d Mf*. J. B> Terras, before «»ey left for Indianapo- lto,wner* they ivfll make their home. There will be an informal reception to the teachera and the newly elected officers of the Parents' and Teachers' associaUon at the Wncoln school this evening. Octo1^yi| ** « e^elock. These social gatherings ire open to the ipi^e W^ Mend* are cordially Invited to come that they may get acquainted whether they have children in the school or not JJgkl re^re*lihMmti will be The wen^^ ot^isa Xotilse Tuer- ftti:vChaa#il*la^^^a>^ ^.^Larow** iooii ptece"MM*, renldenee of Mr. J. W. Meaker, Jr^ 24S1 Pioneer road* on toda«*a*yvJHB^:m Tkf M«W*wa v»en at «-e*do<sk,m tke>pTe*anc*i0f the InTniedlate relatives. The bride â-¼here ^W wi^wnk*^their future A FEW W^Vm^'MW^WS^ 8^ticm or g«Iiii^^ •^*- we can save you money, felling for cash only is one of the things for us to furnish high grade groceries for less than others do. See the •UQAR. \.*";'?.. 25 lb. bag of Granulated Sugar (original bag*) •So, with |5 grocery or- der (flour, aoapa, better nnd chicken feed net hv clnded>. 25 lb. bag ot Granulated Sugar #1.1«, with I2.90 grocery order (flour, , aoai>i, butter and chick- en X«»d not included). *16 WfeW, Granulated Su- gar 47e, with |1 grocery order (dour, aoapa, fit- ter and ohioken feed ;; '-aubt included). ;^h*-- Cryetal Domino Grenutat- â-  eel Ssigsui" 5 lb. carton.i.......28e Oryvtal Domlito Sugar, 2 lb. carton......... 19c S lb. carton........ .44e Light Brnwnv Sugar, 5 lbs. for...........24o Medium Dark Srown •ugar, 6 lb*, for... .24c Iteltanee Nen^Caklna Povr* â- .'• d«r«"Stn|*r>.,':-v'1'-, sifter top carton... .10* ^^^ll»;â- â€¢â€¢i«^••â- t«g^r.vâ- 'J^^.';^;;;1': 1 lb, brick ;â- â- >* f -.. .v.. .\tiH /•': ..cANNE&::edoi>sg^fi; .'Vf*S»f»- fllvir corn,. â- .'• ,a;,'>;*^; , 8 cans for.....>*".,..26o â- yf"'p^r.dox^n ... i.r:*«^,"jrf-*96e;- Fancy Vermont Corn, the ' / finest. corn packed, : ^ peircan ............18c ' per dosen . ...â-º.^.♦1^5 Standard Tomatoes, No. 8 cans, per can....... 1So per dosen ........tuts Fancy Whole Seete, l^jper'cML ......**..•-;.•&«(•;â- . - per doxen ......._«f1^6 Savoy Red Kidney Skanc, per Can ............12t per dosen ........$1.25, rlHiidfl* Asparagus, N*! cans, per can....,..1*0 ' per dosen ......v.flJS Hllledale Asparagua, No.2 ...:â-  ;*•«*, .rjpjSiir-?caJ^.i^2So.: per dosen ........$2J» SMWty Aaparagua, Ncs2^4 â-  osna, per ean....«..25e :!" per dosen â- %v»:»'ii:M>ifSi- Savoy Brand toupa, all ktn^ls, per csvn..>...10c â-  per dosen >';v.v.;*...•** Peerlee* Milk, tail cans, . per can .....r-..>.>1O0^ per doten >...*...^tfMS V*n Camp's a4Hk, family sine, per can.......; 10o per dozen ......;...*So Yen Camp's Hominy, ^ per can ............10o per dosen ...4......tBe /an Camp's Pumpkin, â- -: pmr'eMxi'. •.» ;,^*i:.^;;v .10* - per dosen v.>;,..^..*4o yan Camp's Sauerkraut, ^ ? il^,:can;;'*'«|^'©***«,«'i •*•* •â- ; 1 per dozen K ^-t^vv-i .son;' Fnney Cut 'String; Beans, <vper ^can ,. *'♦ V*^ • *'â- Â«:«12* I :V^e|m|^-^j*nrW^ â- :; v Beena, No. l can, :*pef;o*ii^®^w^ '^;?lam|^iii! â- ;;--:;ll*r©*n:V;,.,fi..... â-  -; "per d'naen..'.,.;;*:**.^^ ••No.-g;eitt»s\-':-;|8|;;^ :;^j(^:can::A"' ril/PW! dO*#tt'i.--,;.*%jf.. ...«^< Fancy Cut Golden Bsana, per can... fr^iw;do»eiifeii*- Garden Party ft! ^^;.:I^S^.;p^«gtt, /:;p*jri'do*e»i':.>V*i Naehouh »r*nd'Pea*, -* v,per "ctl).>^ ^^VriVvt" per dozen v#4 :;â- &•* .,1*9 _ *»• Heat:. :â- â€¢..-â- . per--ea«i--^r'»«n?«^*r«^Trv-t^esr'::??fjtFn----" â- --"T-^--^-^-^â€"- v.p*r;do!em^iv^V^^^ Gajnpoell'e Svrfc and '^v'.^20-o». Mason Jar....*2o aHam, per dos. cans 95e Tall Bottle Stuffed large Plymouth flock Red eat ' Qussn Ollvst, .-â- won, taU cans, ;%^-\.:^qm:WBtt£5tt7am?- per can' ............Ib^RIm Oilvs^ Curowbrand. per dosen^ ^.....Sf^lw 2Sc can .......i....1*0 Moneoon Br*nd Fleki**. flwee t Ml zed, Sour Pickles, Sour Mixed* Ohow Ohow, Plokled SaW Plymouth ft*«k Rod mon, flat cans, ^^./'m vper ean'\^v.tfg*-: â-  â- "â-  '*jr-•;.â- ;.â- . r^itt.lis; Salmon, No. 4 peieatt^wiai^ 'e Kippered H*fv ma „mwMSm neae Or«bmeat|§ brand, •:â- . â- ~\>.*.:?<j/t â- ,: "M .,-%,3^v.«»ni*.4**^.«S«s Our Boy;!****, per can i>%? : per dM*n:':>v»'.v>^,St^|^ Fancy Red PltUd Chef .':â-  vrlea> No. * cans, f;-Mv^h â- â- 'â- â€¢^wSf- c*n--...:«/.;c^iii.wfe? :' â-  per dozen ;^iyv.i^.f 1M» Burnham A Morrill's Fleh per dozen Jf^;iC^50*«*V;*p^^ .Sl^s;' â- â€¢ . .per. can . *^>,* ^.» .- â- '.. per- dosen' -'i#«;v.. .|1^d Smoked Norwegian dines, in pure olive "â- â-  vPer. can '»>.â- <.,»'#♦ ,vi.t r per dozen AmeHean Bardlne*, in â- \-"J|W,.eetl& «â-º</**» j#*:t *' >;'pe^dttkeV^W-;1; Union Jack Kippered «*r. itr\.«i§V'#raleaj|g>i'.. r^f.,can,;*^v,;i*: ; per.- dosen ;.,,,., < New Burnhanr aV . abater, »# lb. tin.. .Ss* « Una for..........»1j5 Ftalt Balls, hi bouillon, ^ v 6 cana for*........ .71* Blue g#a Tuna Flalt, H lb. \ - ma*,.per. ean...,.*.. w* , S;cnng';,for:,^.;.vii:i'.M*- Blye Sea Tuaa Flah, 1 lb. '-- cans, pWfcan^V. ...2«e -â- /$ c*Wiifo*i>':^;4»iit«*|. Muei»«oi»*v pleceei aiid "..atema, per can......ta* : "-S; can* foTv. >â- .,.. .» 7%ilii MuafwomeTvery fine, . â- â- par.;ctB-.^v..iv««♦. *. 1S*,;i 8 cans for.,........Mc French Peae, medinnajalse, â- â- ' per-ean......."~ e cans ' Very Fine Small . I^i^pe^eanjj.': _ 8 cans for .......»1Jg Savoy Tem*toe*, land , Packed, whole, red|ripe "-'-"{MBSIee^^^:i.eiiB. .:.*jNar dosen-- •;'S:»'»»»> Union Baked Beana, - awkto sance, the ,â- ,«•?. V beapi. packed, â- â-  â-  â- "â- : No. 2 size, per doa. ,i^|^*..*liar,per;d»* 1J8 AND Onions. Dill Pickles. tuwr i*r ,..<.,,.*;.*:^Slo,:. Snldei*s Catsup, new /.goods, pint bottl*..,21* qnart bottle.... ..i^gSg- Qenssss Brand Jam, Straw* ^berry and Red Baspn l^iry, new goods, ^'plr. Jar,..............i .g»A: COFFEB8 AND TEAi. 434d Crop Golden Santee Coffee, per lb â- l*--1ba, ..:v..:.,;......t1j0S Our Special Bogota Blend :£&m*i' per :lb.,..<***>* - ..â- *-â- -- =s^-.- •------. Flakec, large cans, p g^ lb*, for........SIjOS «lverl<*Wd^ru»4 l»er;can *.-;-i%$i^1*$i$mm+m, Calmei to^th*r^l*^.*<^M« Odd kledat Flour, tv.blH. '•)**»...â- ,».,,.>> .M-^gack^^' .... -- "" â- *j*^k,^^^||| aaca... ♦â- â- '» .*. ••. :*». *Miak.,?.i'i^|,;». gadlt'i-.'jiii^i!'^,/ ^dk*iW| 'Peal, i|. .......Vf;.1*e .. *v**fr«i;i*W'»'W*: '-jWlioie Wheat pre arig*-af/.tf^ --.I'»l^;lur^^:.^.iy*:'^ PcMlj»hn'a SranWn«t;'^i:ii|W a»pnwnpwii^^ â-  per pit*. >>*:....:^:..f*-. :i:<'pjsf ease .- i jptv-;t«^>i>a^iva*g7i i#" -*daH;irykf»^^tii^f^^i r"pgf( ;pk»:':".; ^«Pi-*5r# * â- *.;leg>: ^#«5 Uiwlr ^ •J•nr^3i*lik«s^• ;.f| smill pkg. .....^.«.. 13* Instant r^*^u«v;fe;Sfev:Si^am : .^.lan*; lift â- â- #»•;»> f*^>4Je;'-1; -iSvfcSA^ttwfliti^^ '.; aiwll :^»\>«*rV*:V^>.^^;ifr:-.3gtse MAPL1 S "" '""" '-*'•-â- *â€" --"â€"-â-  ^ n«W: Ohio hlapla .iyfglgvlta 8 10O bottles........2 Aid W»j»e*iaple Syrup, pint bottle .........2So OjW^;b^*-':.,*^.^»a Quart ttja iv»*».»«*:>.*.:.S9e ?~? - per: caft 'iv^i»>4U * ^*^.i*k ;?jp1gi|sSK;*^*]|^ iSlJ^:;.iy^ow bag, per lb. Standard Santoe Cot per lb..........2*e V *^lb*. for...........*5o Oenutne Java and Coffee, per lb........42o 78c quality English Break* fast Tea, per lb..... 88c &%.b. pkf....v...*..its»:: IBo quality Gunpcwaer Tea, per lb.........flea â- ,.-, -^.^; - â- â- %,b- »*•• â- â€¢ ••;«•*.;.. .-is*: ..; .18* Llpton's Yellow Label Tea, 'ifl.ls5*i ^4 ».:/.«. ;i««.;V^^.>87* â-  " "in^lb.'v.'.-.C^^.v.fte' Gfilcksn .pea* ^,•-.,,• ASO0 lb. bag .....,. .t&O* m pUit ZMI""-» â-  'it' ir'tf11. ;*jLJULJm£ quart |^Siv^w#;vw.fp| gPSClAL FOU ifv3*Ajy AFTll :; ,'0*t,-:tV'#l^>tv't«>:tP^S No Phoae er Matt Ordera, SwhY* Fr*mluif» Olaeinar* _.^m.. â-  ~k.,*w au<k'. .«- g<a*h*ef I IV.darten.lSa fUfBhl fmoiT AND.â- ^f!aavs Liwk» latterlne, |Sf:^GWTAJIWtB,:...i|ili.:J:Jbi JkfWi.^!^Dlis Faney Caloradoy^mt^'^^---P^^t^gf^-- III Our Bakeryâ€"Choco- late or Walnut Layer Cakes baked every day. :,:::s lay«;;.>£."iv*.«:*;;«« "â- v8 layers >V;v;;V.i.lfc Cereeota rFlourj:. :;'â-  â-  H bbl. sack.w.. •"^% bbL sack..... Ifc bbl. sack, Wllsbury 12S 2.74 basket .............1*e Larpt Fancy Bananae, â- ; 6ibf. fori".»s^*..!k,-..i»«' DHed •OaadiBaTjg!--'-*^ = ;; 8IW,'f*^..^;.-*#'.>*i.iy* Spanliti Ofilona, .^)^; v ;:, Situ, tor.*.,.'.*^^.1B*. Larg* Hubbard ScRiaeh. each ...............12o Fancy CoeaUneend SatHig Apple*, peck .......42c ,f<$40r RICEIVSD. A rtew car of fancy WnHe Pcfitoeev per-pack. ,2Sc ... periniabel v..w...Sf.lo AglORTRD FLAVORS / ':, OF SUn'BAc-rt,, V)^ AU Flivsra, 8 boUlea for Jib. roU..,„..r....87d Minute Tkflgig:'^^^-,;, per pkfr'.-,.,;,:«<i^^g^* Fai^ 8*1e«te4 Bgfjav per dosen ... Coeeeaut Meetr _ fresh baked, per lb..1tc Jelly Bella, Peters' Milk Ctuwolata and . Almond Ban, ':igg$$C'-'<-:':-: â-  8 5c cake* for.^*n»,•-»*.•• gncw4«ellow,l(oean..1*c 8PKCIAL FOR SATUR. Coffee Cakec, ill keavda^ : each :';:*$*+&t V .-«*:*â-  »'*:» :*ISe Graham, Oatntial er CHy :* - Soda eH^Mm:r--0C:: ;- 8 PkgS. :,.V.*V,p^feSlf|,: JMg*azzs>..W*g>ni^P^7 '^ ": Jones* Dairy r arm Sausag* oJg#atr:petlb.,-... : Araaonr'a Star Bama, IS. â- â€¢'............ Everything wear can be with Rosenberg*sRi Trading Stamps.

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