Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1913, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NfeWs^ THURSDAY, OCTOBE^M, 1913| THE NEWS'GALLERY OF BEAUTIFUL LAKE SHORE HOMES BIG Membersof the Tenth District, of the Illinois Federation of ; Women's Clubs Arrange for Entertainments, I AT FEDERATION MEETINGS The Lvanston board of Ihu tenth dis- trict of the Slittc FederatlCD of Worn- •â- â- ii'h ciubs liiiH mot with tlif-' Various committees in. t«.-li of the progress b< ihg ma<le in J.he "pluns__for the â€"HtTiTT: FTxTTTnii IViiTT""" which will meet in Evanston,-Nov. n to 14, Tlie com- mittees ar« now complete and the chairmen arc confident of. sueces.-, Along all the lines of activity uuuer- taken. While the convention will not open formally until Tuesday morning, many of the delegates are expected, to arrive Monday afternoon and are to have the pleasure of hearing Judge Ben Lindsey speak in the Congrega- tional church Monday night. The program for the state has not yet been announced, but the social com- mittee is providing in a delightful manner^forthe entertainment of the quests when the meetings are not u? session. Reception Tuesday, On Tuesday afternoon the entire delegation will be given a reception by the University guild at the home of Mrs. James A. Patten. On Tuesday night the hostess clubs, comprised cf Classif i ed Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE Does It Fit You? ' ' If it (fix*, you can make no miatake if you purchase thin home. It Is only four blocks from the station »rul in convvnivnt to all *" "' """""" to K<i. It ha* a 4» tenl, nicely....,..^.,.. .^^. nd out, and „ 'ootn and a mwk'm con- Th« hou has xix riMirn \arge half, and vonienciM. ou will want a frontage of Pdceb0fc4.5OO. l^NAS H. I'hone <4 5 Terms reasonable MADSEN Winnetka, 111. AaUQUST^DELn; Jra.0' sH? Phone 2632. 827 D«vln^ J!15Si^Sf Cloth Order! Sorosis Children, ing Goo ♦ 'otirtesy of thp lli»«ik of «tie Noimii Hnorc Residence of Franklin Rudolph, 745 Sheridan Road. Winnetka. i What People Are Doing *****+ in Winnetka Mrs. John Jameson gave a reception Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. V. H. Hitterliiig has as h«f guest Miss M. M. Crawford. Mrs. A. J. McDonald has moved from Church road to Wilmette. Miss Flora Morgan of Ohio is the the twenty-one clubs in the tenth dis-j8uest of Mrs. Rueben H. Schell. Irict, will give a reception to the I Mr. Louis Gutekunst has returned delegates at the Evanson Woman's! to Winnetka after several weeks'stay club. As there is to be an Important j in the east. conference Wednesday afternoon, the Mrs. W. A. Otis of 044 Oak streel social committee has not made any returned Monday from a trip of sev- day afternoon a reception will be given eral weeks in the east. DRUGGIST IS HELD TO GRAND JURY ON CHARGE by the Wilmette Woman's club at its clubhouse in Wilmette. The 8oclal Committee, ' The following ladles are serving on the social committee: Mrs. C. H. Betts, chairman; Mrs. U. S. Grant, vice-chairman; Mrs. W. G. Alexander, Mrs. W. E. Hotchkiss, Mrs. \\ Whit- tler Smith, Mrs. Alfred Lucas, Mrs. C. P. Grey, Mrs. R. H. Ashton, Mrs. C. S, Ruddin, Mrs. F- H. McCuIloch, Mrs. G. J. Ellis, Mr*. C. H. Thompson, Mrs. H. C. McClary. Mrs. W. M Turner, Mrs. John Orchard, Mrs. J. M. Welter. The chairman of the trains com- mittee reported that this committee had secured the use of fifty automo- biles for the purpose of taking the guests from the stations to the place of meeting and that more machines could be secured if necessary. All the members of this committee are en- thusiastic workers and have entered into the spirit of the occasion with the Idea of making a pleasure of their t*»Ttof the work. This is necessarily a large committee as there are three railroad and three elevated stations to be provided for and about 750 guests to be met. Train Committee. The trains committee is as follows: Mrs. W. S. ' Carson, chairman; Mrs. J. A, Townsend, vice-president, Mes- dames J. H. Wells, C, R. Ayars, J. A. Townsend. J. F. Hayford, G. A. Wil- liams, B. O. Hart, Chas. Edgar, Guy McCabe, P. P. Vose, R. J. Slay tor, H. A. Poppenbusen, 8. V. Balderston. J. N. Welter, R. D. W. Jolinson, F. 11c- Elwaln, W. T. Abbott, H. G. Buswell, W. D, Allen. R. B. Ennis, S. R. Harris. W. A. T. Ewen, J. f\ Hahn, C. H. Harbert, C F. Hogle, A. F. Smith, H. C. Streeter, M. P. Davidson. Clay Balrd, G. D. Taylor, (leo. O. Thomas. James Turnock, J. C. Hallsted. P. b. Kretslnger, J. C. H. Ilreytspraak, \V. D. Bradshaw, Harry Mark. H. M. Ford, A. H. McConnell, R. E. "WHsey, W. W. Johnson, W. J. Gunthorp. George 9. Balland, and Miss Mary Waft. The location committee is as fol- lows: Mrs. Carl S. Williams, chair- man; Mf8. W. E. Paddock, vice-chair- Wedding Inexpensive newtmdttuvel Birthday and Remembrance Gifts 'kjfi'^t most unique lint of \nov- ^ eltits sitoivn in the city. PICTURES ind f£XmES Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lirdburg nave returned to their home on Ash street after a three weeks' absence. Rev. Frederick (J. Hud long of Christ Cliurch will have as his sermon topic this Sunday, "Learning to Live." Mr. Charles G. Bolte sailed from New York Saturday of last week for a six weeks' business trip abroad. Mrs. J. O. Barber of Church road, who has been traveling through the west, is expected home in about teii [ days. I Mrs. J. It. Leonard returned Mon- I day from a trip east, during which she visited her daughter, who is in school in Connecticut. Mrs. A. .1. Fllkins removed last week from her home on Cherry stree' to the house on Sunset road formerly occupied by Miss McKen/.ie. Mrs. Howard P. Clements of Lin- coln avenue gave a large reception Saturday afternoon to introduce her daughter, Miss Cora Clements. .Mr. Ray Hurlbut, who' lias had charge of the Western Union office in Winnetka for the past year, has been transferred to the Chicago office. The Misses Williams and the Misses Pittmans have moved from 40(i Wil- low to the house at 500 Sheridan road, formerly occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Philip S. Doane A large reception was given by the board of education In honor of the new superintendent of schools, Mr. K. X. Rhodes, and Mrs. Rhodes. The reception was held at Community house and several hundred guests were present. Mrs. L. M. Johnson has returned to Winnetka after an absence of al- most a year, most of which time was spent visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ray- mond Haidenbergh, in Argentina, South America. Since her return to this country Mrs. Johnson has made an extended automobile trip through the east. Three prominent society people of Winnetka, Mrs. Frank R. Fuller of Hawthorne lane, Mrs. A. M. Kales of Bryant avenue and Mrs. Murray Nel- son of Sheridan road, are to take part in a dramatic entertainment produced by the Friday club of Chicago. The play is to be given at the Fine Arts theater tomorrow. Otto Wernecke and Son of Hubbard Woods Charged With Selling Liquor. ii ii What People Are Doing;! +.•++ Following a lengthy preliminary hearing, Louis U. and Otto Wernecke, proprietors of the Hubbard Woods pharmacy, were held to await the ac- tion of the Cook county grand jury by Justice of the Peace Fisher In Win- netka Friday on charges of Illegal sale of intoxicating liquor. Bond for fl.OOO each was furnished for their appear- ance before the grand jury. The prosecution of the Wernecke's was effected after a searching investi- gation was made by the village au- thorities of Winnetka under the direc- tion of Village President Sherman Gable. Detectives were employed who secured evidence against the accused men according to the testimony given n« the hearing. Walter Trapp, the seventeen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Trapp, 950 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, gave damaging testimony against the Werneckes In that he stated that he witnessed the sale of Intoxicants to his father by one of the drug store proprietors. William Altz, the Chicago detective, and Charles K. House, a Chicago bookkeeper, also tes- tified against the druggists. PAVEMENT COMPLETED. Residents in Ashland avenue, Hub- hard Woods, are jubilant over thu completion of the pavement in that • || â-  * . |>| , *| street this week. Great care has in Huuudrd Woods +♦++t,e<fn taken to ,m<,,bve ^ejawns and in iiuvwui u iff VVUV----------tDtrit+rigjr-aiso:-------------------- WAS A MISTAKE. The bicycle reported stolen by Fred Harris from In front of Chandler's book store yesterday morning was re- turned by a rider who had mistaken that wheel for his own, Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. McKay, a mm, Oct. 11, Mrs. Will liefreitas is in Jackson- ville. 111.., the guest of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ashby have returned from Kpworth Heights, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Hell are receiv- ing congratulations upon the birth of a (laughter. Mr. C. C. .McKinney of Wilmette. is building a new home fn North avenue, I Hubbard Woods. j Mr. Percy Undeman cf Evanston is erecting a residence in the Clark sub-' division In Hubbard Woods. j Mrs. John N. Hardin of Hubbard' Woods gave a reception Tuesday aft- I ernoon in honor of Mrs. J. H. Kelsey Mr. and Mrs, Laird Bell are remov j ing from their summer home in Hub! bard Woods to Chicago, where they! will spend the winter. I Announcement is made of the ap proaching. marriage of Miss Minnie! Reese and Mr. I.. B. Dean, whose wed- ding., js to tap; place in the late fall. GROCERIES ,â€"^^ne fruitsâ€"in and outp^-flfea- BorT^n 1 ikuysform anaixof our large stocl<oT*^»«tfg]rirand Fancy GrocerieSt^flfakerT Corfe*-"rt Good, (Msb. B WINTER HAVE! I^sxpert plu w drainage, your work. CHA'S. S Phone 270 PLUMBING ing. PRINTING PrhTtlng of Ail DoJflsw ProtnpUj Satisfawprily, A. S. VAN DEU5EN HOTELS Miiahgftoms AtwbodWcan make $1 weklyfgrowirujf ush shed&staMe*,m^, B< tors tvetcome^BJtnifa VILLIAM DEERING IS CONVALESCING North Sf<j Tel. Winnetka 377 VO to $75.00 QMS in cellars, tee. i'isi time. m Farm, ubbard Woods, III. ^rfluous Hair imove 250 ' i limit with on* nee ICo»(tYouLe»*J the Money, I-NO riARK&flftt SCAR5 Weguaranl e to destroy every hair we tre«t. Shourl any return wo will gladly ientutv Lln-ni Free ut Charge, Our Motto. Liberality. Honest Dealing. We guarantee satisfaction. 11.00 will convince you. Congultatione invited. < free.) Write for Booklet B. Mme. Stiver 1407 Auditorium Tower Chicago Til. Harilto* 4223 56 Eat I Codfriu II. Prlva "Sunday OUSE o ty. CARLTON PROUTY BOWM ione« 588 UB. CO. EAVEB PlANOt PLAYER PIANOS 88-NOTE,------------- installed Call and s« Our prices _ PATTER Tel. Ev«niton854 %1S21i Stl«rfflaoAi^ Police ^frisdlctton \J*1 a Justf rHOUTY Telephone Winnetk* 7 'ate Condition of Aged Founder of Harvester Co. Is Greatly Improved. The Off y Shop 4ilt» Kind in Chicago 3<tc«0 -Sfiff man 118 South Michigan Ave. Pfa»flc Rumdolph 5017 man; Mesdames J. R, Gullllams. W. M. Green, E. K. Harris, Earl S. Baker, E. A. Fargo, Thos. Stacey, T. V. Pur- cell, John Hahn, F. K. Jackson, Henry B. Otis, Alfred L. Lindsey, J. P. Grler, Geo. Olmsted, E. E; Shutterly, C. W. Spofford, F. L. Joy, R. W. Jor- dan^ T. S. post, W. G. Baxter, Fred- De Witc Van Evera, Paul Hullhorst, Edmund Graf. To Have Music Program. Details as to the music provided by the music committee, of which Mrs. F. L. Harpham is chairman, assisted t»v Mrs. G. W. Kaufman, Mrs. Ellas Bredin and Mrs. Fred Meyer, will be announced later, as will also the ar- rangements for the reception for I which committee Mrs. W. E. Hum- phrey is chairman. The following ladles are serving as ithe local art committee: Mrs. L. E. iffildreth, chairman: Mesdames E. A. )r>a.wson. A. John, J. C. Halsted, T. C. | Clark. C. N. Stevens. E. W. Spencer, (Harrison White. E. F. Welge, L. G. Shepard. G-. L.. McKinnie, C. E. Smith. j J. H. Pierson. J. H. Van VHssengen. j Mrs. J. M. Stifler. " William Deering, 408 Church street, Evanston, retired president and founder of the Deering Harvester company, who is ill at his home, is re- ported to be much improved. • Mr. Deering Is 87 years old, and on this account his illness is causing roucb apprehension. For several years he has spent the winter In Flo- rida. Mr. Deering is considered by many to be the real inspiration for the growth of the harvester business. He entered this field of work in 1879 at Piano, 111., and a short time later founded the Deering company. For thirty years be worked actively at the head of his concern. He retired In 1901i lie has been active in charitable and educational work. His donations to the Northwestern university and to the Garrett Biblical Institute total $1,200,000. For years he was the president of the university's board of trustees. He has made bis home In Evanston for the last forty years. WE KNOW HOW \f you claim that we knoj^iow t a suit that^wj]] j0rmou than if yrtpYuy a Teady-mad'%B#*lt. We also Know how tq^remodel your old garment&twtisfact I. STEIN Phone 1829 : : :: ly. SHIONABLE LADIES'TAILOR 1912 Central Street HyfL.GON SAUCES l/^ontriti>n<B!ilIdcr Rfpoltlt^^Lmptty Ai\niid To Phone Winnetka 42a Slu>p:9&Linden Avt. HubbarMWoodi, T7 WE ARE MAKING Ladies* Taily-Mat Suits fy $3 Best Matflal an JIaiek 1WRTI »TH STATI 5TSEBT Cppedte Flcldi Phone Central 819 CHICAGO 1913 Fall Styles Ready 3 804 MASONIC TEMPLE CHICAGO Pine Street Phone Wlnne LANDSCAPE est Riffle** Aitm 313 WlBttetk«,a. 8»ciety Charmi, flin£«. 8ulton» TAKE ELEVATOR c Temple CMtral I1M (klcaga. III. ^Box72 William Car Builder Additions? Alterations, Shingling, Hardwood Floors, and Storm Sash. Phone Kenilworth 1146 h nil snnsylvanis Oil Co. OF EVANSTON relses fof)ul ilek and Ml othej vehicles. Special Ford Vilâ€"Suc- c&sfmly tried by Ford Owners. Our Evanaton location cnablca prompt attention to order*. 93^ SHERMAN AV. Telephone 1391 ^wo Gift Boo of Quality ok of the North Shore Price $1.50 and Second BookNof tire North Shore •* C. A. FQR8ERG DEAL fancy Groceries* Uleatj Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 Sf fiardwarc Hubbard Woods, III. PricM2.O0 s, High- arid Present Homes, Card) ways arid By\vays, by MMlAN A. VHITE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as booksjrill not be reprinted. Makeremittances^irect to ARIAN A.WHlf •28 Sheridan Road Chicagc en's Cloth A Specialty have so skill in hmmWtnins may have ove00mked the well with merCs clothes. fine garments t ^ , fact that we do equ We do the wofftright here in Evanston S.SSDehmlow's -THE- ioId Message Vib MqfHge AT HOME Was $25, is now $15 METROPOLITAN ELECTRICAL SUPPLYW. Everything EUetrUal 180 W. Lake St.. m ^__. . CHICAGO Pbooes 4198-9MK lafe m\

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