Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1913, p. 7

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mppxwwâ€"" ««Wl^,<"WPP!PPBW"WÂ¥P"l"PWIWiP popsasssjpss) mmm THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1913; TIZEHS SHOW iTHE NE WS °A ,R Y °FBEA VTlFUL LAKE SHORE HOMES MEREST IN ~"~~" " W: ieting in Evanston Council "hambers Was an Enthusi- astic One and Questions Were Discussed. iME QUESTIONS CONFUSE Svanston- ivpreaentatlvea of tilt , Fi-ldun Road Improvement aMOtto hold an ,„thu.l«.tlo 8»t.tqgettar , fcctlng I" tlu- council chamberpot tilt liall Thur»(lay night. Mr. George P. Merrick acted tf I lalrn.aii.flnd. after reviewing; thehto- ( of Sheridan roud from the time , its inspired conception by Volnoy j Lter to the present time, called on icrcnt gentlemen who were present { express their opinion as to the j |0pcr mute for the new Sheridan bad to follow, the manner in which i should be financed and the charac- ' of improvement which should be telded upon. hv. Irving Osborne of Ridge avenue i SIT RIGHT DOWN AND ORDER CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER â-  Ppw?' Pis!' Try it tad tee now much mmtfjfkio9S this^are spri iasif&«a1aMc(t of boil Don'ttnjs/to mere filtehna^n^ clear) wab^^oM^^vrify &SM YojgWnhavelhii pare CofmusjrtwkesBa ipnl^rater oa yoaf te& tomorrow jy> Mffliag a postal today tastet •â- -'•^â- lltillll W^ify&#M HINCKLEY &SCHMITT, Inc. Tel. Evanston 980 1919 Asbury Ave. -~i'ourte*y vt I lie I»i«>k of .the 'North Short*. Residence of Paul Schulze, Kenflworth, The New Glencoe I*w£>y ^ Cabs,b '^*- ^-^ \ v^ Saddle and pi \S Generalfre Ixlre Telephone 88 A. F. VOLTZ, Prop. arnagepriving Horses ^ earning and ressing 597 Vernon Ave. ^IJIAJIAJ|J.JLJ|JIJ|JI j 0 mW V^r^^T^r^TrVrT *. f What People Are Doing; as the first gentleman asked to ox- j * , t* •• lL eM his views and after a frank ac t+m* 111 KPni WONm* .t thnt hn had very little' »" â- *»â- "â-  will III « « lowiedKtnent that he bad very little j " â- "â- " â- Â»Â«""â- â€¢""»â-  formation In the matter. Mr. O; Mr, and Mrs. William Kles passed jrnesaid that he ^ailn f»or of the ; a few days last week at the state fair irough drive from bhlcaio to the In Springfield. jte line and that hjr hoped the of- Miss .Madden, who passed the sum- irt» of the Sheridan Road Improve- j iner in the home of her sister. Mrs lent association would find the re*'Oswald l.ockgtt, returned to r.orhom*> iired and desired support throughout | In New. Jersey this week, je city. and. of the city authorities, i Charles O. Macklln returned from ferklns B. Bass also spoke in favor of! England last week, where he was ie road, as did C. P. Whitney, who ' called a fevv weeks ago on account jid that as a property owner of the; of the serious illness of his mother, [roposed drive he would be perfectly Mrs. Bentley McCloud and hel- ping to bear his part of the burden ! mother, Mrs. J. W. Olmstead oi if building the road and of maintain- Omaha, who Is visiting in her haim?. Jg it thereafter. George W. Paullln, *eâ„¢ the guests of friends in Mil Jvanston member of the Sanitary Dl«- j waukee last week. irict board, followed Mr. Whitney and: The first fall meeting of the litera .ke in the same strain. ! ture committee of the Neighbors' club ; will be held itKthe home of Mrs. Sid Bishop to Assist. jney. c Eagtman this afternoon. "Ste- Patrick O'Nell told of the offer of j vengon ana His works" will be the Ihe Catholic bishop of Chicago to do-, toplc o{ discussion. Mrs. Lind will iate $5,000 toward the Improvement be tne leader. if that part of Sheridan road lying; Many old Kenilworth * friends a'- tast of Calvary cemetery, and ex-1 tended the funeral of Henry C. prwsed himself as very much In favor j ijoyd, father of Mrs. James A. Ciil- it the improvement proposed, arguing \ tertson of this place, in Lake Forest t'uat wily the very best kind of im-; Wednesday. Mr. Lloyd died in i'asa provement should be contemplated, den a, Cal. The funeral was conduct Herbert Burnham, son .of the late led by Dr. Horswell, pastor of the Daniel Burnham, originator of the' irnion church. "Chicago Beautiful" plan, compared SAW FIRE ALARM BOX; WANTED TO SEE IT WORK So Foreigner Pulled the Lever and Firemen Made Quick Dash to Street Corner. LEADER AT CAPITAL PREDICTS GRANT SOON Mrs, Gilson Gardner at Glencoe Meeting Predicts Suffrage Amendment Soon, i What People Are Doing in Glencoe Mrs. A. W. Hrintnall Is entertaining A polish laborer, unacquainted with modem facilities used in this country in giving tire alarms, caused a useless run for the Evanston fir** duiiurtmciu Monday at 7:43 a. m. to Church street, and Sherman avenue. The laborer, who Is employed by the Bvanston Traction company in the repair of the street ear tracks in Sherman avenue?, discovered the fire alarm box at the above named street intersection. He was exceedingly curious and before; he could be warned by other laborers who have become Americanized enough to know the meaning of a lire alarm box, he pulled the lever. In a few minutes the firemen from the Central and No, 3 engine houses responded. The foreigner quickly ad- j Miss Grace Chit her of Wisconsin. Miss Sarah S. Smith of Muskegon, .Mich., Is visiting nlends In lilencoe. Mr. and Mrs. K. J). Alexander are spending a few weeks In West Baden. Adoption of a national constitution- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darling spent al amendment providing for "women's. tteveral days last week with friends in mittcd that he had given the false ,„K to advocate HtflT^pfe from a al&rm and »a» severely lectured by Fire Marshal Harrison and the police officers who responded. suffrage within a year was predicted Monday by Mrs. Gilson Gardner, who Kpoke before tin? Kqual Suffrage .asso- ciation of Glftieoe. Mrs. (Inidncr. who has been promi- nent in the work of the National SulTiage alliance, declared that re- markablii elranges had been wrought In the Hcntlineut of congress within the last year. "W.e had lo overcome the most strenuous opposition," said Mrs. Gard- ner. "The prejudice of every one in Washington was very great against our work, and it was considered a dis- grace to be a suffragist. "The ciingresujiien are rapidly corn- sense Sloilx City. Iowa. Mrs. II. H. Ilugerford and sister, Miss Kdlth MtDoiigall, left last week to spend the winter with relative* In Montreal. Mrs. Sturtevant, who has been the guest of Mrs. K. I). Hrlgham for two weeks, has gone to Philadelphia, where ' she will spend the winter. The Ladles guild of St. Kllsabeth's church will hold an all day meeting | today at the residence of Mrs. R. H. Weightman, 8«2 Grove street. The Glencoe Kqual Suffrage Associa- tion met at the home of Mrs. B. J. Sherwln, 6»56 Greenleaf avenue, Mon- day afternoon with a large attendance. Mrs. Gilson Gardner of Washington, li. «'.. and Mrs. Sherman Hooth were SERGEANT MAKES CATCH. Following a » diligent search by Sergt. Arthur Johnston, the two boys who broke into the barber shop owned by L. Bucrlchk, at 1120 Lake street last week and took the streets coming Into Evanston with Cago, the city entered Into an agree- tboue of other large cities in thi8(ment to pave and maintain the drive country, and particularly with Buro-j f01- all time without cosj to the cemc- pean cities and expressed himself as tery or to the Catholic bishop, being very much in fayor of the pro- ^ ^ posed improvement o^tbe ^rive. ' ' " George A. Mason, special assessment; Alderman Howard M Carter, called attorney residing In Highland Park, attention to the financial stringency who has been employed in the city of now ex sting in Evanston doubted the Evanston for spreading assessment*, feasibility of financing: .that part of for various improvements, spoke at! the project which would naturally fall length in explanation of the Sheridan! « Evanston and callcd at ^n also road bill. Mr. Mason's discourse was, to the possibility of the Lincoln Park as a whole, fn harmony with various | board falling under management of articles which have appeared edltorl- ^n who might not be of the^same ally and otherwise in this paper, with' character as have those "£**£** the exception that his interpretation j-chargc of the affair8 of the board for of that part of the bill regarding the; the past few years. raising of funds for future ma^ten-l ^r^an 1"™°°* *â„¢l?lL$a ance of the road did not agree with torfcey Mason *» r^.^ "«L•^Tt the interpretation which has beeni «»g of thehta^ f0\m^f "^fj^" Placed on it by other peop'e and «as he who brought out the interpr^ which has been given in a circular let- *ti°?"^*t?^ttt^J£?tE ter recently issued by the members of the bill which does not.«^*J* «*• the Commercial association. interpretation heretofore accepted in Evanston.. i msno tw«s.. Difference of Opinion. Alderman Burns referred to the The Dempster Tigers wero de/feat- Mr. Mason was of the oBinton-ttrad many projects already under way re- >d by the Birchwood Giants at the at le?"t Joint Cer with the Lincoln' the city and closed his remarks with i of 18 to 12. The Giants outweighed aSFr&"Si£T "^bere can â„¢get ~fc*#£^ttZE; S'^iSK^Sli ^H.B.^^^^to k|games with any team whereas the interpretation expressed on the matter and, after expressIng j pounds._________________â€"-â€"-â€"-â-  heretofore through these columns has | himself as being favorable to it, called----------------------------------------------- keen to the effect that the Lincoln j attention to the discrepancy between Park board will certify to Evanston Mr. Mason's explanation of certain see- the amount, needed and that the city; tions of the bill and the interpreta- authorities will be confronted with the, tions which have been understood to «tty of spreading the tax properly so have been placed upon it by the^fflter^ 'hat the amount of money so specified dan Road 1^°™™?^*^"^ > the park board will become avail- and by members and attorney«'ortbe able Lincoln Park board. Mr. Bowman Mr. Mason expressed in the same also stated that at thepr««nt time â- nanner, as has previously been out-; there is a feeling of opposition among "neiin this pape?. the theories ofspe- the rank and file oflhe^ people^oMBr- ^ tax and special assessment byanston and suggested thataUon» v"»«ch the initial pavement may be coming from wards where opposition *». and emphasized the necessity ol, 1> strongest would find it m*«^ «*ta« a beginning Immediately and to votefor an ordina^ »"^^ « meeting the various obftacles as jurisdiction to the Lincoln Park board li»ey arise v 'until after there had been enough agi- In 6ne part of Attorney Mason's ad- tation and information to convince a «*% in which he was answering an large number^of.those'PJ^^J argument presented by Alderman j ^ft* their limited «Bdei«ai^ni of J«rns of a. Third ward regarding the the rttuatlqn, oppose the .P"**^, liftcalties arising as to the lmprore- Taken as a whole the »eetJiiK was •« of that part o? Sheridan road ly-ja very "*™™ic™™l<Z VZ % east of Calvary cemetery, he stat- doubttdlr be toll^.f •Jj *^B^ « that, m addition to the 15,000 that endeavor to, interest the peopUi of Ev ^icago Catholic blshophasagreedansto^^^^ or political expedleircyT Mrs. Gardner........________ asserted. "Those, who arc against it j the principal speakers. In sentiment are rapidly coming to, One of the horses hitched to a truck advocate It because thcji/u* that It is1 coming anyway. There, is no reason why a congressional amendment can- not be carried at the Tlext session of congress If we can keep at It." from Engine bouse No. 3 fell on the pavement Just west of the Church street viaduct. Luckily the animal was not injured but the pole fn the wagon was broken. Considerable dif- ficulty was experienced in taking the broken equipment-back to the engine house. MILK THIEVES ACTIVE AT APARTMENT HOUSES Complaint has been made to the po- lice concerning the theft of milk a quantity j frtym var|oim apartment buildings in of cigarettes and candy, were located Saturday afternoon. The lads are: William Mickel, 14 years old. 2221 Lake street, and Fred Simbaeli, 11 years old, 1418 Ashland avenue. The youths confessed the theft. They were not taken Into custody, but their cases have been turned over to .Miss June Woods, probation officer. Evanston, The; most recent complain' was made by householders, in the Roy croft apartment. Main street an*l Michigan avenue, hlrector of l'ubli>: Safety Hedrfck stated that a rigid investigation would be conducted by the police into the milk thefts and H it was found to be the work of any discharged employes of dairies, prosecution would follow. It has been rumored that labor trou- bles have be**n causing an unsettled condition among a few dairy keepers recently and It is thought that the milk thefts might have been perpe- trated by discharged «mployes. All Wiring Cuinmccd Electric Shop \. WITKOWSKT l>roprlclor WIRING, REPAtRlNG CLEfJcOE, llWoiS Phone Wlnnctka 5H7 Phone Glencoe 490 NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS REVISED VOTE SCHEDULE The Evanston Daily News-Lake Shore News Grand Automobile Contest. THE EVANSTON DAILY NEWS. Three months' subscription..,.........» •*>............- • • •1-200 Vot«« Six months' subscription........ .....fl.75..... . .........3,200 Votes One year's subscription................$3.00..... . .•„. .....8,000 Votes Two years' subscription................$6.00... ......24,000 Votes Three years' subscription.,, .........$9.00..... .-.........48,000 Votes THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. Six months' subscription................$1.25....... ........L600 Votes. One year's subscription...............$2.00................4,000 Vote* Three years' subscription.,..... ......$6.00...............24.000 Vote* HARRY LYNN Staple ai Fruits and Mrs. Studio Room 30, A 59 VtiaVtte Avenue Phon« Wilmette **f 9 Be»id«i>e* Phon* 24* ; nAftnouN also tauoht â€"-"«tu vuiuviit; viiuuy u«w «»e»« »«"• 10 contribute,'the cemetery would be •abject to a special assessment for Probably half the cost of the building 01 the road and of the sea wall to ftKect the same, all of which was e» tj^ted to cost from $40,000 to $50,000. «this Juncture, Patrick O'Nell called •ttention to the fact that under the *•* or grant by which the city a* ""•d the present route of Sheridan '••• from the Catholic bishop of Chi- donbtedly means so much to tb« com- mnnity. Mr. MaHon stated that the necessary consents of property owners'in High- land Park have" already been obtained and that the ordinance will probably be passed by the council oi» the seven- teenth of this month. Glencoe has al- ready transferred Its authority and Lake Forest Is about ready to go through the same formality. VOTING BLANK The Evanston Daily News The Lake Shore News Grand 20 Prize AUTOMOBILE CONTEST 60 Votes 60 When cut out neatly and palled or sent to The News office this coupon will count as Ninctjr yo€e» for the name written thereon. NAME ADDRESS- THIS COUPON MUST Be VOTED BY SATURDAY, OCT. 18 Pupils, Rc^rtTT Concei • tortt^r and Opera. Four thoroughly equip- ped t assistants. Pupils 'booked at any time. Mr. Munro tests all voices and supervises all work. BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENI UGHT EL ARC LIGHTS FOR STORES SPACES. JWSAWTESCE THE HtfSBfy TRANCR HEATERS^»kTER HKXTERS. PUBLI huTi R7ICE ANT ORTHERN ILLINOIS SUCCESSORS TO lie Northwestern Gss Light and Coke Co. 1611 Benson Avenue, Evanston TELEPHONES 89-90 : ttftlll Do You Need Extra Heat Somewhere In Your Home? There is really no neefey endure a dangerous "cold" spot ai home, if you have Elect an Electric R attached to is quickly room or healthful war atively slight torâ€"quicl tctric so^ket-^l fed from unheal ni. GloiiMffSTradiant* is assured at compar- An Electric Radiator Is Really Indispensable in electrically-lighted homes where there are children or old iolksâ€"for, the slightest ex- posure to cold sometimes causes serious ailments. A very useful convenience too, on chilly morn- ings and evenings before the regular heating equipment is tn operation. At ELECTRIC SHOP, all the best makes rind, styles of Electric Radiators are constantly on exhibit. The Imrninota EittUk Radiator, MtatruUd. So. G. 76864 is tqmpptd mitk. a 3h*at antch Miming tht -or of one. ttoo or all throe of tko bulb*, a* datrrd. Prxx. $I2J2S. all charge* pc\i within 200 miUi a) Chicago, fa or dm mg, stale the voltage of your lighting cmrremL Electric Shop-Chicago Michigan and Jtckaon Boulevard*

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