Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1913, p. 9

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY ! What People Afapg; i+^^inEwnston »* „nrt Mrs James Lyman, 1308 for a short trip. « v* « »h N KelB^y. 1046 Ridge Jive- bee Central formally Friday afternoon ,. „„* Mrs E. C. Sweetland, 1559 Mr. ana Mrs, &>. v>. nndpn Maple avenue, are at West Baden, I**- ..«â- .. The Hamilton club will have a liar- vest home husking and speling Zny at the club on Halloween Mrs R S. Risser, 2308 ce 8.;eet' is visiting relatives in Chicago thMrrtme6 S. Winn. 707 Hinman avenue has had as «»r wertgr. «J Mrs Arthur Balfour of Sheffield. Bng Miss Sigrid Aronson, 264GMcDaniel avenue, atrical work. V _'. „-„„*,_„* I bell. The Mrs. William Gale.Lincoln> "Jj* ttong was and Elm avenue, returned Saturday Ltag u8gd from a month's visit In Denver coi. Mlsg Mabfil Glbsott> forffierty 9f Ev- Mrs. George % Banzet has returned ^^ who for a number0f years has 'been teaching in Alaska, lias this year The Woman's league of Northwest- la to aid prisoners before and after ern university held a reception Friday release; to advocate improved laws night at Willard hall. â- -â€"..- • Mr. Ralph R. McKtnnie, 1214 Green- leaf street, returned Saturday from a two months' trip to Alaska. Mrs. O. D. Fielding, formerly of Bv- anston, now of Monroe. Jlich., is the guest of Mrs. George S.Ballard, 8!K> Reba place. . Mrs. Isaac Clements of Danville, 'III., is the guest of her niece, Mis. Nathan Wilbur Helm, 626^ Library place. Miss Edith Meers, 2301 Sherman avenue, left Friday morning for Cham- paign, where she spent the week-end with relatives and attended the Illi- nois-Northwestern game. Judge and Mrs. Clarence. N. Good- win of this city returned Monday, from Dixon. 111., where they attended the wedding of Miss Esther Dement and Morgan L. Davis of Chicago, i Mrs. John B. Bowdish, 1501 Lake 0,0.------- , „. +ll_ street, entertained at tea Sunday ., left this wfek to.take mtne-,^veain^ ^ h6nQr q[ Mf& ^ j Hunn, color scheme in decora- red, American Beauties for the prevention of crime and to se- cure better prisons^eformatories and jails. iMrs.R. H. Goddard rendered some violin selections accompanied by Miss Marshall. A reception for the officers and new members of the de- partment followed. Committee on reception are Mrs, A. F.. McCarrell, ! Mrs. Alice E. Adams, Mrs. H. T. Wil- cqxson. Hostesses, Mrs." George^ A. ! Thomas, Mrs. Frederick A. Lord. j . The annual Visitation Alumnae j meeting was held at Visitation acad meeting; 1, luncheon; 2:30, entertain- ment consisting of school song, vocal class; the golden butterfly dance, Miss M- Seng; play. "The Maker of Dreams," cast, Misses Mary Dillon as Plerette, Loretta Coffeen as the Maker of Dreams, Agnes Cavanaugh as Pier- rot; harp selections, Miss Edttb Clyde; reading. Miss E. M. Zahrlnger; piano solo, Miss M. Thompson. This ls the first American presentation of Oiiphant Doneav. "The Maker df Dreams." It will be included in the repertoire of the Little Theater com- pany later in the season. The officers from a five months* trip to Europe !â- â- â-  and is living at the Greenwood Inn. [ Mr. and Mrs, William Gale, Elm ["-â- avenue and Lincoln street, returned f Saturday from atrip to Denver, Colo. ivl Mr. F. H. Havlland, 1458 Maple I avenue, went to champaign Saturday t-O-vto attend the Northwestern Illinois .fcc'game. ffe Mr. and Mis. R, K. Row,, 2311 Sher- il â-  man avenue, are at St. Augustine, te.;Fla. They will remain until Novem- li:'vber 1. [â- ? Mrs. J. P. Prlraley, Forest avenue i *v and Greenwood boulevard, is enter- [ taining Miss Cora Vawter of St. Jo- seph, Mich. Mrs. T. W. McGattghey and daugh- ter, 2023 Maple avenue, were guests the past week of Mr. J. M. Paton of ' De Kalb, 111. Miss Helen Paddock. 1830 Sheridan road, entertained the Gamma Phi Beta sorority at tea Friday afternoon at her home. Mr. Donald Robertson, 911 Reba place, has .gone to New Kensington, Pa., to take up a position with the Aluminum Utensil company. Miss Charlotte V. Peirce. 1209 Hin- man avenue, returned Tuesday from the east, where she has been during the greater part of the summer. The Oak Leaf circle will give a mas- querade party on Saturday, November 1, at the home of the Misses Kathryn and Jane Rose, 2410 Park place. Miss Jeanette Prentice, 820 Hlnman avenue, had as her week-end guest Miss Margaret MeyerB of South Bend, Ind. Miss Alice Carter .of Champaign, i 111., spent the week-end with her >other. Mr. H. M, Carter, 726 Forest avenue. Mrs. A. H. Graves, 630 Forest ave- nue, left Saturday for Champaign to * .visit her son who Is a student at the Jyirtver«Tty-ef-4Ilinols. emy yesterday. The program was i of the alumnae are: President, Mary as follows: 10 a. , m., high j McDonald; vice-president, Helen mass, sermon, benediction. Rev. J. F. Kiep; treasurer, Luella Foley; secre- Burke, C. S. P.; 11 o'clock, business tary, Margaret M. Connor. Mrs. A. S. Best, 1936 Orrington *ve- nue, left the latter part of last week for New York to meet her son. Master Marshall, who has been In Europe with his aunt. Miss Clara Best, for some weeks. Miss Best and Marshall landed in New York Tuesday. Mrs, Best and her son will remain In the cast for a visit before returning 'home. Miss MInetta Miller, 1222 frreenleftt street, entertained informally Sa|ur- day afternoon for Miss Florence Gra- ham, daughter of Mr. anu Mrs. Chaun- cey L. Graham, 811 Washington street, who Is to be married to Harry F. Mace, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. The harvest festival dinner-dance j Ancuish, Mrtv T. 2.^WuUtottB*â- ;â- Â§**â-  aftV' given at the Country club Friday!J Bnftnron, !•*». A.!*-J?M*)**": Juntas was an unparalleled »^»«i»,ICS^e?^ W%fa IS* More than three hundred of the wen* Mr. 4»e*teM*o£** %** g& bera and tholr friends attended. Th«|Mr. .W, \r*ta»«T,£}*?'£ WlH decorations were In accord with thsiner. ^^°^J^^^^D^ season and the music was P^e^ ^,S^ S^ £• ly line, being famished by member* aid MUler, Mr.^jloha J**%t t£-T S the Johnny F«"» «r*h«tra- The Grace Pynctwm, Mi** Cathitfi** Ra*s> musicians were and straw abat* viih whiskers. in a big wagon, implements Hand orchestra. The,Grace m<*«»» ******' dreedIn overall., Mr. John » ^^ *^J£**£?*^ and were adorned! cum, Mr. R W. Key**,Mr. Mm M. They were stationed > Dole,, Mr, T,NL Joaa***. Mr- H. r- surrounded hy farm. Pearson*, Mr. T. C< SpeariMPi. Sir. of «ll kinds. Among' Carroll Shaler, Dr^Fi*ncl*_P/Hw*Bf S wnb en^alusd^re Mr. Jo-< Mra Bichafd ^ ^Tuth^*£ H^ Uh Rushton, Mr Robert Robinson. Robinson. Mr. K-^T.:->W*.WJ. Luke's church. 'mi:, â- tut, Mr. H. A Miss Mary Marshall, 1137 Ridge ave- nue, sailed Saturday from Boulogne or the steamship New Amsterdam. She is expected to reach Evanston Wednesday, October 29. Mâ„¢- <**" ££\ST72 to da, at the h„n,e -.*. «J*-J^ to be with her accepted the position as principal at the Tanner school in Kent, Wash. Mrs. E. G. Kirkman will give a tea followed by a dinner-dance November 15 at her home, Ridge avenue and Lake street, when her daughter, Mua "Billie" Kirkman, will be presented. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cribb, 2036 Maple avenue, had as thefr guests over Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Scholl, Mr. Chester Scholl, Miss Elsie Scholl, Miss Mary Brown and Miss Viola Pahl of Cragin, 111. Monday night at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wright, 925 Judson avenue, was solemnized the marriage of pss Edith Wright and Mr. Walter Hamilton Dudley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dudley, 813 Judson avenue. A course of lectures in. Citizenship, under the able direction of Miss Mary L. Childs, civics,instructor at the nigh school, will be given in the Central street school fortnightly beginning October 28, at 8 p, m. Anyone inter- ested is invited to join this class. The first meeting of the newly-or- ganized choral class was held Fri- day afternoon in the high school building from 1:15 to 2 p. m. Mr. McCohathy of Northwestern School of Music is in charge of the class, which will meet each Thursday afternoon. Wallace Burden arrived Saturday from Springfield, where he assisted the immigration commissioner for South Dakota with an exhibit at the state fair. Mr. Burden will visit for a short time with his mother, Mrs. S. M. Burden, 820 Gaffleld place, before returning to his home at Pierre, S. D. Mrs; Louis. K. Goffe, 1422 Maple avenue, announces the engagement of her daughter, Louise, to Eobert R. Rockwell of Seattle, formerly of Ev- anston. No date has been_set_for_the wedding. Miss Eunice May Mcintosh, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 3. Mcin- tosh of Clear Lake, Iowa, and Mr. Frank Eugene Merrill, 1723 Living- ston street, were married yester- Children's Co||^ for school wear, warjn and stylish garments, made to but- ton high at the neck for stormy weather, in chinchillas, chev- iots and mixtures, colors red, navy brown and gray, sizes 6 to M f*f ||| years. A large assort- â- ^||| merit to select from.. ^^#- CHILDREN'S COATS, mj new winter shades, silk navy, Copenhagen, brown^ 3 to 6 years. .^.^ ........ |e of fine corduroy, in all the £id trimmed, colors,V^Jk Q& fey and black; sizes^^jfJr eater Coats,,made ol yarn, white, Bed I, in plain 1 A A cy weaves. . •.â-  â- â€¢_V CHILDkE^S DRESSES Children's Dresses, for school wear, made of fine quality serge, in navy, red and brown, prettily trimmed and piped in figured silk, sixes 6 to 14 Q QQ years . . . *#«^V Girl*8 Sweater Coats, for school wear, sizes 24 to 34; plain mannish weaves,1 AA colors grey and red. .1,vv ^ v Saturday Special,Oct.25 From 6 p. m. to 10 p. m. ^ Evanstoif f ennantsr Size 12x30 in., made of heavy felt, all colors, at Made of all wool mannish ser^e# cheviots; poplins and novelty mix- tures, in plain or trimmed effects, straight or cutaway modelsv lined ^ with best quality satin, plain or-r draped skirts. Jn a wide^range of^ colors, sizes for worn- rj ^50 en and misses, ^pg at....... > ..• • .•fv;^-r Patrick Mackinawsjj Made of the famous P«trick-Duluth Woolen Mill cloth. Perfect bc>dy ^helter; gratest wear and warmth^ Fashionable coats,a variety of coljg ors. sizes lor mispes and ^ childivnv Special during £ this sale...... Others at $6.98, 828 Michigan Richmond, Ind., mother. She wil| he away several months. Mrs. Dan B. Brummitt, 2523 Park place, is attending a convention of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Methodist church in Washing- ton, D. C Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzell street, returned Saturday from Nashville, Tenn.. where they have been attending the Rural Signal Men's convention. Mr. and Mrs. Maorlce Alexander,her son_.._ . ^ ^^^ <f?m ents. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill *ill he at home after October 25 at 716 Foster The first meeting of the Parents' and Teachers' association, high school ^ivisionr-wilt"»^aeld_in"t,te~h!8h school building today. Prof. W. E. Hotchkiss, dean of Northwestern School of Commerce, will speak upon "The Possibilities of Commercial Courses in High Schools." Mrs. A. F. Dean, 1106 Church street, left last night for California to visit Mt. Walter Dean. Although Dress Flannelette, fancy and dark patterns, heavy fleece, special value a yard 1(VJc at... ...*V2V Turkish Towels, size 22x44, extra heavy quality, all 21c bleached, special.. . - .***v. Only Two to a Customer ~* None Sold to Chiidren Leather Handbags, with lea- ther lining, new styles, cheap at 85c. Special dur- AQC ing this sale .......... "^v Ladies' Belts, made of suede skins, all colors, regu- 2Sc lar 48c value ...... - s#*/v ew Dress Cloths Silk Crepe <WChine. 38- inch ail the leading shades, 85o quality CQ/% at......................^>W> Brocaded Crepe^e^â€" teor. ^"* ido1i«»* wide, beau- tiful aetiigo* and shade** 8fio quality, a yard Imported Wool rUtine. 44 inche* wide, heavy fall material, in dark *h*dea. Special value*.f 3 ? Q 0/% ayard*t.......... ..I^Ov Bemty Ofpt^'Wro'! fall material. 27 in. wide, beautiful coloring*, ^C[/» Bpeoial *> j*rd..«.....,«*'t' CrOS-Groinv 38 inohe* wide, a Wfchly finished mM«^# durable, folded, special value, a yard Mead, 1810 Hininan avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion Lorraine, to Henry Conrad Schwable of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. James Roy Ozanne, 2637 Stewart avenue, spent the week- end with Mrs. Ozanne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nusbaiun, in Middle- bury, Ind. Mrs. Leroy D. Taonian.will latro- duce her daughter, Miss. Dorothy W. Thoman, at a reception and dance which will be given at the Woman's club on Tuesday evening, Nov. 25. Miss Marian S. Greene, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph P. Piersen, 1231 Oak avenue, left Sat- urday for St Petersburg, Fla.*, where . she will spend the winter. Mrs. James A. Baird and daughter, Alice, of Betoit, Kan., aTrived Friday morning to visit Mrs. Baird's stater, t Mrs. John J. Jennings, 1733 Eldge avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon Ful €ttttomer»««IH»Korde«pt*w ^»«rJ^«Si^^ address on order. A number of order* from <»***** have been re«elved without any name or address. his recent illness, he will not be able . to accompany Mrs. Dean on the triPi as had been contemplated. Mrs. Frances E. Finch. 1806 Colfax street, entertained at dinner Fridays evening In honor of Mrs. Lucas of Pemberton, Kansas, who is the> no«|e .guest of Mrs. George Kelley, 120? El^- wood avenue. Covers were laid for twelve. The decorations will he ren geraniums. This evening Miss Agnes men, daughter of Dr *"* , George B. Stemen. of Fort Wayne,., Ind., and Bruce W. Elliott, son of Mr. i and Mrs. Hugh S. Elliott, 1314 avenue, will be married. The ding will take place at the First Pres- byterian church at Fort Wayne. , Mrs. Bentley Masslich left. Monday for New York, where she will visit^her son, Mr. Chester B. Mdsslich until after the Christmas holidays, sue ex- Ste- Mrs. Oak wed- SOAP8 AND WASHING POWDERS. Light House Family Boajp. lt» bars ...".......'-v-iS per box...........»Z.o& Hammer Soap. „ 10 bars...........-2»c 100 bar box-----....12.15 Flotilla Soap, . 5 large« 100 bar box........»3.*» Flotilla Soap, 2 bars In a carton, 5 cartons for *>c Light Houae Clean*er. 3 cans..............i«e pecVs to attend the World's W.C lerTfor^y of EvT^on.'are still_at convention ^^J^ ^ven- T.U. Brooklyn [gHft.: Glen View. They expect to leave â-  there November 1 and will go to the â-  A Virginia hotel for the winter. . M Miss Clara "Louff of St. Louis, Mo^. ^arrived Saturday to he the guest of tf*Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Youngquist, 2501 v^-jEmi avenue. ifs Mr. and Mrs. E. S, ^daughters, Helen and Mable, of Den- !S ver, Col., are the guests of Mr. and ffJMrs. George W. Risley, 2316 Harrison â- SS'street. . iS Mf. and Mrs. Howard Tracey, 1553 HfQak avenue, entertained at dinner Fri- fttfday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. ?SiAlfred Howell of Nashville, Tins., i^|who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cun- ||#»liigham of Wlnnetka. IK Mr. George Frederick Falley, wn© 4 !» located in Jacksott. Tenh.. ***&**â-  | â€" Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Kath- artne V. Falley, 8^9 Forest avenue. Be served as best man at the Wright- wedding on Monamr-ilfpll'-~r Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Pattm. For est avenue and mvis^tree^ left for New York on Saturday. They sailed today on board S. S. Trernia of line, for Genoa, Italy. the the Cunard Mr, and Mrs. expect to spend tlie^tereat the Risley and two Patten ~h^" *" ~r~* tn pn\or there; St. Morlte, Switzerland, to enjoy.* Se "famous winter sports. Jor spring they will go to Florence. where their daughter. Violet, is « Ending the^MIsses Sheldan and Nh an's school. Mr. "and Mrs. Patten win return next May. bâ€"i«i-^u»rr- The first meeting of the Sodal S^rr ice department of the^Woman* <*uh vIm Tnesday afternoon,, wcto- tendent of theCentral^Howard -«>• Llant House Washing powder, 5 1-lb. pkBs.......jJrS 4-lb. pkg..,..-.....U'/a» Pumax Soap, i_ 3 bars for ........ •. «c «.rmour'a Mechanics' Paste â€" A necessity for those who work wt"» tljelr hands, per tin, .9c Milady Toilet Soap 3 bars for....... Amber Soap, _- 10 bars for..........ago 50 bar box......• • â- *} •â- * p a G. German Mottled Soap, 10 bars for... 3fe 84 bar box ;or.....»2.9S P. * G. White Naphtha Soap, 10 b&rs for...,3Sc 100 bar box........W-'» Wool Soap, 6 small bars for...-1'c 100 bar box------ Wool Soap. 5 large bars.... Wool Soap Chips, 25c box ........ Lenox Soap, 10 bars for..... 100 bar box.... Gold Dust. S 1-lb. pkira. ... ~ Ide Wai Medal Mom* xl bbl. saefc... it bhl. sack.. % bbU aaolt....*^ NapoteM Flour, fl % bblfsack......•• 1." % bbl. sack.....•â-  • *•« Jelke Good Luck Butter- Ine, 2 lb. carton.....«c 5 lb. pall............98c SUGAR, , „ . 25 lb. bag of Granulated Sugar (orlglniil bags) 95c, with $5 grocery or- der (flour, soaps. ow,ter and chicken feed not in- cluded). . . 25 lb. basr of Granulated Sugar fl.1S, with $2.00 grocery order Cnour, soaps, butter and chicken feed not ln- -ehided). ^ - «.. 10 lbs. of Gramilateo su- gnr 47c. with |1.0» 8TO- cery order (flour, soaps, butter and chicken feed not Included). 25 lb. bng of Granulated Sugar for 75e, with any $10 grocery order. 25 lb. bag of Bug»ir for 75c, with any $8 order of canned goods only. CANNED GOODS. We offer a choice of thre<» different b r a n d a or Sweet Sugar Corn (Ra- ven, Fall Rlv^rana Ap- petizer), at 95c a dozen. 11b , Fancy Standard ~on\%" 1la toes, per can......w-"c â€"- per dosen .....-••-*"^ Savoy Hand Packed Whole Tomato**. . per can ........•'««% «er <dosen-.........â- >••'» Fancy Vermont Corn, P<t can .........'eTiS* per dozen .•........*\2 6 cans for.....,.-----â- Â»Â«: Nashotah Brand Pe«». P"r can ........------«= 6 cans for.........ivSS per dozen .....,.>•»••«» High Life Peaa, _ per can .......;..-•«« 6 cans for. â- â€¢..•• ••^JjS per dozen ..... .^±*1^" Dodge CountyTune F**"; P*r can ••.....i--_yS per do*en.........»^»»» Ood«e founty Sweet Wrinkled Peaa, _ per can ........• •-•JfS pnr d^zen . • jW*<*° Dodge County Sifted Early June Pew. per can......... •-Mas pi>r dozen .........2;~ Dodge County Eirtr* •**** «d Early Junes, per can ...........W« 22 per do*en .......j-*1*"9 Cherokee Srand Corn, per can .........."•§»£ per dosen........iu? Xlllsdale H*wHib-Ww> tie, No. 8 cam. _^ |,t)', per caw ............ -g}F 'VS1 Fcana for.......... •»o â€" l per dose* ...13.48 ...,S3c ..,.19c ___29c ...«.?9 1*c Llbby's Happyvale wailan Pineapple, 2V& can, per can.. Richelieu Pineapple bits, per can..... Mt. Baker Pears. ..-. cans, per can.......J«c Hillsdale Asparaoua, Np. 1 tall cans, per can .IJc per do*en ........."I-.06 Hillsdale Asparagus, No. 2 tall cans, per can..23c Monsoon Baked Beans, No. 3 cans, per can .14c 2 cans for............*sc lea for Pie making, 10 lb. cans. „> ........23c ...25c Pan- APNo* ,14o per can........... Kan Brand Peaches No. 3 can.;.......--. Aurora Brand Baked Beans, No. 3 cans... 14c 2 cans for..........."* Beauty Brand Asparagus. No. 2% square cans, per can.............Z8c Beauty Brand Asparagus, No. 2% square cans, giant Bfze, 11 stalks to the can. per can....33e 8avoy Brand Wax Beans, rr can.............4*° cans for...........2ac NEW MAPLE 8YRUP. Ohio Maple Syrup, „ 3 10c bottles.........2»c Old Manse Maple Syru*. pint bottle .:........*2« quart bottle.........?j»c quart tin ....-----...«c Log Cabin Maple Syrup^ pint tin..... quart tin ... :i7c Ha. | Silver Ktttle Syrup, , No., large bottle «---- . .25c Savoy Self- Rising Tld- cake Flour, ...25c I 3 No. 3 • Uncle Jerry** Pancake - Flour, per pkg....... «c Uncle Jerry** Buckwheat Flour, per pkg.......So Sheridan Corn Syrup. No. Golden Crov#n Corn Sy- rup, No, 10 can.....43o MOLASSES. St. Julian Molaaeea, 2% lb. can-----........9c Ginger Cake Molasses, 2ft lb. can.. St. Elmo Molasses, 2'Mr lb. can.......,.-.14c Duff's Molas**«, „, 2% lb. can.-.........Zle TEAS AND COFFEES. Sheridan Coffee, In the yellow bus*, per lb. .35e S Ibe. for...........9W Santos Coffee: A good drinking coffee at a very low price, per ^••â- d;?fS 4 lbs. for...........$1.06 Canary Toilet Paper Crepe, 310c rolls-----23c Velvet Crepe T.oH** p*« per, 6 Co rolls...-----23c Bogota Blend Coffee: A combination - of good Santos and a fancy Bo- gota, per lt».......•••jg fV, lbs. for........ .$1.00 Our Standerd Santos Cof fee, per lb - 4 lbs. for... Vry Fancy Bogota Cof- fee, per lb.....«.....SBC Java and Mocha Coffee, certified, per lb......*5c 2 llw. for............aSc Llpton'a Yellow Label _ Tea, 1 lb. tins.......»7o Gunpowder Tea, 60o qual- ity, p«r lb...........»2c Oolong Tea: Very fancy 60c quality, per lb. .S2o Engllih Breakfast Tea. 60cc|uailty. per lb,..S2o Basket-Fired Japan Tea. 60o duality, per lb,. .4»c ...30c ...28c . ...95c .....IBc Swift's Pride Waahlnq Powder, 4 lb. pkg_.ft/2C Star Naphth* Washing powder. ..i/-, 4-lb. pkg..........mfi 5 l-1b. pkg*.......v!1** Swift's Pride Cleeneerj ^' 2 10c cane â- ;>.;;: flouh.;.-;;.;^^: C«*-e»ota and Plllabury Flour, , _ I Here are a lot of reasons why you should boy your meats at Rosenberg's. Ask for our dally ---------â€" BARGAINS â€"-----â€" Best Native Pot Roast n, r, best quality, per lb................-- Best^fatlse-Shoulder Steak, tender. per lb. -----.........*-----......-.• Choice Veal Stew, per lb.... •••«-♦*•1,c Arroour'B Star Hams or MorrJ* « . . Co.'s Supreme Hams, per lb.... - rj¥£ Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage Meat, id.zjc Little Pig Pork Sausage*, extra fine, per lb........V"1V"m^' Sugar-Cured Bacon, by the piece, per Ih..............\\""i"'Z' Selected Sprtng Leg of Lamb, any. sise, per lb........:':'"'*"YiCJ' Prime Rib Roast Beef, beat quality. rolled or *tanding. per lb..... .i«o. me Jest Kettle Rendered Lard^lb. -. - W*o Codfish, selected middle*, per lb------."« 60e *fse Crlsco for................**° .16'/ac .16c CEREALS. Quaker Oats. 3 "pkga.......,....,..3»« Cream of Wheat, pkg,...............W/afi Pettljohn'e Breakfeit Food, plsa.........\*/** Pdstum Cereal, pkg.12VaC Dr. Prleera-Oata, 3 pKfr«...............aa« Dr. Price'* Oata. 25c t)kg.............»*« Sun Klst By* Flakei. per pkg-........lvT?*0 Gold Medal Corn N»ke*. per pkg............TV** OUR V/EfEKLY M0NBV SAVERS.**. Sauer'i Lemon and Va- nilla Extracts, . 3 10c bottles.........23C Rumfor* Baking Po*dfr» 25c can .v.........;,.ia* New England Mines Meat. 3 10c pkga. for......*Oo Snow Mellow, _ 25c tin for...........*to Rex Extract of Beef, 45c Jar. for......*•••*•« Silver ftloew Starch, 3 10c pkare..........S5e Fancy Head Rle*. ^__ 3 lbs, for............2S* Jap Rice, â-  _ 3 lbi. for............i»o SPECIAL NOTICI. The Nuway Company of Chicago, wholesale gro- cers. hfl/re_*one out of buflinen. wis have pur- cnaaed Che follow Ina good* at a vt-ry greiit sav- ing which we will ahare with our cuatomere: 15e bot.of Catsup .....Jo 12c pkg, of .Serax.-...,.to No. 1 Perk and »**ne, rr tan .............J5* cans for...........Ztu per do*e»....... • • >'•'•» 29c Jar vf Oranoe ••«*-_ maladt .............1To 29c hot, «5HIW •*»©*...t«* S* pkj. •# tin* douWo- i pointed Toothpick* I « pan. â- for........,..•• loo a«a> mt mg^iim0. H SPBCIAL.8 FOR THUItSv DAV, OCT. 83. .-^^S"; ALL DAY. (No Phone or Mail Or- ders)- â-  â-  National Biscuit Co.'* pkg, Crackers: Nabisco, Social Tea, Arrow Root. Graham. Oatmeal ana allother 10c pk**., pk«...........------eVrO Potato Chips: Golden. crlip. per pkg..... .Wtfi Richelieu Catsup, „ 2F* bottle .......v..15o (Not more than 2 bot- tlco to a customer) Crystal Domino Sugar, amall nieces, a iu. 6o«............trc Crystal Domino Granulat- ed Sugar, 5 lb. box,.24c Ginger Snaps, fresh baked, per lb..;......7c Flo Bare, fresh baked. per lb............... Ginger Ala: Clicquot. 15c bottle for........ Fancy Selected Roes, per dosen ...........wo Oleomargarine: Swift's l»ren»lum. per lb.... .21c Ml mitt Tapioca . per pkg. .......•VaC Fancy Canned Tomatoes, ir.c can for............. Lady rinoera. fresh bakiMl; _p«r doaen... .He Baker's Premium Cheep* late, % lb..cake...14>/«e SPECIAU rOR SATU**. DAY. OCT. 28. 3 .So .So ISf3wm& Drugs Prescription* and pat*nt mwit- clnea alway* at etrt prle** Why waste mon*yT Buy your *Jriiejr» and toilet artl«»*s ****> No Mall or Pho»* Qwtors. 25c Talcott* BTgg Pto^itce.^lScr $1.00 Sal lac for the care o<___ Rheumatism at .......,;,â-ºâ€¢â€¢â€¢ B0c bot Atena Mineral -_^ Water ftt ,»••â- Â«Â»â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢'»*•â- Â»<• •"** $1.00 hot Scott'* Emulsion. .•*>© 75c hot. Moell**'* Pare Coo Liver Oil at ............•••» 25c box Laxative Bromo Quinine at ........... •... W* $1.00 bot. Uagee's Compotin* Cordial C. U. OU *t......»»*« $1.00 bot Tonic Syrup of HypophoBphltes at .......are 60c bot. Syrup of Flg» *»« ^_ 8enna at...............•»• *«C Wayne A Low Butter; per lb. ........«â-  • •'â- â€¢ Coffee Cakes, all kind each ............... Extra Selected Egga. B_ per itosea-----... • • • •*•* Nona delivered at this "" â- â- â- â- :>',•;•â-  price. :\;."-'. ::,â- ->â- ;-. Sptcial for Saturday A. M. 25tii m fTMhrore»a^Sat1af • Mckeas. any 4 Jj lam afeAperlsvâ€"1 •»af3 tkeMehiefMisauNt eesj- leetal at oar iswat narket SB rnh er i^^wdeeeat tMatriee. tatswitkys^ga**"* M*a**oclocs OsaMeavttv Wehateealr Men'slll1*! Combination Ovefallsip lcombia«»cl^ 8trof»g veA Iheavy grey mami»t. (JflA protection against i?wear and weathfi ,wi*f isave yi>ur clttth*»vwl'- wa>8$2.5<). lAnniversary Price, $1.58 rM;:. 44 bbl. sack........'â- Â« 1 ^r doseii ......,,WmW3mmmmmmmm*mmmmmmi^^\ %^. â-  ^mc*<^^^*m aHiMSisffl 'â- â-  ;.v,j^iaaciBs^ta^ ...... . . . â-  ..^ "is: ^. ^1»! jwiEiiaMikl ii^ rm&i

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