Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1913, p. 12

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:PP!HPii^P! 12 r:FW?mi.-$ â- wMi-S'^ ^*PiPe'::.' iP8p:H ^ff?lif3â„¢^Ii?SPlp|^l!^p|| THE LAKE SHGKK NEWS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913. ^^v.vbess'â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ":; " -*â- â-  '.-:•â-  T KEEP SHOPS CLEipiCT Director of Public Safety Hed- rick and Other Officials Start Cleanup Crusade In Evans- ton With Inspection. Chagain's soul-stirring quat- I Omar j rains. j Charles W. Clark, whose European | supceeses have matched those gained | in this country, will be heard in reci- , ta) on the evening of December 9. Mr. â-  - ' : ' : ; "â- â- 'â- " â- â- -â-  , Clark is regarded as the lirst of \t " .â- 'â-  ' . . ., n. . . ... s*> , . ^....American baritones and ranks with Nominated in the Big Automobile Contest up lull the greatest living singers. Mr. ciark*s 'ast appearance in Evanston was with j the Music Festival two seasons ago, and the many admirers of his art are i to be congratulated on this opportun- ity of hearing him in recital. Rosma Galli, premiere danseuse or .the Chicago Grand. Opera company, â-  and Leon. Sametini, Holland's greatest Be III to tent The Edgemere MedM rI % Monday Night at 6 P. M. and Number of Votes Cast tor Each up to That Hour. District No. 1 â€" the City of Evanston One 1914+Model, Fully Equipped, Five-Passenger Ford^violinist, are the artists enlisted for Touring Car and Nine Other Handsome Prizes the fourth concert of the series to Be Awarded in this ^District WOMEN WORKERS A general inspection of the teu bakeries in Evanston, which marks the beginning of a crusade for clean Jiness and fire prevention in these es- tablishments^ was conducted Fri- day afternoon by Director of Public Safety Walter C. Hedrick, Fire Mar shal Carl Harrison and Sanitary In („ spector A. W.- Hedrich. The findings ' of these officials will not be used at - Miss Loraine Wyman of New York . - j will be heard in a program of Old Miss Marguerite Niekrenz___.................../;................. 64,825 < Englfsh' Irlsn and French peasani Master Irvin Bard.................................*................ 295,230 80ng8, Mi8s Wyman was for some PI FANiMr* '* L- c,aPP-.................................................. 387,445 tJme PUpll of Mme. Yvette Guilbert in ULtrlN Ma8ter Thomas Fearing Turner............................ ....... 399,675 Parls »nd had the distinction of ap ' Mist Virginia Franklin...........................X,............... 316,025 j PearIn« with Mme. Guilbert in Paris Miss Amelia Sehriber................4...........,;;................ 390,175 iand Li)ndon- In this country she has Master Martin Benson............................................] 268,325 | sung with «reat success in New York. Mr*. Grace Lagemann..,_.,...,......,.____._______,____...^.i..... 413,125 ' NewP°rt and Bar Harbor. Miss Ethel M. Ormes.............................................. 296,450____________________ Mr. Harold Turnock............................................... 340,225) Miss Dorothy Edwards. . ] S&V016 I EVAnSTON CH U RCH M EN Mr«. F. O. Challberg............. ...................... ....... 402,675 1 umi m »*♦«♦♦<*» it 111 imhhimihii»m»»i>»i,ii 1â- â™¦|You Need Not I Want Ad Depai^mint The Lake Shore News TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 W1LMETTE 1487 Want Ads in the Like Shore News are charged it the following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7 V6 cents per line. All Other Classifications. 5 cents pef line. Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents i 111II ii 11 â-  it i in »â-  1111111111111 M»»ti' •* i â-  11.....;>m SITUATIONS WANTED aiTtM^lOX WANTED â€" EtaB8S- niaking^i»*«^familie^'"'"alEeration8, coats, dres^^>f^»U)^3181-V:, Ev- StTSTATION WANTED-ONE WHO. i/experienced will care^twrchildren _ew.Hom â- t her home hftle da£and furnish ranch for $1. B^me JJ^netka 723. 49w-2tc Chic Howe. | Matter John Boesiger. jMn. W. H. Blacker. .. Mr, E. C. Henderson. 139,750 262,850 334,230 92,175 VOICE RUSSIAN PROTEST this time to expose the conditions, fr^riS,^ ^^^^ mZ\ Current Events Class Members Mn. Ellen I. Scott Mr, B. Sullivan___ these places that they must observe the law regarding sanitary and fire prevention measures. The proprietors in a few of the places did not receive the inspection party in a cordial manner. In every place the bakers were very busy, Friday being the hardest day of the week on this class of workers. Incidentally it might be mentioned that with so much work ahead of them Friday Is also, „. _.. . A1- „, , the day when the most carelessness^'" e,l»bet» *!•*•* â- â-  â-  • •• exists, and the officials were given a M<it,er Ernmett "â- *»'•»•â- â-  goda opportunity of seeing the work- shops at their worst. Were Unwelcome. In one place, where four women were employed, considerable sarcasm was contained in statements made b> one of the women, supposedly the pro prietor of the place. The shop was as clean as a kitchen, and evidently the women bakers were much dis- turbed at the fact that their place should be inspected. "Must not have anything else for you fellows to do."; snapped the "bakeress." in comment-; ing upon the trio marching into her ! place. - j Of the ten bakeries visited three I were conducted by women. Each one J of these places was clean and only ' a few precautionary measures for fire • prevention were necessary. j In several of the bake shops much j rubbish was found stored firebox and also on top of the "This,must be cleaned Up,**' was the order given by Director Hedrick in â- iiejfxjise. "There is absolutely no 393,175; 12,150! Mr. George Winter, Jr..........___......____....................>. 239,625 Mr. C. L. Pattison.................................................. 38 625 Mrs. E- L. Estabrooks................ .............,,.............\r 256 175 Mils Martha Pape........................................ 376025 Mr.Claude M. Clssel................................................ 285^015 Mr, Douglass Dean.....................___....................... 137,325 Mr. Wm. O'Brien.............................,....,...'.[..'.'.'.'.,',... 389,825 Mr. \r\m. Sembach............................................... 158,475 ------..................-----........ 392.625 ................................... 150,775 Ml« Lucile Rubo.......................................; Mr. Joe Ivester...... ......... Matter George Carlson.............................. Matter Paul Aim...........-___........... Vaiter Albert' Lark..............................'.'.'.'.'/.'.'.'.'.'.'..... Mr. j C. ivanhoff.................!.....!......,.!. '•'.'." Mr. M. A. Clawson............... Protest Against "the . Blood Rjtuai." The Evanston- Congregational Cur- rent Events class, at its meeting Sun- day, voiced its protest against the in- famous accusation of "the blood rit- ual" made by the Russian authorities at Kiev against the poor Jewish watchman, Mendel Bellis. At the con- vnllt i elu8km of h*s tal* on "What the Old 4iiJKni World caa Teacn the New" on social 369 525 rVice* Mâ- r• Sherman Kingsley said 374 850' tbat Ru8Bia had always treated the 359125 !JeWS lnhumanly« and that it was al- SALE â€" PIANOS TAKEN IN ade on our 88-note player. We are selling naw^tenos-fiheaper than Chicago houjalsT | SeJ \s before buying. $350.00 Simpson 400.00 Vose & Son 400.00 Hallett & Dfvis 600.00 Steinway 350.00 Hohner.......... , Call and see our new F. 8. $195.00. Easy Payments, son Bros., 1522 Shermanav V ONE EACH IV'Ini In ill i~i Tirisl Mjiiltii'lttTn down shot guns; yftUt^^coWas^tor S12.60 cash. 112'ylfroadway, WllmelTe,."'ltp _,Ji»>j> /______________________^_______________________^ FOR SALJE â€" SEWING MACHINES taken m trade on our new Singer Rotary Why buy a cheap imita- tidn#hen you know the Singer is thr4#est? .$6.00 . 5.00 - 7.00 . 5.00 ic\jf........... 9.00 Wilcox & Gibffe................ 15.00 Almost new Singer........... 20.00 Also a large assortment of slightly used machines^ . Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. ' itc ^1 Domestic Standard White Singer, autor Tonic TreainH.ntB.r- provided mimoni^£^ m -~.. are not ill, w'*••***>» Ticket of Twelve Treatawnti,;".-.::*'" **" m Talking Machines ****** .9 80.00 . 125.00 . 135.00 . 165.00 . 150.00 "uMe at Patter- Evans- ton. Itc FORySALEâ€"BLA.CK MARI1AJBOUT 00 pounds^^araj^beWsound; 65. Phone AViltoette 89J-Y2. W &fii/ajtf£ $4 tf?*^.„ ^9w-3tc BOARD AND ROOM the class would pass a resolution ask- ing our Congressman and our Secre- tary of State to express to the Rus- sian ambassador at Washington our feelings about this matter. After Maat»r Morlsy Reading. Mr. W. IB. Horton....... ***r Ralph Norberg ^ww some discussion it was moved and sec- 356-175 ! WayS ,ooking £or a P^text for another j onded that Dr. McElveen be author- r massacre. The charge against Mendel J ized to convey to Congressman Thom- Beilis is absurd. The so-called "blood | son and Secretary of State Bryan the ritual" is not and never was apart of class's protest against this senseless 228,175 315,875 70,875 M^» Msrtha Bo'dt.............................................. 22,850 ' ceremonies of the Jewish religion, j and unfounded charge, and the class's M r. f. o. Brooke................... ___;___........ 378^425 \ Tn6 cnarge is a deliberate falsehood. I earnest plea that that infamous accu Mr. ernst. Vllella..... Mr. Emll Minch... ___ Mrs. E. King. . . Mist Frances Kernahan Mr. Vernon Brooks.... Mrs. (Catherine Ingalls.. Mr. Chat. Heppner..... 331^215 i Mr* Kin&ley called upon Dr. McEl- j sation against the Jewish race and re- 361^550! veen to 8peak and to Preside. Dr. Mc- Hgion be withdrawn by the Russian 378,125 i Elveen sald there is nothing la the authorities. 21,125 j 01d Testament or in any of the tradi- THE/TASBURY, 1554 aSBURY-AV ms eh suite with private batb and ingle rooms; ^jstollent jpjtatof; rates, room. incluMttg boafiuz v> $25 per week, ^pf F S*<rflefen- dorf, Phone 2392. 19-tf KINC^ RiPUpff VfMW*** cha Cnmgo in com Bet. loop, ehargm conntct, TlWl d'Mett. 10 C lutmmttal 4 Vtetl •â- Milt <ntanw|L jb FOMENTâ€"HOUSES FO^ RENTâ€"NEW rnished buag^ow, of Noyes-st. stjjlon EJfiHTROOM ie block east >ne 4227. Itc ^â- Â«. con«ultatiok msK 2d Floor. 619 Osvls St., Fvautaa Honn:9tol2.1to6(lallT. Tue. *TIim. w«Mtowl Interested la cilia Mrfhf, WANTED 341,675 409,175 415,325 District No. 2 Outside of Evanston t'ions of the Jews that could be inter-! preted as a "blood ritual." The charge is both unfounded and outrageous. It is an iniquitous falsehood brought against a pure religion and a splendid race. I have taken the trouble to read TZ^°n*!?U Model,FuUy Equipred, Five-Passenger Ford\*T£^£^ STES Touring Car and Nine Other Handsome Prizes to be Awarded in this District ivtis* Eiien Johnson, Winnetka............... Master Edward Hanson, Wilmette.......... Master Albert Forbes, Kenllworth............................ Miss Frances Fritsch, Highwood......................„..'..'.. Miss Marion McOmber, Wilmette.......... Master Wilbert Kadlec, Niles Center;............. Miss Katherlne Oahm, Winnetka............ ...... Mr. Alec Smith, Qlencoe..................................... Mr. C. C. SchulU, Wlfmettef; excuse for the neglect of placing this matter where it is likely to cause ;'-. Knows His 'Business.", Director Hedrick is an experienced, baker, but several years ago he quit the business. Being conversant with every feature ,of the business, he talked In terms jehich__w«reâ€"mest- " familiarlo the bakers. He told the bakery proprietors what would be ex- pected of them and how every chance was going to be given them to com- ply with the law before any drastic measures were adopted to enforce the sanitary law. in a few of the work shops, condi- tions almost beggar description. -The material which is used for pastry is cago. When next in Chicago don't carelessly stored and, although it was! tail to pay this shop a visit. stated that weekly scrubbing was and there is not a word ar.ywb.ere in those records which would encourage j anyone to believe that the Jew found â- 511,470 P!eas"r<* !t-#W»sj: Christian blood 44,340 or regarded any such service as pleas- ing to God. The manifest object or this charge is to have an excuse to massacre, innocent Jewish men, women and children. Evidently what the Rus 123,785 315,210 490,360 449,905 503,400!3,an authorities want to do is to stir 51239* Master Richmond Corbett, Kenllworth. Mrs. C, C. Flanders, R. F. D........... Mr. N. C Dally, Winnetka...... Mr. Ruiscll Lundquist, Winnetka..... Mr. James G. Barber. Wilmette........ Miss Ruth Rodenberg. Oak Park...... A. E. Arsenau, Roger8 Park........ . Wellington Quirk, Rogers Park. ....... up racial prejudice and,bias, and their 431,370 ,make that the excuse for dealing cru- 427490 elly with the^ Jewish people. 495,215 Mr. Kingsley spoke again and said 400,810 that the class was not speaking in fa- 92,490 vor of any religion, but in the name 410,280 j of humanity, and that he hoped tbat I NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS â-  22-620) V â-  •"-â- â€¢â- â- V-, -4*! -----'------------------------------- 24,610 j \.,-,' â- â-  ;^% 390,249 MISS TURNER TO WED. Miss Dorothy Turner, formerly of Evanston, will be married on Satur- day, October 25, at her home in St.! Louis, Mo., to Mr. Wilbur Fisk War- J ner, Jr., of that city. Miss Charlotte B. Betknap of Evanston will be maid of honor, and Mr. Lee Watte Buckner! of K^kwood, Mo., will be best man.! Litt&fEleanor Turner, sister of the J bri«l|jkwill be flower girl. Mr. and' MrsJ/Warner, Jr., will go east for an extended wedding trip and will be at home in St. Louis after December MARY Phone Evanston 1259 ON 620 Clark St MISCELLANEOUS ri»E INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL INSUR- Ince Company of -LiverpooLJargest fire insuranc^^comiarfrin the -LiverpooLJar I'elmigsv house! world, instt^s^elrfHgsv household goods, renfTjfl^eryhpaaBaf. Charles A. Wight^nfn ft^To., resid«nt agents. Phone 203. itc A PROMISE. Sam Sack, a Chicago peddler, was "fined $t and costs Friday by Po lice Magistrate Boyer for peddling without a license. He paid and de- clared he never would enter the con- fines of Evanston again. NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Pennsylvania Oil Co, t J&f EVANSTON ill rWe handle oils ai greases fo^jkitoi biles and^nLort i vehicjtSj, SpeciJl Ford Oil^ cessfmlly triec Ownfrs. Our Cvanston' location enable* prompt attention to orders. mti 93$ SHERMANAV. Telephone 1391 AT THE EVANSTON WOMAN'S CLUB a conducted, the dust-coated boxes and 'r\ floors belied the statement. In one shop the quarters were so crowded that it was almost an impos- sibility to move about without run- . , ,_, , ning Into pans of bakery goods. The A remai*ably interesting series of ventilation and light in this place was Pi?â„¢" SLa8,b?n Planned â- Â«â€¢Â» the the worst of any place visited. ! Evening Muscales" to be given at No threats were made, but it Is jthe Eâ„¢1810* Woman's club under the understood that one more chance will iâ„¢afa^menf °f ****' Charles F- be given the bakery men to clean i Jâ„¢?1 and ^r0fiEâ„¢,°f ^culated to -their -places. A final Inspection wiU j Sl ffen the "re,d jiness men be made shortly and then conditions! tofS,/iVfm ?if? entertainment. as found will be revealed to the â€"* ' Llugi Gal11' Italy8 mo8t -.lie. ,-â€"â€"â€"«»«_ :':â- â- . A general classification of all the bakeries regarding sanitation is the plan of Director Hedrick following tho final inspection. This will give the public complete information concern- ing the sanitary bakeries and thos* who may be careless in the workshop .methods. "I do not want to work a hardship on any baker," said Director Hed- rick, "but they must keep their places clean and free from inflamma- ble material which might cause a con- flagration. This can be done without any added expense and little trouble, and it must be done." guished pianist, will appear at the first concert. Signor Galli Is a very great interpretatlyeâ€"artistâ€"Heâ€"is master <of a superb technique but makes it subservient to his art. His playing is distinguished by Its poetry and color. LIzi Lehman's masterpiece, "In a Persian Garden," will be given at the second concert by "The Artist Quar- tette," with JVfme. Johanna Hess- Burr, whose musical direction always insures the success of any artistic un- dertaking. The revival of this great song cycle has created a widespread dlstin-' Interest especially among lovers of HP' '.'.' A UNIQUE SHOP. â- â- ','. ||s- One of the finest of the many fine §f. shops' for men's, boys' and children's :|' clothes on Wabash avenue is that or || Walker & Hartman, located on the || second floor, 19 North Wabash ave- |3 cue, Shops Building, ' Chicago. The p casual shopper Is considerably sur- || prised on catering this establishment p to observe not only the wide range |J of exclusive novelties for men, boys pand children, but the way in which || they are shown. P The decorations just completed are fete fitting set for the goods shown, and â-  â- the entire atmosphere.Is quite differ- ent from that of even the best depart- ment store. walker it Hartman are doing con- siderable to make Wabash avenue one of (be best shopping streets in Chl- ^.;'â- 'â- <â- " -' -"lilt- ^:^^^SfeS-9ii|S^S8 ELEPHOkE service is not nor can it be made alWy^perfect.; It fails occa- everything else goes sionally just wrong at \/r~. â- ... Where it is 8QJ? perfect reach 85%. \^1iere it is ta get it to^0% perfect You areyfielping and can help mok When : fails you, call up &e J3hielvOpera- I • steps will be taken immediat^ to vent - a; repetition. t^m^M^B:3 I Chicago Telephone Company ; H^B. Gates, Dist. Manager :l-^;:;;fefr|:^ Telephone 9903" ^^r^^M Blectric Needle the only .Cure. F«ce. Arnw.Ntclr. Eyebrow*. Mol« and Wrsrt* Inventors of the 5-Needle Method- (Ov«r 20 Years' In bad eases we use I time, and remove 2£ hour; 60 is thetimit wi< Our MethodLo>tBYoir â- he Mei nopain-Jno harks1 We Ruarant J to destroy evesfbair we treat. ShouMany return w^wlll gladly remove tti-iwVee of Cbarare. Our Motto, liberality. Honest Dealing; We guarantee satisfaction. S! 00 W convince y<»u. • Consultations invited. (Pree.) Write for Booklet B. Mme* Stiver _ 14M Auditorium Tower Chicago I Ttl. Nairiton 4223 56 East Congress St { 3 Shore Sanitarium PMltlty tm the8nceessfulTwitmtaitof fmnsai «*•* I Grsd«»te 2337 Sherman Ave. Bvaraton. m. â-  Telephone Evanston 2818 '_ TalipsyHyacinttas, Wsrds| LOUIS Phone 2050 Evanston EC 820CHUKCH St-i to BOY3 AGAIN. The police were called upon warn Clarence Savage, 1312 Chica*0 $•: avenue, and Lester Cleary, 1520 Se?& |& wick avenue. Chicago, two 14-year-oW ?*- boys.-against the promiscuous use °r|g;. aling shots in Evanston, ?r\Aa.y. ^ Several window panes in two ?ac*n* ^ houses at 1316 and 1318 Chicago a**- | , nue were broken by the youths. »o ;|? prosecution was conducted when t"e j|g parents promised to replace w*^|p broken glass.;v:'-M-.':-::y ^'-^{v^^^^^i

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