â- :'i?mFV-' â- ij^ppjpjp^ mm- THE.LAKE SHORE NEWS. TWRSDAY?ScfOBER $0,1813. Miasms^mm '»;l"l»»rieif »., llencoe Suffragists Resent Statement Made By Critic About Servant Problem [*?M^N| rominent ^qual^Sttffrage,l»^ers in North Shore Suburb ******* m played for sale, Dinner will be served and entertainment given each even* tog, ' ::v';M];,?; â- â- 'â- ;-V^^^r^^r?^ Say Thdt Homes There 4reJVell Maintained That Capable Servants Are Employed. and IS ftps. Precf W. 2\ir\g It is with no little spirit tjiat mem- bers of the Glencoe .Equal* Suffrage Ijssociation resent the criticism Iwhich has been, heaped upon women Iwho have now been given the right [to vote by certain persons because [they have not yet solved the servant Iproblem. One of these critics Is E<1- |rard S. Martin, who has made state- Intents in his recent book, "Reflections lot a Beginning Husband," declaring while political difficulties have Ibeea solved by the women they have |failed to solve the servant problem. The Glencoe suffrage workers point Jiriih great pride to the well-managed [homes of 'flic equal suffrage women I of that village who have been promt- jnent in promoting the cause. Chiet [among these the home of Mrs. Sher- man M. Booth is cited. It is said that I the maintains a charming home and she has never experienced any I difficulty in obtaining competent maids and nurses to care for her two chubby- faced boys while she journeyed to Springfield and elsewhere to battle I for the equal rights cause. â- obituary; . Christian Eckel. : Christian Eckel, aged CO years, died Miss Ellen* Cox spt'iit the week laj8t ttis home, 893 Oak street, early â- Milwaukee, the guest <>-relatives, i Wednesday morning. Mr. Eckel wafi S. A. Gass returned Friday from a ^a painter and decorator and was well hunting trip at Lake Ir'oygan. . known in Winnetka, being in business The Mystic Workers gave a dauce' here ' for a number ,ot years. Mr, at. the Woman's club Tuesday even-i Eckel is survived by one sister. The ing. x jtuneral was held yesterday afternoon, The gymnasium e'Ubs for women! \ â- â€"-â€"~-------â€".â- ;, , â- *â- ' . /; will open at the "Woiinius cluft nexti, A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. w<?pk. J ^When next In Chicago don't fail to Miss Ruth Newhall returned last]try one of King's famous dinners or week from a year's residence in Oak-; suppers, and should your visit be on land, OaV. Sunday the 10-course table de hote for Mrs. A. G. Sayles gaw* a reception [ V5 cents is renowned and tea Friday afternoon to three! Vor the past twenty-five years thin hundred guests. I restaurant has been located on Fifth Announcement has bvn\ made of the l/venue between Madison and Wash- marriage-ot Mre." Etta Ityan of WinyjWton, 32 North Fifth avenue, and netka and Mr. John Noheityof coe. Jean Fox, daughter of Mrs". C. A. Fox, will entertain a company of little fi iends at a Hallowe'en party Friday afternoon. , \ . Mrs. Deiphia Culver, superintendent of the Juvenile court detention"ho; gave a very interesting talk at the Woman's guild Tuesday afternoon. Miss Caroline Ekeinwi and Walter 'â€"IrGr-Shaw-w^iH-be-marFieil-afe-the-home-- of the bride Saturday, November 1. They will reside in Chicago. Robt. Clavey celebrated his fifteenth birthday" Thursday, October 23, by en- tertaining a number of his friends in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Krebs, 1041 the only restaurant occupying an entire building. The motto of this establishment has been to furnish its J patrons with the'best the market at-] fords and at all times to serve pure food. When next in Chicago don' fail to try. one^of these famous tfklej de" hote dinne Fhrin* Ltna^fn 4143 1>ru bajrrnaonablt MR^EM** ANB EfcSEN W. CATlRCRf J nrtfttatrnjMtnufLflUlllnrrta) Ml «t Y<«r ItM 1S30> Lincoln Al*nu* ' Chtrngo lassM.eMons at or Jfjjsidences Barry avenue, Chicago, announce the j SPECIAL WIICIS and lESffttnilTIOII GIVENtaCHILORil birth of a son. Mrs. Krebs is the TRIAL LESSON FREE daughter of Mr. Albert Clyde of Olen-! coe- Telephone Harrison '2802 V Miss Charlotte Cornell entertained I the primary department of the Union fVladame church at the residence of her father, pant»Jffln, Rev. I). H. Cornell, Friday afternoon. rt|«t-jr *~*"i Fifty-seven children wre in attend- ance. Mr.andMme.lieleifi'sFrenchScWj- - A „g^p\*m 1246 VjStsON Afc. i ]2}fâ„¢t Arts Bldo, | w. A. Til O I\.0 £# N c ^ Private* either SiHdii Live Jpui id Tegpftng iTeric ' \A einberg Dresses 832 R State ftr Adami Sti »h.+« tS3vK e. eood^peedr. the Glencoe Suffrage association, la authority for the statement that th« homes of all the suffrage advocate* in that village are well managted. She gives as another example the well-kept home of Mrs, E. C. Good- speed, secretary of the organization. Mrs. GoodspeeiHs tire mother of three handsome and healthy children, but with all her family cares she finds in managing the household affairs. "The women who are active in suf- frage work are more democratic than others'who are not enthusiastic," con- tinued Mrs. Sherwin. "Take Mrs. Fred W. King; she is a perfect mother, and with all her home affairs she Tinas tirrre Ttrtalte im active-part in our suffrage work. And her home is a charming social center, kept as much time to devote to equal suffrage j spick and span as can be, with the work. household machinery running with "Mrs. Goodspeed, the mother of j perfect smoothness. three lovely children, is another who j "I know the average servant does finds that the servant problem is one not like work in suburbs, but in Glen- which can be solved satisfactorily," [coe we make our homes attractive for said Mrs. Sherwin in talking of the j them. Then, too, the most of the subject. "I could name many other jimmes are built upon the plan where- Clcncoo. tmfTrne? 7â„¢i""° »hf> »™inst iliv the wives can do their oivn houae-_ aa nnttvA and whn find little trouble i work if so pressed." Mrs. E. J. Sherwin, vice-president of | as active and who And little trouble PREPARE FOR BAZAAR. The Woman's guild of St. AugUR- tines Episcopal church Is preparing to hold an unusually elaborate and at- tractive bazaar at the Ouilmette Coun- try club on Dec. 2 and 3, afternoons and evenings. It will be known as The Holiday Shops and will be a cosr tume affair. The club rooms are to be partitioned off and made to repre- sent various^ kinds of shops, upon whose counters all sorts of unusual and attractive Xmat gifts will be^is- unes fllrtr 1117 MjpMfSt., Bf&nston Telephonctf&0«ston 3476-3 and 449 Official Tuner So?Worthwe8t«m School of Music What People Are Doing:; ~ in Hubbard Woodsâ€"* Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Northup'left Sat- urday for Rustel, 111., to spend a week with friends. The Young Woman's guild of the Mi B. church will meet at tfce home of Mrs. Fred Harae tomorrow afternoon, Miss Clara Smith of Rockefeller, 111, l» a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I'm. Damn'er, on Linden avenue. Mrs. j. a. Jajnieson entertained at her Loam lust Friday afternoon with a large r.<-.option and tea. Mrv.and Mrs, Jno. H. Scovllle enter- toed Mr. and'-Mra. Robt. H. Adams »ad Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penfteld'of Chi- «fo Suinl.-iv. Mr. and Mrs, J, McCarthy returned Friday from their wedding trip and •feat home to their many friends on Ifoodlawn avenue. Mr. Cy iHiVry, director'©! the Lin- «dn Park Zoo, gave an illustrated lec- ture at Community House gymnasium Saturday . vening, October 25. The many friends or Dr. and Mrs. Ballinger. who have recently returned torn a southern trip, gave them a very «tlightful surprise party Saturday wening. M.; -â- ,: Mr. A. H. Chas. Dally <*eturned Sat- "day from Philadelphia and the east »»d left again Sunday evening for an Mended business trip through the Ca- ""Jlan northwest. *â- • and MrB. J. T. Pringle of Mil- *wkee and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Sloan ^Chicago and Mr. Horace Wing and 1 of Evanston were "Week-end Meets of Mr. and Mrs. -wiillain Prin- >l* of. Hubbard Woods. £d *• ^ ChStfl«l4 sold hisTresftfence on «Wand avenue to Mr. Layman of the wnois Trust and Savings Bank of wcago. Mr. Layman is now a rest S °f ^aGrmgev but will move im- mediately to Hubbard Woods. . . â„¢e ,a«ies of the Ladies' Aid society 'â- we North Shore M. E, church held if If* lnter«*ting afternoon meeting ^»e home of Mrs. John Heath Tues- .;• ^ey are making preparations °r the annual bazaar to be held In the I «T, tottire. The ladies are very en- plastic and have subscribed *2,OO0. : to««e building ftmi^sr^^,,^ I Mr. Allbright of Hubbard Woods is to entertain the Woman's Library club of Glencoe at his famous log cabin studio this evening. Miss Hester Washborne, formerly of Winnetka, is to take part in a benefit performance at the Evanston Country club this afternoon and even- ing. Miss Washborne will lead a group in folk dances and interpretive fancy dancing. Monotonous Routine. "Anything new at your boarding;_ house?" "Not a thing, either in grub or gossip."_______ â- M. EILEEN LONG Dramatic Hrt Vocal Culture aflejpamtnfl altx/fffeo-*trp, ttt. Open l)«jr nnd Evening Power* Bull ding. Suit* 1301,37!) W«b««h Ave. (ktr.Monro*St., hir*go Phom Central 3482 _____ The Merchant^ Loan^ "^ „ ""Trust Company. 1913 Statemen tof Condition at Commencment of Business October 22,1913 RESOUR^feS Loans and Discounts..................-.^........-...»••,#....... Bonds and 'Mortgages................. f- g J ^'758,$ 1*5^ Due from Banks and Hankers.... Cash and Checks forClearing Houa </. iO'-i Capital Stock Surplus Fund Undivided Pro! Reserved for Deposits ., Co Fa FRANK H. ARMSTRONG, Reid Murdoch & Company- . , FNMM BARTON, ChaimMin Bwd of EN°toe^W^n:El«lric Company, CLARENOT A. BURLEY, Attorn- ? Bn* HENR^P/CROWBit. President Quaker - .Oats Coi „ WILLIAM A. G, A North ELBERT " LIABH\r^#* nterest and Taxes... 132,451,391.22 11,790,190.01 â- 22,201,440.02 $WJ,6U3,UZ1.85 .$ .8,QPO,(K)0.00 O.fMiO.00. 1,287.744.38 2(»3.304.92 56.1U1.972.55 lySherwood Music School Founded by Wm. H. Sherwood 712 Fine Arts Bufidini Organ, Hariouy, Counter ition, Vocal, Violin, Music, Musical His- of Expression. For catalogue address JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue at-'O. E. TUTTLE,0pt8Bictrijt of eyo trau nvrvousand rder* â€" he«d- ass, etc. I|» i»*_ corroctl1' U»" work it eoNtuEVKtioN r«« 3d Floor, 619 DmyU St.,4viOst»JI Hours: Oto 12,1 to&dallr. Toe. *TTbur.eT«».,7to(i» TTE.NTJON! Phoat is I Afnt H, and III idl j ILWORTH A 7 YEARS of conthud *utinttt, *\w*f* *i*i** T * tk» t*st valatt for thm if»t ««»•>. *«• prompud ju to ask jo« to_«i«*« yvtr Cltrittm** pareluuttmr lycdwar Dllfconds.W 132 No. S**d tor on* of Mr. mm- «•**/*(•. SITRICHT DOWN ANDORDEJ CORINNIS WAUXESH Try it tnd see how mj thai Don't trttg to mere filt^j You caJrnive this pure Corini tonorroi lictous this lied or boilei ^^ h clears wtterVMoef aot pvrify it& ^•ttkesht spriag w»ttf <m yo»r "*'»g i postal *^%,^^f0fc- â- 'if! LOOR Washington 6trwt Wit; t3We»p> Talkim phonogra crtale BpRe 1 alon\pne sho; Phone Winn, JAME lachines -*""** Ckunei I apply on pur- liveries made at Winnetka. Central 3807 ONS CHICAflO $o6,5"03,U21.86 EPARTMENTS lalâ€"Savingsâ€"Trustâ€"Bond oan-Toreign Exchange Vice-Pre8,dpnt CY national Harv^ter. C«.Mii|r ' _ SEYMOUR MORRIS, Trustee L. I. LelUn- jOTHJ!*a!:RU»rNBLLS. President PuUmin EPwTrTl. RYERSON. Chairmin^ Board E«f Directors Joseph T Ryerjon 4 Sj»n. JOHN G. SHEDD. Preaident Marihall Field A Company, ORSON SMITH. President. ALBERT A. 3PRAGUE. IU Vice-Preaulent Sr>ra»oe. Warner 4 C5n>P?n',' „ . MfiR, President GHieano Railway Co. „../. Ch«lrm»n Board of â- ited Statu Steel Corp -n. ULBERT. Vlee-Frwtd^nt. ? REP. Trustee Mauraball Field MOSES OFflC'RS FRA^G, NEISOK. V^Pr-^nt% W THOMPSON. M«t. Farm Imh Dept. G P DEANS. Mrr. Foreiurn.pwa^BMt F. HARDIE. Mana»« Bond Department JOHN E. BLUNT. JR.. Vl< P. C. PETERSON, '•uhiT C. E. ESTES, Assistant Csihier 112 West Adams Street rgnv. Munro >icc Specialist .--- WJMm 4177 5« l V*> NMI ST. Pupils fitted forCliurch, Recital, Con cert, Ora- torio, and Opera, Four thoroughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils booked at any time. Mr. Munrotestsall voices and supervises all work. LADIES' TAILORED MADESUITS Cut to Your Measure 2 d manMip guMt- anteed^Jja^H- 8igne£0§r*naker of gowns and suits for women JOSEF POCIUS Suite 832 Republic Bldg. State and Adams St. CHICAGO Harrison 2802 The New eneoe abs, Saddl i and [eneral Te Expressing Telephone 98 A* F. VOLTZ, Pro HINCKLEY & SCHMITTane Tel. Evanston 980 ::: ' GAS BEST AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST. AND MOST CONVENIENT LIGHT I jfftC LIGHTS FOR STORE? //SPACES. INCANDESCE THE HOME HEATE PUBL 1 RAN TER HFA RVIClf^OMPABr RTHERN ILLINOI SUCCESSORS'TO * The Northeastern G^s Light and Coke Co- 1611 Benson Avenue. Evanston TELEPHONES 89-90 ^g "' All firing Gutrtnteed ectric Shop HAR WIRI ) /MOK'K'l AJa^hcljui line of sew :"r and aecoo<l-hand STOVES, RUGS and HO0SEH Sscond-hand Furoit io«4-o • MKH-liv t*-v Â¥\' TU1E all Styles at Hatf Price and evluuigvd rei. f--p;/o,vf; t » RING GLENCOE, ILLINOIS phone Vlnnetaa 587 Phone Glencoe 190 Staple a Fruits an ARRYLYNN ncy. Studio Room, 30,1 Mum* WilmettaMS nAHOOLIN A O TAOOMT Norih Shore Trust Company STATE BANK CAPITAL, roved North land Park, a {epQsitior and mn 0,000 Is than aix months fples on which it pays Makes loans on Irs Park to Hi Sutity, Isaacs Certif in deuotninatiot foar percent intj .; Q OflTers for investment, estate, netting tj suras of $500 at OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. Fred Mcdnif*. Pr«'««!«nt Ohakries A. Wtghimsa. Tiee-Prealdeat Ira J. (leer, Conmtel R.O/KeU»r Arthur W. Ve»r«oa,'.;JSaiJiiar. irst. mortgages btor five SenJTfor list. Banking Rooms Cantrml Avmhm and SfaarMaa Road AKTtft'tt W^«RCOK CaohUr HifKlaaWI Pork, B&»«Ia