Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1913, p. 8

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mmmwmm IPPiWfiP"^ tHK tax* m<m*i*mt* TnuttsD^.mvmMS^%t^ ERCIAL TO ASSIST IN » STATE MEETING OF 'Committees Are Appointed From the City Council I and Evanston Commercial Association to ":;â- &Assist Club Committees.;":;£i>l iiiiii................... OFFICIAL PROGRAM IS DECIDED UPON FOfc MEET tn order to make the entertainment ol the Illinois State Federation of Woman's clubs a city affair as well as a club affair the Evanston board asked the city council and the Evanston Commercial association to appoint a men's auxiliary to co-operate in carry- ing out the plans. The following com- mittees have been named: From the city councilâ€"Mr. Sher- man Kingsley, Mr. Frank Dyche, Mr- James Turnock, Mr. W. F. Burns, Mr. Samuel Topliff...... From the Evanston Commercial as- sociationâ€"Mr. C. D. Macpherson, Mr. W. J. O'Connell, Mr John Victor Lee, Mr. A. H. Bowman, Mr. Peter Rand- lev, Have Been Generous. These gentlemen have been most gracious and interested in their atti- tude and assure the board of their hearty co-operation. The offers of Jielp from the Commercial association have been very gratifying to the board. They have generously voted a contribution of $150 to the entertain- ment fund and In addiMon to this have assumed the erltire charge of the decoration of the city. They will also see to the transferring of the delegates' baggage from, the station^? the homes of the hostesses, a very great help to the trains committee. • The committee from the city coun- cil will endeavor to have the streets and alleys in order for inspection and will give special attention to the crossings in case of bad weather. It is the aim of the men and women working for the entertainment of the federation to make this nineteenth annual convention the greatest and best ever held in the history of the organization. i ;;s;:^--".-" â-  Program One of Interest. v >v;The program promises to be one of great interest. It has not yet come from the printers but the chairman of the program committee makes the following announcement: .,.,..,.-.,* ^;|^|p^^5-Wovember 1V -: v". ;â- 'â- .'..' p|r4>->lnvo*aiiohâ€"Dr. McEIveen.' . /:, ilHil^lruesday Morning, Greetingsâ€"Mr*. ffpf John Harper Long, Mr*. Rttfus C. |pS-Dawes, Hon. James Smart, f^Mrs. Iflf; Frances Everett.' W®$~ Responseâ€"Mrs. Frederick A. Dow. 1^? Reportsâ€"Credentials, Mrs. Thomas '!!©!.White; program, Mts. John C. Swin- g§j# son; president, Mrs. Frederick A. IfSSfDow; recording secretary. Mrs. J. ||i;*Kibben Ingalls; corresponding secre- !§§&Bary, Mrs. C. B. Hull; secretary a F. ||S£tW. C, Mrs. Minnie Starr Grainger; p|||auditing, Mrs. Morton Thompson; lo- pSrfcal board, Mrs. C. E. Clifton; trans- it importation, Mrs. Chas. Young. ' ! Tuesday Afternoon. Department of Pure Foodâ€"-Mrs. James C. Long, Geneva; speaker, W. tm:,:t. Scott Matthews, state food commta- |§#lB'!oner.--.......- - ...........â- '------......~~~ |||M\ Vice-president's Sessionâ€"Mrs. John â-  Harvey Brown; viee-president-at- i-s^.large presiding. ' W-^MM Tuesday Evening, ^'f-^-^i. Reception. Wi ..i MfStrHK Wednesday, Nov. 12. ^ Nominations. Reportsâ€"Revision committee, Mrs. Andrew Caldwell; Park Ridge School for Girls, Mrs. Frederick K. Tracy, Legislative Departmentâ€"Mrs. B. E. Page; speaker, Hon. Seymour Sted- mnn; subject, "Women and Legisla- tive Work." Conservation Department, Mrs. F. W. Blockl. • Luncheon at First Presbyterian church; speaker, Mr. Jens Jensen.. Wednesday Afternoon.^ • Department of Art, Mrs. Stephen M. B. Hunt; Dudley Crafts Watson, lec- turer. Department Library Extension, Mrs. Robert Bruce Farson. Department Civics, Mrs. Moses Pur- Peace Compass, M«- John Harvey Brown, Dr. Louise Harold, Mrs, A. Kendleman; Resolutions, Mrs. Minnie Starr Grainger. Introduction of new officers. Federation song, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." Adjournment. Mrs. Carl Williams, chairman of the location committee, Is still working with the problem-of providing plans for all the delegates. Some club mem- bers art generously doing more than their share in this entertainment • work, will not those who have not yet j volunteered to take delegates, tele- phone to Mrs. Williams their desire to have a part in this work? The neigh- boring clubs are responding In a _„,_.___^, _*>„__. splendid manner. The Wilmette and {SITUATION WANTED Kcnllworth clubs are providing for be- I ^k^ertence on watots,jsul tween seventy-five and one hundred delegates" each and the Rogers Park, North End and Ravenswood clubs are all caring for a largeppber of guests. Money has also bei^b sent in from these clubs to help ^expense of pro- viding for the visitors. The clubs in the Tenth district i$icb are too far away to help in thejhatter of enter- tainment will contrlt&te money to be used for this purpose. IE* LaKe ShorcPNews! ; TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 5S5 WILMETTE J4S7 * Waal Ads in tie Like Store News ire charged it the followiag flies Resl£sUteCIa»ifkauo«s,7^ceatoiiefJiae. ,r All Otfcer CLwsifkttiosj, 5 ceatt petha*, m -MMM r MiamWm Price, 15 ceatt. No advertiseoeat cktfged for less t**n 25 cents mm......iiiiinHMiiiiiiii""""1" SITUATIONS WANTED HIGH SCHOOL FUTURE AIRED AT MEETING (Continued from Page 1.)'ir;'- m Department Civil Service, Mrs. Wll- Ii«m Severin; Mrs. Alexander A. Mc- cormick, speaker; subject, "Civil Serv- ice in Our Institutions." Wednesday Evening. IHjblic Health and Education De- partment) Dr. Mary McEwen and Miss Laura Evans: address, Dr. w. c. Bag- ley, University of Illinois; guest of honor, Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, super- intendent of Chicago public schools. Thursday, Nov. 13. Business elections. ^v;'^:'.^.-./- Reportsâ€"General Federation En- dowment Fund, Miss Jessie Spafford,* 'the Chicago Biennial, Mrs. Geo. Bass; the Illinois State Association of Nurs- es^ Department .Industrial and Social Conditions,"Miss Harriet Vittum; De- partment Philanthropy, Mrs. P. O. Johns. Thursday Afternoon. Reportsâ€"Committee on Resolution, Mrs. Minnie Starr Grainger; Depart- ment Household Economics, Mrs. t Henry A. Morgan. 3 o'clockâ€"Symposium, "The New Civic Duty of the Club Woman;" speakers, Mrs. Catharine Waugh Mc- Culloch, Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trolit, Mrs. Sherman Booth, Mrs. Antoinette Funk, Mrs. Medill J^cCormick, Miss Jane Addams^^r Thursday. Eveniiui.-^^*^ Music, "Illinois' Composers," Prof. Constance Barlow Smith. A Capella Choir, Northwestern uni- versity; soprano, Sibyl Sammls Mac- Dermld; tenor, John B. Miller; con- tralto, Jennie'F. W. Johnson; violin. Jessie de Vore; organ, Katherine Howard Ward; pianists, Carolyn Wil- lard, Arne Oldberg; accompanist, Marx E. Oberndorfer and chorus, River Forest Woman's club, conductor, Mrs. Philomen B. Kohlsaat. ; Friday Morninj^l^-,,^?:* Business. . v Reports â€" Department Literature and Reciprocity, Mrs. George Palmer; teratjons. Phone/ 3181-W, WORK WAlfofiD BY TJIE HOUR BY expert-houseman and gardener. O. Guldbech, P.. Ifi^-Box 165, Gross Point, III. v A. . „ ltp EXTRA GOOD COOK ifcANTS SITU- atlon in private home; images very reasonable. Address Marj^ Gala, 1153 W. Superior-st., Chicago. FOR SALE and consequently cannot put any work on the blackboards in advance for their classes. , ; Says School is Well Located. ~/:in advocating the plan favored by the school board be gave as his rea- sons that the school is centrally lo- cated. To make this clear to his hearers he produced a spot map show- ing the homes, olf the students. Using the Xorthwestern road as a dividing line this map.'fndicated that the pres- ent building is almost exactly in the center of the high school population. He then told of the improvements that will be made if the bond issue carries. With an addition such as planned he believed there would hi room enough to take care of all the students for the next twenty 'years or until the enrollment had reached the 1,200 mark. He remarked that it is his belief that 1,200 studejjftt are all that can properly be cared for in one, building, and 'that when-this^number has been reached it would ie best to build another school in aaothef" sec jtion of the city and I still „ another shpuld, warrant It, Jlrs. Patten said thiat she wai not worrying about, what willr happen it the bond issue carries, but rather ^ about what will happen should ine|FQR voters vote it down. slf«v then reit- erated the statements* of Meiiira, Gef ould and Beardsley. Mr. Patten, *fhen called upon, said Jt was simply a^ case of taxation. He then went ahead and fishbtved the difference in cost to, the citizen^ if the $250,000 bond Issue was accepted or if the plan to build a large school was decided upon. Dwight H. Perkins, a prominent citi- zen of the North End and former archlt.ept,for the Chicago board of edu cation, who claimed he has made FOR SALEâ€"PIANOS TAKEN IN trade oh our new 88-note players. TheBe used pianos are overhauled and guaranteed for/five years. $360.00 Sterling/___1.1.......$ 85.00 400,00 ^allettT* Da«si.:.... 130.00 400.0jf Leland J L/an U/Heal y. 150.00 60jyo SteinwaVfjr Sons...... 165.00 OuWide player^Srith 60 rolls.v 26.00 350.00 New F. S. Cable.......195.00 Easy payments. Patterson Bros., |522 Sherman-av., Evanston. '"'."-^lto FQR SAL|HSPRATTS NO. ha^mner, $6; dog kennel, Used in- , side^SffjQutside with ruMJeroid, $5; : RemingtdhNtouble^Barrel shotgun, gauge 10, hard>tf^er, $10; 130 vols. War De^artinent oWcjal records of Civil W^fwith maps oT~batUeflelds, color*dt\||l5.*| 2661; OiTingfoqcav., nstonv "*',':-'. FOR SALSâ€"USED .,~chines,r overhauled, ;t-^;iave jwrtt'. .. si»gejr.ii^;> D*niBtic ' :|;. NsUr Home |.. Wheeler * Will Singer, almojBt new. "Wilcox & Gibbs. follow this. witli Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-i .,;t|ie:'.attendance -â-  -anston.S^^||:;|;|^": FIVE-ROOM HOUSE baaeffietitj^^icken house and shed| ipn'^Mgey(vrVnd Harri- n-st. I&^re^ete^plert, P. O. Box 29, Grfss Point. ltc 36BcKy why more given the public of tthe Other spesSers, including R. Clar a ]ence .Brown, ,'C W. Cartwright. Frank careful study.of the question, took the ,K McCulloch, Hiram McCullough and floor, following the other speakers, {Alfred H. Gross, asked pointed ques- and directed a number of questions . tlooa, which were answered to a more to the members of the school board [oj^ less extej which be stated he would Itfcfer to have ^ardsley ani answered. Among these were a num- was exnloded' ber as to other Sites for the school, Patten clashe the expense of acquiring the land to versation the the south of tlie present building and tureT of the SEEING MA- mranteed for ROOMS AND „., cheap. Phone 0Wwt|f * has not been concerning the plan ; by Messrs. Gerould, Patten. A mild bomb rhen Messrs. Gross and over a previous con- tad held as to the fu- iooI. ^ YJAGGBSEN, Announces H& â- ; . La Cetobre and Vafitable^:":%;:^ S Maxixe BresitjeiitKii ^ „ .:. - â- . ' TkfJUU* Of tk* km'; .< ^,JW" "J'^c-:/;-/poetic Hesttatton^';r. :•'..;r.â- , Tango Argentine! *StfiaiTrkt«« to eM* »nd' prtntt |tMiir«to»r O>0d]r9s'Bc!MaMS*tiurdafa.2u»dS p.m.." I-; W^ao'sOtaftt, Wite»tt«. jtssg;-:;^.; C. HfiNttY JACGBSEN Schooi of Dancing and Atsthttit* Biottri»a»ai.to5p'm.. E»t»blfifc«d uas Change of Operation of Northwestern E.FFECTIVE 1913 !??«* was ted Railroads ^nece$^ar^ by the irtauguiration on Tftrough Routes between Northwestern 'r*? JTOR. FULI+WmilCULARS B*^. r$r.t: â- **Hr 1KH4NERFROM TICKET AGENT ill Ssfftll Elemental before six wiiAu^Port or strain. If intereated,;m$ teaafcer will be glad to csll«ana explain the system. Addnw: Director, Care College School, Kenllvorth, 111, Phone Wilmette 624 sylvanta Oil Co. CFEVANSTON Hfl stsssmt greases biles I an lUp Ivchi Special Ford OU cessfumy tried Owner^r:::'smm Our Evaiuto* location eaablef' protnpt attention to orders. 933SHERMANAV. Telephone 1391 ,:, â-º 6tdi SS0 t ••MV«aL«MTli NO TURKS OH SCAR* _ ..... *iB*mtt>r mrt tmtr mi teaat. ShMddBBrnrtnm we will gtadlr r«tB(rrathcmFre»aiaUnr«. ft» llotte,^WbftaMtjr, BotM»t DwUnc. MiiieaJISW THIS f4.0O HIRE ALUMINUM AT YOUR CIU>CE«ipl HEN you call on or telepnoWyour Grocer] today, tell him you want onejp^Wiese gen-| nine Pure Alumina ers, just the thing for thi Turkey or any fowl or roai Chicago at $4.00 and) up you may Ware, a through this Sped one of the teed to last 15 ye iirst quality in ev roaster by all me acquaint Seamlefs OvJi Roast-j family (ThaoKSgiving | Sells eVC'rywhere k00. In order th th pur Alumi metrupd <tf distributinj cers at factory pric< ksgiving Offer, JjCis conceded j f-basting roasters made, guaran-j s, made of heavy pure Aluminum, respect. If you need a new s act now, you'll nevssr have a chance to buy themT at 49 sife price, onlj| SHI :WR NOTKC^-Ask your grocer about our plan of distributing Aluminum Bonds which enable* >ou to get first quality Atuninum Ware art exactly half price asked by lead- inf stores in Chicago sail elsewhere. If yew rxocer hasn't our plan, or doesn't c*rfy the Roasters advtrttsed here, write, telephone or call at our Chicago Olfice. '3 â- '*'< islribution Co Telephone Harrison 7662

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