Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 3

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THIS LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. J. C. Nolan is seriously ill. (Charles O'Neill will spend the win er In Walla Walla, Wash. The Mystic Workers vwfll:: give a i all in Anderson's hall November 19 Mrs. Clyde Adair gave a children's arty Saturday afternoon to About eveniy little- folks., _ The ladies of St7Mary's church^gave dahce at St. Mary's hall Wednesday' vening. ,r~ Mr. and Mrs. George McLaughlin re moving .to their town house in Chicago this -week.â€" Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George G. "itzgerald, Jr., a daughter, Friday, November 7. ^MfirrandrMrs.-Arthur-Young are oci: upying an apartment, at 721 Rush itreefc • -~- } Miss Ellen Nordholm and Miss Min- ie Robers left this week for "St. Au- gustine, Fla., to spend the winter. , Mrs. Stanley Field entertained in- orma 11 y at herxesidence, onjiheridan ©adrWwinesifayr^-----~ â€"â€" Miss Des Jarden of Alpena, Mich the,guesLi>fJier sister, Mrs. A. Har ington. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard left kktuMay-for-an-extended^tour-of-Bu- ing-lived-here-for one./ „__ •' â-  .,- __;__:______________ Mrs.JHenry W. Hoyt has opened her own house at 2003^-Prairleâ€"avenue, Chicago. The first meeting of the Mothers' fubwill be held at the-YrW. C. A- lub rooms Friday evening. Anhdjuncement has been made of the ngagement of Miss Ethel Virginia isher to Reginald Holebrook Hardin Evans ton. ___ " Mr. -and Mi's. Arthur Meeker, have sued invitations for a Thanksgiving all in honor of^rhelr-daughter, Miss atherine Meekerr The W. C. T. U. will hold an echo eeting of the state. .convention. No- imber 13, at the residence of~Mrs. ary Honey..-•'- Dr. George P. Berry will give a very- iterestiiig~lipcTure w'ednesday even^ ig in the-Presbyteriau'church. No dmission will be charged. ave_jls_flrst annual dinner at the 'onkyn Cafe. Wednesday -evening. !he-alub consists of twenty-four mem- ers. ^Mrsj-^barles^^F^FoJdj-^s^-visiting er daughters, Misses Florence "and lizabeth Folds, who are "attending- ififl Balriwin'is school at Bryn Mawt. The Onwentsia Hunt club followed le hunts Saturday in an all-day hunt. Ibout twenty-five took part in the ioTE ' OF WOMEN AT I1I.IS DEAD Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller, Educator and Author, Passes : Awayjn SfljSS Home; In Minnesota. WAS LOVABLE CHARACTER from 1891 to 1898, and. prominent au thor and e7llror^;;;eWrdreh?s~storie8 and poems. Mrs. Miller was one of ♦«« early residents, of Evans ton, hav was 80 years old. Mrs. Miller was widely known as poems. she founded and edited .the Little Cor- poral magazine, a publication devoted exclusively; jta^atorlea and poems for the children;â€"She was engaged in this work from 1867 to 1875. Later this publication was combined with the St. Nicholas magazine. Was Held in HigrrEsteem. 7 ~ Few women who have been con- nected~wfth the Northwestern univer- sity have been held in higher esteem than Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller. During the seven years that she was jlean of wonien of the college, jshe devoted her /entire time and energy to the direction^of the college, life, of worth and Iv am very sorry indeed to ner death." Hia TlrsTMiller'B-eightfeth birthday anhlveTsaryr^ctbbef 22, several uni« vorsity friends and other Evanston ac- quaintances wrote letters to her con- stat ulating her npon reaching the ad- vanced agC and extending - greetings. Acknowledgment, of the letters were sent by Mrs. Miller's son with" whom' she has been making her home, only a few days ago. MRS. W00LF0LK STARTS BIG INSURANCE SUIT Widow of Realty Man Paid $190,000, Seeks to Collect on Three More Policies. »•♦ MM HI 111IHHUIHII What People Are Doing inHighlai Mrsr-LesHe -M/cPherson -entertained hiformally Friday afternoon. Born, to Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Dob- son, a daughter, November S. Miss Elizabeth Kane or Evanston is aguest ofJMrs. George Smith. Mrs. Thomas Dignan has been quite ill since her return from Ireland. y Mrs. Mary Stevens and her son Ate visiting relatives In.Morristown, PaV Miss Kathleen Berge'n-is visiting In Des Moines, fa. --------:â€"'- â€"Older residents of Evanston and es- pecially those affiliated with the Northwestern university, were grieved to- Team of the death in Northfield, Minn., of Mrs. EmllyvHuntlngton Mill- __ ^rr-dean of wbmen~o<^ine^ntrerBtty4Realizsrtton company, who"'waarkilled' -â€"Afterr„reieiving~$190,QOO front^hfee insurance companies on policies on the life or herhusband.Clinton S. Wbolfolk, president of the Realty ^panies-for $43,000 insurance. â€"-â€" The companies'Shed are the. Pacific Mhtual Life, on a policy for '$23,000; an-anthor-of obttdrett's Btoriwrmtt^tnafeife policy-tor $13;000, and Pre- In her early literary career tlre^tlrousands^ofw'omen- educated In' the prominent institution-.â€"She was a lovable character and commanded the T , ,, t », 1 . . i"T"universal respect and admiration of The JLake Forest Bachelors' club the student body. .._.,____ Mrs. Miller was born in Brooklyn, Conn., Oct. 22, 183.;. and there she was reared. She was graduated from Oberlin college, in. 185JL obtaining, an A.M. degree. She was married in 1860 to John E. Miller of Greentown. P.. who died in 1S82. ' _______ Mr. and Mrs. Frairk^Haniline Scott nd daughter, Missâ-  MnThnr"Scott, have kenâ€"an apartment' at 1214 Astor rreet for tneTwinter. Sir "Courtney Gilbert, clerk of the nglish House o£ Commons, and his lighter, Miss Joyce Gilbert, were eek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. rus Hr McCorrnick. -'â€"â€"â€" â€"â€" Alden Butler, father of Mrs. L.'-F. vift, died Friday, November 7; Fun- al was held Sunday. .The. remains re laid to rest in Mount Hope eeme ferred Accident, policy $7,500. ^Those which settled with the widowâ€"were Born,? to Mr. ah<T Mrs. Frank. Bel- mont, a son. October 27. Mrs. Howard Sutton of Philadel- phia is a guest of Mrs. F. E. MarshT' Mrs. Benj. Flagg of Texas is the guestr^f7Mr."and"Mrs. T. Webb._______ ami Mrs.Ut^-C Williams- and "MrT Miss Lois Williams have moved to the Laurel apartments forthe winter. Mrs./ H. P. Davidsoji_left-4a8tr-week i'or her- w^tejr^blojafezJn^vpjr^Park. FIST £~~~ â- â-  • • ~ Rnv. « n J3chjillaaJg Thiir-Hty i« with a shotgun at his Evanston home en May 27Jast, Mrs. Wbolfolk has be- conducting a series of meetings in At- gun suit ^against three otherâ€"cam^ -i*^*0^"; Pa- Mr. K. Zimmer and Mr. F. Huber left last week for a deer hunting trip inâ€"Wisconsin;â€" -â€"•. ADVISORY BOARD MAKES CORRECTION IJiinWWildi^ Aid Society Did Not Rew- :7S- ceile^5,OOOX5ift, ^^TboradvjsoiT_bx)ard.ot-the<-IllInoi8: Children's Home and Aid society is very grateful to thO numerous friends in Evanston, who -remembered the Homo oh Ridge avenue, Novem- ber 3, ;by"sending generous donations oL_gtbcerIes^_and clothing, the occa- sion being the annual food showe^ for the Receiving Home. The children are deeply appreciative too, and wish their thanks included with those of the board.________________ The erroneous impression seems to have arisen that the- Home is not in^ 8eW*oT fundsi"for running expenses In* asmuch aB^the^late Mr. Frank ToBeS. bequeathed„15.0MUo-4he~work-<>f^t!iff Illinois Aid society. The board of the Evanston branch of the state work is exceedingly desirous that this in the minds of the public. While.the Receiving HtrareTjn-Ridgeravenue is a -vital-TiartrTfrjthe THinois Children's Homo and Aid society, yet funds which are given to the work of that Indianapolis are.guests of Mrs. Eitel's ^^^j^^^^^^^^^^r^^j^^^^^^^^^ ^BrifleBsengerr^ - and the NortbrAmerican. Their poli-' The~ Lady Foresters~lield a very' cies were more than five years old large and delightful dance, in the Ca- and contained no suicide clause.------*• sino at Ravinin. Monday evening. â-  - Two Inquests were -held over Mrs. Wm. J. Fyffo has as her guest the body of 'Wbolfolk; Tn the first Miss Josephine Baird of Janesvfflg; the verdlcjt was "accldentaL_deatliJ^. Wis. Then, when it appeared that Wool-1 Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ready of Niles. folk was insured for $240,000, that he -Mich., are visiting Mrs. Ready's par- had in an application for another pol- ents, Mr. and Mrs. MA. Mihills.â€" icy tori $100,000, and also that bis Cards are out" announcing the mar- Realization eompany was insolvent, riage of Miss Helen Rcbllng to Mr. Coroner Hoffman reopened the case. Archie Abercrombie on November 27. After holding out fnr siv lionrs <ni^".~Mi. iiiulllMrK. "Frank .-i-lafBi-iUmâ€"o£ Mrs. Gordon Buchanan has returned society are not available for use there. from a visit with her sisAcr, Mrs. Bj K ha8 been a rule of the^ parent so- G. Dow of Elrolra, N. ^._________IcTcty to solicU no contributions from Mrs. E. H. Eltel and daughter of the citizens of-Evanstbn aiuTtownsTtb second jury split,-four^meuibers de- Sioux~Fa11s._N.^-K^Av«ii^ guests the Glaring that "the rejjlty man commit- latter part of the week of Mr. and ted suicide, while two stood outJjQt__Mrs. Jas. Nolan of Green Bay road. theraceideiit theory. TO INSPECT ALL Miss Katherinc Terrett, who has been Hire guest of Mrs. F. D. Everett f6f , sevefaL weeks, returned to ~fter home Friday. -â€"â€"•-â€"----------------L- M«'s- George Smith, Jr., and Mrs. rank iilnning'are spendTng the week irj Elgin with Mrs. Edward Hart for- merly of Fort Sheridan. During' the 70's, when Mrs. Miller was one of the early residents of Ev- anston, with her parents she was identified With- the First Methodist xrtrurfelr^^tMHl- was-- prominent- in -the soiial life of Evanston; ane is prom- inently mentioned in the works of jvtis8~Fran"ces W"iHardr whicti~ha%^e-ttr do with the history of Evanstom In" the sO's the-Miller family left Evans? ton, but Mrs. Miller "returned' in 1891 to , accept the position of dean of women at Northwestern. Wrote Much Poetry. It was while, she -was connected with the unLversitv that a numbers of FolJowinfffirP at S A F Hnnop, wcro weekend guests of their son and r U1JUW lllg r 11 Cdt O. n^f. nOUbC, daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rigid investigation Will Be IVIade-by City. FIBE IN LAUNDRY, small blaze in the Reliable laun- ^glrst street" Highlantr-l^arlT; usedâ€"aboutâ€"^Q0L^amage^JMday-=ster4es^a«d~=WF-iting8--wlMch"=^tppeaied ternoon, when a quantity of cloth- was set fire. The prompt arrival the volunteer fire ecked a bad fire. BODY ARRIVES.______ The body of Miss Sarah A. Patchen, 10 died in Glendale, Cal., last weejk, riVed in~Highlahd Park Monday for JriaT. Miss Patclien-lrad-resided in ghland Park Jor forty years, con- ually, until lier removal to Call- rnia a few months ago. volumes of poetry were-published by Mrs. Miller. Among" these volumes and other contributions are the fol- lowing: "From Avalon," "Songs from the Nest," "Capt. Fritz," "The Bear's Den," "Uncle Dick's Legacy," "High- ways and Hedges7' and many other especially to the life of children and their fancy of adventurer^- "Mrs. Timer's last visit to Evanston was two years ago last June, when ther'honorary degree of doctor of lit- erature was conferred upon, her at Northwesterm At that time especial attention was given to the beloved former dean of women. "She was a most lovable character," Br.lri Tipnn Thomas E^HoJgataâ€"^Her work in the university as dean of women was characteristic of. her true j Schneider:-------â€" 1 Mrs. Richard TL Pickering enter- J tained at brtdgg F'tday afternoon. She _________,-f-. "â-  was assisted i>y hei" sister. Mrs. W. H. _.--------------â€" - .:^=k=-â€"-- ---^- â€"tBufffrrrâ€"of iiean-avemte: ^"~ EoUOWing Uio-hre at the Sigma M)ss II(,h,n Conrad gave a miscel- Alpha Epsiton fraternity house earlyja,,,^ a}lower Saturday afternoon Sunday morning, in which some for Mlss H,.loir RebHng in honor of twenty college, youths had narrow es- her approlu.hitig marriage, capes from being trapped in the bum- Mrg AifI0,l Moses of wWCentfal ing building, Commiysioncr of Public avenuo returned . last week from an ggfety Hedrick Will start an iuvesti- ahsmco of many months in a north- gation into the safety of tbe- varioudz-en, sanR«riuin.~ahd is recovering -sat- Imti-riiity-aiid sorority honseR At the lBfactt>rilv from her 4ong iiUicaa>____ the north.'leaving this district for the Receiving Home onâ€"Ridge avenuer^â€"- It -costs between f700 and ISOO^a month to .run the establishment here Jn Evanston and this.amount..ia-^se- eured by the members of the-ndvisory- board through private subscription- and entertainments. _ _. . * ee^Qh Thursday evening next. Novem- ber 20. will occur the-annual charity l«ill at the Country club, the proceeds of which go towards the running ex- penditures of the Evanston Home. It jg desired that as many us SPACHETT. MICHEL1S RAVIOLI 75 Cents MUSIC FAMOUS ITALIAN RESTAURANT EVENING PlMNtK. 75 Ctntf ** Private Punas Eewfer SO to ISOPaogte - SINCI -â€"â€".â€"- ArraageaetWsitedc for Motor F^tftletâ€" ^â- ^aASar01 CHICAGO NG CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER Try it and see bow much more delicious this pare spring water tastes " than insipid distilled or boiled water. Don't trust to mere filtering, which dears water but docs not purify it. You can have this pure Corinnis-Waukesha spring water on yonr table ^tomorrow by mailing a postal today. I !. h 1 nckley & scif wnTTrrric: Tel. Evanston 980 1919 Anbury Ave. pxra= Bible use the tickets ^which have been sent them. Those-who fimUt impos- sible to attend are hsked to dispose Of th<_tickets to others or to send a cheek covering the amount to Mrs. F. -M. Staples^ treasurer,--1-100 Oak avo- n ue__:________s--------------------â€"---------- BEST~ AND CHEAPEST QUICKEST, CLEANEST, AND MOST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHTS FOR STORE? AND LARGE SPACESF=«NCA!^S^»^^GH^^^ TWE ROME. f RANGESpRADUTORS, rSE^ERSrWAfMrBRlTERS. ^ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAWY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS â- '* SUCCESSORS TO ' â-  _â€"_» _L_ ____ The Norttiwesiern giiJUr^jnBi^j£ T611 Benson Avenue, Evanston il 1TELEPHONES8IU90 The advisory board hereby invites -t-ho- people of Evansteir to vlBit^thot Home at 826 Ridge avenue, and see. tor themselves the value of the wofk 4lam?-4ov-the~unfortunate (iiildreivand the needs of the Home. fi. A. E. house it has been thecustom Mrs< Marv w. SearCey has been an- for all the members of the frat to pointed permanent secretary for the sleep on the third floor, which is more Highland Park Y. W. (,'• A. and will or less of an atticN Early Sunday be^at the .association rooms every day morning an overheated grate set the during tho winter. seccMJ!sfir_^ULJ^^ _the fact that one of the boys smelled nmnbq, fjuamady^afc^HghlaBd Eaxk, ^ffioTTe that" saVoniielr «iives. As it weri, ln Highland Park for a few days' was. two of the -lads were overcome vlsit wJth oId fri«nd8, en route to with smoke-and two fainted before th^r.MwLhomoan Boston, Mass,' . tltey gained the first floor. I Mr. and Mrs. James M. Grant of • Xt Is the be|ief of Commissioner Ravine aveniie are contemplating a Hedrick ..that many . of the places month's trip to the Isle of Pines, West which house the university students Indies, where Mr^â€"Grant has large are unsafe, and for this reason be will holdings in grape fruit groves, carry-on an investigation of all theâ€"â€"-Mr.r and-Mrs. George Nass-arrived student houses. The inBpection-^^UJafltJiveek^rom New York, wbere-they- be made by the fire marshal and the were married October 30. Mrs. Nass nnivercity officials will be asked toxa^waBiMlBS^Ann McDowell of--New-York: operate with the city in making these City. They will reside at 346 W. Cen- nlaces safe. a 'tral avenue. TELEPHONE: HIGHLAND PARK 3 20 Mrs. George Smith, Jr. Private Employment Agency CALL ME! I furni-sii-good help with good reference. 35 St. Johns Ave, Highland Park.lH. ^^Mface Hours: 8 to 11; \ tp s , ^ Saturday, 8 to. 12 Telephone* Harrison S809S -Ma4a^m e-Elsie-^einberg 5 an ^TftTE BANK â-  CA FI-TAL.- $100.000 â€" fl Makes-loans on improved North Shore real estate from Rogers Park to Highland Park, and on larms in L>ke " " county;-------;-----------:-------^~:: - ~--jâ- ---â- -â€"~.....-T--â€"-â€"; :â-  ^:i$ H Issues Certificates of Deposit for uot less than six month* in_det^miuatfons^$joo^aadJmuItipl«s^n-wl^ ------ four percennoterest. --;r" â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-;-'•â-  •' & â€"flDtters for in vestment first mortgages on improved real ____estate, nettin& thedm-estorfive andone-half percent, m ^ --------sums of $500 and upward. Send for list. " OFFICE its AND DIRECTORS ;^ - .â- --,- --â- ' ',.-.,'- J. Prod McfJniro PrinmtOTrâ€"'. ^Ch^ea^-^Khtmait^VTC^Prl^at? !!*i (Je«r-_Conn»0l _*• O- Kelier Arthor W. Vercoe, Cashier Banking Room; Central Avenue end Sheridan Road AKTIIIlt W. VKRCUK Ca.hltr Highland Pork, Illinois . 832 Republic Building State V Adams StsT" CHICAGO Records by ChauncK Olcott Phdnographs-rentedfReht toapply on pur^ chase price if desired. Deliveries made along the shore, Orders taken at Wfrfnetka, J'hone *Vtiniytka Hi»3-W nn«l t>ntnil 3BQ7 2Sf WEST LAKE ST. - ^ ^~CHIOAOO ioa AUtO PhOM 63-3?i 1223-1231 MICHIGAN AVENUE ------- Designers and Manufacturers of AUTOMOBILE BODIES AND TOPS GENERAL REPAIRING AND PAINTING "» SOMETHIlNItr^OR^EYERYBODY EVERYWHERE^ 1028 Fine Arts^Bldg. felr HarrlBun j60e8.____Chicago. HAIR DRESSING. nily C. Walther. â-  "" Helen F. Swazey. THE ARCADE SHOP, 616-622 Michigan Ave. LNICURING AND HAIR DRESSING Hair Goods Specialized uonney uoods tJsed Bzciasiverj;. Telephone HarrlBon 6266. MILLINERY SHOP. PAINE S^OP, EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY SHOP, SuiteT5I7^1TFV«heT3ah Blag. 15 East Washington - St., ---~ ". . Chicago, g^ r^T~ duct ions of Gowns for all occasions are now ready for your early inspec- tion. MADAME KOFFMANxsz 502 Kesner BIdg., Cor. Wabash and Madlnan. 209 Venetian Bldg^- " 15 East Washington St,. Chicago. NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. HilllNORTH WABASHJLVENUE. z=z~___Central-3201^======= SU M M ER ^CHOOL8. NOVELTIES. THE=NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, THE INTERLAKEN SCHOOL -------- , ---------cj&â€"â€"!_,â€":----- ROLLINGrPRAIR^E.^ND^= Summer Farm and Camp 8esalon. -ilWlS-Venetian-Bldg^ 15 East Washington St., Chicago. -^-â€"--Tel. Central 469Lâ€"------- Illustrated booklet on application" -----^800 Republic Bldg., 209 South State St., Chicago. LADIES' TAILOR. EJJR^I^RAr Importer, LADIES* TAILOR AND HABIT^MAKERr ^Buite 1100 North American ~ Building, . ,' " â- " State and Monroe Sts..."..â€" Th^no^Ceniral^SSOO)1 - (JHeagb-- TOILET ARTICLES. CHI C A G O H A T M FGTTEir & BLEACHING CO* Manufacturers of Ladies' Fine Felt Hats. Reblocklhg. Cleaning & Dye- ing of Ladies' Hats. r~± â€"10^ N. WABASH AVE. TFtfth~gIoorV "Phone CeniT DI S T I N C TI V B : CLOTHES FEWEST FABRICS: - 'â€"rrr*WD-r^-*' â- â- ;'•" LATEST STYLTBS" PRICES REASONABLE. GOWNS AND FASHIONABLE _ COSTUMES, - . LARSON * ANDERSON. MS Mallors Bldg., Madison SL and Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Tel. CenL6162. r. K. -MOSIIIER C< THE DI SCR I MI VLJkJSX NO RJCH. HTJDND1 MARVELOUS COLD CREAM HAS NEVER BEENTSXCELLED. find such pleasure In a visit to MOULTON A RICKBTT** 7?------ OALLERIBH, °° Van Buren St,, near^Mlchlgax 616 622 Michigan Av., 5th floor. EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILORS Formerly located at 1406 Michigan At Chicago LADIES' TAILORING. I'laln and Fancy Suits at Reasonable _.= = _--^~â€". prices. ~.-rz==L^-^~-~ Workmanship GnaranteedL ^1, LBRNBRr IVOMBN'S TAILOR. TfflFstyIet=asd matorial Just received. Moderate prices. ^â€"- :8clt» 614 keaneT~l?ia^râ€"â€"" ^ R Cor^W^b»so-Arer«it â€" -~~-""~ Madison St, Chicago* ^Mtphone-Randoipfe "TiT H. T. EIN H O B N * CO.. Ladies'.'Tailors and Farriers, "EXCEgSiVi'l DESiUNEKS. Fit and Workuiahahip Guaragta^ar O^WNS^iMPORjEl^_r r^ .518 Hamilton St 904 MALLERS BUILDING. s. e. Cor. Wabash -and Madison. ^7 HOTEL. THE PPISTER-HOTSfs Milwaukee1.'Wis

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