Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 8

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wmmmmmmwf^m mmmmmmmM THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1918, WAR STORIES NEW SAFETY Samtiel F. Stewart, Who Spoke [Commission Appomteiby Cor- at the Publicvtibrarynn^er Hoffman to protect. the Second Lecture, Kept^^ ^-^i^Heare^frtefested,^T Js^MaluJngiSoodV-2zg O^YS_EORIJ]nO^ Mr, Samuel F Stewart, who lee-1 Chicago's new pubic safety corn, tured before the Historical society mission is rapidly swinging luto ts 4ast evenings ou^TbeReminiacences stride. Although but a few weetai old,r i^f_a^olot GuardAJia^therrarerJac^tU^^ ultv of being a good conversationalist Peter M. Hoffman to minimize the oil "his feet. ToT>e a good converea^WlUnf^Ti^Tnatinlng-o^ men, women tionallBt anywhere is a gift, but when .and little children upon our public Qrfe can introduce Ihlu'styleTintoJKisLsi'reets at unprotected grade crossings public speech, he is sure to interest land in the great industrial plants of -his audience. That the speakeT did, J the city and county, Is already getting and thrswaa shown by the absolute!results. . <j. , quietness with which they listened, r The eommTssion, the official name of nvhich--w^s^onb^broke»^r^l»e^rflonie-y-whhihâ€"isâ€"th«=*nt«c=Saietgt_Commls= telling point wiis made, andby the jaionrot Chicago and Cook County, la ^eheerfulnn^imentUf-ihe dozen hoys ; iomposed of meiLjmd women MglL-iiL ^intheaudience^whose'appreciation of the business, commercial; pnllan- each wittv point was spontaneous. j tbropic and industrial lifej>f Chicago lAJ^liina Speaker. -ta-vicinity. George H. ^Vhlttfe-of ^%h-en-a speaker can hold the intar-i«">- American^ Express est of the boysrne may fee sure he president, Graham Tayl is on the roaltr Mr: Stewart was a! ^mmons vice-president, member of the Ohio regiment, which [MeCulloch of the was at" -lHe^5hTinr^rongh-the war. ^Transfer comp.u;, ~We was - with Sherman ^^^^«-M..........TTiM..............'irs^z^n^SJ^^ «-_- ' a m *•â- * *____________A. 1! : dreBBer, $10;, large chiffonier, $8; Want Ad Department;: The Lake Shore News TlUP40NBSrEVAriS^ . _ Want'Ads in the Lake Snore News air cnarged at tfc following rates ; Beat Estate Clissifiatioas. 7 Scents per lme. AH Oilier Classifications. 5 cents per line. Minimum Price. 15'cents. No advertisement charged (or less than 2b cents j ; j 1111 n 111 m i â-  m â-  1111 â-  11111 n â-  »â-  â- '" """' FOR SALE. Sewing machines token in trade on our new Singer rotary. Over 8.000.- full sine brani lied. |5; 2large rogs. jouo of these rotary machine* sold 522 Washlugton-av., Wilmette. every year. Phone 1114. ltc'Singer .... > romestlc ' >-----1------:â€"" "â-  __tLomeniB........ _FOR SALBr^AO* SSGSil_i l&ViZWSeeier & Wilson li/j yardB^and: 2 yards long,-.-li<3. ' Thompson. 921 Oakwood-av.. Wll- ------ """Ifc mette, III.; Phone 78KI7 HELP X 'I WANTEDâ€"YOUNG LADY CLERK _ for bakery; Call atWUmetteJBak ing Co., 1165 Wilmette-av., Phone Wilmette 449. ltc 1 SITUATION-WAN^IDâ€"DRESSMAK- er; experienced, oh waists, suits, al- terations. Phone 3181-W, Evanston. â- ~v â-  • â- â- -â- "â- -. ltp schools, chur1tihe8, literature and by pubHclty^nlonHHl-^i&iri^^ pertinent to the foregoing subjects and to> compile and, preserve statistics company-is of Chicago Charles A. Frankâ€"Parmelee ^treasurer,_. Mary JML. !Vhenâ€"lie4Barte,mf- secretary, Samuel A. Ettel- Ihto f 80IU general marched, to flap 80a. He Went lhtd[«f'U «"mr« counsel. These with Th» wnr at. U.J hut his-eyes-were-ffifiH f other .members of the, commission, are opened in^n^^^^^^^^W^^^^gT^^98^^^" work of the commission. * A* Great Need for It. That there; Ja drastic need "saw Stories of- -the man who stopped a canhoTi bail and lived to tell about it, "of the armyâ€"mulo-and his unofulnosB. of his army chum, who drew- pleturesrfTommission and that Mt has' before it and his pictures of battlefields and a great task to accomplish is shown heroes all added to :the,Bl:ca^POStlliy-Juiporta^tak^n from authoritative \Uw ^v^iivr WI'CT the picture>. Thoso show â€"that- in -the HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS_WORK before and after schooLor byâ€"the â€"hoar. B. & Howe, ^ImettotQen. â€"eral-DeMvery. ;.-.. . regarding the same. "To assist in the enactment and en- forcementâ€" of- regulations,-ordinances - and laws necessary or requisite to cany oat^he^^ foregoing parpoS Many Reports Received. SITUATION ~WANTED -â€" YOUNG woman, Christian Scientist, desires position as companion to children or adult; thoroughly qualified. Ad- «-W 367, Lake Shore News. Itp FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"PARLOR FURNITURE; bargain. Apply Park Apartments; 3 B, Evanston. Itp FOR SALE, ysed Pianos overhauled and guar- anteed. â- "/ '.. :; â-  ':.'.' Av $350.00,Square Plane.......• .* 1&00 :350.00HHallett & Davis^,-------115.00 350.00 Lyon & Healy.......•. 160.00 600.00 Steinway ........•••••176.00 350.00 Outside Player, with â€" ' attachment and 6» , ^---------rolls-^.â€"^m^.i. 20.00 Also--iarge- assortment of slightly. used-Pianos at very low prices. Easyâ€"payments.-â€"_-----. PATTERSON BROS., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. Singer, drophead Wilcox & Glbbs: Easy payments. PATTERSON BROS., 1522 Sherman-av. '-'•, Evanston. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day evenings, ltc =^Durlng-its=8h©rt=life, more than one thousand reports have been received and acted upon by the commission.. In most instances these have been regard- ing automobile speeders and careless drivers, but there have been many complaints of other dangers.^ Extensive offices have been opened In the Otis building where a telephone" irwlrchboaTd-has-^oeen- instaHedrâ€"'The â- j telephone niimbor of the commission liK Main 1000 (One Thousand). M._S1 of the! McMullen is business manager of the commisBion.wbHeâ€"Morrison Koerner „ia assistant secretary Gen. Hooker .jitas thrown upon the J unitod States alone there were during screen^ the speaker told of the follow-jtiie years 1912, 123,248 coroner's-cases. ing incident. lie said: [These were divided as follows: _ ^The^asgauli--onâ€"-Kflanegaw inoun^-lg^fc^eg ......,->.-----.......17,052 Haliir-'wasiouglit uu"june.27t':Jjifl4-.. Up^H^ateides------..^â- â- .-.4............. 7,542 to tlie'2(ith my brigadeâ€"had7-for'a } Accidental deaths .............87,241 week jy;_jnore.«..heldâ€" the front Jine.,m-defined or unknoWp causes. .11,413 Late on the'night of the 2(>th We had; Coroner Hoffman, in speaking of the withdrawn from that position and j.format ion, of'the commission and^the moved-s marching in diKtanceâ€"to the rtgtrtr the rear <fi the troops causes that led up toTts^ organization, pal<l, "Since the governmentlha8_8tart Ithatrheldrthe^bTeast^oricsrat tli.^friml^ line. We learned in the morning that j natural resources of-our country^ I be- -we- were in the rear of and -support.>^^Vft--tinrt~ even a more strenuous e^ TngTUuTtFoaps of the"Twenile(h corps, j f<>rt-^flifiHl^hl3e-m^e to conserve the which was ;tb£n^un«F;r the com maud | jj-gg • ^ our pc0ple. During my ten- ^fzGtmx^o^r^^^ngd^ as'coroher of Cook coun- he was sometimes Called. \\y, a poriod of eight years, I have .,'Breastworks. Were Thrown Up. | more than :$8.000 inquests held. Not- l^AbP-Ut the middle of the forenoon i wltn8tanding_the attitude which this we advanced from a hollow and nl.,ier my jur4RdictIoh.xoQk*:that climbed a^igh jiiil wlierc we found of strong a line had just been vacatedTSy part of the Twentieth corps, which lmd gone for- ward to engage in the assault.on the enemy's works. We were in reserve to support them in-case of necessity. L was quite-tiredâ€"from climbing the ^ngTF^*tfHt^ii:mH:^-Mle^B^4)^h ind the j-tof -making 'stringent, recommendations - breastworks which ] to thc D'ro„er authorities regarding ^works aiid with lfjj back ta noticed that they had been them. 1 built so that the bank ordlft was ".againstLaud "^-aTmTn^TlIe^imt^^ ; a deadiA"^, Bft" that it had' become a ;:part of the breastwork,,_J>ur|n.g3H .' this time the rebels had been throw- -T~ing a good m'afiy shells. iii op-: dVrec- (. tion, some of which went just over \ lis and other exploded near us. Some. ^l^uUet^-^vi4rg--tne£iJly wliistliug past â€"-^us^^d-^theFS-tfXidodeU near lis. Some quite safe leaning back against the % â€"workSr--even-tl)ough~ I proper the saving of human lives, accidents [during the year of 1912 showed a de- cided increase. In my opinion the rec- jommendations of this office saved the flives_ of hundreds of persons a year^ nbuTTsiill tiie'accid(uits^_the maiming I aridnciTllnl of num. womon and chit* I dren continued. His Reasons. "Tltefp heitig the facia^ml^eeing ithat I was unable to cope vvith the rgiowing seriousness of the situation, [I appointed the Public Safety Com- j mission of Chicago and Cook County." â- 'â-  The objects of the commission are bfst set. forth in its incorporation pa- in t lresi- the objects are set pers forth as follows: â€"«To safeguard and protect persons ^indrieai^inrtmdrth^TuW trorirrtiJe^aangeirs wl MeW^-MANAGEW,RANDOLP^i-MAR- KET CO. -^Mr. Terry G. Simpkins^ formerly of Kenilworth, 111., who for the past year was in full charge of the Kenilworth Grocery company, has taken full charge of the RahdOlplt Market New Store, which is located at 222 West Madison street, Chicago. No expense )i?ia heen_Bpnred to make this estab- lishment one of the best-fllJuany fine ^oi^py=-trt*H,e8^In^=ebiuuior andxaittlyi -tn^^Bp^ftf^merehandlsc^ will always '\S$QX\V&& be" kept oju hand. One great con venlenee has been added to the dclifrf ery end of this store is that you can leave your order in the morning and same will be waiting for you at the Northwestern railroad station check room without extra charge. When next in Chicago don't fail to inspeetr fhls-establtshmcnt. Lake Shore Sanitarium ,Qar Specialty la the Successful Treatment of RHIUMiTISMIriTS: Jlomeior-inValids and elderly persons »i rea- sonable rates. Medical director and Graduate nurse in attendance. 223? Sherman Ave. Evanston. Ill Telephone Evanston 2MP whicli: automobiles, railroad, street railway | and: all forms of t ransportatidn and kzr Krafflc on ihb public highways In ChT cage an3 "Boole county. To minimize tl>e injuring or killing of persons on the public-lilghways-'therein, and in stores,, fBctrtrjes. worksfaopfl and all .other departments of ihdusCr^l or tTiereantiie employment or activity. "To luveBflgatv the causett of violent (ioath and of injury1. To ascertain, ad :jar of ehell^or^s^lid shot struck the front of them.; ___â-  z-- Tt WaslSen. Hooker^ - .j. -^ We-had been tbefe spme mhmtes, when I noticed an onicer riding up tholhiU-fmui-tlH= rear, and-soon saw that it w;ts WW- HobkeT himself, Tthougli -jitfjuie -of -Ms^stnlT-^vtinr-wit I > him, and lie w'aw; accompanied by a single orderly: When within, fifty feet or less he dismounted-- and gglfi his Zmm*P* Pffdsa^ g^J^fw'f"r^ j and^re^am^of" the Bame. right to-vviiews-1,1. l -. -----1. ^....ui. vocate. .and secure rtvmedles on- foot. He i-came iriatâ€"iiSd^ctHitljfdâ€" uT»==t»trrTtht! and walked to 'the tree,.not more than : '"'•'"-ten -'-f^et ^ awa>... ji'nd." JiSOJtcd.: earelTjlly ; out toward the.front where his troops were jtosv. ho>'> tMig^gvd-----LJiad a; good bit of interest in^wiiat was going bn out "thorp--- ton, "hut not enffuglL-toâ€" _ want to take t1m^;mmres-«f--ette of ; tbeJiig-ihellii-lJiuc^ivre tnoroveJ5*nor : '_ even t o "ri^T: TtiTPTTTtffwfr^hTTli^ which - still whistled by. . WhiU h. wasi-thUS j ff^l^pjTflirWMre Tltad a grTOdrvlewd ....of Jilra -and -hapuehed .Lo_...iie_Ipojcing.r rrdiri^a^-^tl^flxnhh8-1^ 9 e .-b "j! >. 'â- '_ ^^^± ly turned toward nie.. wjieri a' shell cake along and strirc&the tree againet â- -'...'.y. hich lie leahcdfabout two feet above ; i;i • head, and ns it struck .Jt exploded. To en; Pennsylvania Oil Go. OF EVA*lSfON~ 3 finish Is dc^UeJ. wheu onJenringT: We handle oik and greases for- auionrib- bilesland all other -vehicles. Special Ford OUnsuc- cessfully tried by Ford Owners. Our Evanston location enables prompt attention to orders. 933 SHERMAN AV. Tglephone_139J-_______----- ::" ..J-â€"Didn't £vert Wtrmr^" -'-i^jdlflfill :S'a; JLgMitete that; the :exjdosloh bf^-such: a-shflL- makes a Senmhdou'^iolse "nnd concussion. It " "^TJie: of =(«* -^rrdttSi-aBd din -bark fell over but â- ne--nia«ie â- -..„ -mem, uqt even a wink,- so Jar as 1; «»ould see. \o iudumte th;yt. hB" knevrj the shelT had come so near to him. | manyâ€"particles^ ofJ hat and shoulders.. tlie.'sli'sht-es wink, ried onrtas-=-.-tlw he was unhurt. usualt FO UN Tj«IN_SQy A R! E EVANSTON AWOSEMtNT-C07PBOP_ PHONES 2898-2899 H.L.MINTUHN, Manager "TONIGHT JVNDB AL AKCE._OF_ WEEK •- ' ^THE BiV^^STON STOCK COMPANY ^resenting';Ett^elre**gs1ffe^^ t-amous Novel Read the Book and See the Play In 4 Exciting Acts OF LIFR IN ALASKA .Mjtyngjj^^Jji^^ and Saturday. ALL SEATS 25c. ^J^IzhTFHcesTTbO Oood Ataiii'nioor Seats at SO Cents. A few at 75<. BALCONY 25C, 35C LOOES 59c. Ne*t Week^fit^ncy^flams Sawyer,* MISCELLANEOUS FQR SALE EVANSTON HOMES â-  ' BT --.'â- 'â-  m*?sMAm 1580 Sherman-av 39w-tf You Need Not Be 111 to Enjoy; The Edgemere Medical Bath 4911-4813 -â- â- "" -"â€" â€" Phone for Groceriesâ€"Central 5895 TonieTreatawnUar^pfwttted also for Umw« vr| are not III. ' ._ Choice of Fifteen Baths. Massage and r,*crâ-  __ Single Treatments...................^....„41J^ Ticket of Twelve TreBtmento.,. â-  .......... tVoM NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULT! "RANDOLPH"â€"The Straight Way to Household Economy Terry Simpkins Manager 122-224 WEST MYITIS Oil STREET, Hear flftll Aim "L" SWteir- For Liquorâ€"Central 3847 Tlie "Randolph1 Market" on Madison street is particularly anxious to secure the patronage of the residents along the^rlkShore. ^--'-; â-  - -_1.-. Its convenience perhaps^ jmany of you have noticed on your way to and!irom the Northwestern Depot. Besides its convenient lojclffon it offers as fine a stock of groceries, fresh meats and poultry and popular wines as is sold anywhere. The store is clean, spacious and welt /ig^ft^^rlfcinodern equipment throughout.- „ , . The quality of whatever you buy here is'ffvUr-. a^ntee^to^esttprem^whiTe^the-price8^w^jft^^^ positively the lowest lor tins eiasst)f iood pi oducts in the city. In short it's an "ideal market" witb &n â- "ideal location*lor YOU,-------_-__â€"- â€" Bouine^S^fHvoHHsh Stamps All BwtfFri&w SSSSBâ€"^^i^â€"»â€"»â€"â- â€"â- â- â€"nmini.uiiin imwwwpâ€"i^â€"â€"^â€"*^*â€">â-  All the fragrant aroma of the coffee bean is retained; all the savory, flavory tasteâ€"when you prepare coffee in an Eleetne noffee Percolator. None of th^ bother of making ^ffee -in the oldrfasruoned .way. You simply jgrjj^ejte^n^^^^^^^ldgj^^ coffee may be quickly made, starting with cold"watenT^Sight amount of elec-. tricity used^etoally costs4ess than Alcohol, with none_oil its disagreeable features nor the danger of the open flamer 850 boxes Nuway Family Soap,you can't buy better, 66 bars, $2.45; 10 bars,39c 10 pounds of fine firanulated Sugar, with onKrv....... . . 42c ,; ~ns. to close, d . yi.03; per can.... .... j^JBMEi^NltHEll^^lMet: your neighbor how she liked them, doz.. tfiC S 1.15; can. Xuway Soups, all «old except-25 cases consisting of- chicken, "tomato, ox tall, consomme arictmoclt At a Wide Range of Prices All the best makes of Electric Coffee Perco- lators are shown here; sizes and styles to suit every family's requirements. The price's .are quite reasonable. The Electric Coffee Percolator, tbove illustrated, ho.,.G79899 is of 3 pint capacity; sent complete/all charges pad, with lrngs^k cord Wd^^ attachment plugTloany^^ddress within^OO miles of Ch^-o upon receipt of price, $13.1.5. State whether copper or .nickel M ate in Chicago for your Holiday shopping. =EtECTRie Shop-Chicago MieVVgan nnl ^Js^ksoo^ffirteVBrds- 40 cases Kuway lllKlient Grade Extra Sifted Peas. ,22c value, dozen, \A.c gbggj P«r can....t.Wr 63 Cases Nuway Extra Standard 3-ln. Tomatoes, \n aanltitry runs. 15c val Nuway Scourins; Soap. Powdered Borax, Pumice soap or whit* Elnatlng turtle, Xii ulOsu. dozen.......... Nuwayâ€"».,..« ...... Salad Dressing, full 25c , value, to close, f Br ~6W£. W.W}: bottle...*^*' 12D .dozen Nuway Tomato Catsup, absolutely pure goods with glass stopper, retail val., 15c; \ _J3 'c doz„ 83c; bottle....."* ZT Just received new ship- ment Pride of Michigan Table Syrup, gal.. . TO- $1.19: qt. <riar...>;..ffS3t ___fc2*£l*£*------Mj»--------â- * asa,fcM----- ""-SoapT "air-sc-vainr- 7 for......;...., JXuway Toilet Paper. 10c vnliie; rtozenT^^rr fklp- 00c; roll............ ..vtr 3 pk*s. New Seeded Bal8- Insor Recleaned ^^HEKfe Currants..,........ * 14 cases Columbia Blver Chinook Salmon,' -well worth A2".c, dozen, tflc ftNrttj .........fPr ' Extra Fancy IT e.l low Crawford Peaches, Nu- way,' lot 25c val:, | Or doz.. $3.10;can......."T ^a 4b». -Fancy -Oallfonite Evaporated Apricots or 4 lbs. Santa Clara AQc Prunes for........ -v^%- 5 pounds Hand _Navy_jBeansi2 ---â-  for.. Picked 25c lOOrdoten Pride of Mich- igan Corn. Green or Cut Wax Beans. .JKldney Beans or Marculis Suc- cotashâ€"or Hart Brand Golden. Pumpkin, Q/» •. dozen, 80c; can......rr': Cake Premium Baking Chicolate I Of <V -.......^w^T;Tr**V?r 10 Stamps with Half 1*. Cans Otd Dutch 1 Ac -cocoa at.......-..-.,,*yr CO Stumps Free with each pound of 80c Majes- tic Teas, all /%^n varieties. *t ....i-.VVV 10 Stamps with 16* Sift- ing -Top-Can Beat Pure around Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon. Ginger tOr> or Mustard, at......•*"•*' 10 Stamps with 25e hot- tie PurelZEBBBSRi orZOBSjm Vanflla Extract------«*^ Special Offerâ€"30 Stamps to every customer mak- ing a IITOO^ purchase of our bulk Teaa^or Coffees Friday and Saturday. Pure-White Clover 22c *° lM,un,,9 0uP Fresh CHEESE, Comb, each ...... "I~v' Elgin Creamery___lluttt-r 'Style, lb 5 pound $1.43 30c; pall. S pounds Cold Spring Creamery-iButter-d„ 1JZ Jne*for^. ......,.. .9»• *°, 5 pounds Yankee Hairy Butterine for -^^OOr* only ............T7yyV 10 iMtunds Our Churned Country Fresh Style Rolls, a .Quality that ev- ery one enjoys *2 IS Pure Fresh Made Vir- ginia Peanut But- lAc. teT. nuuBft .....;.....*~v Pure White Clorer Honey In Jars, 49c, 26c Tttrr and ...........,....,v*' Genuine Dodge County Cream Brick 10'c Cheese, pound .... â-  ^2ST. Fancy N. Y. S»ge.:"%Ag: Full Cream,^V American Full Cream, high grade, the 10*£ pound •..,......... â-  r2*" f Enormous Saving in Meat and Poultry Lotos, Little- Pig Pork whole or half, the pound ...... 'Swift's Cotosuet, ' No. 1.10; â€"50c tTic Morris* No. -1~ Cured Bacon," " the pound ... .4., Short *fnt Legs uilown Mutton.- pound".r...7'.. Sugar South- Standing Rib Roasts from our prime .young native cattle, any size f ft 1 r* cut, pound........,V72V Hindquarter Selected Spring Lamb. • litl/» _the^-pound> ^^ .t. . ."*^2V Sirloin Rolled Roasts, cut from our best young - ca't- â- tle.~no. bone attd__*|tl^T. no 'waste;" is." .--..-.-• "J^V Spring 18ic Fresh Dressed Chicken, the Sirloin or Club ~- iQig*- Steaks. lb.. .......Iy2v 10 lb. kegs Mixed Hol- land Herring. 75c;ftCr> straight mllchers °**T- 5 pounds Best - Boneless Codfish-for-flOc;___\Oln pound.............**2V A u t om q bile^s exviee Stoj£L,ffione^Ry, 98 furnished when desired Res. Phone 2903 What Qarm Ccm^pet^ors Say About^fs a Our competitors say, yes, it is true that the Western sells casKetgjtra__ lower pric^thaii wejd^ hut^^ 7\ ^Mt^t6^otif_ show room at 100?J^\^^S^E^^st^^w^iH--^^ jQimlof the error^JSiiLlasl^art statement. You will lind in our show room a line of caskets running froni the cheapest crepe casket manufactured to the solid mahogany, Circassian walnut^ etc. nru-- -prepared to seive the labofing man and the rich man aj a are large saving to both. JC^ur caskets >vill bear inspection im TS^vrtiaterial is used in the constractiron and trimming of our caskets and xmly uniorr labor is ^mplpyed^in their manulaeiEWe^ Mr- WrH, Scott, who wasv formerly with J. L. fteirifaitiMti^^ ^heE^^stomstortandwiUpe^ Or

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